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the gf edish
bum still hurts from my dildo wank yesterday
no mate no they didn't NO THEY DIDN'T no one said it was the funniest joke of the century
HYPERBOLISER mate you're a cheeky hyperboliser
facking proper french rose that is there lad facking proper gf she is lad, what a lucky lad her boyfriend is lad lad lucky boy he is lad
dunno if there's any hot water left for a shave
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get the oil just stopped and get pensioners paid double what they're already getting
yeah not pleasant is it just painful and uncomfortable
didi mentioned
only a couple of months into government and Starmer has already ruined his majority.
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Just saw a guy in the train station of my small village that looked like an actual Taliban member
need to eat. not had anything today but not got any appetite.
I've had 3 sausages
Pensioners and landlords must be smashed.
erm but like who asked doe
not fit for purpose is he
>Ah yes the boomers are collectively organised to disenfranchise you, we live in a boomerocracy

we genuinely do
don't think my mum would be capable of reading aloud a Wikipedia article
she's either retarded or senile
get the microplastics scranned
facking starmer lad, what a facking twat, proper knob womper he is lad facking disgraceful government lad facking embarrassing mate
boil the kettle
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what is the modern day equivalent of a bank robber/train robber

financial hacker?
At the train station right now surrounded by a dozen of drunk welsh men and the train is going to be late 50 minutes. They seen like decent folk
this the bald geezer that just rolls up to the house (often occupied by 2 lesbians or a single spinster), knocks one out into a cup then rings the doorbell?
Sir cum farter
>Saw some zoomers drinking down a country lane as i walked dogberg. When i came back one drove off with a can of what he'd been drinking on his car roof (le epic madlad)
>It was mango and strawberry caffinated alcohol 7.5%.
Is this really what zoomers drink now?
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we're good lads
instead of taking away pensioners money why doesn't he just tax the wealthy?
>the boomocracy works in their collective interest to disenfranchise you
uhh .. literally yes? do you not believe this? lol
i dont have any sausages
ive got bacon. could have it with eggs and bean
ive got porridge
or some left over quiche
yeh ransomware hackers
a fella that steals eggs from Lidl
smash the gangs means fuck all when we still have boatloads of ragheads arriving each month
one of those people that scams kids with access to their parents' credit card details on roblox
tom bombaclart
facking proper lads those welsh lads are lad, facking good blokes they are, facking hop on the train with those lads
I used to drink that like ten years ago
This has been the can of choice for Scottish teenagers for about 15 years now
No luck smashing them gangs then?
It's just the one gang actually.
had quite a few beers with the welsh
next election will be strange
barely any of Labour's newly won seats sit on strong majorities but I doubt there'll be massive swing to the Tories either
most probably hung election. Probably a Lab+Lib coalition or Tory+Reform one
crusty pensioners
how to ruin your internal organs
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it was relentless in my day
I live in a 98% white area, and I've seen some grandad dressed in pashtun robes recently
Its so fucking over, 9.8% white when they're done
Took the bold decision to mirror the policies of the previous government that everyone hated
Boring bastard
The government is not a gang rorke
Imagine are nige in power
Mental tbqh
only grim alchies drink that shit
Not because im not mental. People vote for:
a. The party theyve always voted for
b. Thr party the takes less of their money
If you told me politicians were doing some.shady stuff id 100% believe you but your average voter is an ignorant mong
crikey this just happened
they're smashing starmers back doors in actually
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don't get to use this gif nearly as often as I'd like to
cut mps expenses and allowances
simple as
cut mps expenses and allowances
simple as
You know when people talk about a three fund investment portfolio with a 40-40-20 split
Do they have to keep rebalancing it.
energy drinks are for utter runts
can’t believe people actually drink them on the daily
facking disgraceful that is lad facking disgraceful, your gonna be wearing pashtun robes soon enough lad if labour gets their way lad it's all gonna be those pashtun robes that's it lad.
That exact bridge
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dont know. all my money is in a pringle tube under my bed
honestly cant remember if i wanked today or not
Is askjeeves broken?
Get it posted on Friday at 5 when were all getting on the booze
I'll give you a like on your post for that
quite nice to be fair, I enjoyed it
he's basically a Tory these days
gone are the days of top bantz in the EU parliament and stealing BNP talking points

only populist rorke party in Europe worth a damn are the AfD
Men of Harlech I salute you
drank 2l of lucozade a day when a teenager
proper grim
facking cor blimey lad facking shocking gif that is lad facking incredible gif you posted right there lad facking knob womping gif mate
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imagine taking an interest in politics and the bettering of this country and some smelly little virgin in his bedroom calls you a boring bastard
Is he yeah?
yeah so the boomocracy
holden melty
harlech ain't much more than a bus stop nowadays
feel your balls to see if they're full
How does one go about praising Kek exactly?
lad at toil drinks around 3 white sips per day
when I pointed out how unhealthy they are he went "but there's no sugar"
What does it do to your stomach?
Just stole a Pringle tube from under someone's bed
hate these frog pictures fuck off
>English universities need tuition fees of £12,500 to break even, analysis finds
what flavour
cheers lads yeah I'll save it for another special occasion (beers) then
i'm lactose intolerant so can't drink coffee (not drinking coffee without milk it tastes like literal shit) and it's the only other decent source of caffeine
Kek i love these also the guy looks like Mr bean
Energy drinks are industrial-grade runt slop
grim poo river
like thames i suppose
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bring back pepsi twist
sir paki wanker
remember that time I made a fleshlight out of a Pringles tin, two sponges and a rubber glove
english taxpayers ensure scottish university degrees remain free for all scottish people
I found a peanut under my bed once then ate it and you don't hear me talking about it
>not drinking coffee without milk it tastes like literal shit
Hello child
This is how young people vote too. But with even less choice because a lot of young people are like "id never vote tory im not racist"
anyone got the german version of this comic
what can you do eh lad
Alri black lad
might give bruce a call for some grub
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>doing online assessments for graduate jobs
>all of the online assessments now expect you to record your answers
Another barrier to employment for antisocial virginfreaks, that's all it is
4channers really decided posting a frog cartoon and saying fren is the funniest joke of this century
the current of the river flows faster than usual because of the recent storm and heavy rains.
but idk man that just sound like cope for commie tofu dreg construction tho
Would love to scran a tortoise
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Too much of a pussy to tolerate milk or drink a black coffee
Thats a crow
so true fren
Ok freak calm down
A crow is a black bird, but it is not a blackbird
did the same but with a shoe instead of a pringles tin
drop out of the labour market its not worth it
Unironically, in Australia labor have done terrible so far, they've run the country into it's first economic recession in a century and created an immigration/"refugee" crisis
absolutely love the Australian version of steamed hams. love their little accents so I do
bro discovered inside jokes and group-culture loooool
>imagine taking an interest in politics and the bettering of this country

mate its over, there is no bettering of this country and especially not through politics
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open the fucking pubs
>it tastes like literal shit
How does he literally know though
>Breakfast: Energy drink and 2 cigarettes
>Lunch: Energy drink and 2 cigarettes
>Tea: Assorted frozen brown things and a cigarette
>Snacks: 15 cigarettes and a protein shake
This is peak human performance.
fuck off toadfreaks
good lad
agreed no place for it here not /deutsch/ is it
actually looks like a jackdaw
Watched Hell or High Water last night

It was a neo Western motion picture. I enjoyed it.
Consider that you might occasionally need to speak in order to do the job
got tiny beady eyes, me
like a prawn's eyes they are
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Reciting the ancient name of Kek using images of a black chaos Frog deity while trying to manifest certain repeating numbers, digits etc to enact change on a mass scale is the essence of Magick
good film that
u the gay british expat?
miss miss MISS "open the fucking pubs" posting
Whats a TRVTH NVKE that the British public just ISNT willing to accept yet?
GTWO, (Get Them Wanked Off).
watching gay prawn
Coffee actually tastes good without adding anything if you drink good, fresh coffee. The problem is that most people only ever get exposed to shitty instant coffee or overroasted chain cafes that need to dilute their drinks with milk and sugar to make the drinks palatable. People seem to think coffee should be a commodity product with a long shelf life, when it really isn't.
britian is absolutely fucking dead and there's no coming back
>The problem for the tortoises early on was that they are apparently fairly tasty. Darwin observed in his Voyage of the Beagle that while hiking in the highlands, he and his colleagues "lived entirely upon tortoise-meat: the breast- plate roasted (as the Gauchos do carne con cuero), with the flesh on it, is very good; and the young tortoises make excellent soup." For centuries, whalers and other seafaring men loaded them on their ships by the hundreds. Because they were able to go for long periods without food or water, living tortoises were an excellent way to store meat for long voyages.
enjoyed that film
David Cameron has been the best PM this millennia
enjoyed that film
Dudes be like
>House prices have gone up 20% under X leader
Not everything in a country is under the control of the latest guy to come into power, in fact I'm not sure anyone has any idea what effect political parties have on most things
If I do need to speak I hope I'll have longer than 2 minutes to prepare an answer for information I've never seen before, and won't need to follow the STAR format
Depends on your understanding of the term
We all know Hillsborough was largely due to the Scousers (the Scousers know this more than most) but good luck seeing this being an accepted fact in the media
used to enjoy these posts as I myself was eagerly anticipating the reopening of the pubs at the time
What absolute freak industry are you in?
good fillum that
Wiping your pooey bum with a little bit of tissue is utterly grim and Western society should be looking to Japan for their innovations in the toilet space.
Diversity isnt our strength and the empire wasnt a bad thing
Americans are right about most things we slander them for, especially guns and healthcare
And the things that Brits like about America, like black culture, is what's ruining our own country
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Close the fucking pubs
The triple lock isn't sustainable
good lad
I mean to be fair with housing prices you can point the finger partly at policy and not just supply and demand, but to your point said policy was enacted two decades ago
yeah the government has absolutely no control over the things that happen in a country
Britain shouldn't have fought in WW1
Cromwell did nothing wrong
Mass deportation is needed
Alcohol should be banned
Being obsessed with politics is fucking gay. Absolute Monarchy is the superior system of government as it allows the entire population to rally for/against one person. The monarch is kept in check from fear of the masses rising up and the people are looked after so the monarch can keep their position and life.

There's a reason all of the most successful and longest lasting empires and cultures are monarchies. No other system of government has ever lasted any meaningful amount of time except the Roman Republic which no one would prefer over monarchy.
>inb4 democratic Ancient Greece
that was a fucking meme
I agree with the other posters.
Watch Hell or High Water™ now on Netflix©. It is a high-octane thrilling epic movie.
I agree with the other posters.
Watch Hell or High Water™ now on Netflix©. It is a high-octane thrilling epic movie.
business idea: quadruple lock
The 2011 AV referendum was the final nail in the coffin of the UK and we'll never recover from the outcome of that vote
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once got a 147 at snooker but no one believes me
2 out of 4 are correct
The empire is the main reason we're a "diverse" country now. It just gave all the foreigns an easy route into the country. You cannot hate diversity and like the British Empire without some serious mental gymnastics.
Hope the blonde big jugged gym milf is in later
Nothing wrong with instant coffee
eyes glaze over when I read a post this emblematic of a chronically online take
Nope, I'm just not a retard
Yeah that would make sense if places like norway sweden or german didnt have mass immigration
So when the next election happens, what specific things should I watch out for as what they can control over the next 4 years vs. whatever's an inertia/global/inevitable thing. I don't know about you, but I would have no idea how to answer that question
Hate the fact mongrels blame the current leadership for the state of the economy like it’s not a global thing nowadays based on economic cycles
Hate the idea of said mongs voting but dictatorships are hardly any better
Britain is a post national state. It doesn’t exist anymore per se. It’s literally just London and the surrounding areas. The square mile and canary wharf act as resource and finance siphoning hubs for the entire world. Nothing is produced here anymore. The army is a joke. This country exists for rich international Londoners, the rest of us are a burden to them which is why they don’t care about replacing us with a more malleable, rootless worker base from the third world
Dominic Cummings was probably the only person who could have fixed Britain but most people hate him
yeahh you are lol
only athens was 'democratic'. even then only a small portion of the population was allowed to vote (rich upper-class landowning men basically)
rest of the city states were monarchies, dictatorships etc.
If you're poor then it's fine
Like how you have a Pot Noodle (Lidl branded) and a wank instead of a meal, again because you're poor
VERY good lad, keep them honest
You like looking at fat old cows ey? Freak!
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Ban alcohol
this post makes absolutely no sense and you don't have any answer for >>202019487
in reality my life isn't as glamorous as my /brit/ posts make it seem
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I used to be a mug making coffee with a moka pot but I tried instant because I ran out and it unironically tasted 10x better than the shit I was making
Felt like such a mong wasting all that time and money on coffee bollocks
do you think the government couldnt reduce house prices whenever they wanted?
Just add cum
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Interesting times back in 2020 when people across the world were in the shared experience of a pandemic and lockdowns and that
was SLIGHTLY comfy posting with you all knowing you were all going through the same thing. Seem to recall you all went to your driveways and clapped for nurses or some such
Wish you were in a post nothing state
Don't you ever insult me again
were stupid husk people and should do the rest of the world a favour by leaving nato, immediately declaring war on the entire world and covering as much of russia as we can with nukes
Strange way of bragging that you're too thick to use a moka pot
Lying little cunt
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trying to homemake my meal deal given Tesco's ABSURD price hike to £3.60

Can obviously homemake sandwiches
Can buy pepsi max in bulk

But how on earth do I replicate the crisps?
How do you homemake crisps?
Is such a thing even possible?
cope on
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Yeah instant coffee is good for retards who don't know how to work the stove, then again I wouldn't trust you with a kettle
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don't know snooker
but i respect you, i believe you
don't fucking thumbs up react my message I'm worthy of a response
Are you gay? I lowkey want to get my dick sucked by a leftie twink
Hallo, I am Snooker from Sweden
How could I be using a moka pot wrong?
How do I get a 10/10 French gf without leaving my flat
You like threatening men online and making me piss my pants in fear ey? Freak!
can’t let cunts like this run the country
going to be fair to you lad, but that's a silly thing to say
even being generous, it takes time - quite a lot of time, for the levers a government pulls to have effect on housing
supply is currently the biggest issue in Australia. There's a backlog of over a decade of underplanning. New state govts and the federal governments have started pouring billions into transit oriented development, higher density and more land releases. It will take years for that to have any tangible effect
As for policy around investment property, property speculation is so ingrained into the Australian system that any major reworking of negative gearing would run the risk of completely collapse the sector
How could I be using a moka pot wrong?
switch the crisps for a tasty crunchy alternative like celery or carrot sticks
we can't
too late
You tell me
Snookered your mum in sheffield crucibal
here he is the freakish gay british expat
Mad that people are dumb enough to think that mass migration is an inevitable repercussion of having an Empire (and they often think of it smugly as a deserving 'punishment') but can't see it as a deliberate desired policy that the British government allowed and sought after. We very simply could have not allowed mass migration. As a sovereign nation you can just close your borders and let in who you want. This is something countries do and have always done. The fact that we didn't do that isn't a "it was inevitable, we had an Empire" thing, it was simply a choice our government decided to pursue but didn't have to
tie a croissant to your willer and dangle it out the window
Far far too late
Its so over
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Britain has gone from being an homogenous, disciplined and decent nation which once ruled a third of the globe to a fetid open sewer full of morbidly obese, illiterate, tattooed chavs, primitive and neurologically diverse jihadis, sexual perverts, Balkan pickpockets, pink-haired student activists with the IQ of an ill-maintained Indesit fridge freezer, mithering, stupid, self-flagellating, Actimel-swigging middle-class liberals, drug lords from the dusty arid wastes of what was once called Turkestan, weird and troubled men-women and women-men, and excitable hordes from the Maghreb and the Levant who have fled terror and repression in their own lands and now wish to establish both here, inshallah
whats the next move? move to bosnia?
you're trying to argue with the brain damaged, no point mate
/brit/ seems strangely fast this morning.
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Oh fuck I'm just gonna disappear off the face of the Earth once AI girlfriends become real
Good post
There a lot of successful Britain-sized countries with no immigration?
“Mon amour” this is racist
Prince Andrew did nothing wrong by shagging a 17 year old but the way people remember it, they think he raped babies
just put the fries in the bag mate
I'm not kek
Battle of Cable Street wasn't the heroic stand against fascism nu-historians romanticise it as, police just told Mosley not to march and the communists were seething and started fighting with police.
The Windrush generation were never actually invited and the Attlee government actually tried to send them back to the Caribbean.
Thank God you're slow as usual heheheheh
you can do literally anything within two election cycles with varying degrees of suffering
modern governments are just in a state of paralysis
Japan basically
Make a rule that companies have to pay foreign workers british minimum wage, even if theyre in Indonesia or Bangladesh. Suddenly they'll all have factories here again
Even if the girl he shagged was the same age as him it's still rape by coercion
Her being underage isn't the only issue here
Ah yes that beacon of growth and hope
yeah you are
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a RAPIDLY moving edition of /brit/
potential (You)s being sacrificed left, right and centre in the thrust and parry of banter and debate
Why your name is in ALL CAPS
I've opened GIMP but don't want to design a logo for my business so I'm a bit stuck now
Just ordered my “Fuck capitalism!” shirt from Amazon
Pipe down or I'll smack a GIMP
AV is a shit alternative to FPTP, the real problem was Clegg being a spineless cunt and not demanding a PR referendum.
Dom Cummings is essentially the man behind Sunak's rise. He told BoJo to make him chancellor and was open about how he wanted him to be PM.
Nah, he's a cunt.
*whacks you into space with my massive club-like willy*
that's partly what I'm saying, it takes time
the shitload of housing policy that's just been implemented on a state and federal level in the last 18 months probably won't start paying dividends until the end of the decade
It'll stay Japanese while we will be a favela shantytown nation in a handful of generations
deliveroo driver managed to bag me another free cakepop with my pumpkin spice latte. dunno how he does it
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I'm not, what state are you in cutie?
agree but I will say since moving back home to the countryside out da big city, everything becomes a lot nicer, british, and normal
Always going the extra mile for the bossman my friend x
Biz idea: release the sex arses into the channel, migrants jump into the water to shag them and drown
It's easy to get a burnt or overextracted taste with a moka pot by overheating it. Ideally you want to run the moka pot under the sink as soon as you hear the gurgling sound to cool it down quickly and stop the brewing process. And you want to make sure the other parameters are fine too (heat isn't too high, grind size is right, correct volume of coffee and water in the moka pot)
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*pins to /brit/*
>sex arse tycoon
The dream
Might move to China.
Fucking hell I did a DBS check a week ago today and just got the certificate posted through my door. Never known bureaucracy to act so fast.
yeah you are mate
don't much like that 10/10 french gf business
manuel ferrara, remember the lad
DomCum's main thing and the thing that would have undone so much damage was ruthlessly gutting the civil service, killing the blob and the bloat and the endless layers of deep British bureaucracy that has been growing since 1945, stripping the state to a much smaller and efficient level -- it is blindingly obvious to me that our deep state ousted him before he could do any of this. The same powers that be did similar soft coup to Liz Truss
Not supposed to be raining g today but it is
Germanic National Socialism.
britain healing under starmer
He has untrustworthy physiognomy
o fortuna
He has untrustworthy physiognomy
Right it's far too bloody cold
When's it summer again ?
feeling randomly happy and at peace for some reason. Wish you all a wonderful day.
feeling randomly happy and at peace for some reason. Wish you all a wonderful day.
Are you a cute leftist femboy or not mate?
noncing is probably the first thing they check for mate
Corrrrr lady on the porn site is just like my therapist, gonna have mad wanks to this one for sure
CivilServicepol discord coordinating against DomCum white hats ...
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Not a helpful way to think about your therapist
Tony Blair still has immense power and influence in this country and is arguably the most powerful former PM in British history.
I remember when Miriam Cates said as much, even down to Blairite infiltration of the Tory Party and how it was extremely difficult to repeal any piece of Blair era legislation, and she was widely mocked by normies who simply could not grasp that a former PM could have any degree of power after leaving office.
you have a nice day too
Are you for or against raising the age of consent in the UK to 18
someone using a pneumatic drill at 12pm

not happy
whyd you pretend to be someone else for a minute lol
Yeah instant you pour hot water in and that's it. Far less bent
La France est passée d'une nation homogène, disciplinée et décente qui dirigeait autrefois un huitième du globe à un égout fétide à ciel ouvert rempli de racailles morbidement obèses, analphabètes, tatoués, de djihadistes primitifs et neurologiquement divers, de pervers sexuels, de pickpockets des Balkans, de personnes aux cheveux roses. des étudiants militants avec le QI d'un réfrigérateur-congélateur Electrolux mal entretenu, des libéraux de la classe moyenne mitigeurs, stupides, autoflagellants, qui boivent du Actimel, des barons de la drogue des déserts poussiéreux et arides de ce qu'on appelait autrefois le Turkestan, des hommes-femmes étranges et troublés et des femmes-hommes, et des hordes agitées du Maghreb et du Levant qui ont fui la terreur et la répression sur leurs propres terres et souhaitent maintenant s'y établir tous deux, inshallah.
our road whatsapp group is not happy about the nigerian who moved in and is shouting in the street at all hours. would get arrested for asking him to keep the noise down though
Because I'm literally not that faggot lol
So where did Sunak fit into his master plan?
If course it was their own fucking fault, they swarmed into the stadium like animals. My dad was in it and was one of the lucky ones pulled up into the stands above before he was crushed. When he tells the story, even in his version of it in his own words, it just sounds stupid.
>it was 'their' fault, they didn't regulate or control how we entered
What? Huh? Were you not naturally filtered by having to have your tickets seen to one at a time, or is there perhaps something you're not admitting regarding that detail? Even besides this, why do you need to be told not to absolutely swarm the entry passages until you're packed like sardines, and how do you expect any authority to prevent this once you're doing it?
>Miriam Cates
She has good physiognomy.
Better than midnight
y u are
against (it should be higher)
Can't get my head around children-havers at all
How do they find time to do gaming or wanking or britposting?
Tend to that with them in the room
>>Can't get my head around children-havers at all. How do they find time to do gaming or wanking or britposting?
>Tend to that with them in the room
I've never understood the age of consent law in this country to begin with. The age of consent is sixteen? Somehow I think if someone had sex with a sixteen year old they would be jailed (or scolded if they were a woman).

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