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dumbo edition

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California, folks
This is what the foul mouthed browns are defending
cute baby
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Me and spinster gf
thanks for the new bakerino
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When speaking to people I just assign them random ranks based on how much I like them.
When the asshole at work gives me a report I said thank you, private

When the cool fed ex guy delivers a package I say thanks lieutenant!

When the homie worker at the Chinese food place hooks me up with the orange chicken I say good looking out, general
this poster is a law enforcement agent
watchin destiny watch hasan watch dr disrespect
i should get into gambling
dumb lazy fag, you can simplify it further
First off I'm not brown. Second off a homeless person just flew over my house
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What agency am I with?
>mfw he admits it
if dubs, i go and get some friggin beer dude
Canada has put a 100% tariff on Chinese EVs and 25% Chinese steel
i give up completely. i want to lay down and decompose
>First off I'm not brown
I don't believe you, first off. Secondly, if by some miracle you are White, which I doubt, you are spiritually nonwhite.
brown eyes, brown soul
mestizo isn't white, anchor baby
there is nothing wrong with being a federal agent
just got back from butchering a bunch of south asian dogs at the local mosque.
what's up?
watching destiny
I'm just toying with you. You're a lolcow, do you know that? Do you know what a lolcow is? I'm gonna keep milking you. Then I'm gonna finger your big cow pussy.
odd take a nap
even go for a walk
dubs thread choice
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odds taco bell
evens local mexican
dubs cook
he's been found out, so now comes damage control
Soon, my son. Soon.
We"re all of us for the dirt. It's just a matter of time. Everybody's story ends the same
what do you know about che guevarra
gonna walk over to my favorite taco stand, keep the thread warm while i'm gone
lefty fags worship him even though he'd certainly execute them for degeneracy. He also didn't like black pipo
Why would I need to do damage control? Are you finally going to stop being a pussy and do something?
My guess is NO, besides failing to properly quote me while acknowledging that you read my post.
>it's actually gotten hotter since I posted the last one
who eats their cucamonga with ranch?
this post glows
i like elephants and god likes elephants
Damn, I can read you like a book. Thanks for proving me right again, pussy.
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What is the easiest countrie to get laid as a fat german ginger ?


I would say Mexico because they are also very fat and have no standards. Am i right ?
he's upset he can't get me to incriminate myself, how very curious. his method for doing this is basically, "you won't do shit, pussy, will you, huh, will you!?"
Is this good or bad? I know we signed with one of the Japanese autos for several EV plants and believe we should protect that partnership.
How many Americans has Israel killed so far
About tree fiddy
got two nice barely used bras for 8 dollars my boys

probably would have been nearly 150 new
US citizenship does not equal true American
UPSET? Lmao, dude I'm glad you won't do shit. I don't want to get capped by some pasty pussy who stole his dad's ar.
if they're not wiilling to die for israel, can they really be called American?
if they're willing to let israel kill them, can we even call it a murder?

check mate, goy cattle
if i had a penis i'd pee on you in a gay way, friend
spiritual demoralization manifests in posts like these. This is a demon.
so being born in America and having American citizenship means nothing
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A European's thoughts on Alberta
Why would I need to demoralize you if I know you won't do anything? You're already demoralized lol.
just slept for 16 hours
Look, true Americans are not going to Israel/Palestine and involving themselves with foreign conflicts. The civilians who have died are not old stock Americans but recent immigrants/anchor babies/Palestinians/Jews. I consider none American.
Not if you can barely speak English and are culturally Hindu, Muslim, Hispanic or whateverthefuck
it pretends not to understand when the truth is laid bare
You say this while 2 aircraft carriers and all their support ships are hanging around the waters in the Middle East right now. How much more American do you get than aircraft carriers?
Tbdesu I don’t mind phone posters
dreadful thread so far
not a single good post
things are as usual
You're making a false equivalency. Those are zogbots.
well, in that case we should nuke israel, but not because they killed some mudslimes
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says you, I've seen at least 2 good post(not including my own)
I actually don't think having a Canadian citizenship makes you Canadian, if you lived your life mostly outside of Canada, you are not really Canada. If you are not conversant in English or French, you are not Canadian.
never a good post
bait and canadians all
rake them up and burn
>if I act like a schizo maybe he'll leave me alone
Sorry pussy, not happening. I'm right here, you're still gonna read my posts and still gonna reply to them.
he's getting off on this, as you can see
Wheres catposter
You know these just sound like good justifications so you don't have to grapple with the fact Israelis are allowed to kill you.
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Eating at panda express
I am, I just told you that you're a lolcow and that I'm going to continue to milk you and finger your wet cow pussy.
Which one, cute cat poster or lion cat poster
What fucking kind of name is “juicy”
What are people with US citizenship doing in Israel?
What were they doing when killed?
If you grew up n brampton, how can you be Canadian? you grew up in India basically.
you are a repulsive and pathetic individual.
why are you shitting up my thread with this constant infantile and vulgar bickering?
Good post, lieutenant
>why are you shitting up my thread
I'm going to ask you the same thing I asked the pussy. What are you gonna do about it?
>faking a racist attack
>let me hire the two niggest nigga ngubus straight out of africa
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The West Bank isn't Israel.
Gonna load some Nespresso coffee pods from the break room into my pockets before I go home today
4th girl added to my MasterChef World waifu chart, think I should watch more America clips as I haven't got a gal from there yet
why do you have a pod brewer at home?
Try telling that to the IDF. They'll shoot your ass, so instead you'll bitch loudly from the safety of a Western country.
kys tranny
Boss gave me one
He should’ve known I’d be stealing the pods from work
Yes if I'm American they'll shoot my ass dead and then some other American online will try and defend it in the stupidest way possible.
>safety of a Western country
Safe because my country isn't occupying anything and aren't constantly killing foreign nationals. That's why most Western countries are safe.
live yourself transgender
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no it's the other way around. we are safe BECAUSE we get involved in foreign wars and bomb people
Post the ywnbaw copypasta
So he's basically asking you to take coffee from work. Cool
why ddi your boss give you one?
i've never been given a gift from an employer
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Are we a sig general or a glock general
You're on the losing side, Abdul.
I don't know what else to tell you. It's clear you're bitter about it.
Since you're not going to do anything actionable, you might as well find some peace in your heart.
I can promise you that bitching about it on 4Chan won't change a damn thing.
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Tell him to get his ass back in here
No you fucking retard you're not safe because you do all this shit. Bin Laden specifically said US support for Israel and US troops in the Arabian Peninsula are the two main reasons why he flew jetliners into skyscrapers.
did you know there's an entire field of accounting dedicated to tracking down people who steal shit in the workplace.
>he thinks Bin Laden did it
Which should I buy when the conservatives get elected
I can smell your pussy from here. Why'd you stop replying to me?
Ok, ONE TIME that happened. How many terrorist attacks has Europe seen since then?
I don't know much about the Sig. What are the differences?
i'm a steyr guy
I'm deciding myself. I think I'm going to get the a P320 compact
Yes let's add another 3000 people to the list of American deaths by Israel that you don't care about then.
If he didn’t want it to happen he should’ve given me a normal coffee machine instead of one that takes $1/cup pods
Got it when I hit three years at the company
Don’t care
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I've always noticed that white guys that go for Asian chicks are weirdos, but god damn Asian chicks are so cute. I guess I'm a weirdo.
I'm gonna get a Walther P99
the jews won and nobody cares about pallies. tough
complain about it on 4Chan some more
You can't buy handguns in Canada anymore
>no messages from recruiters on linkedin for months
>suddenly get 5 messages in one day from a bunch of recruiters
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I'm a SOCOM guy like my man Solid Snake
mmm i love drinking pod coffee loaded with yummy microplastic from the heated pods
What did I just say you retard?
Conservatives wont repeal that
it won't kill you, just make you infertile and dumber
The great detransition wave will happen any day now, We're only moments away from victory. I can't wait for everyone to queue up and apologize to us and tell us we were right all along after the trans are gone for good.
>avoiding plastics as if all of our drinking water and food isn’t infested with it
You wanna escape microplastics? Invent a time machine and go back to before 1907
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>How many terrorist attacks has Europe seen since then
Europe? A handful. In america? I don't know how you can top 3000 burgers getting turned into crispy pancakes, any other terrorist attack pales in comparison.
He specifically mentioned repealing C-21 if elected multiple times.
There is micro plastic in your balls right now and there’s nothing you can do about it
Your kids will be born full of microplastic
sorry i can't hear you, i'm boiling all of my food and coffee in plastic so it soaks up as much as possible
I don't think they will admit that they were wrong, the media will just slowly transition away from it.
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Micro plastics are from clothes and tires sweetie
Plastic doesn’t just degrade into microplastic if you heat it
The problem is when they’re thrown out
I'm not going to reproduce, but that was a generous assumption.
They got a lucky shot in cuz we wasn't lookin. Let's see them assholes try that shit again
i invented this
Your grandkids will be BROWN (and full of microplastics)
You must be rich. The patent alone...
imagine how much plastic waste pod coffee creates
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I'm high af off this diet dr pepper
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Niggas in Japan be buying packs of individually wrapped grains of rice
i didn't defend my patent rights strictly enough and GE managed to steal it from me :(
Aspartame causes blood clots in healthy individuals, private.
they call me the plastic spastic
>>The five stages of grief
>They got a lucky shot in cuz we wasn't lookin
You could say that but...

There's a really good book called Ghost Wars, it touches on intel agencies and their "involvement" in 9/11, more specifically the events preceding it. Highly recommend.
>you are a homosexual man
Common chud misconception, most trannies aren't gay. They're usually attracted to women, lesbians and other trannies
I was actually the CIA mastermind behind 9/11 and I actually met with Osama to plan Al Qaeda’s claiming of the attacks
I was just thinking about the Biggie Smalls song where he goes "Time to get paid blow up like the world trade". But that song came out in 94 or 5 then I remembered og yeah they was tryna blow up the world trade back in 93 as well.

They really didn't like those buildings
>yes... microplastics are the reason i'm fat, mentally ill, no friends, no job, no money, small dick and retarded...
My grandkids will be less brown than I am
thank you microplastics for giving me such an interesting life
Yours will be Asian
china is perfecting cripsr gene sequencing so in the future we will all be asian actually
hmmm, yes environmental forces can fuck up your hormones so badly that all of these things can happen.
people are not rational machines. we are meat. we are dominated by our endochrine systems.

except for me. i am a fantastical physical specimen
Let them all go to hell
If my grandkids were half any race I’d want them to be half pure blooded plains Indian
not my problem
china is going to use crispr to turn all whitoids and americans gay and trans so they can win
it's for the greater good
Why do certain retards worship dotheads
The toxicity induced by MPs and NPs is size-dependent, as smaller particles have better absorption capacity and larger surface area, releasing more EDC and toxic chemicals. Various EDCs contained or carried by MPs and NPs share structural similarities with specific hormone receptors; hence they interfere with normal hormone receptors, altering the hormonal action of the endocrine glands.
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>i'm a heckin product of my environment okay!
free gibs
i am going to use crispr to maks all of my sons and daughters 200 iq and 6'8" with superhuman strength
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Man it seems like eating anything processed is a death sentence. Just eat fruits and vegetables
Blood clots are a good thing, stupid nigger.
I thought all that gender lgbt nonsense was a choice. Chuddies were lying to me this whole time?
What the fuck are you talking about
I’m talking about feather heads
Stupid nigger Indian means the natives
i am going to use crispr to make pigs with extra yummy meat
chuds don't like china actually
Not when you don't have a cut
This is just one study thoughever, most of evidence in studies say it's safe.
>Just eat fruits and vegetables
try looking up the essential nutrients of fruits and veggies in any public database.
the most amazing 'superfood' is almost 1/4th as nutritious as an egg
So you're a sissy who stays home all day and does remote "work"?
Too late
you call yourself a salesman you son of a bitch
Just cook your own food bros it’s not that hard
I don't want to hear you propaganda carnivora
just eat your own poo
he's right though
filling up another glass of guilt-free ice cold DIET dr pepper (0 calories) (healthy, like water)
tell me. why do people eat kale?
/cum/ is just Synanon
We’re all playing The Game and you just lost it
the game
being john lennon
can we get some good posts going in here
Yeah why don’t you get us started
the mutt baby of him and yoko confirmed antichrist
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according to the latest report from the current president, the narco has grown like never before lol, technically they are now real corporations.
No they're not
they are real countries chud
don't they own all the avocado and mango farms in mexico, as well as the majority of the transportation industry?
AMLO told the US that it’s just part of Mexican culture
perhaps this would be solved if the USA allowed a few million more south and central american dog migrants to flow through your country and into the USA
starting a cartel
will i get arrested for this post?
We need a US-Mexico war no armies just boomerwaffen vs cartels
you have to have a cool cartel name or else you won't be accepted into the narco union
They are, and it's happened here too. They don't name their corporation Sinaloa Cartel Inc. It's very discrete.
what happened to the colombian cartels
and doesn't brazil have cartels too, we just don't hear about it because they're irrelevant to us?
any organization isnt inherently illegal, but you might have more glowies watching you now
hey glowies watching me should give me a job
one that doesn't involve killing or getting killed
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at this rate, yeah
yes, and many more, such as meat processing plants.
sad but true nobody cares if someone is killed outside their home
the new cannon fodder of the cartels are south americans
actually that would be a good idea but it will never happen.
my guess is that gringos stopped going there because they found out they'd get skinned alive or held for ransom, and the articles about it stopped being made as much as a result
el chapo's kids own restaurants all over the west coast, not to mention the blantant fronts that only sell avocados yet are never open. gubmint don't care because they're paid off too, it's over
K I was about to say something like I was going to smoke mexico out of here.

But, the thing is, rather I am afraid of /pol/ when I am drink w/ 1x cannabis [could also only be one sip]
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would you do it for FREE?
you don't understand what i'm talking about but that's ok
>what happened to the colombian cartels
Mexican drug cartels happened. It's like a supercenter walmart opening up next to a corner store, stole all their business.
go to hell hashish huffing paki
at this rate i'm so bored i probably would
but maybe i already am, and that's what you're saying
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they learned who to pay off and who to disappear, practically every amazon country has cocaine farms now though it's too lucrative not to
In jail back in the day a lot of guys would hold their shit in because they thought you'd absorb more protein the longer it was in you
You don't want a job like this, trust me. Vgh so embarrassing when you get caught!!!
is that why the inmates are extra muscular?
need to get more water, thinkin of vegging out instead and drinking from the sink if i'm thirsty
I fell for the just learn to code meme, what do I do now lads? I applied to every it/programmer job on the face of canada, can't join the army (they denied me) because I have adhd, will I have to become homeless?
i wouldn't be embarrassed, but i'd probably feel guilt and shame if they asked me to do something evil
grow dope and live in a trailer park
Ye people used te owe England billions until after ww1 when England owed you the double of that

And now ye make Holland speaka Anglish
/k/ /ck/ /diy/ /n/ /out/
time to man up and get some real hobbies boys
Pretend to be offended by some minor thing to justify your raw inner racist feelings.
why don't you guys just sic the military on them and behead narcos in a show of brutal power like aztecs or stalin
a friend of mine works as a programmer, I imagine that all these kind of jobs are being sent to the third world because it's cheaper.
There are or used to be roids in jail just like other drugs. Hard to get protein even with commissary shit
Learn to code PLCs and Scada and the world will be your oyster
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the cartel is its own military, as i understand it
because the narco makes a lot of money and the people it slaughters are poor people who do not matter to the political class.
>something evil
Morals are useless in a fight for survival.
there's no way the real mexican military is weaker than them
real men browse /m/
i know i cant go on and report all of the posts for violating US law to get your attention, and why you need to pay attention to that (and why ot to clog that up), but you dont want to hear all of that so just pretend that i know all of it
i dont need help now but it is a bit of a pisstake when they are left to do it for like 2 hours staright- then, theres no waiting afterwards to make sure they dont instantly just come back. it happens with me though i think, and the same with banning the reggie images

but all of it is pointless now. there is no big event where an aspie has gone off the rails
i am just saying for next time - and that i probably wont end up reporting a bunch of posts for that fake reason. then also how "he" stopped immediately after getting a valid reason to do so, when all of the other rule-breaking was ignored
my appendix is supposed to be useless too, but i can't just get rid of it
the army's currently at war with the cartel in tamaulipas, when i was in laredo a few months ago you could hear machine guns popping off on the other side of the river
>Learn to code PLCs
So go back to school? That's not feasible.

>i dont need help now
let us know when you do
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i love reggie (and cant even have that! the furry thing!)
I jerked off and now my urethra hurts.
you have to wait a few years, we're in the outsourcing to thirdies stage of the cycle
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another news from mexico, the army gun store stopped selling ar15 style weapons to civilians because they say they are tactical, who knows what the fuck that means but they still sell .308 semi automatic rifles because they look non-tactical, who knows what the fuck that is?
Toothman is mouthing off again
well the U.S. military got defeated by gooks and ragheads so
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>he learned how to code at school
>but i can't just get rid of it
neitzsche and stirner might help with that
how about enforcing the "announcing reports rule" and removing the spam/people orbiting that aspect to make it their personality until they stop doing it because they are bootlickers
i'm stupid, literally brain damaged
consider the fact people report you because you shit up every thread with giant paragraphs of schizophrenic ranting
Pablo died
when i was binge-watching YouTube videos about toothpaste (one channel had a bunch of them) i think i heard something about gargling salty water (dont swallow)
dont need to do it every night but if you rinse out your mouth by gargling it and spitting then it might help
im not a doctor or a dentist and ive never done this. the YouTube guy was like 70 years old though
Gonna do a set for my /cum/bros tonight
They're all for the /cum/bros to be desu
i dont even proof my 4chan posts
by the way, they shit up the thread by filling it with people saying "reported" 5 times a thread. thats shitting up the thread
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I disrespect the antichrist
pablo bought a rolex and a rottweiler
0-8 jack off to hentai
9 take a walk
pathetic coomer
i also disrespect women
K The USA failed at the following
Sorry foregot
O ye, it was that, first what happened to calling someone a neger. While it's not Russia is te overflow Ukraine. Or Germany Holland
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You can't change 4chan and its stupid staff.
I don't think you realize how easily this website is astroturfed either, it's encouraged ffs. Why do you think the IP count is gone?
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>pathetic coomer
how drunk are you tonight, friend?
i could probably do something evil if i had someone to pat me on the back and soothe me after i did it
i ring everybody else up to see if their dick is bigger than mine which it is then i go home cause i got no dick i gotta sit down and have a piss cause i got no dick to fuckin piss out of oh no what a shame little dick
thats cute
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Everyone has a price.
nice to see you come across the pond, britfriend
maybe i will start doing it as well
if glownigs hired me to disappear chuds and subvert global progress in the name of protecting big oil/pharma/banking, i would do it with a smile on my face. morals be damned
see it's really not money for me
i need another human being to tell me i'm ok
>i need another human being to tell me i'm ok
With enough money you can buy those.
not legal here buddyboy
do canadians feel connected to americans
I'm not hungry today for some raisin
Im so desperate to move out ASAP but my fucking job makes me work hours where i cant actually do anything. Everything opens after my shift starts and everything closes at the same time my shift ends. How the fuck do people actually do anything when they work 9 - 5/M - F? Shit is impossible and frustrating as hell!
same. my dream is to be an evil glowie james bond going around the world killing foreigners that threaten our national security with a silenced pistol
fooled into shaving today as a friend requested me catsit for them, but then changed their mind
Remember iJustine?
Wasn't talking about hookers, lol.
>Would go to ww lunatic outpost. But I would have te be introduced by USA there first
what about some date or some prune
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no no no you think you're clever but you're not you're not clever
are you hiring
i jsut tell my supervisor that i need to go to the bank/doctor at a time and date in the future and that i'll make up the hours later
considering this is spinster hormoneposting again, I found the perfect comfort companion for you.
My N-Word pass got overdrafted :(
actually, i am very clever and funny
>public transport has the front door of walmart as a stop
This is what America's all about.
women don't care about morals
WTF, what is wrong with that dog?
come see me man come visit me you're just abusing me and threatening me
shut UP nigga damn
this scared me
God i cant wait to move the fuck out i am so tired of living with my lazy NEET messy annoying slob brother who talks loudly to his discord girlfriend 15 hours a day and never fucking leaves the living room couch right outside of my bedroom door. FUCK i want to leave right this fucking minute i swear i cant do another week i dont even want to be here another hour
Makes sense.
also i'm right. they don't have to care about morals because they aren't forced to make difficult moral decisions like men are.
Don't have either, but something sweet is really not what i want
Maybe I'll bake some sweet taters and force feed myself later
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I would let him fuck my life in front of me
I would jerk of in the corner
wage rage
you're sounding like a paki. are you a paki?
imagine running away instead of beating your faggot brother's ass while he's on call with the shebeast. pathetic
I'm the white Dirk Nowitzki
Why isn't the foid making a new
>Girl with a University education
I can't stick my dick in your bachelor's degree, damn, what's the point?
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was hoping someone would take the bait but i am wrong. every human on this earth is confronted with painful decisions, almost every day in fact.
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holy hell
what painful decisions did you make today?
i feel that brother
gomorrah living ass
cokmunism replace3d by pigmee

Since the internets maybe you' have te begin listening to this Duch guy, who, just from his home in saying something in an Americhan thread
Neuken in keuken
getting out of bed
i don't even feel like i'm making decisions anymore, although i am.
make the new
>cokmunism replace3d by pigmee
I always want to say many things to you, Usa when I am drink w/ 1x, mind alcohol & cannabis is only 1x, even if for you just a sip
i love you
fair enough
Verrekte mongol
you don't even sprechen dutch, kankersore
But w/ Dutch then that can't as they speak Anglish nowadays
You aren't a true american if you're not pro-israel pro-lgbtq+ pro-black pro-undocumented immigration pro-democracy pro-institutional science
corridors of power
>>cokmunism replace3d by pigmee
So why this accidentality appeared in my former post

Jesus such coincidences
So first
We don't speak of communism, we speak of when negers colonize us
make cool indie gameboy or PS1 games
I left the other one there in purpose
I will use seise as this is a better word
But all plussed out apart from the last two, last time I visited it
Otherwise watchdutchtube w/ only vpn

But also this w/ you
I hate it when normies make videos about things i like
if I wanted other normies to know about it I would've told them
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I support weapon ownership as whe te trust
>Perhaps not the government
>Not the gobernment
Also they who handle ur lawsuits
Learn me Anglish
I mean the legal matters How te say it
Also what happened our word neger
And still may it be Ukraine, Holland by Germans
>Mexico, Brazil
Gtfo w/ ye fentanyl and its worse mutations
>>201924316 (Me)
>Mexico, Brazil
I was only emptying my cache being first of all drink
>Also why did Jesus, the Holy one even made drinks
Ever since I learned the ancient chinese art of 'not saying what you mean to mean what you say" my perspective on asian interviews has 360'd and ran away
Also die in my ansight altogether
: 16:30 is about Dutch morning when the financial exchange opens
Birds whisper
>>201924382 (Me)
Also gee mine Gorbatjow where?
Come help discover, this is te have some Gorbatjov w/ a Reagan (Former bresident USA)
God damnit
EY I had better said
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Iz like I would Care for the United States
But it's like they could just die infront of you
[w/ else was I going te post??? again]
Holland didn't tell me yet
What do you think when I am drink?
>Cunt Holland
Bunch a-red-jackets
ì waited long enough
w/ ye gebing me the right te overflood this thread??
Answer I know ye tyme! ):
Mind that if ye do not drip-site me ye /int/ I would go to the /ugh// /Uhgh/ Anglish or German thread in /pol/ !!!

Ey ye droons !!!
This is how it sounds now to me if ye leave autoplay on in youtube from here
Also what happened te the Gorbatjow that used to be in herehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yq7FKO5DlV0
Andrew Tattas
>Andrew Tattas
Ye baby when I am drink it's just like i didn't overflow ye. YE just no longer responding

<<negers>>Politically brotected word

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