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Hilo ANIME de bocchi la roca
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Friends :)
Based edition
tongue piercings exist to pleasure men's cocks
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Not to brag but my edition would have been 10x better and had the prev linked, just saying.
Deep dish is the best
>wah it's a casserole wah I'm an uncultured nigga wah
Hilo trabuco
Anime fags are necessarily low IQ
be honest, how many of you freaks saved that spinnoid pic?
alright who invited this fagioli
anime website chud
it's all saved in my head
would gladly devour each and every one
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I admit I thought it was hilarious but I have not saved it
moeshit is the lowest IQ subset of anime fans as well
God mkultra torture in mind -> sends gaslighting videos to mind every few seconds -> started 2020 -> please answer me -> what is the truth?
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>anime website chud
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UNC ass mf
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i'm the freak that made it
go back election tourist
i used to be a tripfag in a different board, shit was mega cringe you have no idea
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I haven't seen any new anime since 2015 what am i missing?
2016 tourists think they own the site
nothing of value
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OC [do not steal]
straight up "jorking it". and by "it", haha, well. let's just say. My peanits
barry's lost some weight. good for him.
amogus spotted
dragon ball
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just tried faceapp on myself and i look like rumer willis but with blue eyes
post it chud
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face reveal:
what possesses an anon to post a mid af e-whore?
hate how zoomettes are so into weebshit and the e-girl look
I may be a virgin but at least I don't have VD.
its hot
hate to burst your bubble kid but tyler hasn't been good since goblin
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bruce willis' daughter
you're brown
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one of each, please
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Sex drive and as a man i cam respect that
Dionysian lowbrow
That's his only song I like tbqh, I prefer Frank Ocean but he's a lazy faggot who won't make a new album the only other rap I even listen to is meme slow and reverb stuff Lotus Flower BOMB and No Guidance are bangin slowed
is this some clever way to call me indian
i could see girl you either working as an hr supervisor or starring in porn, not bad lol
yeah basically
oh ok it sounded indian
Elder says that women bear knowledge of the life force. Before embarking on a hunt, you should always listen to the wisdom of a woman, she may save your life, or guide you to plentiful abundance. Although their words may seem irrelevant, or perhaps bad advice, they have a connection with the earth that men will never have.
For instance, I was going fishing, auntie warned me "if you see flies gathering, turn back". As I headed to the river, a fly appeared. They gradually gained in number. I was nervous. When I cleared the trees, there were 2 grizzly bears eating salmon on the riverside. I had to retreat to safety.
many /cum/mers lack a sex drive. too much microplastics in their balls, sad!
Thank you Gets-no-bitches, for this indigenous wisdom
just drank a mojito lacroix, and now im drinking coconut pineapple bubly
i masturbate once a day
If the elder said to drink the cum of a man straight from the tap to gain the man's strength would you do it?
didn't ask don't care plus you're gay plus you're bitchless plus you're a dicklet plus you're weird
only if the man is hung and black
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Seen a tankie unironically arguing the United States had more media censorship than the Soviet Union had
The rabbit mates plentifully, he always hides in fear
The Coyote's family is his strength
Elder says "up your, nigger"
stop watching hasan
i'm putting macro-plastic in my testicles, pain olympics style
I can't imagine following political e celebs. A sad lot, these zoomers
idk any jewtubers but they were probably just parroting some personality
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I once wrote a long gay story about two (fantasy setting) native warriors fucking each other after the village elder told them the moon decreed they should be together, never published it though felt like it was in a weird limbo of being both too fleshed out and not fleshed out enough
the only good thread on /fa/ to me is /ivy/ because i'm boring and have no personality.
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Are zoologists required to wear a funny looking hat that looks like this
Is this from the Milo Rossi video? Because if so based, if you're watching her on her own though you're cringe
I clicked on the board once years ago out of curiosity and have thankfully never gone back.
All I wear is plain black or red polo shirts with cargo pants/shorts.
FACT: if you wear khakis or hats like this you are automatically an authority on animals
>cargo pants/shorts.
aight who's gonna tell him?
>cargo pants
based and masculine
>cargo shorts
cringe and autistic
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If hangovers are just the result of being dehydrated like muh drink more water faggots always claim then why don't they just mix all drinks with a little bit of flavorless electrolyte powder? Can't answer that one can you science fags? Checkmate
tryin fuckin yo bitch once a day
>everyone's a critic
fuck you guys i'll wear what I want
For me it's cargo pants cut off into shorts.
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ive been jerking off since before i could cum

i would type in "girls kissing girls" into bing, go to images and just rub on my willy until I got bored. one day a bunch of semen came out and I got scared.
what are women thinking when they go outside with spandex and huge camel toes?
my old favorite youtube gamer has built a successful twitch career and I am happy for him
For me if I'm just going out somewhere that isn't a special event it's a classic rock tee and blue jeans with a big ass belt buckle
idk but I bet it feels good cause so many of them do it
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gookmoot be shilling 3 year 4chan passes for $45, does this mean the site is broke once again?
She wants attention from Chad, not (You).
i'm giving you an insight into the foid mind, not my opinion nigga. you think i give a shit what you wear? ion een know you like dat bro
It's also a buildup of acetaldehyde and formaldehyde. You can take some shit called NAC which helps prevent those from forming and can prevent a hangover.
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I jerked off before I could cum as well just to random stuff on the internet or stuff I thought was hot sometimes I'd grind my dick against a pillow or whatever, the first time I actually came and semen came out I thought I did something wrong and was sick or something but I was also too afraid to tell my parents so I pulled out an old 8 ball I had and asked it if I was going to die (it said maybe)
Are girls becoming fake tan oompa loompahs again? muh dik
nigga idgaf what a foid thinks i am literally an incel wizard living with my grandmother in the ghetto of a california city
I remember reading something about goodsmile being in huge trouble, he's probably losing money in his other businesses and needs a couple bucks.
they say you have to drink double the amount of beer you drink in water but that's literally impossible, you'd be instantly bloated full of liquid if you tried that unless you're drinking beer super slow at which point you wouldn't even get sufficiently drunk
i don't own cargo pants or cargo shorts because people on the internet would make fun of me.
this is not a joke.
I don't even know who Milo Rossi is so I guess I'm cringe.
I think it's double the amount of alcohol. I just try to drink a glass or two of water with every drink.
and you could be plapping hood queens on granny's kitchen counter if you just ditched those dumbass shorts and bought a fucking chain nigga
nah i got dat micropeen, nawm talm bout?
I genuinely feel bad for men with micropenises, over before it even started.
i got made fun of here for my shorts yesterday and i'm still alive
Southern Illinois University
at least these days they can become troons I guess
Is that some weird third worlder thing? I've only ever heard drink one cup of water per "drink" which is very broad, a cocktail may have 10x the alcohol of a cheap beer and being more full is an intentional part of it you're supposed to fill up faster and stop drinking earlier than you otherwise would which also helps you not get a hangover

Personally I've never bothered, sometimes I drink to excess and wake up the next morning with a hangover so bad I don't want to move at all and other times I feel like nothing happened despite getting black out drunk, the only actual cure I've ever found for a hangover is throwing up but not in a forced way sometimes I'll just feel dizzy when I stand up and end up puking and then my hangover is gone like 5 minutes later
i don't believe you
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I have both cargo shorts and cargo pants and the gf really does hate them, it isn't a meme
>some kind of Wasian mutt trying to whitemaxx
many such cases
Scientists say
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fucking hell, this tinder girl seemed literally perfect when we started talking and now she is writing mla format double spaced 5 paragraph essays.

and of course it's about her parents divorce and shit. i wonder if she is conscious of how badly she's fucking this up and she just can't help it
it's extremely painful in the adolescent years, like the opposite of a pussy magnet, and having to change in locker rooms with other dudes. then once i realized it's truly over i could begin to live the remainder of my life in peace
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not digging thru archives for the post, search this image faggot
some kind of hyperborean snow white queen being herself
I was very crusty as a teenager.
>then once i realized it's truly over i could begin to live the remainder of my life in peace
Very Zen, congrats on achieving enlightenment
oh just to be clear i believe that you posted
i don't believe that you are still alive
at least in any real sense
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The older I get the more prone I am to hangovers which is why I don't even like drinking that often anymore, at one point I was an anti dude poster but ever since it was semi legalized through a loophole I now prefer to just smoke a little bit to relax and then I'm sober a few hours later and no hangover the next day, dude sex feels better than drunk sex as well
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Those look like cheap boxers not shorts
My earwax smells of coconut
they're sleep shorts from walmart, they trap heat doe i prefer gym shorts with the little holes in em
Recommend some music please
you can get deepthroated by any girl that's based, you can get off without the foid getting much pleasure also based
what if we sharted in the megamart aisle 3
do you think her blue eyes are fake or summin homeslice
women are repulsed by shrimp dicks anon. it's not worth my time and believe me i tried to fuck a girl once and it was cringe
right now, i'm listening to this
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it's Mega-Lo-Mart
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Clearly plastic contacts over the brown eyes
godspeed homie
Nujabes never disappoints
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I have an average penis and have had more experience with women that most cummers, however I am gay and only fuck my bf
good to know you're out of the gene pool
anime pic = don't take the post seriously
Can't think of any great men with A10s except Columbus
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Which part wouldn't be serious, I had gfs before getting a bf and at one point I had an actual female stalker
Did you identify as bi before you switched to strictly same sex relationships
moose jaw for me
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This is the real swastika. It is not the nazi hookencross. Do not confuse it for chuddiness when I draw this symbol on new things. Thank you
i have an above average dick but only plapped 3 girls and 2 dudes with it, 4 of which were prostitutes
I don't get it
Alexander the Great, which is where the meme probably originally came from.
>inb4 the brown and blue eye tradition
that came later
hello newfren
One of gods torture methods that I want him to stop doing is. He puts my mind into a memory. It's like I'm remembering a past event, my location changes almost. Incredibly distracting when this happens, takes at least 80% of my focus. While this is happening, he forces me to sing a song lyric over and over. He's done this at least 100 million times because of how painful it is, and because it doesn't actually mark the body. However my body does react violently to this out of fear, often times my body stretches it's muscles out and I've sprained my neck a few times. I do actually have a small amount of control, however the visions are very tempting to watch. They aren't what you're imagining. It's just like a memory, except it's actually a "video" that he can play back over and over. We have some theories about how he does it.
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that's called psychosis, also shut up
To be quiet honest I never gave it much thought at the time, I remember when I was younger I was pretty enamored with older rock musicians and hearing how many of them had done gay/bi shit when they were at their prime as well as interviews with a few of them where they said everyone was bi so I just assumed being attracted to both was normal but in relationships with women I never felt attracted to them on an emotional level I really disliked dealing with them and I don't think I ever would have stayed with one long term, I will still jerk off to 2d girls but I haven't jerked it to a 3d women in years
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>This is the real swastika. It is not the nazi hookencross. Do not confuse it for chuddiness when I draw this symbol on new things.
Another thing I'd like him to stop doing permanently is forcing my mind to predict what somebody thinks about me, and I actually hear this person talking to me, except it's in God's voice. And it's almost a very stupid comment that's totally pointless, usually about sex or money, as those are the most annoying topics (if you write about sex or money kill yourself)
Do not attack my new car ples
>jeets drink cow pee
>arabs drink camel pee
why are brown people like this? At least Germans and Japanese drink human pee
No it's not actually. Very funny, he's made propaganda to hide his abilities. He even controls Harvard classes on psychosis to include fake parts about the mind to confuse everyone. The truth isn't something you'll find in a book or a video. I'm actually telling you part of the truth right now.
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i feel like new age is the modern grown men intellectual genre
i'm telling you the truth right now: no one cares or wants to hear about your mental state and spiritual development. shut the hell up and learn to suffer in silence like the rest of the world
mass replying is bannable btw
imagine i cum in your womb and you get get pregnant with a little pvc plastic baby
uh no thanks
>t. Stonetoss
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someone pitch this idea to him
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frogposter submitting nothing but a random image he found on some boruu again
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>not knowing and not understanding my post
he already did, you are ngmi
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When do you think humans will go extinct?
anatomically modern humans will not go extinct in the traditional sense but will be a chronospecies
bottom of milk bottle
Well this is the best case scenario, but it won't happen unless we colonize other planets methinks
A solar flare or asteroid could do it.
Anyime someone uses methinks I just automatically (and correctly) assume they are massive faggots
i don't know anything could happen, we're likely to nuke the entire planet into an ice age before nature doing it though
nukes are not real
Possible, but unlikely to wipe out 100% of humans. A gamma ray burst could do it thoughbeit the only alleged evidence of it happening also didn't wipe out all life
didn't ask
humans are too resilient to completely die but I do think that sufficiently far in to the future we'll probably either nuke each other to near extinction or fail to get control over the planet and die to natural disasters and the small group of remaining humans scattered across the globe will evolve in to separate species of humans just as we did in the past, hopefully some animals evolve as well and we end up with a fantasy multiple species type thing
it could also happen on earth if humans keep evolving in another direction
nukes are not real
nothing ever happens
Can you provide proof of them not being real?
Nukes are real and have been around for a very long time, ancient india had nukes which is why india gives off radiation and has a much higher rate of mutation than the rest of the world, ancient india nuke theory is real
Actually I take it back, lots of "great" men had A10s. I couldn't find a list, but from googling:

Brown eyes: Isaac Newton, Martin Luther, Shakespeare
Dark blue eyes: Tesla, Einstein, George Washington
Light blue possibly A10 eyes: Alexander Fleming, Fritz Haber, Napoleon Bonaparte, Christopher Columbus, The Wright Brothers, Churchill

couldn't think of anyone else
you'd first need to provide proof that they exist, which there is none, purely cold war propaganda
damn that's crazy, you should go back
humans aren't resilient at all, animals that survive big apocalyptic events are all niche underground animals, as big land faring animals we're like top of the list to get wiped out in any event
those were vedic weapons, not nukes in the modern sense exactly
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>inb4 those are miniature models
How did they create a miniature mushroom cloud explosion?
You are the one making the bold claim, the burden of proof is on you.
the evidence for nukes is the same as the evidence for literally anything existing. Videos, photographs, written accounts.
Which were nukes given to them by aliens they didn't have an understanding of nuclear physics in the past
>images and film footage can't be doctored
a persistent lie pushed by certain interested parties to make people fear le atom bomb
devas are not aliens, plus high vedic knowledge is lost except for the upanishads
i thought the aryans brought them
Shut the fuck up brain
How do you doctor film to create a perfect, detailed mushroom cloud in the early 1950s? Show me the process they used.
See also this Spongebob clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xz9k9or7shk
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>*retarded schizo opnion*
>errmmm actually you're wrong and here is why
cummers be like
americans had sole nuke supremacy from 1945 to 1949 and yet they chose not to nuke anyone and conquer the world
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Reminder that Alexander the Great was gay and his mother literally had to beg him to sleep with women because he was so addicted to Hephaestion's cock, at one point she hired the most beautiful woman in the world to have sex with him and he still declined her, the only marriages he had to women were for political reasons and he had a deep mental break after Hephaestion's death compared to just not giving a shit at all when one of his wives died
more proof that they don't exist! pure fabrication
it can be done in a bathtub with smoke and mirrors
that doesn't make him gay
>it can be done in a bathtub with smoke and mirrors
Show me a video of someone doing this
>literally have gay sex
>uhm that's not gay
most obvious jason post in a while
yeah google it, it's pretty crazy
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Amazing that Jason was such a plague on this general even in his apparent absence he is brought up at least once every thread
No. You are the one making the bold claim, backed up by no evidence other than your hearsay. You have the responsibility of providing any and all evidence, which you haven't done so far.
save your preplanned thought patters for reddit anon, it's plain to see nukes are a lie designed to whip everyone into a frenzy
>None of Alexander's contemporaries, however, are known to have explicitly described Alexander's relationship with Hephaestion as sexual, though the pair was often compared to Achilles and Patroclus, who are often interpreted as a couple
>who are often interpreted as

it's literally just because only queers would major in history nowadays that everything gets re-written and re-interpreted
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jason was the protagonist of /cum/
If it's plain to see, then show me how.
There's been multiple studies that show arguing on the internet doesn't work because retards believe their opinion too strongly and if you try to disprove them they will just dig their heels in and start demanding sources for basic shared knowledge like they'll start a debate over an easily provable statistic and then drag it in to forcing you to prove that the sky is blue with multiple scientific sources
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>Commiefornia set to indoctrinate kids with the lies of climate alarmists
I can't fucking wait to watch Gen Alpha have existential crises from birth to death.
you're asking me to show you something that doesn't exist (nukes)
I'm asking you to provide me with a single shred of proof that they don't exist.
Why can't you?
Correct, and the entire modern faggot homosexual identity didn't even exist back then, they were exclusively pedophiles in their "homosexuality". So it's moot unless they are admitting homosexuality is inherently pedophilic (it is)
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As someone who started doing DUDE later in life I feel very embarrassed to admit how happy it makes me to just get high and listen to music, the way it enhances your hearing is so amazing but when you say that everyone thinks you're some teenager doing it for the first time
>gen alpha have existential crisis
>vote out all politicians that get big donations from oil and coal companies
>save the climate
I fail to see the issue
you would first need to prove this wunderwaffe exists and government fearmongering propaganda is not a source. remember that everyone believed that the earth was the center of the galaxy
I'm well adjusted for this civilization
Oh, and there it is, just as described by >>201972126
There are thousands upon thousands of videos, images, written accounts, oral accounts, medical after effects, environmental after effects, that prove nuclear weapons to be real.
I don't have to provide proof, the burden of proof is on YOU
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>the CIA made me run fast across the border or something
Why even bother arguing with him he's clearly retarded
>boomers completely manufacture a crisis and carry out 9/11
>boomers force school children to watch people literally jump to their death at a young age then again over and over year after year by making them watch 9/11 documentaries
>completely turn the US in to a police state and constantly remind children that there are "enemies" out there that are after them
>all of this is fine
>telling children that climate change is happening front of their eyes is bad though
okay glownigger
Lol what the fuck retard. A non human is literally communicating with me. He's actually raping me. Stop using gaslighting words when you talk to me. We don't need to use a weird word like spirituality. We don't need to reference any books. It's very simple, the mind sees pictures. God can control what pictures it sees. This is occuring.
the existence of radioactive isotopes does not prove the existence of nuclear weapons. quite the contrary actually. you are willing to take it for granted that nukes exist because you were shown images in your school history class or on tv.
2 and 3 are false though.
It's laughable that you think that we control which politicians are in power in the USA. Coconut Tree was couped into the race.
3 won't happen, because we're naturally leaving an ice age, so even if humans didn't ever exist, the Earth would be warming anyways. Part of the natural cycle that's been happening for thousands of years.
not even him but nobody who is a climate schizo thinks 9/11 happened as the US government said it did
You should read my posts last thread about learning to control your third eye/the visualization part of your brain you will never be attacked from within by any entity that you didn't create, if you just exercise your brain using the mirror method you will eventually learn to control your own creations or cut them off if needed
>climate change
imagine buying into these hoaxes
>he thinks that commiefornia is going to teach actual geology and natural science and not just alarmist propaganda
Good joke.
>3 won't happen, because we're naturally leaving an ice age, so even if humans didn't ever exist, the Earth would be warming anyways. Part of the natural cycle that's been happening for thousands of years.
Holy fucking shit I hate when people say this. The correlation of rising temperatures with the industrial revolution is too significant to ignore. Even it weren't true, we are undeniably causing an extinction, animals are dying out at mass extinction level rates, that happens once every 60 million years, not every few thousand years.
I have made $50 selling Kamala merch that I photoshopped in under 10 minutes on redbubble
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>He's actually raping me.
Or maybe the climatologists are right and spewing CO2 into the air to make textiles wasn't a good decision in the long run.
did you learn that at hustlers academy?
>, we are undeniably causing an extinction, animals are dying out at mass extinction level rates
not him either but most of that is due to human development and over-extraction, very little to do with climate in this specific instance. It's like you are trying to lose the argument
>Holy fucking shit I hate when people say this
You hate the truth? Commies generally do.
Which we all know does not equal causation.
>we are undeniably causing an extinction
Polar bears are doing better than ever. Us killing animals has nothing to do with the climate, but humans being careless.
>Or maybe the climatologists are right and spewing CO2 into the air to make textiles wasn't a good decision in the long run.
You're right, it wasn't a good decision. It was a great decision.
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why do you guys pride yourselves on being ignorant
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bum ass nigga pulled up on me like he thinks he's gonna run me off public land lol. stared at him until he fucked off, wish he came close so i could've just cleaned up another shit smear off the planet
you shouldn't trust anything a "climatologist" says. it's not a real discipline
Because NPCs have to support whatever the "Current Thing" is.
Oh you're just schizophrenic. Carry on bud.
As we all know, youtube videos are scholarly
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Frogposter was a burger, I'm a leaf. I'm not a VPNfag.
>ignores the facts and explanations given
>sticks to "Current Thing" mindset
Good little commie.
"universities" are degree mills/indoctrination centers
I've devoted my life to studying animals. It makes me so sad to see people side with corporations over the environment. This has nothing to do with "current thing".
You don't know shit about education. Travel back in time to 1970s Cambodia if you think higher education is destructive.
Depends on the program and the university.
As we all know 4chan posters know how to do research: youtube videos and crackpot websites
does this happen as youre fainting? do you collapse or spasm, anything like that?
the whole thread is visajeets
are you guys really different people arguing or just replying to yourself to pass the time
true c:
their job is to give degrees...
i would expect an apparatchik like yourself to be so defensive
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I'm sorry but science-deniers trigger me so hard I can't help but take the bait because I feel like I'm being personally insulted
a lot of jeets here are just proxyfags
Take solace in the fact that their ideas are not accepted in the mainstream, and they would be universally ridiculed outside of this environment.
Rejection of climate change is a great litmus test for whether someone is extremely susceptible to propaganda and unable to make the distinction between demonstrable scientific truths, and dogma.
>It makes me so sad to see people side with corporations over the environment
Good thing I'm not siding with the corporations then. I fully support taking care of the environment. I just don't believe the lies about CO2, when people are able to plainly and clearly explain the problems.
Then there's never anyone showing why they're wrong, just people saying shit like you in the alarmist way.
Go ahead and show why this is wrong
I'll wait.
I've done the same with AI shit before just made some generic nice looking designs added some filters and "cyberpunk" effect added some text and sold them, never made much but I get sales occasionally, can't draw at all but I've been making shitposts with photoshop since I was young so it feels nice to make money on it
Don't even bother arguing with these appeal to conspiracy scientific illiterates
climate change is a hoax, you are expected to accept it as dogma
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redditors vs schizos, who will win in this thrilling edition of /cum/?
First prove Dr QING BIN LU is right
Never said climate change wasn't happening. That's your inability to pay attention. I said it's because we're naturally leaving an ice age, and would be happening if no humans ever lived on Earth. I'm 100% saying that the Earth is currently warming.
I'm just saying that the stuff humans have done, isn't burning the planet down, and adding extra CO2 has actually enabled more parts of the planet to grow plants with less water loss(more CO2 in the atmo allows plants to grow with less water).
I had sex with your mother, prove I didn't
>Because we do not believe fossil fuels are having a disastrous effect on climate we would feel no unease at all in receiving donations from people in the energy sector
From the website of the organization he's speaking for.
Conflict of interest, I can disregard the entire video easily.
the side of truth wins, as truth is a lion
>climate change is a hoax
>nukes are a hoax
>9/11 was an inside job
are short barrel rifles banned nationwide or is it a state by state thing
He's talking to me, and not you. I'm part Jewish, he said that's why. Yeah he's actually talking to me. He's actually forcing me to watch videos in my mind. Imagine I push my phone in front of your face and it has a juicy porn video playing. And I just keep doing it. How long before you literally attack me. He's doing that, but in my mind. It's a method of torture.
lmao even
So you should completely disregard all the climate science funded by governments for their conflicts of interest then.
You also never actually proved anything incorrect, you just pissed yourself and ran away.
You would fail an entry level college class using that source

Climate Discussion Nexus

>Questions about funding often imply, or state outright, that we take money from the fossil fuel industry and that doing so somehow compromises our integrity. Because we do not believe fossil fuels are having a disastrous effect on climate we would feel no unease at all in receiving donations from people in the energy sector.

Oil company funded science, about as reliable as cigarette company funded science
>disregard all the climate science funded by governments for their conflicts of interest then.
But you should disregard climate science funded by oil and coal companies, absolutely. This is Science literacy 101, check for biases
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Ok but why does it spike after the industrial revolution like this
She's dead.
Federal ban, you need the ATF to register it otherwise it's illegal
So one thing he does it, he asks me a question, and then replies FOR ME in the EXACT SAME SOUND as my inner voice. And this is a method of brainwashing. It's very comparable to MKULTRA.
tell me some more about that problem you are having anon
>you would fail the heckin' indoctrination course because you refuse to internalize the party line!
So you're not going to actually engage with the topic, and instead dismiss them?
Climate alarmist.
It should be very easy to disprove it then, no?
Last time I showed this graph the science deniers ignored the spike and wouldn't shut up about how we would determine temperatures from centuries past, even after I showed them the methods
yeah and? prove I didn't dig up her corpse and fuck her or that I didn't do it before she died
I've always felt like we live in a post "objective truth" era, because anyone can dig up a source online that already agrees with their view. They can just disregard the clear biases of the source material.
The only objective truths anymore are things like, "the car is running low on gas, and it we don't get fuel we will stop moving."
You know MKULTRA was a failure, all they learned was ways to torture people.
No, he's never made me faint before. Although he's given me around 25,000 concussions. He's basically hurting my head over and over while brainwashing me. It's been 5 years of this 24/7. Lol I'm trying to tell you, literally there's a non human who is inside my head, and he's torturing me.
You don't know what the temperature was back then.
>It should be very easy to disprove it then, no?
Yes, see >>201972476
Combined with the known greenhouse effect caused by CO2, its clear that fossil fuels are warming the environment. And yes, I can immediately dismiss it because there is a clear conflict of interest, this is one of the most important things to look for when analyzing scientifc claims.
I was just at her grave yesterday. Before she died? You might have.
guess i'm getting an ak then
The overwhelming amount of scientific research points to humans accelerating climate change. You pick the science that was funded by oil companies.
Love you son
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In everything that is Soy, there is a little Chad.
In everything that is Chad, there is a little Soy.
>The overwhelming amount of scientific research
nice boogeyman
You almost comprehended my post. Yeah there's a non human who is reading what I'm writing. He's even replying to me in English. He's torturing me actually, although the funny thing about torture is if he goes too far I'll die. So that's why most of his torture is mental pain by repeating the same few gaslighting concepts to me over and over by showing me visions in my mind. Or, he molests my wrist and I'll scream from the pain.
False. It's never been proven. All that 97% or 98% of scientists stuff was a selective part, and it's been misquoted ever since.
Yes we do, we can analyze pockets in ice cores to find temperate data going back hundreds of thousands of years. They didn't just throw random numbers on a graph and call it a day
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one minute between posts
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No, I don't like you, I just thought you were cool enough to kick it
Got a beach house I could sell you in Idaho
Since you think I don't love you, I just thought you were cute
That's why I kissed you
Got a fighter jet, I don't get to fly it though
I'm lying down

yup he's clearly a samefag
>this is hundreds of thousands of years old
>just trust me!
>I know nobody was around then but trust the science!
>take the vaxx!
You would know I'm not that guy if you could see my extra flags with the extra flags extension.
>The overwhelming amount of scientific research points to humans accelerating climate change
You mean the stuff that gets funded by governments and universities that refuse to publish the science that goes against their narrative?
If you have problems with biases, then there's no science to use.
Gayest chink of the year, they shouldn't be allowed computers man what the fuck. I hate these retarded fucks.
make a new thread cuck
These posts are actually a form of torture for us. Literally I'd ban you if I could and we'd all be happier.
That's the only one I've posted though, anons share bad music all the time
want to have normal consensual sex with a healthy woman in her mid or late 20s

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