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protestant family edish
this weather. bit mental
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lovely weather
me at the back
i LOVE this weather
Such as?
cold out
Irish weather
sun's out though which is good
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daft how backwards so many countries are
it’s Friday chaps
we’re almost there, so let’s keep the thread positive and get the bevvies at lunch
wogs, please refrain from posting until Monday thank you
prefer not to say
you are pajeet or brit
i think people on benefits should be able to afford more healthy food now. i dont think i should be asking for enough money to buy the absolute cheapest (and same) food every day anymore but this. not just because of my unfit body and organs but so that i can have fat reserves on my body to burn through when i dont eat for 2 days because i am already not balanced with that in normal day to day life somewhat
whats on the shopping list
*uses my immense brainpower to run mental simulations of scenarios and wank to those instead of porn*
and the rates for alcohol addiction treatment cooperation with medicine they can take for it is low
in other words you want more free shit paid for by me? do one, you little gremlin freak
fuck off mousenonce you evil ghoul
But shes YOUR wife
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I'm a papist
I'm moving back to London after a year away. I turn 37 soon and at this stage of my life, I just can't be arsed with the lottery that is housemates. Especially when you look at ads on Spareroom and they're more like dating profiles; 'looking for someone who'll join movie night once a week and enjoy the odd bottle of wine.' I'm nearing 40; I'm looking to get rid of friends, not add new ones!

I enjoy going out with friends the odd evening/ weekend, but when I'm at home, I just want to be left to my own devices and not expected to socialise. I'd love a place of my own but after bills, I'm looking at more than half my wages for the smallest of 'studios'.

Any suggestions on what I can do? How do introverts cope?
Business idea: trick the tripfags and schizos into posting in a decoy thread filled with chatbots
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puppoid before he knose grow big
just pizza
and i love pizza but i can feel what it is doing to my body. on my shopping list: weedkiller, lollipop sticks, something for me which ill pick up with some brown wholemeal bread
going to be less likely to get a job if im unfit
letting the catbergs have a supervised adventure outside
>just pizza
holy fuck dude
Well my sincere suggestion is that I didn't read a single word, hope that helps
Getting a bit late
They WILL be indoors before sundown, yes?
only jews and protestants are allowed here
the body doesnt go right into burning all the fat. after 2 days it is i think 70% burning fat by that point. theres also the big rush you get as a second wind
every week i say im going to pack the booze in
fucking SICK of it
but alcohol is good for you
you’ll be more likely to get a job if your life is shit without one you idiot gimp
that’s why you should made to eat gruel and drink Lidl Fanta
jews are not allowed anywhere , get the fuck back to netherlands with your fake king
diego having 1 beer and passing out because he weighs 14kg
nah its actually the opposite
and ive been "priced out" of Lidl - which is scary, with how they come into towns and force all the other stores to close before doing this. but i digress and try not to complain too much
>jews and protestants
Same thing
theres nothing better than a delicious coffee
name one thing better
you simply cant
why arent you lads cool like the lads i see on road wars australia?
bore off thirdie
don’t believe you for a second since you’re the one receiving free shit
I say we cut your benefits to the bone, have you on the streets with the nitties and see how it pans out
I’m willing to take this risk with your life and will vote accordingly
got the toast down the hatch, sucking a coffee (instant, black, likkle sugar), got the autechre on (chinkshit setup), I'm going for post limit, it exists.
can i cream pie you
... as a frieng (8)
blog on
had planned to do lots of things today but I'm already considering fucking it all off
my advice for getting a job is TO JUST LIE! if you are good with computers, and they need a years worth of experience in a programming language, then spend a few months learning that lang, then just be reaaaaally humble. like you have the 1 year of experience with it after a month and then you can just say that you "know it but have a lot to learn" or something
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>190 awake at 8am
What the fuck
they already did this with one of the conservative governments. thats when the people were saying that its "universal starvation"
blong on
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need a thinspo gf
king size Rollover "krakauer & cheese" hotdog down the hatch
piss off 290
instant coffee is delicious s
middle two are the best, right is too thin
Youre wrong and its more like coffee flavoured granuals
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hello diego
it really is
mumberg really wants an air fryer

do I buy her one lads? I thought they were a gimmick for povvos
Love women
don't set off the air fryer autist mate
irs just coffee that they dry
>mate who's a big arsenal fan is moving away
>think it would be nice to get us tickets to a game before he goes
>arsenal tottenham: £300+/ticket to sit in the rafters
STATE of kickball
(spraying sugar with coffee dust is a good idea tho)
the london experience
'ello beautiful where you off on holiday then
It's just women's cunts that you dry
left is best women are meant to be soft
what do yous think of this hoodie?
I'm thinking of buying it, but I value the opinions of my friends on /brit/
premier league is done
Nice fresh ground coffee that actually smells and tastes like coffee is the one for me
looks like something mousenonce would wear
Slava ukraine
Leeds Rhinos?
basically no one who lives in hampstead wears labelled items
for me its the Wakefield Tigers(TM)
ah yes, the megacorp that is TempleOS
Thats an elephant mate
yeah im sure the megacorp making these hoodies give a shit about Temple/Terry/freeshit/libtards whatever the fuck the license was that lets it be used ike that with the copyright - thats what they care about, the copyright
Cas fans seething
what's the most austistic genre of music you lads like? for me it's dungeon synth
omg yes I love internet memes so epic
o yea its cas tigers. Google says Wakie is called the Trinity or something
fingered her in a barn at night while she was hunting rodents
don't know which genres are autistic, like dungeon synth with skyrim
I went through a phase of listening to ambient/field recordings, gone off it now though
diego never having touched a woman yet commenting on their photos and appearance online
disgusting creature he is
forgive him King Terry, Pope of the Whites, for he knows not what he does.
you better pray for forgiveness boy. that's the builder of the Temple of Solomon you're talking about.
Based desu
buying a pouch of tobacco
saving all of the ash dust
thats good fertilizer (banned in America)
feeling mischievous
very low iq post
shoegaze or rpg maker 2000 music
it would've been way cooler if they used one of the actual logos instead of the realistic elephant.
based Ireland
hows greater israel coming along?
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unironically Terry had a real knack for design
this logo + the sword and scales logo go hard as fuck. truly inspired by the divine.

wow all of those things are for the back of the head. i guess it wouldnt make sense to ask about the top of his head
Yeah not like it had been around for 100s of years
shoegaze isn't autistic it's the white man's alternative rock
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I never said he invented the motif. I said the design is cool as fuck. The whole concept of an operating system dictated by the word of God to act as Solomons Third Temple is cool as fuck. The concept of random numbers being God's will is a really interesting idea. TempleOS has a built-in bibliomancy (divination) program that allows God to speak to you via random numbers. I love modern computing technology being combined with ancient religious and esoteric ideas.
wilbertstein was looking pristine and large in showerberg this morning. i'm going to make it after all
jesus fuck the smiths are awful
cant have any british pop or rock bands on for long before they get shoveled down my throat by youtube or spotify alike
terrible lyrics, terrible tunes and holy fuck morrisey's voice is just obnoxious
no wonder only women like that smug fat soy guzzling vegan freak, whenever a song comes on i dont like its always either smiths, morrisey or manic street preachers
blog on
and he is just as incellius as you are
are you into tanzelcore?
I've known about dungeon synth for 10 years and I could never get into it at all.
I fell in love with tanzelcore and kellersynth right away though.
jealous, vitriolic, ugly little toad
be quiet
used to pretend to like them and sonic youth when I was a teenager
just supported the welsh cider industry
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If the government had just sent a tactical team by helicopter to get this man wanked, this would have never happened.

Shaking my god damn head right now to be honest.
what the fuck do they even do at job centres like what does a job coach do
literally all you have to do is apply for any warehouse job you see on indeed (takes like 2 button clicks cause most of them are quick apply) and you'll probably get a phone call within the hour
why do benefits even exist for able people?
uve been done
literal fucking animals man
those enabling these creatures in to this country deserve endless pain and suffering
Paintballing bachelor party tomorrow lads
Dont know the groom but got invited through a friend, should be a laugh. Piss up afterwards will be fun.

is this real kek
feel like ive seen an onion article about this point about headlines
get them welcomed
get them wanked
what if you don't want to work in a warehouse though?
did CIA really kill him?
Dunno, never been
>well better get a quick child rape in before we go under
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we are getting closer and closer to native European Vs. foreign invader sectarian violence.
it's not good. It's going to be nightmarish. picture the Bosnian war, except its all of Western Europe.
the government makes me sick. their policies are going to end up killing millions of people.
blog on you utterly boring bastard
renouncing a poo
hope the fella that works in the garage doesn't judge me for the filthy state of my car interior
why be so rude over something so trivial
get them housed
So what? She was dying anyway
This is like caring about animal welfare for meat chickens
does the Pope of the Whites masturbate in his Pope mobile?
Uhhh yes. duh. Of course the CIA murdered him.
get the rabbits fenced
should have just him drown
saw some teenagers shoplifting earlier but didn't confront them or tell on them, fight the power my young brothers and sisters
needs to wind his neck in
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its diego is always angry dont respond to it
get the carrots peeled
>According to Italian media, the man had just watched his own wife and daughter drown and he ‘vented’ his aggression on the daughter of another survivor.
See, rorke, there's nuance to every situation
Mad how New Labour and then Tories economic plan for growth for almost 30 years was to import as many of these savages as they could and hope for the best
porject on
its 9am blud chill out
>Of the bodies found at sea, 15 were children.
let me guess: he's being welcomed into our country with open arms and given some leftist activist lawyer to help defend him?
No doubt he'll be put into prison at our expense at theb released after 10 years.
why the fuck don't we just deport foreign criminals?
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get the piss frozen and mixed with brine
Then your benefits will be removed
what kind of person gets horny enough to fuck just after they've watched their wife and child drown
projec ton
he projec
project about what?
if Labour is going to take away the benefits then all the people who said "you shouldnt because they will take away your benefits" should go out and vote right wing libertarian next time
might brush my teeth
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you need to to understand that we are not all "pink on the inside".
expecting third world savages to behave like white people is beyond foolish.
did you know that 50% of Pakistanis in the UK are married to their cousin? It used to be 70%, but it's gone down to 50%. see!? integration does work!
basedtralia :o
The most based off today
not being chill
wrapped up in bed cozy and comfy “working” from home
i’m thinking based
how am i projecting
existing very racistly today
>white people is
A term invented to describe Scottish slaves in order to stop a slave revolt in Virginia
Just can't be fucking bothered if I'm honest
scotland mentioned
doing an allegely poo related act in minecraft
get the piss frozen and filtered and mixed with potassium CO2 and magnesium
schizo leftist theory, probably created by "academics" with sociology degrees
need everyone in the entire world to just fuck off
starmer fuming that he didn't get to wank off that rapist migrant before he busted a migrant nut
because no one is unchill and then suddenly you start going on about chilling out
so i can only conclude you are unchill and projecting
hope that helps
the piss frozen and mixed with soapy water and then get the sulphuric dioxide out the dioxinate of sulfur
rorke doing a roly poly down his stairs
Decaff coffee and a niccy-free vape to start the day
downloading space marine 2 because my code came through late haha oh well ill still enjoy it!
Get the migrants wanked definitely vying for gimmick of the year
do women take it as a compliment when men rape them?
ignoring all the trauma and stuff of course, do they feel flattered that the rapist chose them?
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>because no one is unchill
well you made a bizarre outburst at some lad for no reason at 9 in the morning so that suggests unchillness in my mind
autistic fuck
would you be complimented if a gayman raped you?
complete and utter retard
rorke calling the crack.exe from limewire "his code" and downloading it is it "arriving"
that's a biological male.
can't be sat infront of the laptop again for 10 hours but the weather's shit so idk
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>Catholics outnumber Protestants in Germany (hope of Lutheranism), Switzerland (home of Calvinists) and the Netherlands (home of Dutch Refromists)

oh my days
europe is healing
omg they just like me
how did i make a bizarre outburst?
you have incredibly poor understanding ofchillness if you think 3 seconds of typing is unchill
i'm so horny i could rape a hors3
Lmao what the fuck
It's the first use of the term "white" to name a group of people in the English language you spastic
>10 hours
piss in your soap dispenser (or buy one) and add abscorbic acid
then add potassium citrate to balance the pH back to 6
I've been sexually harassed by 2 gay men in my life. Aside from how uncomfortable it made me feel, I also took it as a compliment.
fuck sake lads look at the time

thought it was like 8
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Usury will be banned
Gays will locked up
The Jews will be crushed
Billions will be baptised
the limerant object (LO) wants to watch another movie with me
Is it? Do you have timestamped audio recordings of all conversations ever had in English, do you? DO YOU? NO YOU DON'T
nah mate, half nine, fucking hell
your point?
Yes, Anglo-Saxons. Lowland Scots were considered Anglo-Saxon. And we never had any Scottish slaves. Slavery was abolished by William the Conqueror.
you called him an 'utterly boring bastard' because he made a simple blog post
no need to be nasty
plan for the weekend:
>go to the gym
>go look at bikini sluts at the beach
Yeah only reason that french bint went public about the 70 rapes is she's buzzing people wanted to shag her in her 60s
stick their cocks inside your arse and stretch it out did they?
lil homo
what was inaccurate?
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get yourself down to bondi lad
>french bint went public about the 70 rapes
She's in heels tbf
well you did call him a bastard which was nasty
but yes his post was boring in fairness to you
i mean loads of short guys slay just by owning it and not being insecure
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2 inch heels vs 4 inch tippy-toes
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not an excuse
Days gone
the migrants walking to keir's living room
just alliteration mate
respect the poesie
no. when I was in the psych ward when I was 19 there was this semi-retarded guy who kept begging me to touch his balls to "check for cancer".
I'd catch him staring at me while he had his hands down his pants
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There's a story in the news about a french bloke who repeatedly drugged his wife and invited strangers round to shag her. 70+ men they reckon
If you call yourself white you are a slave
>Lowland Scots were considered Anglo-Saxon
Uh no this has never been the case even in the absolute racialism of the 19th centuries representatives of the Scottish race such as Robert Louis Stevenson named the Scottish race to be Gaelic with much Norwegian influence

A quick scan of scotlands placenames make it abdunantly clear that all of Scotland but the eastern half of the Borders was primarily a Gaelic people with Cimmerians in the Clyde

Do not attempt to contradict this. You will fail.
The so-called BWC
the lads as it were
fair enough no hard feelings deegs x
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that one lad whos erect
ahh yes that's the same as guy pining you down you fighting against him and him sticking his cock uip your arse
>psych ward
well your posts are mentally ill for sure
honestly didn't notice the willards till the second viewing, was rating their fits, 1 and 2 are dressed alright rest are too deanoified
They're all erect, mong
Me and the lads on the way to the pub the other day to watch Man City, Smithy has a proper smooth cock haha, he's such a bender x
So skinny it’s actually insane
Enjoyed this webm
finished my thread weeding
seems a lot of the off-topic, extremely low quality, and trolling outside of /b/ have been uniquely identified already for some hypocritical reason today
>Uh no this has never been the case even in the absolute racialism of the 19th centuries
what about guys like pinkerton etc
first lads cock wa sso small i didn't even notice he had it out
>looking at all the willies to check

utter bender
Okay now rate their cocks
i dont care so much about this blanket announcement of a lot of reports
Dickhead it’s not even that small
i forgive all australians this is one of the funniest things i've seen in forever
amazing post well done how did you even find it
*diego intensely staring at the video, pulling it down for this collection*
A Scandinavian from Orkney who was publicly embarrassed after he made up a medieval story and told it to be authentic and old
As part of the Anglo-Saxonism movement of the 19th and early 20th centuries, Lowland Scots were considered to be Anglo-Saxon.
Only Highland Scots were considered Celtic.
This is a fact.
Lowland Scots have the exact same genetic makeup as English people - roughly 50% Celtic and 50% Germanic. In fact, but people the North West and South West of England have more Celtic DNA than people from Eastern Lowland Scotland, on average.
it was on your dad's laptop
he was from edinburgh pinkerton
LOL cope
mate it's hilarious
the way they all have their own little outfits and walks
and some acknowledge camera some dont
and the little cocks bobbing up and down
utterly hilarious
all bigger than me, but the webm is too low bitrate to properly make out any detail, just look like slightly uncooked sausages hanging there
The term has meant differently for centuries and is used to describe something entirely different now. Your claim that the first slaves in America where called “white” therefore every use of that word by anyone for the rest of time is a “slave” is absurd. Also can’t find any source of there being Scottish slaves in early colonial Virginia.
Cumbrians you idiot. Cimmerians are a steppe people in eastern Europe from the early centuries BC.
Diego, you're 5'2, that's the only reason your 4-incher looks normal
I never said that they enjoyed being raped. I just said that they'd be flattered like "wow, he chose me! of all the women, he chose me!"
come on, this is basic stuff.
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I'm immensely drunk and have missed most of the last thread and most of this listening to Black Sabbath. So what's happening lads?
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Same they're all still a bit floppy as well but mog my little pecker as hard as it can get
project on
you feel like that being gay raped do you?
rape has nothing to do with sexual attraction, it's a power play and in no way a complement
i want to know what love is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A chemical reaction and associated physical symptoms.
Alright lads, you all ready for a funny story hahaha? Okay then, here goes!

Be le me, right. And -- HEY, stop that, I'm telling a story here -- hey, you in the pink shirt, stop talking please -- okay, so be le me -- RORKE, I WILL evict you from the premises if you don't zip it -- be le m -- WHO IS PLAYING FART SOUNDS???? WHO? I DEMAND TO KNOW WHO IS PLAYING FART SOUNDS RIGHT NOW WHILE I'M TRYING TO TELL A STORY
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right so the "bulk" is coming to an end, hit 85kg and I'm fat as fuck. Time to gain a clue and drop at least 10kg
>Diego wakes up and is immediately sent flying

love to see it, fucking freakshow
imagine having a pretty gf to watch films with

cope and seethe
sounds like you're too ugly to rape. sad.
>hit 85kg and I'm fat as fuck
What are you, 5'6?
>makeup as English people - roughly 50% Celtic and 50% Germanic
The peak of Scandinavian dna in Scotland is in Shetland and this reaches a maximum of 27%
Since you are lying your debate ends here
She (female) is a queen no matter how small she is
Bulking has been debunked
least mentally ill brit poster
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I'm considering shaving the rest of my body when I lose weight and crossdressing a bit, felt fit as fuck when I gave my legs a quick shave before (I know I missed a bit)

6ftish (182cm)
some of you aren't cute enough to get constantly hit on and harassed by gay men and it shows
compliments from gay men >>>>> compliments from women
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Would love for you to sit on my erect penis x
I fully apologise for my mistake of character
vid not related
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Is that all your hair on the floor on the left
no need to apologise my nigga
pinkerton was a schizo who thought the picts were goths
wish that i had free time to make an accounting/banking software with Squeak/Smalltalk but for OSRS. but i dont even know what a banking software is
just been clearing some vines out the back garden lads (I know I missed a bit)
do you know how averages work?
The 5 people living on the Shetlands have no effect on the average DNA of Scotland because their numbers are too small.
she is very pretty
65 kilos and 5’8 me
love scratching my bumhole when it's itchy
get some standards
5'7 and built like a sparkly brick shithouse
fucking traitor
we use stones and pounds
nothing triggers me more more native British people using "kilometres" and "metres" and "kilograms"
it costs money to run an economy
you need items to peg prices to where you like them at
autistic freak
got bladee on
not trans, straight bloke (31 years old, virgin)

yeah I did it on a whim with a phillips oneblade, was only meant to do my pubes/tummy/nips but ended up doing my legs while I was at it
Alri grandad
literally everyone should use it, using stones is by far the worst because no one else fucking uses it.
>31 year old virgin
ye you look it lmao
>The peak of Scandinavian dna in Scotland is in Shetland and this reaches a maximum of 27%
Learn what Peaks mean
take your globohomo system of measurement and shove it 10 centimetres up your arse
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do you know smalltalk/squeak/scratch
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>British tourist, 39, is sexually assaulted and robbed after 'Good Samaritans' offered to help her outside Spanish nightclub
diego in a foul mood this week
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do not laugh at the suffering of anglos
No because they're redundant. Whatever you're building will have python bindings for it, or Java. Maybe, if you're lucky, .NET
it doesn't matter how high the peak is, it has no affect on the total average.
the peak dick size in /brit/ is 7 inches (me) but the average dick size in /brit/ is still only 2.5 inches
nah im gonna make banking software, for runescape. then i will make numbers up and the computer will do it. develish

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