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tech support edition

I have not been getting enough sleep and I am very tired
get some sleep then
unless you want under eye bags
disturbing disgusting perverse and sick song
i love it
I've had dark circles under my eyes for years and I don't know how to get rid of them
vitamin c and retinol and collagen creams and serums work great for this that's like your first line treatments
being properly hydrated and getting plenty of sleep are also really important
i can link you what i use if you'd like
i had this song on my ipod much against my parents wishes back in the day
a female coworker came to me once saying she thought she had autism
i asked her why(she displayed 0 signs) and she said she saw some tiktoks and just felt like she had it
How is your breathing when you sleep?
yeah that kind of shit makes me really mad refer to my previous post
mental illnesses are not cool quirks to collect and compare with your friends
this shit ruins your life and makes you the weird one who people don't get along with makes me so mad when the most outgoing gregarious neurotypicals think that a mental illness is just like your astrological sign
omg i organized my folder in alphabetical order im so OCD :P
Should I start blasting steroids?
Same. Apparently castor oil works but I've never tried it such cases
I got hit in the balls today
It hurt and I just laid on the ground.
>not tuckmaxxing
how did it happen
are your guys okay
why is your name s
It's hard because I want to stay up and keep consume internet content
Girl hit me "as a joke" in front of her friends. I'm ok now
what the hell that's not okay
beat her ass
Yeah. Oh well
That would be mean
today i will read some things and then read up on women and babies :3
and i love Reggie!
how did that even happen like what's the context i don't see how you kick someone as a joke that's messed up
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been having some intense orgasms lately
put two posts together there
i love Whygena ^.^ heh
That was grueling
Punch not kick
She just had me turn around as if she was trying to see something on my shirt then yeah
i love this weather
reminds me of when i was happy and young
going to listen to "scarlet fire" now
im sorry that happened anon that's really mean and fucked up what a bitch
this cat's got no fucking clue
he's trying his best leave him alone
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you cant do this to me
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Time for bed
good night
I'm turned on by the sight of my own blood, and the taste of blood in my mouth during sex.
IVE GOT BLISTERS ON ME FINGERS from touching the oven yesterday again
got to stop picking the pizzas up with my bare hands when theyve been dipped in oil
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calling it early tonight
good night
wow goodnight everyone
didnt know that posting here was such a job for you
oive got aresnic in me chocolate
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>transport to 2015 trump rally



bust down thotiana
ratpedo and the jewrat
very grim
I don't know which one's ratpedo
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i met all my wives in traffic jams
there's just something women like about a pickup man
ive listened to a few podcasts by now and what i noticed is that a LOT of doctors like to switch jobs, if not having a point in their lives where they go and do something random (idk!) also, there was a doctor or nurse whos had experience in the ER before going into the GP, and those skills carry over and she was obviously very good, but i think that it is a good environment or place for it to be in for me to go there without experience after learning in school
Time for bed.
Tim Hortons wrote "persevere" on their coffee cups. This is a method of torture called gaslighting. I caught them because they do this a lot, the same thing every time. The lids for the Slurpee cups have the word solo on them. Another gaslight. This is warfare against my town lol. I'm not sure what to do.
ogey Canada :D
Who up jorkin' they it?
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Another fine morning.
Why do you come here to say this every morning?
Had a good night
Playing deadlock
Lost my game of deadlock in a complete one sided stomp
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I am the least successful member of my family despite being the oldest sibling.
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I am immigrating to Canada within a year. Welcome me.
Are you by chance a cute girl?
I am gay. That’s mainly the reason why I’m moving.
That’s funny. I know a gay couple from Germany who also moved here to be gay.
Nice. Canada is one of the best places to be gay.
Yes, here you just live hidden and as you age things get bleak. Heard you can live like a normal person even as a gay there.
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I fucked a hot Mexican twink in the ass last night.
Have I betrayed my country?
How was the sex?
>How do you know someone is a homosexual in 2024?
9He'll tell you.
Are chuds like this in your country
just want to make the thread aware that hes been posting race baiting and his own shitty fanfic with AI pictures of blapepul for like 5 or 6 hours now
people left the thread like 2 hours ago but they still dont care. and all the posts are obviously just procedurally generated low quality shit which all follows a specific formulae and is mass produced in streams if not just him posting AI pictures and talking to himself. as i was making this post I got banned

they have been postign i for hours upon hours
Guy staring intently at his wristwatch before locking eyes with me saying, "Time is an illusion."
most hot women have been coddled from birth and are basically retarded
My fantasy is performing oral sex on Elle Fanning, and I suffer every moment that I'm prevented from doing it.
anyone else have a deep desire to dance?
I dont know any moves though
deeply interested in line dancing and disco
no. i hate dancing
Pitch me your novel idea.
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>Death toll of German civilians during WWII: 1.5-3 million
>Death toll of Soviet civilians during WWII: 19-20 million
>Both sides were EQUALLY bad XD (although the Soviets were worse)
Do you love Japan?
I do actually. I don't like how Japanese people have herd mentality and are also very timid though, but at the same time if you change that, then everything else I love about Japan will suffer.
it's a nice cunt
Yes, except for the periods when Japan was evil (1910-1945 and 1973-1991.)
Honestly cannot intuit your point with this post. State your meaning.
Everyone suffers from it here.

What happened during this period? We have always been the best friends.
need bummy
today will be nice and pleasant. i'm willing it to happen
Just realized I’ve never met a Japanese person before
wake up
(Can’t wake up)
grab a brush and put on a little makeup
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Always makes me feel weird how everyone has their heartbreak stories. Comments on like every song certain to have posts like "this helped me after a rough breakup!" Or "me and my ex loved this song. Finally got over her" and the classic "she broke my heart but im stronger now and a better person because of it"

What is the equivalent for being a forever alone? If having your heart broken makes you a stronger, better person, what does never having felt strong emotions do? Are we less human?
During that time boomers were afraid that Japan would economically overtake the US so public opinion of Japan was low at the time
I'm shitposting on company time feels good man
brit is funny to look at once in a while but i feel that posting there long term would be a disaster for your mental
Same bro
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i feel privileged for never having my heart broken. in fact, i am superior to the average normoid
>Are we less human?
I don’t feel lesser. I think it (remaining celibate and alone) is a natural response to the cost/benefit analysis of spending a huge portion of your life catering to a potential mate. Not a huge chance of success but as they say “you can’t win if you don’t play”.
no you're not
>What is the equivalent for being a forever alone?
We are less human and more godlike
Just know that, if smell-o-vision existed, I would be posting the scent of my cock right now
just drained my bladder all over this thread
smoke opium for a month straight and quit cold turkey, it's the exact same heartbroken feeling
>less life experience is le good
objectively wrong but if you're happy who cares
FUCK this is such a submissive and breedable post
>smoke opium for a month straight and quit cold turkey, it's the exact same heartbroken feeling
I didn't smoke opium because im not a 19th century Chinese peasant, but i have gone through opiod withdrawals plenty of times. I guess that makes sense, thanks anon
Time to dust my record player and pull some records out.
Can't help but notice I'm just sitting here waiting for somebody to match my freak and/or nastay
im not banned anymore
did you get banned by the schizoid brit too
Did 3 sets of 20 squats. 15lbs in each hand
How your legs feeling? God i miss working out so much but i hate going to gyms with other ppl in them. I just want to be rich and build my own home gym.and my own home skatepark that'd be so sick
Once had a girl ask me for my Instagram and I told her I didn’t have one so she sat down and basically forced me to make an account so we could follow each other
Ended up using it exclusively to talk to girls and follow sports pages which apparently made me look normal to girls
no i said the T word
>have to take outer sleeve off
>have to pull record out
>have to take inner sleeve off
>listen to 3 songs
>by the time I make 10 4chan posts the songs are over
>have to take record
>put it in the inner sleeve
>insert it in the cover
>then outer sleeve
>put it back in the collection
>repeat the same thing with a different record just to enjoy a few songs again

Man listening to music back in the day was an entire process.
should've told her you have a 4chan gold account
i promise i will stop talking politics!!
There are women out there who know I use 4chan I just lied to them that /int/ was basically a chat room for people from other countries and that /sp/ is really a sports board
Speaking of which i need to get my old iphones repaired i have so much music on there that i havent listened to in years now becos im too cheap and lazy to get them fixed
Really sick of these Anti-Federalist rats
I can see right through their facade
They just want us back under the British boot
Just conquered new lands for /cum/


My thirst for conquest is unquenchable
The only person who cares is the schizoid brit and he got mindbroken so hes out of commission until he forgets
What you mean you have music on your iphones? You don't have an entire flac collection on your SSD?
Based American CHADS are rubbing their girthy circumcised rods all over Swedish women

Patriotchads i feel good
I do it at home. They feel well worked out rn. Probably will get DOMS in a day or two.
Nope i would just download it directly onto my phones
Simply said to ignore him one time and he spent the next week accusing everyone of being me because he thought I was someone worse he was obsessed with
Went on a tinder date with a Canadian girl once and she said she was surprised I wasn’t circumcised
gookmoot had me fooled this whole time
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got offered the job i wanted!! shieet today's already off to a good start boys, hope all you fellow seekers land something soon as well!
im circumcised
one of us
one of us
one of us
**cums in your hair**
Daaamn I see you my g. Get your bread up.
congrats bud
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painful existence
My T is so high I have the confidence of a white man in china town
Kek on this stupid mandatory zoom call for work didnt realize my mic was on and i said really loudly "this is dumb" before i noticed they can hear me.
becky from hr's gonna remember that next time your promotion packet falls on her desk
Hey fucksticks
Idgaf anymore tbqh. Running this until it falls apart then im getting a van and just wandering
Hey turdnugget.
thread theme (high class african american music culture edition)
drinking lipton tea
>drinking lipton tea
Gonna take a big shit at work soon
Bathroom is gonna reek
based DEI hired, enjoy your free pass
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rate my wallpaper
thanks bros
this would be relatable if i had friends
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hey guys what's up
submissive and breedable post
>the discord tranny windows 10 experience wallpaper
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Just finished my morning coffee, cum.
how's it going?
im trying my best to exist
thanks man! i credit it to checking "refuse to identify" under all the demographics questions
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sa dude
>temperature in fahrenheit
you're on a proxy arent you
fat fuck
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he's just a little chonky boy
he is an obese, mistreated tub of lard
i was running through the six with my woes
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its coming
hey now, that is rude
you're cuming?
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the 'za is coming
sorry, bud. i just hate fatties is all
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sincere or ironic, this is a retarded thing to have carved into your flesh
Make it stop I beg you
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i look like that
boy what the heeeelll
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so is your face idiot
me graduating with a 3.8 when i need a 4.0
it's friday buds. gonna drink tonight
Is it just me or do 2nd gen indians in canada have their own accent?
I got a free baja blast from a girl at taco bell the other day that ive been keeping in a thermos so probably that and water
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>drinking soda
the only thing that should escape the lips of an indian is a death croak
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good post
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Unpopular opinion

Children don't belong in restaurants and especially don't belong in cafes
Still boggles me that written smut is so unpopular compared to pictures and videos. You’d think it would have more social presence on the ‘net. Maybe I just don’t hang out with those circles.
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>Unpopular opinion
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Only faggots and women belong in cafes.
I was a Literotica enjoyer back when I was a teen
written smut is the most popular category of books among women.
remember 50 shades of gray?
i think gays groom straight people because they know getting raped isnt that bad, and that all the women complaining about it just need to grow a pair and get over it
michael jackson had a rabbi?
All homosexuality comes from some trauma or dysfunction. Normal human men like women. If you don't something horrible happened to you to make you have such unnatural desires. It could have been horrible in terms of abuse or horrible in terms of some extreme dysfunction
>most popular category of books among women
Exactly! And yet, I cannot think of any books of that genre other than FSoG and Twilight.
womemes unironically goon to that shit (and in public) all the time
rabbis are smart
>10 dollar hourly pay raise just moving from texass to oregon
>1.50 raises for each production machine i'm trained on
>brand new company with a gorillion paths to move up
>incentive pay just to show up for work
we're so fucking back
You could also say conniving
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Enjoying some American tunes on vinyl. This band is from Chicago, hometown of the /cum/ resident sodomite.
I don't know what they did to this coffee at work but I had a mild pineapple aftertaste that's deeply unsettling.
They spit in your coffee
>>incentive pay just to show up for work
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>taking bitches out to EAT
>Spending MONEY on these HOES
Well my name's John Lee Pettimore
so the conversation is limited by your ignorance. why not just look up the most popular books of any season and quantify which are 'romance' or 'smut', rather than just believe that written smut is unpopular
telepathy is real desu
Nae, but telekinesis is
>women goon in public
Advanced gooning.
i think the owner is a millennial, they just signed a giant contract and are making it rain on the wagies as a reward, you won't see me complaining lol
ghosts are real desu
>why not just look up the most popular books of any season and quantify which are 'romance' or 'smut', rather than just believe that written smut is unpopular
Yeah, good idea. My original point was that I rarely see it without searching THOUGH.
Einstein's theory of relativity isn't true.
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you're conflating popularity with you being aware of it.
all theories are models.
no models are true.
some models are useful.
relativity is a useful model
l dont trust any celebrity scientists considering they're all too fucking pussy to release research on harvesting ambient ac energy and salt water engines
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Everything would go so much smoother if people would just do as I say, all the time
bought groceries
was responsible for once
gonna go pee in a cup, fucking hell i hope my everything bagel doesn't make me test positive for opiates
>relativity is a useful model
useful as propaganda yes
could you elaborate on that?
i'm not watching an long ass youtube video when i could just read a short ass 4channel post.
>sips cup
this nigga on fent!
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Is the day of the dead as degenerate is halloween or carnival or nollins mardis gras?
Women don't have balls and pussy isn't sensitive like gonads so they can get kicked in the crotch and it don't hurt.
Im not watching it either but i assume his issue is relativity while it has predictive power, modern institutions refuse to explore alternative models to the detriment of greater understanding. Basically they've gone balls deep in one monolithic theory and stifle other possibilities
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divine insight (aka, made it up)
I laid down too fast last night and somehow squeezed my balls it hurt really bad
I do that sometimes
Gonna hang out with the boys tonight at the bar and play some pool

theme song
I like the cheese girl
doesnt punching them in the boobs hurt them though
Gonna hang out with the boys tonight at the casino and make a million
Not really, at least not any more than punching them anywhere else would
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>graduated with 2.78 gpa
>found a job right after college, and I'm now making 150k
life is so easy, bros
tired of niggas bringing their dumbass dogs in every store
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>practice gf keeps texting me
I feel too bad to practice breaking up with her, I'll never get a real gf at this rate
tired of niggas bringing their dumbass dogs in every house
I hand KOs to people that hate on dogs unless we're talking about shitbulls.
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pussy whipped cuck
no balls
no spine
gutless simp
This seems like something AI would think up
I want everything in one bag, but I don’t want the bag to be heavy.
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Money, beer and a pack of zig-zag.
The man in the back had a camera so he came out to test his stamina
what do you do for work, bro
/cum/, guess what i'm having for breakfast on this fine friday morning
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>water, sugar, salt, potassium, and lemon juice.
why did they have to change it bros
Russia was always meant to me our enemy
Being on the same side in WW2 was a fluke and only happened because Hitler betrayed Stalin
Simple as
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I like the lime cucumber and arctic blast.
My go-to hangover drinks
>Russia was always meant to me our enemy
nah US and Russia used to be close back in the day. Large frontier nations and all that
>only happened because Hitler betrayed Stalin
only happened because FDR was a communist sympathizer* and a decade and a half of hegelian demoralization had been eating at the usa
glass bottles, back when people weren't lil bitches

what a time to be alive that was
they probably just sold the rights or whatever to profit off it, and kept using the original recipe for themselves 2bh. Which is honestly a pretty good idea because it's an insanely simple product, and then you don't have to deal with managing it.
We were never close though
We always favored the British while they were rivals with the Russians and then they became communists and we’ve hated them since
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The Soviet Union was our Carthage. After their defeat, all matter of soulessness and degeneracy started creeping into American life. 10 years after their fall we saw the advent of accepted faggotry. Twenty year after and we had accepted trannyism. Now they're giving hormones to kids having elementary school drag shows, we have to go back
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mucho dinero, amigo
America needs and enemy and needs war to thrive
There’s a reason why we’re almost never at peace
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cause baby I was BORN this way!
nigga you was not born gay
(that's the joke)
You retards don’t realize that gay marriage and letting trannies sterilize themselves is a means to an end
Since it’s proven to be even slightly genetically inherited, we can get rid of it by preventing all the fags from breeding so closeted fags don’t get married and have fag kids
and then it's like obscure dishes that aren't normally served at italian restaurants.
Not like I don't do the same thing at home
>Since it’s proven to be even slightly genetically inherited
Nah, I've never heard of this. They procreate by abusing children
Yeah but at the same time you need to use your guns to prevent your kids from turning gay due to propaganda.
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like fucking shrimp with pineapple wtf
they deserve what's happening to their economy
Also you must ban fags from adopting.
>like fucking shrimp with pineapple on pizza wtf
You ever notice how gay men adopters never adopt girls? I wonder why that is
I’m an economically liberal but socially conservative (this will get me sent to prison in Germany)
It's highly ironic that the one trait, THE ONE TRAIT the left claims is 100% heritable is by far the *least* heritable trait.
thinking of making pasta a la shrimp e pineapple tonight
Dykes will never even own a male animal and will always adopt a girl
But if they have a surrogate or do artificial insemination they will always try to raise their son as a man hater and they’re constantly preoccupied with thinking about men and how much they hate them
Madonna santa, just like my nonna used to make in the Old Country
Yeah I know. It's fucking disgusting
"Do these sound like the actions of a man who's had "ALL HE COULD EAT"?"
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NEED a mommy gf
Where's the beef?
It's a doggy dog world
Ah Bourbon...brownest of the brown liquors..
New Linkin Park is indian ass.
Chester must be happy to have hanged himself.

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