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fairy armadillo edition

mom i'm jerking off you can't leave the door open
yay :D
I dont even hate my job but the scheduling fucking SUCKS
seen innumerably more armadillos dead than alive. do we need em
l would stomp on this stupid looking thing if l ever saw one irl
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>upload requested documents to amazon account to prove i am not robbing myself and that I am in fact me, the cardholder
>it just gets autorejected with no option to talk to a human

i am this fucking close to going to jamal's local computer repair store to get a pc built
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>seen innumerably more armadillos dead than alive. do we need em
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op was going to be this pic and called unhealthy snack edition but that one anons plea warmed my heart and fairy armadillos are really cute i didn't know they existed
good night /cum/
They could easily out-maneuver your fat-ass
what an odd creature
use newegg retard, and stop drinking
no i am going to drink even more tonight

and fuck american companies they are run by computers
good night
>and stop drinking
alri, stalin
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>I want you to cum
>as hard as you can
you can buy the parts, see their compatibility in site, and pay a small fee for them to assemble it for you. btw amazon is american too IDIOT
you don't know this leaf, he's trying to drown his sorrows and will likely kill his liver or himself in the process
Vengeance would come in the form of his cousin the Giant Armadillo
Why do I view women as inferior?
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>you don't know this leaf, he's trying to drown his sorrows
why else would one drink
he's a big fellow
drinking milk
Almost every philosopher across the world did. Could they all be wrong?
Probably because you have AIDS.
well the greeks were gay, so...
from a physical standpoint you aren't wrong of course, but there are many women in the world with an incredibly sharp wit .
and emotional intelligence is usually higher, for what it's worth
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>btw amazon is american too IDIOT
no shit that is why I said that bro

and newegg is big enough that I'm worried I'll just run into the same automated bullshit that is angry I made a new account, bought a computer, and shipped it to my post office.

looking at Canadian hardware store I used to buy parts from instead... my account there is old. maybe they won't fucking ban me for buying this with my own damn money
old spongebob is a timeless classic for all ages
women are physically superior
enjoy buddy i'll have a little bit myself too
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cute projection city slicker
>vengeance woul-ACK
Remember when people thought he was gay? He's not gay, he's Spongebob.
>eat armadillo
>he gives you leprosy
the armadillo always wins
i was talking about physical strength, not aesthetics
which sex is more attractive is subjective and in the eye of the beholder
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hope you enjoy your glass of milk as well.
Is Burdmin ITT?
>philosophers are only ancient greeks
umm, eurocentric much? do better sweetie
>lil bab can't into cooking
skill issue
I'm way drunk but I love alla youse! Even the black girl!
women are the submissive gender that's kind of what being inferior is
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>It is only a man whose intellect is clouded by his sexual impulse that could give the name of the fair sex to that under-sized, narrow-shouldered, broad-hipped, and short-legged race; for the whole beauty of the sex is bound up with this impulse. Instead of calling them beautiful there would be more warrant for describing women as the unaesthetic sex. - Schopenhauer
what did he mean by this?
stop posting your tranny crush distefano
closeted homosexual
wish I could take a long hot bath
go to work come home go back to work so you can have a home to come back to that's about all there is to this fuckass life. countless improbabilities cosmological chemical and evolutionary vanishingly unlikely that they could be called miraculous converged at one time in one place at the only time in the only place as far as we are aware and we cash this advantage pacing back and forth between two places to be agonized among people and then agonized alone. better that it hadn't happened at all
She's not a tranny you frocio
Somebody ban this stronze
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is it just me or are trannies getting hotter at an alarming rate
what's the end goal of your weird sopranos dialect language, are you planning on traveling there or is it just a hobby
i just can't stop dubs posting. is this what they call a gambling addiction?
if dubs i'll go for an incelwalk otherwise i'll play some vidya and go to bed.
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if only you had gotten into sportsball at an early age you could've been normal
what's stopping you
yeah it's getting harder to be a heterosexual man these days
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>Jean-Jacques Rousseau wrotes: "Always justify the burdens you impose upon girls but impose them anyway... . They must be thwarted from an early age... . They must be exercised to constraint, so that it costs them nothing to stifle all their fantasies to submit them to the will of others." Other quotes about how to best deal with women consist of "closed up in their houses", "must receive the decisions of fathers and husbands like that of the church"
And Rousseau?
this is the most pathetic post i've seen you make in a while
you are poisoning your mind with this stuff and worsening your situation
The bar is open Thursdays and Fridays. Went easy tonight
lol stfu
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would not have saved me, i was made to play football for years as a kid and it was like a rejected organ transplant. i was cooked from the time i was knitted together in the womb this life was never going to be a go
Not everything is related to tv
I don't expect a scooch like you to understand
Raised by a society that treated women like sub-humans, he was a product of his environment. Same with all the other philosophers. It's also why our founding fathers were champions of freedom, but also slave owners.
I never knew little league was free so I never tried out for a team until high school

I hate past me
thinking of buying a pillow, getting tired of using balled up hoodies and towels
he's been dead for 250 years, and his backwards ideas about women are similarly outdated and dead .
back in those days I thought sportsball was gay because my peewee team had to wear long purple socks.
But now i can jerk off to gender swapped pictures of myself
Im also finding out which poses are cringe due to shit posing or the poser being a male
>not owning a pillow
>jerking off to gender swapped pictures of myself

you guys are so down bad holy shit
name another example of a regional italian dialect being referenced in modern america
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>But now i can jerk off to gender swapped pictures of myself
Absolutely important to invest in your sleep health
how do you not own a pillow
same, i always was mega shit at all sports
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burned the crap out the tip of my pointer finger trying to reheat this chicken aaaaaa
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trying to buy a car
man this market sucks
I can't help where my father's people were born. If that happens to coincide with your favorite TV show, that's not my concern. My mom's family is Sardegnan, you want me to tell you how to make casu marzu
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I have some controversial opinions regarding Islam
i do too and i have said them here before
i got very chuddy with it
what kind of car? budget?
agree that the market sucks right now, but it's not likely to get better in the next year or two.
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fight on, sandeep
you're too sloshed to entertain me, eat something greasy and get home safe bro
i hate everything about my life but i will never ever ever kill myself i promise
Islam is an evil and intolerant religion. We don't tolerate Naziism so why do we tolerate Islam?
You dudes wouldn't happen to know if there are any cool bonus features on the Frozen, Frozen 2, and Moana blurays?
as long as you promise you won't do that it's okay
i know how you feel
Yeah I'm pretty gone
Be good to the people you meet, I'll see you tomorrow morning
good goy, stick around and toil for jews a little bit longer
people still buy physical media?
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i just want peace
are you trying to buy new or used?

As far as negotiating goes, you'll have better luck on new cars or private sellers.
true gamers know the real #gamerfuel is trolli sour gummy worms
what do you think would bring you peace ?
Times are changing, and many young men, not just the weirdos who sat by themselves watching star wars at school, are finding themselves alone.
they're brown
love those guys
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goodnight and sweet dreams
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this will be me tmw night
i'm unemployed rn and just trying to find a shitbox, what i've heard from others is that that's where the market is the most inflated but idk
yeah i've been looking at private seller exclusively
shut the hell up bob
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It's the incel century
good night
where are kids even supposed to hang out anymore? malls are dead, and even when kids would hang out in malls they were constantly hounded by security and told to stop loitering .
kids have nowhere to hang out, and they're under supervision at school. so they just sit at home online, and they get exposed to all kinds of brain rot and crazy political stuff and echo chambers . can you blame a lot of them for going fucking crazy ?
unironically, use facebook marketplace. lots of shit on there. you'll need to dig and know what to look for if you don't want something that'll kill you, but you can still find decent deals.
faceberg marketplace is your best bet, check with >>>/o/ too for references on buying used and any niche questions you might have about a specific car
Come writers and critics
Who prophesize with your pen
And keep your eyes wide
The chance won't come again
And don't speak too soon
For the wheel's still in spin
And there's no tellin' who
That it's namin'.
For the loser now
Will be later to win
For the times they are a-changin

one of my absolute favorite ppm covers
Better hope I don't catch you lacking
i wish i liked alcohol
do you want to have sex (lovingly and heterosexually)
the unusual times were when every guy had a sweetheart. only 40% of males in the history of the human species reproduced. this is a return to the status quo sorry pal you juuuuust missed the golden years
niggas be like
"this beer too spicy *HIC*"
what's ur budget
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how is it possible to drift with no plates in one of Americas most famous place? and also get away with it?
yes (probably not with you, sorry)
alcohol makes my bones hurt and i can't drink on my medicine anyway
if l don't have a wife by 35 l'm just going to s thirdie country and buying someone with good genetics for strong offspring
Someone here doesn't like me for some reason

drink more Malk
>if l don't have a wife by 35
Me personally I'm killing myself if I reach this point. Another 11 years of being alone would destroy me.
i don't think my multivitamin contains vitamin r so you might be right
Hope you're ready for the divorce rape
>alcohol makes my bones hurt
lmao what
you get used to it, if you're not picky it'll fall into your lap but l'm pretty damn picky and turned up more than a few opportunities already and l'm not much older than you
alcohol and all intoxicants are one of the many ways normalniggers voluntarily humiliate themselves, surrendering agency and metamorphosing into a lumbering ruddy faced low inhibition jester clown to be mocked. smoking cigarettes on the other hand makes you smarter, makes you look cool, and has no negative side effects
i don't know but it just makes me feel like my bones are aching
i can't explain it and everyone i've ever told it to had said i'm crazy
we have prenups in muttland, not my problem
>cum niggas be like "dis beer 2 spiccy"
for me it's joining the amish and getting set up with an ugly wife and a job raising barns
that will immediately get thrown out if the judge is a liberal or woman, but I repeat myself.
Whenever I even think about talking to women I'm reminded that I have 0 rizz
just practice having unspoken rizz (being handsome)
I already said that you thieving n*gger
you just give up on everything before you even try because you self identify as an incel and honestly it's pretty pathetic
we should take you to a lab and study that for science
if it involves like cutting my bones open to study them when i drink i don't wanna
i want to hang you up on one of those hooks they hang swordfish on when they catch a big swordfish through your soft palate
True but not because I self identify with anything
that's pretty metal
reminds me of that one scene in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
LOL, funny and original! good post my friend
l was thinking of those white mexican morman girls getting posted here recently ngl
if they throw out my legal contract I'll just throw the bitch out the window, if my kids are getting a villain backstory then so be it
thread is slow, maybe i should start gooning
it's the mexicans isnt it
how will that make the thread any faster
what is gooning help i am old

is it zoomer for jerking off
I think my hard limit to an hero is 50
assuming I dont snap before then
its the same as edging
yes but nobody has ever been able to tell me the difference between gooning and edging i think they are just used interchangeably
ok thank you young fman
I think people here use it like that but it actually is fetishizing one's own porn addiction.
my goons are a big deal, people usually get pretty excited
i get the booby ads occasionally but i mostly just get ads for temu and shein and other cheap chinese garbage clothes / jewelry
That's safe for work why are you seething?
shouldn't you be getting blown up in the steppes right now
Edging is the practice of holding your orgasm, sometimes simply just for as long as you can in one session and other times masturbating until near the point of orgasm and stopping entirely to pick up in the next session and so on.
Gooning is fetishizing ones own porn addiction and can including edging as a means of prolonging the pleasure from the act of gooning.
Watching whores on chaturbate and tweaking my nipples
im watching my twitchfu
yeah those three 1cm thick green lines keep it above board. without those it's just pornographic
brit OP got me actin up
>temu and shein
maybe i should add those cookies to my history and see if i get those ads, i'm tired of getting spammed with porn and hentai and jailbait
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i did buy a bee bracelet from this ad because it was a small american seller and part of the money goes to bee conservation
we gotta protect the pollinators
the minecraft movie looks awful
I love art
got it thanks
like i said it's not always those and i still get booby ads from time to time but not always
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ok i bought a pc on ye old canadian tech merchant and it worked without issue and now I finally have that big charge on my card that I get to pick up extra shifts to work off more quickly

i am calmer now and can drink because I'm normal miserable now again
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We love tits and ass here
The man who does more than he's paid for will soon be paid for more then he does
have once again coom'd to eva porn again
and oh look, time for bed so I can go wageslave again
buzz buzz
I wish women were just whores who only cared about money. I'm a beta paypig and giving women money is such a pain in the ass.
some shit toilberg would say
Nice boomer quote. More like:
The man who does more than he's paid for will continue to be exploited.
i worked 7 minutes for free today but not cause i wanted to
I'm sure working hard is good everyone and the country but work for thee not for me
I clock in and go straight to the shitter in the morning
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god took away sex from my life by repeatedly punching me in the head and raping me with a ghost. he then would force me to listen to long propaganda speeches where he tries to convince me i never had sex, and that all my problems are because i'm ugly. this is a type of MKULTRA programming torture he is forcing me to do.
it's nice that modberg removed the ip count on threads
now i can schizopost as multiple people freely and no one is any the wiser
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>this guy again
he’s cute
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hope i have one of those girlfriend dreams tonight but before i wake up i suffer a spontaneous brain hemorrhage and die instantly
I could be in love one day
seriously, a horrible spammer. boring shit too
yeah i use to have a girlfriend, i had 5 of them. but then god started talking to me. he actually started raping me and punching my head over and over. its been 5 years since then, and hes still doing it. he just punched me in the head for over 3 hours.
do I need a linkedin for a successful career?
fuck am i your guidance counselor
One schizo out the door, another walks in.
yeah he would basically strangle my brain somehow, like hes suffocating it. then he would try to convince me the pain i'm feeling is because i'm ugly and lonely. its like a diversion psyop.
Did he use lube at least? Damn
you never had any girlfriends, they were hallucinations given to you by god so he could take them away
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no but it's an easy way to meet recruiters instead of having to deal with AI bullshit
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Are we just turning into /cu/ if Trump wins again?
i don't understand why this general is such a powerful schizo magnet. just part and parcel of posting here that some demented retard is going to be spamming unintelligible shit nobody cares about at all times
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everyone's racist until they actually have to interact with their chosen group of hatred and realize that they were just classist the whole time
>she thinks mexico doesnt like it when america is great

he tried to convince us hes done way more than he actually did. its actually a type of torture to lie like that. fact is, he actually DID. my proof? i've spent around 15,000 hours screaming in agony because hes torturing me. i'm not screaming because i have an illness, hes actually punching me in the head and raping me.
i feel kinda bad for him but if he’s an arrogant bastard he probably deserves the label
Not really.
i would never let my musumekun date a brownoid
Every movie channel on vacation is about the holocaust
Maybe you would be happier with someone else but once you made the commitment it's first come first served
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i think i would just ignore those thoughts and pretend they dont exist
Virgin Island be kidding me
It’s gonna be kind of fun to get a new flag when i go on vacation but i probably wouldn’t post much
it could also be really annoying because people can single out my posts
where you going?
i love posting here under new flags when I travel abroad
100% of the music and TV shows are propaganda. works because its bullying. they bully us about sex and money to kill us. they took control of the media lol, although that was at least 100 years ago now.
im going somewhere after the holidays but im still undecided if i should leave the country
i might just go to cancun again idk
One of the plots was to rewrite the Bible and claim heaven was on earth, and to subtly suggest that heaven was a brown western world. Another plot was to promise sex in exchange for dead whites. I wonder if any of this worked, probably did. They got lots of plots. Another plot is to convince poor people to steal and rape, to start civil wars against the higher caste. It's all pro brown
Maya Buttreeks
They tried to kill millenials with prop. Girls were flooded with genres on tumblr depicting suicide, rape as being sexy, men as being violent, marriage as being bad, piercings and tattoos as being desirable, cuckoldry and cheating as a fetish. And they paid for this, it was mostly image macros, so people could repost. They got way better at it now.
I hope you have a great time.
I love traveling so much
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The word Ohio looks like a tractor
My well is dry
Can't think of a good post
goin nighty night
don't stay up too long
just thought of one myself but i'm saving it for an opportune moment
Is this banned? Lol, the Bible is pozzed beyond repair. It tries to tell you that you're the only real one and that you're a horse of the apocalypse. If you actually read the Bible in 2034, that's what it says. It also says heaven is on earth and you can go there once everyone is brown. And you'll get a 10/10 wife for an eternity.
Most of mine are stolen from elsewhere
good night
im watching tv so im kinda absent
Come to Brazil, you'll get free housing and food but only in exchange for sexual favors, this offer is only valid for women
I thought you were a poorfag
wow brazilian housing AND brazilian food AND you get to be taken advantage of by a brazilian? what's the catch?
i’ll pass
More like you're taking advantage of me, it's a steal
I'd like to go to sleep and never wake up.
This is a psyop to distract you. It's trying to make you think about a third world country, you're in CUM. It's also trying to gaslight you on sex. Guy is literally a CIA agent. Look what I just said about the Bible. Communication networks are down.
I'd slap the shit out y'all
These guys are CIA agents. They've been spamming every board with shitposts for a couple years. 100% cereal, internet is down. You haven't noticed.
what if i ducked under the slap and slapped you back
spinny please post butthole
i give so much and ask for little in return
>TAMERS12345 has shifted away from Sonic autism into pony autism
>he's getting 5x the views now
>this shit is strangely watchable
I hate this but at the same time I can't look away
Kill yourself
I refuse to life on my resume
Grab you by your collar and hold you against the wall
Never watched this shit but I think some of the girls are sexy from what I've gathered his art improved somewhat
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nice, I wanna ride one


i hand fed a giraffe once he slobbered all over me with that giant tongue of his
It's 07:59 am
I am drunker than a mofo
These kids at work have no clue what's about to hit them in the face
No fucking clue
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>Carl Jung had a unique perspective on schizophrenia, which he saw primarily as a disorder of a psychological, rather than biological, nature. Jung believed the cause of schizophrenia was rooted in the unconscious mind. He theorized that the condition was a result of a retreat from the harsh realities of the world into an inner fantasy life, which was itself a response to an overwhelming situation or internal conflict that the individual could not integrate with their conscious self.

>For treatment, Jung emphasized the importance of psychological understanding and therapy. He believed that addressing the contents of the unconscious mind through dialogue and exploring the patient's inner experiences was crucial. Jung used techniques such as dream analysis and active imagination—a method where patients engage with their fantasies and dream images in a waking state. He aimed to help patients reconcile the conflicting parts of their psyche and gradually reintegrate them into a more stable and coherent whole
Well damn .
you probably shouldn’t drink before work you could get in trouble or there could be an accident
What are you planning?....
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didn't read that, but there is a theory that Foxes have "noticed" what humans have done for dogs and are trying to become cuter so they can be pets too.

the main problem is they're pretty stinky I guess
Na foxes are too independent to train
Russia tried to, and they were able to make them docile but they couldn't potty train them
Ok chatgpt
Being an unhandlable third worlder
i’ve seen how toxic japanese work culture is where people literally work themselves to death so we really don’t need that here, and someone needs to slap that narcissistic butthole and tell him that human beings aren’t just work drones
What are you going to get out of this
come on dude you can’t just say something vague and ominous like that and expect me not to be at least a little concerned
I don't know what this means, you stupid ESL.
Seven trillion dollars
I want to kick the bitchy fat whore coworker in her teeth
I think Barron Trump might be the antichrist boys
When I get my masters I will refuse any job that pays less than $30 an hour
Women are dainty and whimsical
some are
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please don't do something stupid that you'll regret
save it for monday at the very least
I pay my helpers $26 and $32 no experience needed
Doing a 3am poop
I wonder if that one anon read pseudo Dionysius like he said he was going to
>goes to nyu
Not surprised
They can't help it
Ok u know what, one of y'all is about to be slapped tf up by me
*points to the guy next to me*
he was talking shit about you bro
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He's working in sales, that's not the same as a japanese salary worker who isn't getting time off. Commissions incentivize him to work as much as he wants, and his idea of working on Sunday is probably cold calling people for an hour or two and then going to some social party soiree thing to meet people
uhhhhhhhh this >>201887710
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thank you i will be stealing this from you
fair enough
I'm covered in sunburns
might make the new
might not
You have to, yours are the best
did you use spf?
i hate sunburns but aloe helps a lot if you have it, try to wear loose fitting clothes so it doesn't rub you as bad
if you want to that's fine just say because i don't want to step on your toes or anything
I'm tired. Tired of life.
>did you use spf
Only on my face, and only spf 15. Might start religiously applying spf 50 everywhere from now on
Don't worry anon. Life is a series of ups and downs. Try to enjoy the ride, the down will be over eventually
i am not mapchad unfortunately
i said 'might'. i don't like to be pinned down by authoritarian concepts like 'plans', 'intentions', and 'promises'
In my dreams I am a Chad
I think I actually don't have autism. I'm diagnosed with adhd and anxiety and they are both pretty severe, and I'm shy, but I'm not autismal
i am very pale so i pretty much do exactly that lol
some other fair skinned anon here really swore by spf 100, but if you can't find that spf is plently and it works for me.
and make sure to reapply, especially if you're sweating a lot . wide brimmed hats help a lot for me cause it covers my neck face and ears
ok well i'm going to do it then if you are wish washy on it
50 spf is plenty*
i think a lot of people just say autism to mean neurodivergent but idk if you mean you have an actual autism diagnosis
Me using SPF 50 and still ghostface tier
spf 100 or pain
total sun death
the world is a gamma
Oh, I'm definitely neurodivergent. No autism diagnosis but my psychologist mother suspects it. But like I was looking through some autism memes and I really can't relate to most of them, and the ones that I can relate to can be explained away as social anxiety.
autism is currently in vogue with the 'tiktok mental disorder club'
i hate that mental disorders are cool things to collect to them, and they make it a big part of their life and identity. i don't want to be mentally ill, i want to be normal and i reject building an identity around it i just want to be normal and they don't get that
it's not fun its not cool its not trendy or funny it ruins my life stop making it out to be something fun and quirky
Stop larping you fat fuck
I thought you were spinny actually
Yes you make it <3
1349873631 gay neutrinos
understandable, i get mistaken for spinny a lot, idk why
Maybe one day I'll become an xray tech or something so I can fuck with people by larping as a radiation schizo
Start training now, it takes years of work to get a position like that

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