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Congratulations Canslad, you FREAK
when you're on a holidaaaaay
you can't find the words to say
got a bit of a headache ngl
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Got the noodled on
Releasing equity into my poohole
notice how there are grammar schools but there aren't spelling schools. bit fucked innit
no good
Very cool post that got ignored by the woke /brit/ mind virus
>blud just-
>lil bro really said-
Appeal to cool nigger, - 1000 Hitler points.
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I would go out tonight, but I haven't got a stitch to wear
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Keep it civil
>Vegan gorgonzola
I'm terrified and yet also intrigued
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Curious how many people here know about Hiding in My Room AKA Daniel. He's a British lolcow/troll that is known for making self-deprecating videos about himself and his life. He's a total weirdo but I also kind of like him a lot? Wondering if anybody else knows about him. If not, I encourage you to peek into this online rabbit hole, he doesn't get too many views anymore and I want him to do well in life so we get another Japan arc.

Kelsey Grammar School
gf is snoring
The only lolcows known here are ribena/monica and are tim
any Galaxy S man in
Mental how much he looks like a bloke who works on a site now.
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/brit/ has its own homegrown characters, it doesn't have time for externals (besides Tim)
gf is when you have no sex, if you do, she is yours pilegesh
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strongliftstoil complete
pb&j sandwich down the gullet
now for a litre of whole milk
No more wars
Apart from Ukraine obviously, need those two groups of white people to wipe each other out
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aha who's that x
black people in Africa are always killing one another
>there are people who are rich but have no bidet in a bathroom
Beard Moz is so fucking peng
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would love to suck off mcgregor you just know he’s PACKING
weird looking duck, never seen it before
farting my fucking guts out
wtf the /brit/ is so slow today
Oh right, the cans!
Anyone for the cans?
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curious what life is like here
really looks like the kind of bloke you could have a pint with
packed with tourists
Love English people so much it's unreal
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Isn't that the Abbey from the end of Dracula?
awww thanks x
sometimes i get the coastliner to whitby just for fun. takes a while but i can post on brit on my way there
just glassed me nan for not having tea ready, AITA?
sounds comfy
Thinking about that time it was illegal to go outside unless you were protesting against Yank policeman
Stay home and goon
Nah wanna save my load for potential hookups
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Escalation is completely inevitable
Russia will not give in to NAtO
still parroting the "lockdowns happened" myth, are we rorke?
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just ordered a p320 on the internet
dubs decide what movie I watch tonight
go stupid

go crazy






GOOON nigga1!!?!?!??/1//1/11?!?!??!??!?!?!?!
remember when you stepped in poo
>watching the markets in September
come back in a month
Watch Mean Girls, lad
And enjoy the ginger
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Eurotrip if evens
The Paw Patrol movie if odds
eastern promises
bad posts (probably from the same person)
good post
You're all dead
Good bants post but some people genuinely think like this
something with Aaliyah Yasin
really bad thread so far ngl
if you have sex with a man wearing a ladies wig it cancels out the gayness, cause they are now trans or sumthing
American Psycho, obvs
true say
Have to wait until September 23rd for newest generation of intel laptops to come out, takes the piss
Just... trying to think of something... to post...
modes he posted porn
mad how popuated birmingham is but you never really hear about it. it's certainly not a tourist destination. you'd think the uk's second city would have a little more going for it
The Long Goodbye
What will happen is
(((UK))) Aka Germany will send lots of missiles to Moscow
Moscow will flip out and bomb Germany
China will invade Taiwan
Iran launch a grand invasion of Israel
That's Wendy Taylor that is
Sing if you're glad to be gay :)
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*does a little israeli dogbert dance*
What do you fine gentlemen think of those who speak in acronyms, initialisms and abbreviations when discussing their jobs, expecting the great mass of proles to understand their arcane horseshit?
The Simpsons Season 11, Episode 5
what ever happened to Malcolm Sutherland? remember that chap
mad how shit uk cities are.
birmingham, manchester, leeds - no desire to go to them ever again
havent been to liverpool tbf
Very unlikely Skeir would approve a unilateral assault on Russia
Thats a nice piece
And everyone on the bus will clap
I'll never visit Birmingham, that's how much of a dump it is
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Stayed in the cottage second from the end, had the window open all night listening to the sea, was mad peng
this post violates the law of my country
Liverpool is nice, shite weather and full of norfern mongs as you can expect but it's pretty good
Heard Bristol is nice, never been
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*crowd clears out the way for islamic catberg to come challenge him*
i've got a nice piece for you right here
*unbuckles penis*
*terrorises you gaily*
Mums threatening suicide to my brother again dickhead man
russell rebrand after rape allegations
Atlanta rapper Rich Homie Quan dies
isn't it paki central?
war. just not right really is it.
any tiredboys in?
why are uk pakis so conservative?
getting gay married to jesus
imagine being a Russian and staying against piracy
I watch movies only in a licensed streaming services, so sometimes I want to watch, but it disappeares
first fatman scoop and now this
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if you are a westerner, you have no excuse to pirate

maybe the only if there is no other way to watch movie or play a videogame

or you are a "media saver" activist
hello Russia
hope that stuff with out for you nigga
midwest emo... yay or nay?
This is literally what is going to happen
Globohomo is obsessed with Russia..they are everything globohomo doesn't like

Russia is rogue, it's interesting, it doesn't necessarily love Dua lipa. Globohomoho will never get this
in small doses yay
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meanwhile in Britannia
hide-the-pain her-ald
Manchester is clearly the second city, don't give me your fake and gay gerrymandered population statistics
Saw a mong outside and thought about our benefits system and how much it must cost to support mongs who will never give anything back
mildly hung over, wish i were more severely hung over because then i'd get to enjoy pockets of wonderful relief after chundering
what's their end goal?
mongs aren't obligated to give you sonmething back
i am going to kill myself, that is going to happen
manchester is desperate to be the london of the north
but it isn't
You are going to war with Russia
cause we are telling truth about some things in the western world

here even the pro-abortion liberals are against some liberal stuff happening in the western countries

in Russia it's illegal to change gender since 2023
dont do that :(
half of them are fit. Is it like that every weekend or is that a special occasion?
23 and me says my ancestors are from Merseyside. Tyne and Ware. Yorkshire. What goes on in these places?
Shot in the head? Doubt they hit anything vital
I'm a teetotaler now meself, but enjoy your cans
I literally will vote for "United Russia" if they will ban abortion here (except for a medical reasons)
good one o'rorke
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fuck you for birthing this faggoy
Literally nowhere on planet earth is desperate to be London
Rorke pulling an allnighter on Russian propagandatoil
all abortions are for medical reasons
hes based
Might move to Russia
who's that
abortion gives a huge risk of infertility
+ the goal of sex is reproduction, it has no sense to have sex if you are not planning to have children

maybe only to "reset" stress and etc, but you can solve it with gym for example
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fag i see everywhere on my youtube feed
Picrel looks like the first women I had sex with when I was 18 studying in Manchester (she was scottish)
reckon this lad was a god tier poker player
>abortion gives a huge risk of infertility
I can't phantom how can people work 5/2 and wasting time for watching porn and wanking.
>Tyne and Ware
Tyne and Wear. Stop replying to yourself, nobody cares that your ancestors were norfs.
spotted something to ask AI and digest for a little bit
Lol, that's the sneed one.
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NATO will not give up Ukraine
Sukhoi Su-34 bombing campaigns over Germany are as inevitable as the air we breathe
get the IUS es shoved up the trannies japseyes
anyone else here listen to noise (music genre)?
find it relaxing.
a man like this was always an inevitability
I get so horny watching that cartoon
I say let europe burn
thought i'd finished my beer
still have half a can left
i'm waning rapidly
fucking screaming
the greatest mind in english football
i'd ask you if you ever heard of condoms but given your insane HIV rates, i already know the answer
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canadian women rule the world
lmao, brainwashing as is
it actually does
"parents" who tell their 16 yo daughters to have abortion, should have no parental rights

I believe that every woman must to become a woman only after a marriage. Not before.

I have no problem with people having sex not in marriage (the thing which is banned in Christianity).

But woman should become a woman at her marriage. Period.

If some young guy, being on a testosterone hormonal rollercoaster, can't stand without sex, he has to search for a ex-married woman which will become his pilegesh.

Or at least save her technical virginity. That's ok. Not fine but ok.
should rape be a capital offense
how do I kill myself
REALLY confusing image
shes obviously crossing her legs but her toes arent the wrong way round
mad just mad
chatGTP broken?
would you call yourself a "technical virgin"?
condoms make your karma worser if you use them without reason

and it's the question why the fuck you are together at all if you don't want to have a common child

and people which had sex without condoms say that it's awesome

also, condoms are bad for ecology, aren't them?

but hypocritical "vegans" not saying a single world about it
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having an indian gf sounds alright until you have to smell that disgusting cooking and bo
>also, condoms are bad for ecology, aren't them?
not as bad as more human beings
humans are the cancer of the world
Good aren't they
not here to answer on a private questions
>guy saying the west has fallen has twisted puritanical views on sex
Wow who could've seen that coming
need that down my throat
Right well that's a trannard penois isn't it
cockmogs me
are you fucking retarded?
Check the flag mate
You ever been on a beach at night, how it has that smell you won't find anywhere else?
I'm doing farts that smell like the sea
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so this is diego
Lads, I just tried drinking from a can then realized I didn't open it
Then got distracted and came back and tried to drink it again but it's still closed

It's finally open but what am I like?
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Moscow is too overpopulated for me.
I use a longer road to home cause I hate being in a full bus or a vagon.

Recently I was in Belarus and felt the difference.
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Probably got gimps on /brit/ that would look like that right now if it weren't for RNHS
Love this little freak
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OK maybe talking about the smell of my own farts wasn't a great post... Y'know.........
What's in the news this week... How about those kids that killed a guy? Mad that
also here I can't watch YouTube at smart TV anymore (I can if I would want it very much, but it requires a time to make it work)

so I use the Russain analog

in some moments it is even better, but anyway

has not so much content to choice to watch
Lovely, bottle it and send me some x
why has putin banned youtube?
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None of this is particularly unique to Russia, Smart TVs are junk and shit drops off of streaming all the time even without sanctions
works on my machine (samsung)
you voted for this
I could punt them halfway to those fuckiny mountains
I'm not a Buddhist (but in Russia an Orthodox-based group of people exist which say that reincarnation is real)

But I think karma may exist.

And according to Buddhism wanking, oral and anal sex ruin your karma.

About condoms it's my personal view.
Why is his head moving
i used to spend my weekend nights by the seaside watching the ships and the sunset but now it’s so crowded with korean tourists who keep talking about naega naega that ive stopped going. it’s doing my head in
What's he doing
cantr strand this fucking dude
guy has like 20 channels
100% sure theyre all ai
Me? Watching Attitude Era entrances and video packages
I voted for Putin because I don't want a left-liberal to rule my country even in theory (but his party banned gender change, but he is saying he fully supports abortion)

+ Putin is more pro-western than you think

He has roots from Tver it's the most pro-western city in central Russia.

He is conservative, but pro-western.
Alri blacklad
in 2018 I voted not for Putin, but for Grudinin

he is a communist
Hope you've inadvertently offended him and you accidentally fall down an elevator shaft onto a pile of bullets

karma might exist if you like fucking kill or rape someone, not if you pull on your johnson or put plastic over it while fucking someone else
thinking that sex should only be for reproduction is genuinely the most virgin take you can have and thinking it would be at all successful to enforce shows how delusional you are
Another fucking flag in the filters
Got most of the world in there
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so this is rorke
Shut the fuck up you yank fucktard
Didnt Putin actually want to join NATO and ally with the west? He was a big fan and admirer of the west and western values but he kept getting rejected and scorned, pretty much like Turkey did and now it's joining brics. It was the US military industrial complex that wanted to keep Russia as an enemy so they could reap the endless gravy train of endless wars.
What is your view on this?
are you the russian whose parents had the schizo mate who said good wood the wood is good
I was just mocking people who say "you voted for this" because obviously none of us have any say in what our leaders do
i am wearing glasses *holds up calculator* ummmm by my calculations i will die a virgin
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>6000 ladybird species
>6000 dung beetles
>1200 stag beetle species
>400,000 beetle species overall (1/4 of all species)

meanwhile there's 1 lion species, 1 tiger species, 1 human species, 1 cow, 1 horse, 1 giraffe, 2 hippos, 2 gorillas, 3 orangutans, 3 elephants

we're getting absolutely mogged by the beetles lads
You’re actually saying he’s wrong?
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and but so!
I don't even know what he's talking about, I don't care, he just needs to get out
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>Non-Americans will NEVER see these little guys hanging around dumpsters
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They’d all get it tbf
Draper lost so Britain will enter its NINTH year without a Men's Grand Slam champion and it's FOURTH year without a Grand Slam champion of either gender.

Very good.
>1 lion species, 1 tiger species, 1 cow, 1 horse, 1 giraffe
>watching the markets during interest rate pivots
Go all in on t-bills and bonds and come back in a year
>3 elephants
Your mum, your sister and your nan?
the last of us...mid game
you probably thinking "but what about the bengal tiger and shit" - subspecies.

"but there's so many types of horse"
if they can procreate they're subspecies, just like different races.
listen to the Greek about economy and markets
good job only cunts care about tennis
think i heard they were about in germany maybe
whateva happened to Raducanu
synthwave, that came and went
AI says abortions dont cause sterility (if healthcare is good (it said nothing about healthcare) so like in the UK and US)
>if they can procreate they're subspecies, just like different races.
i see i see... so diego is a subspecies...
put on some aftersun cream hopefully that does the trick
Tennis is kino
that's not what species means
by that logic dogs and wolves are the same species
That's football actually
Close your longs during fed pivots.
My dad is a rich kid and gets annoying hearing him try and pretend like he struggled
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an athlete
Dogs and wolves are the same species, canus Lupus.
good post
A horse! My kingdom for a horse!
In terms of length what do you lads look for in a lady? Clitwise I mean
>Dogs and wolves are the same species
and yet no they're fucking not
you say wrong things doesn't make them not wrong
*exits Heathrow with a mysteriously bundle-of-baby-raccoons shaped backpack*
Did some proper good exercise this evening
dont care
im bringing it back
We've got brush tailed possums that make enough fucking racket at night
So is one of yous gonna post another tranny .wemb or not? It might just push over the edge.
Our politicians are not serious people, and we are not a serious nation. We should be shunned until we get our act together.
obamas seed n feed (formely sin ladens)
Smoking a blunt
I'm hungry like ze wolf
wolfing down a sheep
How much coffee do you drink per day
osama sim bad labim
cupla cuppas mucka
2 3/4 cups
It varies. Lately not much, 1 or 2 cups max
Any abortion procedure has complications that can impact future fertility but the whole "you scraped them all out in your 20s and that's why you can't make one when you want to at 39" thing is Rorke cope
>my dad is a rich kid who refuses to give me any money as a kid
>Left my mom for a younger woman
>Now pretends to give a shit when he has diabetes
I am taking all his money
B. Obama formerly Mohammed Bamba
sun is down
missing home
thats how you already know, summers here
give em dronees
i will jihad em
always funny when criminals act like they have a code
0 cups. i have coffee maybe 6 times per year. dont dislike it although it can keep me up at night, just not bothered.
200mg worth
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eat it rorke NOW
can't post that toby
you've falsely come to the conclusion that species have some rigorous scientific definition when in fact they're just a useful way for us humans to characterise different kinds of animals
unsurprisingly it's useful for humans to be able to tell the difference between dogs and wolves
4 to 6 espressos
oh she finally came out?
>i may be a rapist but i'm no bastard... i don't touch women or children, never have never will
I've cut down to 2 cuppas, cutting from 4 cups to 2 was harder than quitting nicotine, weed or booze
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organised crime is preferable to disorganised crime
try to keep it to 2 cups in the morning (one moderately heaped spoonful of instant coffee per cup)
however I frequently go over and then don't sleep
Must have a critical mass of autistics in today
Might throw some matchsticks in the thread an get em counted, distract em for a secons
got japanese idols on the monitor
i miss him so much >>201922018
text didnt upload

you said this earlier and my post wasnt deleted
you wont ever shut up though even if you got banned for this - youd just ban evade to go announce reports
reverse image sucks now that says nothing
not if they get too powerful
shut it
good for you
sounds very posh
shut up blud
give it a rest
just witnessed
I sense that you are feeling done, and for good reason
You were not expecting that dogs and wolves would be widely recognised as the same species, and this revelation has rattled you
Consider your concession acc-ep-ted
>You were not expecting that dogs and wolves would be widely recognised as the same species, and this revelation has rattled you
but they're not
again you saying wrong things doesn't make them true
got [Uncensored x Urinating] Pussy in the toilet. on the big screen
divorced women: cigarettes, sunglasses, scandal. dry martinis, hotel bars, international travel

divorced men: graham linehan

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