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Chicken Sausage edition
What's wrong with chicken sausages?
since this is blasphemous thread we will choose the other one
so this is the "new"
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the poo
get the cheesy bangers on
>a peak can be lower than the average
I uh the Scot haters aren't sending their best
fake news
I'm not bent, wouldn't sit on a cock (I have IBS anyway) but I'd suck one while crossdressed, I'd also suck one in a public toilet/in public because I find that kink particulary hot.
got the speedy j on
i'm 27 years old but I still get given child tickets when I ride the bus
Same I'm not gay but if someone asked me to suck their willard I'd be on my knees
So his daughter drown and he got really horny and raped some girl in front of her Mum while the boat they were in was sinking? Yeah that is far right propaganda
you say this but I bet you'd be picky about it when the chips were on the table
least gay homosexual
we should give dark chocolate to people with IBS also. everyone gets chocolate
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please be in london
raped and strangled her to death
she died while being raped then the italians got there and saved him and now hes living in italy
Probably, it might be the smell or hyigene that does me in, wouldn't want it tasting of piss or something
pooslim compatible
all sausage should be made with pork
except duck sausage, very good
or beef sausage, peculiar but not bad
or donkey sausage, surprisingly good, much better than horse sausage
if i am allowed a job then when i get it i will give you free chocolate...
Wouldn't have happened if he was housed, fed and wanked
la dolce vita
Need a few hundreds of these fellas in my small rural village ASAP

anyways i don't see any raping going on in the footage and the tweet does not mention any raping
>The search for any survivors of the shipwreck of the sailing boat 120 miles off the Calabrian coast continues. Two #CoastGuard patrol boats and an ATR42 plane are in the area. The Dattilo ship will also arrive in the area in the next few hours. Also on board the units are medical teams from @CIS0M

timmy is just obsessed with rape
horse sausage and cock. horse cock. thick, jump-rope sized, ballls full of cum
I've got ibs
yesterday I ate some granola and couldn't stop sitting and now I'm farming nonstop
sucked a femboy flatmates dick maybe about 10 times back when I was at uni
of course he returned the favour. we weren't gay. just two mates hanging out, taking drugs, cuddling and sucking dick.
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Was gonna make a new but saw an abandoned /brit/on the 'log. No thread should be left behind x

you can buy boar sausages and veal sausages here too
v peng
Three men

One has £10
The second has £20
The third has £30

The peak is £30 and the average is £30

As you see the average isn't higher than the peak because that's impossible
im not gay for horses
what sort of cheeky names do you like to call chinese people?
>belgian appears talking about BBC
>gyaldemnonce appears
ah yes
Why are you defending a fucking arab
You realise they don't have BBCs, don't you?
Unless perhaps the reason is that you are an arab yourself
Win win for him innit
no cock, just horse meat
had horse steak
like beef but slightly gamey
>boar sausages
corrr corrrrr
Seeing darkies daily on my incel walks
>i'm not gay but *gayest fantasy ever*
Not gay myself personally but I just suck blokes and fuck blokes and drink piss
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>The peak is £30 and the average is £30
thats why my post was so funny, because i said even less
having gay about dressing up as a woman and having sex with men
>the average is £30
Try again!
bug people, insect people - things along those lines.
only a soulless insect people could slowly torture animals to death just to make the meat taste slightly better
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apples do me in
go out at night
We're in for a premium thread.
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nth for the baddiedem
spent the last 8 years of my life making banking and finance software
would like to do something different but it pays the bills
enjoy sucking on a dilder during dress up wanks and watching sissy porn but reckon i’d chicken out if presented with a real wilbert and slap it away
blog on you insufferably boring bastard
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yeah i bet it does
probably the most secure job in the entire world
wasn't even a fantasy. it actually happened. gay shit can happen fast on mdma.
Smartest /brit/ poster
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not gay but I wish that was me
thread is a bit gay today
Me and diego
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>the average is £30
can't believe there's a giant chicken with shaved legs itt
Not enjoying the vibes this morning
if i were a millionaire id be injecting my horse with disease and taking daily infusions of its white blood cells to make my immune system that of a horse
LMFAO Scottish haters BTFO
it’ll improve after lunch when the lads start drinking x
average is 20
this retard thinks the mean is if you add everything up and then halve it instead of dividing it by the number of values you added up
Gone off Christianity have you?
Still laughing at him who said Scotland simultaneously faced the greatest genocide since the bronze age but they forgot to write down any records of this or artefacts
Reckon gay sex is really the most masculine thing you could do. Love women, and would never have sex with a man, but I think that's because I'm unironically just not man enough to do it. Much prefer the smooth, silky skin of a woman; and in many ways that makes me a bit of a poof.
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not my "i am become horse" moment but maybe something if it could go into the urine afterwards, to make another type of the disease which is called the horse type
ummmm that's a conspiracy theory!
it's been deboonked! don't do it! the experts have deboonked it! the government said it's illegal to do that because it's too dangerous!
that was worth posting
what a weird thing to say
It happened so quickly they didn't have time to pack a notepad
The most complete genocides are the ones we don't know about
no and even if it were illegal then millionaires could do it anyway because nobody can stop them
mousenonce in its "i am become horse" era
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sometimes i feel like going vegeterian
then i think of all the times i had to break in front of stupid chicken to cross the road to safety, right in front of me while they were perfectly safe where they were
pork, pigs have eaten farmers who had the misfortune of falling down
beef, not even on purpose, they've killed mostly out of pure retardation
ducks are smart, ducks are nice, they are also the tastiest
i do feel bad about ducks
but fuck me are they tasty, very versatile too
best at maths in /brit/ and it’s not even close, the lads don’t even know what measure theory is
anyone else rub their ring and give it a sniff? turns me on a bit desu
Mental how true this is
>DA JOOOOOOOOOOOOOS are saving the western world from da mooslims
omg blog on you insufferably boring bastard
Being the DJ for mummykins while she drives me to town to buy trousers
Any suggestions? She likes 80s pop.
who tf is “mousenonce”
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Account not working and IT guy nowhere to be seen so don’t need to toil this morning

Get in
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Might want to delete this mate. This is hate speech.
you're right i dont know what measure theory is give me the lowdown
diego riding the dlr (1848 colourised)
want to talk about religion?
get the black metal on
Do you think this response was entirely normal?
throw this on
all i have are normal thoughts
rorkes mum taking him to asda to buy some new jeans
love that
good evening /brit/
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off to bed
split link is my favourite, but i think its gone out of fashion
not fussed
bit early mate, n'night
crazy how we didnt eradicate polio at all. actually they made it worse. so angry rn grr
is vinted the best to buy clothes to crossdress in?
George makes good threads
yea, you know better
Would you prefer to be a Pakistani or English?
thanks, I try
i have poundland jeans
Usually I just knick stuff from my mum
Tfw no schizo bpd gf who attacks other women for looking at you
Wish I were talented enough to embrace my ugliness
microscope electron microscope electron picture
not real, so I'd rather be a proud British-Pakistani
white english (upper middle class) is winning the lottery of life imo
not real
Mad how if I was alive 1000 years ago I'd probably have killed hundreds of Englishmen for my lord but now globohomo has prevented our lords from sacking England
alri fashion god
theres even a class above that known as the upper class
we're only making plans for nigel
if nigel says he's happy, then he's happy
alri you fat wee cunt
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So are these 23 and me things accessible to the police? Just because it seems like a huge amount of data which would be tremendously helpful in resolving crimes.
a measure is a set function that assigns a size to a set, which can then be used to define an integral (called the lebesgue integral, which is different from the usual Riemann integral that people study) that can overcome problems like encountered in probabliltiy theory such as assigning a probability to a single point
it also gives rise to a very rich surrounding and results such as the radon-nikodyn theorem
>white english
As opposed to the black or yellow English
thinkking about horses
1000 years ago you would have been dashed against the rocks as a child for being so ugly
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nice little relaxing smoke of heroin to get the day started
think I might get my hair cut today
uncalled for mate, not giving you that 150k when I win the euro now.
i should have implied that with a + symbol
favourite hitchcock film lads?

for me its the birds
hairline is a disgrace
skin is a disgrace
need to get off the booze
The only sacks you're aware of are the ones that slap against your chin you bizarre loser
So there are African Englishmen?
yeah sorry mate im too thick for implications
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Big fella
fucks sake lad
only seen rear window
i feel like i'm going to fall into a vortex and be tortured by clowns when i hear the opening jingle to 'wouldn't it be nice', but once the singing starts i'm ok
Got the Talking Heads on
in the eyes of the state yes there are many with passports and all
this is about as grim as nonce posting
Dunno mate, why the concern?
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id rather have rabies than polio
Woman moment
Seriously you'll fade away after this

my existence is a disgrace, need off this plane
got the boring heads on /brit/ today
software mongs and maths mongs coming out the woodwork
found a job is their best song, argue that
oh dear
oh dear oh dear oh dear
Ermm... no reason....
*throws big box labeled "incriminating evidence" into the /brit/ fireplace*
the wrong man
i wonder what the cutoff point is for them not drinking water
like if they were given an energy drink- which has water in it. they have CO2 in them too
>councilstein have installed 3 new temporary traffic lights
>giving mumberg a lift, drive that should have took 10 minutes took 25

why are temporary traffic lights always so shite? and i swear to FUCK they're never green when i get to them
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arrest them
get in
>swear to FUCK they're never green
yes they are
i like pulp fiction
Just fucking sharted myself
im jelly lad
cant do H because ive got addiction issues
So it's either porn or gore. No thanks. Not a totally fucking loser, mate.
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i'm a mentally ill aromantic incel so i've never had to deal with women
so to the more normie-inclined among you, can you explain why a woman's body count matters?
is it really so offensive that she's had partners in the past?
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It's neither but I suppose nobody can force you not the a useless incel
horses can suffer from a condition called polioencephalomalacia (PEM), which is a
neurological disease affecting the central nervous system12. PEM
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the council in question
It feels wrong deeply on a masculine level
they're never green when i approach them. ever
i always without fail have to sit out the entire red cycle which sometimes takes like 5 minutes
it's the great curve
Patsbros, reckon we can win the Super Bowl this year?
Erm... why are they all white
i read that as "police nonce ophilia"
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you would
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Surveys done of 2500 women found that only 4 like black men and all were transgender
poo farts
women are the gatekeepers to sex, if she is a slag is more likely to cheat on you, also humans are wired to see loose women as disgusting because they carry disease.
It implies a few things. That she doesn't really see sex as something intimate, that she's addicted to hedonistic vices, that she probably has low respect for herself, that she probably has low respect for you, and that if she is dating you its because she needs you for more than sex and is looking to leech off you. Then a bit selfish on the man's part is that there's dozens of men she can compare you too. Some blokes are a bit overly obsessed with it, but if the number is double digits she probably isn't worth touching.
SURVEY done on 2496 women: the internet is not real life
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i'm a mentally ill aromatic incel
I'll say, can smell you from here
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maybe because there are cars on the other side
if this didnt happen to you sometimes then the lights would never be green for the other side
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mousenonce had a glow up
Bought some Spanish tangy tomato flavor Lays and poured a pint of ketchup in it and shook it well before eating
It was yum to say the least
might go somerfield
Tyrone unbuttoning her corset from the inside
Same reason you wouldn’t want a heavily used car, clearly something iffy about it
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could cut out japan and it would still be true (except it wouldn't be a circle)
It’s literally only white faggots that care about it because they are insecure about their tiny cock. They know the more guys a woman has slept with the bigger chance she’s going to have had better sex with others. Notice no big dick ass niggas give a shit about a body count they just pound the snowbunny pussy
samefag and both the parasite
samefag as above
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das rite
why do blacks have big feet and hands
is it something to do with climbing trees
Uh oh, looks like Spainnonces awoken
Time to abandon ship for the remainder of the day, thread won't be safe for another 16 hours
"Savings that add up" (1995-1997)
"Shopping in the real world" (1997-2001)
"Good food made easy" (2002-2004)
"Somerthing Different" (2004–2005)
"A great deal going on" (2005–2006)
"Giving you what you want" (2006-2007)
"Pop in to Somerfield" (2007-2010)
"Good with Food" (2010-2011)

samefag as above
honestly it is scary how good ai is, cant even imagine how good it will be in 10 - 20 years
It's part of evolutionary psychology. women have evolved to be selective when choosing mates, but now due to birth control they no longer have to be selective. In the mind of men, a woman who is not selective is a woman with very little value.
You've got to remember that at the end of the day, we're just mammals and we play by the same rules as every other mammal. A woman who has had lots of sexual partners is not someone who you'd want to reproduce with. You may not be aware of stuff like that consciously, but you are subconsciously aware of it.
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Actually mental how I can (and will) wank to this pic
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Melty inc
you know what they say about big hands and feet x
We have more chicken sausages than beef or pork and we aren't Hindu or Muslim. Beef sausages tastes the best IMO though. Pork fat doesn't really mix well with the meat.
Won't be long until we have our very own JOIs like from Bladerunner
white people invented horses. Wikipedia says they all started out as tiny foraging creatures

reminder to everyone to report the parasites posts as he has this "meltdown" as to not allow his behaviour - because hes a grown fucking man in his 30s having "meltdowns" and "tantrums"
>We have more chicken sausages than beef or pork and we aren't Hindu or Muslim
What the fuck are you then
subconsciously you are aware of the poo working its way through your intestines
Megaflauna humans I suppose. Think Nigerians, Ghanaians etc are smaller where there’s competition for food but most other parts of sub-Sahara are borderline deserted and there is as much of a struggle for food
shut it nigga
slip my peter inside your folder
quick note and second reminder to report those posts as they appear. thank you
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These 2 got less time than people who were sentenced for social media posts BTW!
Isn’t as much*
Soz phoneposting on the loo
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melty melty melty
Makes sense
Bit unfair really, that they can just come here and dominate
he tried making a markov ot of me and failed
Is your Belgian vpn banned?
i dont remember making these posts...
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lad, white people invented literally EVERYTHING
Britain alone is responsible for 40% of ALL inventions, and if you include Anglo-Saxon countries together then that figure goes to 60% (I think, maybe higher).
One race is responsible for 99% of ALL inventions
One specific ethnic group within that race is responsible for 60% of all inventions
Anglos are truly God's chosen people.
PEM is often related to a disturbance in thiamine (Vitamin B1) metabolism and is more common in ruminants like cattle and sheep2.
horses can get it though :c
i wonder if humans can get PEM
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look at that grace kelly, this mi5 agent is baiting us, he wants to arrest /brit/ posters
the Riemann theory is weak and insufficient, the lebesgue emerges as the superior theory of integration
My arsehole itches
weird how the "start a race war NOW" posts happen always while the Belgium avatar flag is posting race bait
weird and sad
a shag would set me back on course
my peehole is oozing
Look at the nose on that
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>Is Emily in?
watching some depressionkino, lads


fucking grim, poor woman
heathermong has woken up
Hmmm start race war now posts? It’s just a screenshot from a bbc news article chuddy you’re letting the mask slip a little
poignant socially commentary you cant find anywhere else
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Cheeky browse on tiktok will fix that x
Why’s the front door in someone’s backgarden
i had a mucus transfusion
peng new hire liking my every post on linkedin and doing the laughing or heart emojis at everything I say in the Teams chat lads

this one's in the bag
Irish diaspora floozie
Would've even an Instagram thot today
i struggle with this with my current gf.
she's slept with 4 guys in the last year before meeting me. beforehand she was (apparently) very conservative when it came to sex, but started 'exploring' it more recently.
now, i don't know if she's started a relationship with me because i am better than all the other guys, or if she sees me as too easy-going to confort her about it
ive slept around too, so i think itd be unfair to hold her to the same standard. plus one-night stands aren't that big of a deal. like, in terms of 'usage'.
Lmao women actually enter a car alone with a Paki at night
do you mean kissing and having sex???????
Utterly shite thread i’m off
Had the spoons breaky with a poached egg and extra sausage. Gonna have a napsypoos and then get back to work around midday
Muzzies hates us cause we keep Isreal afloat tho
are you irish diaspora?
>white people
Didn't exist until the 17th century when the term white was first used to describe Scottish slaves in order to stop a slave revolt
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>Emily is upstairs. One moment
PEM in animals is often related to a deficiency in thiamine (Vitamin B1) or an imbalance in sulfur metabolism.
think im gonna go to spoons for lunch today
no my penis is filled with snot
it's gonna take days to squeeze it all out
...the aristocrats! *audience laughs uproariously*
she was an extremely beautiful woman and didn't have to inflate her lips like a bouncy castle
heathersubhuman talking to himself
Just letting you know this post make me feel angry and sad
white people are genuinley OP
not only did we invent everything and conqueror the world, but we also look different to every other race and we're the only race to have coloured hair and eyes.
It's not fair. Why does one race have literally everything?
I’m off as well. /brit/ is so shit nowadays. bye lads
oh my days
god damb white people are amazing
i dont know what youre talking about desu
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>can you call her den bossman
That's how all old houses were, twit
Lmao this is my town, the police helicopter on that night was fucking annoying. It was just a bunch of Deanos meeting up in the park to throw bricks at police and shout at a mosque.

There's barely any pakis here, they're all contained to about 2 streets of shitty terraced houses. The real issue is the smackheads in town, since the pandemic I can walk from one end of the town centre to the other and I'll be approached by like 5 cranks all with the same story

>please mate, need some change for the bus to get back to Middlesbrough, please, lost me debit card

Been tempted a few times to lead one to the underpass so I can cave his fucking skull in, nobody would care.
They got sharawa chicken and ramen noodles on the menu now, don’t know if you already know that but I didn’t
BBCposting is quite funny to be fair
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there have never been Scottish slaves.
Lowland Scots have never faced sny kind of oppression and they're less Celtic than people from North West England.
you have to stay here and hear about horses
Who was that on the window ledge?
Did he jump or was he pushed?
He left a note which no one read
In desperate hands the note just said
"Never turn my back on society
Society turned its back on me
All the world can not be wrong
It must be me I don't belong."
get the horse facts posted
>they're less Celtic than people from North West England
how so?
why get angry over things you cant control?
theres an ad in the copilot response
which is pretty clever and decent
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>Emily is not here. Who are you?
Bet he's a mentally ill romantic incel
Her lad got an earful that night
she has those crazy eyes. that chick is bad news.
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chaotic neutral for me
eef yoo tink yoo ar going to leave dis thread witout suckin ma kok
not a horse fact but I do think it's really weird how it's normal these days for women to have a dildo that is an exact replica of a horse knob
imagine if I were to get caught with this week's copy of dog arses, totally different story then
Men are basically accessories and status symbols to women, they're incapable of being loyal and loving
i learned how to title papers (still havent found the funny way they word things in inventions though)
this is how to do it - with an example:
acetaldehyde metabolites and not acetaldehyde itself is responsible for ethanol-induced lipid peroxidation

if you wrote this title and cited a similar paper - or wrote it by putting together references for information, then you can own little part to go do experiments with, by using not acetaldehyde (so anything) to test with after you do your own tests to try replicate their results
Because Anglo-Saxons invaded from the East and settled in the East of England/Scotland.
The North West of England wasn't conquered by the Anglo-Saxons as thoroughly as the East/South due to being so far West.
Wales is right nearby and so there was a lot of mixing between North West English people and Welsh people.
And then in the 1800s lots of Irish came to settle in Liverpool and Manchester. By 1830, the North West of England was already 10% first generation Irish immigrant.
I'm from the North West. Literally everyone here has Irish ancestors.
Cromwell enslaved thousands of Scots in Virginia
And theres no such thing as the "lowlands"
>and they're less Celtic than people from North West England.
Yes Duncan MacAlpin from Leuchars is an Anglo-Saxon but Aethlered Saxonson from Angle town is a pure Gael
Lawful neutral for me
How do you misinterpret an analogy that badly

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