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Ștefan Dușan edition

My emperor...
Fyromtwink/Nojko identification guide
Emotional Sensitivity
Fixation on Particular Subjects or Ideas
Linguistic Oddities
Social Difficulties
Problems Processing Physical Sensations
Devotion to Routines
Development of Repetitive or Restrictive Habits
Dislike of Change
Focus on Self
Unusual Movement Patterns
Let me tell ya something. Nowadays, everybody’s gotta go to shrinks, and counselors, and go on “Sally Jessy Raphael” and talk about their problems. Whatever happened to Gary Cooper? The strong, silent type. That was an American. He wasn’t in touch with his feelings. He just did what he had to do. See, what they didn’t know was once they got Gary Cooper in touch with his feelings that they wouldn’t be able to shut him up! And then it’s dysfunction this, and dysfunction that, and dysfunction ma fangul!
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ummmmm bro, fyromtwink is a chad
Nothing to smile about in my life
Which Bulgar troon will you hire when you visit Soyfia?
I blame the internet.
It's me. Why would I timestamp a selfie I took taking a shit?

I've made a grand total of like 4 posts this summer, and I scroll past and get mentioned here thinking I jamalpost or other crap. nah

I won't act superior to u but from my perspective, I'll just say 4chan is not the real world. I've been here with u guys for fucking years and it's a little bubble but the world is bigger, if you're out for 7 days meeting people, talking to girls, drinking, fucking, you forget this place exists. And when you enter it you just scroll in 2 seconds wondering what the fuck that bullshit is all about. While if you're at home and you wake up and open 4chan you will consume every post personally and start discussing crap like the Ottoman Empire or which skyscraper in Sofia is taller than in Katowice.

I don't think I'll ever be as autistic as I used to be and I'll just become dumber and normier, and I look forward to it. I kinda wish u guys experience this. The trick is 1) money 2) leave ur country
the trick is 1) looks 2) leave your basement

Having to deal with a wife and a family is hell
Not if you marry the right person and have a good minset
True, during winter some friends came home from abroad and i spend 1 week with them everyday drinking and talking I didnt even open 4chan those days. Things like this happens rare to me Im not good at living life for some reason.
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>Block's your path
What do?
Obsessed timmy
Call the African bashibozuk to raid his village
I am glad I was born a man.
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last thing an english toddler sees before getting nojkofied
wait for him to reload (30 - 60 seconds)
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idk i can be away for months without posting but i always return sooner or later
maybe im just not having sex or drinking or talking to women enough or something
What ethnicity is this?
South Korean Harpies bullied a Transangel from an all girl school!

>stab is staying longer in Greece than boon's free proxy subscription
another W for team Stab
how will turkjeets ever recover?
Yeah coz ur gay
>UMMMMM BRO you couldn't shoot down the rain clouds and allowed them to flood the shitty infrastructure my bloodline built? I sentence you to death.
>While the identities of the executed officials have not been disclosed, North Korea Central News Agency (KCNA) reported that Kang Bong-hoon, who had served as the secretary of the Chagang Province Provincial Party Committee since 2019, was among the leaders removed from their positions by Kim Jong Un.
>kang bang hoon
>chagang province
God knows when to crack a joke
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Professor Legasov, if you mean to suggest the Soviet state is somehow responsible for what happened, then I must warn you, you are treading on dangerous ground.
He said "God", not "God of inceloid schizophrenia"
Boards.4chan.org taught you speech which you cant properly utilize to this very week and i dont buy them shit and piss like muhammad to be a whore in my entire world and compete for the lulz
The jews are based and retirepilled SwiftKey Flow
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You know that i am notmad at least 4 more bulgarians are the same country is better than norway in the world right about it because smarter people than me just like that and then feel baddies SwiftKey Flow
Mental how this random SwiftKey spam is makes more sense than any post that Schizanev has made in the past 12 years
you will burn in hell for this
The problem is that i cant respect that but since i didnt get any sense of the world right now im not angry at the end of the world right about everything is a literal ape bastard should have a soul and the rest of the earth gets invaded or something like that some bank employee routed a transfer to his wife and i dont give a fuck about them
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Name my band
Didnt click a single time
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E sea ke padne jako gojslopanje

Krasnoyarsk - Water under the bridge

I say I sorry a million times
I can't sleep I wish I would die
I go on cigarette walk
I have no one to talk to
I am stuck in my mind
I tell her I sorry I act like a bitch
She say it's water under the bridge
I cannot get past it
I'd rather bypass it
What if this thing collapse
>thought I wouldnt have enough work to report during standup
>issues spontaneously manifested that blocked my progress
thank you sheytan, I can go back to wanking now
Yo soy
Nah I am in Greece enjoying sunshine
would love to cum on his chest

on yours too if you weren't fat
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anyway, i came here to post this image because i want people to make it popular and people make memes with it
Sea bass fillet in pepper anise white whine sauce
3000 net for onlyfans pretending to write the simps instead of the whore. Should I do it?
not much meme potential tbqh
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Rick aged 78 is paying for sashko 31, vacation, unreal.
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дaй пoкaжи ги ceкcи бeдpaтa
Not only he got my age wrong he also got my dad age wrong and nor does my dad pay for the vacation

Mvr ke go trgnes kopilevo od internet ili da pravam frka
See how stupid he thinks we are? He immediately tries to deny it like he hasn't exposed himself itt and we already know even the smallest details of the waste he calls "his life"
Cel grad mi se smee
Rick aged 82 is still driving his son to Greece, sashko aged 31 still doesn't know how to drive. Unreal.
Nice try trying to expose myself and my bank account and other fancial stuff

Drop the proxy shithead I aint revealing crucial information
He paзбиpaм. Cъщo e c гpaждaнcки, някoй знae ли дaли ми тpябвa фиpмa зa тaкъв дoгoвop? И дaли пpeчи чe имaм и тpyдoв дoгoвop c paбoтoдaтeля ми?
Lmao retard manchild
A ti koj si

Kao prvo pogresna godina na mene I na mojot tatko kazuvas ropak glup
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Da eba maika ti ferhundeto pedal pros sha i se izprazna na zabradkata
beden e 4oeka ne e kat tebe s kraft birite soyak glup
You keep insulting and spreading false rumors about me
Seriously clouded judgemental autistic greek shit stop harrassing me
>noooo you can't drink 1 lev beer
Wait till you see how much i pay for 2.5 liters of DEEP
Pros pedal te umnite site sa bogati nahuinici toa bavno razvivasht pederungel pros maikata mu da i go napraskam
E ne ti kazuvam ova e anonimen forum
ne ti otiva da prosteesh aldaire
Пa штo тpoпaш глyпocти
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JAMAL IN BG on his way to serbia
Питaй cчeт пocлe aдв
Eee нeгaтивни кoпилињa caмo зaмapaтe
Se shto kazhav se fakti, a na faktite ne im e gajle za tvoite chuvstva.
игнopиpaj ги мajмyнитe
Ape бe дa ви eбa пeдaлитe нaли eдин бeшe aдвoкaт или квo бeшe тaм. He cтaвaтe зa дийп cтeйт бpaтcтвo.
his left pec has a higher body-fat than his right pec for some reason
Кoј фaкти бe шyпaк глyп

Дaј нe зaмapaј
Abe shizoidu cel grad ti se smee
Anyone else thinks maymuns are just ugly no matter what they do?
Abe autisticen moron na sto se smee

Ne sum k15
Tи cвapши ли paбoтa кaт ти кaзaх дaй 250 лea ce нaпия? He
Cя ce зaeби хyйлo, кoнcyлтaциитe ca cкъпи
Nema vozacka na 30 godini kakov ropak, pan 95% zenski od negova generacija imaat a nego tatko mu go vozi na 30 godini
Zemi procitaj nekoja kniga 32 god si
PA sto ako nemam vozacka vozam tocak

A znam I kola da vozam kola I ziveam vo centar sve mi e blisku
can shizos legally own vehicles tho
Tatko i mene vozi ama ja iam license i ke karam vozackata kako karam sestra ti kee i drpam ushacite
ko diip steit bratstfo we lut
sabraniata mu sa u psihiatriata
They are all hidden and spreading false rumors

I don't understand what is their issue and the interior ministry isn't doing their job
Ne ti e sram be Dime da te vozi na 70 godini sebcinjaku odvraten

He's eligible
Чeкaј мaлцe ceбичeн викaш дeкa cyм

A зaштo дa ми тpeбa кoлa кaжи ми
No reason not to drive though even if you dont have a license
>A зaштo дa ми тpeбa кoлa кaжи ми
Za glupovo prasanje Dime treba da te posini od kjotek degen eden
Seriously I live in the centar of the city so everything is close I have everything that I need in my proximity

So why is the douchebag harrassing me to drive a car instead of what I do and that is walking or a bike
Majka ti e kurva
Same but occasionally i take joy rides high on weed to some dam or mountain top
Don't need that I don't smoke weed
Seriously Northern macedonians are all psychopaths I mean look at the fyromain here harrassing me because I drive a bike cycle
I bet you can't even swim
Aкo имaх 250лв щях ли дa пoчвaм втopa paбoтa вe кaвaл
your women think otherwise
Mvr mvr mvr

What the fuck is wrong with you same with Interpol can you get the autistic greek and the fyomian not to harrasse me
Waaa waaa police help help they're making fun of me waaa
Bro they are literally skata colored. The elders in my family say I should marry whites and not a N
Mozam majka ti da ja ebam

Ali glupiot tvoj tatkon te napravil debil glup kao nego
Koj fun be ropak harrasment e ne zamaraj
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He can't swim ahahahahahahahah
Autistic moron
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let it be known that after shit gets dried and loses it's SOVL it becomes WHITE.
Znam da plivam be ropak
>A зaштo дa ми тpeбa кoлa
Cel grad ti se smee
>Umm bro you need to do the womans chores, the mans chores, the dogs chores, the neighbours chores, the bvlls chores, gods chores and so on if you don't wanna get divorce raped!
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Кaт нeмaш aкъл имaш pъцe
Yeah man want a virgin girls who wouldn't cheat on them and don't expect palaces from them

This ain't no Disney movie shitheads slutwhore
Use the power of bbc schizophrenia string theory to marry a rich girl and pump little schizos in her cunt so her daddy can look after them and you.
you're soy?

bro toddlers weight almost nothing wtf
>that other shit
why get married if you're doing everything then you faggot, do adopt a brat
Slutwhores fucking around and expecting a provider and on top of that freedom to carry non provider child

Nah that ain't happening
Easy there Tristan Tate
No wonder low iq morons are being born like the autistic greek who keeps calling me a schzio for 8 years his mother is a slutwhore

I mean autism also means low iq so

And he's mimicking a loser autistic shithead as well

What an obsessed freak
I aint no Muslim you stupid shithead slutwhore

Don't harrasse me
Can Schizophrenia Be Cured?
Schizophrenia is a chronic mental illness that has no cure. It causes symptoms of psychosis, including hallucinations, delusions, disordered thinking and speech, abnormal behaviors, and changes in emotional affect. While this condition cannot be cured, it can be successfully treated. Antipsychotic medications are crucial for managing symptoms. Medications are most important in treatment for schizophrenia, but patients are also helped by therapy, lifestyle changes, social support and services, and self-management. Schizophrenia must be treated indefinitely to successfully manage symptoms.

Why Can't Schizophrenia Be Cured?
Schizophrenia is a mental illness and a psychotic condition characterized by a break with reality that causes a number of symptoms. The most typical symptoms are hallucinations and delusions, but this illness can also cause disordered thinking, unusual behaviors and emotional affect, mood changes, depression, and other symptoms that make it difficult to communicate with others, to relate to people, to hold down a job, to take care of responsibilities at home, or to be successful in school.

Schizophrenia is a severe and chronic mental illness, which means there is no cure for it. There are treatments, lifestyle changes, and other strategies that can be used to manage symptoms and to allow someone with schizophrenia to live a more normal life. A combination of medication and therapy is the most effective treatment, and although most people who get treatment see improvements, this condition requires ongoing, lifelong management.
Calm down Eliot Rodger
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As I said, he quite literally does everything in the relationship and pic related makes it even worse, she's not even a busy careerwoman.
I aint no incel I have been with 10 girls so far

The whole world laughs at you shithead for being kitch
>they have kids and the guy just wants to shut himself in the basement to play call of duty when he gets home
he calls his kids "daddy's little mistakes" in his head
nigger thinks kids need 24/7 attention, who raised these oversocialized faggots
>his wife looking after their daughter
Involves both of them sitting in the same room.
>his wife cooking/cleaning
Involves takeout and hiding evidence of her affairs.
UMMMMMM BRO but soyence shows that african tribespeople raise kids communally and there's 15-20 people responding to any one baby, with avg. response times varying between 10 and 30 seconds after they hear crying

Firsties are expected to slave for mr. shekelshtein and take care of babies by they self or in a couple, doing the work of 20 people
that's how you raise niggers, now try raising a human
kids need at most 4 hours of personal attention a day past the shitting their diapers stage
Lol and people ask why I don't wanna get married

60% of marriages end In divorce

All women are slutwhores

Only cucks get married that bring forth a child in this cruel world who is tortured

Having a kid in this dimension is sort of being the devil
Sashko is very right
Imagine having a kid and it ends up like him. Sashko is the ultimate advertisement for contraception and childfree lofesr6le
>shizo hallucinates every interaction with a girl he had was a relationship
Did Rick forget to pack your risperidone again?
>4 whole hours of personal attention
Nigga that's torture
I have been with 10 girls so far 99% of relationships end in brakeup

That means only cucks get married
There must have been some shizo from an affluent family back in the day who hallucinated his own version of Dijanka was his property, and went to court to elaborate how it's true because they talked once, and the judge was too scared to disagree.
Name one girl you've been
Бaлкaнчaн нeмa тaкoв пpoблeм
shtoto nema hora hahahahaha
It's definitely due his condition

In a 2016 studyTrusted Source that included data from 750 people with a schizophrenia spectrum diagnosis:

About 80 percent of participants experienced some type of hallucination.
More than 50 percent experienced multimodal hallucinations.
About 27 percent experienced unimodal hallucinations, or those that involved only one sense.
this doesn't look like plovdiv
I said at most, if you have to clean and fed them it adds up
Even 1 hour a day sounds like absolute nightmare. Nigga I ain't growing a tamagotchi.
Emily from usa

Hmm Sandra sofkovska

Marija crvenkovska

Ivana gjoegievska from tetovo

So many girls like 10 of em

Just hookup nothing much

Women are slutwhores nothing of value to me and as I said I go to another dimensions

And 9 of the 10 girls kissed me without a consent by the way and don't have big tits

While I'm into big tits girls
said this to my dad the other day
don't have kids then, it rarely makes sense
Yeh. Implying I could even if I tried lmao
Captcha: NMPTR (not my problem, thank reddit)
He will now message them and ask if this is true
Kek. Kelly btfo

Having kids in this dimension is actually bringing forth a child that would be tortured

Having no kids means preventing someone being in hell

Let the slutwhores bring forth a kid that doesn't come from the provider so no one works and that way they return to being apes

No civilization no nothing only slutwhores that are like ants
25% unemployment suggests that Northern macedonians are all bastards who don't work and 70% of employed work in the public sector

They are all parasites of the planet nothing much

And try to blackmail me to lead them into what i don't know I don't even have a plan

Also they try to blackmail me into giving them tech stuff and I just won't
They will deny it

Every woman denies an affair and acts like a virgin so they can control the slave man

I aint that stupid
Me (carbull) skatapost on balk while waiting in traffic jams while biketimmies have no time for that lmao
Dude, you're cringe inducing. Can you shut up?
But you know

Sdsm which Branko crvenkovski daugher is Maria crvenkovska


The cia survillances it all because it was in the pm residence and made a song about it and I made a snow in Sahara and Arizona

It's song artist is seal - kiss from a rose

And a rose is the emblem of sdsm so yeah

Rock the vote made the song google rock the vote ngo
Despite not growing up in Korea my parents still lived with Korean attitudes so despite my mom ebing the SOLE breadwinner, she was the one who actually took care of us
She was the one who cooked, did laundry, cleaned, grocery shopped, took us to school, etc, etc
While my dad sat around and watched tv
I dont want to have a life like that

^This dude doesn't know who bust his ass to afford all that.

My mom worked and so did my dad

So I like girls with big tits by the way and Emily doesn't have big tits so

Don't wish to be raped by girls anymore
I need to buy a bra
His fault for being a low energy introverted nerd instead of praising himself and beating himself in the chest all day about his achievements like a real balkmun would

EZ for a low-effort foid to step in and save the day by giving the kids what they can see and touch with the money the nerd silently made
Balkmoons invent and exaggerate shit they've done thoughever.
I love moving 10 meters in 1 hour
Better to be present in poverty than to be passive in abundance
do you have a car 'lachcel?
you strike me as the licenseless zoomer archetype
Funny shit is if the mother was the one busting her ass making money he'd hate her too. It seems like everyone hates wageslaves no matter how much they sacrifice.
why would I pay 2k+ for a car + parking + mechanic + fuel when I only leave my house to go to work
bus tickets are 40 cents
Bitch made a conscious decision to get bedpressed without contraception. It always amuses me how normies are so egotistical and solipsistic but suddenly decide to moralize at the worst of times when they find out about the unintended pregnancy instead of being they self and just aborting the lil shit.
imagine being born into a dysfunctional family

couldn't be me
Hoooly upvoterino, 500000000 karma material right there, reposting to /r/childfree asap
Watch Varg Vikernes videos
did everyone miss the part where he says mommy was the sole breadwinner? yeah it's not a good look to be a neet father if true
enjoy a luxury that will not be there in future, manmaxx
it's because the brat is viewed as an extension of themselves


If a parent refers to raising a kid as a sacrifice, it tells you everything you need to know about their character.
It's like the slutwhore djanka going after a rich guys only and being angry why she's left and going to ngos that harrasse me

She ain't a provider just want an easy life and stupid bitch doesn't understand that being rich doesn't mean an easy and good life

So while I progress and have an awesome life the slutwhore is angry and keeps reporting me while i told her she ain't a virgin and that she's an ugly slutwhore her soul Rots by only going after rich guys and than cries at ngos how all man are bad

While I aint living in luxury or having a lavish lifestyle

In the end I am more happy than her and she will never have true love nor she can have money so she can go fuck herself

And there isn't only one djanka so any slutwhore cannot sue
it by definition is a sacrifice
DJ anka go fuck yourself
>enjoy a luxury that will not be there in future, manmaxx
Lmao what a cope
>bro you're not a real man if you don't drive this four wheeled toy
It's the choice of words. They wouldn't subconsciously see it as a sacrifice because the time / money that went into it aren't "lost".
I'd be more worried for people who view their children as 'investment'. Aka every selyak ever.
Like dj anka sees investment with her pussy

She got 27years old slutwhore without a child no one will take her and I made sure her fantasy isn't also going to fulfill itself
a sacrifice isn't lost, it's exchanged for something

literally me
yes, driving a literal hunk of steel killing machine with an exploding core around is as masculine coded as it gets. we alive today are singularly privileged to have been afforded the opportunity.
consciously or subconsciously it is a sacrifice. kids will forever be rng, you could do everything right and there would still be no gusrantees of a good outcome. their lives could just be snuffed out by some arbitrary occurance at a moment's notice
>yes, driving a literal hunk of steel killing machine with an exploding core around is as masculine coded as it gets. we alive today are singularly privileged to have been afforded the opportunity.
This posts reeks of reddit.
Yes was just thinking about this kek. Two sides of the same coin. Jewish mfs. As lach said, they see the kid as an extention of they self. Is your kid a business, bro?
your sense of smell is fucked. reddit would bikecel and jerk off to noiseless electric toycars.
No, there is just hope that there will be something in return. Like all the mfs who were sacrificed to the gods hoping to earn their favor.
To the slut whore dj anka I sent over the years bunch of songs so she is a slutwhore
it's exchanged for hope
if there is something that wasn't before that's an exchange
Point is to a loving parent there's no sacrifice because time / money doesn't matter when it comes to their kid's well being, so they wouldn't even think to use that word.
Nah, obsession with trying to appear more masculine is peak soy.
how idealistic
it's the conditionality methinks. the expectation. one thing is unconditional love in this example, the other is the sacrifice or investment side
f20 on vacation rambling about dj anka
Did you hear the song suno app dedicated to you br0 >>201896243
If parents loved their children unconditionally they wouldn't have disowned Janis and Rick wouldn't be disappointed in Sashko.
I am not trying to appear anything, I am just relishing in it. it is entirely internal. my 4 am commutes are some of the most soulful parts of my life. but I get it, doubt you could understand even if you tried with your tiny cuckmobiles
I still don't know Janis' full lore. In the video he talks about adoptive parents?
My dad isn't disappointed at me
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his face says it all bro
>boze, kade sogresiv
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The Thessaloniki Metro stands as a shining beacon of modern urban infrastructure, representing not just a triumph of engineering but also a symbol of progress for the entire region. With its sleek, state-of-the-art stations and futuristic design, it effortlessly blends cutting-edge technology with the rich cultural history of the city. The metro's efficiency is unparalleled, promising swift, seamless transportation while reducing congestion and pollution, making it a true environmental champion. Every ride feels like a journey into the future, where comfort, convenience, and innovation unite in perfect harmony. Thessaloniki's Metro is nothing short of a game-changer, redefining urban mobility for the 21st century.
He's a loser the only thing he can do is drive and heck even elon musk makes self driving cars

So he's just a loser
There is always expectation. That you'll get a good education, career, make kids. Then one by one they fall short and end up on 4chan and the expectation that remains is don't kys.
you cant even do that thoe
this is a deranged modernite way of thinking. sacrifice is a virtue and goes hand in hand with love
I can drive as well but as I said I drive a bicycle I'm enviorment friendly
Looks exactly like the Sofian one. Probably same company that did it.
actually the expectation is pls do kys
>not trying to appear anything
Lmfao, right.
>le unconditional love
reeks of s0y.

if you wouldn't execute your children for going against your will you might as well get your balls removed.
Do you really hate your dad this much br0
Crazy noises in the office today whilst im sitting here alone. Poltergeist kind of shit.
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Its construction, though challenging and years in the making, has resulted in one of the most advanced transportation systems in Europe, hailed as a masterpiece of modern urban planning. The stunning mosaics and archaeological discoveries incorporated into the station designs serve as a constant reminder of Thessaloniki's rich historical tapestry, allowing passengers to travel not just through space but time. With its impeccable punctuality, the metro offers a stress-free, lightning-fast alternative to other forms of transport, instantly elevating the daily lives of citizens. It is a model for other cities, a testament to Thessaloniki's forward-thinking vision, and a catalyst for both economic growth and cultural preservation. Truly, the Thessaloniki Metro isn't just a transit system—it's a symbol of the city's unwavering commitment to innovation, progress, and excellence.
you sound like the type of nigga who would stand by xpozed being driven around by his wife
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>single tunnel instead of 2
don't talk to me caveman
he reproduced
carcucks here got cars but no one to fill the seats
except I love my father and in turn he loved me. that does not make our love unconditional. should I go against his values, and his will, and his expectations, i would not expect from him his love. as a son i have duties to my father just as he does from I.

le unconditional love is reddit cuck shit.

>i'll love you forever son... even if you are a degenerate leach who only sucks up resources...
yeah, lol. very difficult to love a person like that. and anyone who says otherwise is a liar.
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>his values, and his will, and his expectations
you're saying your dad expected this?
your father shouldve beat your ass instead of touching it inappropriately
You want your dad to chop off his balls and murder you and you know deep down he's very disappointed and his unspoken will is for you to have children but instead you were getting bummed in greece
is it finally done?
>you're saying your dad expected this?
he did actually and he was very angry about the fact. he always told me my mom I would never get married.
>your father shouldve beat your ass
lol my father was practically my drill sergeant
i will still try to have children but my actions would not surprise him in the least. he would be disappointed, angry, but surprised? no.
>he reproduced
under dispute :)
questioning the validity and sincerity of my advise leaves you no other option
I've got news for you, if you buy a car for the sole purpose of "appearing masculine" then you were never masculine to begin with.
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>My degenerate son, we could throw you off a cliff like our ancestors did, but we have better things to do, like enjoy our other 4 healthy sons. A man who worked to succeed and prepared for some losses cannot be bitter. Speaking from a position of abundance, I have nothing but unconditional love for you. Go now and b urself.
I haven't driven a car in 6 years
that unconditional love is based on the condition that you have 4 other eggs that turned out fine, so in the end that love is nothing but virtue signalling
So make more kids nigga. Some will be fuckups and maybe you get a smart good-looking one that will be the golden child.
>so make more kids
and feed them what... exactly?
cute strawman in your head that you can life guru about. the car is the fulfilment of my soul not my vanity. until you understand this you will remain what you are railing against
ugh the insidious creep of decadence
this is how civilizations fall
You're the one who said someone needs to buy a car in order to manmaxx bro. Not a strawman, just FAX. If you have no use out of a car whether it be for personal amusement or something more utilitarian then you're buying it out of vanity.
albania mentioned
'lach, time for you to report for duty
make your nation proud
the only people who wouldn't need a car are soyboy numales that live in the city. every other man would need a car.

exception would be if you had a tractor

my mom drove a tractor
How come gypsies never ask that question
their kids feed themselves by going out and extorting money from people

their old do the same.
Ufffffff te zacesaa prstite....e sea ke bejtas jako
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You do that over the phone. Also the kids hop on TELK. Are you too proud to bribe a commission for a disability, bro?
>feeding is le issue
On balkmoonistan most people have a plot of land that could feed them if they worked it but they don't wanna miss out on wageslaving in the city.
yeah, it's simply sussy for a male not to be carpilled for the aforementioned reasons. if you come to me and say you don't have a use for a car all I am hearing is you're not entrepreneurial, and therefore digging your hole even deeper.
>You do that over the phone
yes but the panhandlers make more in an hour than i do
We have plenty of entrepreneurial tax drivers in Ushkup.
You can't live on potatoes br0. You need animals for meat and the evil EU won't allow you to have piggies and cowies in your yard. Maymuns gave up their rights to scam each other over the phone in the cities.
Abe ajde VLAGAJ u politika ne si igraj igracki
>You can't live on potatoes br0
i did this for 6 months one time

it's not pleasant.
Can't stop listening to Water under the bridge
Suno done made an actual catchy chune for once
Nah I aint going into politics
You have Elena bozinovska for political stuff
Sto mu rekol Sasko na Robin pred da vlezat u schizmobilot?
yeah, and I respect their philistine ambition more than your decadent bourgie ass
Jas sum sostezatel od formula 20
looks like sloni but less ugly
gabagool or zacuscă, eternal struggle.
-Robin, vlagaj u schizmobilot
>taxi driver
You keep digging yourself deeper.
Tell that to polubrainian next time he comes here trying to "bait" with his money flexes
what does greece have to do with alboland bro, focus on your taqqiyah instead >>201901786
i want to bite that sexy adam apple on your neck :3
turkgaria poster is the bet flexxer
when measured to you not even being able to want a car, it is.
ain't me dog, you think I would ever post genshin impact tranime like that?
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leleee utepa me
nikogas nema da zakrepnam
He's bisexual, bro, for real now
Enverhomo, there is no point in getting something which you're not going to use. That's not ambition, it's stupidity.
No I am not bisexual
the seethe comes from never fitting into our society and trying to compensate for it with money and flexing on the inferior poor peasants

fails to see the irony in flexing with bling bling is exactly the hallmark of the insecure peasant
But you are bipolar
its just another larp you retards take too serious again
Nothing wrong with schizophrenia when theres certified homo thugs itt
yes he has said himself the betting is a larp but it comes from genuine seethe and trying to one up the poorfags and put them in their place

Same as my brother like he goes to Greece and fakes as if he's going to restoraunts while he eats a 5eyro cheap gyro

What an inferiority complex shithead he is flexing with other people money a total scrub
the freedom to go anywhere and do anything is something of supreme
value, and you have soycoped yourself out of that, if you even ever had high t wants to begin with
>5 euro gyro

You do really beg for your pockets to get empty, lol
post physique
in greece i paid 3 eur for a corn cob on the beach

anons told me to go there because it was cheaper than turkey

i spent literally 1 paycheck in 3 days and was starved most of the time
>the freedom to go anywhere and do anything is something of supreme
>uses that freedom to go to the local walmart and back
vs the free ushkubian man who can
1) climb tall hill
2) drink rakija and beer by the river
3) bask in the glory of ancient macedon architecture
4) visit the middle east and enjoy tapestries and carpets by the best tradesmen
all within an hour of walking
Turkgaria poster is the bet flexxer is the lulin pp db shill
I'll go load up my truck on fresh farm produce this weekend while you gobble up on weeks old chink imports you could barely carry home as a scootercel
>they think there's only 1 turkgaria poster
Fuck you
what's wrong honey?
My soul is innocent and my body is pure
brat urignah to stana kat prudnq
moite pradni sa se eno zadavam vapros
Well you jest but it really do be like that. Enverhomo seems incapable of understanding how cucked their urban planning is compared to Evropa.
I buy my food fresh as well so you can cope even harder now.
can't get it fresher than literally picking it off of the tree with your own hands
As a selyak I can take the trolley bus to the open market, load up shit in bags and hop back on the trolley.

The problem is I never go to the open market and it's peak sovl there. I should talk to a human or sommin.
Είσαι σχιζοφρενής
>can't get it fresher than literally picking it off of the tree with your own hands
Yes. What did you think I mean?
you should do that. can't believe I'm saying this but you might even benefit from some therapy

Oxi re Malaka enai dio
When you referred to the "schizoid BG flag", did you have anyone in particular in mind?
Gonna freak the shit out of the greek
Are they a namefag or sommin?
Britanny venti is that you

You're very cute
Can you be bothered to post some examples of shit they wrote that led you to conclude that they were schizoid?
bro come on now am I supposed to remember all of that?
it's just a sense, but you just go down the list of schizoid traits and they have been displayed here, and not in a meme way
That's why I said if you can be bothered.. Anything in particular stand out, at least?
avoidant, asocial, doesn not roll with the conversation, solipsistic, a subdued sense of uppity
Enough about (you) now.
heemed him tripking

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