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party edition

Previous: >>202005510
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which one /cum/?
>le scary dogwhistles
I've decided to quit racism
Based edition
bangs for me but i fuck with mugs also
A&w > barq > mug
in the mood for a vacation?
Anyone else never seen an A&W restaurant
Anybody who doesnt heavily fw a&w hasn't had it on tap at their restaurants
fighting back the urge to incelcry currently
ln na, not really unless you go to one of the more college aged groups but those ones were too cringe for me. lt's mostly 30+ year olds, especially in the rehab l went to for a month. lt was sex segregated but l still hopped the wall and plapped one of the 6/10's lol, although the one chick my age that i really wanted (19 at the time) actually bought all the god shit and wasn't into me. Whats prison rehab like? l imagine a lot more depressing to say the least
stop betaincelcrying start chadincelraging
Americans will have the dumbest opinions about high fructose corn syrup slop. It's great. Even funnier with the negrified zoomoid lingo.
What is it with boomers and sports? My dad is always watching sports on TV, even if he doesn't care about either team. Sometimes he watches poker and I'm pretty sure he doesn't even know how to play poker.
I'm 6'1 157lbs sopping wet
>stop noticing things
brian got AIDS, this is wonderful news
I don't give a fuck, that shit slaps nigga
let it out you’ll feel better
crying releases happy endorphins
Used to be in favour of drug legalization until I saw what disaster vancouver became
it amounts to giving up on society, hence why Oregon is reversing it
boutta poop in the desert, anyone wanna peek
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i keep them both under wraps
i will feel the same except i'll be a pathetic blubbering beta bitch on top of all my other repulsive qualities, so i won't be doing that
I think weed should be legal but regulated like liquor: you need a license to sell it, and it's taxed. Other stuff should be decriminalized for users in favor of treatment but trafficking should be prosecuted.
legalizing meth and fent is retarded, fuck what you think dumbass
>lt was sex segregated but l still hopped the wall and plapped one of the 6/10's lol
i was thinking of going to a meeting just for socializing and maybe getting to know some girls
>Whats prison rehab like?
it was really bad. rehab had better living conditions but the routine was suicide inducing to say the least. it helped me with public speaking though and building some confidence
i ended up "using" the day i got out of prison so it didn't work
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>and it's taxed
It's funny when midwits are just smart enough to articulate horrendous opinions.
Decriminalization isn't legalization.
it’s okay for men to cry
don’t let toxic men take away that inalienable right from you
zip it fag
instead of refuting his points you just call him names nice
it is de facto legalization
They are all over the place in Canada but it's not actually related to the US franchise anymore
How many sex-havers ITT? I have a sex-related question to ask for writing reference
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He wants to allow junkies to run the streets like in San Franshitsicko. There isn't anything to refute. "People" with those opinions are anti-civilization.
I tried the Whistle Dog on Friday. It was alright but the vinegariness of the relish made my tongue too numb to enjoy half of it
me, unironically
The only 100% confirmed sex haver is >>20200858

I mean seeing as he has AIDS and whatnot
please account for the fact that any positive responses you get will be guys that have exclusively had sex with fat bitches
Meant 202008587
Good enough for me

Does semen make your partner's hole more slippery? Like if you coom in someone and immediately go for round two, would the jizz work as lubricant?
Fucking forget it. stupid website
Honestly now that l think about it they probably are the best places to meet people with alternative lifestyles. The only issue is they can be pretty no fun allowed to save their sobriety, hit or miss l guess. Shit I might have to go check one out too
>public speaking
man the first time they forced me to talk l had a full blown panic attack after lmao, shit was not cash
Watching Soy Wars and I still have no idea what's going on
It's not like endorsing or permitting drug use. Users who are in crisis or can't consent to treatment despite urgent need should be in clinics or involuntary or assisted outpatient treatment.
i think you may be biased but im not sure
my ex used to clean her pussy out after i came inside of her and it would always secretly break my heart that she didn't want to keep it
>Users who are in crisis
>can't consent to treatment
The very language you are adopting enables junkies. You coddle them. They have no agency in your redditor worldview. Your proposed solutions are impossible.
>Does semen make your partner's hole more slippery?
yes but probably not to the degree you are imagining. Also if you coom deeply in her it's not going to have any effect.
I've posted pics of 3 thin girls I've fucked tho over the years
i am sure you should kys yourself
Pregnancy aside, it's still a good idea to do it for hygiene purposes.
is this anon still here
yeah, almost to an excessive amount. girl coom + guy coom = slip n slide
what do you think happens to it
her body doesn’t just absorb it, it’s gonna come out on it’s own
where else would i be, brian
Racism like a social antibody
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tiktok posting should be an instant ban
It's the truth. Substance abuse disorders are medical diagnoses just like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. Someone who's drooling on themselves half-asleep all day is no more capable of getting up and checking into a clinic than a catatonic patient is.
seen this jeet a while back on niggagram and I knew the jeets would post him on /int/ eventually
>Honestly now that l think about it they probably are the best places to meet people with alternative lifestyles
yeah that's kinda what i've heard about them from other addicts inside
>man the first time they forced me to talk l had a full blown panic attack after lmao, shit was not cash
lol i also remember my first time being forced to talk in a group, i was so anxious. especially when you just come from a max security prison and you're used to keep to yourself and not talk a lot.
he won’t listen, and if he had it his way, he would just kill everyone he deemed undesirable
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Thank you for the responses. Back to writing now
What did you do that landed you in maximum security? Are Israeli prisons worse than average for a developed country?
That's a bunch of faggy liberal pseudo-medical shite. Junkies belong in cells, which is where they are put in the parts of the world that won't allow them to take over the streets. Your bleeding heart perspective leads to the destruction of society, and I'm not exaggerating.
I’m back.
i can teach you how to curse them. you just need their full names.
welcome back what were you doin
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I wish Global warming was real.
i truly believe i am an agent of destiny and i my life was fated towards some inescapable end since the moment of my conception. a bad end though like killing prostitutes or a mass shooting
some guy told me he gets panic attacks when thinks of how fucked we are due to global warming
here we go again see you in 200 posts
that guy should be euthanized for his own sake
finna eat then goon
after that the world will be my oyster
It is real, but not because of humans. It's part of Earth's natural cycle.
an empath. probably a nice guy
Went to Washington by bus. Kinda horrifying cause bus had mostly urkelkin
Its real and humans are accelerating it
is he a zoomer or a millennial?
How does putting druggies in clinics ruin society? They're varying degrees of secure and you can't just waltz out or shoot up in inpatient facilities.
We went through this last night. It's a psyop to control you.
Google the word deterrence
is fentanyl big in israel? i haven't been to a meeting since before it became popular, I'm wondering if it'll be a bore with all those zombie fiends in there. man l can't imagine doing time in a max, the solitude would be nice for me but only if it was by choice not some government bullshit lol
he's like 35. smokes a ton of weed and lives on a sailboat
He probably thinks Saudi Arabia is a country with rule of law.
probably just the weed making his stupid ass anxious
It won't cure them. If they were going to get cured that way, they'd seek it voluntarily. At the point they are dealing with law enforcement, they belong in prison. Why are junkies not responsible for their actions in your redditor worldview?
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i kinda don't care anymore desu, but thanks for offering bro
It's real as the scientific literature confirms
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>scientific literature
dogmatic propaganda in the style of reductionist materialism is hardly science
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Using adjectives is not an argument
citing government propaganda isn't an argument
scared away another woman. becoming exceedingly efficient at it
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gather the following ingredients:

- two chicken feet. you can get these at a butcher shop.
- a photograph of the victim.
- the victim's full name.
- (optional but helpful) the victim's date of birth.
- a yard or two of black ribbon.
- a small wooden or cardboard box (a shoe box works perfectly fine for this).
- a gardening tool to dig up dirt.


go to a crossroads or cemetery. malevolent entities live in these places.
write the name and birthday of the victim on the back of the photograph. attach the photograph to the chicken feet with the photo facing outward and then wrap the black ribbon around the chicken feet and photo so they become bound and tied together.
as you do this, visualize your enemy's destruction with your mind's eye (meditation helps with this).
then put everything in the wooden or cardboard box. dig into the ground about 3 feet. place the box into the ground and bury it with the dirt.
after you've done this, walk away and do not look back. not looking back tells the spirits to get to work and to destroy your enemy.

do this on a saturday or tuesday for the planetary energetic influences of saturn or mars.
also do it during a waning or full moon.
waning moon = destruction, elimination.
full moon = complete manifestation.
also do it at night, specifically at midnight if you can. malevolent spirits are more active at night.

cleanse yourself afterwards to dispel any lingering negative energy that may be attached to you from the curse.

i'm posting this anyways
Scientific evidence is valid
absolute mad man
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>What did you do that landed you in maximum security?
2 violent charges
it was just for the first 3 months at the beginning of my sentence, i was later transferred to medium security for rehab
i don't know the exact reason they put me there, but my guess is that the israeli prison service don't take any risks when it comes to inmates with violent charges at the beginning of their sentence
>Are Israeli prisons worse than average for a developed country?
it's a mix, some prisons here are more "modern" and some are more old school (4-8 inmates in a cell, yard inside the block, the block is more controlled by the inmates, violence and drugs everywhere)
last few years the israeli prisons are becoming more like american prisons, but some blocks are still considered "jungles"
pic related is the kind of cells that were in my max security prison, google "gilboa prison" if you wanna know more
>is fentanyl big in israel?
not really, it's pretty rare. most addicts in prison rehab were crack addicts, some used heroin and a few alcoholics like me
Except they aren't following the scientific method. Their goal is to sell you on the global hearing myth. So their approved scientists publish papers and pat themselves on the back. It's a grand scam to scare the populace and force them into compliance with tyranny and depopulation measures.
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me 'n the boys
That's not how double blind review works
Just because clinics aren't torture chambers doesn't mean that it's a pleasant situation. Even with kind staff and adequate facilities detoxing can be very unpleasant to say the least, and nobody really wants to be somewhere they can't leave and have to follow someone else's schedule. The first thing patients feel is usually resentment.
Just because it's involuntary doesn't mean it's not scientifically based treatment. That doesn't hold up in other situations in psychiatry - involuntary treatment can be what saves lives.
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>noooo you can't have a 1.5 degree average temperature increase because... uhhh you just can't ok???
did you get the jab
They'd like you to believe that, I'm sure.
spinny dm'd me her butthole the other day
not bad but i've seen better
thanks, actually interesting to read. curious about the photographs, what was used in place of them prior to the camera's invention?
>scientifically based
You're pulling out all the stops for these junkies, anon. They will exit the treatment center and go back to smoking fent immediately. You are a naive little sympathetic retard, and your pie in the sky ideology is anti-civilization.
i hate it here
very ugly 2bqhw/ufam
haven't you seen the movies, not listening to the meteorologist is how the world ends
yeah i start tomorrow
i was thinking of hair as i wrote that question lol
south east alaska
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clean it up janny
i missed it what was it
based jannyGOD, please rangeban chiraq
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Having wypepo food tonight
>he is using a spoon

he is zainichi pakistani saar
Its too hot for hands. It needs salt albeit
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Scheduled Brian melty
Hence why unless it's a penny pinching garbage program any rehab plan includes follow ups and aftercare. Involuntary treatment for drug abuse seems to have lower success rates than other forms, likely for varying reasons, but it's better than nothing. Withdrawals can kill.
they are kinda hot
black queens and hoodrats alike are my utter weakness
Junkies are a net negative on society. Their deaths are a net positive.
any cute midwest boys ITT?
very grim
tomorrow is a new day. and i fear there may even be another one after that
how much of the quran have you memorized
don't care, when i go into a walmart and see a shorty rocking a bonnet, booty shorts, croptop with no bra and slides my dick gains a mind of its own
>Laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone
this is demoralization manifest
If you're pro mass killing be upfront about it in the first place. Just don't expect much of the healthcare world or people with basic scientific knowledge to follow you. They all remember what happened in the past when science and medicine pledged to help purify society of undesirables.
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I made my own home made root beer once and tried to naturally carbonate it, I exploded like 2 of the bottles though and the inside of my fridge was sticky for like a month after no matter what sort of cleaning spray I used on it
in ancestral trauma real?
cry about it more, pussy
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more for me chud, see if i care
isn't og root beer fermented? i'd like to try some
do you actually live near hoodrats or are you like those eastern european posters here who love black kweens but have never seen one irl?
ask the black people crying about slavery reparations or all the indians still crying about losing a war 400 years ago
? i live in dallas dude
Hey, you're picking up on the 4Chan lingo, little faggot redditor. Keep it up.
Yeah the original recipes for root beer did a quick ferment usually only 12-24 hours so you only end up with 1-2% alcohol, the bottles that didn't explode were good but holy shit that stuff was volatile, I'm not going to say I'm an experienced brewer or anything but I've made beer a few times and the root beer is the only thing I've ever had explode
Nigger central tbqh
Cope and seethe faggot
So mostly Latinx hoodrats then, move to Houston
doing a jig
I'm a drug addict though
So based on your logic you should now gain infinite sympathy for me
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say what you want about the altinas down in houston, or the hippie chicks in Austin, but hooooooo lemme tell you about those wimmen down in San Antonio
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Playing the fun game of: do I have diarrhea or do I have to throw up
based /sp/ anon
/cum/ niggas be msitaking theyre ass for their tummy
stop eating Indian food
yeah man my part of town's amazing, tons of venezuelans too. if you haven't tried their food you're fucking up bro
dont tell me what to do you fat bitch, why don't you move to a town that isn't infested with indians? right you can't
sensing some malicious chakra
You can't either
Based Elon should ban Pookraine NAFO trannies next
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Any cute jewish girls itt?
hmm actually yes
Kendrick Lamar or Drake ?
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can and have, wouldn't mind them either if not for people like you
I'm not fat and I live in a place that, mercifully, has few indians at the present moment. Your love of hoodrats seems to make you lash out easily
Impossible. I have seen them in the middle of Appalachia. Also what did I do?
no one's lashing out, i just treat pretentious know it alls like the nobodies they really are
ngl post that didn't help you seem less upset
This was an 15 year old American boy in the 1950s. What did they feed them back then or did they had liquid testosterone in the water pipes?
took all the keys o my keyboard and cleaned them and now one key doesn't work
there weren't toxins and microplastics in literally every food item and consumer good in those days
He was a fat CHIcano in the 1950's he probably smoked and drank since he was 8
they had lead. we have microplastics
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quality control should be a KEY feature
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You belong in a secure clinic.
i ain't got no cerebrum
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wrote another letter telling her i miss her then deleted it cause i know i'm an awful person and i want her to be happy. It didn't hurt as much this time bros i think i'm healing
yeah I mean it's like 7 years old or summin but still. need that key to pay respects
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shut the fuck up
Alaskan Independence Party
Canadian clay
All our schizos are gay
The carnival is god, we've always been behind em
and may all juggalos find him
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I'm going to pee in your face
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>being this desperate for attention
give me white woman
I'm grippin now
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homosexual men are statistically more likely to have mental problems
Puerto Rican Independence Party
Based. Cut 'em loose
life at a certain point just becomes about balancing losses
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Yeah but I'm mentally ill in a cool and fun way
try and take it
well said
Me? I’m drinking beer
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do you own a furbaby
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I finished watching season 1 of true detective. Is Louisiana really like that?
all my friends are dead :(
all my friends are dead :(
they got kicked in the head (horse)
all my friends are dead! :( !!

all my dreams were lies
bro i'm literally 20 years old put that away
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Mexican American. He's the dude who wrote Donna.
I’m super tired
such a warrior
arenaline is a tool

Canada looks like that in rl
>Old established White american family are inbred cannibal psycho pedos
This trope always struck me as incredibly Jewish
same with blonde girls are le dumb
That wasn't my question you blind canad*ian
Never seen true detective but a lot of small towns especially in the swampy areas is full of inbred whites (and blacks as well) who do all sorts of fucked up shit and people just turn a blind eye because they're so insular and far out from everyone else that there's no reason to really worry about them
I thought it could be inferred that Jewish tropes are not like Louisiana irl
Watching documentary about the Kudo Kai yakuza group based in Kitakyushu, there was a civil war in the group between the kusano gumi and the tanaka gumi when the kusano gumi made an alliance with the yamaguchi gumi who were the historical enemies of the Kudo Kai. Shintaro Tanaka was gunned down as a result. 40 or so pro and anti yamaguchi gumi gangs took part in the war.
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posting it again award
You've never been to the south.
i love reggie
furries dont like me
dissent in the streets
consent in the sheets
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prior to the american temperance movement cider was the drink of choice and most homeowners had an orchard. today most americans think cider is just unfiltered apple juice and if you want to drink cider you have to look for 'hard cider'. most of it is cloying because of how sweet they make it and it doesn't quench thirst. I have to drink english aspal cider or from their other ciderheavy areas...
how do i get rid of mice in my house
there arent lots of furry communities, or furry art/artists
not like with anime or others, like a i guess vtubers
Eat them
Literally wrong or you live in some shit area, every local brewery near makes a dry hard cider
dont pretend to be a cat
>there arent lots of furry communities, or furry art/artists
I can't tell if this is a serious post or not
for me, its strongbow
there isnt
maybe im just not feeling that connection or emotion like with reggie the mouse or whygena
Where are the messssicans?
just heard spinster found a man last night, we're never getting half decent thteads again
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/mex/ or /csg/
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furries only seem to exist as the most chill people ever or the most autistic retards that will spend years engineering a plan to ruin your life because you said hello to them in wrong tone of voice a single time 3 years ago
didnt asked sry
m8 furries are one of the most overrepresented groups on the internet just go join the e621 forums or deviantart or one of the hundreds of furry games online
It's like gay Harry Potter.
i miss reggie
or whygena, whatever
she'll be back after a bpd episode scares him off
unironically been to a lot of them, but not Louisiana thoughbeit
didnt expect to get any replies so im just going in my feelings
shes with me now
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i'll take your ted talk
pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob pob
i only masturbate to NTR hentai
my sweat has smelled like vinegar since that third pizza and i feel like crying
another high quality /cum/ post, not like those pesky politics mentioners the janny guards us against (For free I might add)
people used to call me crazy for saying global warming was a tax scam. see who's crazy now?
read this in juden peterstein's voice
oh yeah i said i woudl go in my feelings and shut up
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Ive had a few (more than a few) but not for nothing but Andreas Scholl's rendition of Ombrai Mai Fu is as close to an angel singing as youre likely to hear

but dont let the pic fool you, im Italian (Not Latinx )
gonna goon to the debate
cumala is going to be dolled up and bratty, getting a chub just thinkin about it
Furries are just dysgenic people wanting to be beautiful.

You can tell JK Rowling was the ugly child of her family. Harry Potter is wish fulfillment for those type of people.
theres too many canadian chuds in the US
bitch looks like the mtf tranny drill sergeants one of the companies had in basic
even more Canadian leftists there, the US is mecca for rootless bugmen leafs
dont you want some body to love
dont you need some body to love
Ugly? Ive never read or seen any harry potter shit, but even now 2024 id eat her pussy like it was strudel
computer post some horse facts
for me its emma watson
It's sad but true. Kinda like 90 percent of anime is for ugly losers. Which I suspect she probably took inspiration from one of the million high school animes.
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what does this mean
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How do I get a weeping angel gf?
Holy lmao
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Emma could get it.
Id lick her cunt till she shuddered like the San Andreas fault
lol at these people (everyone) taking the shortest path instead of 2 extra steps, and me taking the longer path to finish and run back to the starting position before theyre even done with banking on their "shorter" route
lmao at ppl not doing tick perfect runs every single time
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thats my wife youre talking about, bud
Juan Pablo diStefano
the last square is where the bank booth comes into FOV
one sqare before that is "walk to" the square and walking through the door to be able to click at all is 1 square
shes hot in harry potter
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Dear friend! May you live to see a thousand reasons to rejoice
met an asian guy named tyrone
furries are dysgenic people who take on a weirdo interest so they can find another weirdo who will accept and save them in spite of their repellance
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Meds are too brown to be accepted as white and to white to have any benefits of being brown lol
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and bling ring
and where did you hear this?
Asian guys are always named Kevin or Kenneth/Ken here
i hate my job
i made it up
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powerful image
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Grading my student's assignments is extremely boring
But i posit the following inquiry: No.
Basically yeah.

The few pretty furries that I've seen are usually genuinely autistic so...
brandon or kevin
Just give them all F's
what do you teach
lets go Brandon...
you as well my man, stay safe
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dicey dicey!
She got Weinstein'd
probably met like 10 flips alone named Brandon kek forgot about that one
only the first few
thats hotter
prime schaub KOs jones round 1
bergblyat von-gold weinstein
This assignment was a completion grade but so many of them got basic concepts wrong, clearly I need to explain the difference between control groups, dependent variables, and independent variables again.
just TAing a biology lab section
i disagree
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Is that a stuffed mouse?
Canadians eyebrows
so you're like a janny for real teachers
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millenials be like hello my name is todd
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>there are teachers on 4chan
>just TAing a biology lab section
fuck that shit. lab and field assistant's where it's at
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and you brother

Switching gears, has anyone seen the Irene Papas 19sixty whatever the fuck rendition of Antigone? Oh christ, i actually wept
yeah I'm being forced to do this as part of getting my masters, my career goals do not involve teaching
not quite
A sad commentary on our times
im also a lab assistant. 10 hours of lab assistant a week, 10 hours of TAing. I'm going to try and lessen the amount of TA hours but it was mandatory for my degree that I TA for at least one semester
shouldn't be a surprise at this point. how long have you been here?
rolliing cigarettes and holding them inbetween my lips by sucking air in
what grade do you teach
every brandon I've met has been a complete twat but I don't know any asian ones
lets go Brandon
they are most sophomores and juniors
its a class for non-science majors so they aren't familiar with lots of basic science concepts. makes it easier since they ask easy questions
make a new right the frick now
i teach....i teach Philosophy

naw jk nta but i was just quoting the 1952 film Quo Vadis When Marcus Vinicius was asking the apostle Paul his profession. I swear i quote that movie so much its ridiculous. Peter Ustinov as Emperor Nero was perfection itself
what are your career goals?
what's your masters in?
okay fine maybe just the first one
road to 400 posts before getting a new
Who gives a shit about movies, they're just imitations of an imitation
Who shall be making the new
ill make one. no one else do it

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