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Easter eggs edition

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they cope by building this
>it's easter already
2012 was 17 years ago
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I wonder if that bulgarian incel went back to sunny beach for the dutch skank
I wonder what the Mt. Athos asexual to gay ratio is like.
Why did Allah wait 600 years to spread his lies?
volcels outnumber asexuals
Seems comfy
If volcels are so strong, why must they have such strict rules against temptation, bro?
too busy creating macedonia
Do our priests go to the Svrbvll monastery?
it's just rules against women and tourists, perfectly rational on their own merit
Faggot Vute, you got the whole western Europe to put your dick in, let the monks be
When I am an ENTJ God-King, one of my residencies will be Simonopetra.
rules are words in the air, they can't bind and chain you
they're mainly there as a legal justification to keep shitposters out
If the place has been running so smoothly for so long it only makes sense that it's full of asexuals and homosexuals. Volcels would have inevitably caved in and lowered restrictions.
>Serbs took over the Hilendar monastery in the 19th century
This offends me on a base level and I don't understand why
I would vote for you
So why did turks not destroy these monasteries?
cute projections of a bugman.
you don't seem to understand the voluntary part of volcel
was founded in 1198 by Stefan Nemanja (Saint Symeon) and his son Saint Sava. St. Symeon was the former Grand Prince of Serbia (1166–1196) who upon relinquishing his throne took monastic vows and became an ordinary monk. He joined his son Saint Sava who was already in Mount Athos and who later became the first Archbishop of Serbia. Upon its foundation, the monastery became a focal point of the Serbian religious and cultural life,[1][2]
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can't lust after what you've never seen
I would let them have their peace and turn Constantinople to the world capital.
>serb monastery was bulgarian run
Just like their empires
They saw them as sources of bi(curious)weekly bumming tax
I do. It's a cope (for being undesirable, asexual or gay)
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We have Podromu
>When the Ottoman Turks conquered Constantinople in 1453, the patriarchate ceased to function. The Patriarchate was restored by the conquering ruler, Sultan Mehmed II, who wished to establish his dynasty as the direct heirs of the Eastern Roman emperors, and who adopted the imperial title Kayser-i-Rûm "caesar of the Romans", one of his subsidiary titles but a significant one. In 1454 he bestowed the office upon an illustrious Byzantine scholar-monk who was well known for his opposition to union with the Latin West, Gennadius Scholarius, who became Patriarch Gennadius II.
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I don't understand why fags, liberals and women seethe so much over Mount Athos?

You got all the earth to make a mess of, why do you particularly get angry over a place that doesn't allow degeneracy there? Just go to Amsterdam or Paris and shut the fuck up
Because in it they see their own hypocrisy
>Sultan Selim I was a substantial benefactor of the Xeropotamou monastery. In 1517, he issued a fatwa and a Hatt-i Sharif ("noble edict") that "the place, where the Holy Gospel is preached, whenever it is burned or even damaged, shall be erected again". He also endowed privileges to the Abbey and financed the construction of the dining area and underground of the Abbey as well as the renovation of the wall paintings in the central church that were completed between the years 1533 and 1541
1. They would need 10 years or more to take them, all monasteries are heavily fortified.
2. The Christian subjects would rebel.
3. The sultans larped as successors to the Christian emperors and protected the holy sites of the peoples of the book (mostly).
>The Greek language is commonly used in all the Greek monasteries, but in some monasteries there are other languages in use: in Agiou Panteleimonos, Russian (67 monks in 2011); in Hilandar Monastery, Serbian (58); in Zographou Monastery and Skiti Bogoroditsa, Bulgarian (32); and in Timiou Prodromou and Lakkoskiti, Romanian (64).[10]
It seems Bumgarians are most likely to become open homosexuals instead of praying it away on Athos
japanese equivalent of athos
vazduha u pazarjik ne se disha mislam che e zamarsen i vodata ne se pie mislam che e zamarsena mrazam horata i bokluka
I wish to pray to God to cure me of my love of East Slavic women. Ah, those semendemon succibi of Belarus, Ukraine and Russia. They are a dagger that pierce my heart and lead both of my heads astray.
They hate what is not them. Its a running theme with lgbt in general. That is why they back all the crazy shit like blm and refugees they think this way they punish itm
Almost like earning the support of goyim subjects of another abrahamic religion comes at little price vs being a subhuman and earning their seethe.
Place: :|
Place, Japan: :0
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so true!
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Gheg akhis?
Yes bro every 3rd man is a giga smegma male hyper desirable chad and women throwing themselves at him just slide off him like rain drops off a hydrophobic surface.
no idea what that sentence means, or where the 50 different implications you managed to shove in a single sentence came from
No ugly people? Damn, you can't go then.
>love of East Slavic women
yikes that's bad, I will pray for your relief
gypsy physiognomy
he's your brother akhi
Low t
I only go for African, Iranian and Colombian chicks
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Shan't ever be caught fraternizing with other browns. Whitey might associate me with them.
beardcel, more up your alley
Where do you meet them?
his name: angel
his hobbies: watching volleyball games
I don't find their vaginas appealing.
there is catharsis in corrupting the pure
being a degen in amsterdam is like being a degen with a willing hooker whereas being a degen in athos would be like being a degen with an unwilling virgin
how little you know both me and whitey. I fraternize with browns all the time, and whitey pathologically craves their approval
yeh, some bucktoothed goofball with a lower IQ than your native tribe maybe
do you respect these whiteys?!
>I fraternize with browns all the time
can't beat the anglo distribution organization
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you don't get it bro these crackas worship us
the crackas: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/EA_fx922A9Y
the only whiteys I encounter in the wild anymore are boomers, and I don't respect anyone above 60.
zoomers to their credit are a lot more right in the head, but they never get out of the house
they didn't influence shit
it's just that some of the jewish cliques have russian affinity, it's an internal thing.
тихo, дeвcтвeн пoлтapд
finna start cooking double rations of pasta again, I need to fatten up
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>more susceptible to adverse foreign influence than Best Korea
And that's because they are dishonest, instinct-denying and unnatural
Why is Greece so much less trad than other Balkan countries?
is this the part where you start lecturing me about my country?
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You have to go back.
Why didn't God give every girl big breasts?
greece is tradmaxxed bro
Oh it's you, the guy who got scared of the broad beans LMAO
I meet lots of polyamorous leftoid woman there.
YHWH was thinking of all the penniless formula merchants, and then He became sad :(
just athosmaxx and don't ever even look at women, ez
those are called whores bro, they're 40% of the world's population
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is the faulty female nature inherited by eve satanic in truth? Is the act of procreation, therefore birth - satanic? A baby is held within a dark pit until it goes a trial where it rises anew and in 40 days it is baptised
not in Albania
why does vuterast hate the church so much if he is himself a faggot pedo? is it because of the competition?
Russian propaganda is the same in every eastern bloc country I noticed many times. The playbook is always the same just the name of the country is different. Its not designed for me and you but for the masses, if I believe it is not if importance or meaning and the playbook probably always calculated a success rate of probably 20-30% at best. What I find fascinating is that Russian propaganda generally aims against Russian foes whilst American one is more about self-praise or a broad unity of countries defending the "free world". Hard to sell in 2024 when everyone questions if so called democracy is still going in an even somewhat right direction. I feel like we are living in the end game of the current status quo and something big is about to happen.
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Chuds never win
and competition has already been called out brough >>201866311
we gon hack your election and install old fat ugly corrupt mafioso in power bro

wait oops
Yeah but he's not actually a chud is he
Let's recall some of his recent camgirl donations
we are just living in a cold war and it's a spookfest out there like in the last one.
with that said there are two competing mindsets in the american deep state and only one is interested in continued ukrainian war
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Radev is not fat and he does not have any real power.
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Vucic is funny. I imagine the awkward conversation when he made up fairy tales again to dodge a meeting with Putin yet another time. Serbs have always larped as russophile whilst they are rather western orientated since habsburg times whilst we larp as western orientated whilst the country to its core is extremely russophile. Were it not for the nato bombs Serbs would be in nato and eu for ages by now.
Pidor propaganda is like a meme, anyone who has ever been among them or had even a miniscule contact with pidorgroids absolutely loathes them.
Their lives are comic tragedies.
If you dont hate them you have not been in contact with them simple as
So true! Like some fags here larping as rich from betting whilst others larp as poor provincials or sommin!
Anime depicting pale devils as they are.
>and only one is interested in continued ukrainian war
so are hohols so it works for both parties really
they simultaneously cry about their men getting thrown into the back of the van and fantasize about capturing crimea or something like that
if you think that you need to travel to western europe and try bro
bought bulgur
finna cook it tomorrow
post the correct image while you're on your seething streak bro
>you larp that you make money
>post receits first week 2 months in a row and countless other times
>nah bro u cant have money because i dont have money
I only do shit like that as a reminder why i hate poorgroids so muvh
Huge divide in european societies almost everywhere. I feel like EU is gonna crash at some point because the leading countries such as germany are so overloaded with problems the patience of the population hangs on a thread.
Its a fictional place bro. If you forgot your masque when going to a masquerade you cant be mad at the other visitors.
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BG will always remain a heap of shit while the current domestic political system exists
I should start a youtube channel about bumgaria. call it "bulgaria facts" and just upload streetview screecaps with ai narration
You obviously too autistic to tell sarcasm. And no, no matter how much money you make from your job and throw 1% of it on bets pretending like it means anything to the peasants here, the kitsch will never make up for an unrespectable face and frame. It only looks like extra hoops on a clown and makes one look like a compensating tryhard.
Do it, use only the most awful cadres
can trans men go to athos?
You cant take a political concept and think because it worked so well in sweden it will work e.g. in BG. Democracy will never work on post-ottoman balkans ever. Not even talking about low iq population but sheer mentality. Too hotheaded, too trickster type of people, manliness importance type of society. Its not bad but you need a custom system to harvest the strengths of a given society imo.
>Hi guys. Today we're going to be looking at a personal favorite part of Plovdiv called Stolipinovo. But before we begin, please hit that bell notification, like and subscribe. Let's go.
You cant win long-term from betting except if you follow pro-bettors, and with follow I mean pay them. But then their odds are low in no time and if you make profit at a betting site they kick you out. Only way of winning is arbitrage and its a pain in the ass.
Where will you get your facts from? You should hire me and the fyromian as your fact checkers. can't be spreading misinformation about bumgaria now.
Whats the reasoning of many americans to love israel? I get jewish lobby and all that but what motivates joe from montana to wave the flag of a strip of desert country in the middle east 14000km away?
I hope you fall and crash anus first onto a bbc, albo RAT
They believe it fulfils a religious prophecy.
This, Murika has a serious Christian Fundamentalist lobby. Some crazy protestant shit that they must support Israel during Armaggedon.
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And it might be for the wrong reasons, but they are not wrong.
Jews >>> assorted shrubskins and mongoloids.
Didnt know they do this cause of bible shit again.
>Magneto is a tranny now and bangs Rogue
>Show was headed by a fag who got fired for showing his butthole on twitter
Why am I not surprised.
Wait, I remember. The prophesy is related to the Rapture, it's this crazy idea that during Armageddon God will lift the living righteous people into heaven without waiting for them to die first. Uniquely American.
When I say many want this I'm obviously talking about people who matter, not Joe from Montana. Joe from Montana don't know a single thing about his own country's politics and just goes along with what he's told. The DoD goons on his normgroid podcast that he doesn't even entertain the thought of being spooks say they luv Israel, so he goes along with that. And then there is something to be said about venting your frustrations vicariously through another's cause, after living through a decade of Ls domestically.
al babooni was a catholic I think, he can comment on the rapture
he's a jewish holocaust survivor and x-men has always been pro-lgbtq so what gives
running out of copes i told you at least make some money while you're being a clown on the internet
those people exist, but they're the scapegoat for this insanity rather than the cause. the cause is 100% jewish interests, which is why the other party is also staunchly zionist even though it doesn't have this constituency.
Ah si? Gracias por la informacion.
>x-men has always been pro-lgbtq
Zoomer lies, there were no fags until very recently with Iceman (which was a retarded retcon). It was a racism/ discrimination thing when I was a kid. And before that in the 60s/70s they were just a group of Superheroes with no clear goal. They tried making Beast gay in the early 00s but that turned out to be a joke the character was making. And during the 00s X-men literally became the Wolverine show, they were dick-riding him everywhere, he was the Iron Man of that decade.

it is some retarded prottard heresy, some jew literally commissioned a bible and hooked the prots up on it
no such thing as raptures and ethno-israels of blaspheming heretics under the true church's teachings
de nada
>some jew literally commissioned a bible and hooked the prots up on it
What wouldve happened if 3 day smo would have been a thing instead of 1000 day smo? Belarus style Ukraine or unification of these 3 and then towards Moldova?
obviously I don't know how reliable that wiki entry is
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Actually that Wolverine show was good, every chick had giant tits in it.
Is there bbc in that video you linked?
Its pretty straight forward
Pretty straightforward how?
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sweaty the whole story of x-men is a bunch of freaks ostracized by the society
it's proto-sjw like hey arnold

>plays leage of faggots
>unironically hummusexual
>always has Azis dick in his mouth
>is mutt
>seethes about hohols
Pooptins greatest pidor
Guapa, ven a la mezquita.
Jews paid some shady lawyer with questionable ethics and morals to make them the chosen people of the bible by twisting and falsifying scripture and larping as a preacher
Jews are the chosen people of the Bible however you look at it. New testament is for fags and gypsy protestants, Asane.
>the whole story of x-men is a bunch of freaks ostracized by the society
which is good, there were no fags however until 2014
also the movies were always shit, if I was a zoomer first experiencing them from that I would too think they are gay
>Fyromtwink and Janis meet each other in Skopje Park
>George Michael - Careless Whisper as BGM
Well you are a fag so what are you really saying here?
same for Spider-man and his terrible movies where they made him into an emo

I grew up on the 90s stuff where everyone was a Chad and actually doing their jobs instead of betamale feelfags
Lol what was this american religion again where this guy says he wrote down gods will in a book but then someone takes it away from him and asks him to write it down again so he can test whether he really does speak with god and the guy fails miserably?
Fyromians only topic is homoshit but unironically. Grim
The RUROMA alliance should hold an urgent meeting regarding the bulgarian question.
The bulgarian question being

>are fyromians Bulgarians?
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I'm from krasnoyarsk and I say kill em all
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All of you hoes better watch out who yall talkin bout
It's so brave of you to say this, King.
Saw him irl recently in a coffee place. He seemed very small.
Polukrainian, kill yourself by drowning in broad bean soup you retard
So true , once i becoem the fascist dictator of the balkans i shall put you in charge of the eugenics program
but srls now, what is bugging me was that in the 97 show the writers side with Magneto and can't shut up about Holocaust and how he is right. In the original 90s carton they writers sided with Xavier and his optimistic view of humanity. So basically, the people making the new one are unironically siding with evil and can't understand good. A problem with Media as a whole today.
I have no idea what you're talking about but scientology is one of the crazier shits america has produced
Nothing to smile about in my life
Just saw the new Minecraft movie trailer

Total kino
Did Pootin personally bomb another hoholian hospital? What got poluhohol seething again?
he just couldn't help himself
you need to care about that less

natural state at this point
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Bottles in the club like to meetchya hoe
what did the innocent massage parlors do to you
>randomly finds jewelry in the forest
1 hour to bulgarian national praznik finna get fooked up yeaaaaahoooo
Something to do with getting nationally bumgarianed?
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Be some usefull for this thread and take pics of your local brutalism and post here
yeah, better everything from my childhood to be dead for me otherwise you get them altered in current day and gaslight into liking fag shit
In reality I am obsessed with slicing necks since all 8 of my great grandparents were part of IMRO and committed atrocities against turks etc

One of them roasted dead turkish bodies and then gave corpses to the pigs and after 1 week he sliced and roasted those same pigs as well so practically he ate his enemies. Am afraid that my DNA is mutted because of things like that so I am natural born mountain ambusher
he should take pictures of bridges
Dude you are even afraid of Sasko
You are a hypocrite and a pedophile freemason sodomist projecting hard your country is a literal ape when playing this game thanks for the info Flow SwiftKey
>you are even afraid of Sasko
That's right, but Sasho is leader of anonymuse hacktivists and controls universe by string theory so that's justified
I wonder if that house is really stable or if it wont come crashing down after a few winters
Bumgarian I....
>search hairy
>all whores are shaved sike
I will wage war on all gigolos for this.
Its the word suggestions from previous posts and i can choose from them i sometimes just press them and post whatever comes up
trvke, any sane man fears the Q
It's so over the weekend lasted a good day for you to be home with you and your family are doing well adjusted to the house and I will be there in about the wildfires in the morning and I will be there in about the wildfires in the morning and I will be there in about the wildfires in the morning
there's no brutalism within my walk reach really
kraj doxxed
you live in a putinka neighbourhood?
Skopje doesnt have those
>wash polyester clothing
>polyester clothing bleeds microplastics in the water system and your skin
bro I am not a bombed ukrainian child
Do you ever get tired of constantly seething about russia?
the earlier gtas had pretty good gore, what the fuck went wrong, why does everything suck so much these days?
We have normal conversations about bbc, trannies, bridges, timmies and mangal and here comes this retard seething about some irrelevant war no one gives a shit about.
Sashko was right
>not plasticmaxxing
only those with a sufficiently high level of microplastics will be able to achieve immortality
What would be do if he didn't have Russia to seethe about? Take care of his neglected child?
>шибaн мaнгaл и шибaн мoнгoлoид
Seethe about macedonia in his discord server while azis and mkunku plow his whore wife
>и шибaн cpпcки фиpoмит
I shall posit that if Krasnoblyatsk had the Slavic phenotype he would have a job by now.
Bro he's afraid of bridges let alone job interviews
Get real
He is the least likely person ITT to die on a collapsing bridge. he's winning.
he NEEDS a five year plan
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it's over
Year 1: get over bridge (heh) phobia
Year 2: get finger tattoo removal
Year 3: schedule a job interview
Year 4: get a job
Year 5: bait bumgarians
I don't understand this niggers politics, he is anti--EU, a commie and pro-faggot and immigration. basically?
powerful, now condense that all into one year
He is unironically suffering because he wants to implement a high IQ reform in a low IQ society.
Well adjusted.
based old man enjoying his life
Couldn't pay me enough to fuck that thing
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ya'll should stop giving me advices, I already succeeded at life by being a yandex maps landmark in this thread of depressed alcoholic gamblers, divorced half hohols, obese turks and various gomoseksualists
hot, the greek's sister could be doing this to me if I could just find her on genshin impact
Touch a bridge, incel
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my fist shall touch your nasal bridge
shoutout to the bender boys
based knower
balk is the most adjusted general
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hiro nigger banned my IPs and restarting the router doesn't fix the issue anymore even though I have dynamic IP any tip?

I can post replies but not posts, when I try to post something it says that the thread is uploaded but it's not
they've got a cookies ban now
give it some time it'll go away eventually
I clear all the data and it's still happening in multiple browsers
he's the son of leftists, that got tortured and sent to a prison island in the 60s-70s. He hates Greece and Greeks more than any turkjeet out there.

also a laughing stock for the past decade in Greece
same issue with phoneposting?
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touchin grassa
How many passport bros have you encountered balkbaboons
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>Wife is slut
>Media: she was innocent pure womanz

Reminds of the time they ran with the story of that Saudi girl running away to Canada from her parent's "oppression" and "Abuse" only to start an onlyfans and shit out nog baby. This story got memory holed real quick. Literally, abandoned her family to take BBC
she looks like a yakubian big black cueen, she's where she belongs
Rape is cool if you're not on the receiving end
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protip:despite what they themselves say, women dont have better emotional intelligence than men and its not even close
they are just more prone to having faggy emotional outbursts which get validated by other women and cucks that want to fuck them in the pussy. research suggests that this is because neither women nor their cucks have ever been heemed properly

this message was brought to you by the croatian incel society
also gn balk
Croatia is like you're sliding a rail and it ends up in the sea, literally, idk what that fucking town was called but the waves were pounding the concrete.
Emotional intelligence for thee, not for me
*vomits emotions on the floor*
A real man would clean it up and not complain
Dogpilled yet again.
I would rather listen to an hour of toilet flush sound than five minutes of slaveic languages that aren't russian.
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sleepin niggas
Anime is for fags
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Is ist common for Bosnians and Albanians to join Islamic terror organizations in your country?
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Outcast incels will always join the group that validates them. So yes, we have trannies and queer folk here.
second animu already about Yaoi pedophilia
>representation a 1/10
wow bro... just because it doesn't paint you in a positive light doesn't mean it is bad
I just find it weird that Bosnian diaspora in the West would become radicalized by Islam while Bosnia is a mostly secular.
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maybe they told him about the virgins but WHAT these guys don't know (because they never actually look into it) is that those 72 virgins are actually Grey aliens

Ever read the description of the 72 virgin houris Islamic faithful are supposed to get?
Prepubescent bodies, giant black eyes, pale skin to the point of translucence...

Quranic description

In the tafsirs and commentaries on the Quran, Houris are described as:

37:48[8] "with large and beautiful eyes",[9]
38:52[10] "companions of modest gaze well matched",[11]
44:54[12] wide and beautiful eyes",[13]
52:20[14] "beautiful houris of wide and beautiful eyes",[15]
55:56[16][17][18] "untouched beforehand by man or jinn",[19]
55:58 "as elegant as rubies and coral",[20]
55:72[21] "bright-eyed damsels sheltered in pavilions",[22]
55:74[23] "untouched by any man",[22] "reclining on green cushions and beautiful carpets",[22]
56:8[24][25][26] "the people of the right, how ˹blessed˺ will they be"[27] 56:22[28] and they will have "houris maidens[dubious – discuss] with intensely black eyes set against the whiteness of their irises",[29]
56:35[30] "created without the process of birth",[29]
78:31–33[31][32] and as "splendid companions",[33]
44:54 "Thus. And We will marry them to fair women with large, [beautiful] eyes".[34]

It is thought that the four verses specifically mentioning Houri were all "probably" 'revealed' at "the end of the first Meccan period".[35]
>pic related
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Ideal wife:

Busty, blonde, blue eyed, pale, soft skin, long haired, racially pure, teen, virgin, appealing pink vagina, no body hair, beautiful, can cook, rich, wants kids, racist, asexual, shy, no tattoos or piercings, christian orthodox, submissive, has never travelled abroad, has never used drugs, doesn't smoke or drink alcohol
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Non muslims talking about islamic history is cringe as fuck
Stop timmysplaining to me nigga
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1273, down to Rockefeller Street
Life is marchin' on do you feel that
1273, down to Rockefeller Street
Everything is more than surreal (than surreal)
So let's keep movin' on
Keep movin' , keep movin' , keep movin' , keep movin'
If you want to know what Rockefeller groove is
Keep movin' , keep movin' , keep movin' , keep movin'
Time is right to celebrate good times
Islam is only glamorous because they play the victimization card as a minority in West and Asia but once they become the norm it looses all its appeal and people leave it.
could it actually be an m1 garand?
Once young muslims who grow up on the internet accept LGBTQ people. That is the day Islam will start dying. You cannot correct the Qur'an. The young people will read and try to overlook the verse. At this point it means they have ignored the word of god. Slowly they will start questioning the whole religion as doubt creeps into their mind. The person here who is trying to say Islam will live longer is an idiot or a Islamist/Christian who is not seeing the bigger picture.
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>Ideal wife
pic related
Maymun cum in your anus
>spends 10 posts bitching about Islam
>wants Islam wife
nigger wtf is wrong with you
Trannies are halal akhi, stop timmysplaining
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Bro, look what happened to Christianity
It is over for them.
Afghanistan defeated America bro
Pakistan has nukes bro
Tf Timmy gon do?
You know they are going to use them on their own people before they even phantom using them on America?
Why don't Balkans have Nukes?

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Al-Anfal 10
>Say, “Had Allah willed, I would not have recited it to you, nor would He have made it known to you. I had lived my whole life among you before this ˹revelation˺. Do you not understand?”

>Or do they claim, “He1 made it up!”? Tell them ˹O Prophet˺, “Produce one sûrah like it then, and seek help from whoever you can—other than Allah—if what you say is true!”

>In fact, they ˹hastily˺ rejected the Book without comprehending it and before the fulfilment of its warnings. Similarly, those before them were in denial. See then what was the end of the wrongdoers!

>Some of them will ˹eventually˺ believe in it; others will not. And your Lord knows best the corruptors.

>Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “O humanity! The truth has surely come to you from your Lord. So whoever chooses to be guided, it is only for their own good. And whoever chooses to stray, it is only to their own loss. And I am not a keeper over you.”

>And follow what is revealed to you, and be patient until Allah passes His judgment. For He is the Best of Judges.

He is speaking to me... even send me a Muslim to convert me on Discord 3 months ago but I didn't listen.
why hasn't this schizophrenic jumped in front of a speeding car already
You guys all talk like you have a stick up your asses.
>*dragon dildos
Salaam alaikum
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>tiktok screaming about ick and grooming because a 21 and 29 year old got married
it's transcended funny at this point
ale cyfry...
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how many of you smoke, /balk/? Do you want to stop or just don't care?
Don't smoke
Don't gamble
Don't drink
No caffeine
No drugs
No sugar
currently working on No porn
German law allows everyone to have sex with 14 year old girls.
his choice of pants cracks me up
nigga thinks he's playin incelibacy: spergstorm or sommin
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German laws also allow you to fuck dogs, sheep, cows and chipmunks which of course is perfect for thirdies like you, Ikipoverty. State approved pedophilia is the least of their problems
>legal in Czechia
made me think
Romanilululululululului is 1st world
>legal if animal gives consent
It's even from retarded irl. Found on ledit

>So what happened is that in 1969, a paragraph covering "sodomy" was abolished. Sodomy covered both zoophilia and anal sex, so both became legal at the same time. After that time, the regular Protection of Animals Act covered zoophilia, but at the time only acts that cause longterm damage, disability or death were chargeable - i.e. fucking e.g. a sheep (for our Welsh friends) wasn't covered unless it severely damaged the sheep.

>In 2013, the Protection of Animals Act was revised, and - loosely translated - "using an anImal for sexual activities or training an animal to perform sexual acts for a third party or offering it for such to a third party and therefore forcing it to commit acts contrary to its species" became subject to a fine of up to 25k (the "therefore" is the important bit here and becomes relevant in the next paragraph).

>HOWEVER, some dude or dudette (I am not looking up who was responsible for this, kthx) complained to the Federal Constitutional Court, which in turn went hardcore fuck you, rejected the complaint... but used ambigious language in its reasoning as to why it didn't accept the complaint. In the reasoning, it focussed on "FORCED into behaviour contrary to its species", so if some enterpricing animal fucker, for example, dunks his or her genitals in peanut butter and offers them to a dog, that wouldn't be contrary to that - licking things is dog behaviour, most dogs like peanut butter, there's no force involved if the dogs dives in as it's wont to, so it's not explicitly covered by the current laws.
I have never enjoyed living in the world
can't beat the coomer
Random incel made up map, its illegal
surprised my gubbermint hasnt legalised it for tourismmaxxing purposes
incredibly sexist policy brought on my dogpilled women, male dogs mount stuff without any forcing needed
Anime had trannies before it was even an idea in America. Anime got appropriated by LGBT queers in the 90s.
Always liked the smell of tobacco years before i started smoking especially in bars when the nicotine hits you get drugged up
>Denmark outlawed bestiality in 2015 after all parties except the Liberal Alliance voted in support of a ban, leaving Hungary, Finland and Romania as the only European Union countries without bans on bestiality.

Lmao it's completely legal in your country bro
>dunks his or her genitals in peanut butter and offers them to a dog
Unironically was thinking how a fyromian flag is capable of doing this
The fear of the LORD [is] the beginning of wisdom: a good
understanding have all they that do [his commandments:] his
praise endureth for ever.
wise up maymuns
Male brains are programmed to listen when women speak.

When a guy speaks it just makes me angry and want to beat him up, but if a woman speaks (pretty one) I sit there and listen and think "Maybe she had a point" because I subconsciously want her to have sex with me.

This is scientifically proven.
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And least we dont have gay marriage as you do
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thoughts on russian(ukrainian) girls?
>slanted eyes
You can see Khan Asparukhs blood in them.
Just remember
Woman mayor, not even once
>what should we do, [thing we should do]?
look at those poor boys, but they made it
They can live the White man's dream now! Work as wage slaves renting a shithole while every white woman looks at them in disgust and doesn't want to touch them with a ten feet poll.
why are incels so hateful with their projections
This is what you get being a migrant in a shithole that hates your existence. In my case, higher IQ that anyone here since the age of 6.
Mizera is absolutely right here
there go the free meals
they really gotta work now
pussy whipped greeks just sit their and watch when their country turns into uganda and greek women hop on bbc like on a trampoline
how does the imaginary woman to bbc pipeline effect you
Emotional Sensitivity
Fixation on Particular Subjects or Ideas
Linguistic Oddities
Social Difficulties
Problems Processing Physical Sensations
Devotion to Routines
Development of Repetitive or Restrictive Habits
Dislike of Change
Focus on Self
Unusual Movement Patterns
Cuckolds have mastered mental gymnastics
stimming during anal penetration
>effect you
you cant even write how can you code roachy boy?
now who is this fella with this terrible inglish
affect is a meme

that's just intcels

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