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no games edition

Previous: >>201919203
I'm finna shart in your mouth
snoys are never giving Bloodborne up ever
nice vpn
Just took an amazing shit but i forgot to take a pic so you'll just have to believe me
Do you even listen to my podcast?
i pooped in the desert this morning, felt like a jeet
someone just took an amazing shit out of my collection!
This poster is brown and has neither a good grasp of English or Spanish
How did you clean your buttom sar?
with baby wipes of course, buried with the poop
Average poopo rican
cope harder brainlet
It's not a vpn
It's surfshark
Just now realized I have this same IKEA tv stand that I found next to a dumpster
post timestamp with passport, hotel key, 10 digit grid and social security number
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im back i took a walk and a short nap so i got the best of both

here is a fox doin a stretch
me thinks its over. need to kms
what makes you think that ? don't kill yourself anon
can you venmo me all your money first?
stream it coward
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i feel the same. today it is particularly over. don't listen to that other guy you've got a right to kill yourself if you can't think of a good reason not to
Went to Wendy's and the hindoo gentleman accidentally put shoe leather in my burger instead of a patty
don't encourage someone who is suicidal you jerk
I could go for some Wendy's nuggets those things are damn good
Loved Lost so much
In the end it all was wasted
No resolution, no answers
Fever dream the show
>t. corporate jew
look how he reels at the thought of losing a wagie for his meat grinder
>you should be discouraging to the depressed
jerk. i am trying to build people up. if he believes he can kill himself, i'm there for him. he can do anything. he can be anything!
moving out is the much bigger flex. dude is fucking up so hard in life its not even funny. he has a 7yr old daughter, every day for like 2 weeks the cops came banging on the door to serve him since his baby momma is taking him to court over custody/child support. on top of that he has refused to work a regular job, ever. his sole source of income is rideshare apps but he constantly drives drunk and got busted finally and now he cant even do that. He has been living off of me and my siblings and my parents because he never has enough to cover rent. He owes me well over a thousand dollars, he owes my parents well over ten thousand. despite having family court and DUI court dates which he needs money for lawyers, despite that rent was due 5 days ago and he still doesnt have it, instead of looking for a job he just sits on the couch literally all day, every day, on his phone and playing video games. Im not gonna do anything but move out, stop supporting his bum ass, and let him fall flat on his face. i am so fucking tired of getting home from a long day of work and seeing him just laying on the couch and im tired as fuck of having to hear him talk to his stupid discord gf all night when im trying to sleep. fucking hell i wanna leave NOW. just a few more days though, i scheduled to go look at new places tomorrow hopefully they'll let me pay the deposit and move in ASAP
Brother, may i have some oats
This goes out to all my Canadian NIggas in this mazafaka

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show had incredible moments
to whose benefit is it for him to continue being miserable. not yours certainly. mind your own business and let people do what they will with their own title. when a dog has more bad days than good, the humane thing is to put it down
get a job you fucking bum pig
not keto + grain brain + cringe
Straight drop
being toxic online brings me joy
stop it D
>Girl with a huge wage gap walks by
local mexican evens
closest goyslop odds
digits first reply chooses

dont feel like taco bell any more
uplifting and making people happy online makes me happy
you want a boutonniere
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Bellatorius victorialis
Erastus necessitas
honararius despondeo
Spiritus obdormio
Patriota gladiator
Afflictio ommento
Divinitus salutaris
Furtivus libertas
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eh, i feel nothing from being kind
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yes with wisteria please
currently drowning in alcohol
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am I racist because I don't want to live with millions of Indians? I even have some Indian friends but it's like, I can deal with a few of them here and there not millions of them everywhere
no, you're human.
yes. just alerted the mounties to your post
am I racist but strictly towards black males
stolen valor?
Should I be taking creatine gummies?
if you want to go bald definitely
this is all one massive scam orchestrated by people conning international students/workings in and stealing their money just to leave them stranded up shit's creek without a paddle, fully enabled by our governments incompetence.
glad to see 'some' push back on it these days, but the solution has to be more nuclear.
Inch resting
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indians are born scammers. they love it. they live for it.
it comes with their desperate ambition, low intelligence, fucked up social norms, and complete lack of shame
that dog trippin
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Brother dear, would you please pass the oats?
it looks like they have had plenty of oats already
how do i tell if i am an introvert, or if i have schizoid personality disorder?
talk to a professional
Personality disorders aren't real. It's psychobabble. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and get a grip.
if you feel like it then you are
why yes im retarded and posted in the old thread because i didnt close the tab
describe your last couple of social encounters
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you looking for a label to justify your inadequacies in life? just go with faggot. simpler that way.
shrinks are professional scammers
this is really insulting to people that suffer from mental disorders that ruin their life
you think they haven't tried to just shut up and be normal?
Dutch boy keeps doing the same
us social services believe it's real.
if i can get legal protections, entitlements or advantages for convincing a doctor i'm fucked up, why shouldn't i?
Oh fuck off, you big pharma shill. Just because therapy is your religion doesn't mean you need to push it on everyone else.
For years I thought TVs didn't shut off completely and still made sound like informercials and boxing matches so if it's not that you don't have schizophrenia
I've just chalked it up to being "neurodivergent" because it really doesn't have to mean anything. Like congrats you're retarded here's a cookie, now you can be a dickhead in society and get away with it.
twisted evil vibes in the thread tonight
you're being a real snooze today you lnow that
i went happy-hour drinking for a couple hours with 3 friends
i showed up early and spent that time trying to internalize a book i just finished reading.

then i went to watch a friend in a soccer tournament, and left as soon as i could.

those are the only two social encounters i've had in the past 3 weeks, and i'm fine with that
Play Station 3?
I play that that
schizoid personality disorder is nothing like schizophrenia
therapy/mental illness worship is reddit
neither are real
not everyone has the same brain as you and the inablilty to empathize and put yourself in someone else's shoes is a sign of low iq at best and psychopathy at worst
you just don't understand and don't pretend you do
>sign of low iq at best and psychopathy at worst
it's neither of these
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!!!! LAST WARNING !!!!
if Americans ever again sell shit like that to us again we go nuclear on your asses
woman brained post + kys
The German word "Stimmung" can be used to describe the overall atmosphere or mood of a situation, including political contexts. In political discussions, "Stimmung" can reflect the general sentiment or climate among the public or within a particular setting. For a more nuanced term specifically related to political contexts, you might also encounter "politische Stimmung" which directly translates to "political mood" or "political climate."
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you sound like an introvert with hobbies you'd prefer doing other than socializing
things are looking bleak
the german word "ausrotten" is etymologically and literally translated to "move away," and historically that is how it was used in every instance of literature until the 1950's when a lot of holocaust literature was written.
then suddenly "ausrotten" meant "exterminate" somehow
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>twisted evil vibes in the thread tonight
Mental illness isn't real sweaty, you fell for a psyop so you could feel sorry for yourself
nobody gives a fuck get off the soapbox bitch
because relocation and moving people were the euphemisms they were using after Wannsee
and concentration camp was a place you concentrate (bring together) people
Curling for the bros
You guys are my inspiration. The wind beneath my wings
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Remember when gayson used to ask us to send him body pics?
burrito from local mexican secured
you got soft hands brother
Fernando lase his beans with chickpeas, be careful
Don't forget these are the same people who called regular bomber crews DAS TERRORFLIEGEN
i just got done with a 20 hour shift at the ball crushing factory
I got dem 2 log books
god decided to part ways with me
soft hands brother, already taking a break?
you aint never worked a day in yur gd life
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got a super burrito con adobada, asked for green sauce but the dude gave me red, if i wasn't such a pussy i'd just say it in spanish
thats sad
you should change
this is based
ermmmmm what the sigma
whats your tattoo
i don't like your sense of fashion
I'm about to destroy this bag of funyuns
In Hegelian philosophy, the German word for "sublimation" is "Sublimierung". This term is used in a specific philosophical context, referring to the transformation or elevation of concepts and ideas to a higher state of development or abstraction.
not keto + seed oils + dusty fingers + kys
sneed oils
a snake and yes, it's some random shit from a book
it's my only clean pair of shorts rn, i usually dress like a neonazi
>seed oils
could be avoidant personality disorder
what's your mile time?
i like funyuns too good taste
i never got a tattoo from the book in the shop but i know people do . are you happy with it ?
nice shorts... NOT
Student loans
could be. i do love sabotaging myself when my success gets intimidating
and what your mother says about your interest in philosophy?
when i first started getting attracted to my woman friend, i use sublimation as a tool to pretend we were just friends
Got eeem
Get me that burrito paco or get in debt
ignore all calls from the bank
i like it, im a snake in reality and find it fun wearing personality traits on my skin, i'm going for a scorpion next. what tattoos do you have? any favorites?
they're actually sleep shorts, just giant underwear with pockets lol. i'm comfy in em, don't socialize so don't have a reason to change them out
women don't understand that men NEED sex
but it hurts women, so i empathize
high impact sexual violence
Feed oils
355 squat! Still tiny but getting there
I got some stinky, fat, moist nugs from the weed store
>but it hurts women, so i empathize
he doesn't know, bros...
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please tell me
i get insulted all the time, but rarely does it sting with the truth
It's Shabbat
Keep it down!
i don't want to talk to a masochist
it's the opposite actually, you just think you need sex because it's been ingrained into your little brown brain
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lmao ur dumb
i have 4 tattoos, and my motivations are similar to yours, things i like and traits of my personality
i don't have any one favorite but one of them definitely has more meaning than the others because i got it to remember the loss of a loved one
i'm not brown
i don't hate brown people, but i still wish you were capable of believing me
wokeness is a disease
>L train
Not for me
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ayo dis goofy lookin nibba
I know Dad
There's just no way to say you're not brown without looking like you're super mega brown to others.
Even if you post a pic it'll get ignored.
chuds act like disruptive children
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twinsies, down to the number of tattoos and all
Never having kids with a black girl, thank you vert much
why 2 balls if only 1 penis
nice man glad to see im not alone here
i hope you enjoy your burrito and drive safe
1 ball for pee
1 ball for coom
why not one big ball or several smaller balls
venezuelan migrants have takne over /cum/
lets kick them out
Echidnas have two balls and four penis heads
do girl echidnas have 4 vaginers
i destroyed that thing in like 5 minutes, hope you have a good one too doe
actually she has two
the other two penis heads lie dormant during copulation
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you are brown, and i don't hate you
we just need to learn from each other
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I rest my case
we have to start circling the wagons soon when the outer /int/ politics posters start their invasion
bro we get it, you've been saying it every time you enter /cum/, shut the FUCK up
They look like bugs
Let’s be real you’re only into these things because they’ll fuck any white guy not because they’re attractive
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God I love Asian women so much. Literal goddesses.
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Just learned about Stalingrad
holy fuck
this board is actually awful i just stumbled here on my first time on int and never browsed this board
all the threads are like "x women LOVE y cock"
i can tell you aren't from an asian enclave city because these are genuinely below average
if you haven't noticed yet this entire website is for lonely boys and men with sexual insecurities
/an/ is good so is /x/ occasionally
i also like some other boards that i wont mention
>this board sucks
>reads and posts anyway
i only come to this board for this thread
think of it as going to the only bar in some shitty small town with nothing else to do
I wish I had my day off
for me it's /seekay/ and /espee/
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you can tell /int/ isn't a real board by how empty and pointless the sticky is
PB&J? I crave that
i might make that later on as a midnight snack
i made orange chicken earlier im still full
>meet the historical fashion community
death to youtube
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I have for you one of the best documentaries on Stalingrad ever produced, complete with eyewitness testimony from both sides.
holy shit how can i forget about /fa/ speaking of
one of my favorite boards because incels on both sides of the political spectrum come to get fashion advice and usually clash or get trolled into buying weird shit
putting it on my watchlist, thanks
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>one of my favorite boards
if you do not learn how to use free operating systems now you will be stuck as a boiling frog of windows as it steadily enshittifies
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venezuelans are brown as hell
are there any white looking ones
I wish I was a lesbian.
you avert your eyes away from people when you're walking in public
I haven't seen this meme in a long time
wdym? all those guys are white as hell.
t. FBI Crime Statistics Devision
you have to be a girl first
Any of all y'all need anything at shartmart?
not even remotely true
A hug :/
Limoncello la croix
In Miami and Spain, but they would never speak to you.

Those in your pics are Afro-Latinos.
I'll find a girl to hug you
chocolate chip cookies
two number nines, a number nine large, number six with extra dip, two number forty-fives, one with cheese, and a large soda
kind of having a bad night just something to make me feel better i guess
I heard from a serious scientific paper that watching a gangbang or gangbang porn makes you produce more semen
so i'm ball size maxxing by watching gangbang porn and holding in my cum
what kinda shartmarts you been goin 2 my nigguh
It's crazy how I see specimens like this every single time I go to Walmart. Like the stereotype is just absolutely true, it's disgusting
the question is not, "why not fewer balls"
the question is, "why not more penises"
Sexual impulses are a curse.
I want to be a comfy lesbian that doesn't think about sex more than 5 minutes a day.
consider moving out of juggalo territory
Can you show us this scientific paper please?
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Thanks to walmarts everyday low prices they can afford to maintain physiques like this.
a handle of vodka
subjunctive tense cletus
i can show you the results tomorrow
a 'before and after' expose if you know what i mean
you don't have to be a lesbian to overcome having a high libido
this queen clocks $18,000 monthly on onlyfans btw, what's your excuse?
This phenomenon is prevalent in every region of the country.
Does she enjoy constantly being uncomfortable? Being fat must be awful, I don't know how people can accept it
3 glasses of wine and still not drunk
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let's get this weekend started
why would she post this
it's actually amazing how people gaslight themselves with echo chambers to think its okay or normal to be that fat
when did radiohead become a boomer band?
I don't have the dedication to get that fat
Its like feeder and humiliation fetish
there are no weekends
only strongends
I'm just interested in the paper that you said you read
She built her brand on tiktok and now makes a good amount on onlyfans as the other guy said.
Her fat distribution is so horrible too, very repulsive naked
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Have you started building a goon cave yet?
about 6 months ago
i wish i was a little bit taller i wish i was a baller i wish i had a girl who looked good i would call her
profiting off being the object of fat fetishists perversions is a grim prospect
start with this, honey, then look it up yourself
This is a legitimate and acceptable post.
i know you've heard of horse girls but have you thought about dolphin girls
Its gross but better than looking like that and being broke i guess. Dignity doesn't pay the rent
If I was a lesbian I could hang out with other lesbians and do social things that don't center around sex
why is janny deleting posts within the naked tranny thread but not the thread itself
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dolphins are horny little freaks
they also like playing with pufferfish to get high off their venom
big teenage boy energy
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no but as a dolphin boy it makes sense
We don't call xer tranny janny for nothing
you can do this regardless of your sex and orientation
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im sleepy
the simpsons invented the words "yoink" and "meh"
not really
a guy who isn't interested in sex is seen as a colossal loser and weirdo to be avoided
maybe you should upgrade to something stronger than 9%
i hope this is ai because that skull is awful
2000s akon was so good
This is crazy
Thank you for sharing
Help I'm stuck in this post!
eating popcorn.
i am not understanding here
sex isn't everything in life and people hang out, have fun and do hobby stuff platonically all the time
Butter? Salt? Movie?
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is this you
garlic parmesean popcorn
Said hi to my gang stalkers today (university it dept)
what city are you in. only pussies won't answer
not telling
Long Beach, California
currently seething at the fact every goblin has a qt gf and i'm sitting here alone
>sex isn't everything in life and people hang out, have fun and do hobby stuff platonically all the time
Not really, it's always in the background driving the interactions and judging people.
just drank and drove to McDonalds to get a fish filet sandwich
What anime doe
those are way overpriced
Kids are the best, Apu. You can teach 'em to hate the things you hate. And they practically raise themselves, what with the lnternet and all.
Drinking and driving is extremely selfish and reckless.
so why would being a lesbian make you immune to this lurking societal sexual expectation
based, sip and swerve with pride, king
They're good fish is good for your skin
t. hitler
lesbians are immune
post falls, idaho
So is cum
My mom is rich but she rarely gives me money because she wants me to be responsible
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sorry to hear that
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I wasn't complaining
She's paying for my college
lmao, dis nigga literally living in hoodratville
bros this WEED is so good
with this new job i'm going to pay off my debt, buy a new car, get back in shape, buy a home, start a farm, and probably still not meet someone 4me. maybe i'll just start a foster kid farm for the government handouts and free labor
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bro I Love milwaukee
where were you in january when I was doing a midwest trip
you dont have to be lonely
at farmers only dot bomb
boogiepop phantom
Someone pick up my dry cleaning
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florida gang oh


florida gang

florida gang florida gang florida gang florida gang florida gang florida gang florida gang
posted at the same second
this one is better >>201926663
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