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a woman respecting general edition
Just took this threads virginity. You faggots can have the leftovers.
thank you
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ill pop your cherry
didn't read, was too busy having sloppy seconds posting in /dixie/
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you are BROWN
you are NOT WHITE
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100% hyperborean-mississippian dna
many worship this god
there is not greater patriotism found outside bryant denny stadium other than north korea
I will PERSONALLY bomb Germany into the fucking dirt
over the entire stadium the loudspeakers blast mother love bone and the people drunkenly harass foreign specimens as europe crumbles
I think Germans are undeservedly smug bastards who need to be taken down a peg
I also think they didn't suffer enough for the Lusitania
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you dont know what im capable of
I know you're not capable of loving yourself
im capable of drinking
having mickeys from a frozen stein
close enough
I just don't care about black people one way or the other, simple as
I'm more capable
r9k is not even safe for us any longer... this is a place for men to congregate and share wisdom
fighting is pointless
certified boatman classic
I will tell my gf
She will be very upset
if she's fit, tell her I think she's beautiful (I have a crippling race fetish)
do you have ebony lady in your bed????????
he's literally me

tell her she's black
tell her she's nilotic
tell her she's nicotine
tell Pole I checked those digits
God loves me now
napoleon was black
She's not black if she's not made in the black region of France
france is actually an arab country
The Haitian revolution was black on black violence

Not in my bed I need to send her the screenshot
Africa begins at the Seine
>Not in my bed
Thank God, I was about to get jealous.
Africa begins at the English Channel
Do you know how little that narrows it
I live alone here she's still in France but 100% Bantu stock
Not a single drop of Jakub's malevolent compounds
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I've fucked a brown lady only once. Unfortunately, we don't have brown ladies here. I want more. I want more.
Herault when are you going to provide me with my African wife

tell her I love her in a gay way
had a 40ish year old Ugandan woman at my last job who looked great
miss that nigga fr
>working with women
She is wasted on me sorry I have a thing for the whitest blond blue eyed girls
But still hot and intelligent so I'll keep her

Come to Réunion and take your pick
There's even blasians here
I can offer you a lot of white girls if you lend me your brown girl.
I work almost exclusively with other autistic males now

uhhhhhh are they looking for a white boy to produce even more ethnically ambiguous children with
I'll need to ask her what she thinks about it since she was not purchased at the slave market
>working with women
women do vanishingly little to my penis
I'm the elric of melnibone of \dixie\
This is the youngest work force I've ever had and I'm still the youngest by like 10 years or some shit
Half of them are 55+
I once worked in a small team, about 15 people (only 2 men, including me), I fucked 7 of them in one year.
I don't think anyone else on my floor is younger than 45
Everyone I've ever met tells me I'm the youngest water/poopman they've ever met
And they've been saying that for 4 years
I've consistently been the youngest by at least 10 years for as long as I've worked for the government
I'm not even that young anymore
are you the one that puts the gay chemicals in the water?
its not tooting but a longhorn
eagerly anticipating the great boomer retirement wave where every critical government function grinds to a halt because young people don't work for pennies
Atrazine is the chemical you're thinking of, and its presence in surface water is a result of herbicide runoff. Its maximum contaminant level according to EPA regulations is 3 parts per quadrillion.
I do put fluoride in your water though
My job pays like 8 dollars an hour more than it did when I first got in the industry
This post brought to you by the Pineal Gland Calcification gang

tbf I've more than doubled my salary over four years just through job hopping
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did you know ppittsbugh
to be honest, a lot of the time water sources naturally have as much or more than what is added in other sources.
The chemical they use is super unpleasant in its pure form though, but the chlorine in the water neutralizes it into Fluoride.

Also it wasn't really from job hopping; it's just no one wants to do this fucking job
>it's because no one wants to do this fucking job
yeah I got that
my salary's low because Arkansas is the second worst state in the country and deep red on top of it
Yeah, it doesn't help that this is one of the most expensive markets in the state
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Czech janny strikes again
>Právě jsem zakázal tvého brazilského přítele. Mluvení o drogách není mluvení o mezinárodních tématech. Drž hubu.

I just banned your Brazilian friend. Talking about drugs is not talking about international issues. Shut the fuck up.
sup man
sup, /icy/ is funny again, right
I wont go there anymore, that kid is strange
Zveřejnil jsi marihuanu a brandy. Myslíte si, že jsem hloupý? Můžu ti dát ban, ty hloupý Brazilče. Právě jsem zabanoval Brazilce, který žije ve Spojených státech. Přestaň páchat zločiny, ty tupče.

>You published marijuana and brandy. You think I'm stupid? I can ban you, you stupid Brazilian. I just banned a Brazilian who lives in the United States. Stop committing crimes, you dumbass.
that's a message for you, I think, kekeke
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>Stop committing crimes
Yeah, I wasn't going even to read that, but thanks for translating.
I don't have patience with some types of young people and their way of life. But I'm following the rules.
But you're not breaking any rules. He's acting like a classic nigger.
what's the story with the czech and the czech janny
I know, he wants a reason to ban me, that's why I don't want to go to /icy/ anymore. I was banned two times unjustly already and couldn't use 4chan for almost two years.
I'm not kidding with these guys.
I've been baking /icy/ since October 2023.
Really very comfy place, no anime, no retards...
A Czech anon who likes drugs appeared there.
And then the Czech janny appeared.

But janny doesn't solve our drug lover, he destroys the whole general.
OP pic labeled as "child porn",
false reasons for bans,
bending rules,
and bonus:
regularly come to mock us
>he wants a reason to ban me
yes, and it's a good thing you don't want to get caught, /dixie/ is comfy place too
just get everyone to report him for impersonating 4chan staff to annoy him
also I think there's some 4chan admin server you can report him to and they sometimes tell the jannies to fuck off if they're just being ridiculous
yup, but they are ignoring it
see: >>201961325
fucking lol
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god damn you guys have a genuine sperg hounding your threads
stay as long as you like BRbro
did it work that fast or is he cleaning up his posts
>god damn you guys have a genuine sperg hounding your threads
Yes, it is fucking soap opera
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>stay as long as you like BRbro
thanks man
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And what the fuck is that
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>a wild mod appears
there are some based ones
Looks like one janny started threatening to another janny
how was your day silesianon?
I will never forgive the jannies and mods for what they did to my beloved /sp/
Because you're my inspiration, it's been another lazy day.
Just a walk by the river with my cousin and her dogs.
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>the goodboiz are playing
based and wholesome
I don't know, but it's funny either way
it is, but I'm betting revenge is coming
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but you are stronger, henry
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got mired hard at the grocery store lads
Cobb (=God) made this post
Fuck I forgot about this
Can't wait for this shit
see the cycle im waiting for
it aint like that anymore
it's not going to end well
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people need chilling indeed.
I left my house to buy beer and coca cola in the morning.
My sister came here to get some stuff to her change (she's going to move to another house). I don't talk to her.
In the afternoon, after my nap, I went out here downtown to check out the babes. End up having ice cream and passing in two supermarkets (the first one was too expensive).
is there corn beer
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now to wait and see what happens next
tiramisu in the fridge
its time to move chica out of the age of indio slop and onto the table of the white man
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Thats right sweetie
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fucking kek
I got hard at the grocery store
if you can find the thread that the czech mod flagged as CP and prove him a liar that would go a long way
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that isnt big al
this is going to be another blowout
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>he's on it already
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Many beers nowadays are made from the mash of cereals like rice or corn, but I don't know if this is advertised
>My sister
You have a sister?
>I don't talk to her.
Cuban for diner lads
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billy's waiting for me in heaven
>billy's waiting for me in heaven
I hope the Ukrainians will build him some statues.
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You'll have to wrestle me for the honor of meeting him
after all it is gachimuchi country
Yes, I do.
She is a very mean person. A few years ago we lived in the same house, it was horrible.
She has everything unsatisfactory that you can look for in a person. She treated my grandparents badly. Even today she talks nonsense to my father. Truly mean.
That's why I don't talk to her.
Older? Younger?
>(she's going to move to another house).
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>tfw no Nina Hagen gf
>She treated my grandparents badly. Even today she talks nonsense to my father.
Give some examples
I will always find it hilarious that the petition to replace Catherine the Great's statue in Odessa with one of Billy actually made it to Zelensky's desk and he had to witness 4chan autism

the big gym in the sky's big enough for everyone
the rich pianoman's there too waiting with forty scoops of mutant mass for all of us
If the Russians were to strike a Billy Harrington statue I think that would be enough for full scale NATO intervention. I would sign up at my local recruiters as soon as humanly possible in this hypothetical scenario. After all, we must secure the existence of our people and a future for Gachimuchi disciples.
Saw some Lockheed Martin niggas at work and thought of you, bb
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webm rel is the only good to come out of that place in decades
cocksneed fartin LOL
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FACT BLAST: Georgian planes are the STRONGEST and FASTEST of all.
It's near my mom's house. It's far from here.
Things like yelling at an 80-year-old woman, slamming the door of her house.
She's the typical "bitch", with a permanently "rest bitch face".
She's a fat fuck also. Terrible human being.
*5 years younger
>It's far from here.
good for you :-)
If you wouldn't die for Billy's memory you're a faggot.
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>he's back
>with AIDS
>If you wouldn't die for Billy's memory you're a faggot.
Can you tell me why the C130s are relatively quiet when I'm at work 100 yards away from them, but when a Chinook flies over my house it sounds like Armageddon
behead those who insult Billy
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To give you an idea. Today she saw my father's motorcycle here at home. She said to him, "Why didn't you tell me you bought a motorcycle?"
"It doesn't even seem like I'm part of the family."
"Your wife is part of the family and I'm not, right?!"
That's how bold she is.
saw apaches frequently when i reminded them of the fog
Chinooks have gigantic rotors.
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Mamma mia,
she'd be a great wife.
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One time a guy from a famous band came to play here in town. He's a guitarist and has a solo band.
My sister is friends with the owner of the bar where the guy played. She started arguing politics with the guy at the end of his show and really pissed him off.
She's really a piece of some curse or something.
satan confirms the US is at least 3 decades ahead of the chinks
christopher cross
90% of Europeans would want a wife like that, I'm not even kidding
ask her if she'll be my Beautiful Princess Disorder wife and rip my fucking life apart/get me sent to prison under false pretenses
I often call her a Shakespearean villain to people close to me.
But I'm stopping talking about her, it's not worth it.

I'm more interested in drugstore babes. shabooya
south florida is getting raped
but she looks like this (but she's white)
so do most American women
brazilian neets be like
>yeah I live with my rich attorney father
>going down the strip to pick up some women
literally the thirdie meme
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I'm not telling you what kind of relationship you should have with your sister, but she's likely mentally ill and not just a bitch. try to treat her like you would someone with depression. most BPD people genuinely can't control it or even recognize how shitty they're acting, but that's not an excuse for it
can't think of more of a wogbrained ethnic behavior than dancing or moving your head while eating food
makes me physically angry and I will call people out who do it infront of me
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Does this jiving coon make you seethe
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Have a beer man, lighten up.
typing y'all online when you're not a black or white Southerner is pretty fucking wog
same with folks, it annoys the piss out of me
it's what they do I don't care. It bothers me when white people do it or do any of that giddy silly clappy behavior
I'm not drinking this weekend

what was the verdict in that mods discussion on /icy/?
Sure, I was just curious. You never talked about your sister.
making chili. put aside the fried ground beef and just drank heavily from the beef oils that came off it
tilted the bowl and poured it in my mouth
>what was the verdict
it remains to be seen, it was a funny shitstorm today with 3 different jannies,
and the only victim is our Brazilian friend studying in the U.S.
and the highlight was janny blackmailing the other janny
>Brazilian friend
I remember you talking about him, is he that whiney incel from the other day
yes, it is him,
he's often schizoposting, but I know him all the time, and he's a nice guy
the treatment for being an incel is just to approach women and ask them out until you get over your fear of rejection, it's an entirely self-inflicted condition

obviously there are people with truly unfortunate disabilities and deformities but that's rare
You know it, I know it, but he doesn't want to know.
I'm going to rest now then sleep. Good night to the frens here.
gn anon
chat are we cooked
>but he doesn't want to know.
many such cases

gn bud

Its actually SS+GOMAD
>many such cases
That's why I'm patiently talking to him.
thanks rip
no self-respecting man weighs less than 200lbs
I have 67kg
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>I have [Weight]
absolutely based ESL
it's almost like having var back
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I don't see a problem
there's no problem, it's just funny
i'm like 85kg because I'm a fat ugly bastard
my personal best was 99kg
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I think I'm 170 lb
I could drink
I have rum and vimto maybe....
try to rationalize the freshest ongoing mass shooting in kentucky
if those kids didn't want to get shot they wouldn't have gone to a public school
Why were the kids unarmed?
anglo-celtic clannish warrior spirit you wouldn't understand
How does one rationalize an irrational act of violence
What are you talking about
bolsheviks infriltrated our government and unfairly restrict our childrens' rights to bear arms on school grounds
it's criminal
apparently it's some highway shooting, not highschool for once
is there even a shootingproof place in the states? can't think of a place that hasn't had a mass shooting
We live in a very mentally unhealthy society
What point are you tying to make
a congressman's office
*looks pointedly at the camera*
>is there even a shootingproof place in the states?
government buildings

what are you even here for
remember when the demoncrap libs turned that insurance man into a nigger
ayo europeepo aint even have air conditioning
those are the designated exploding planes and trucks targets however
didn't happen
they deserved it
it should happen again
and again
and again
and again
feeling racist
sounds like something a woman would do
ever had vimto
not to my knowledge
is it true that you're a woman
watching quest for fire
jesus fucking christ was this shot on scotch tape the picture quality is awful
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where is Hinds

>is it true that you're
I'm about to get a new phone
Have had nothing but Samsungs since 2016 and I'm willing to try something else this time, is there anything better?
Only other type of smartphone I've had was an LG between 2014-16 and it was literally bricked just by being in pocket during a cold December night
I've been satisfied with the OnePlus 9 and have heard good things about the Huawei but I don't have any specific recommendations for you. might be worth lurking/asking in /spg/ on /g/
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that's not very nice
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i don't know but clearly not the turkey and dressing. why would a franchise as big as LOTR even do a partnership with denny's

Christopher Tolkien would have prevented this, God rest his soul
why does it always clear my name after I close Kuroba
gay app for retards
damn that all looks good, i'll take the burger
denny's hobbit themed breakfast items are less lorebreaking than rings of power
and for me it's the hobbit hole breakfast and the bowman's brew pumpkin coffee
yessir right awaysir
bit overwhelmed with tamriel rebuilt
are there any good questlines on the mainland for a noob
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i need to play TR, its gotten respectably huge
also just jump in and start stealing shit from random NPCs and killing them and living in their houses while you store your loot in their dressers and baskets
those are probably my picks too honestly

>less lorebreaking than rings of power
I don't know a single person who watched it, I'm convinced they just made the new season to squat on the property rights and cope about how House of the Dragon is infinitely better (I still won't be watching it)
>divayth fyr made kwama eggs for all his daughter wives, but I'm the only one who showed up :( - love him <3
Tried that, its a mess
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woman feet
not a fan unless her name starts with H
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I think that province: cyrodiil is about to release a big update that covers anvil and a good chunk of the area around it sometime this year
saw some footage of it and it looked pretty impressive
I played tamriel rebuilt a couple of years ago, but didn't get to into it, basically just swam to the mainland and looked around for a bit. Old Ebonheart is really impressive but I was getting a bit of lag there
I assume the endpoint for project tamriel would be a big seamless map where you could move between the provinces
don't think that'll ever happen but morrowind at least could get finished
I want to get big and strong and go to the gym
being a caveman would've sucked
I see that was controversial
The same, it's just that my LG's battery bloated and exploded
Also Herault Crni Andjeo arc is based
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I get what you mean but the search results are funny
Top o' the morning to ya
Bought tamarind for the first time
Shit's extremely tasty it's basically sour candy that grows on trees
You should introduce to us exotic stuff on a regular basis.
>sour candy
I need it in Czechia.
Well I have tamarind and smol bananas right now
I regularly buy papaya and smol ananas too as well as passion fruits

Also weird veggies like margose, manioc and huge avocados
I have absolutely no idea what it is
Yeah neither did I up until a couple weeks ago https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Momordica_charantia?wprov=sfla1

What I do now is go to my local grocery store that only sells products grown on the island, pick up random items and ask the owner "how do I cook/eat this"
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it looks like a hybrid of maple and oak
True I see it
First you crack open the pod, very easy it's dry and brittle and take out the fleshy seeds
Then you out the seeds in your mouth and move them around to only eat the flesh and spit out the seeds
Unfortunately there's like 90% seeds for 10% flesh so there's not much to eat but damn it's very very tasty
I found it in a Czech shop, my next order
Yeah I don't they would be too hard to find in Europe because they're very popular on Easy African and Indian cuisine so anywhere with a dispoora will have exotic stores
I hope they'll be good despite being imported from afar

You can also make sauces with them, and jam but I imagine you'd need a fuckton to make just one jar
Also if you ever have the opportunity try those https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feijoa_sellowiana?wprov=sfla1

Fuckin hell they're good, ate a ton in NZ
south florida was defeated
I stupidly bought a TV from them since the phone was so long ago now, and sometimes I want to break it myself
So they're pretty much on my blacklist to the day I die now
>is there anything better?
one plus
they're called pineapples SWEETIE
Does that mean I should call bananas bineapples
Bpineapples but close enough
ching chong ding dong
Languages with 2 consonants in a row are a mark of the 3rd world (except mine don't look it up)
Real men stack vowels and their tabs
>and their tabs
yeah you might have been right, but I am not a homosexual
easy to debloat,
easy to install clean Android
big al
I would like to make an anouncement
I have sex
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That's cool brotherman
thanks cobb
would SS+GOMAD solve every problem anyone's ever had (yes)
Absolutely, nothing is more important than a 3pl8 squat.
>only 3pl8
>not 2/3/4/5
sorry I don't take lifting advice from twinks
everyone has to start somewhere
I'm about to start my walk
but have you started lifting
I am not doing that since 2008
fell asleep at toil
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Dont eat too much it'll erode your tooth enamel
kill yourself
why cleavege? show bob now
pole I will start posting twink bulges until this thread hits bump limit if you encourage coomers
Dude he's indian have some consideration for foreign cultures
i have consideration by not posting burly men in this thread, genuinely fuck off and don't encourage him
Calm the fuck down it was a joke homo
didn't ask + don't care + you're polish
That was rough.
+ someone should bake
Not yet
but soon
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Where bulge spam we need to hit the limit cuz
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you are a fucking faggot
ok I am going out
C'mon congay at least 7 posts you can do it I believe in you
my last one here
Thank you for your service
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I hate you

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or maybe this one
Uh oh he spamming oh lawd he goin
Limit has to be reached as I was taught
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I will make this general unusable for three days if you bring coomers here I swear to God
I know you don't have anything else to do than to post here
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>he thinks I'll be in the thread
Spam spam spam
someone make a real new and let that one die, I don't feel like scrolling /hm/ for pics
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ilu pole
show me more models if you've made any recently
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Y-yeah I've made lots haha, can't show them here no no
goddamn man
I hope you get better, you know we're here for you

I'll make a new when that one reaches page 8
fuck it, I don't feel like waiting and it'll be dead soon enough anyway

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