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obsessed SEA edish
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black men are made for BWC
190! 190! 190!!! Omg! How are you doing, buddy? How’s your niece?? Hope you and Aisha are enjoying the lovely beaches of ᬩᬮᬶ (that’s Bali for you monolingual toads out there). Autism can be exhausting, so don’t forget to take care of your heroic drug habit! Also make sure to buy a few more VPN nodes to stay posting, wouldn’t want you to alert the mods! Haha just kidding, man. You know best! You’re always so calm, cool, and collected, you don’t need me to tell you what to do. Alright, well, since you’re here, now the thread can REALLY start, it is always so boring waiting all day for you to show up. I know, I know, I shouldn’t be so impatient, you’ve only connected to about thirty proxies to spam between to catch up with the lads, but it’s the highlight of my day so I can’t hide my excitement. Anyway glad to have the pleasure of sharing the thread with you once again, 190cm Master Race. Cheers mate x
post feet
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What went wrong
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gay porn dance
>kill all straight white men, Abolish fossil fuels. Trans rights
Nothing communist about that.
Salarymong sat in his smelly IT office thinking about his salary (nobody comes to talk to him because he is repulsive and has no social skills).
ugly bloke
Rorke can't understand a joke
tokyo drift was the best fast and furious idc don't @ me
your screen's off mate
mental how much he mindraped you
It's not about how much you earn, it's about how much you save and invest.

And that's why I, on 30k but with 101k in wealth, am better than you.
fukkiz yall niggas even talmbout anymore
your brain's off
you're a joke
sexy woman
This is you: >>201984426
Level 4 Hype Train POGGERS!
It is mental how badly I mindraped him lol
You can set him off by just posting random numbers with a pound sign next to it
It's that easy
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Ohh Rorke, check out you being all healthy

*cuts to Rorke doing a gay porn dance*
you're seething and crying on /brit/ over a joke
grow up you rorke loser
Might move my Stocks and Shares ISA from Lloyds to Vanguard.
dont like that weird glen bishop lad in mad men
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i invented all gimmicks
rorkes mum going to zumba sessions
>advocate for killing hundreds of millions of people
>it was le joke
Very funny
Doin a watch
doing a gay porn jig
37 minutees until my download is done
Rorkes mum going to dog yoga
why the hell do I have Montenegro filtered
got ~100k in vanguard
should move it to hargreaves lansdown because the fees are cheaper
you on dial up?
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What is black history?
I keep trying to read about it but even this BBC article just says "Lewis Hamilton, George Floyd, some black people came from the carribean"
What am I supposed to be doing or celebrating for the month? I don't get it
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try spelling program correctly before trying to explore space
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name a more iconic fictional character
spainnonce uses a motenegran VPN sometimes
Rorke's mum watching Brookside omnibus
190 of course
Uh oh the smelly IT workers with low-mid range salaries are very upset with me.
Watching a 4 hour video essay on Rugrats (part 1)
2 am - 5 am /brit/ clearly has an average age of about 30, average IQ of 120, interesting characters and intellectual discussion interspersed with funny comments.
Weekend /brit/ clearly has an average age of about 16, average IQ of 80, same few edgelord teens trying to out-rorke each other for a quick (You) with their cringe and dull sense of humour.
HL is the most expensive one

ii is cheapest
Having a proper nostalgia orgy watching Yogscast jaffa factory
What an incredibly dire selection of "figures"
why is anyone on the internet at 4 in the morning?
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space exploration is a waste of time until someone invents a warp drive or robots that can mine asteroids
7AM - 11AM: Early morning /brit/. Slow moving, but good quality posting. Mostly normies on their way to work, but they're not teenagers or students so the posting isn't high on gimmickry. Somewhat reminiscent of a metropolitan cafe in the early morning, with working men sharing their plans for the day.

11AM - 3PM: Prime time daytime /brit/, full of sophisticated banter and tasteful slags. Discussions include politics, philosophy, music, art, religion, and disecting the normie lifestyle with rapier wit and insight. JFs minimal, but are generally respectful and good contributors.

3PM - 6PM: Normies gradually return, yanks start to wake up, thread quality undergoes a slow but definite decline. Some of the shitter gimmicks start to make their appearance.

6PM - 2AM: The normies, students and teenagers have returned and are gagging to post their gimmicks. Thread becomes unintelligable, full of gfs, social drug taking, 'going out' and university. JFs and tripfags run wild, taking (You)s at will.

2AM - 5AM: Bizarro JF-/brit/, more Aussies and Yanks than Brits. Aussies do their best to keep the banter going but they soon get closed down by the fatties and their shit gimmicks. Some /brit/ NEETs stay on until the very end but it's very hard to get any good britposting going. Posting is a lot slower than other times of the day.

5AM - 7AM: Unexplored territory, have never experienced this slot first hand but I know that the threads often die during this period.
not psoting ssssssneks? 4 shame ! niggas
>go out
>drink responsibly
>have a meh/mostly shit time
>feel mostly fine the next day
>go out
>drink irresponsibly
>feel ontop of the world
>black out
>wake up feeling awful filled with anxiety and an earfull from a mate for how i was acting
sigh cant win lads just cant win
my family only watched eastenders and neighbours growing up. my sisters liked hollyoaks but it was never on the living room telly.
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probably about time to grow up isn't it mate
blud in the old thread is lost
Mousey why are you evading a ban?
thats what i meant x
bizarre post
surprised none of those speccy gimps got outed as a nonce
Pro tip: be gay, shag women
32 years of age
Straight white male
6'1" tall
7" long cock
175+ IQ
£75k salary
Engaged to be married
Own a house
Loads of friends
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nth for the gyaldem
Pretty sure one of them did
>11AM - 3PM:
neet chad hours
if you had a 175+ IQ you would more likely be socially crippled and probably a smelly neet
What's yer portfolio
If you don't have a job why not just apply for some and then get one? People will give you money when you work and then you can use that money to buy things.

You can buy food.
You can buy a car.
You could buy all sorts of things.
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>some of the shitter gimmicks start to make an appearance
Your name is Adam
Lives with his mum in Chester
Lives off benefits
LARPs as trannies on a Mongolian basket weaving forum
No friends
Hated by everyone
>androgynous 5'5 jeet man on doing deliveroo for $3 an hour with an arranged marriage to his 9 year old first cousin commencing within the next 3 years who sleeps in a bunkbed with his grandfather
Why do you think I'm here every day with an encyclopedic memory of our resident schizos?
might close my balcony windows soon
*replaces you with an Indian doing your job for half the cost*
31 years of age
Straight white male
6'2" tall
7.25" long cock
185 IQ on the dot
£90k salary
Married with kids
Own a portfolio of houses
Loads of friends, connections and business partners
>balcony windows
alri Warren Buffet
Done him
On 200k but struggle to pay rent and bills
Don't know how people get into high paying
I earn 30k and can't see how I can earn much more unless my employer lets me have time off to study
just a little juliet balcony like
You have to be a smelly IT worker sat in his office
27 years old
tiny cock
no friends
no hopes
no prospects
get a phd from a good university in a useful subject
bradley looking very BEASTLY
Yogscast golden era was the peak of human civilisation. suck my balls
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British tycoon Richard Branson hands out free cola in downtown Tokyo during a sales promotion for the Virgin Cola to break into the Japanese softdrink market (1999)
Yes feed me (You)s
alri romeo
I find cats, sheep, cows, birds etc cute but can't stand dogs.
virgin cola? rorkes drink of choice lol x
Be a salesmong
>27 years old
29 years of age
Straight white male
6'1" tall
6.5" long cock
no gf, never had sex expect with prostitutes
live with mummy
no social life

that went downhill quickly hey
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>11AM - 3PM: Prime time daytime /brit/, full of sophisticated banter and tasteful slags
look at the time, geppy cunt x
want my hole
Done me
27 years of age
Straight white male
6'3" tall
8" long cock
200 IQ
£3.75M salary
Married to the daughter of a British lord and oil baron, 2 kids
Own a selection of properties, both for personal use and as rentals, both domestically and internationally
Have many famous celebrities on speed-dial
>spaino friends
>spaino hopes
>spaino prospects
The Smelly IT Workers Union
lads we're all in the bant thread
IQ of 350,000
Salary of £78
I'm not him and didn't even mention him but now he's being talked about because he's here 24/7 seething about how I destroyed the only thing resembling normality in his life (larping as a normie with a tripcode)
It's sad
didn't ask for your ideal boyfriend
my cock rages on
>tucked my trackies into socks
>putting on my hoodie so i have long sleeves
>gloves at the ready
>considering putting steel toe capped boots
i'm going to have a smoke then tackle the garden
need to pick up fallen crab-apples, cut back overgrowth, fill in and flood rat holes, empty the scum bucket, sort out the bins, sweep the paved area and bleach it, and apply curry powder to the areas ive seen the rats.
not going to be a fun job especially as its raining off/on
An IQ of 70 or below is (was if you're woke) normally the threshold for having an intellectual disability.
If you have an IQ over 130, there is a bigger gap between you and the average person than the gap between the average person and someone who is legitimately retarded.
Nobody likes to talk about this because it is very taboo and the average person doesn't like to be seen as stupid.
cope on adam, you've been exposed
>British tycoon
we don't have those anymore
Rorke's daaa
Ohhh Rorke's daaaaa
picture of you looking like a mad cunt in your gardening gear
loved watching sips videos back in the day, don't care much for streaming
what about those dragon den gammons?
Absolute class night one of the lads at the pub randomly goes " I've been struggling loads lately" and we all just burst out laughing haha
Thought I was depressed but I was actually just hungry
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Here he is
Need her to plop a hot one right in me gob.
I am a PSL god
Genetic memory is real.
Touched a nerve there Adam?
what the hell is that
beautiful berg
mental health
Fuck off Adam you evil ghoul.
Mental health
send women sex with sex
t. dog super recogniser
*runs up in a smooth motion and punts him over the field in a knuckleball pattern*
right well its finally happened my penis has just exploded
33 years old
sexually confused racially ambiguous biological male with repressed gender dysphoria
4.5 inch penis
100 IQ
No salary, no job, live on benefits and have done for a decade
never so much as touched or spoken to another human in any romantic or sexual manner
living in the spare room of a parents house
no friends irl or online whatsoever
Poodle crosses should be exterminated Auschwitz style
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her legs were wrapped around a black athlete last night
Mood is very low today. Motivation is low. Energy is lacking. Headache. Tired. Yep. I'm having a depressive episode.
just farted maybe 4 or 5 times
Just woke up from a nap lads

Confused, disoriented, dry mouth, even more tired than I was before.

Lovely stuff
while you spent all night on 4chan
for me? it's the westie
can a cavapoo havapoo
Napping is bad for you.

Spain melty!! Throwing his toys out the pram >:(((
Airsoft is just an outlet for those would be school shooters and people with whacky far right political beliefs
starve and die from typhus?
being intellectually disabled doesn't mean you're a shoe
yeah but only small ones
they also often have quite sloppy poos if you're not careful with their diet
sometimes when im having a conversation on brit i have to step back and remember the average iq here is around 90
it is no surprise the guy im talking with is unable to read properly or construct an argument the difference between us, as you said, is equivalent to dealing with a straight up retard
What do you have to be depressed about?
Would you be interested in me whisking you away on a romantic dinner?
Looks like Spainpaedo's black stepfather and transgender sister came to see him and its triggered another combined meltdown.
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I tried drinking an energy drink but my spirits can't be lifted. Raining outside. I used to love the rain. Still do. But it doesn't make me feel as calm and peaceful as it used to.
Would just like to apologise for my behaviour over the last hour or so
pickle ball? mor elike pickel shite
pickle WOKE more like
You don't do midday naps, some people dont
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Mark my words lads, this bloke is going to be everywhere in a year. Can feel it in my water
Dividend Stocks > Growth Stocks
The only way to gain from growth stocks is selling, which defeats the point of owning them.
>b b but le growth!
The point of a company is to reward its shareholders. Simple as.

Companies which don't pay dividends should be banned.
How so?
/brit/ is mostly right wing because it is low IQ.
Average person here would probably qualify as intellectually disabled, if only they'd ever been tested.
eat the frickin cookie brookie
is Nothing Phone the British iPhone?
should patriots of UK buy it?
Depression isn't a choice. It can affect anyone.

I have social anxiety.
>Average person here would probably qualify as intellectually disabled
bizarre claim
Britney Spears - ...Baby One More Time (Official Video)
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roller coaster and zoo tycoon
really being "right wing" is a sign of low iq? how do you imagine that
woah enjoy your £1.27 dividend each month
I don't think you can say that rorke mate
You seethe because you know it's true and that personally are very retarded and very right wing
Nothing Phone 2a is good
but nobody buys it
the iphone is the iphone
really brit ought to switch to bant it would stop all these schizo freaks instnatly cus the ids
Only low IQ people and midwits believe in the right left dichotomy
What do you know about money, Timmy
reckon damon albarn wouldve been a troon if blur came out today
for me it's Samsung Galaxy
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well said zaz

Seems like all the iphones are lined up in the smelly childhood bedroom today
IQ is a meme. High IQ people won't reproduce whereas low IQ people will and ultimately that's all that matters.
True but imagine if 90% of the people you interact with in life are the equivalent of the people in a special needs class for the average person
Many studies repeatedly shown this is the case. But you're too retarded to look that up of course.
how can the average iq of brit be 70 or below
being high IQ is overrated
had a phase in high school where i smoked nigga weed and listened to a tribe called quest
IQ coefficient shows how good you are in solving the IQ tests
This image is illegal under UK law
It is illegal to make a sexual deepfake of someone without their consent
Deano low IQ cheeky chappy can walk into any job with the gift of the gab
High IQ autist struggling to get a job with a PHD
This. I’m too high IQ and too based to be able to relate to most other humans, it’s actually kind of a curse
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>make a claim
>asks the other person to find the evidence
err mate i think you might be retarded
laughable to think how back in the 50s and stuff people actually used to perceive domestic communists as a threat
Only idiots care about IQ. I'm objectively on of the smartest people in the country by formal education (literally 0.0001%). I dont even know my IQ or care about it
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just read the posts here. it's pretty obvious the average IQ of weekend/ normie hours /brit/ lies between 70IQ - 90IQ.
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what austerity lol
marriage is consent

I don't understand why don't feminists support religious Christians idea about sex only after marriage
Most of the UK population has been mindbroken into thinking this is a fair way for you society to be organised
Makes you wonder

They just replaced communism with racist nazis.
During the cold war the white americans werent ready to hate nazis
being smart and being educated aren't the same thing
might have a wnak
hip hops leap from "what you hear is not a test im rapping to the beat" to gangsta rap is so strange
how is that obvious
This guy has School of Hard Knocks on his Facebook profile in the education section
mad how 90% of the UK outgoings are repaying existing debt
will be at 95% next year
>Clear downward trend in borrowing from 2008 to 2020
not a single person:
rorke: im on that good kush and alcohol~~
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I feel empty. My life is permeated by a chronic feeling of melancholy. Drenched in it. Shaped by it.
you can't simply make up numbers
and after it people say monolingualism has benefits
Should add it's obvious to non-retards. Hence why you don't see it.
Mental how quickly they memoryholed Rishi Sunak
Sjin is naked
*norm macdonald voice*: and your attempt at fixing it was...get this...pretending to be a woman
reminder he's still leader of the conservative party
Truly the blackest pill of them all
i accept your concession
free plasticine
After 10+ years you can easily get 1k a month
2 + 2 make 5
eat shit
in my country "lgbt" propaganda is illegal
American website subject to American law.
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She was a cow
Post your tits again it might cheer you up to get compliments from the lads?
grim place
lying on the setee with a chicken and leek cupasoup rn (right now)
snorted out loud
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Rishi Shoerack
She looks like Irish Diaspora
She was a pig
arsehole full of cocks again so had to vomit up my poos a la catberg with a hairball
The povvo scum who root for loose monetary and fiscal policies are the first to throw a tantrum when they can't even afford groceries a year later.
she was a lizard mate
was in russia in 2019
wish i could go back
lovely people and country
The only people who have proven their IQ in /brit/ are the aussie lad who was 132 and the mensa lad who was 150.
Therefore, based on all evidence, the average IQ of /brit/ is 141.
Now, now, she dosn't look like your mum DOES SHE
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I frequently replay my suicide attempt in my head. It was such a defining moment in my life. Completely changed the direction the tracks were heading towards. Maybe I should have died then. Maybe I was meant to live. What difference does it make?
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open the fucking pubs
Sent that bovine over the moon.
How did you attempt to do it?
lot of boomers have a weird notion that the royals "work very hard" because they go on chartered jets to sunny destinations and give speeches
di blacker di berry
da sweeter di joose
You need a good rogering is what you need
Sacked tranny having 3 paracetamol instead of 2 and calling it a suicide attempt
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looks like my mate's gf
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will you SHUT THE FUCK UUUUUUUUP you boring fucking CUUUUUUUUUUUUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I endorse this fully
sacked tranny turning on his webcam to try and scare himself to death
i get this reference
Tried cutting my throat with a knife until someone took the knife off me. Tried it again 7 months later and was restrained and forced to leave work premises. Was unfairly dismissed two months later.
I'm 5'5"
downed a bokkle of calpol
More elegance mate
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alright wee man
post vagina
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ye a 5 x 5 inch cock
thats totally normal
Sounds like more of an attention seeking thing ngl, why would you try it where you could potentially be restrained? And then try the exact same thing twice?
*looms over you with my towering mountainesque 5'6" frame* what now little man?
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the scrandemic
I'm 6'5''
my friends who are shorter than me are a lot happier and more outgoing and confident than me and my one friend who's taller than me is the only person i know who's more of an autist than i am
It wasn't planned. I had a mental health crisis and suicide felt like the best option at the time. I have borderline personality disorder.
The Living Daylights on ITV at 16:05. Get the reminder set
I've heard that Vanguard is not a real broker, it's there to shill their own funds.
Just go to IBKR or some fintech platform that at least won't fleece you with fees
what kind of 'sage is that? chorizo?
nah cuh what the hell is that
Did you draw blood? Did you do any damage that required hospitalisation?
state of your entire life
Cheers lad
the tapered tip of that snorker makes it look like the shite that was crimped by my ringpiece this morning
remarkably unappealing
>borderline personality disorder
Barely got a personality at all I'd say judging by your mind numbingly boring posts here
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I drew blood on my wrist (tried slashing wrist first but the knife wouldn't cut deep enough).
How many napkins did you waste until you got the photo studio mustard and ketchup
That's because Vanguard funds are based
They have low fees (up until about £100k then it's worth moving to something like iShares)
So you tried cutting your throat with a knife twice and didn’t draw any blood even once?
get it made
right i'm cracking open a heiney
Second time I tried stabbing myself in the stomach but they restrained me before I could.
i've been having a mental health crisis for the past 15 years and you don't see me complaining (this post isn't complaining btw, just stating the facts simple as!)
Stephen Mulhern set to replace TV Icon Bradley Walsh as the new host of hit ITV show The Chase
stop crowding my ice box mate
you're a fucking mental case mate
>me me me i i i
fuck off
>blud tried to commit ritual Japanese suicide in greggs because he was depressed about having a cock
a 5 inch wide by 5 inch deep fanny
what's the weather like down there wee fella?

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