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mammals of britain edish
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Got stones in your ears? I asked what side you're on, Gray-Mane or Battle-Born
powerful edish
corr spaff
Right well
going around the local park vaccuuming errant dog poos up my arse
massive rump that
I need to shag a woman like this one day

Will probably pay for it as can't risk my family by shagging a civilian
Surely not
good man
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I had a bad dream today. I was in London, lurking on the streets. And throughout all of my walk I haven't seen A SINGLE British person. All just hideous negroes and brownoids. The streets were dirty like in Pakistan, and the smell was awful like in India. I've came across several mosques during my path. The Britain was DONE! Totally and ultimately. I woke up in a cold sweat...

Why are you doing this to yourselves, bongbros? If you disappear this would be the unhealing wound for all the Humanity...
fucking sccrooomging
*does a horrible sloppy poo all over my hands and lathers it into your hair like shampoo*
done him
anyone read the new /brit/ patch notes yet
well rorke?
keep an eye out for russian drone strikes egor
yeah i thought they got rid of the gay incels but you're still here
i can be successful without being normal
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morning brit is the best brit
Anyone else notice their cum loads getting smaller and less voluminous with age?

How can I combat this

Captcha: X0000
clean shave on the cards today
Why do so many people work in recruitment
Seems like our professional services economy is 50% recruiters
i can be humble i can be modest i can still be cute as an autist
Hello lads, what of my country's capital appeals to you? Prostitutes? Bars?
Whenever I go to Riga, I hear you before I see you
stop cumming
get the zinc scranned
Yes, and my cock too
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cant focus on studying so im chillen outside with the caberge
I am in love with audrey from twin peaks
zinc and magnesium
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So apparently this is rorke
always get you mixed up with lithuania
clearly isn't.
Never been, will probably never go
Is it good for prostitutes?
lack of POC
Nature's fleshlight
My friend was in Riga for work and said every second building was boarded up
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I understand that the cheap airfares and at least a relatively recent status of being a more obscure holiday destination are part of t
business idea: 24 hour chinky
in bed farting
What type of hideous glutton wants a 3am Chinese
me when i wake up at 10pm
mad how croptops always look fake on men
Idea for Queer Farmer:
Force every shop in the country to become online only so prolific shoplifters starve to death
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Good morning team.
Lets get this dread.
Biz idea: war chants for office workers
Where are the big-chebed slags
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this is my world today
and then turn every shop into housing?
going to rain a bit tomorrow, scattered showers nothing too crazy, that'll be nice
For migrants
Slowly losing this. poos are coming in droves via forged docus and working illegal jobs + delivery
Some yes. Shopping centres, browns..
Makes sense. Architecture is nice, everyone loves old town. plus our folk holidays are getting popular
can't do anything in this bastard country half of those winter fuel payments were going to people in fucking nursing homes who already had the heating paid for meanwhile im wiping my arse with tissues cause ive ran out of bog roll
I stare into the camera and do the jim face whenever an aussie acts like it rains there
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This is what they call "you're almost there" on there
Right, I'm getting up, time for a shower and wash out me arse, then brekkie then off to the gay beach for the day.

Crop tops look great on men with proper wide shoulders and lats
finally stopped raining here
looking like spring has begun
Tissues are more expensive than toilet roll
it's getting hot but my jacaranda tree hasn't started blooming yet
gonna go kitchen and get my grub on
that's beyond the point
my head feels like there's a frenchman living in it
humiliation ritual
>huehuehue mi jacaranda
she suckin on my hawk till i tuah
I think that idea has already been done, it's called, "marriage"
>If I can refer you to section 10 paragraph 4 subclause 10, "Rusty Trombones"
- Derek, 72, Great Missenden
these peopel ares o autistic they think if u write somethin git's true
bit early to be on the drink diego
Men and women have different fat distribution (at the cellular level but also across different regions of the body).

Women store fat in the thighs, bingo wings and arse. Men store fat in the waist and belly. Just one of the reasons why it's always immediately obvious you're looking at a man's stomach and not a woman's.
This is low key so cute
Interesting thought experiment to compare this schoolyard bullshit with actual prenups
Also musculature differs. I can tell a man's arse (back focused, hot) from a women's arse (peachy, sides, wide, not hot) easy
I store fat in my thighs and my belly, am I trans?
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i had a gf in highschool that gave me a zippo lighter with our names on one side and "forever" on the other for our 2 month anniversary and we broke up before our third month together kek
...prefer not to say
trans women are women though so not sure what male fat distribution has to do with anything
have a day off 190
>women's arse (peachy, sides, wide, not hot)
Did mdma on saturday night
not worth it tbqh, slept a total of 6 hours this weekend. don't even feel the rolling comeup anymore that I used to, and I only do it a couple times a year
projec ton
meds now
You kept it though didn't you so she was sort of right
She will always be in your heart
Geoff? You kept it?
rorke setting his phone to military time
why did you keep it
pooooo haha
poo poo bum bum
go nonce a dog, faggot

Proper breakfast that
ohh you're hard
It's not military it's just common sense
The frogs and that do it by default because they're not medieval retards
blog on you insufferably boring bastard
i just wanna be rorke's sigma ~
any completely undeserving of love and happiness man in
lethal odours emanating from my arse after last night’s Sunday roast
wtf does this mean?
aura this aura that why don’t you get an education aura job
I keep telling my (32m) parents "I'm not gay, I'm just a loser.
got an embarrassing stain on my favourite shorts
Use your brain
had a roast then went to the pub then had pakora ‘bab on the way home

farting up a racket here now
ktim, my soul is dogshit, i have a lot of work to do before i'm worthy of any affection whatsoever
boring blog
Doing an anal douche
just browned my trousers
yup me cos i'm ugly and evil
i did and don't understand
I got it in an antiques shop in Rennes x
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whinge the fuck on incel
diego i had a dream about you last night
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its a perfectly good zippo lighter, i dont use it anymore but its still good
There are some things that you will never understand
that's what your mum said lol
dis nigga named Peter
looking at guides and pirated ebooks is no substitute for actual drawing

if you are not putting pen to paper for hours and hours every day you will NEVER git gud
just dripped brown sauce from my bacon toastie on me duvet
Fast & Furious 7: Rorke's Drift
you cannot post the peters
nigga smoking a peter cig
>eating in bed
How about 30 minutrs every day, what can I get for that
about tree fiddy
eating ham and cheese bagels in bed at the mo
been getting approached by old ladies at the shops/cafe whatever asking if i have a girlfriend
naught wrong with being named peter
>ham and cheese bagels (plural)
fat bastid
what's the best flavor of bonne maman
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>ywn share a few pawtucket patriot ales with peter and quagmire and joe and cleveland in the clam
why live
anyone here from the north? have you wondered why your ancestors didnt move to london?
what's wrong with it?
Raspberry jam
the north was an industrial powerhouse
for me personally it's the wild blueberry conserve
rorke doing the breathing exercises his therapist taught him when a black gentleman gets on his bus
hit that old kitty
Mine moved from London to Yorkshire to set up wool processing factories
does it have seeds?
crumbs and that
i don't think they're flirting with me, just chatting away, most of them are foreign too
get that pensioner poontang laddy
i thought northerners were all slaves to factory owners thoughever
can just hoover them up
deck them pedos
you'd probably get at least 10 (You)s if you named your kid rorke and posted proof here
might be worth it not sure
once when me and a few mates were having breakfast in a cafe a group of old ladies mocked us for looking like the cast of big bang theory
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addd uarr draa itnw oskn
the working class are always going to be slaves
doesn't matter if they're southern or northern
>old ladies
>knowing tbbt
Yeah, not very noticeable though
Just seen David Kelly and Jo Cox together at Peterborough service statiom
done you up like a kipper
it's a pretty well known show
Just pulled out a 2cm nosehair
people have said i look like sheldon
fucking grim
1hr a day is enough to get good at anything in a year
having sinful thoughts again
need to tidy the flat before the new tumble dryer arrives, don't want the workmen knowing I'm a complete slob
>2cm nosehair
literally a spot on description of my willer
im a gay poo incel
didn't spare a seconds thought for nosehair right up until about a year ago when suddenly it started growing like japanese knotweed
trust me bro you will shit be shite at dota2 or sc2 after playing it 1 hour a day for a year
365 hours is not even close enough to be actually good
Mysterious smell in my flat today
wonder if you had a really really thin willy if you could roll it up like a millipede when you're not using it then when you get a boner it springs out like a party blower
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Okay maybe a couple of longer sessions on weekends
got frasier on
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If you're high IQ you can do anything
post was probably made by a 20 year old who thinks women in their late 30s are old
there was some study of chess geniuses and it was like as long as you have 125 iq then you can do it hardwork becomes the bigger thing after that
130 iqers rekting 160 iqers who put more hours in
poor bear in an enclosure
all these people drinking lovers spit
has he figured out to do with the scrambled eggs yet
Stephen Hawking couldn’t walk.
Stephen hawktuah lol
why should i trust you
francisco goya drawing some crazy ass shit tho
cos i played both those games a lot and know how long it takes to get good (even with background in moba and rts)
just started doing the dishes, how mental is that
absolute height of american intellectual analysis on display here
just filled up my sink with hot water myself saying I will do them later although I probably won't haha
kiss me
Labour were in opposition for 14 years watching the Tories destroy the country with their policy of cutting spending. Now that they're in power what do they do? Cut spending.

Utterly mind boggling
that's basically what I've just done what are we like eh? aha x
i could do it, quite easily too
Mental how insecure I am about reading despite the fact i'm the only person at toilzone who reads and i'm better read than 99% of the population
>between last October and June the Palestine related protests in London cost the metropolitan police £42.9 milluoy according to a new report
Why did you block out your name?
go get masters in sc2 with only 365 hours played so you can even do it quicker
go do it mate
i dare you
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they're cutting spending differently though. cutting from department X is not the same as cutting department Y
*licks the nape of your neck using only the very tip of my tongue*
suds-soaked hands clacked out this post
why would u get insecure about reading
the protestors aren't costing the taxpayers 42m

the government's palestine policy is costing the taxpayers 42m
How so
lol xx
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done him
The Raped
Just dont think im that well read or good enough to give my opinion on things yet x
t. Rubén Sellés
taking a NEET nap
Why would you need an opinion on it? You've either found Wally or you haven't
i reckon miss letby will need a husband after getting out of prison
just say everything you've read is shite and you'll come across as well read
I reckon she'll need a few
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pure carnage from the latest /brit/ meetup
Saturn Devouring His Son
>getting out of prison
>getting out
don't think so mate
might have a smoke in garden and think about things..
Uranus devouring my knob
still smoking poo, are you?
Duckduckgo'd this thinking it would be some insightful latino philosopher
>jacaranda tree
good lad
>jacaranda tree
aint that the prime minister of new zealand
who are you talking to about books you said yourselv none of them read
*assumes the position*
yeah the painter of that one obviously wasn't doing too well was he
might wear a hat
mental that he painted that on a wall in secret while quietly going insane
they want you to get a job so you can't drive around for hours and notice The Pattern
bears are just massive dogs to be honest
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>might wear a hat
Second day of alcoholismtoil
>“He started kissing me... and he just looked up at the ceiling and said, ‘I’m just debating whether I should rape you or not. Out of the blue he just grabbed me by the throat, smashed me to the back of the bed, strangling me extremely hard.”

>Anna says he then raped her.

>She says after the attack, Mr Tate sent her disturbing text messages and voice notes about rape and sexual violence.

>“Am I a bad person? Because the more you didn’t like it, the more I enjoyed it,” he said in a voice note.

>In a text he wrote: “I love raping you.”

Reported to the police but deemed to have no evidence. Did they have rape swabs back in the day that detected forcible entry?
Someon's got to do it!
well thered have to be people actually playing that boomer ass game to do so but i still could
today I will enjoy my sosij Aussie-style
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a du dad drri rato ans wk n
drinking pva glue
Let's see her texts back
Mad how Free Speech Elon sued Top Gear for making jokes about his car
whys he got a little pair of black trousers on
really like animals but i reckon id get so bored working in a zoo or something
not sure why, just a feeling ive got
What do you do instead

Dai Younge is taking the piss tbf
fascinating, any other feelings you'd like to share?
very nice
the lonely gooner seems to crank his hog at night
Actually mate I'm pretty sure it's the protestors
sometimes when we're most sure of something is when we're actually wrong
maybe they become your mates though, you dont get sick of your own catberg
Mad how not more lads make a hundred thousand books selling some of the old books that have been in their family for six generations
Luv Synapsida me x
Guarantee this is some bizarre bdsm shit
prefer not to say
feeling a bit emotionally vulnerable right now desu, any advice?
good point tbf, love my catberg, think im willing to take back my previous comment upon reflecting
cope already getting excuses lmao
Ears on that bat
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and how much are the bankers bonuses costing us, pray tell?
We don't have fucking WOLVES, do we??
we used to, and bears as well x
homeless people despawn at night
don't be guilt tripped
Enviromentalists want to reintroduce them to scroteland for some bizarre reason
Free Palestine n that
dont know actually he looks a bit gay and that lot like dressing up
I love chihuahuas
They're hoping a few Scots will be eaten
don't see much jayposting nowadays why is that
a wild Scotland completely overrun by large packs of aggressive wolves, that's the dream
Cracking birds them
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"a wolf did it"
giz, d'better than the piss im drinking now(tooheys)
bought a dildo to see if I'd like bumsex but it just did nothing for me at all. there aren't any nerves for pleasure down there what do benders get out of it
you might be like me, tiny little prostate
whichever one of you keeps coming into /mena/ needs to fuck off, I can tell you're a right neek by the way you post and it will lead to me being associated with you
it's not sex, it's self-hatred manifesting in masochism
what's the point of being violated if you're doing it to yourself?
anyone else's fingernails grow insanely fast?
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Loool that's me
lol this is me
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Singh did a poo in the street
A train ran over his cousin Pajeet
Rajesh did a scam on the interwebs
As lovely Priya showed me her chebs
so exhausting when american culture wars make their way over here
just back from jobcentretoil
what's the madlad gonna be up to this time?
what a handsome doggo
always think of the very end scene of peep show when I hear this factoid
Why are you there
it's similar to /brit/

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