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unhealthy snack edition

i most definitely look like that
why do leftybros play such silly language games?
that rabbit would make for a delicious stew
feels like im the only leaf here
be careful some guy wants to turn you into a stew
Reminder that atheists are retarded/autistic people who could not hope tp grasp the nature of reality if it bit them in the ass
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They dont have a coherent ethical value system
Shut up newfy
did you seriously just assume my gender?
Tell me the definition of a word and the letter it starts with and I'll guess the word
What do you mean?
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You may not like it, but this is the ideal /cum/poster
is this hegel's fault, or did they do it before he beguiled european midwits?
religion is for weak people who can't cope with death
if i found this funny, am i mentally ill?
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Hegel? Isn't that those exercises you do to shoot your cum farther
Cum more like bun
All religions and spiritual traditions are for weak people who can't cope with death?
I'm asking this question because I'm trying to gauge the level of social retardation you're afflicted with.
Atheism is for people who can't cope with judgement for their sin
sorry :/
now you're getting it
Why haven't you repented yet.
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>95 degris today
i'm fuggin melting
>Taking the gender post seriously
Stop being such a woman
yes thats what i said. im right
Your life must be bleak. Why haven't you killed yourself already?
There used to be families of wild rabbits at the fulfillment center i worked at last year
why do you think people get religous as they get older? its because they don't want life to end
Your neurons start to die as you get older. Low intelligence.
Or they get wiser and realize there is more to life.
Atheist "arguments" are so dependent on conjecture and a need to feel superior
I was going to keep swapping the generated image between male and female but i dont think it's worth the effort
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>reading yuri smut
>good so far
>chapter 10
>main character is revealed to be transgender
mad because im right
You are like little baby
This is an embarassingly simplistic view of spirituality and mortality. I think it's actually you who has the hang up with death, and you think you're strong for not facing it from a spiritual direction.
Need for a coherent worldview to give meaning to the end of their life and community
>Atheist "arguments" are so dependent on conjecture and a need to feel superior
Religious "arguments" are so dependent on their religious texts and a need to feel moral
cope. theres is nothingness when we die
>sodom experiencing fire and brimstone
part and parcel
one eye is staring at me and the other is staring at the guy behind me
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>Religious "arguments" are so dependent on their religious texts
What is wrong with using historical documents to make historical claims?
Even the biggest losers have friends
>Rancho Cucamonga
You're beyond fucking retarded
yeah that sounds like they're coping
Nothing has ever been observed to exit existence
Everything is simply in a constant state of change
cloudy and cool today with on and off periods of light rain
How painfully cynical your existence must be. You'll be in for a surprise at the moment of death.
what does that make me
> theres is nothingness when we die
Uh, did you forget about ghosts? Bet you feel pretty silly.
we're like bros
>neighbour goes outside into the hallway
>internet stops working/is patchy for 10 mins
>goes back to normal
>he goes back in his home with his wife and kids
>no pics
>no peer reviewed sources
>just the word of ancient people saying they saw something
literally islam tier
blud think he's al roker
>no pics
You're retarded
>women found
Lmao, this fucking simp believes a group of hags from 2000 years ago. Fucking pathetic, I knew you were a christcuck.
Historical documents edited and published by people who wanted to control the masses is an incompmete and bias source of information.
Trying to.judge modern lifestyles with those faulty sources is beyond retarded.
Did you know if you mix fabrics you go to hell? Well of course that won't happen to you, right? For some reason

these post posts are basiaclly the same thing
You don't even know what that word means, you illiterate retard.
We all cope
>christcuck exotericist provides low hanging fruit to the atheist retards
You're all so low IQ it hurts.
Based...fellow...heat... experiencer?
religious freaks getting owned rn
>Historical documents edited and published by people who wanted to control the masses is an incompmete and bias source of information.
Absolutely 100% totally false
There is zero and I mean zero evidence of this. You should never listen to whoever told you this ever again
>ummm we're not LA because we're actually 20 feet away from the county line
whatever you say retard
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hey you said it, not me
I used it correctly, actually. Your God is science and materialism.
Had a productive day today I bought a shower mat.
It would take me almost 2 hours to drive to L.A. fucking moron
Christian ethics were one of the best things humans ever invented
I can feel my pecs growing every time I work them out. Can't wait for my future wife to rest on these bad boys
>I used it correctly, actually
No, you actually didn't. Just like saying your christcuck god existing doesn't make it true ;)
does it have a design on it
Me pointing out that you project your own unease at the prospect of death onto religious people made you this angry?
These flyover incels really believe all of California is Los Angeles. Fucking mental
does it bother you living in the world capital of degeneracy and still having NO bitches?
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your the one seething
Yes, I actually did. You denying God doesn't mean it's true, dear redditor. I'll take your smiley as a concession and admission of your arrogant stupidity
I wouldn't say I have NO bitches, after all there's your mom
They're like third worlders judging us based on what they see from movies and videos, very sad and pathetic
leftard niggas be like let me see if i can fit a few more words into this meme
>You denying God
I'm just denying YOUR god, because I'm not a christcuck simp bitch who doesn't know what the word "projecting" means.
NTA but what do you believe in?
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>only 40miles away from DTLA
dumb niggamonga
You clearly don't know what projecting means. You're also assuming a lot, as an arrogant redditor would.
>only bitch putting out is a corpse
so you're the calijeet, gotcha
i'm going to set up camp in rancho cucamonga
rightoid niggas just hate reading and seeing articulate people
liberals (You) be like 'reading is too hard ahhh'
I've noticed that. And they're so virulently and irrationally hostile to anything Californian. It's so bizzare
It does not.
>Fucking mental
You type like a fag. I've driven all over California, and it sucks ass. I say this as a Californian. Go FUCK yourself.
Californias are hostile to California, it's why it's the number 1 state that people are leaving
That looks like the map from mu bindeo games!
Bring sunscreen, it's 109° up in this bitch
pathetic samefag copeversation you're having with yourself btw
>You clearly don't know what projecting means
Why do you keep repeating what I'm telling you? Are you this fucking stupid? I mean I know you're a christcuck idiot but you can't be THIS dumb.
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Just realized that this iPhone came with apple streaming. Anything good on there?
Ummm... You seem to have replied to the wrong post sir
>projecting so hard he replied to the wrong post
Anybody doing anything fun this weekend?
too bad humans started applying it to nonhumans (brwons)
I'm thinking of switching to a "water based" diet
>Ummm... You seem to have replied to the wrong post sir
Oh damn, whatever, that faggot sucks anyways maybe he won't see my post and post some more dumb shit for me to read.
>projecting so hard everyone in the thread can SEE your thoughts
hegelians and marxists should be hung by their balls, but they don't have any
Greyhound is good
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>my form of idealism (christianity) is better than your form of idealism (new atheism)
Gonna cut my hair tomorrow
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I'm playing pool with some friends tonight and tomorrow going to a bar with another group of friends (might get laid with one of the girls going)
Not what your mom said when she was suckin on mine though.
If you've driven all over California and you still say it all sucks ass then that's how I know you're lying. Yes L.A. is garbage but if you've been to wine country or the hot springs or the redwood forests etc you wouldn't say that. You're a pathetic liar
Just won a debate against some retarded atheist redditor
he's literally seething, foaming at the mouth
i own california
thinking about that time i was addicted to genshin and dropped a grand on maxing out klee and her weapon (only got c5)
i used to own california
she probably said something like
>there is a historical necessity for you to cum, but the totality of ball spirit has been left out of you
i'm going to an escape room downtown with my friend tomorrow and probably gonna go to a few bars and walk around and get something tasty to eat
might do karaoke as well but idk
september sixth
I have to choose how to spend my friday night between finding substitles for an asian movie no one gives a shit about or jerk myself off to sleep
mexico has a top and a bottom california lmao
I've been to literally all those places and more, and they're overrated and expensive. Nearby there are homeless people and Mexicans. Rich people live in exclusive little enclaves while the state burns. You have that typical delusional Californian cope of being unable to grasp the fact that demographic changes are turning a once great state to SHIT.
She said "not on my face" but I did anyways
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New bicycle eta 2 hours
post pics
which one did you get
any skateboard professionals here? which type of board is the best for highways
You shall see in 2 hours
>Just won a debate
You earned yourself a one way ticket to hell, sinner.
>overrated and expensive
Now I know you're lying, they're all literally free. There are no homeless people in wine country or at the hot springs or the national parks.
You've taken what bad you've heard about California and turned in into headcanon. You're a pathetic little lying shrimp and no longer worth replying to
is there anything fun happening in town
maybe go get a drink at a pub or bar or whatever you guys call them
all (3) californias are full of fags
ok lets talk politics now
california has produced the most propaganda ever in all of history by far
>redditor replies to me with nonsensical seething
Projecting much?
Had no idea this was happening. Pretty shocked desu.
I used to draw skate graphics for Utility Board Shop in LaVerne, CA
It was kind of a big feal
>sexual abuse cases
for jews and muslims it's written into the religion
my backseat is filled with cans of lager from yesterday night and I was sipping on vodka all morning to deal with shitty people
What a dumb cunt you are. You're describing places where nobody lives.
>Yeah, California's pretty great if you go where there are no people, only flora.
You're a dumb faggot and have been owned relentlessly.
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>you uh
>you didn’t have faith in me?
>uh oh dude
>looks like it’s hell for you!
Correct, jesus was also a jew.
You are inlove with that "projection" word today
im just glad you didn't blow up at your job and get fired or worse
just watch your movie, have something tasty for dinner and just try to unwind a bit
watching destiny
Why do they blame the religion instead of the homosexual pretending to be a priest?
>he believes in a literal eternal hell
oh no no
>just just just
But it's never that easy, is it?
wow very cool. I dont have artistic skills.
Can you doodle some stuff for your cummies buddies?
>instead of the homosexual pretending to be a priest
THE homosexual? Try multiple homosexuals over a long period of time that all conform to the same religion and gets swept under the rug by the highest authorities in the church.
Starting to feel guilty for being a leech to my parents
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stop fighting
wish trannies actually looked and sounded like women and liked men
what if it really was just one guy who kept making new identities though
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None of you motherfuckers are ever allowed to praise the Mexican/Indian People's Republic of Commiefornia after this banger of a post I made
The Uk attacking Argentina in the 80s over the falklands was ridiculous
Where do they get the gall
I'd like to go to an escape room with my lockpicks and ruin it for everyone
fun? wat dat
Too late someone ended up looking like a fool so is gonna take a while for the steam to go away for this one
Firstly I was responding to when you said all of California is shit. I named nice places to prove it isn't all shit. We weren't talking about neighborhoods.

Secondly we've already established Los Angeles is shit. But outside of L.A. there are millions of good places to live. San Diego is heaven on earth. Pacific Beach? La Jolla? There's a bunch of cities that are just fine to live in. Pasadena. Alhambra. Rialto. Ontario. I could go on all day. These aren't places full of "Rich people" they're not enclaves they're just regular cities. They aren't swarmed with slavering legions of homeless drug addicts as you claimed. You're so fucking stupid it hurts
someone give me the courage to ask this girl out
I wish I wasn't a burden
falklands is an important piece of territory, that's where they're going to send all the people on /brit/
it's their daily christianity argument they'll get worn out soon just be patient
You know what to do.
>daily christianity argument
You have these daily? Fucking loser lol.
Go for it pussy. Your worst case scenario is the exact same outcome as if you don't shoot your shot. Literally nothing to lose
you got it buddy have confidence you stud
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>San Diego is heaven on earth
enjoy life in prison for attempted rape
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Sanna believes in you.
i don't participate i don't have a horse in this race at all
fuck i sent it
All those cities are expensive and infested with foreigners. I speak from experience. Only the rich enclaves are nice while the rest of the state burns. Santa Ana is now allowing illegals to hold office. It's actually over for California. It is now a Latin American country rather than a US state.
This is going to be me tomorrow on my new 'cycle
le enlightened centrist
It is. You little chart doesn't change what I said, San Diego is fucking great
why does everyone love california so much?
Yeah I'm going to get drunk and go to a bar arcade and challenge strangers to marvel vs capcom 2
Damn those ratios are perfect
>asking someone out over text
post the message
Is that one retarded bigger who thinks saying that not believing in gods makes you an atheist still here? Thread ended by the time I got back from my break
Wanted to ask him if he’s ever heard of the concept of a monotheist, someone who believes in only one god
>look at the beaches and ignore the social and economic reality
your cope is pathetic
It has 70 degree temperature year round in certain places

who do you run with

For me it's Gambit, wolverine, cable
Same, same. Want to talk about it?
i don't care to argue nobody is gonna change their mind anyway it just makes everyone angry
ignoring the social and economic reality right now, having a great time
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i just asked if shes free tomorrow. did i already fumble?
Which one did you end up getting?
>ignore the social and economic reality
And what reality would that be you fucking dork? San Diego is no worse than anywhere else and is better than most places. Your hard on to shit on CA is embarrassing
California good
Christianity good
Simple as
i love reggie and whygena
>at least the weather will be nice when illegal immigrants rob me
strawberry ice cream good taste apu
it ain't nothin
could be in florida where everyone has swamp ass all the time
California should make a state church
I usually go jill, spiderman, juggernaut/cable
Played that game so much as a kid
You sound like a pussy
>mindbroken cattlefornian thinks an overpriced beanerville with only 100k homeless instead of 500k is le good
utterly mindbroken
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> it just makes everyone angry
Oh no the edgy 19 year olds from pol are angry again
no you didn't fumble anything you just sent a message
and i will be pressing circle to save hims
I had it for Dreamcast
Still one of my favorites
>San Diego is no worse than anywhere else
That's where you're wrong. Only the rich enclaves are nice. The rest sucks. Foreigner and homeless infested. They like the weather too.
Then tell me, what city and state are you from?
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take a guess
Brown hands typed this post
>the fact that you see cockroaches and rats, the employees don’t wash their hands, the floors and filthy, and you get awful food poisoning after you go there means it’s the best burrito in San Diego, bro!
I hate San Diegiggers
I’m actually Canadian so we don’t have states, they’re called provinces.
>Foreigner and homeless infested
Stop making shit up this is not true it's just your headcanon. You're embarrassing yourself man just stop
My buddy had a dreamcast, and an arcade nearby had it too. We played the 360 port a ton too
Lots of good times
It is hilarious that you've dared call me a liar when you would deny this fact. The demographics don't lie, retard. I've seen it with my own eyes. California is a Latin American country at this point, not a US state.
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I have no idea. Maybe the mountain bike with caliper brakes that you showed here?
if it wasn't for california
I remember some anon on here crying that some random thirteen year old brown kids said hello to him so he ran back home shitting himself thinking they were going to rob him or something lmao so he's not entirely off base for calling you a sloppy wet pussy.
If anyone lives near new haven ct go to the barcade on saturday. Open marvel vs capcom 2 challenge. I'll take on all /cum/mers
one that isn't infested with illegals and brown apologists like (You)
How are things in your corner of California, Jose?
that was me. they also robbed me when i got home and they were only 8 years old tyvm
connecticut, california, what's next? canada? cuba? carolina?
I'm calling you a pussy from all the way in NC, fucking hate it here too though :/
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Say the color of it i don't remember which one that was
making orange chicken
Fucking coward
You're a bitch ass nigga. And I'm no brown apologist. But you are a spineless eunuch bitch motherfucker
How does it feel, as a brownoid, to reap the benefits of a society that your ancestors would be incapable of building, and as your "people" begin to form a larger proportion of, it will inevitably decline to that same level of the brown shithole your parents fled? You "people" aren't capable of creating much less maintaining civilization. And of course you hate it, you belong in a brown shithole because you are a brown turd.
am i a eunuch if i only have one ball?
>nooo you have to let me use ad hominems as a fallback now that i've been blown the fuck out
You're just brown. I can tell.
my cock and balls are too hot and sweaty
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>he lives in the flyover regions of california
My house is on fire
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Idk maybe blue, just show me your new baby please
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it's over. but when was it ever not
I'm not
But you're a fucking coward. You know where I'm from but you won't say where you're from? No balls. You're a eunuch.
Canadians are the best posters
Only Jews are god's children, everybody else exists to serve the Jewish people. Even Jesus himself refused to give water to a dying non Jewish woman, and compared it to giving water to a dog.
only place in the world where it gets better in the south (usually the north is better)
that's why i follow tengri
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Maybe? I need your 100% conviction in an answer
Give it a rest, Paco.
You've been btfo by multiple posters already
You got late. Now they're bitching about states
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Yap yap yap, go lift or somethin'
this nigga swinging at everyone lmao, the seethe is palpable
>dodging the question
Yeah you’re a bitch
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i don't see why being a monotesticular man should be such an insult
califaggots seething
Anon, I...
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Miguel using archaic insults because his state'll jail his mestizo ass for hate speech
I'm not from Cali, I'm in NC I just told you.
You have trouble reading?
>Calling you out on womanish behavior is seething
Ok sweaty whatever helps you cope
final answer
Funny how Mexicans will demographically replace you then call you a bitch/pussy for pointing it out.
I mean, it really makes you think.
i need a hot little minx that doesn't think. i'll do all of the thinking for both of us.
I'm calling you a bitch because you don't do anything about it. Just bitch and moan anonymously on the internet like a stereotypical polturd pussy.
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You're as gay as one.
>y-you're a woman
Lol, you can just admit defeat instead of drawing out your humiliation like this, anon.
Three days later and I finally got my credit card. Capital One more like capital next week
>the castrato is still going
Imagine if the pissed off Mexican is a fiery Latina.....
very interesting glowing post
>You're as gay as one.
As gay as a Californian? What about all those manly trad lumberjacks you like that live in the north part of california?
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lets talk about EBONY WOMEN
i don't think they exist anymore anon
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Is this right bros?
See! The drinking helped!
that woman is not ebony
Tbqh you both sound mad as hell. The question is who is breathing harder.
Still pretty entertaining tho
If shes black then im not brown
Anon, you can admit you've lost the plot
I don't even know what the argument is about, I just want a Latina itt
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that's a black woman. do you really want me to jumpscare you with a picture of her natural hair?
What's the plot? I thought we were discussing how much of a pussy you are.

I can get paid for making fun of you faggots? FUCK, I've been doing it for free this entire time.
Please say Latinx
she's an octaroon at most. she is not ebony
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Emulate the actions of the lion.
That looks like a crackhead in drag
You are a triggered Hispanoid.
no one cares about your 19th century race science terms man
i love him
then you will never satistfy your race fetish
gracias amigo
I already posted my hand here:
Sorry to ruin your delusion, but I just think you're a pussy. There's not much to it besides that. You're not going to change my mind.
black people would call her a yellow bone. it works just fine.

One you go OCTAROON you come back SOON
okay, retard
okay, pussy
okay, retard
some people think they're superior, but have an inferiority complex and constantly need to have the last word.

other people are like me
damn, I broke this pussy
he's just going to repeat himself
Post your hand again as the new. Not enough people saw it.
okay, retard
>Octaroon nation!
bake the new threaderino
>Even Jesus himself refused to give water to a dying non Jewish woman, and compared it to giving water to a dog.

He never denied a woman water

Jesus actually said the jews would be thrown out of the kingdom

When Jesus heard this, he was amazed and said to those following him, “Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith. 11 I say to you that many will come from the east and the west, and will take their places at the feast with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. 12 But the subjects of the kingdom will be thrown outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”
when was the last time you got banned for racism?
Not till 310, Seamus

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