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going for an ethiopian edish
>go out
>drink responsibly
>have a meh/mostly shit time
>feel mostly fine the next day
>go out
>drink irresponsibly
>feel ontop of the world
>black out
>wake up feeling awful filled with anxiety and an earfull from a mate for how i was acting
sigh cant win lads just cant win
Living Daylights just started ITV1
that pancake crumpet thing looks desperately unappealing
corr poo on a sheet of dough
Many wogs in Dundee?
can tell you the bread tgastes of nothing
almost all those things on the bread taste of nothing
at best one might be a bit spicer than an other
complete and utter meme cuisine
Low IQ I meant
Now remember Rorke, if anyone says anything you disagree with, they're spaino
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It's a cold world
drinking a large amount of alcohol and smoking weed are both very overrated
not sure why people think it's the defacto way to enjoy a night out. media probably
its injeera bread it's completely flavourless and it's a bit chewy that's it you use it instead of cutlery to mop up the food
comfy as fuck but I can feel my toes getting cold just looking at that pic
I get very cold toes you see
Check this fucking bender
Lol he really touched a nerve with you
You are such a mug for eating Ethiopian food just because your sister's rich Londonite friends were raving about it
Fucking hate suncream but I burn to a fucking cinder without it
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utterly bizarre projection
Are you a cute twink?
for me it's the humble shisha bar, no booze and no getting high, just a nice atmosphere with some good food and a nice smoke, it lush
communism never appealed to me, even as a teenager i tried to learn about it but the idea of concentrating more power into the state is just a non-starter for me
i will be having the poo on the top right and topping it with my own home made sauce
Lmao no, bear build
if my mates wanted to go to a fucking shisha bar on a saturday night i'd say go fuck yourself and go out by myself
what an utterly boring way to spend an evening only excuse is when it's a work night and u dont want to put yourself out
Cigarettes and caffeine have proved time and time again to be the only good drugs.
those white people watching from their window probably paid about £2m for the privilege of living there
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Shit like this is why I don't drink
poo on that plate
Whereabouts in Spain are you?
My goal weight is 100kilograms
computer, generate a video of taylor swift sitting by a bedside shot from the POV of the person in the bed and she's talking

computer, next generate some uplifting reassurances and life affirming positivities in the form of a script

computer, clone taylor's voice and then combine the audio output and video output.

computer, play.
2 days until the Trump - Harris debate.
Trump is now telling his rallies that if he wins he debate massively that all the media will claim it was a massive embarrassment and defeat for him
Why is he going into maximum cope mode before the debate has even happened?
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>if my mates wanted to go to a fucking shisha bar on a saturday night i'd say go fuck yourself and go out by myself
>what an utterly boring way to spend an evening only excuse is when it's a work night and u dont want to put yourself out
It's called daggering btw
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Why are they like this
Spainnonces smelly bedroom, his mums house, Cheshire
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>Finally flexible enough to suck my own cock
>Cant fit it in my mouth
God is a cruel joker
You're still in Uni tho. /brit/ is predominantly a boomer general
way too boring
remember the last time i was at a shisha bar (very long ago) i forgot to wear deodorant and the girls i were with noticed and it was embarrassing so i conflate shisha with that memory
does that include your goal semen retention of 10 litres of jungle cum in your bowels
Gran Canaria
What does this have to do with British culture mate?
They MUST be taking the fucking piss
I'm British
That’s Afrikan clay you coloniser bastard.
time to talk about non-white semen again
i hate them so much
Been getting plenty of cock action?
bought a suit and the sleeves are too long. job interview tomorrow is ruined
what? not been in uni in a decade
Me? Left-wing. If you say your culture eats poo, I'll sit down at the table and tuck into baba-ji's morning movements. Yum.
We just talked about that at breakfast, mum.
Humanity is doomed.
It's over.
computer, generate a video of taylor swift sitting by a bedside shot from the POV of the person in the bed and she's sucking off a dog

computer, next generate some moans and affirming positivities of how nice the k9 cock is in the form of a script

computer, clone taylor's voice and then combine the audio output and video output.

computer, play.
you need to realise those people would actively murder you if given the chance. they want you DEAD. they aren't normal people.
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that's literally diarrhea with toilet roll on a plate
tried ethiopian food in germany, wasn't a fan
Flipfucked with a south american lad yesterday, incredibly thick cock and big arse
...prefer not to say
Why are you talking about eating poo, and how does that at all correspond the Marxist economic theory?
Rorke is so fucking weird.
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>being scared of the number 13
>being scared of opening an umbrella inside
>being scared of walking under a ladder
If you see some random flag pop up claiming to be 'on holiday' it is spaintwat. Guaranteed
Hi spaino
haha love it x
and btw this is called having FUN to you boring twats
going to do a menacing poo here
ever tried Laotian cuisine?
yeah, thought not. CUNT.
>being scared of opening an umbrella inside
this one is legit you utter twat.
What words do you lads always have the hardest time spelling?
For me it's diarrhoea and remembering if licence or license is the verb one or the noun one.
>ooooh but I cant snap a pic to prove it
He's so fucking tiresome.
Really into plain Jane looking birds with low self esteem.
im in london mate tried everything under the sun at this point
You are literally a schizophrenic
Is this "spaino" in the room with you right now?
Is THAT why people had a go at me for saying I was in Poland? I've had spaedo filtered for like 2 years now, so I wasnt aware this was a personality trait of his.
I enjoy the red scare podcast unironically
My go to word for hangman
If someone offered me a billion pounds to spell manouvre correctly, first time, I can tell you for a fact I would spell it wrong. I can tell you I've spelled it wrongly there as well but I don't care anymore.
weird say of saying you can only pull ugly girls who hate themselves
Haven't tried having sex though have you, eh, dickhead
rorke got the gay porn rhythm
Ah, dropped off hotel wifi and my flag will be back to the UK now
dash in a real rush, hurry or else accident
big welsh cocks in tight english fannies
I can pull normal birds too, these ones are more fun though. Very down to earth and don’t moan if you fancy sitting on your arse all weekend.
i have tried but could never find anyone to do it with me aktually
the plane jane you're into has a bodycount that'd make your eyes water

knowers know
Do you shave your arse hair? Or is your crack like a jungle?
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hate when you make a post then return to it a few minutes later to see no one has replied to it
the bread roll looks INEDBIBLE
Always trimmed or shaved
men don't go after women who are higher than then in the social hierarchy so this means you must be a loser
Is that a mnemonic?
I got so many (You)s last time I was abroad pretending to be Spaino lol
i'm not gay or a pornstar so no
Computer, identify this mammal
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>plane jane
Leave it, do have my ex/bestie shave my back though
took a photo of my hole for non gay reasons and was disgusted at how hairy it was
would not know how to begin shving it though without getting poo on my beard trimmer or cutting myself with a razor
What's your favourite Nikocado image?
He's been outed so the hotel wifi I.e. his VPN has mysteriously stopped working. Hmmmm
what actually happened with spainnoce
i do not believe for one second the guy who spammed him near 24/7 with his larp and everything actually quit the site
what made him drop the "spanish wife" larp?
manoeuvre innit. Just spell man, then pretend you're writing egg in french, then the end bit.
Man Oeuf Vre.
Imagine a frenchman driving a big egg doing a three point turn. Then remove the F for Frenchman.
niggerising around
wanted to join the army when i was a kid and when i told mumstein she was over the moon with the idea, it was like she wanted me to get killed
are you literally 12 or 13 years old? i know its supposed to be ironic but i honestly cant fathom men into their 20's sitting at a computer, typing this shit, posting it, having a chucle to themselves. it gives me the fear to be honest.
Mate the poo is supposed to be inside your arsehole or down the toilet, not glued to your bum cheeks
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Nikocado Avocado is no longer fat BUT you still are
probably just glad you accepted yourself and wanted to get bummed in the barracks
3 months into a house purchase and I regret it so much, homeownership is so expensive. I want to rent again
Aha! Best post I’ve seen all day.
They are literally 15-19 year olds with an IQ between 70 and 90.
I'm walking to the shop for beers nigga, I'll be back at the hotel in 15 mins
He ramps characters down and back up as required. The move-to-spain larp didn't get the engagement desired and he was getting a lot of push-back on why he pretended to move to spain.
im not fat i just have gyno
he looks like he's got AIDS
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penis penis penis penis penis penis
Hmmm yes of course. The shop. Beers. Of Course spaino ;)
couldn't be you!
do i need yoga if i want to do this?
I can post a pic of the beers in a bit
having a look
Write an innocent post, incels have a melty
Doing the gay nigger jive
might just be homeless and live in my car and keep my stuff in a small storage unit
Worked all summer for some extra pocket money to build a new PC with, was giddy every day looking forward to it, i was to make 4x the amount i needed.

But once i had the cash in hand, the desire to do anything whatsoever sort of vanished. Gone. I just didn’t feel like it.

My first real, real life encounter of the dopaminergic pathway and pitfall of human psychology, and i am honestly very very sad at the thought
How are you posting on brit if you're walking to the shop?
Good goy keep renting haha
It can help. Losing weight is probably the best thing to do.
Also if your cock doesn't reach past your belly button it's basically already over so don't bother
I didn't type it, it's a word from james joyce's novel finnegan's wake :/
>visiting my parents after not seeing them for five months.
>mom makes home cooked meal
>sitting around the table eating quietly
>unusual, there’s usually more conversation
>out of the blue my mom says “I wonder who invested the fork?”
>dad replies “Sir Johnathan Fork in 1680”
>mom looks down at her plate dejectedly for a moment then just gets up and leaves
>dad sighs and continues eating

What the fuck happened while I was gone?
doing this sort of (moved in with nan as grandad died and she needs a good shag every now and then LOL joking she's jus lonely)
still spending £300 on storage a month
Internet addicted freak
humans don't have free will
Insane how expensive storage costs are these days
I am extremely ugly. Like a solid 3/10. Maybe a 4/10 on a good day.
Just genetics innit. Life fucked me over and that's that.
Mum sounds like a miserable old cunt. Dad’s a ledge, tho
i don't like it when white guys have that stubble shaved head
always buy the second cheapest boxed wine so the cashier doesn't think youre an alcoholic
That has been debunked, midwit.
sir woke barmer
the bankers not only want you homeless, they also want you to lose all your possessions so you have absolutely nothing to your name
maneuver :^)
I don’t know about that, but coming face to face with the reality of how you’re wired, that the ”idea” of having access to something and the hunt for it being more lucrative than actually having it completely destroyed my enthusiasm for life

Is anything even worth it? Do i want anything at all?
I'll debunk your face if you don't wind your neck in
rent is more expensive than mortgages now

and you always get the choice of becoming a landlord
for me its going to like 4/5 different shops through the week so each only thinks i call in once a week x
yep. could probs have got it cheaper at a non big yellow branded one in the arse end of nowhere but my friend with a van did all the moving and driving my stuff there over and over with me and the only storage place nearby was the one i used
Get the ______ housed
He's on his phone in Gran Canaria but cant post a timestamped pic because...errr...umm...
Nope, studies have shown humans are predetermined to believe any study that claims we have free will.
not time for tea but i reckon i'll get some food on
a little bit bored and a little bit hungry
paying for storage is a scam
Without you in the house they realised they don't actually like each other. Happens all the time.
reckon eating out of boredom is the first step towards obesity
*and i didn't want to take the piss and make him drive far away every load
Because he's in his smelly childhood bedroom in Chester
for my storage requirements I use the mikeynomics method, I put all my stuff in a caravan, sell the caravan to the pikeys and let them keep the stuff (and the money) but when I want my stuff back I just call them and say they owe me and then they give me my stuff, it's free storage
What free storage is there then, genius
the bankers, the bonuses
used to be obese, yeah, not any more
Can be fixed with money and surgery
Love posting things that people will read and get annoyed how stupid it is but not stupid enough to reply to.
Tell you what it's nice being in such a gay area, just seeing other gays about being open, not having to worry about pda like normal

Don't have a pen
haven't said a single word to anyone all weekend
I feel so sorry for people that work in low skilled or non-technical jobs. Having done it myself and now being a skilled professional in STEM, the working conditions are night and day.
been eating a lot of yank food recently
the woods
how have you shouted to mum to get to her to make a brew then? must be dying of thirst by now mate
>Have you tried turning it off and on again?
>"Yes it's the first thing I did"
>Open task manager and see the uptime of several months
Sick to bleeding death of them. How hard is it to use a computer and do basic tasks? You use them every single day of your life.
Even homeless people have free storage if you are paying for storage you are retarded
are you the aryan me?
Give it a rest spaintwat. What are you even getting out of it at this point?

Diego why do you post something like this every weekend?
Are you really that much of a stupid alcoholic virgin freak?
can everyone leave the thread? need a moment alone, thanks.
specific yank brands? Or do you class something like a hotdog or burger "yank food"?
im ugly and evil
I feel sorry for people that work night shift, I work day shift now and the light conditions are night and day.
Nah I’m from Scotland, I don’t think we’re Aryan
started the sunday roast for 4
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Vapin da kush
*shuffles out of the thread but hangs around the corner so I can hear what's going on inside*
I'm handsome and relatively good
I mindraped him badly how many times do I have to tell you?
I actually quite enjoyed night shifts when I worked a shitty warehouse job.
Genuinely funny you think I'm some thread character lmao haven't lied once so far
Ok looking and fairly harmless, me
sat on dad's special memory foam back cushion thing and keep farting on it
prove it
Nikocado was a Ukrainian orphan adopted by an American family as a baby.
He moved to Colombia to live with his Colombian boyfriend not long after becoming an adult, became vegan, got a pet parrot and started doing vegan mukbang videos.
At some point after several years of this, he quit being a vegan, split up with his boyfriend, and moved back to the US.
He quickly became very obese, found a new partner, and recorded a bunch of disgusting videos over a short period of time while rapidly gaining extreme weight.
He then slowly released those extremely disgusting videos where he seems to get close to death from obesity and to be a totally retarded schizo over the course of 2 years
In reality over those 2 years he was losing weight rapidly through dieting and ozempic while living in a penthouse off the millions he made from youtube hate-watchers and the morbidly curious observers.
It's hard to say if he's a genius or a psychopath, and he certainly ruined his health for a couple years. But now he's a millionaire and set up for life. Even so that image of his destroyed anus will never be erased from our minds.
Night shift was the best job I ever had. If you have a small team you get a long with it's amazing. Basically just hanging out with mates and getting paid
You're not fooling anyone you fucking nonce. How gullible do you think we are
>Oh heah I'm deffo on my hols but I cant post a pic because...errr...umm
Bore off
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got a belly and flabby chest
brit incels are so mindbroken by sn that anyone posting from their holidays in spain is automatically him
He spotted a gap in the gay weight gain fetish market
can't quote classic literature here lest the illiterate incels have a melty
really enjoyed tyhis webm
Shut the fuck up Spainmong
there's couple mongs here who can't fathom out that not everyone here is a namefag
They believe everyone they disagree with must be some personality
Stfu spaintwat you've been rumbled give it a rest
And now that gap is open. I shall gain 200kg and become more disgusting than you could possibly imagine.
at highschool this popular kid once said to me, in front of everyone, "the highlight of your day is pudding!"
I have NEVER recovered from that. I'm still reeling from it even now. He basically ended me with those words
got a cyst on my inner thigh
M8 he's living rentfree in your head I think
not him you mindbroken schizos
it's tiring, and they pretend they aren't obsessed lol
Think you need to stop taking everything so literally, spainy
saw some cunt get called spaino because he finished his post with 'lmao'
like at what point do we admit that we have a problem with schizphrenics in this general
shouldn't have been fat then eh
Lol spainnonce is seething
Every faggot here that's desperate for attention may as well be Nappynonce so I will continue the bullying as if it were true. Denying it only makes me believe it more.
>Every faggot here that's desperate for attention
so you?
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Post timestamp or fuck off spaino
Love these schizophrenic 60IQ retards who believe everyone is a secret namefag
Here’s the thing, you either enjoy the joke from the outside, get involved and ruffle some feathers or shit your pants in autistic rage at it.
Sure but I can't call myself names now can I
7 grand for a lizard?
well you're schizophrenic so i assume that's in your arsenal yeah
>secret namefag
Instead of the ever-present annoying tripfag you used to be but don't post as anymore because I mindraped you into submission lol
Why are you so easy to wind up, Spainyboy?
i just feel so sad for mice
He literally gets his rocks off on pretending to be someone he's not and tricking other people. So by exposing him I am literally cuckolding him
We are witnessing a genuine group psychosis unfold
>So by exposing him I am literally cuckolding him
You really are. It's masterful. He's being made to look like a right cunt today, as usual.
I will be going to my friends' for a few hours this afternoon so don't worry about me bullying you all day
You can play dollhouse in peace for three maybe even four whole hours without being disturbed
You know what is mental? Those people who paint themselves gold or silver and stand still in town centres waiting for people to give them money.
One day someone was just like "yeah I'll paint my face and all my clothes with this spray paint, go stand there doing nothing, and people will literally throw money at me"
What's even madder is that it sort of works.
im a gay poo incel
>I will be going to my friends' for a few hours this afternoon
why do you always say this? nobody cares
are you trying to convince us that you have mates?
just filter the freak and move on. you're shitting up the thread.
What’s your favourite thing about Spain do you think? Bet it’s the señioritas ya dirty bugger x
Don't think most women would enjoy /brit/ very much
arse smells like ass
dtfic is the most mindbroken poster on brit, his entire posting history is just him seething at sn but pretending he's winning lol
For me (lad on holiday) it's latin men with big bundas
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woke mob try ban this
Because it is true and it rattles you
Also so the other posters know that it's not me when he breaks out the leaf VPN
I mean it's 99% blokes talking about poo and wanking so yeah
Whenever I see someone wearing a jacket but their arms aren't in the sleeves I assume they are a homosexual,
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Haha I wish it was.
I'm not in Spain you deranged schizo FREAK
Walk yourself into the nearest psych walk pronto
He mindraped you so badly
Aha that’s even cheekier than I’d imagined you’d be Spaino. You’re some lad, I can see why you’re so popular on here
why would you having mates rattle me? you are mentally disabled
that guy is so fucking weird
does the same with diego and mousenonce
spends his whole life 24/7 seething about them here
feeling aroused
Mental how badly I mindraped him
So after all that still no timestamp. So we can conclude it was spainpaedo
sn has posted passports and flight tickets before, he isn't shy for posting proof
Give me a chance, don't have a pen so considering timestamp from instant coffee
Look no one said you were Spain, it would be ridiculous to think an entire country is posting here. You simply the /brit/ gimmick poster Spainland. Hated by some, loved by others respected by all.
Anybody on a foreign flag with no timestamp is spaedo until proven otherwise. Literally takes 2 seconds
>Muh muh doxxing
Fuck off
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Average schizo reading comprehension at work
>Anybody on a foreign flag with no timestamp is spaedo until proven otherwise.
mental how badly he mindraped you
member that time spainlard posted a picture of UK ice cream and tried to claim he brought it with him in hand luggage
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What are some things that make it easy to spot an American tourist? Clothing? Can't say weight because Brits are fat too
Does that goat have cerebral palsy?
no mate. got him completely filtered, you see.
Anyone know where I can find a 190mm tall employed Spanish mouse called Diego?
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bit mean this
I remember when he bought a Canadian VPN to try and counter my bullying but it spiralled out of control and now he can't post on his beloved tripcode anymore
He’s in this thread, mind raped and seething
ive locked him in my smeggy bedroom with nowt but access to a terminal with /brit/ on 24/7
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baby snail!
Today war has been waged. The war on rats. As we get into a new season a new set of rats entered my garden. I saw at least 2 yesterday, potentially a breeding pair, more brazen than i've even encountered before. I hate rats. War had to be declared. I've cut back overgrown plants. Picked up and binned dozens of fallen crab-apples that rats have no doubt been feasting on. Removed as many potential food and water sources as possible. A rat bastard was even brazen enough to saunter through a flower bed before my very eyes but i'll have the last laugh. I filled in their holes without mercy. Flooded them with nicotine poisoned water from my scum bucket for good measure. I bleached the paved area and especially the area around the flower bed in question and reinforced the stone wall they had dug through. Then I launched my secret weapons. Chilli powder and ground black pepper on stone surfaces and the areas near my backdoor and drains in case they have any ideas. Curry powder in the planted areas I knew they have been. Finely ground coffee in planted areas and on the tops of walls. I blitzed the garden. Let's see how their heightened sense of smell likes that. Hopefully since its bin day tomorrow and my grotty neighbours dont bother to pack their bins right the rats will give up residence in my garden back into the alleyway and away from my house. With any luck they can be driven back to the nearby river or countryside from where they came. If they surrender now and I see no further signs of them ill simply keep the garden clear of food sources and smelling like a paki spice merchants to deter them. However if they choose not to leave then they choose death. Total war. I will set poisoned traps. Neighbours pets be damned. I will kill every small animal within a mile of my home if thats what it takes. No mercy. The neighbours cat has failed in its duty and if it gets caught in the crossfire then fuck it. There can be no innocence in total war.
I've noticed fat Brits seem to distribute their weight differently to Americans. Fat Americans get that weird hanging belly slab and their legs swell up like balloons and look necrotic.
That’s a fully grown human male, actually
mate... i....
Yanks are just another level of fat
gf's sister is really unsatisfied with her husband because he never pulls his weight around the house and kids etc so I've been planting the seed for months for an affair. she is so fit.
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I remember when I bullied him so hard he had a meltdown past midnight on Valentine's Day and was posting pictures of his and his totally real wife's passports and tampons to prove himself to anonymous posters that hate him on a Tibetan sandcastle forum
Not sure why I care about yank politics so much as a Brit
I guess maybe it's because they're so fucking schizo
It's like a giant pantomime
I like watching those videos of people using terriers and other little guys (ferrets / mink / weasels?) to rid a farm of rats. They get hundreds of the things. A very satisfying watch.
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Don't plan on having my own kids because I'm a genetic failure.
Very smart but also very ugly and mentally unwell.
Haven't ruled out adoption however if I ever find a partner. Lots of poor good kids out there need adopting.
yes he's disabled and lives with his carer but has access to a used spanish passport
This timestamp is taking a long time. Must be difficult to make your smelly childhood bedroom in Chester look like Gran Canaria
>he's still going on about it
think the cucknadian might be the biggest loser yet
think about kids a lot, do you?
Showertoil looms...
is the canadian spainfreak too
would literally not think about it if he didn't keep bringing him up
Spaino really did obliterate that mentally deranged Canadian didn't he?
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No idea if this will satisfy the schizoids
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You do far too much for us lad. By rights you should be a millionaire for the hours of entertainment you given us all.
it's desperate to fit in canadian (dtfic)
he is utterly obsessed with spaino
Corr lend us a euro?
watch them go silent now
Yeah I love those videos. When they lift old hay bales and hundreds of rats scatter and the dogs run wild tearing them pieces. Very satisfying.
Yeah I do think about starting a family sometimes, whether it's worth it or not, whether to adopt.
If you meant to imply paedophilia - which I assume was your intent - then that is worrying.
Why, when kids are mentioned, does your mind instantly jump to paedophilia? Very telling.
Loool you fucking muppet that floor could be anywhere. Take a pic out the window you fucking muppet oh my days are you retarded?
You'll wish you had kids when you're elderly and have nobody to look after you. You end up in a retirement home with nurses who are just waiting for you to die so they don't have to wipe your arse anymore
Alright Spainlad, been ages since I’ve seen you. How the bird?
He's done the schizos in AHAHAHAAA
Spainnonce desperately running around Chester on a Sunday to find an open travel agents with a Gran Canaria brochure before pegging it to the foreign shop to buy some beers for his "proof".
least mentally ill spaino obsessed poster
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omg so true he's definitely married to a biological woman and was posting pictures of her totally real passport and tampons that she uses on Valentine's Day during their romantic vacation to Vancouver
can you explain how a disabled person with a carer has access to a used spanish passport?
Can you get a bb rifle in the UK?
No I dont think you can anymore. Remember them being common when I was a kid. My cousin had one. Dared me to shoot myself in the hand and it broken my skin and hurt like hell.
You can get loads
Can even buy shot guns if you have a loicense

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