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peas (tinned) edition redux
any not quite right in the head man in
dont like peas that much
love peas me
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>a picture of the fucking floor
getting yesterday's socks filled with cum
nice if mushy with a chippy
peas are objectively stupid.
>yeah lets put a load of small round things on a plate
>now try and eat them with your fork
>dont let them fall and no spoons allowed or you'll look like a child
get rid of them.
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British mfs really saw this dude and went: "Barreck Ohbahmer"
I do this regularly, love spaffing in socks
saves so much cleanup but the runts get proper riled about it for some reason when they're going in the wash anyway, can't see what the big deal is
poonis in poogina
I am indifferent to peas
Rats must die. They have mocked me for too long. I need them to suffer.
roast chicken with mashed potato, peas and gravy
the white man's weeknight dinner
Lmao dis nigga cares what he looks like
more of a sweetcorn enjoyer myself, tastes nicer and is much easier to eat like you say
don't hate peas but would never buy them myself
finlad's remains are buried somewhere on the ukrainian front
lmao DIS nigga eats peas with a spoon
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how old were you lads when you had your first wank?
Have you tried mousetraps?

You can also buy cages where they can easily get in but can’t get out. They’ll starve to death in it and eat eachother.
think I was 14 which is quite late as I understand it
corr wouldn't mind having a nibble on that
he cute
I got locked out of my bank online account and app on Thursday. Went to the bank to update my phone number and have them remove the lock. They said its done but will take 72 hours. It's been 72 hours and im still locked out. Fucking fuming. Going to have to go into town to speak to the runt at the bank again tomorrow. Sick of it.
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get the goldcrests posted
Banks are so shit these days its unreal. Like they genuinely dont want your business
No. I've used poisoned bait boxes in the past but only saw one dead rat and it looked like it had suffered but I couldn't be certain. I want to see them suffer and die.
>Started new job 3 months ago
>Its okay, and I enjoy it
>Previous employer calls me up
>Potential new role created just for me in a new department which has more political power than my previous one
>Probably more pay, less work, better pension, work from home, more respected

Why do I dont feel like taking the role? Everything about my current role is inferior to this new role, but I feel like I should at least wait a year. I unironically need advice.
>Go to /adv/
doing long drawn out farts that sound like someone ripping heavy canvas or those daft little 50cc scooters the roadmen used to ride to college
Heres my plan. Go shit, shower, clamber into bed, shitpost, bit of telly, sleep.
get signed on sharpish
i'm in no position to give career advice since i'm a dosser but i say follow your heart
>Why do I dont feel like
Don't care didn't ask
>Go shit
whats the rules for this card game
Terrible service. NatWest. Useless cunts. The runt at the bank was so smug. I gave him a telling off and he shrunk back and was so pathetic I took a step back and just complained about the bank but I wish i'd suggested he step outside so I could punch his lights out.
>Why do I dont feel like
you are having a stroke
get to the hospital NOW
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEwwoooo wooo woooo poooo bum bum arse willy reeeeeeeeeeee EEEEE nee bum
>political power
I dont like the sounds of that.
Haha, great post, thanks for replying.
had a tin of coke last night and now my belly's full of gas that makes me feel uncomfortable.
spaffed again v_v
don't reply to me again you worm
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i would pipe this itv presenter right up her shit pipe with shit still in it
You got it, chief
>Why do I dont
They lobotomised are boy
imagine the smell
you'd end up weeing out a little string of shite that looks like goldfish poo
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what the fuck is that fiveskin
look at her shes fucking nice
not got a telly sorry mate
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>in a new department which has more political power
>have a look at /soc/ catalog to see what it's all about
>it's all just gays sharing photos of willies
ah yes
why specifically pakis and not indians
Hear, hear. I like the way you think.
Bread is such a useless food made for peasants
them too but i couldn't think of a snappy racial slur for them
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what an experience
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Does /brit/ have a friend?
You say Indians. I say pakis. Really though whats the difference? They are both brown and smell like poo.
reckon he says that when he's wanking?
got a bokkle of 8% cider in the freezer
timer set for 40 minutes (the optimum time for bokkle cooling from room temp)
corrrrr it lovely
Not called back my cool wine aunt since Friday. Should probably ring her back but its such a chore.
ooohhhhh it lush
Black family in the hotel room next to mine are screaming at their kids again
blog on
rorke telling the nonce hunters that he's actually an ephebophile
Cider gets me drunk really quick
just the one? Never had one drink and left it at that don't see the point
just realised that I don't inhale my vape but I just kind of taste it in my mouth like a cigar and blow it out
all i've got in sadly, plus I need to be on my toes tomorrow morinig
fair enough enjoy your bokkle
another lonely incel meal for 2 for 1
cheers mate
might go for a run when it's dark
Still talking about me hours later :^)

I've had 3 beers in the sun and now considering dindins then hitting up the gay bar
take a pic and it'll be like we are sharing it babe
already been for an inceldrive today lads but i fancy another inceldrive because driving in the dark is comfy womfy
gay bar closed on sundays
Chortled at a post made in this thread but won't say which one
Not here
Just realised my neighbour (female) can hear me wanking quite clearly, should I get jiggy with her lads?
>pints in the sun
fucking jealous you've got sun, been grim cloud and rain here all day
quiet round here when the schizos are away
Just tell us lad
Yeah you're right
feels a bit redundant to say pakis and pajeets, they're the same thing
>already getting dark

wintertoil looms
Sadly european pints (aka 0.5l) but yeah 26 degrees here today
how loud are your wanks? Are you having a moany wank?
Trying to process "why do I don't" in my head and failing miserably
just the pooey bumwank for me
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Love a bumwank with the big black dildo
Bit of a gay one yeah. Just whacking my willy around as it squirts in my boxer shorts, leading to a loud splashing sound as I grunt and moan. Reckon neighbour hears everything
you're fucking joking what the hell
been fucking winter where i live
crazy how this little island can have such disparate climates
I don't know bros...you simply can't match the vibe that was created with the 2013 Game Grumps playthrough of Mario Sunshine. It was made almost exactly ten years after the release of the game, but managed to carry the same "aura" as when it first released.

i have never, ever, ever made a sound when i've wanked
I'm in Spain
they'd get offended either way so it does work better
whats your secret
LOVE cats, love friendly dogs as well, very very based webm
How on Earth was this 11 years ago when it isn't even JonTron holy shit
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>holy shit
cant go to the beach on holiday because im pale as sin
used to have moany wanks when I was a virgin to see what my sex noises would be like but don't actually make any noise during sex unless I'm cooming
just got off the blower to janny, he's coming to sort it out
bit gay
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timmy rn
tin of rice pudding down the gullet
disgusting freak
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That's cp isn't it
it not right
used to eat rice pudding out of the tin
very grey outside but stopped raining now
certainly been a nice day to sit inside and be comfy
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starting to get dark
Wearing briefs in case I pull tonight
i cant stop sleeping
whats wrong with me
gato is next on the plate x
might be 'pression lad
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Why are you keking at me briefs
that's what did, no point getting a bowl out
300 calories in this bokkle of cider
no wonder mark is such a fat bastard
corrr imagine the taste
love foxes me
gf says I look like one :3
prefer not to say
big hairy pooey bloke spreads his arse

ahhh go on then it's christmas
def tastes like piss and smegma. they dont have th patience to shower thoroughly at that age and probably scared to touch down there as well
going to play rimworld for a bit, don't do anything funny while i'm gone
never seen a fox but one time I saw a skunk and I've seen a couple of raccoons
gay porn convention in lyme regis next weekend
good lad
furry freak
penising a suckold
two sleep on the roof of my garage, they're very sweet
you betta no wank to gay porn you sanama bitch
been feeding them almost every day for the past three weeks
all gays are child molesters
gay people are all possessed by a demon. that's why they all start to sound the same the longer they are under its hold.
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and what is the name of that demon?
Shouldn't have gotten locked out like a little melt then runtboy
too late mate
might do the pretending I'm not an alcoholic and am just getting into wine gimmick again
mad how shit GoT became
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Can't believe you lot, your all so thick!
what do you feed them?
never watched it me
you're doing peas wrong
peas should be added into stews or mushed to make pottages like mushy peas or pease pudding
anyone serving peas as a side of veg is a mong
pea police are online
I like mushy peas with vinegar
So this is it. The last /brit/.
>and what is the name of that demon?
what would be your final post if this was the last ever /brit/?
meat, chicken bones and vegtables
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for me, it's the Carlin pea
arms hurt from the gym
lucky foxes! :)
Everything men do is consciously or unconsciously to attract women or in reaction against women. Chads act like chads to attract women, incels and NEETs do what they do in order to cope against the rejection from or failure to attract women. Coomers coom to women. Normie men work towards building a career and achieving high status because ultimately that's what your biological instincts (and testosterone) tell you to do, since it's something women desire and you need in order to attract a suitable mate and raise children in a good environment.

Even the urge to be "effay" comes from the subconscious desire to look attractive to women, whether you want to admit it not.

All men have been preparing for or coping with the mating game since the day they were born, because the ultimate purpose of any sexually reproducing animal is procreation, and a man spends his entire life working towards achieving that, or coping with the failure of fulfilling it.
Me chest hurts from yesterday's sesh
wanking off a load of blokes in the changing rooms were you
On my hands and knees naked in the bathroom to open my butthole to motivate farts to deal with bloating. My most shameful moment. Have no idea how women willingly do doggy.
"Doing a poo"
Thinking about the time I sent a picture of my cock next to a can of monster to a girl.
Not sure what I was thinking in hindsight. What was I expecting her to say? "Wow your cock is slightly longer than a can of monster but not as thick, how sexy, please send more pictures of you lying in bed with a boner and energy drinks".
What DID she say?
Any pushes away the people he loves man in
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Just get the shower hose up there and self-enema
i change and shower at home due to my affliction
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Farting out today's hookup's cum
"I love your cock" or something. She was very nice actually. Now that I'm older I just realise that it is very unsexy
you get hard ons around other men?
that's called being a poof
I don't know if you know this but women genuinely get turned on by looking at erect penises
*raises paw*
I think it depends. I've had girls just send me a close up picture of their fanny.
Yeah I love fannies and love seeing them, but being sent something that looks like it's from a medical textbook isn't ideal
bit dead in here tonight
where is everyone?
Big fan of doing the "here's a casual snapchat selfie but unbeknownst to me my massive willard is visibly outlined through my sweats" teases, personally.
the fuck is going on is there another thread going on or something, it's like a bloody morgue in here CAM ON LADS LIVEN UP
go on lad
its not like you're just randomly sending them dick picks though
you're both obviously in the mood for it beforehand
fat cunt
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what about showing your willy to randoms?
Slow threads are good. No "personalities" spamming up the place.
Go fire up tiktok or something if you need constant content
i wank in disposable surgeons gloves (unpowdered)
costs about 4p a wank though
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another week of work on the horizon
would never receive a reaction like this
Just spaff into the palm on my other hand and slurp it up. No mess and doesn't cost a penny.
>ooh that's gay
It's not though is it. No different from eating your own scabs or snot
>wanking in socks and gloves

For what reason? are people just so lazy they can't walk to the bathroom and get some toilet paper or tissue.
can't if i haven't got anyone to push
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Woke mob made it illegal to push tourists into the canal.
Can’t have any fun in this country anymore.
i have a dedicated wank rag and yes, it is your mother
looks easy. six slices of bread is tough but i have that amount of food plus two slices on a normal saturday morning. feel stuffed after but could manage another 4 slices of toast to get it free, easy
i cum into my mouth, only miss maybe 1/8th of the time
well, for me? simply /brit/, the perfect combination of serious discussion and jovial banter
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fucking raining again
>hot guy I shagged yesterday's mum died
Welp this is awkward
I wank
poo egg
did she catch you shagging and have a heart attack?
You gonna do the right thing and suck his cock to cheer him up?
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he shouldnt be there
how much of a cuckold do you have to be to join the tartan army

most of the season it's 'yess spank me celtic' then for a break from you go follow scotland
anyone remember the covid Nightingale hospital psyop
seal's gone woke, he's trying to "evolve"
Nah, just sent him a flirty message only to be told his mum died overnight
stop smoking
we love you
stop smoking
we love you
stop smoking
we love you
if boris was PM during the kosovo war there would be a whole bunch of Bojo's running around instead of Tonibler
He can be wherever the fuck he likes you cunt
Didn’t know Yanks said “woke” as well, thought that was a British thing
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Hi, new personality here. Names’ “Shoggy”
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Eat the special ice cream that makes me insane again
bring back smoking in pubs
down to my last two T pills...
captcha: SSYT
You're right about the last name but not the first name, we just say "Barack", there's no 'e' sound
Trying to work out if the pairs of older and younger men at this hotel are dad and son or "daddy" and "son"
is that cement
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2008. now that was a year
the notion of being "in love" with another man is absolutely bizarre and repulsive to me
do poofs actually fall "in love" with each other or are they just in it for the sex and they pretend to be emotionally attached to try to replicate a normal couple?
because if it's the latter, then there is something seriously fucked up with their heads
>get out shower
>suddenly have to shit again

ahh yes
All years were a year, that’s what Shoggy says
i was the that poo
doing a google street view tour of croydon. seems kind of nice actually but i thought it was the ends?
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How have we done lads? What do we reckon to that? Got a nice sear on the outside
why wouldn't there be something fucked up with their heads if it's the former? you're supposed to love women and make children
I mean I have nothing to compare it against as I've never loved a woman but I have been in love with a man before yes, wanting to spend my time with him, trusting him with everything.
looks good
i just had a stuffed roast chicken meself
lovely it was
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no such issues with fucking men aye? understand that part perfectly do you?
Where do you think the term even originated?
enjoy your cancer
Load of old cope. Chad’s don’t need to try to act like Chad. It just pours out of them. Evolutionary biology is based on nothing but hot air

Thrash metal version of Fireman Sam on 'Dick & Dom in da Bungalow'.

Fireman Sam (Welsh: Sam Tân) is a British animated children's television series about a fireman named Sam, his fellow firefighters, and other residents in the fictional Welsh rural village of Pontypandy (a portmanteau of two real towns, Pontypridd and Tonypandy). The original idea for the show came from two ex-firemen from London, England, who took their idea to artist and writer Rob Lee who developed the concept, and the show was commissioned.

Fireman Sam first appeared on S4C on 1 November 1987, and a few weeks later on BBC 1 on 17 November. The original series finished in 1994, and a new series that expanded the character cast commenced in 2003. The series was also shown as Sam Smalaidh in Scottish Gaelic in Scotland. The series was sold to over 40 countries and has been used across the United Kingdom to promote fire safety.

The theme song was performed by Mal Pope in a classic rock style from 1987 to 1994.

This trash-metal version was recorded only for Dick & Dom in da Bungalow in 2005.
keep smoking
you look cool
keep smoking
you look cool
keep smoking
you look cool
I am as equally baffled about the heteros liking women tbqh
arbeit macht frei
both are bizarre
bizarre behaviour
muslim men fuck goats
a hole is a hole
i use british english when posting here
Currently making a list of responses I should give when asked small talk questions, like what's my favourite band, what's your favourite film ect.

Why am I such an autistic freak haha.
advertisements or murals on the end of rowhomes are not seen often in my ends
men and women can actually reproduce
so it make sense that they would fall "in love" from a biological standpoint
>bizarre behaviour
I was born this way lady gaga.mp3
got a list of things like this for when i go to the barbers
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Its the banks fucking fault I got locked out.
I don't think you were
I think events in your early life infleucned you
Yeah but I just don't get it. I have close female friends and female colleagues I deeply respect but I'm just not attracted to them
Remember when you used to wake up and not necessarily feel optimistic for the day, but there wasn't a sense that it's all pointless and miserable?
Now those were the good old days
is that caleb from clarkson's farm?
Great game

Is STALKER any good?
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Downloading some Non-Newtonian mods for Hogwarts Legacy
Not really it’s been a long time ahaha
human behaviour isn't that simple lad. you can't boil it all down to biological imperatives
>Remember when you used to wake up
no, im not woke
Anyone else been needing to shit after having a wank? bit worried theres something wrong with me
This post has several layers of grimness to it
I have yet to see any evidence that people actually have sex
repeated motions cause poo material to accumulate in the poo ejection area
it suffers from the problem where hobo phase and in begginnig more interesting than overpowered exosceleton phase in the end.
What are they?
So things are always down to biological impulses except for… when they’re not?
yeah a wank always helps me with my belly whether its digestion of food or gas or getting prepared for a shit, a wank just helps clear me out
Just found out geoguessr is no longer free and you have to pay a monthly subscription for it.
What's the point in that? Might just lob myself into a random location on google maps and do it that way
poo injection area
get fucked is this 'llegal
been at it almost every weekend this summer and not a peep from plod
read some out to me lad. I need material
its called being gay
what reason would you have for being attracted to a man?
shagging a man up the arse is not going to help advance the human race
Fair enough. Maybe I should give it a go one day if I finally get a gaming PC
Anybody fancy going to Alton Towers on Thursday or Friday? I dont want to go on my own.
looks like a cracking steak mate, would be proud to scran that myself
enjoy losing your legs in those death traps
battered bumhole lad
Why the hell would you need a reason? How many things do we all do really advance our race? Maybe fun is the advancement, i dunno for them im not gay
enjoyed this post immensely
What reason do humans need for anything, we get a finite time on this rock
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Thanks lad
shagging a woman isn't even about advancing the human race. genes care about themselves not species
arse still sore from friday night
water cronkite
for me it's doing stuff because it's fun and I feel like it
not even bent, just the way it is
Reasoned today that I'll never be fully happy and satisfied. So I will drink myself to death. I would like to try heroin at least once though, because alcohol fucks up my body. I just want to die lads, and to die happy
it's up
early tho
i went 10 years ago as a little boy and was very scared but thought it looked cool but i did go on the cable car

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