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baddiedem edish
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corr i can't for them to start on the northern leg
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I used capslock instead of shift.
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outies are cute
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non-spainmong edish
Alright enjoy this thread that'll be filled by another epic incel meltdown
Gonna take my dogs swimming
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>You mean "parse"
get it watched rorke
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need this in my life
short people got no reason to live
excellent taste
Isnt spainos name adam? I just remembered from out of nowhere

ADAM shut up
I’m short and I’ve got a few reasons: wanks, pints, football, and the rare shag
why is that
you must be joking
My name is also Adam so I'd prefer if you just called him spainnonce so I don't get confused seeing my real name pop up in the thread. Thanks
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You have to remember that he is still, at the end of the day, just a severely mentally ill human being. He is not some supernatural spamming spirit that feeds on (You)s. There is a genuinely autistic disabled loser cunt retard that spams this thread — and God only knows where else — every day, all day, replying to himself like he’s playing dollhouse on 4chan. Sometimes, I think of a particularly hurtful way to get under his skin, so I post it to watch him squirm. It has obviously been working, as the public display of his mental illness has become more frequent and extreme as time goes on. It amuses me to toy with his mind like the fragile piece of hodgepodge “art” an idiot child might proudly give you, one that you will discard as soon as they forget about it. He is a vessel waiting to be filled with hatred, a masochistic subhuman, even lower than an animal. He is a worthless piece of refuse on a highway, something you can’t help but notice, try to avoid, and curse, while also hoping it is removed immediately. Since the authorities will not deal with him, I must grind him into dust when he least expects it, then move on like a speeding car. Of course, he will pretend to not be bothered by it, then cope with one of his other dissociated characters’ inane spam. To me, it means nothing. Remember, Adam, I am always here.
In the spirit of the thread i'll call you madam
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*tips fedora*
Madam as in madame

is that noon or midnight? amazon reckons it's noon but it looks more like midnight to me
watching my 600lb life kino
I dont hate trannies but there is no way im looking at one for 2 hours.
A new day full of new possibilities
Kind of based that /brit/ never has anime OPs.

Rest of 4chan is soulless euro/thirdy/burgers spamming that crap. Fed up.
stop posting threads please as i have your key words filtered and end up wondering where everyone is
blud is saging a general
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Shaggers general vs kids general
I heard Adam (not spainnonce) is bent.
yet another day of the janny in /brit/ being allowed to go in there with an avatar flag from a country that he is not from - between multiple (tens of) personas he spams with (more than 1 post a minute) for no gain, and with moderation doing nothing- even though he is walking in there using a flag he is not from, and besides him being so bad for engagement that EVERYONE has filtered the ENTIRE country in that general now, he is still allowed to go in there and make all of his posts signed with an avatar/signature as they have all turned their heads from it to ignore it even though he is bad at his job and bad for this website. another day of the moderators not doing their jobs and jannys having jobs for the wrong reasons
just posting this here so that you are all aware
ill post them later when its active in here so that 1:1 people have to suffer #
Anime genuinely gives me the ick.
Yeah, the mentally ill guy posting Irish diaspora or the incel's "baddydem" OP's are much better
Adams a bender and so is daniel
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awful patter at the minute, bunch of over involved wankers rambling about thread politics and boring shite
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omds blud
Genuinely yes.
no cap and thats on a stack
think normally
Best post of the thread, I suppose
Wouldn't call myself bent but I wouldn't have an issue shagging a lad if I found them attractive. Never found a man attractive though other than femboys and trannys
Shut up
stupiod watermelon head bitch
toby tantrum
Adam you bent freak
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post the one taken shortly after this when you can see up her skirt ta
anyone need a nutrition coach

We love you Tobes.
We do.
lets leave toby to have a tantrum in this thread, come to this one instead
is Scraniel back?
Begin with your famiIy
what’s the name of this dress? reckon i will look pretty in it
wish i had a slave to clean my flat and go to tesco to get scran and booze for me
So... Any of you normal lads done anything fun recently?
Whats for tea tonight?
watame catching strays

veggie burgers and chips
all air fried of course
Who is this?
little warwick wanking in his ewok dress
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There are only 5 people that actually post on /brit/.
Me, you, mousey, spainnonce and that Aussie lad.
Think hard. You know this is true.
i told you earlier
same but l'd use them to find 4chan threads l'd enjoy
started going to a new local gaming club, not autistic enough to really get into it but it gets me out the house
got an indian cookery course and a woodworking workshop booked down the line
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Gonna do egg fried rice to use up some eggs
shall be using air to fry some spicy chicken then having it in a wrap
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MN melty!
*puts another pound in the toby tantrum machine*
shut up nigga
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My sister
you mean a girlfriend?
teriyaki salmon
Me, you and the Aussie lad are the only sane ones. Mad innit?
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I want to get into woodwork how do you find a course for that
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what about the italian gf lad?
Not t(h)rusting this one
are you into vtubers as well?
the mrs found it, had to email the bloke running it to add more dates for this year
I wouldn't call the aussie lad sane after seeing half his posts
Another spainnonce character
you are a strange guy
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Adolf Hitler - Man of the People
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indian food is grim mate, learn italian or japanese or something at least
arse made for african kingz
yuck farmed fish
I've done a sushi course before but there isn't much to it for a laymen, is there
might do italian next if the course in general is a laugh, we're going naples later this year
Has to be Tetley for me
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billy big bollocks
90 mins into Beau is Afraid still 90 to go fucking hell
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Watching Stew Lee. Funny.
insane how ugly and evil i am how did it end up like this
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she's a leng1

I watch a stream here and there

>says the man in a dress
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rorke's girlfriend
>im going to continue ignoring you
stop posting then
>"im going to continue ignoring you"
>every single post is about the person he's ''''''ignoring'''''''
you thought about getting a real gf or friends
What evil stuff have you done?
i wish
what club is this
fuck's sake lads
i just had a job interview for a job i didn't want, so i didn't try that hard, yet i think they'll invite me back for another interview
what should i say/do?
whats wrong with wearing a dress mate
all the various dems do it
Thats how we like them
two lads from the village just started it by posting on the facebook group
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>im going to continue ignoring you
What about me? The much loved Irish poster?
can see those hits coming from a mile away lass x

never ever
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>you arent even a small part of the thread, even though you shit up over 30% of it with your own stuff. nobody cares or likes it. you arent the reason to post not even a miniscule amount - if you posted less then more organic and real posts would happy (you are bad at your job)
quite a big melty this one
harrassed girls when they wanted to be left alone (i didn't realise at the time but i was very drunk)
The lovely Irish rose
>what should i say
n word
little disturbing dreamlet then of poo barmers head
wont be getting my vote if he keeps that up
that's you not going to heaven, copey
too slow, even a fatass like me could dodge those
I've only ever gotten jobs from interviews that I didn't care about and did zero preparation for.
I reckon actually trying to be a good employee scares them away for some reason.
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touched a random girls tummy in a nightclub when she walked past
ADAM shut up

shared my ex's nudes on b/
Going to the beach tomorrow. I'll be having a swim in the Irish sea. Get in a good long walk and plenty of sun. Taking a picnic. I just wish I had a gf to enjoy it with because i'll be alone.
Adam Barrat sexarse
I once got banned for typing 'mousey melty' so I'm convinced that toby somehow managed to become a mod at one point.
>.I'll be having a swim in the Irish sea.
Are you Irish diaspora
keep your head up lad one day you will find love
i know diegos tiny little ass is tight asl
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I've done all of these things and consider myself a good person
did it work?
somehow i can understand his pain because i also have big balls
Can confirm. He randomly banned me some time ago
nah that post is ultimately just a nonsense catchphrase, extremely low quality according to the rules

only way to meet new people is to regularly go somewhere that isn't home or work
It was probably spainpaedo banning you because you stole his irrelevant catchphrase/copypasta.

gorgeous creature
hope elton john cum farts in your picnic basket when you aren't looking
Thats not evil.

She was probably flattered, dont worry about it.

Thats morally wrong but not evil.
wagwan bless up /brit/
poor fella shits on his bollocks
calm down mate its just a niggardly duck
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>just think about the fact that someone sits in here all day with the sole intention of getting replies
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Are you Irish diaspora?
Tar baby
an ominous poo
do you like my sword sword sword my diamond sword sword
rice krispies gone woke
Not that i'm aware of.

Thanks lad. I hope so.
Because hes an obese porn addicted mindraped midwit.
I could do his job 10x better but then i would also go mad like him
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least deluded satanite
big up my bruddah, come round to the sheffields ends on day cuz, some paigons on roads need dropping
good one lad haha x
give me another reply
Nonsensical post.
I'm a Christian influenced Pagan to be exact
back in my day it was snap niggle and pop
funny how they changed that
Hes riled up Spaedo. Expect Belgium to make an appearance soon.
>gyaldemmong could be my neighbour
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*runs up on you*
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The latest /brit/ meetup was a success!
I don't think the gollywog is racist and reckon Robertsons should put him back on the jam
I'd buy marmalade then
Only if you live next to a mental institution
will be inhaling an entire sleeve of timtams shortly
Toby truth nuke!!!
only if you live next to someone on the sex offender's register
I'm a secular Calvinist
you are talking about me when you say you're ignoring me though? how are you so stupid
why do you post the mice in /cum/ but not here
Mousey melty
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il gatto
thats them sdone
tranny I saw in wetherspoons the other day looked like one of them
foxes are elite
second favourite animal after sun bears desu
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The resemblance is uncanny
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/brit/ be like "what a loser, id much rather spend all day here"
No they don't let us live next to each other for obvious reasons
what does thta mean
sounds inane
tonights dinner
Why are there so many trannies in the UK. Seriously, esports from anglophone countries are filled with these demonic creatures, while the most woke non-anglophone nations like Scandinavian countries have 0 trannies in esports teams
toby is a mousey boy
he used to be so full of joy
until he met the man named Spaino
who mindbroke our poor little scottish Schizo

then toby tantrums did abound
on /brit/, all days, all months, year round
so now we see his mind breakdown
and thus, the famous mousey meltdown
name on diego
bro is writing poems about brit personalities
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Holy shit D-Day was such a badass event.

Like... it's time to get out motherfuckers. LOL
>have a wank and cum
>start farting uncontrollably
what was meant by this
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I Keir a Starmer, Starmer
A Starmer is what I Keir
>rhyming down with down
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your bummard was expecting a bummage and is tooting its annoyance
>i'm dying for mixed race grandchildren
I did no such thing, illiterate.
Head crushed status?
Spainpaedo you are the least Funny or witty person ive ever seen post on 4chan.
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don't think I've ever met one irl, I assume they never go outside and just play games and groom people on discord all day
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i am the man, oh yes, i am the man.
QRD on her, what is she a track athlete?
Scandis are just regular limp wristed cuck twinks
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that arse is tragic
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Whoa mama! Hummina hummina hummina bazooooooooing!
>eyes pop out
>jaw drops
>tongue rolls out
>tongue bursts out of the mouth uncontrollably leaking face and everything in reach
>tiny cupid shoots an arrow through heart
Ahhhhhhhhhhh me lady...
>heart in the shape of a heart starts beating so hard you can see it through shirt
ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum
>milk truck crashes into a bakery store in the background spiling white liquid and dough on the streets
>inhales from the gas tank
honka honka honka honka
>masturabtes furiously
ohhhh my gooooodd~
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>hes not even good at it - or poems (understanding them). how he cant understand poems in general shows in his one here - which paints him as an awful person, nothing else but his insecurities (the root for why hes so obsessed with me - branching off into him seeing me as a "host" - as he is a parasite) - leftvoer in the poem, in the second, whre he says "all year round" - from his subconscious - that has heard me say again (earlier) "even on christmas" - which he did post here on. so on the second is his insecurity, gone from the start, where he pushes his bad deeds into reality again, one that he has made, and always makes, to cope. theres nothing else, just like him, in real life, and i think that if the poem were longer it wouldve repeated itself as he does this in life through all of his personas which - on the grand scale - arent that many. there isnt much of him so i guess that is a third thing that shows through in his poem to include another
put a sock in it nigga
any of you lads ever experienced anything paranormal or uncanny?
why are you evil nigga
ah yes, athlete simp. another cancer gimmick. BRILLLLLLiant.
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truth nuke
Yes but I don't want to talk about it.
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>Scandis are just regular limp wristed cuck twinks
biz idea: they look like moss balls, taste like them too, BUT it's a breakfast cereal
anything uncanny would probably take the form of coincidence but even then it can just be explained away as chance
reminder announcing you saged is against the rules
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shagged an alien
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mousey in his abode
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toby tantrum
well there's your problem
scandis have just as many but our population is twice as big all of them combined
What a fucking ideot
im evil nigga
Trannies use the same techniques women do in pictures but 10x more

That's why they usually look passable on their online profiles but complete gremlins irl
Mousey slamming his giro on the paki phone shop desk and demanding all the sim cards
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tracer my beloved
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Based desu
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mental how this is just a statue in a college campus
where is the beer lady
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Anyone else live life just waiting for "The Knock"?
Take me back to 2012 FOR FUCKS SAKE
from the postcode lottery?
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yeah i order loads of takeaways too
Try to jump and grab the edge through the slit
Toby is such a fucking little freak, mental how much I've broken his little mind.

Sorry /Brit/, didn't realise this is the effect I'd have.
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angelina topic a serbian high jumper, european silver medallist was on for a medal at the olympics but got unfortunately got injured. she's posted on /sp/ a lot, I'm guessing cause she's 19 with a cute sporty tomboy vibe

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Mousey mindbroke you didnt he?
Either gypsie or indian
The same stale posts. The same dull webms. Just asinine soliloquies. No actual discussions going on. Shouting into the void.
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Does home insurance cover the content of the fridge?
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Mental how this planet is ruled by a not so secret religion that if you tried to explain to the average slave on the streets existence they would consider you insane
This planet is theatre and you have to admire the complexity of the illusion
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This is me
Cool, yeah she's cute for sure
That one pussy vore episode of south park gave me a minor fear of getting pussy vored
Why would you ever think of them, Jamal?
honestly kill yourself
Nice subject mongo
good post
where is everyone?
4chan full stop dot org forward slash int forward slash thread forward slash 201862385
for me it's alt + space + c

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