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2nd amendment edition

first for cum con sex
You're scared of guns
I'm going to eat your ass
i own a gun though and i keep it in my car
he mightve gone to bed but https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRkm-O8rHSc
maybe it was another one
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brushing my teeth and going to bed
good night
for me it's reading books, saving for a motorcycle too to go on adventures
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because its a rabbit...

goodnight all
goodnight you too
the stigma around suicide essentially holds people hostage in unbearable misery by means of guilt and shame. instead of limiting the amount of suffering in the world suicide prevention adds to it, compelling people to sustain their suffering unduly and sticking them with an added anxiety about unburdening themselves of it
good night
Thats how urkels steal guns
that dopamine hit when a bitch replies back
There's no guarantee that their suffering will end beyond death
Meanwhile we can know that this life could always become better, in most cases.
>life could always become better
that never happens
that's me using her phone lmao.
are you guys excited for the election? i am
>she busy rn lil bro
Happens all the time
Life is a series of ups and downs
Sometimes you just need perspective and learn how to enjoy the small moments of happiness or the moments of stillness
>cross post one reply
>there were two other quality posts i missed
it's over
Suicide prevention has to go hand in hand with quality of life improvements
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Good evening /cum/friends
Life is full of contradictions, every inch a mile
And the moment we start weeping, that's when we should smile.
this is all too speculative to mean anything and can easily be reversed. there's no guarantee that their suffering won't end after death, no guarantee that it's not a land of milk and honey. and life can always get worse
Suicide isn't speculative too? If you can hold onto misery or hold onto hope, you won't choose hope?
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Why? That’s not very nice, friend.
my cousin hung himself over a girl, i still see him hanging from the garage rafters when i close my eyes sometimes
how very bitch made of him
i'm so sorry anon
you have to think patterns of events have browbeat the hope out of anyone that can overcome the will to live and commit to killing themselves. hope doesn't spring in everyone's life and if someone finds that the balance weighs heavy in the favor of misery i think they have a right to excuse themselves
i almost did the same
>Life is a series of ups and downs
life has always been going downhill. momberg should've aborted me
I'm sympathetic to some of those cases but not most of them
In most cases I'd argue that it isnt merely the pattern of events weighing on them but also the persons perspective, behavior and hormonal imbalance. The possibility of trading in this current suffering for a totally unknown outcome like suicide doesn't make any sense to me, except in very extreme cases.
I'm starting to think that you deserve the miserable life you always complain about
Do you love your mom
Sometimes I wonder if having a gf would motivate me or if it would just be an expensive distraction.

Then again I doubt any worthwhile woman would want to date a guy that lives in his parents basement. I just don't know anymore, life is boring.
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i'm gonna watch a movie and log off for a bit ill see you fellas later
i love my life though
The thing is, even in the best possible case that it motivates you, you don't want your motivation or happiness tied to a woman. What does that make you? Her slave? You're gonna just devolve back into a failure if she breaks up? Or go hardcore stalker trying to get back your motivation and happiness? Become the you that you want to be now, not only is it healthier but you will become more attractive to women.
Just because suicide scares you doesn't mean other people should be precluded from it. Their lIves are their own. Who are you to say otherwise?
Proven it.
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I stepped on a piece of glass and procrastinated taking it out, now skin has grown over it or somethinf and I'd have to claw through my foot to take it out
Debating whether I should just deal with it until I'm bothered enough to go to the hospital or claw it out with a knife
if there's only more suffering after we die then we're all in for it no matter what you do in life. unless you posit that that fate is reserved only for the suicidal, in which case what are you basing that position on. compelling someone to grit and bear their miserable life to it's natural conclusion on account of a hypothetical permutation of a hypothetical scenario is exactly the sort of anxiety mongering i'm talking about
Ever since 2015. Canada finally caught up.
Someone from "coinbase" called me to tell me old account was hacked and like an idiot I answered, but he only got the name of my banks and how much money I have in that account, can he do anything with this info?
Go to the hospital retard-kun.
Go get some fent, cut it out, and then take the fent as a painkiller.
I'm not saying their life belongs to me
I'm stating my opinion that it isn't a good or smart idea.
They can make their own choices
Humans are social animals we depend on each other to thrive. But yeah, there is that concern that I would do well for the honeymoon phase but that my motivation would peter out after some time.
say goodbye to everything you had in those accounts
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>live in midwest us
>90% white suburb until 5 years ago
>tech jeets started pouring in
>they built a cricket field on top of a baseball diamond in a public park
>screech like monkeys when someone redirects a ball 5 degrees with a bdsm paddle
>40-50 jeets loitering there daily
>never move out of the way when you walk by them
>leave trash everywhere
they're as loud and inconsiderate as niggers. is there anywhere left to go?
I think I have a rose thorn stuck in my arm i tried digging around my arm when it first happened and couldn't get it out, so ive had a bump on my arm for 5 years
Assuming he has no other information about you? No. But call your bank anyways.
If he has other information that was previously collected, it's possible.
Stop trying to sound smart
The point is, we don't understand the nature of the afterlife. What if there is a god who judges us? What if he said we only needed to do a bit more good? Or what if you resurrect as an ant? It could be literally anything. Why would you not be able to look the afterlife in the face and say "I fucking tried"?
>Humans are social animals we depend on each other to thrive.
I believe humans are intelligent, clever and adaptable enough to somewhat compensate for this with good literature. I mean, look at what being perpetually online does to people, or how anime makes people Naruto run. What if you replaced it all with classical literature, documentaries and shit? I think it's good to maintain speaking skills though
That's expensive though
don't forget your oral hygiene
I almost forgot thanks
what kind of gun
what if there's so many indians because rebirth is actually real and all the hedonist boomers and suicides and gangbangers are being recycled as dalits or whatever other jeet castes there are
What's your insurance like?
>it's good to maintain speaking skills though
You will have the intelligence, but without the social skills. Social skills aren't like riding a bike, it's like a muscle. Once it degrades, you have to build it back up again.
Stop talking about suicide please it's making me panic and worry that I'm going to become suicidal in the future if I don't find a loving wife
Just like people start talking like cringe anime characters, if you're watching good movies with natural sounding dialog, or reading well written books, I don't see a person being socially stunted. I think they'd just be a bit weird. but they'd be smart too. It's just important that you're actually speaking and having conversations with at least like cashier's or whatever so you don't develop a stutter or something.
just fly to the philippines and you'll have 65 wife hopefuls lined up to go back with you
had a monster and my chest started to hurt
Don't simply hope for a wife. Hope also to transcend these desires. Your happiness is inside yourself anon. truly.
you haven't had enough caffeine until you start seeing flashes of light
I only buy the monster juices.
I'm not going to force it with some woman that I don't actually care about
I am truly happy in every aspect except for not having a wife, so this advice really doesn't work. It's the only hole in my life, and it's a monstrous black pit.
You say that, but there's a stereotype about homeschooled children for a reason. If they don't get enough socialization, they're too off-putting for most people. They might know how to hold a conversation, but no one's willing to have it with them.
Same thing happens with an intelligent shut-in.
The male or female hikikomori don't just magically get better with people suddenly talking to them. It takes years of effort.
Socializing is a muscle that needs to be regularly used, not a one time learned skill.
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hungry like a mad man i should have gotten a snack at the shart mart
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Can those things bit and does it hurt?
>death is…le scary!
You're all pathetic. Death is coming for us all, and you'd better be ready because when death calls, it waits for no one. Some people have wives and lots of money. Others die without achieving those things. Big deal.
cya, i'm turning in too
I'm afraid of a wasted life, not death.
Then just be thankful for what you have
I really don't think that's true. like I said, if they're watching good movies then they're still going to be experiencing examples of wit and humor. I think the stereotype with home schooling is more associated with the idea of repression from media in general like most of them probably aren't allowed to watch most comedies or read something with violence but I'm talking about an adult
If you think your life is wasted, then it is. If you don't, then it isn't. Arrogant of you to assume it matters in the grand scheme of things. You'll be rotting in the ground with other people all the same, "wasted" lIves or not.
>and you'd better be ready because when death calls
That's exactly why you shouldn't commit suicide
It isn't about being le scared, it's about you best be ready for it since we're heading into it face first
>Then just be thankful for what you have
I'd throw everything away for a loving wife. I'd rather suffer with the love of my life than be "comfortable" alone.
I don't care how unhealthy it is, I absolutely have to find a companion or I'm actually going to go insane.
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You're actually retarded if you think homeschooled kids can learn socialization from films
>I don't care how unhealthy it is
You should because it isn't conducive to finding love.
You're gonna start drooling over the first woman who gives you a chance. That won't be true love.
Not at all, I have the right to want the ideal feelings and thoughts going through my head when I'm on my death bed.
desperation's a red flag chud
I literally said I'm talking about adults, retard
I refuse to settle.
I keep these thoughts and feelings hidden from everyone.
ska is the only meaningful contribution white people have made to music.
>I refuse to settle.
Ok what's your standards
Death won't take into consideration how you feel, anon. Get over yourself.
It doesn't ultimately matter if you suicide or not. If you don't want to, don't. If you want to, I won't stop you. In the context of eternity it's nothing.
And we do all the black music better than them.
Cute face
Reasonably intelligent
Yea they can do painful bites
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Garage dinner because I don't have a kitchen for a month
death and loneliness is around every corner, you should be very afraid, suicidally afraid even
It certainly matters for the state of your conscience
If you think anyone can learn socialization from films, you're retarded.
black folk invented country
>get over yourself
Not sure what point you're trying to make. The point I'm trying to make is that I want to live my best life so I can look back on it fondly in old age.
You're gonna fall madly in love with the first average girl that gives you a chance and then get all clingy and desperate and ruin it
I'm not trying to be a dick dude, I want you to understand and maximize your chances of success
Only to the extent that you want it to matter. You're very fussy, so it's a big deal to you. So be it. You'll die along with everyone else.
I'm more emotionally intelligent than you think. I keep all of these unhealthy thoughts in my head and don't let them affect my outward behavior. I will not be clingy and desperate, in fact I'll be terrified because my social anxiety will make it so that I'm constantly afraid of making her upset until I fully trust her, which could take a year.
Good night bud
Why not? As long as they're also practicing. If people can be influenced by anime then why not good dialog in movies?
Actually Quentin Tarantino is a perfect example. Everyone knows he's a film nerd and always talks like he's in a movie. And he's weird as shit. But people love listening to him talk and he's interesting.
And that's just the types of movies he watches, you'd also be reading good books.
Point is, maybe you'll get your long life with nostalgic memories. Maybe you have a massive brain hemorrhage tonight that kills you. You rob yourself of living now by being so fearful. Death is coming. Don't make a fuss of it either way.
>Only to the extent that you want it to matter.
If I set you on fire, you aren't just gonna decide that you don't want it to matter so therefore it doesn't matter
Women are called "enchanting" for a reason
Remember that. Very important
This was basically me then I got lucky on hinge of all places. Her career/income is a sore spot but her other qualities are quite rare. You'll find one and I'm sure you'll be a great and loving husband
>15yo with death metal posters: The Post
Fucking lmao
I will try very hard to not get too excited if it happens.
There's a reason someone who thinks socializing can be learned from films (You) is posting on 4Chan at this hour instead of, well, socializing. You're delusional, anon.
But that's my fault for not following my own advice, I consume too much dumb shit.
But it makes logical sense. Why would people be influenced by bad shit and Naruto run after watching anime but they can't also be influenced by good stuff?
>posting on 4chan at this hour
Do you guys forget that every week has both Friday AND Saturday???
My plans are tomorrow night
You must die. It's inevitable. There's nothing that says you need to light me on fire.
Going to crack open an 11 year aged sour beer
Shits gonna be good
>ad hominem
>no argument in sight
Triggered by mortality?
You do not know whether you will be set on fire or a myriad of any other possibilities could happen in the afterlife.
No one who is good at socializing got good at it by watching films. You're delusional and/or a fool.
And that's a good thing. Doesn't matter ultimarely.

Here is a song with interesting lyrics you will probably enjoy

>Stop trying to sound smart
i am smart doe
>what if what if what if
what if suicide is actually the act that god holds as the most moral and if you kill yourself you get a billion tokens in heaven that you can trade in for prizes. equally likely as anything you suggested. if your life sucks and you're over it you shouldn't be harried by a bunch of absurd hand wringing what ifs based on nothing at all, you should just end it
got his ass
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Heres the bottle. Haven't opened it yet
Where did you get that? that's cool. Let me know how it tastes
zoolander is a good movie
thats what you get for listening to incels
wizardhood is for chads
>aged beer
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Just at a liquor store near me. The importer is nearby

It looks like libbys juicy juice
The nose is really funky. Balsamic vinegar, bit cough syrupy, a smell reminiscent of brettanomyces. Very nice
Extremely light body, extreme levels of acidity and sourness. Like cranberry juice.
Its almost dead from 11 years storage. A small amount of very fine bubbles remain.

Don't laugh at my cup i didn't want to wash a tasting glass
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I asked her out. She hasn't responded.
You sent the dick pic before you asked her out like we told you right?
>what if suicide is actually the act that god holds as the most moral and if you kill yourself you get a billion tokens in heaven that you can trade in for prizes. equally likely as anything you suggested. if your life sucks and you're over it you shouldn't be harried by a bunch of absurd hand wringing what ifs based on nothing at all, you should just end it
What if I had wheels and was a bike
Yeah. Maybe she didn't like the lighting?
His statement is equally absurd as your previous ones. Went right over your head.
There was a post on Facebook with some seemingly innocent string and the caption "WHATEVER YOU DO, DO NOT SEARCH (whatever the string was) on facebook!" Obviously i searched it and it fucking gave a CSAM or CPAM or whatever warning. Anyways ever since then Facebook keeps reccomending me all these disgusting pedo videos of like little girls dressed extremely inappropriately dancing or stretching or whatever with really fucked up camera angles and shit. Fucking hell
Do goblins actually drop chef hats? I've been here for a couple hours and got nothing.
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You could have wheels and identify as transbike, but you'll never be a real bike. You'd have no pedals, no chain
>She hasn't responded.
I like fluted glass and metal a lot actually. I don't think I'd want to try that beer, but thank you for the detail
Why is everyone saying "demure", is that the word of the month or something?
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Kek. blk boys are embracing their nature and wearing dresses now. Their trying to attract white men to use their blk boypussies so they can achieve the blk boy sissygasms they've been denied since slavery times.
Tiktok meme
>ad hominem
Please tell me you also unironically tell people “post hoc, ergo propter hoc”
>if you’re laughing at me you must be triggered
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> word of the month
yeah, maybe last month grandpa.
try not living under a rock.
Its getting even better as it's warming up. I shouldn't have poured it cold at all.
Always liked the sours and wild ferment beers so i had to grab this.
>seething response
>claims he's unbothered
>mfw saw the goblin who "popularized" it
Should i cop?
Do you have a man-bun?
i'm not a fan of law enforcement
toe shoes never look good
I had a girl that used to do that to me
No but they're comfy
There better be a penis
They are equally plausible considering the unknown nature of the subject
It is you who is missing the point
>actually it's you who is the cowering pussy when faced with the prospect of death
Preparation doesn't make anyone a pussy
It's a call to action
Why action over inaction? Doesn't matter actually. You're wasting your life now arguing with me on 4channel.
I would only visit alien planets that could solve a rubiks cube in less than 8 hours
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>Why action over inaction? Doesn't matter actually.
You don't believe what you typed
This conversation is an action and you find it valuable or else you wouldn't be doing it.
Even if you say "na I'm just bored" it's obvious you value your entertainment. Your mind not being bored matters to you. What makes you think whatever happens in the afterlife won't matter?
I'm a nutcase
Again, it only matters as much as you want it to matter. I'm just here hanging out in eternity. Maybe there's pitch black after death. Maybe I'll be tortured by hellish creatures. Maybe I'll kick it with God in heaven. Maybe I'll be reborn in the endless cycle of samsara. Oh well.
You won't get to choose if being tortured matters to you
I'm not a pussy like you, anon.
>Wouldn't visit kashyyk
Just get barefoot shoes/wide toe box/zero drop
I like when strangers talk to me and comment on the shoes.
A black physician from deep south is still richer than a richest european baron
It could be possible for them. Even if they intentionally gave it to a robot to solve it or had access to directions because of already having a similar cube that'd be fine too. But a place full of oogabooga headscalpers is no bueno
>Wouldnt visit tusken raiders
tusken raiders aren't oogaboogas
Wish it was socially acceptable to walk around shoeless, but alas
Yes they are
Life has been far better after I stopped masturbating.
In what way? Be prepared for angry gooners
1. Saves time.
2. Feel physically better, less tired/more energy.
3. No longer view women with sexual desire.
born to goon
forced to sleep
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Feelings of hope
>bunch of losers stading around gambling
haboo "gameplay"
Ever been to a casino?
I think the female equivalent of being an incel is being one of those fucked up bitches who gets raped and abused because noone in their right mind would touch them with a twelve foot pole. They would be a perfect match for eachother were it possible for their paths to cross
imagine a huge ass on my face
And then it farts and poops?
There's no such thing as an afterlife. That's just some cope we made up, because of the flaws of life.
Our family members die, and we miss them Don't worry, you'll see them again, after you die.
This life is nothing but suffering for me being a good person, and that person isn't suffering for being a bad person. Don't worry, in the afterlife, you'll be rewarded for your efforts and that person will be punished.
I'm afraid that there will just be a day that I stop existing, and it will be like the time before my birth, and that's scary. Don't worry, there's an afterlife, that lasts forever.
All of our cultures make up different afterlives. Heaven, rebirth, reincarnation, other dimensions, etc.
It's all just cope for the fluke of evolution producing an animal that's able to think about their life. Most people can't handle the idea that we didn't exist for 12ish billion years, exist for 100 years if we're lucky, and then stop existing while the rest of the universe continues on for billions of more years.
These are incel females.
women are awful
joker wouldn't get a sequel if it wasn't so successful with incels, they made the second exclusively to shit on everyone that liked the first one
I read the leaks, and I laughed when I read that there's a scene that goes out of its way to shit on the audience of the first one.
Like do they not want to make another billion dollars?
hello im back
the first joker was so good
i really like the way they portrayed the ineffectual mental health care system in the us, pretty much nonexistent
he spiky
Nothing stops existing
why is he so aggressive
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does that cat not have claws or is that t shirt really thick or something this looks incredibly painful
A nuke has just been detonated over NYC.
excited for when you mention my town
Cats don't fully sink their claws into your when they knead, also bras exist though she doesn't look like the kinda of girl to be wearing one
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Thank god
my cat tries to make biscuits on me and it's pretty painful that's why i have holes in the thigh of my jeans
and unless it's a padded bra or something i don't imagine it would make much of a difference sports bras can be pretty thin
i guess everyone went to bed huh
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omg no
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Hi spinster
Your posting style is cute
Just blasted ass.
Yuppie faggot.
what did i do to you
You live in NYC. Or did I misread your post?
fuck china for that lab leak
i do not live in nyc, i was just saying i am excited for when my city is the one to get nuked it hasn't come up yet as far as i know
are you talking about covid
i thought it came from pangolins
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Speaking of COVID, it was around for months before China told the world about it. I know several people who came down with mysterious, severe, unidentifiable viral infections in December 2019, which in hindsight probably were COVID. One of them is a FB friend I've never met in person, vand the other one is my sister's dad – who actually had really severe effects from it (his heart was ruined and now he has an enlarged heart and underwent a quadruple bypass surgery, directly as a result of getting sick in December 2019).
K sorry. I was just being facetious anyways lol.
It was either from an animal to human at a wet market, or leaked from the Wuhan virology lab. Either scenario does not look good for China. We need to stop treating animals like shit or this is gonna happen again.
They're all satanic pedophiles.
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what do you guys usually get at subway
my order is a six inch steak and cheese on white bread with provolone cheese toasted with bell peps, onions, mayo and black pepper
with the garden salsa sun chips and a white macadamia nut cookie :>
>cold cut on Italian herbs and cheese, with white cheese, pizza sauce, toasted
>everything except olives and jalapenos
>honey mustard, and sweet teriyaki sauce
>salt + pepper, and lots of parmesan
damn nigga you ugly
this is a pretty mighty sandwich because it's quicker for you to list what's not on it lol
im excited to go to that escape room i've never been to one so i don't really know what to expect
Ok but I get extra pickles too ;)
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Thinkin bout going out for a smoke.
>dreaming i'm a cowboy with half a nose
>wake up and my nostril's clogged
it was a good dream too. fucking boogers
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Just took my meds + two extra strength Tylenol. Hoping I pass tf out.
Radiohead is a good band
i got a mild headache might take some
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>i will never go camping deep in the alaskan wilderness
A friend told me that drinking half strength drinks is part of the path to alcoholism.
is manhood just a constant deadening of ones soul?
I remember being a sensitive nigga
Neither will I
I feel like anytime I make a comment people jump down my shit and feel the need to pick every little thing I say apart or they just get annoyed with me. Not sure why I bother talking to anyone anymore.
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Woe is me
you are cute and handsome and i love You in particular
Look at that boy go

The bars all closed early last night so I didn't drink nearly as much as usual
>video unavailable
Nikocado Avocado changed the timeline
We're so fucking back bros
Nah, he posted an old video from before he got fat
Absolute COPE
Not cope in the slightest. Notice how there's no other video or photo. Just a heavily edited old video.
There is another video
He even states in it that he hasn't filmed a video in about 2 years, which aligns with when that meat canyon video came out making fun of him
Getting called a kid online really infuriates me.
That's more proof that this is a fabrication because he posted a video 7 months ago.
That "other video" is another part of the same footage as the "first video"
Time will prove me right.
>he recorded 2 videos 10 years ago and just posted them today
>no wait thats even more proof, theres no way he recorded videos 2 years ago and have been slowly posting them while he lost weight
Anon, that is some next level coping

>That "other video" is another part of the same footage as the "first video"
It's atleast 2 different sittings, probably 2 different days, considering how much food he ate in each one
Ok, you can believe whatever fantasy you want about your e celeb. I never said 10 years either. Time will prove me right. He's a fat gay fraud.
He's been fatter than he is in that video for at least 7 years
Fat gay fraud
Two. Steps. Ahead.
when I was in murica I told some guys camry is a luxury car here and they went like WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT????????

ist es over fur mich?
>surf rock


1963 (copy)
Whatever, kid.
Extremely submissive and breedable posts
hmm drugs
drugs are gay as hell
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>drugs are gay as hell
I DONT look like that
just finished my morning gangbang porn watching edge session.
i gotta ballsizemaxx
ah yes
how i missed thee, /cum/
Stopped getting take out a month ago and started just eating eggs fried in olive oil and avocado and beef and macadamia nuts and melon with honey and drinking only water. More muscle. Less fat. Bigger dick. Nicer skin. More money. Zero effort. In just a month. In 3 months I'll be everyone's dad and uncle at the same time in here. You can do it too.
rest in piss
I sometimes eat junk crackers and I drink but I eat significantly healthier than I did a few years ago. It shows. I sleep better, don't fall half asleep randomly, have lost weight, and am better off mentally.
Good Morning Cum
if you really loved me you'd come to brazil and suck my dick
what's the crime like outside of the major cities
>interpals gf working full time as well as finishing a semester of school and commuting 2-3 hours daily
makes me sad bros, I wanna bring her here
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are you trying to imply that american airlines lose bags because america is full of brown thieves and retards (specifically niggers and spics)?
makes me angry that other people have gfs
you shouldn't draw attention to the few good things still left in the world.
your fault for going out of your way to be an incel pardo retardo
YT bombards me with this ad
They know what they are doing, right? Kinky stare and smile and all.
Doesn't seem Christian to me.
We also don't tax the shit out of vehicles as much as europe does. A new mustang in europe costs as much as a luxury car because it's imported and usually has a v8 but the interior is shit compared to a volvo or bmw.
I think you're just shilling your stuff
wtf are you talking about
oh god im cumming!!
yeah, too bad about that, still buying tho!!!!!!
do you ever moan when you masturbate
only if the donation is $5 or more
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How do I feel about this development, cummers?
dont care. if elon did this chuds would be sucking him off
chuds think elon is controlled opposition
while you might be right about pajeet elon shills, you are mentally ill to think of that as your first response
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i should buy a gun
yet they still love him
you should only have 4 guns at max
i agree but i have 0 gun right now
did you turn 18 today?
there is no reason to have zero guns

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