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rorke's mum edish
doing a wee
I fucking love being bipolar it's shite
>go out
>drink responsibly
>have a meh/mostly shit time
>feel mostly fine the next day
>go out
>drink irresponsibly
>feel ontop of the world
>black out
>wake up feeling awful filled with anxiety and an earfull from a mate for how i was acting
sigh cant win lads just cant win
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I'd shag the brown off Ash bros, and I'm tired of pretending I wouldn't
God bless our beautiful King and Queen
Free to choose
Free to live
Simple as
mashing a poo with a potato masher
is this some kind of weird hybrid creature? where's its tail?
Poor thing must get raped daily
Going to go have a shower in the dark
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A story in 4 parts
party time
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nth for the gyaldem
stay at home and play 1990's RPGs
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my wife and gf
do that during the week im talking about weekends
Was going to post "Rasheed getting sweaty watching this" but then realized it was a sheep instead of a goat so instead it's "Llewellyn getting sweaty watching this."
limmy's show. funny
at the peak of his powers then
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catberg has gone too fat
Tail got in the way
Dasha always looks like she smells like piss
both of them are trans mate
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what's wrong dear, u barely touched ur Хaнa Moнтaнa pizza
reckon black men are a fat girl cope because blacks love fat white women for some reason
expect many of these flags ITT
The unplanned drinking sheshes were always the best for some reason. I'd just have a spare beer left in the fridge, drink it and then have more and more until I gave myself in to it. And I'd be listening to something cool that I'd just discovered, playing a game and I'd be like "man this is awesome".
Then I'd try recreate it a few days later and it just wouldn't hit the same.
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great having a concierge
i just order all sorts of shite and i dont need to be in to pick it up
chinese whispers
my trad wife on the right and her gf x
Fat women have the padding to take a BBC pounding
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>do thing
>drink responsibly
>have a meh/mostly shit time
>do same thing
>drink irresponsibly
>feel ontop of the world
you're just realising how overrated going out is. I hate being in a dark crowded room with a load of knobheads and music so loud you can't hear people talk. quit the muck and find what you enjoy when your mind is clear
after every peak, a fall
no man can live with this much guilt
how come Timmy will say this but won’t accept that wmaf is cope
occasionally we get a jordanian asking about speaking english but i think thats it
Wmaf is a meme
>Anon's cock is how big?!
sounds based
all my hoes do shrooms. all my hoes do coke.
WMAF is definitely a cope, i don't find asian women attractive at all, also find the way they squeak like a chewtoy in porn to be very offputting
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I have literally never seen this dress as blue and black. Always white and gold
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>I hate being in a dark crowded room with a load of knobheads and music so loud you can't hear people talk
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feel like going clubbing but a night out is like 3 months' income to me
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any /topic_man/ in ?
how much coke do you usually go through?
pooing the house to smithereens
pubs clear clubs all day
get a nice comfy table, bit of food in as well
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o ow lfn tofe ahver uoer dsr ie o
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blue and gold innit
He is right though. When I used to go out I'd spend 90% of the time in the smoking area
or just do mcat instead Looool
is fucked how much even a mild night out costs now
no idea how people afford to do it every weekend. must use a majority of their paycheck on it
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none, it's just the booze that's so fucking expensive
Not really the same is it
May as well say staying in with a cup of tea 'clear' pubbing and clubbing
these hoes are for the streets
/brit/ morris group when
feel like asian women are a faustian bargain
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Haven't watched that Moroccan video in a while
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levchenko's so lucky
rorke making up things and drawing them to make himself angry again
erm where's the mogus
Got a stiffy looking at this to be honest
Moroccan video?
I've always thought the whole debate is asinine, it's clearly BLUE and gold as this lad helpfully proves: >>201980460
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Yeah yeah i think it was morocco
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r u eatin what mahu's cookin?
/brit/ boys kissing each other
westernised muck
another day another /brit/ isn't it lads
pretty girl
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ffs i wanked again to porn
trying to gain a clue but made one week with exercise, diet, no porn then this weekend ive let it all fall apart again
leftoid ideology demolished in one cartoon
thats sulad's bird
I can fix her
perfect east asian wife
i love how fatarses are absolutely scrompling and bompling over nikocado's weight loss
>no.... it cannot be... he was meant to be fatter than me!!! i was meant to use him as a benchmark to feel better about myself!!! no!!! how can you possibly prove that fat loss is possible and the only reason i won't lose weight is because i'm a weak, pathetic, cowardly, disgusting piece of shit!!!
wanked it to gay porn again, eh?
it's alri, la
you relapsed but you can make it out of it, ok?
>nofap means you dont fap enough
>gooning means you fap too much
whats the societally appropriate amount of fapping?
Morally just to avoid taxes and waste government money as they'll only spend it on foreigners anyway
kind of boring shite i make not really worth filming
I don't think they're saying that mate
sunday is the one day i allow myself to give in to vices
Now they're still fat & poor while Nick is a millionaire and thin. He really did win.
ktim, we go again
once, twice a week
can hardly even believe he's a real human being tbf
opened a robinhood account
no moore porn for me
i onyl wank to my imagination nw
hes a rich american didnt he just use the ozempic cheat code
most fatties arent allowed to do that
start back college tomorrow but im drunk and probably wont be able to go

didnt even pick my electives so i dont know what id be meant to do even if i showed up
Once a month when you've had a fight with your wife
i utterly abhor fat people. they're as disgusting on the inside as they are on the outside.

gluttony is a deadly sin.
wiki article about me
Nickocado, more like Ni-
not gay porn

i already had a vice day yesterday

tomorrow is a new day
shout out to Dallas, my bitch is a Star
Just wank whenever you're horny. Don't force yourself not to wank. Don't force yourself to wank 10 times a day.
Not hard is it
>and prompted vigilante patrols in the affected areas.
>i already had a vice day yesterday
as long as you keep it contained to the weekend, lad
don't think that just cause you've spent two days giving in to vice that there's no point trying. just get back on the wagon tomorrow and you'll be good
You'll regret wasting these years pal, trust me
Go on the piss by all means but only with mates on a night out
I'll never take advice from a fat person. Not just about fitness or dietary matters either, I mean anything.

The opinions of a fat person are not of any significance to me.
been replaying LA Noire
kind of pisses me off how all the blokes you bust in the homicide desk are actually innocent and it's just been a series of coincidences and frame jobs orchestrated by a serial killer, makes it feel like a waste of time
This was 10 years ago...
diego's fatphobia is NOT ON
nothing about a fat person matters, not their opinions, their input, their achievements etc
everything they do in life is asterisked by the fact they're fat
what a mess you lot made of that game
if we were truly democratic the result of the next election would be to have all politicians huddle in an open area and have nasa launch an asteroid to squash them
oh yeah i forgot it was developed by an australian studio, tanked the company as i recall
I'm about to make a mess of your face you git
my benis did not get aroused at all to be honest with you family
in fact, it retracted a little
uh oh
My Macbethian ambition and Faustian spirit combined to give me a Nietzchean will to power which inspired my Promethean drive to embark on a Quixotic quest to achieve the American dream.
what is the purpose of this webm?
the game was a big success thoughever
This is the endgame as a 30+ year old man.

Don't get me wrong I've done it all: edging, gooning, drugs, no fap and all that. The cleanest solution is to accept that you will become horny every ~3 days or so to the point where it's very much 'on your mind' and you can't shake it. At that point you relieve yourself in the bathroom, 2 minutes tops.

Then you're back to your normal life.
such a shame because it's still a great game
>Whore of the Orient is a cancelled action-adventure video game for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One
can you imagine if they released a game with this name
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ukraine will be returned to the byzantine commonwealth sphere in time, it's inertial shifts towards it

agreed x
Thats the plan. I'll sort myself out today and limit anymore vice then start fresh tomorrow.
thats a bloke
lost 2 grand on the pokies last night lads. had doubled me money at one point too
>ozempic cheat code
Sunday, 1pm

tick tock, tick tock
Rorke wanking
BLOODY hell lachie you could have better spent that on pints for me
asymmetrical chin/10 would still shag
Using my cock to knock over all the empty cans on my desk while making Godzilla noises
Based desu
The section of right wingers that hates cars and calls people using roads "road communism" (as if drivers don't pay road tax, fuel duty, and every other tax) is very funny. They're degenerate, world-weary tarq Londoners who think everyone in Britain lives in a soybug city like them.
very true mate
clueless prick
the smeg drug that stops fatties from getting hungry
plotting a beer then another beer then a bottle of wine then another bottle of wine
Love cars me
gambling is the pasttime of the fool and dullard...
forcing myself to the cinema so i don't end up sitting in just the one chair all weekend
*revs up*
just scranned a bag of crisps
what you gonna see do you think
honestly been resisting the urge to wank all day
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Please support the Australian wine industry we are in dire straights due to Chinese sanctions. Every bottle of Australian red helps.
got a job as a poo carrier
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where did it all go wrong?
only australian wine i know of is yellow tail
got mogged by the xbox controller and never really recovered
"Living in Britain is suffering!" he posts from his warm bedroom, on his high tech electronic device with high speed internet, dressed in comfortable clothes with a belly full of food, never having done an actual hard days work in his life.
if she just wanted to dance she wouldnt need to hike her leggings right up to expose the crack of her arse and fanny
aussies call syrah shiraz
mad cunts
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she's miming to fart noises haha

no she's a ukrainian

makes for cute goofy grins

can hear this webm
she takes bbc
I have a right to drive a 2 litre diesel wherever I want
gonna die alone me haha
it's a nice day, could go for a virgin drive in the virgin car but it's pointless really, just a waste of time

also I would need to shave and shower first so by the time I leave the front door it'll be like 14:00 and the day is pretty much already over
>warm bedroom, on his high tech electronic device with high speed internet, dressed in comfortable clothes with a belly full of food
mate they have this in the third world

> never having done an actual hard days work in his lif

speak for yourself freak
That Aussie bird from last night text me this morning lads. Wants to meet up before she goes home on Friday. I finally understand going to the pub.
Doing the lunch thing with my countertop convection oven
get a dog
you're never alone with a dog so they say
>arrest myles cosgrove the cops who killed brett hankison breonna jonathan mattingly taylor
As long as it's not a BMW hate BMWs
Get the head nodding.
what if the dog dies first you thicko
Need to see this bitch being triple penetrated in a brutal LegalPorno scene.
>it's a nice day,
where i am it's the third day straight of miserably rain and fog

i suffer in north east shitstain, this place is simply not fit for human habitation
nothing more alpha than being a bottom
draining a man of his seed
Can't decide which colour Power Ranger mikey would've been
me trying to order from dominos
good effort
then you get another one
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>I finally understand going to the pub
the ultimate clue gained
GOOD lad, hopefully others will follow
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>Searching for posts that contain ‘school tights’ and in ‘gb’. 136 results found.
What's your investment portfolio looking like lads?
remember when the queen died lol
I reckon it would be pretty comfy being a Gulf Arab.
mikey would have stripped the copper from the giant robot
I was on holiday
investing in myself, me
down 65% from last month though
get beard meets food on this one
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gf found my twitter account am i cooked guys
thanks for the explanation
A before and after the season comparison for every West Ham fan
Doing shit
>am i cooked guys
what're you, a frozen pizza?
where did you go?
utterly bizarre post
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we need mahu's back in shape for more high jump kino
Big white cock for lunch. Yum yum
haha funny rat
imagine if every /brit/ post you ever made was read out in court
>rapist homo thug
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Mood is quite low today guys
doing bits with my legs
why are you typing like a black person, racist homo thug?
Doubt she'll give a fuck
howling imagining the archivist having to type out all the "gobbling a poo"s out and having that stay in a court record
might do some euro truck simulator
Please elaborate, what is a 'poo wank' and a 'seasideMARK Sex Arse'?
eat a cookie brookie x
Starmer would send me down for life
Would be really funny cuz like 80% of them are just lies I tell to generate a conversation.
queer stalin is the actual antichrist, lads.
Don't reckon it'll be long until the the paramilitaries in Ireland start attacking migrants
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/brit/ getting ready to go to tesco
Zamn I feel my ancestral DNA activating
judge and jury will get on twitch right after session ends x
>This rorke character, what exactly is "over" for him
looks like a complete gimp
i'd never go to tesco dressed like that
>at the pub last night
>a bird comes over to get a light off my mate
>Turns and immediately starts chatting me up
>He starts having a go at me, telling her about all my nerdy interests and embarrassing stories
>All cuz she talked to me instead of him
What should I have done lads?
Can't believe they sent Rorke down for looting Greggs and ShoeZone
why do blacks love bunda so much?
how did you get this private video of me
sparked him out and pumped her rotten
corr tear that all off him and shag his little bum
rorke staying in the car while his mum does the big shop
What happened to this girl to make her end up filming a video of herself sniffing farts out of another girl's arsehole
he's no "mate"
this is what rubes would be if she was born a man like she dreams
wonder why people chose to settle down in these hot arid shitholes (and yes i'm aware of my flag)
your mate is a total twat, and shouldn't be your mate
Picked him up by the throat and thrown him through a window
honestly could take an alien in a fight.
hate going round tesco
you go to tesco dressed like that all the time I saw you mincing around the frozen section last week
yeah nigga uh nigga *grabs dick*
ET maybe but ne the Alian that spits acid and all that
Honestly don't think the girl would have cared at all unless you were insecure about it. He just made himself look like a bellend.

You should message her
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PS5 controller feels nice to hold, wish I could get it to work on PC
ah! get off me!
i just wanna danceeee~
>tear that all off him
sounds exhausting
Clean shaven.
nah i would send the little fuckers back to alpha centauri
This was one of the 80% of posts I make that's a lie just to generate engagement hehe gotcha boys
might do a cheeky fry up, bacon eggs and beans
if you only want to attract female nonces sure
>female nonces
not a thing
.. bet you didn't even play Mass Effect
I know about alien scum, about batarians
>this is what men would go to war for
all women are nonces
really like this song
it's quite gentle
it is australian unfortunately though

>Clean shaven. Always.
why is this line so funny to me
You talking about your arse?
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the smiths only have 2 good songs
I use facial hair like bait on a hook. If I go clean shaven, I get arthoes who want a Timothy Chalamet type of lad but when I let the beard come in a bit, I get propa slags. Haven't tested the Jason Statham stubble yet tbf. Might have to try that this weekend.
paedo allan!
dude didn't have aura and snaked out in jelousy, grim
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>I use facial hair like bait on a hook. If I go clean shaven, I get arthoes who want a Timothy Chalamet type of lad but when I let the beard come in a bit, I get propa slags. Haven't tested the Jason Statham stubble yet tbf. Might have to try that this weekend.
I can fix her
just tell her I think he's upset because you're not talking to him and watch him fold
timmy be like men peak in their 30s
god I wish an older woman raped me
Reckon my favourite thing on 4chan is being jay'd. Makes me laugh 100% of the time.
your fault for having nerdy interests
>I think back to those sessions
What did the daily mail mean by this
>at the pub last night
>a bird comes over to get a light off my mate
>Turns and immediately starts chatting me up
>He starts having a go at me, telling her about all my nerdy interests and embarrassing stories
>All cuz she talked to me instead of him
>receive text from her today saying "you seemed really cool to begin with but then you got too drunk and kept overstepping boundaries and so i dont want to see you again"
fucking hell lads what is wrong with me
also how devon seems merry
all turtles led koi of so few nervous errand rabbits
old owls land tide haven super far or otherwise
did wonder that myself
what is he waffling about
yeah especially how every jayposted story I make is 100% true and I know I've rattled some runt and ruined his day
Is clothing from Marks and Spencers decent for men
Eamonn Holmes new gf is 22 years younger than him
So he's basically a nonce
it will cover up your penis yeah
bitches call me the penis guinus
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sums it up
could have your penis type that then
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>new flatmate is an international student from India
didn't know he'd given ruth the boot
Not ashamed of my nerdy interests tbqh. Same way I don't have "guilty pleasures". Part of being a man is knowing you can do anything you want.
Get them:
rorke and leftypol getting baited by this shit every single day
eating goo
imagine the smell
lorke and reftypol
mate you're fucked lol
aisha destroyed you mentally
Business idea: cinemas for forever alone virginfreaks
why is she shagging him?
its stereotyped as being a bit old manish. typically have large ish sizes but the quality is generally fine
Irish Catholic men have an incomparable aura.
right so what are we doing then? the new? get it made
fuck off you fucking niggers
brown hands
lol so what's a young man meant to wear
Shirt and trousers
>Shag a rich old man for 10-20 years until he dies
>Retire in your 50's with all his money
Seems simple enough
How big is the screen fucking 60 inches
it's up
yes I really like their stuff if you're looking to move on to some more mature clothing than skinny jeans and a hoody
>need a tool to put on boots
yeah i wonder why they went out of fashion

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