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oboe edition
dogshite yank edish
poo egg.
so is it just me who has fast-growing fingernails?
I hate when that happens
haven't got a clue how fast fingernails are meant to grow nor how fast mine grow
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for me? it has to be a jam cream donut
you what
How fast do yours grow
I need to trim every week, dunno if that's fast
forgot about this so just had to search it, screaming
Reading about Friesland
ZAMN those prices are brazyyyy
gotta give mine a proper trim a few times a week
Corr that monster slice of chocolate cake on the top right
couple times a week
leave it on reddit next time
im bouta cum~
carrot cake or flap'jak
just had my incel dinner (up n go and my fingernails and callouses)
Not as good as Hamburgerland or Shakeland
Pretty sure that’s a clarinet THOUGH
just moisturised the ol' face
*buys all the eclairs*
Know your way around a large black object do you
Yeah giss a snot-block, cheers Nguyen
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You WILL consume the seed oils
with your bf's spunk?
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you lads ever caught a shiny pokemon?
found several in my day
im back from Bratislava lads. very nice place.
i was upgraded to business class on the flight back which was pretty sweet
yes I think you're right
I've made a mistake
with moisturiser
a few yeah, but i liked red and blue the most
absolutely howling at this diego where did you find this
surprisingly hype too
Americans from New England saying y'all
Did the man blend the dairy solids with the mild tasting vegetable oil
good lad
the lads
only ever had this once, was last year when I flew back from the UAE and even shagged two of the hijabi flight attendants because the plane was quite empty
finally not ill anymore
thats how they get you
Good lad
caught a Shiny Geodude once
knackered i am
Why do straight people walk so slowly?
good lad
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Getting the remaining alcohol poured down my throat by the Qantaslink hosties so there's less to clean up at the end of their shift
Our arse muscles have not been toned by taking miles upon miles of cock
(8) donkey sound (8)
signature use
bad lad (posting twitter screenshots)
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d dr dra aaaw urnn dtk is o
merked that homo
is space marine 2 worth it
toilstein is off for a week
brought my steamdeck to work desu
Horrible terfy bitch!
zoomers be like "you wrote :) that's signature"
me personally? never been in a single fight in my entire life was a timid lad and refused the few times I was challeneged to one due to being scared
Ritalinus Sinutus! *Snorts*
Humorous twitter screenshots are the heart and backbone of /brit/. Political, troony or otherwise non-humorous screenshots are the problem.
you said ' :/ ' was a signature of spaino albeit
Answers on a postcard for what this anon is on about
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you are severely mentally ill
suppose it depends on what you define an acceptable length as
i like a good scratch so i'm not cutting them until they're looking silly
no they absolutely are not
at the very least, backbone of /brit/ was a gross exaggeration
extrapolating a poo
Will cut my toenails when I start slicing my ankles open on them
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posted it again award
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would you rather poo out your nose or mouth?
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back from my 3 dayer for being racist
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Once got a random pokemon with pokerus.
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just cause she doesn’t like blokes in dresses
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Pooing out your mouth is an actual clinical sign
Pretty much means you're fucked
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how does that even happen
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>Zero experience of stimulant drugs
Starting to think she's not as much of a friend of the gays as she says she is
I had one of the biggest poos ever last night but the toilet bowl was in no condition to be photographed. Wager it was at least 10 inches long, it went into the drain and ran up past the water line at the front of the bowl. Need to clean that bowl more just in case pictures of poos need taking.
di choon

When it can't go the other way
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wiping my arse with the extra large balsam tissues again might as well be in auschwitz
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Cor, lots of fit naked gays at this beach
scary that. god i hate poo and pooing
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Big Bad Brad
woke up feeling like shit. banking app and online banking still disabled. looked out the window and immediately saw a rat in the garden. fuck my shit life.
Vile video
roared at this post
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the big, big brad
the reason i'm alive
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sucking on a bowl of cullen skink
mentle that if i were to hold this brad to my cock he would be visibly smaller than it
like a scary doctor who monster that isnt it the cock people
bradley walsh folks, great guy. funny guy. believe me i know. under my administration bradley posting was at its best. let’s give it up for bradley.
fifa mentioned
can we see the rat?
now this I like
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How do I live a good life in a bad world?
this week's plans:
leave the house today (showered)
not tomorrow
leave the house wednesday (showered)
not thursday
leave the house friday (showered)

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/brit/posters artificially inflating the worth of this doll on the second hand market leading to the confusion and delight of ebay resellers
lads fucking hell i was struggling to get this turd out for a good 30 minutes and finally it exited and cor blimey
this thing was at least 12 inches long 5 inches thick, body feels like a wind tunnel from my arsehole to my mouth
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lidl bakery
I do this. Only shower on days I exercise and leave the house
Go shopping after exercise so I don't need to go out or shower on a free day
Probably not good for me
intense energy in this photo
you will not
aw bless
no. maybe when i find it dead. i'm going to have to lay poison.
can't post those
honestly going through rowlings twitter nothing she’s saying is too crazy
sex with olivia utley
her hairline is maybe even worse than mine amd i'm a balding 35 year old
life just isnt fair
someone should really do something about the scary spider in my bathroom
going to need to be doing a poo soon
was looking at the comments to this gay porn onlyfans I subscribe to and some of them are talking about how the creator's videos have helped them through bad times and other soppy nonsense

What the fuck? Do people unironically feel this way about porn?
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Yeah seems perfectly sane
I was gonna write a post with the word auschwitz the other day but gave up because I couldn't figure out the spelling

It was a cracking post too what a shame
not sure where i stand on capital punishment
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Brits and European continentals don’t celebrate Halloween. Why is that?
bad times create horny men
horny men create gay porn
gay porn creates sexually satisfied men
sexually satisfied men create bad times or something like that
woah bro JK is going off the deep end with this tweet fr fr
I simply cannot bring myself to believe that you're actually paying money for that shit and not just trying to rile the lads up
>was looking at the comments to this gay porn onlyfans I subscribe to
ah the classic yank makes up a fact about the UK to get attention because he is too dishonest to try and start an actual conversation with someone post
cause it's american mate
just don't, simple as
although I do still usually watch a lot of spooky films at least
add user data into rosin
also during sad drug date answer to none
do dream drawings draw upon data issues otherwise
the worst grim runt behaviour ive seen from /brit/ in a while
You all admitted the night before last that you don’t celebrate Halloween so I’m not really making anything up am I?
you celebrate Halloween?
Mid 30's Japanese office lady gf
oh no not a rat outside minding his own business! I must go and poison all the animals!
it is kind of a thing here but very minor, some children might go "trick or treating"
but the main thing about halloween is that it is an excuse to have a night out or a party with women wearing the sluttiest clothes you can imagine
well excuse me bloody hell
thought I was among friends
kids do trick or treating
people aged 16-30 often do halloween parties which are just an excuse for women to dress up as utter slags
haiyaku... haiyaku... aaahh kimocheee~..
so, that was it was it? summer? fuck me.
still remember the time someone poisoned the neighbours cat and wondering what kind of person does something like that
thought the thumbnail was elton john for a moment
you CAN post the rats
you CAN'T post the mice
don't get me started mate
I don’t celebrate Halloween. I celebrate the traditional Gaelic festival of Samhain.
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these days any kind of party is an excuse for women to dress up as utter slags
>a party with women wearing the sluttiest clothes you can imagine

This is an American import, Brits didn't do this until the film 'Mean Girsl' popularised it
Bet you don’t even know how to pronounce it.
hot weather in this country sucks, it's just muggy and stifling with no way to cool off except a shitty little fan
>Brits didn't do this until the film 'Mean Girsl' popularised it
complete bollocks
I thought Halloween was a British thing that Yanks stole and ruined with their commercial rubbish.
Genuinely fuck off you grotty little bastard
You're only saying this because you never leave your smeggy childhood bedroom
nice to see thats the incels waking up now that we're complaining about women wanting to have sex
to be fair putting an m where a w should be is just silly
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Choosing to only use the phrases "War of Northern Aggression" and "Great Patriotic War"
I bet you are born after 2000
oh yeah where's that?
it was 30c+ in Bratislava. Too hot quite frankly
cheeseplantberg flat refusing to utilise the nice coir pole I bought for it
you lads getting anything interesting for Christmas then?
Good thing i’m not in bratislava then eh?
you're a smelly virgin that was never invited out LOL!
Forgot I bought an entire case of doritos on amazon while I was hungry and drunk the other night and now it's arriving today.
Fuck am I supposed to do with 12 big share bags of pepperoni pizza flavoured doritos? I'm already fat enough
I stopped caring about Christmas presents about 15 years ago, now when the 'rents ask me what I want I usually just tell them not to get me anything
miserable cunt
bet you’re a right laugh to be around
>haha look at how wacky I am when I'm drunk hoho look I made an impulsive purchase online because I drank too much hehe
feed them to the duckbergs
Long story short, kind of. It started with a few Celtic and Christian traditions but the Halloween we know today is an evolution of that and is largely American. It’s not been heavily commercialized though outside of horror movies coming out at that time.
The mad rush to say bless you when someone sneezes in the office
WFH gimps don't know this feel
well i just was
it's not that I dont appreciate the gesture, it's just as soon as I got a salaried job I just buy everything I want, I would have to deliberately not buy something to give mum the opportunity to buy it for me which just seems silly
yeah friends just don't back friends' bad choices x
thank fuck
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he's a big guy
Absolutely despise nephewberg because he's a spoiled little cunt. Last Christmas, when he was opening his gifts he was demanding to open the big ones first. Everyone was telling him to start small and build up to the big (and better) ones. He threw a tantrum and they eventually decided to let him open the big ones first.

I tried to discourage it by telling everyone not to cave into him and make him start small, if you let him do this he'll just throw tantrums whenever he doesn't get his way etc. I was accused of ruining Christmas. He opened the big one and refused to open any of the smaller ones, much to the despair of his grandparents who never got to see him open their gifts. The little cunt.

mumberg has already warned me about my behaviour for Christmas this year
just bought some firetraps
imagine the knot
such is adulthood
I think we're twins
pretty common sentiment
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Enjoy never getting blessed I guess
the day of the frost cant come soon enough if you ask me
Mad how easy it is to lose wright when you move out and gain control over the shopping and what you eat
Have dropped 5kg in two months since moving out
Need to find a woman pronto not even for shagging just for hanging about
My mates are such weird cunts and only drink in Spoons wearing Adidas t shirts and the like. Very stubborn. Don’t know how to put it, zero fashion, zero chance with women, odd blokes.
this kind of "parenting" is why crime, antisocial behaviour and general disorder rises with each year
sent that cunt to the moon
I am blessed with privacy and a lack of stranger's snot in my lungs
could also just have terminal cancer that you don't know about
lad you're absolutely not crazy, I think your relatives are just gooses
that behaviour absolutely should not be encouraged and I feel like kids get away with a lot more tantrums than they used to
literally just put a jumper on
plus your average pensioner is fucking minted
oh hey haha thats the one that comes on after one armed scissor
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Clarke out
>The more pensioners that freeze to death this winter, the less pensions that need to be paid, meaning less migrants needed to work and pay for their pensions.
Your response to this fact rorke?
you're in the right
you're family are basically abusing your nephew by spoiling him and ruining his development, this might sound hyperbolic but mark my words he'll turn out a wrong'un
>spend decades saying "tough decisions must be made" when student fees were increased by £10k, when taxes reached their highest levels since WW2, when society had to be shut down for 2 years because of the flu, when all the public services were gutted, when immigration reach millions per year to keep wages low and house prices increasing
>now on the edge of rioting because their gibs have been marginally cut on winter fuel allowance in a country where it barely snows
least disingenuous leftypol
also rorke would be making that statement, newcunt
Movies. Sweets/chocolate. Costumes and tat. All commercial rubbish. I hate all that American shit. Where I live its tradition on Halloween for people walk up Pendle Hill at night. It's dangerous, cold, and unpleasant as British superstitions should be.
fuck me I need to wake up
I want my grandad to live whilst also not taking in immigrants
>tough decisions have to be made
*ignores the millions of immigrants on unemployment bennies*

nice one
me? also ask mum to buy me the latest phone or tablets and have them delivered to me just before Christmas day. Always tempt her with the idea of me coming over for tea so she makes sure to send them but I never do lmao
this is a result of modern culture teaching us that every child is special, has a right to be heard and can do no wrong. Bad behaviour is classed as a mental health issue and rewarded. Missing large chunks of school is written off as anxiety issues.
In today's economy!? Not possible I'm affraid.
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Parents like this should be sterilised by leather jacketed national socialists tbqh
it didn't even get that cold last year, I think I only had to defrost the car twice
here comes dr rorke phd in child psychology to enlighten us
David Cameron said this once and Labour were calling for his blood
Get a massive empty box and make sure it will be the biggest gift, pop in a lump of coal, and get it wrapped for him lad. The only way to teach that spoiled kid a lesson.
if your nan is cold this winter, tell her to hug a hoody
Most soulless eras in American history:
>Anything post-2008
>The 1980s
>The 1950s
>Anything after the Gilded Age but before Prohibition

These are probably the most conformist, sterile, mainstream, consumerist eras of American history

The best part of America is when it's full of outlaws, cults, serial killers, folk heroes, urban legends, crime lords, robber barons, con artists.

QAnon and Trump have been the best thing for Amerikan culture in ages but Obama Era normie hivemind is still a blight on the land
Hate when you ask reddit something and they reply with a very obscure item. For instance how to beat a very bad hangover and they recommend benzos.

Yeah mate hang on let me just nip down the Benzo shop. Tosser.
going house of frasier
The more I hear about this David Cameron fella the more I like him. Reckon he should have a go at being the prime minister
Smartphones should be banned until you complete your GCSEs tbqh.
Call Me Dave
nah bro brits be putting their car in the microwave what
could've sworn I clicked /brit/
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>when you ask Reddit
Tory voting pensioners are shirkers who should be made to pick fruit until they drop.
reckon david cameron didn't cop enough flack for having two first names
> going on Reddit
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made by who?
someone post the grinching webm for this lad
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3 Job Interviews today lads
12pm, 2.30pm. 4pm.

Wish me luck :3
what happened between the gilded age and prohibition?
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Holy based
Busy day
he has four first names
burly leather-clad commies in assless chaps
good luck. i think 3 in a day is a bit much but at least it gets them over and done with.
parentberg's 40th anniversary today
>we wuz
once saw a pensioner blaming 'the young generation' for a property development company who owns her local shopping centre for going into administration
never mind the fact that she was saying it in 2022 and that city had been in a massive lockdown, this hypothetical young person is to blame for government lockdowns and poor spending by property development firms
these grandmas arent the sweet old dears who grew up in ww2 anymore and im sick of people pretending modern day grannies are anything like the ones before them. they're selfish cunts the lot of them
>If 1985 by Bowling for Soup was released today it'd be called 2005. exact same time gap
Chat is this real?
there was more than enough room for fat orange blob and the injuns to coexist.
the firewater was just too spicy
it's good for porn
Yeah? My parents got divorced when I was 10
Starmerian militias.
good luck mate you're going to be exhausted
Arguably too many
grim, don't admit to that so freely
bit gay
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>grew up of them in ww2
none of them even did. a small minority of people in their 80s did but even then grew up as young children being taken care off not men on the frontlines

the vast majority of pensioners grew up in post war era and experienced nothing but increasing living standards year after year
mental how we still don't understand as a civilisation how to parent a child lol

anyway I'm guessing this wee cunt is the only person under 20 in the whole family, or close enough? plummeting birth rates causing entire family trees to go All In on one child is having weird side effects
>A sadistic killer who was jailed for life after carving swastikas on his victim’s body has been cleared to be freed into the community by the parole board
Got to get those social media menaces in his cell
Don't tell me what to do you fucking cock fluffer
we can call them Starmtroopers
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cheeky x
seems kino enough
>Keir popped up on TV for a moment about something
>mum commented something like "he's doing exactly like I said he would ... he's coming after the pensioners!!!"
imagine not being aware you are part of the most pampered political class in modern history
>cast-off from a broken home is needlessly aggressive
many such cases
Tell her, not us. Cowardly little incel.
>consistently vote more than younger people
>get rewarded for it
Noooo why do they care for the elderly!
Round up pensioners andd send them to gulag in shetland.
millenials really decided a woman saying hawk tua spit on that thang is the funniest joke of this century
>engaging with a boomer's politics bait
boomers are so out of touch they have absolutely no idea how the economy has been for the last 20 years, they're just so detached from it
the only interesting part was the rise of the Klan
wouldn't have this problem if you had compulsory voting like us
there’s literally just more older people than us
pensioners are practically a ruling neet class
my mum just goes 'oh look its sir woke barmer' and then says various slurs
Imagine being a grown man and writing a pathetic blog post seething at your family for not siding with you during an argument you had with a fucking TODDLER lmao

Is your mum single?
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no they didn't you cheeky little hyperboliser
imagine defending a little spoiled brat
now that's fucking pathetic
Actually spoke to my aunt the other day and she believes the NHS would stop if we didnt have all these immigrants to help it. I couldn't believe it
my mum just shows me pictures of mice and quotes wikipedia articles about chemicals
yes they fucking did you bastard
>be a majority
>vote to enrich yourselves
>impoverishes the outgroup so they can't challenge your political power
yeah head scratcher init
mad that it would've lost steam after three weeks 6-8 years ago
the decline is real
>mental how we still don't understand as a civilisation how to parent a child lol
yeh we do
issue is large portions of civilisation have no interest in learning how to and are incapable of learning from their own experiences and mistakes
getting mogged by 4 seconds is so funny
why even bother with the shredded lettuce, it does nothing
And watch how you will do it as well you idiot
thats cabbage you fucking idiot
adds volume to the dish
actual new
hilarious, such wit
Ah yes the boomers are collectively organised to disenfranchise you, we live in a boomerocracy
Caught a shiny sanskrit once, I should really transfer it over to pokemon home before I can't

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