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Rockford Files Edition

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I'm hungry
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Primo per MiMo
draft dodging hoe should be at ukraine fighting along her brave comrades
Women don't get drafted
i really like her hair
not yet
Is that shawarma
I don't respect women
bean and cheese burrito
Many such cases
>California protects the homeless and becomes a haven
>Supreme Court says it’s not unconstitutional to target the homeless
>California starts evicting them all
Seems like they’re not as liberal as they act
cum cum sex sex
hobos belong in hobo encampments where they can do their drugs in peace, not on public sidewalks
99% of people would push a button that would instantly kill every homeless person in america if they could
Where's the mexican who went to the hospital for eating spoiled ham?
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That old American hobo culture of fellas who traveled the country by hitching rides on freight trains
You can only step out your front door into a puddle of human feces so many times before you say enough is enough
he died.
not from the ham tho. I killed him in a hit and run accident
and at the same time 600Kusd apartments are built for fentanyl addicted homeless
Is therapy a meme if you’re a man?
therapy is a meme in all cases unless you're talking about physical therapy
They'll fuck it up like they fuck everything up. You can't give a scugnizz an Armani suit
We’ve got homeless people here in /cum/
uh if you just need someone to talk to I guess it's fine but the results seem pretty spotty and lackluster

also the therapist makes more money the longer you go = natural incentive to not "cure" you = you ought to be cautious about sweet liars.
what the fuck is sling?
Something tells me they're not going to let in people who pose a risk to others. A lot of people start using drugs after being evicted
California started breaking up the encampments too
You have way too much faith in the discretionary abilities of government bureaucrats
just talk to chat gpt
Those places are going to have long waiting lists and screening processes though
I’m guessing it’ll mostly be single mothers at first and then become a drug den in about 18 years when their kids grow up
Therapy is a racket for the Jews
No idea
well yeah they're unsanitary and dangerous and full of drugs. Having a few hobos down by the river is one thing, but having huge encampments of them are ridiculous and unsafe for everybody. The original ruling saying that cities couldn't break up bum encampments was clearly wrong and stupid, it''s good the SC overturned it.
Do what your ancestors did and eat that one mushroom or fungus that makes you feel funny
Go to bed, Livia
No thanks
therapy for what ?
>war veteran ( non existent nowadays )
>abused when little
>saw something horrifying
Other than that, there's no reason a man needs therapy. It's just your edgy imagination lmao
Just made an omelette.
It's not guaranteed but I'm pretty sure of it.
Down by the river is objectively an awful place for them because then they’ll be dumping their Hepatitis and AIDS needles in the water and will pollute the water in general
Back in college I went on a couple of trips to go clean out rivers and test water/soil pollution and it was fucking filthy
We had to wear what was basically chainmail to not get poked by all the fucking needles on the ground and in the shallow water
I'm pretty sure you're trolling
Why not? Would you prefer to go to Dr. Shlomo Goldsmith and pay for a concentrated pill form of the same fungus?
try again
The trouble is that they need somewhere else to be, and there are neither enough affordable apartments or beds in clinics.
>Would you prefer to go to Dr. Shlomo Goldsmith and pay for a concentrated pill form of the same fungus?
No thanks
My solution for the homeless problem is to force them to get a job or imprison them so they can detox in there
Everywhere is an awful place for them besides being in a mental ward, but we can't do that because of that one movie way back when.

SanFran raised billions of dollars through their tax to provide for the homeless. They could have just built a massive detox center with the best doctors and nurses but they didn't for some reason.
Basically my girlfriend is saying I need to go to therapy for expressing my emotions better and being more open, even though I express myself fine imo. I’m skeptical about therapy for something minor like this desu
i see great mind think alike.
my idea was to give homeless to the big pharma and used them for medicine testing and try outs.
If you survive the jab, you get a free meal!
Doesn’t matter if it was before the Supreme Court overruled the district court and said we don’t have to take care of them anymore
I get scared when there are too many black people in a movie but not because I'm racist but because I feel Like I'm not cool enough to watch the movie and hang around them because when I do watch a movie I always insert myself into every scene.
I'm a go-getter, an opportunist, self-motivated.
if you go to therapy, you can learn to manipulate women better.
this is what women want
oh no don't do that. She's giving you a shittest and you don't want to fail it.

OR she's just fucking retarded. Therapy is a meme for low IQ women.
Break up with her now and save yourself the trouble of a prolonged crumbling relationship.
They’ll be happy to be getting drugs as part of their job
Im so goddamn hungry ngl >>201909109 bro same
I’m not hungry and I haven’t eaten anything all day
Psych hospitals still exist. They're just too small and some are run very inhumanely, and substance abuse emergencies don't qualify for involuntary commitment though they're trying to change that.
>Basically my girlfriend is saying I need to go to therapy for expressing my emotions better and being more open
yeah no, that's stupid.
It's not even because you have an addiction or something that harms someone.
It's just muh feelings
If she's not comfortable with how you are, then move on.
County jails don't usually have the facilities for that.
Perfect moment to start smoking crack
add a pinch of fent and you'll be lean af in a few days
the problem with that problem is that American employers give you one shot at life and if you have any concerning discrepancies you are permanently relegated to retail chain stores for the rest of your life.
you are projecting
Death to every single motherfucking vagrant and drug addict
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Yeah I personally think it’s retarded too, but she and all her galpals use therapy as a cure all button. They also reference tiktok a lot, which makes me react like pic related
You don't have a girlfriend
Gonna learn all Oasis songs on guitar because I'm a poser son of a bitch

Starting off with.. you guessed it: Wonderwall
you should learn flamenco guitar instead
no, I'm not. that's what American employers are really like, they have very similar criteria to credit bureaus.
I'm trying to get laid here, son
then you should learn to be rich and good looking with a nice car
non repliers deserve to be torn limb from limb
Whatever helps you sleep at night anon
bro is so addicted to (You)s that he's having a melty
Couldn't care less about (You)s actually. Just imagining some guy bashing your skull in while you scream for mercy. But no mercy comes, and your brains splatter all over the floor.
>no you gotta give me yous or ur a big meanie and and i hate u forever
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bro lives as a cuck. couldn't even imagine himself acting out in violence. imagines someone else doing it for him.
does he imagine other guys fucking his wife too? (he will never have a wife)
Imagine yourself standing in front of a train traveling at full speed.
cum con sex
Check out my band
>projecting this hard
zoom zoom/non white confirmed
This ngl
Throw them in a cell and if they survive they can leave
i don't like it
>yeah I think I'll just randomly insert my cuckold fetish into this "argument" that is not really an argument. I'm just a dumb antisocial piece of shit!
>autistic e-debate
Time to go make a cuppa
have a grape day buddy
Odds I get a footlong
Evens teriyaki
Digits i check what’s in the fridge
just won a debate
I will never have a girlfriend.
Found a new Asian male demoralization pic and as much as I want to post it because I think it's funny and don't want to demoralize them
>he thinks he's capable of debating
post it anyway
Don't care
Thanks. Ill get beef teriyaki for a change this time
check the catalog, i'm sure there's a whites vs asians thread to post it in
Blessed trips
You won't find a love like mine
watching dr disrespect
i wish my wife miku weren't on tour right now. i hate traveling with her and just want to spend some alone time with her (・´ェ`・)
His white trash dad also bought him a gun for his birthday AFTER he was investigated by the FBI for these posts
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I just got gifter like 40 lbs of chicken from work and I have no idea what to do with it
What are we talking? Thighs, breasts, leg quarters? Whole chickens?
is he smart
I find funny how every a mass shooting happens the very first thing people are dying to know is what side of the socio/political spectrum the perpetrator is. I can't imagine how good some people feel when that person happens to be part of "the bad guys". Then and only then they pretend to care about "human lives". So emphatic.
It looks to be an assortment of just chicken meat with a few drumsticks thrown in
Wow, you must be a deep thinker.
i love whygena
shredded chicken for tacos, and chicken broth
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good morning
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almost all mass shooters are by blacks/mexicans anyway
people obsess over the 6-10 wypipo shooters
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Daily reminder that this is what most trannies on 4chan look like
why do wypipo snap one day and kill their whole family and then themselves
Nigga it's past noon
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reminds me of this fella from 90 day fiance lol
I wanna thank my buddy Sherrod Brown
One things for sure, Im gonna be a chickenated motherfucker for the next few months
what does that mean
are you laying eggs
"Rich Homie Quan" is such a cool fucking name. I never heard his music or knew anything about him, but his name was solid
No, I got 40 lbs of chicken from work for free
I'm a good lover. I make love to a girl
and she scratches and she screams
then she realizes I'm not gonna take no for an answer!
I posted in the other cum
i want to point it out here that the "person" posting race bait in /brit/ is still going (on from saying it 10 hours ago)
and hes done this because he "cant" post on his tripcode he posts on every Friday - so hes spammed race bait all day. i want him to know that now im going to "not let him" post at all

he samefags ALL his personas because ALL of them fail and get literally no engagement. he gets no engagement, at all. 0 replies
ALL of his gimmicks are that DOGSHIT
if ONE person is posting too then he CANT
if he cant, because of the above made-up restrictions he puts on himself (no one else does) he SPAMS ALL DAY

morning bud
oh okay lol i haven't read the rest of the thread i just woke up
You must be an easily triggered anon. We make the best duo I've got more basic thoughts you can get passive aggressive towards
Yeah yeah yeah
i want him to read that part and of course he is reading. if you keep acting that way and putting those restictions on yourself then i am not only going to continue ignoring how you act im actually going to make it worse for you. grow up
Want to go to Chinese brothel but learned that condoms don't protect from all std so now I'm too nervous
it's probably for the best that you don't anyway
you're just a bitch
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Is this accurate?
Is Missouri a nice state to live in?
i just googled him to recommend a song i used to listen to and i find out he's dead.
>all the Yuropoors show up at once

There's gotta be Discord shenanigans going on
love it when i hear about one of them dying
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i don't think i can survive another year of trudeau
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Too many freaks homeless and brown people in cities
One of who?
You sound like a old white parent or teacher trying to sound relatable
what did the clergy even tell people during the black plague
from the perspective of the layman the world is ending around them and there is no salvation or recourse or rapture
I don't care. I'm just saying what I feel. I like dudes name
watching destiny
you know...
You like dudes? Eewwww
Not the clergy of that time, but death can come at any moment. Jesus never promised you wouldn't die of some horrible affliction.
why do you hate musicians so much
no. americans killed all of them. bottom is right
Oh. That's not good, you can dislike people but death is another thing. There's no coming back from that
I looked up rich homie quans tracklisting and his first/only album has a song called 34 which would have been his death age if he only lived a few more days. Creepy conspiracy theories avoided I guess
right but like society is breaking down around them and the nobility is either dead or in hiding and law is starting to break down
did people start to question the word of god or come to distrust the church
>did odd jobs
>didnt sit their fatass infront of tj maxx begging for change
>didnt completely disturb the peace
My parents were so poor they'd go around collecting cans and they weren't even homeless. Even thieves and pickpockets are more tolerable than panhandlers or loiterers because at least they're taking advantage of mistakes instead of taking advantage of people's character
pick up a history book mah nigga, better yet pick up some bitches
I think they just saw it as gods judgement. I don't think you realize how ironclad people's belief in religion was
>death is ... LE FINAL
return to reddit atheist freak
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The black people i have met so far have been peaceful and productive
Ive never met a genuine mental 12 year old body of an athlete hood nigger
he ruins it for the other dog and just makes a mess
what a greedy butthole
A trip to an inner city ghettohood will make you a full blown racist.
>I'm going to a magical realm when I die, I'm not gonna rot in the ground like every other dead thing I see, there's a magic spirit land my consciousness will go to even though my consciousness is completely dependent upon my body's biological processes
So tell us you live in a predominantly white area with no inner city culture without saying it
i want you to be aware (just in case you missed it) that hes doing it again - and has been doing it all day - and because of made-up reasons he made up in his own head he took it upon himself to spam race bait on 4chan today for over 10 hours

all his personas are the same as this and he spams race bait on other days no matter what

idk what you allow it. its the same person from yesterday
i will give you $100 to liveblog a weekend vacation in baltimore maryland
hood niggas stay in the hood, nigga. no escapin the trenches yerme it's a warzone. or something
>my consciousness is completely dependent upon my body's biological processes
Reddit moment
So will a trip to a trailer park. Poor people are shit regardless of race
I just saw my gfs credit card and she signed on the magnetic strip...
Is this what women mean by catching "the ick"
his ways are not our ways
*kills the last aurochs*
*terraforms europe into a desert*
If it wasn't true comas wouldn't exist dummy
you don't have a gf, stop rage baiting
So most black people are shit?
Comas and indeed the existence of dreams are proof of the contrary, actually.
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I have the perfect webm for this moment, but it has sound. what a pity. this will have to suffice.
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Imagine becoming enraged over that
he said the opposite though he expressed frustration with the acceptance of trans people. he hated trannies
watermelon candy tastes like nickelodeon
No the canucks separated them from their families and cultures and killed some of them
the chefs kiss on this vid is the chicken hitting the camera at the end
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How the fuck do you figure that
based synesthesiac
chickens can fly??
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>some black attorney was the leader of the national socialist movement organization
How does this happen?
The Sabbath are the real heroes. Fighting the Antediluvians is paramount for all Kindred unless you wanna end up a midnight snack
Scientists understand almost nothing of consciousness, just that certain areas of your brain light up during certain states. Your brain is a tool with which to experience consciousness. But consciousness is infinite. That atheists consider it a chance accident proves their retardation.
reminder to the janny and mods that the Belgium flag poster has been banned 3+ times today and just keeps coming back to spam the same shit - is filtered by the entire thread - on all his personas - but keeps going regardless, and then samefags himself - he has posted it all day today for 10+ hours

+ all my posts yesterday
yeah kinda they can jump pretty high when they flap too
the dont really fly but they can glide
For short distances
my proportions look weird today
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cummypies, im drinking covfefe
Ik you've changed my opinion because what you said makes sense. But this has nothing to do with atheism or theism
Currently making my cuppa as we speak
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enjoy bud
post em
To the extent that atheists are materialist reductionists, it has everything to do with that worldview.
>search for eagles on youtube
>the football team shows up instead of the band
very annoying
im gonna make some too im not fully awake yet i feel groggy
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They don't care about the homeless, and never have. They're too busy giving no down payment houses to illegals.
Get I got covfefe too. It's a party
im drinking covfefe too
>search for eagles on youtube
>the football team and band show up instead of the animal
very very annoying
This is what happens when you let Hispanics into politics
>muh coffee!
>yep, i'm a caffiend!
official beverage of reddit
Our governor is not a Hispanic
Blame traitors before you blame enemies
no talkies until i've had my coffee
VVOAH, is that a CAT?
How’s your covfefe?
jesus christ himself was a volcel
that kind of makes sense but also doesn't. It also explains why owning land used to be a requirement to vote
You must live such a restricted life
umm actually america is a republic not a democracy
There's the 30ish years we don't know about. He's the original "born again" virgin.
>my body count is 0, because no one knows my history
Jesus probably plapped Mary Magdalene
le coffee is le reddit
personally, i'm more of a greek gnostic than a christian.
but in truth, i am neither
Should I brew some covfefe? It's 12:43, kinda late for coffee to be honest
hope you enjoy your cuppa as well
i regularly have coffee and tea past midnight so you're fine
Santa Ana is off the chain with this shit
why are they like this?
Things that are refined but ruined by redditors who went and made them their whole personality
>Hot sauce
What else
literally me though
>le kind gentlesirs of reddit we must bacon narwhal le coffeeposters!
Us Covfefeinds will destroy you, Mormon boy
that was me, sorry
hadn't gooned yet that day
why pears i like pears and i dont use reddit
You’d calm down if you had a coffee, friend
Come on, just a cup
everything i dont like is reddit

Redditors only drink ipa
And I'm 60% convinced they only pretend to like them
I still make my own hot sauce and a thc infused version because it's fun and tastes good, call me reddit to my face and it's lights out for you my friend.
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you finally removed a post
so now i will just do this for a long time whenever you ignore me (i know he will just ban evade and thats why you only ever pick on me - its because you cant fix those problems)
its one person and that janny though. i dont know why that guy has a job
That's what I meant , ipa
I couldn't think of the term
Google maps says the closest brewery to my job is 437 feet away
Mostly IPAs so I shan’t be going
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>I still make my own hot sauce and a thc infused version
Seems it would need to be high concentration of THC to be noticeable, no? Either that or you'd have to plaster on a shit ton of the sauce
Also you're a redditor and I'm not afraid of your skinny wrists breaking over my steel chin
im convinced that people gaslight themselves into liking beer
it's so nasty
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>thc infused hot sauce
your gold, kind stranger
My issue here is that drinking coffee kinda ruins my apetite for a couple hours, so if I drink it now I won't be hungry maybe till past 3 or 4 pm
What a proletarian thing to say

Nobody drinks beer for the taste, they drink it for the effect
the squirrels are huge redditors then because they ran off with most of my pears this year
Beer at best is "drinkable" but I don't understand how people find it refreshing. I drink it specifically for the buzz, but I wouldn't take it over a tea or soda if I could get the same effect.
I made my own beer once
It was kind of fun but I don’t want to do it again
no one drinks it for the effect
le beer is le reddit
Only if you get macrolager some fruity shit
I’d rather just drink vodka to get drunk and have another drink than a beer, cocktail, or any alcohol that people pretend they like the taste of like whiskey
Here, see? This guy gets it.

When you have a cold you don't take NyQuil for the taste, but for the effect. Likewise when you wanna get your drunk on, you drink alcohol
ipa tastes like shit. real connoisseurs know stouts is where it's at
speaking of alcohol, fatherberg got like 7 bottles of red wine.
Who asked?
I prefer wine
Then why would they possibly drink fermented wheat water?
I prefer porters or brown ales for that similar sweet/chocolatey taste but without the dark bitterness
But my favorite beer is pilsner and blonde ale because they just taste like slightly sweetened water
see >>201915234
Wife’s great aunt has a friend who owns a vineyard so I get lots of free wine
Not a fan of wine though so most of it is used to cook
You're an atheist too unless you believe in all the gods and religions.
what do you like to make with wine
I think it generally goes good with greasy food. Like fried food, or meat
>how people find it refreshing
because they're gross. I could believe that people think a seltzer is refreshing or some sort of highball
Retarded take
I like those dark English beers and even Guinness, but only if it's ice cold. I have no conception under god how they drink that shit warm. That shit tastes like baby puke when it's warm
Surprisingly no but I don't smoke I just grow the stuff, I am however moving on to an infused chili crisp because the oil is waaay more potent and imo tastes better. I would rape you and your two moms btw
Glad you like the idea! My neighbors are my biggest customers of the stuff, I'd expand if I didn't hate jew regulations
a black physician from alabama is still richer than a richest european viscount
That doesn't make sense. You drink to catch a buzz not because you think you like it. That's retarded
quiet, indog. no one wants you here
>no source
>look here's unrelated people holding guns and wearing shirts what a coincidence
Fuck, you are genuinely retarded.
I'm turned on by own penis.
I can get off just by staring at my cock.
You can use it for almost anything desu it just acts as a sauce
Really good for deglazing pans for sauces or in pasta sauces
It’s just a good ingredient in sauce in general
Made a cake with wine in it before that was pretty good
the sharty is just meme-obsessed teenager mindrot how does anyone use that site
me when the Indonesian speaks
Holy shit man you're such a fucking redditor, but do you bro
le wine is le reddit
you can't do that.
try again
Quitting porn
>You're wrong
Great retort, I accept your concession fedora tippers
Did you give 2 weeks notice
the word you're thinking of is 'apostate' not 'atheist'
>getting this assmad that your Dawkins tier conclusions are simply false
Stay mad and stay ignorant of the nature of reality, you petty redditor materialist fool
He's parroting some dumb shit that Richard Dawkins said like 15 years ago
An apostate is someone who once believed but no longer does so that's not the word he's looking for at all.

And I see his point. If you don't believe in all religions and all gods you're an atheist
my toil begins monday
Repeating Dawkins' nonsense as if it's dogma doesn't make it true.
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*tips fedora*
Hope you guys are active on r/atheism!
i didn't realize its friday already. times flies when you're a neet
>If you don't believe in all religions and all gods you're an atheist
This would make 99% of the world's population atheist and render the world meaningless
This is a stupid rhetorical trick to make religion people liken their God to every other one to make them think "you already don't beleive all these others gods I'm the same but just with your God as well"
my plans are for saturday
Right so anyone who believes in a god is not an atheist
Your reading comprehension is poor and you have your atheist leaders to thank for it
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i wanna cum in a cumming cummer's cummy cum
Right, he really thought he made some profound statement by going:
>ackshually everyone's an atheist!
Early spinster
There's more than one "god", mr atheist redditor.
yeah, true

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