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/int/ - International

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Poitevin-Saintongeais edition

>What language(s) are you learning?
>Share language learning experiences!
>Ask questions about your target language!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Participate in translation challenges or make your own!
>Make frens!

Read the wiki:

Useful links:
>Free language-learning book archive:
>Books on linguistics and language courses:
>Assorted language resources and some nice visual guides:
>Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:
>List of trackers for most language-learning packs:
>Ukrainianon's list of commercial courses from rutracker.org:
>Russianon’s list of comprehensible input resources:
>Massive collection of textbooks on various languages, sorted by family
>/lang/ inpoot torrents

Old thread:
Old challenge(s):

go away.
the left one is mine.
i still haven't gotten paid.
call me again after five pm.
there are a lot of people in the plaza.
he is checking the news while waiting for the cab to arrive.
the russian came in and immediately started talking loudly over everyone else.
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i just learned that aceh, the islamist indonesian province in sumatra is actually pronounced /ˈɑːtʃeJ/ and not /ˈɑːseJ/
I love languages but my voice sucks
왼쪽에 있는 게 내꺼야
월급을 아직 안 받았어
다섯시 후에 다시 전화해주세요
광장에 사람들 많다
그가 택시를 기다리면서 신문 읽는다
러시아 사람은 들어와서 곧 소리 크게 말하기 시작했어
Yeah I have a constant tongue-throat infection and swollen glands making me look and sound like a frog :(
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Vai embora
O da esquerda é o meu
Eu ainda não era pagado
Lige-me de novo depois ás cinco horas da tarde
Têm muitas pessoas na praça
Ele tá vendo as notícias enquanto aguardando para a chega da taxi
O russo entrava e imediatamente comecou a falar alto* acima de todos os outros
Is it over for /lang/?
favorite spanish-speaking youtubers?
it's always extra dead on the weekends
His videos are actually very good to learn Spanish THOUGH.
Learned a lot watching his content.
We need more resident schizos.
Someone bait the leaf into a 13 hour argument like the Greek and me did before.
>text someone
>if someone new and don't really feel excited about after a long time procrastinating I'll just delete the chat

I'll never have online frens to practice langs with desu
the Polish one?
He was once arguing for 13 hours about how you call a grouping of numbers/positions.
If you search "2nd fifth" posts by a Canadian flag in the archive you should be able to find it.
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>dgw ich hab mich noch mal volllaufen lassen

Ich schaue mir im Moment College-Football an, aber ich habe die Vollstärke des Spiels stummgeschaltet und ich höre deutsche Podcast anstatt dem Spielton. Komische Kombination ehrlich gesagt.
hau ab
das Linke gehört mir
ich bin noch nicht bezahlt worden
ruf mich wieder an, aber diesmal nach 15 Uhr
Gibt eine Menge Leute im Platz
er wirft einen Blick auf die aktuellen Nachrichten während er auf das Taxi wartet.
Der Russe ist reingekommen und hat sofort damit angefangen nervig laut zu sprechen, in der Tat so laut das niemand anderer ausreden konnte.
Is there something like picrel for chinese? Once I got past the 500 most common words in anki this was vital to increasing my understanding.
>go away.
>the left one is mine.
>i still haven't gotten paid.
>call me again after five pm.
>there are a lot of people in the plaza.
>he is checking the news while waiting for the cab to arrive.
>the russian came in and immediately started talking loudly over everyone else.

El izquierdo es mío. maybe that's too litteral. maybe this is better: Tomo yo el izquierdo.
No me han pagado ya.
Llámeme otra vez despues de las cinco PM.
Hay mucha gente en la plaza.
Está leyendo las noticias mientras esperando el taxi. This is definitely wrong but I don't know how to fix it
Vino el ruso y empezó a hablar alto, encima de todas las personas.
>Tomo yo el izquierdo.
la primera opción es mejor. o: el de la izquierda es mío
>No me han pagado ya.
aun no me han pagado
>Está leyendo las noticias mientras esperando el taxi.
checa/lee las noticias mientras espera que el taxi llegue
Now that the day is almost over, status report. Let's see what a day of /lang/ looks like for you guys.
I read this article
And watched these videos

Listened to about 1 hour of amor 95.3 while playing minecraft, and did 15 minutes of anki. Sort of a bum day, should have done more but I spent several hours playing porn games.
Why can I understand Portuguese at 2x speed, but I can't do the same with Spanish?
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Say less
Friendly reminder for 100% INPOOTfags:

>Some people say that you don't need grammar to speak a language. They are full of shit. You must have at least a modicum of grammar exposure to understand the mechanics of a language, because that's just how languages work. No, you don't have to do extensive or intensive exercises, unless you really want/need to practice a specific point, but you still have to know. Cases and verb forms allows languages to express more with less - if you don't know any grammar, these concepts are unpredictable and rarely transparent - you will not comprehend. If you don't know basic grammar, you cannot read a novel, you will not succeed.

>People need to stop over-analyzing and succumbing to paralysis by analysis. Just read the manual, think on it for a little bit, read it again, and get to work.

>I've seen people avoid grammar, I've even seen teachers avoid grammar. I've never seen this strategy succeed. Most learners avoiding explicit grammar learning are just lazy and are unlikely to ever reach solid level in the chosen language.
Input absolutists are deluded faggots and will never truly be fluent in their TL

>Language learning is hard and requires time consuming work. Anyone who tells you otherwise is full of shit. Don't talk to them.
Bump, also please rate my English pronunciation skills and point out any flaws I should work on.
I'm thinking about reading Classical Chinese for Everyone
Anyone read this?
It's only 152 pages, it could be fun to dabble
>Ich schaue mir im Moment College-Football an, aber ich habe die Vollstärke des Spiels stummgeschaltet und ich höre deutsche Podcast anstatt dem Spielton. Komische Kombination ehrlich gesagt.
Klingt basiert aus.
The bird did $531M in revenue in 2023
The bird had 500M users in 2023.
The bird does not work.

How can we create an app that is better? HelloTalk is only useful once you hit B1, and many are too anxious to talk to strangers.

How can we fill Duolingo's niche of A0-B1 speakers, but do it better?
you draw out your vowels like a BR speaker.
your consonants are good, but you don't enunciate the first consonants enough.

Do an impression of some American celebrity you like. It helps a lot
Because PT, by its nature, is spoken at 0.5x speed. and intonation plays a bigger role in communicating context than spanish, and intonation is better preserved at high speeds than the vocab
Noted, thank you.
These apps are made by outsourcing the development to IT companies that have no idea how language learning works. The better solution is spreading awareness that apps don't work.
别让 the fil die 了
Do you find that wiktionary is missing Chinese characters often
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Top 5/10 languages to learn for your use-case? I'll start:

1. English
2. Italian
3. Mandarin
4. Spanish
5. French
6. Afrikaans
7. Japanese
8. Polish
9. German
10. Russian
Ancient Greek
Why polish and afrikaans?
1. English
2. Russian
3. JavaScript
4. C#/.NET
6. POSIX compliant shell
7. C
8. Emacs Lisp
9. Modern Standard Arabic
10. Modern Greek
Why not Dtuch
i'll be spending 3-4 months a year in Poland for work, teaching poles how to do their job.
Afrikaans for extended family, I go to SA about once a year
my use case is speaking to afrikaner boers
Why Russian so high on the list in current year?
nobody speaks this, i'd learn fusHa if I were religious, or the local dialect based on my use case
Because I am Russian.
Because I work with UAE businessmen
makes sense ))
Just learn gulf arabic, no reason of taking the extra step of learning MSA
No company uses Gulf Arabic lmfao, it's all MSA. All websites are written in MSA, all formal communications are in MSA, Gulf Arabic is just gopnik speech for Russians.
i stand corrected then, i was under the impression that MSA was only useful for watching the news
Why are you including your native language in the list, you know it already?
Even including English is a stretch, because most of us aren't learning it per se, most of us are fluent already.
It's the language of written communication (which is the only one that matters in a corporate environment). Even if I were to move to the UAE I would just use English lol
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>emacs lisp
Based. I used it when I toyed with clojure but I haven't replaced my editor with it (yet)
neither is my native language
If I don't use a language then it's useless. A lot of people are misled into believing that some languages are more useful than others while in reality it's all the same shit, learning a language is a hobby.

There are only a few cases where learning a language is actually beneficial and useful:
1. You are an immigrant and you don't know the local language.
2. You work for the government and you apply for a language program for diplomatic/intel purposes.
3. You are well-established in a big corporation and the management applies you into a language program for their interests.

Otherwise evaluating a language's usefullness is useless.
You did include Italian on your list.
So Italian isn't your native language? What is then?
I didn't say anything about usefulness.
You define useful as 'will it help me gain more shekels'. I don't look at things that way. I do things because I feel patioante about them, reading classics or philosophy won't give me more money but that's now what life is about. If everyone thought like that there would be no art, no higher aspiration, only bug-like pathetic existence.
Most translations are close to perfect. Learning German to read Kant can be definitely defined as a hobby because honestly there's not much you're missing from reading the translation. I do get you, I would like to spend more time on languages with rich literature, but that wouldn't make them much more useful to other languages.
>I didn't say anything about usefulness.
The question asked what are the languages for my usecase, so I provided a list of languages that are useful to me.
Yeah but he said 'languages to learn for your use-case?', that's why I asked about the native language because you already speak it, you don't have to learn it.
I'm listening to an audiobook and the narrator puts on an English accent when there's an English character lol
They sound American to me
Technically Russian isn't my native, but it's like whatever. Slavic languages are just dialects Imma be honest.
Yeah maybe for you because you speak ukrainian but I couldn't understand you or a russian. Dialects need to be mutually intelligible.
another day another anki grind
What language?
I like this channel a lot
He puts a lot of effort into his narration and has a funny but clear voice
Weird, the french usually pronounce English words incorrectly, they can't even say h, if you want to annoy a french guy tell him to pronounce hedgehog.
I actually have a unique idea for a language learning mmo. If Duo Lingo is language learning story mode, my app is language learning PvP
Are there seriously neapolitans under 60 who speak Neapolitan as their native language instead of Italian? Is there Neapolitan native TV and newspapers?
Luodingo is more like language learning gacha
A.k.a. not a real game lmao
I recently met a guy from Southern Italy. He was in his 30s and could speak it.
Yes, but almost all are fluent in italian as well, thanks to tv ecc
There are already some that work
And any others
>The A0-B1 speakers niche
Duo's niche is A0-A1. It's doubtful you ever make A2 with it. After that literally anything else will make your language skills progress, but duo mostly won't do shit. For the A0-A1 "niche" it's such a tiny thing that you don't need a better "app", you just need some methodology.

Actually the duolingo podcast, which only has a few languages, was good for this. It had a transcript and you just listened to them talk slow and read the transcript. If you need some "app" to get through the A1 or A2 levels you're not a language learner, you're a language larper.
You misunderstood, I was asking if there are Neapolitans who aren’t native proficiency at Italian.
School there is always taught in Italian too, right?
Lmao yeah but it’s just my go to response for when I say I’m making a language learning app and normies ask how it’s different from duo lingo
I’m happy to announce that this college semester I am finally taking my first Latin course
>jmd recht zu machen
doesn't mean "do something right/moral/just for someone", but "do things to please/satisfy someone"...
question for the outputmaxxers
do you look up words and conjugations when outputting or wait until you can talk about basic stuff without looking anything up
there's only been two words i couldn't find the definition of on wiktionary but which had a definition show up on zhongwen
for individual characters it's never happened but there's been a couple that had one definition among their many others not appeared on wiktionary but appeared on zhongwen
are you the american immigrant?
the bird's market is people that want to say they're learning a language, but not spend a gazillion hours to actually do it
>wait until you can talk about basic stuff without looking anything up
this one, otherwise you're just inputting with extra steps
the american immigrant to italy? that's me, visiting family in american at the moment but going back soon
I finished my exams. I am ready to start a new language now.
>Option 1:
1. English (pronunciation/accent reduction).
2. Fusha Arabic (pronunciation/grammar/vocabulary).
>Option 2:
1. English (pronunciation/accent reduction).
2. German.
>Option 3:
1. German.
2. French.
>Why Polish
Why are we pretending that Polish isn't a major world language? If you remove Indian and Chinese languages high-ranking on PLI due to sheer numbers, it literally is the tenth biggest language.
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1) it isn't
2) it's #12 by your metric
Option 2 it is?
Option 3 would be better if you're willing to commit to 2 new languages. Accent reduction seems overrated and useless. You're fine as long as people can understand your speech.
Terminei com os meus exames. Estou pronto começar uma nova língua agora.
>Opção 1:
1. Inglês (pronunciação/redução do sotaque)
2. Arabe Fusha (pronunciação/gramática/vocabulário)
>Opção 2:
1. Inglês (pronunciação/redução do sotaque)
2. Alemão
>Opção 3:
1. Alemão
2. Francês
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How much Russian did you learn during the past 4 months?
that's pretty high
I can't decide whether to learn French or Spanish
French I already have a little bit of experience with, France is close by, I'd like to go to Quebec one day, it's also just a beautiful language in my opinion and very aesthetically pleasing in how it looks and sounds.

On the other hand I don't have that many strong feelings about Spanish. But I do have a lot of friends who are native Spanish speakers and I feel awkward how they all speak English with me when I'm the only one who doesn't know Spanish. I also do enjoy some Spanish music desu.

I figure since they're both romance languages trying to study both at once would be confusing and lead to burnout.
Being indecisive doesn't help me either though. What do you think?
Why are you counting Dutch and Malay? Or Arabic, which is 5 languages pretending to be 1?
Why should I not count Dutch and Malay?
MSA is one language, as the other anon said all formal communication (which is what you're looking for if you care about the PLI) is done on it so it's fair to group it together.
>Why should I not count Dutch and Malay?
Why should you? Every Dutchman is basically a native English speaker at this point, and no one cares about Malaysia.
Polish being a unidialectal language automatically buffs its total usefulness in a way not measured on the PLI. Out of the languages above it only Russian comes close to Polish's lack of dialectal variation.
I need proof that I actually speak Chinese so in the following months I will stop studying Chinese and I will start studying test-taking skills so that I can pass the HSK5
By the metric you adhere to Dutch and Malay is more powerful than Polish and yet you make up copes to increase its ranking.
No one cares about Malaysia? Newsflash, no one cares about Poland either
>No one cares about Malaysia? Newsflash, no one cares about Poland either
This is the weird cope if anything. Where are the Malaysian cultural exports? Where are the people migrating to Malaysia? Does it even have a tourism industry? When was the last time anyone ever talked about Malaysia? What use would you actually get out of speaking Malay, really?
>By the metric you adhere to Dutch and Malay is more powerful than Polish and yet you make up copes to increase its ranking.
The PLI metric doesn't count dialect variation nor ability of native speakers to speak another language (English). Malay is probably only boosted by sheer numbers, and Dutch people are among the most proficient in English.
Between spanish and german which one gives you more social status ?
not sure what exactly is being asked, but right now my target list is...
1. Spanish
2. German
3. Japanese
4. Mandarin
5. Korean
>This is the weird cope if anything. Where are the Polish cultural exports? Where are the people migrating to Polish? Does it even have a tourism industry? When was the last time anyone ever talked about Poland? What use would you actually get out of speaking Polish, really?
this is a rhetorical question, by the way
>dialectic variability
uheard levels of cope
If you told someone you learned German, people will be raising their eyebrows, wondering if that's a red flag. A more "incel" choice than Russian somehow.
>Does it even have a tourism industry
Not sure about Malaysia but tourism is pretty big in Indonesia (where Malay is also widely spoken).
>Where are the people migrating to Malaysia?
Where are the people migrating to Poland? Ukrainians don't count, they wouldn't live in such a shithole if it weren't for the giant shithole empire that invaded them.
>What use would you actually get out of speaking Malay
This but literally any language but English
>The PLI metric doesn't count dialect variation
Why would it even count it, everyone knows the standard language in a given country.

retard take. how is learning a language incel? kys.
How on earth is Malaysia comparable to Poland in any metric?
>uheard levels of cope
Why are you pretending that dialect variation has no effect on language learning or language usefulness? What use is Fusha Arabic if you want to integrate into a country that speaks Arabic?
Polish is literally a dialect of Russian
>and I will start studying test-taking skills
That's why I put it in scare quotes. I'm ranking other people's assessment of it, not mine. The question was about social status.
*Russian is a dialect of Polish.

More speakers does not make Russian "the original". If anything Bulgarian holds that.
>the Slavic language using the Latin alphabet is the original one
>reasons for learning French
-You have experience with the language
-You want to go to Quebec
-France is close by
-You like the language and how it sounds
>reasons for learning Spanish
-you happen to know a few Spaniards

Learn French, it's sounds like you're way more passionate about it than Spanish
the comparability of polish and malay in language learning is self-evident to everyone in the thread but you
>Why are you pretending that dialect variation has no effect on language learning or language usefulness
I'm not, but you're overstating how important it is. MSA/Arabic dialects are the only ones with significant differences. For example
>francophone countries in Europe practically speak the same language
>popular/useful english dialects are mutually intelligible
>castillan spanish and LatAm spanish is mostly mutually intelligible
etc etc
has anyone here ever done the hsk exam? it looks pretty hard to me
Clearly they're both dialects of Ukrainian
Greeks invented the Cyrillic alphabet.
If you were to combine Greece and ukraine it would still be a bigger shithole than Poland, idk why you talking shit.
I can't remember but the original Cyrillic alphabet was either made by or for Bulgarians
>the comparability of polish and malay in language learning is self-evident to everyone in the thread but you
No one thinks that. You don't think that. I personally even would have rated Indonesian higher than Malay. This sentence (You) wrote's only purpose is contrarianism.
Made by Macedonians for Bulgarians. Cyril and Methodius's ethnicity is not clear but they were Byzantine citizens.
1. Italian <-- live there 70% of the year
2. Latin <- taking a class in this now
3. Attic Greek
4. Sanskrit
5. Proto-Indo-European
6. Ancient Egyptian
7. Japanese
Oh no no no...

Don't look up "when was Russian first spoken" and "when was Polish first spoken"
I think that and if you didn't have an autistic obsession with poland you'd think that too.
Objectively, no one thinks that. You're trolling.
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>Polish is le dialect of Russi--- NOOOOO, DON'T LOOK IT UP!!!
this thread needs a third regular retard
Refold bros... 4000 hours of korean and he doesn't say anything in korean

were we scammed by refold?
polish is a regional language in europe
malay is a regional language in SEA
but they're not comparable because... because... because reasons, ok???
>x is a regional language in practically the most important continent in the world
>y is a regional language in literally-who shithole
>this is literally the same thing, y resources are as plentiful as x resources as they're equally relevant and desired!
Yeah I can see that, most normies learn spanish, I guess its sexier or something idk how the normie brain works
They think you are learning German for Nazi roleplay purposes or something. They don't see it as useful outside of Germany (yes, I know other countries speak it, but a normoid probably thinks Austria speaks Hungarian and Switzerland speaks French)
Are the people who come on this podcast supposed to flex their Language skills? Otherwise it'd only really makes sense if there were actual Koreans there.
Why does being in Europe count? If anything it should count less by your metrics because the people are more likely to be able to speak English
Because it's more economically viable, developed, safer, more relevant?
>but they can speak English!
Poland has a lower rate of English proficiency than most other European countries, and especially the Netherlands.
PLI ranks languages by economic viability and relevancy and Malay is higher than Polish, deal with it.
As for development & safety, you can always hang out at the middle class and the touristy spots and be safe.
>canadian autist actually memed the greekanon into arguing an abslutely ass-backwards retarded position
>the comparability of polish and malay in language learning is self-evident to everyone in the thread but you
No it isn't. Leaf's right.
Where does one buy a Brazilian VPN?
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The youtube/reddit/4chan pure inputfag cult of the past 4-5 years has to be the biggest gay nigger ass cancer in language learning that ever existed. Even worse than jewtube polyglots doing street videos. Thank god some rational people are starting to realize textbooks and grammar drills are actually useful again and it's starting to die down slightly, it'll never go away and there will always be annoying inputfags to sperg out and lower the level of discussion but it's not as bad as it used to be. Wish they'd just stop giving their turd advice and go back to Peppa Pig, leaving everyone else alone.
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>"everyone thinks [absurd opinion] except you"
>some other posters: "actually I don't"
>"it was a VPN"
Just give up.
why did you move to Italy, are you a muh heritage citizen or on a work visa
I'm copying the Brazilian guy. Please rate my pronunciation of Spanish. This is a lesson from the Assimil textbook. I'm going for the peninsular pronunciation
Ich frage mich, warum wir uns noch nicht einfach Deutschland einverleibt und es zum einundfünfzigsten Bundesstaat gemacht haben. Meiner Meinung nach wird es höchste Zeit diesen endgültigen Schritt in Richtung der totalen Amerikanisierung des deutschen Volkes zu wagen. Schau mal, sie sind schon dabei, unsere einzigartige Variante von Fußball zu konsumieren. Ich hege große Zweifel daran, dass sich irgendein anderes europäisches Volk auf diesem Niveau auch herablassen würde. Vielleicht nehmen wir den westlichen Teil auf und geben Poland den östlichen Teil als Dank für ihre nicht zu unterschätzende Geldbeiträge zu der kollektiven Verteidigung Europas. Haben schon das Gleiche mit den anderen einst zu Deutschland gehörenden Teilen gemacht.

(Witze beiseite schau ich mir gern deutsche Kanäle an, die über die NFL berichten.)
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na ja den Boten trifft keine Schuld, mein Landsmann.

Meiner Erfahrung nach hat der Kanadier absolut Recht, im besonderen wenn es darum geht, mit Frauen zu sprechen. Die meisten Männer finden es generell echt cool, wenn man Deutsch kann. Aber in der Regal mustern Frauen einen eher misstrauisch, wenn sie davon erfahren, dass man Deutsch spricht. Liegt daran, dass es eine immer noch existierende Verbindung zwischen der deutschen Sprache und Rechtsextremismus gibt, ob das fair oder nicht ist. Wenn immer ich einer Frau davon erzähle, dass ich ein bisschen Französisch kann, dann ihr glänzt sofort das Gesicht. Ganz anders ist es bei Deutsch normalerweise. Regelausnahme ist meine Mutter. Sie findet es super, aber sie trägt alles mit was ich tue.
There are three levels of language power/usefulness
>(in no particular order) French, German, Spanish, Mandarin, Hindi, Arabic, Russian. Could also include Portuguese and Japanese
>Everything else
Poleaf is saying that Polish is a "major world language" because it has a high number of speakers and is spoken in Europe, which is the actual absurd opinion. Unless you'll get a tangible career benefit from it (he won't) then the language's power for a hobbyist is the same as Malay.
agreed, fuck inputfags, but why did you post this faggot shit
ok real question how does hindi fit into this? don't say number of speakers, back it up
>sonic fag

average input denier
1. Married Italian Woman so it was either my hometown or hers
2. My family and friends here are all gays atheists or Jews, her family and friends are all white Christians. This is important because we have a daughter and I want her to have a real identity and community, not whatever it is I have / is on offer in America.
3. Muh heritage… not for me really but it means my kids will both have Italian ancestry AND actually be raised in Italy, rather than the curse of being a low caste Italian-american in “America”
on second thought it probably doesn't fit
Damn, made a irrevocable commitment to German and French.
I hope I don't regret this.
My only problem with language learning is the fear of not being able to maintain the language, or that the process of maintaining the language becomes tiresome.
Input only approach is too slow for me. I'm supplementing it with Anki right now.
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> irrevocable commitment
You'll be able to maintain your language with input resources and regular usage of the language. Don't worry about it.
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thank you, i'll start tomorrow or something
SADLY i will postpone reducing my English accent to sound more American for at least 2-3 years
Will speedrun my way to B1 and then i will extensively use LingQ (picrel) to inputttmaxx
Yup. A cat 1 language takes 600 hours class time and an equal amount at-home time, and this is for relatively high-IQ ambassadors with professional teachers (not high-school or college teachers, the best you can find, ones that only do what works because they have to train ambassadors.)

The average person is NOT learning a language, they're taking half-measures at best because they're not gonna do 1,200 hours. At bare minimum that's gonna be 3.2 hours per day for an entire year, or an hour a day for 4 years, to learn the easiest category languages. That's not happening. Easier to just goon on duolingo.
I can't wait to release my PvP Language app, it's going to get competitive gamers addicted to language learning
make sure you teach them English fluently at least, they will resent you if you don't
Also, is it remotely possible for German and French to become second nature for me just like English has?
And how I never study English at all, and so I maintain my fluency in English by just passively reading/listening/writing on 4chan, YouTube, etc.?
Isn't this ability to naturally maintain the language only available to "critical period" learners?
Like, now I am 24. I am not a kid anymore.
You're gonna have to make it a roguelight with gambling (not with real money ofc) elements to make it big.
1. Spanish
2. Italian
3. Japanese
4. Russian
5. German

In that order. I'm not sure any other languages are even worth learning, I don't want to learn some asian language that's NOT japanese. I'm even iffy on Russian and German because Russia will probably always be a shithole and Germany will become a shithole, but it will still be the most powerful European country so might as well learn it at some point. Russia is sort of the default slavic language with its own cool alphabet and great literature so it has great merits, it's just that any real-life usage is iffy. Gotta pick one slavic though and I'm not learning polish because it's just not relevant.
And have always been considering Greek because it's a "romantic" country and I could go on some cheap vacations, but other than that there's really almost no reason to learn it.
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Exactly, those hour counts were for students of the FSI (so diplomats with degrees) they probably had 115-120 IQ minimum. And that's just class time. People thinking they can inpooooooot for 1k hours and become fluent because a government diplomat with a degree from a good college spent that long in classes and 1 on 1 tutoring from native speakers are so retarded I don't even have words for it. Plus those teachers there are handpicked by the US government to be the best language teachers available and they need to get results to train ambassadors etc.

At the FSI/DLI they can teach people fluent Chinese in a year, it's 8 hours a day of brutal studying. Can the average person do that? No, the people there are all high IQ and talented. That's why they develop tests to see if you're even eligible to study a cat 3 or cat 4 language like the DLAB. The government and army doesn't fuck around, they have experience teaching people languages on a time-limited basis, and they know IQ and talent exists and trying to teach less talented people languages is a fruitless slog

This toxic positivity is cope. IQ matters and talent matters. If you don't have a high IQ, you're not learning a difficult language like Chinese, Arabic, Japanese etc beyond the critical period, it's just not happening.
Did anyone notice how inpootfags are always critical period deniers and deny talent and IQ exists and matters?

It's just a toxic positivity feel good vibes cult
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take the IQ pill

if you're struggling to learn Spanish, German, Italian, French etc, such a simple language close to English, it's because you don't have enough IQ and neuroplasticity and it will always be a struggle for you to learn a language let alone a genuinely difficult one

just being honest
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It's not, second most attractive hobby. I don't speak with girls that aren't family members but any girls I've mentioned it in passing to get very impressed despite me never actually speaking. Language learning is definitely something that fascinates girls, while I've never had any men particularly care about it.
Most of what you said is true but you have one big misunderstanding about IQ and genius-level thinking, it's just not the same as the average person's.

Take the average regular poster here, they've been coming here for years. They think for hours a day about this language stuff. They have a list of languages to learn and they constantly seek out new ways to learn and new material to learn with. They're obsessed with it, to the detriment of social status, personal enjoyment (giving up video game and youtube time and any other easy pleasurable thing), they're working at it for years.

This is funamentally not possible for low-IQ people. Real geniuses get obsessed with something. That's why those people can do those 8-hour chinese days where they're focusing for 90% of the time they're there, their IQ drives them and makes them want to know what they don't, it makes them want to greedily collect information and solve a problem.

Low-IQ people don't do this. They have their attention fixed for 5 or 6 minutes, then they do something else like duolingo or an "easy" form of input that doesn't challenge them.
Yes I teach them english because I don't want english to be something they feel they have to hide from me as they get older. The absolute worst english language media is what's made to take advantage of rebelling youth hiding from their parents.
>while I've never had any men particularly care about it.
are they supposed to be impressed and suck my penis after for it to not be gay?
Yeah this tracks from the females I've talked to too
>Take the average regular poster here, they've been coming here for years. They think for hours a day about this language stuff. They have a list of languages to learn and they constantly seek out new ways to learn and new material to learn with. They're obsessed with it, to the detriment of social status, personal enjoyment (giving up video game and youtube time and any other easy pleasurable thing), they're working at it for years.
True, they are midwits. And they're still theorizing about language learning and shilling inpoop maximalism and purism when they have achieved nothing. Then they act like experts. It's the same thing on reddit.

Basically a feel-good cult where they see themselves as a perpetual "language learner" who cares more about deboonking the inefficient methods (actual directed studying) and telling themselves that they just need to "learn like a baby" because talent/neuroplasticity/age/IQ don't matter at all. They get nowhere instead of just learning a language then moving on. It's like how people in "the fitness community" will argue about exercise routines and diets for hours instead of just going to the gym as a habit and getting on with their life, or people who argue about the latest videogame constantly, it's a parasocial activity where they care more about being in a certain community and dedicating their limited time in life to online arguing and feeling like a part of something than just getting results or getting enjoyment.
no sports?
>driving with friend
>accidentally grab his leg instead of gearstick
>we both laugh and I unzip his pants
>park the car while fondling his balls
>friend is laughing because he knows it's just a joke
>start sucking his dick on this empty parking lot
>almost choke on his dick because i'm laughing so hard
>friend is also laughing his ass off
>he starts making train noises while yelling "BROJOB BROJOB CHOO CHOO"
>he cums and I swallow it all like some stupid faggot
>kiss my friend and call him a faggot while laughing

Gotta love playing pranks on my friends.
women probably get turned off by guys watching grunt sports like football and basketball and the other ones
The yank is samefagging his pseudo-science again. Go back to crying about people not anki-gooning for 5 hours a day you clown.
Yup. There are a good number of "sports girls" but there are an equal amount that want nothing to do with them, plus there are a bunch that don't care either way. Sports is something men almost universally like to some extent, it's something that women will tolerate and like 10% of them will love.

This is a popularity list for broad appeal, there are SOME women who like sports but many who hate them.

celui-là à gauche est le mienne.
on ne m'a pas encore payé.
appelle-moi de nouveau après 17 h.
il y a du monde dans la place.
il vérifie les informations en attendant l'arrivée du taxi.
le russe est rentré et s'est mit immédiatement à parler tout haut au-dessus de tous les autres.
Here's a better title for you people who don't understand female brains
>What hobbies do women wish they were attracted to

>swimming, blacksmithing, archery
lol lmao
Probably because of the swimmer body.
Women actually love men who know how to do stuff with their hands.
No idea. Looks like a rich people hobby so maybe signals higher social status?
Archery is the weirdest one here, but I have seen a number of times archers being depicted as young, muscular twinks who are very precise and skilled. It's pretty much just fantasy, they are depicted as DEX GODS in girl's media, from their TV shows to their books to other things. The "Hot Archer" is a big stereotype for them.

Now, is this completely disconnected from the real world? Yeah, most archers are closer to martial artists or people who practice ninjutsu than hot muscular silent snipers, but women don't know that and the fantasy lives on.
This is like having money, it's a hobby where she knows you're gonna fix shit for her and make things for her.
Hot + Muscular

It's really that simple. The "archery" one is more along the lines of woman fantasy while the other ones are more concrete.
what are the least attractive
>Probably because of the swimmer body.
This is exactly it. The swimming itself is irrelevant, it's them picturing an activity with athletic White men. No one is turned out by some dude swinging his arms and legs in water.
>Women actually love men who know how to do stuff with their hands.
Totally. The youtube comments on blacksmithing channels are full of women, and not at all almost 100% men.
>No idea. Looks like a rich people hobby so maybe signals higher social status?
Literally no woman outside of South Korea would ever say Archery is an attractive hobby. It's not rich-coded either.

The chart is fake and gay and it's crazy how many retards think otherwise
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>It's not, second most attractive hobby
It's only attractive if you are learning Spanish, French or Italian. According to women, everything else is ick territory. If women were to be believed when stating what they look for in a partner, inceldom wouldn't be real.
doing my little anki reviews
Is zhongwen better than wiktionary?
Do you find the diagram showing how characters are made up of constituent parts useful?
The problem with the chart is that it's not asking women how attractive they think a certain hobby is, but whether or not they find it attractive. So a hobby that 90% of women kinda find attractive is going to be put above one that 75% of women think is extremely attractive and the other 25% are neutral about.
>Totally. The youtube comments on blacksmithing channels are full of women, and not at all almost 100% men.
They're not interested in taking up the hobby themselves but like the idea of having a man who knows how to work with his hands and be able to build and fix stuff at home. Like woodworking.
>Is zhongwen better than wiktionary?
zhongwen is more convenient cause it's a pop-up dictionary so you can see it anywhere just by hovering over a character and has links to the chinese grammar wiki when relevant characters/words are involved
>Do you find the diagram showing how characters are made up of constituent parts useful?
do you mean stuff like this? sometimes
me too
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I mean this
I downloaded a book called Chinese Characters A Genealogy and Dictionary with similar diagrams but I don't know enough to understand whether they're useful or not
the weird thing is that the 20% who list it as attractive I assume are super hard core into it,
>10.8% of women say that "porn" is an attractive hobby
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why do femoids hate the gooombling grindset so much bros??
my wife doesn't hate when I do it, I wonder if this survey was just for "single women"
it seems to be popular with women on YouTube. not that I take those Omegle videos seriously.

hear what you're both saying about IQ and talent, but grinding is also relevant. like you said, you have turbo autists that lock in with languages and that will aid in their push to learn. DLI is sink or swim. I'm sure there are more hard workers who straight up grind than geniuses in that program.
i guess it's call to see a tree of characters which all ultimately include the same component (although 中 > 用 seems incorrect desu) but i can't think of any instances so far in which i would've used something like this
Could it be used to search up words based on radicals or is there an easier way of doing it?
Daj mi spokój
Ten po lewej jest mój
Jeszcze nie dostałem zapłaty
Zadzwoń do mnie po siedemnastej
Na rynku jest wielu ludzi
On sprawdza wiadomości czekając na taksówkę
Kacap wszedł i natychmiast zaczął się przekrzykiwać wszystkich
i don't think it's based on radicals because both 囗 and 用 are radicals by themselves
Do you have any tips for learning Chinese characters? Is anki enough?
Also where can you find recordings of people pronouncing pinyin syllables in mandarin to put on anki cards?
Can't decide if I want to learn Russian or Mandarin. Russian seems like a language in decline but I had goals to learn it when I was younger. I also wanted to learn Chinese when I was younger. I'm very torn.
What do you want to do with Russian?
What do you want to do with Mandarin?
I am not sure I'll start French, so I'll just try German for now.
Before I waste any time, will this make me feel better on a mental level? To have something to work on every day? Because I just feel depressed and have 0 hobbies.
Yeah, I am just doing this because I feel like shit 24/7.
It should
the wiktionary glyth section is the best free resource for learning Chinese characters in English. it breaks the character down into meaningful components and explains the internal logic of the character. the mechanical breakdown of characters in >>202002622 and >>202002716 isn't very useful for learning them.
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i would definitely NOT consider the usual anki set up enough for me to learn characters.
personally, i have a writing deck in which i write the answer for each card irl (pic related).
i also used write-in for my main chinese deck and i write the answer using wubi to help me remember stroke and stroke order.
>Also where can you find recordings of people pronouncing pinyin syllables in mandarin to put on anki cards?
for free? you could probably search wiktionary and write bā, bá, bǎ, bà and so on, find a definition with sound and download the file and if you can't find it you could then search the character on forvo to see if there's one
How do you feel about learning words with complicated characters like 遠 or 對 from the beginning?
Should you learn the simpler radicals first to help you recognise the characters more easily? Or do you just dive in with whichever characters the textbook is teaching?
Also based on your answer, I figure you have 1 deck with words and 1 deck with characters
I feel like I've asked you this before but what do you have on the front and back of your two Chinese decks?
>Before I waste any time, will this make me feel better on a mental level?
Ebbs and flows. Usually you'll feel proud learning something, though occasionally you'll wonder why you're spending so much time on this. On average it will be positive though
>Should you learn the simpler radicals first to help you recognise the characters more easily?
i first learned how to do strokes, then learned all the simplified radicals and variations and then started writing characters as i encountered them in my hsk book and some other input.
>Also based on your answer, I figure you have 1 deck with words and 1 deck with characters
i have one main chinese deck with both one-character and multiple character words and i have a supplementary one in which i add the individual characters of compound words. so for example i have both 对 and 对不起 in my main deck because i know that 对 can be used by itself whereas i have 院 only in my complimentary deck because i've only encountered it in compound words (and i'll transfer it to my main deck if i encounter it someday used by itself).
>but what do you have on the front and back of your two Chinese decks?
on the front i have the definition(s) in english and on the back i have the answer in chinese, pinyin, examples if any, audio and notes if any

also, while writing this i was about to use "eventually" wrongly like a romance babby esl because of french interference. comment c'est terrifiant
*incorrectly, "wrongly" sounds ESL
idk man just tell me what to do
if you start this whole journey based on someone else's opinion you will most likely give up after couple days, choose which one you like and willing to spend at least a year on it, consuming its media, speaking with its people etc.
>"sounding" like an ESL is le bad
french niggas, how's the accent in these videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf8XN5kNFkhdIS7NMcdUdxibD1UyzNFTP
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One thing I've always been confused about it how do you deal with synonyms when you do E-TL cards?
I might try learning some radicals
This textbook has the radicals along with all the characters which is nice
Thanks for the tip about pinyin, I thought the recording files would be on the character page not an actual dedicated pinyin page
Also til that's a false friend
The correct adverb for "wrong" is "wrong" just like the adverb for "fast" is "fast"
but this sort of adverb goes after the verb
>One thing I've always been confused about it how do you deal with synonyms when you do E-TL cards?
put all the synonyms on the same card

if you don't get them all, fail the card

if you get all but one, give it a lower rank
That seems impossible to me
I don't think I could do that with my native language let alone a language I'm dabbling in
>>"sounding" like an ESL is le bad
it is. if you don't like it than don't speak with EFLs. Latin and Esperanto solved this, yet you all keep learning English instead to be near us. If you want our approval then we're not going to give it if you sound like an ESL
the difficulty is why it works, and you'll find it mentally easier to use synonyms

this is how I do it, and it's much better than having a separate card for each word
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started using toggl to track how much time I spent with my tl
kinda fun, I might use it for other hobbies
are you the same anon learning chinese? if so how do you simultaneously learn those two together?
no, that's another mexanon
1. French
2. Korean
3. Spanish
4. Classical Chinese
5. Persian
6. Swahili
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>One thing I've always been confused about it how do you deal with synonyms when you do E-TL cards?
both 说 and 讲 are synonyms and i just wrote on 说's card "(not 讲)" and vice versa desu
>along with all the characters which is nice
ALL the characters?
>I thought the recording files would be on the character page not an actual dedicated pinyin page
sorry, i don't understand what you're referring to here. wiktionary or the card fields on anki?
Is it just me or is the fourth tone not as big of a change as tone 2-3
It just sounds like the normal way of pronouncing a vowel in English with 1 being a higher pitched and flatter one
I mean I know where to find the recordings of syllables on wiktionary now
And yeah they all seem to have it
>both 说 and 讲 are synonyms and i just wrote on 说's card "(not 讲)" and vice versa desu
Ok thanks
Can some cultured anons recommend me some quality books on heiroglyphs and cuneiforms? I couldn't find any in the wiki. Thanks.
The /clg/ megas probably have some books but idk if any of them are good assuming you just want an overview/pop linguistics
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>Is it just me or is the fourth tone not as big of a change as tone 2-3
technically the fourth actually experiences the biggest change in pitch going from level 5 to level 1 but desu a lot of the times when i hear a sound file in isolation and it's only one syllable long i confuse tones. i also feel like some speakers pronounce them slightly differently
I already had enough overview from wikipedia (not the wiki I meant). I am looking for some good books teaching you how to read them.
Human ear hears highpitch-to-lowpitch change less clearly as a low pitch going higher.
Yeah I did see that but I couldn't believe it and assumed it was just a representation
It's over, I'm a tonelet...
There's Middle Egyptian an introduction to the language and culture of Heiroglyphs in the /clg/ mega which seems to be what you're looking for
Entire book is filled with hieroglyph sentences + transliterations
just inpoot more
there's also this page to practice your hearing
although idk if the person's voice is actually real or computer generated
Thanks this seems good
based. I will look into it. thank you.
Has anyone used 6obcy.pl to practice Polish yet? How did it go?
In Poland it is German because it is the language of business. Spanish is for "adventurous" women and fash-catholic men. German sounds for both sexes like thinking about career and your future. Of course there are also jokes about Nazism. French for men sounds like something for very political people from the left and right, and for women like something between German and Spanish. At least that is how it looks in my bubble and these are exaggerated stereotypes.
>On sprawdza wiadomości czekając na taksówkę
Sprawdza/czyta newsy or czyta wiadomości but if he czyta wiadomości while waiting for a taxi, it's probably on his phone and it sounds like he's checking DMs
>Kacap wszedł i natychmiast zaczął się przekrzykiwać wszystkich
Zaczął wszystkich przekrzykiwać or zaczął przekrzykiwać ludzi
bonne chance
Though I'm native speaker I use zi.tools for characters a lot. It may be helpful for learners. Here's an example page: https://zi.tools/zi/勇
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From someone experienced, here's overlooked advice for anyone learning a language so it doesn't take you 6 months to figure this out. When you learn verbs, learn them WITH the correct preposition. Always always always. You will save yourself a lot of headaches.
this is especially important for Italian and German
>Do you have any tips for learning Chinese characters?
there are mnemonic methods

you should look into pleco, it's a dictionary app people use, very popular
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ein türkischer hat mich zu diesem faden eingeladen
>tfw hsk books have introduced three words that all mean "for" in english (给, 对, 为) but with zero explanation on how they're used differently from each other
王(king) and 主(master)...
look how similar they are, so touching bros...
>similar shapes and meanings
what other characters are like this?
Can someone point me to whomever it is that runs the rentry.org/inpoot list? I have things to add.
I think this one is edited i'm sure I saw the original a few weeks ago and one of the least attractive hobbies was video games but now it's nowhere to be found
why is no question word/particle needed here? can you do this in informal chinese?
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Just check the archive
Why do some Spanish speakers think my Spanish somewhat resembles that of someone who lives in the Caribbean or in Central America, even though most of my input comes from Mexicans and Peru?
post vocaroo
Couldn't be assed to record a new one
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aren't you the black guy that was learning puerto rican spanish?
I'm black, but I'm not learning Puerto Rican Spanish. That's a different anon.
Why PR Spanish?
daily reminder mandarin is not tonal
bumpy scrumpy
thanks, helpful data. added the site to my bookmarks.
if Wiktionary didn't have enough data, especially on historic forms, so far I have used Baidu, which has similar data.
Does it count as reading if you're glossing every single word in a sentence?
ule wa kushoto ni yangu
Nipige simu tena saa tano
Kuna watu wengi uwandani
Anaangalia taarifa wakati anapoisubiria teksi ifike
Mrusi alifika na alianza kusema kwa sauti kupita watu wengine mara moja.
the base form is
>es jmdm. recht machen ~ to please so.; to satisfy so.; to accommodate so.
>[lit] to make it right [for] so.
>Man kann es nicht jedem/allen recht machen. ~ You can't please everyone.
so you can see more easily where that meaning comes from. "to do right by so." is very similar, but it also means to act in a just or moral way towards someone. the German idiom isn't really used for that, even though "recht" by itself can mean that. rather it means doing something that someone wants or something that will make someone happy. so in the sense of doing something that is beneficial to someone they are quite similar.
>etw. ist richtig ~ sth. is right/correct/fitting/real/righteous/moral/just
>etw. ist recht ~ sth. is right/righteous/moral/just
>etw. ist jmdm. recht ~ sth. is fine with so.; so. is ok with sth.; sth. works for so.
>[lit] so. is right [for] so.
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The only reason Poland isn't a complete shithole is because it's right next to Germany. You used to be dirt poor not even two decades ago. The American factory my father used to work at was shut down in the mid-90s and was relocated to Poland and that says a lot.
>[lit] so. is right [for] so.
*sth. is right [for] so.
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Bros I guess I'll get a ban again. Please don't forget me when I'm gone, keep following my teachings and grinding...
遠 and 近 mean opposite things but the character shares the same bottom thing
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of course, always, Mehmet.
janny's work is like pushing a boulder up a mountain.
our resolve is like water coming down a mountain.
nimekuwa nikifikiri kujifunza kijapan
antonyms in any language share ALL semantic features but differ in exactly one
short/tall both talk about vertical height but differ in the question of size
alive/dead both talk about a state of an organism, they only differ in the question of whether the organism functions or not
I like the channel İclal, but the fact she's never shown her hair makes me seethe uncontrollably, like holy shit muslims are severely mentally ill, show me your entire face you damn femoid
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I use polylogger to track the time spent studying without distractions. So if I watch a 20 minute video I can log 20 minutes without turning the toggler off and on every time I get distracted.
It works well with videos, clozemaster, anki etc because you know exactly how much time you spent. Now that I'm getting into reading it's getting harder, for now I severely underestimate how long it took to account for distactions, looking up words etc.
it's the walk or road radical, so you can imagine it as
>遠 long walk / long road
>近 short walk / short road
but etymologically 辶 is the semantic element, so both characters are more or less related to walking/road or more generally (traversing a) distance. and the element inside is the phonetic element which determines the sound (in Old Chinese).
ye that makes sense
word, I seethe internally whenever I see a fucking veil
Do I need to know this?
I'm just trying to dabble in classical chinese
對 is a crazy character
That's true but I generally don't think in concepts like this, I'm too lazy to
you don't need to know what all the radicals mean, but it helps if you want to remember lots of characters.
you should know that phono-semantic is the most common kind of character. so if a character has a left element and a right element (and is often but not always phono-semantic):
the left element is the semantic one most of the time. it gives you a clue as to the meaning. characters that share the same left element are likely to have somewhat related meanings. you can't guess the exact meaning from it, but it can help to remember it.
the right element is the phonetic one most of the time. in Old Chinese, it means the character has the same pronunciation as this element as a character by itself. characters with the same phonetic elements will have the same pronunciation in Old Chinese. in modern Chinese the pronunciations have changed, so the characters don't have all the same pronunciation, but similar pronunciations. it can help to read unknown characters if you know the reading of the phonetic element character.
stupid question but how does one know what Old Chinese sounded like? i don't remember their script ever being phonetic unlike say Egyptian
I think Hanzi do have some phonetic elements.
So what do you suggest I do if I'm starting from scratch?
Should I try to get 300-400 or so characters and then try to understand what you're describing or should I focus on it asap?
im sorta getting to a point where i'm not translating stuff in my head when i read- or at least i'm picking it up too fast to notice
(correct me if wrong somewhere, I'm only a beginner at Chinese)
we don't. like ancient European languages it's all reconstructed; there are multiple reconstructions by different people that can differ.
you can do comparative analysis and compare all the pronunciations that a word has in different European languages, accounting for sounds shifts that have occurred in individual languages, to get a possible pronunciation of the root word.
in Chinese afaik you can similarly compare the pronunciations of all characters with a certain phonetic element, accounting for regular sound shifts. and there are old rhyme (same final) and maybe also same syllable dictionaries, so even if the character doesn't have a phonetic element, you have some clue what character it used to be similar to in pronunciation.
but if it's not in such a dictionary and not used as part of other characters you can only go by the current pronunciation I guess, which might give multiple options. if is archaic and has no current pronunciation you might not even be able to tell.
I've really struggled with this
I think the only way I can force myself to not translate is by reading aloud or by listening to audiobooks
I'm not the one to ask, I just do it my way.
iirc the Mexican ITT learned all the radicals first, but that's not necessary. just look characters up and you will see what their parts are, and automatically remember if you've seen a couple of similar characters.
you can read this to learn what kinds of characters there are:
old chinese reconstruction is mostly comparing how something is pronounced in modern japanese/korean/vietnamese, also in various chinese dialects. There's also common sino-tibetic word. Tibetan is a good resources since they never underwent a spelling reform so tibetan is still spelt as it was pronounced in the 7th century. Eight is still written as brgyad in tibetan, so you can work it out and say the br sound was changed into something like a p in old chinese into something like pret
i know how comparative study works. just what are the reconstructions based on? how does one go from (bogus example) xue2 to sraʔrs
ah yes i forgot about tibetan, thank you
It'd be interesting to see how well native Japanese and native Chinese speakers could communicate through characters only
I'd much rather do it that way, I'm too lazy to do it other wise
oh indeed, you can also compare with other languages of the area like in Europe, if they have used or are using Chinese characters .
Japanese on'yomi or Chinese-derived readings used in compound word are fairly conservative. they are imitations of the old Chinese pronunciation with Japanese phonology, so by themselves they aren't enough, but if you take other languages too I guess they are useful for comparison.
compound words in Japanese that are taken from Chinese often still sound somewhat similar to the modern Mandarin Chinese words, minus the tones.
kek very cool. I've seen it attempted on /int/ sometimes. does seem to work more or less.
do most Mainlanders know the traditional non-simplified forms? if they don't this wouldn't be possible. sometimes the simplified characters are unrecognizably different, and Japanese people don't know them by default.
>do most mainlanders know the traditional
How do you learn to recognise characters?
I have a hard time recognising words which are slightly different sometimes but hanzi seem like they'll be far harder
This user >>202017631 is a CIA agent btw, don't fall into his amerikkkan propaganda
Many can read, few can write. Some of the younger generation even find it hard to read.
thank you for the compliment :')
I don't think that is the only reason, we were in a shitty economical situation because of the soviet union, if we had capitalism and 'democracy' right after the war, we would be in a much better position.
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Obviously, but I'm just stating that the proximity to richer countries plays a huge role. Heck, it even plays a role within a country if it's big enough (picrel).
I don't want to dox myself, but the main reason the factory my father used to work at was relocated to Poland was cheaper shipping to Western Europe, with wages being a secondary issue.
Regardless, the fall of the iron curtain fucked us over as we were completely unprepared for it and besides tourism we didn't have anything developed in the tertiary sector to make up for our dying industry.

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