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gyaldem edish
I might geek geek
a choosy beggar is the ultimate chad
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right lads, own up, which one of you was it
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nth for the baddiedem
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first for oriental queens
literally a dog photoshopped to have a horse head
>mildly infuriating
>rejects your 50p and asks for a quid instead
scoring 2 with this sort of deficiency is crazy. they'll be alri
dogs dont sit in hay
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>No, it's not Saturday, it's fucking Sunday. And I've got to go to work in four fucking hours! Because every other fucker in my fucking department is fucking ill! Now can you SEE why I'm so fucking angry?!
not to sound like a lush but i heartily think the 90s and 00s were the worst decades to be born in in recent history, we got fucked so hard
The smell of tobacco and leather. Divine.
Mental how unfunny all of the responses are to that on twatter
ESLs are killing internet humour
she wants to sit on my penis
wasn't worth posting the first time
reckon the 10s and 20s are even worse
twitter replies are entirely worthless in the musk era
is the implication here that twitter was ever good
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I wish they would colonize us formally. Imagine what china could manage with our continent. Not just industrially but the stunning parks on the banks of the Congo or the Nile. The beach resorts overlooking the Gulf of Aden
twitter was good
Fuck off cunt I deleted it 'cuz the thread ended
can't wait for tasmanian footy to come back on
Hello leftypol
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lazy ape, it's never his fault
getting to fight in ww2 would be kino (except in the pacific theatre) and things would be even better when you got home
nothing to do with politics
replies are objectively terrible in modern times because all the "top" replies are blue tick engagement-bait wankery
Why wouldn't the pacific be kino?
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So apparently this is Rorke
Any other right wing porn enjoyers in?
hot, bugs, and the japs were utter madmen, it was like nam without the soundtrack

she yearns from my willy
you've been yapping about this for several threads now pack it in
all porn is leftypol degeneracy
Why do I want to fuck him
putting on glasses when you have even slightly bad vision (like +0.25) is mad
wonder how the really visually impaired feel
don't understand why these things look like lovable giant pigs but are absolute fucking murder machines despite being herbivorous
porn is based, fascist, degrades women just like the ancient greeks and that's basey based
how can I make my willy sensitive again
Punch it
it's actually all a leftypol satire of rorke. you've been played
probably a bit early to start drinking
Rorke under the impression a country of < 1 billion people can stay somewhat racially homogenous
Leftypol realising that unless you're a giant ethno-bloc like China or India then it's inevitable
make him watch Cinéma Paradiso
no one actually died in ww2 except a bunch of slavs
Not seen commiemong on any of his usual rants recently
Maybe he finally grew out of it
UZI 9mm
Good film and well played by Mr Butterfield
Pretty understandable bloke
barak obama was the first female president
cute how "kino" is just another funny word for "cool"
listening to these and imagining dying in a war
Da oozi nein millahmeetah
youve stolen my gimmick
and its "believe it or not... this is rorke"
please refrain from infringing on my gimmick copyright
might do a roast chicken later
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*wanders through /brit/*
it has a slightly different meaning though, kind of like to praise something as having artistic merit despite not necessarily being artistic in nature
blud thinks he has a monopoly on making dogshit posts
he's such a twat
Rorke's mum
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this is rorke... believe it or not
girls at the gym:
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>it has a slightly different meaning though, kind of like to praise something as having artistic merit despite not necessarily being artistic in nature
rasheed be like: corr spaff
So apparently this is Rorke
arsemogs me
Wear a watch. Wear a nice shirt. Trousers. Smart shoes. Put some bloody effort in!
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>it has a slightly different meaning though, kind of like to praise something as having artistic merit despite not necessarily being artistic in nature
would still demolish this
is this ironic or has it actually been sitting around on your hard drive since 2006?
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My 5-inch BWC could never
*nasal nerd voice*
is this ironic or has it actually been sitting around on your hard drive since 2006?
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scarcity doesn't exist and all poverty is artificially created by jewish bankers because they feed off suffering
me in the mirror
no reason
You've clearly never fucked a goat
cool was used in the exact same way. it started in jazz venues and made its way through the black community until they were just saying it about anything on the street
are aussies being mean to each other because toil is looming?
you're scar-ing the hoes man
*punts him*
A nice coffee to start the day
*strolls into /brit/ nonchalantly holding a big poo in my hand*
das rite
Coke snorting has big fascist energy
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now this...is kvno
you just know all that loose skin be jigglin around like crazy when he runs across an open grassy field
this poster is about to make a curry
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what is your streets won't forget /brit/ gimmick
legitimately think i might have a tapeworm or something because im always so hungry. like there's that constant achy feeling of being hungry in my stomach, even after eating a big meal. it's awful.
what the fuck is "streets won't forget"

underneath your foreskin is fresh, new, never-before-touched penile tissue waiting to give you an utterly blissful orgasm, idk just get it with a butter knife and then grab a hot shower
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do you think his table is real wood or plywood? mdf maybe?
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time to fix your website
not even how circumcision works you thick cunt
how about you fix your attitude
very boring film but probably interesting if you're a christfag i suppose
putting up the christmas tree
should have a column with % chance of dying
ok ok calm down chaim
average php experience
lightingstein and thunderberg still going at it
gonna raise hell on the cimberland gap
I've got a PHP
pics or no proof you know the drill
computer nerd gimp tranny coded response
no pics but it's 8 inches curved no cap
*holds my hand out expectedly*
You’re gosh darn tootin’
I thought London was being bombed when I woke up last night
grim how many troons there are in computer science and obscure areas of maths now
cant be good for the fields having those hormonal people working on things
got you rattled
we never poo like we used to
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but did you watch the director's cut
What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.

No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.

No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.

No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.

No time to turn at Beauty's glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.

No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.

A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare
for me it's mumei

Been enjoying Fauna a lot lately lads
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So this is Rorke
Corrr imagine
dislike the canadians who post on /brit/ instead of /cum/ where they belong
Do I have chocolate or ice cream for dessert tonight lads?
chocolate in the ice cream lad go on
why not both?
^ fat
now this is kino
Big glass of full fat milk and sausage sandwiches for breakfast x
I'm going to read this at my hearing, thanks pal
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winter soon my God
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another day in my fat smelly ogre incel chud life draws to a close
desperately want something then when i get it I am disappointed, any solutionlads in?
kwipu chippy leeko
I love cats, but if I were a girl and a guy told me he loved cats it'd be a little bit of an ick
used to do this on purpose in year 7-8 because i didn't want to ask to go to the toilets
audibly kahteem'd
You fat cunts are a terrible influence on me. Thankfully there's barely any ice cream so I can do this without feeling much guilt
I always select black lives matter
>Indigenous rights
Yep :)
gamers rights
gamers rights
gamers rights
looking at porn and wanking every day makes you bald
Cute granny
Sir Bed Wetter
Hmmm.... interesting....
little treat mate life's too short to get your panties in a bunch
What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to lose our hair
my son, who is named poowert
poowert pee barmsworth
like this post
the lads
the fellas
the /brit/posters
the pint drinkers
the poo doers
the clue gainers
bit of cake up the arse
Might become a substitute teacher
Clean in and out, minimal witnesses
reckon gta 6 will get delayed until the final year of the ps5 and xbsex's life cycles so they can rerelease it on the next console generation the following year, sneaky fuckers
Having sex with my hand
screaming and crying and wanking
winky poo
wouldn't bet against you given how many times GTA V has been released
A child born when that first came out will practically be a teenager when the 6th one comes out, and in their mid-late 20s if the 7th takes just as long
im evil and ugly
asian folder nearly at 2gb now
what a bizarre visual
Can someone clarify investment portfolios to me?

Say you go for a 3-fund portfolio with a 40-40-20 split, and you have 10k to start with. Would you allocate 4k-4k-2k and add future contributions in the same proportion? Or does it mean rebalancing by selling stocks?
bit sexist of dark souls 3 to have one female boss and the easiest way to kill her is look at her arse the whole time
the so called whiteboy sex
Do you like spicy food?
brown people can't tell when they have a pooey butt because it looks the same
reminds me of that roald dahl image where a person with negative thoughts often looks nasty on the outside
quite fond of that interpretation - be a nice person and the world smiles back as they say
Goodness me
I may be in my childhood bedroom but it smells of rose and sandalwood
What lovely bottoms those two ladies have on them
bro is like 50
Janitor, crush his skull
are these girls asian? i need to know before i allow myself to become aroused
I would probably die if I saw this with my own eyes
Jiminy crickets
thems arses
Longest I've ever gone without eating?
4 days
Honestly quite bizarre towards the end.
You shit but it's literally just liquid. It's like pissing from your arse.
Your body says it needs to shit but there's nothing to shit out so you just expulse water from your body.

Utterly bizarre.
Alright Siva
norwood reaper has had his way with me
not long left i think
i will never see this irl
rorke the typa nigga to describe his willy as large
said willy: 6.2 inch length 4.5inch girth
oh hell nah rorke that willbert aint big
what a depressing post
the thought that a lad has not seen this in his own natural life
wee is a form of shit
good grief
Mad how there are men here in their late 20s and even into their 30s who have never had sex. Never seen a woman naked. Maybe never even kissed before.
>You shit but it's literally just liquid. It's like pissing from your arse.
This is most mornings for me
not getting anything on my end so i think not
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>who have never had sex. Never seen a woman naked. Maybe never even kissed before
ktim! ktim! ktim!
I'm 31 and have never touched a breast or exchanged text messages with a woman
Why did you not eat for 4 days
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side-shuffling around my room and calling it a dance
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I'm healthy, tall, have a good job and education, hobbies but alas I will remain a vf
Deepthroating a moka pot latte
I have had sex with 3 women and kissed 7
someone should kick you to death out of mercy
not with that attitude lads
your time will come get amongst it
I've had a gf for 7 years and but I'm still a virgin
if you've got a grand or so handy you could quite easily arrange a threesome with two prossies
bursting frubes up my arse and then farting them out
I don't get it.
just wanted to see how long I could last
I've done a bunch of weird shit with my body

>Went a whole month with having next to no sugar
As you can imagine when I went back even the most bland shit tasted unfathomably sweet. It's like going without cumming for a long time and then having the best wank ever. That first week back was magical.
>Tried that carnivore shit Peterson's harping on about
Lost weight but it's dull as fuck and my shits were painful, would not recommend
Keto Flu is quite a surreal experience. Once you get through that weight comes off crazy fast but that flu was like being on drugs.

It's a hobby of mine I suppose.
ktim except my two best friends are women, think i might be gay
It is in fact *pregnant pause* the truth *audience lets out a confused, sympathetic noise*
i hate myself, leave me alone
one day men will realize that none of that shite matters and all you need to do is not be a social freak and be moderately fun to be around
Lauren Chen my little Asian fuck doll. You want my BWC don’t you, you little slut
She has a complex regional pain disorder of the fannois
literally just got blacked right there
you in some religious situationship then?
have you ever shoved your finger up your arse to see if its nice
Omdz rorke
catberg is licktoiling my fingers
sorry to hear lad
you haven't even tried?
can't be having these horny thoughts out loud lad
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jacob rees-mogg
got a jobcentretoil appointment with the barely sentient african man tomorrow
have you ever spoken to a woman theyre fucking grim
I assume most posters here are virgins. If a poster says they’re not a virgin I assume they’re LARPing until proven otherwise.
u do sleelp araylsis?
tim buckley was good, better than jeff buckley
yeah I was a good laugh in uni and was making progress but I got cucked by covidberg, then I moved ofr work and don't have any mates in the area
uhm what the fortntie
is he sound or a jobsworth
been as far as shagging one me
The incels are posting their Asian underage looking fetishes again
corr and I mean corrr
she should make concessions for you to shag other women, a man has needs
hmmm not sure about that lad
still tend to believe /brit/ has a healthy mix of virgins and shaggers
not sure yet, only had one appointment with him so far
he just read stuff off a screen
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atloo uhofw dovfn iseee oerrr
Bet it smells of poo.
That's very strange. I was hoping you'd done that due to being on a massive bender of some sorts
*removes stethoscope and looks up to you over my reading glasses*
yes well we call that a cope, a very serious condition
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boo hoo nigga
We love our asian girls, don't we folks
Nope. All of your posts itt I’ve judged and assumed you’re a larping virgin. Sorry. Feel free to prove me wrong
rorke we have to do something about this yellow fever mate
boohoo nigga
nah fuh real nigga i'm crying like a little bitch over here
at least he has a job
what have you put in your journal in the time between then and now?
Well until white women lower their standards im asian only
doubt brit has any real shaggers
maybe a couple of us have stumbled into a relationship or two here and there
I quite literally had sex half an hour ago
about 8 jobs
some would argue that certain people have an easier time getting civil service roles

not me though
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any mexpert in?
what is the soup looking thing?
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time for a cup of tea and a good book
You’re just making it worse lad, now I’m absolutely certain.
weight watchers is a humiliation ritual
still thinking about that real chunky pimple i popped yesterday
Birria tacos, you dip them in that broth
its birria lad you are supposed to dip the tacos in it
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Just found out the wheels on the bus go round and round
i don't know how to have sex
could do with a dark academia oxbridge educated asian crypto-fascist gf
yeah that should be fine

they will ask you what sort of jobs you're looking for and then occasionally "send" you a job that they believe fits that description (so it looks like they're doing something beyond verifying your existence once a week). When they do this you must apply for this job or you will be sanctioned.

obviously it would be a shame if you applied to their recommended, garbage, job and didn't get it but that's quite simply out of your hands isn't it? There's no way to apply to a job and ensure you don't get applied all you can do is send off your CV and see what the employer makes it and if they like it they like it and if not then that's too bad, you applied and that can be verified. I hope you understand my meaning.
reckon you ought to have sex with an average woman and stop obsessing over looney tunes stereotypes of women who dont even exist
you really have government-appointed african sperg handlers?
oh i understand
thank you, i assume you are experienced in the dark arts of the jobcentre
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off to the cultural centre
*chekas her*
anyone else absolutely despise themselves?
fuck off nick land
i see no reason not to
proud of how far I've come actually
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It ends today and I haven't watched a single minute of the Paralympics.
Not one.
more of a repugnant odious worm to be fair
No I think I’m alri
Happy 2 year anniversary of Lizzie Windsor dying
Rest in piss cunt
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wonder what tim's up to
it's just not it

I've nothing against paralympic people but I simply have no desire to watch the paralympics whereas I watched perhaps 12 hours a day of the olympic games
no because self-hatred is for gay mentally stunted angsty narcissistic teenagers
like boo hoo nigga all i ever think about is myself and my own shortcomings... err whats that will i ever actually put in the work to overcome said shortcomings? ummmmm
>I watched perhaps 12 hours a day of the olympic games
seems so
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this time 2 years ago someone was phoning Huw Edwards at home, mid goon-sesh, telling him to get his big arse put away, put some trousers on and get in to the studio asap
probably sectioned again
>china built more in Africa in the 21st century than Europeans did back in the 1700s
Wait really? Silly us for not giving you highways and high speed rail networks in the pre-industrial age. I guess China isnt building many fucking schools over there.

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