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Big Gulps edition
poo smells LOL
I go away on teams constantly because I work on 2 different devices, so toilberg just thinks I'm working on the other
do you lot brb for a piss? regularly get called when im on piss
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so what did he mean by that
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Can't imagine having this saved on my HD let alone coming here to try and discuss it. Grow up
you're not supposed to point out the logical fallacies in religion lad, it's not polite
alri deegz
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Going to do this
It’s not illegal
Nothing has been stolen

They’ll never know it’s me
>get on tube
>just me and an EXCEPTIONALLY red Northerner in the carriage
>is overweight, bald, has a star tattoo on his calf exposed by his olive underarmour shin-length shorts and a blue earing
>tube is waiting for 5 minutes for a driver change as is clearly signposted on the platform
>Northener keeps muttering quietly - clearly audibly, not under his breath - things like "Why arent we moving?" and "Whats the bloody holdup?" and "Whats the matter?" while raising his eyebrows up and down and looking at his feet
>train finally sets off at exactly the time the live noticeboard says it will
>Northener says "Finally, what a joke" and stamps his feet on the floor
why do they do this?
do they think the train can hear them?
and the latest from mousenonce?
Ricky Gervais destroyed god freaks with facts and logic
I beg your pardon?
The British high street cries out for more vape shops, chicken shops, and mobile repair shops.
lol a christmong telling other people to grow up why don't you grow up and realise that jesus wasn't real and the bible is a work of fiction
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nth for levchenko

love the Lord God with all your heart, chud. you seethe alone in a pool of hate at your own destruction. take on the burden of Christ, inherent the Kingdom of God and spit in the face of the world, ugly runt
leave it on reddit next time
aisha's very existence enrages me
maybe I'm a virgin freak
>claims to be a catholic
>claims to be a marxist
>holds a myriad of other edgy, contrarian beliefs
>is an arrogant university student
>reads pseudo-intellectual drivel
>goes to clubs on a regular basis
>probably does drugs and consumes alcohol on a regular basis
>probably gets ploughed by benders and pakis on a regular basis
>wears revealing clothing despite having no tits, no ass, and terrible skin tone/quality
>disappoints her loving parents
>occasionally drops breadcrumbs for desperate /brit/ virgins so they worship her
she is a repugnant and vile human being
Isnt it just rich people who arent going to get the money
I have zero sympathy for current pensioners. They lived in the easiest financial times of human history and yet they still somehow managed to fuck things up and run out of money.
back on that piss grind he's freezing it now
Anyone know what Roland Tubey's been up to?
i've got a poo in my pants
she's vile, that's why /brit/ virgins think they would have a chance
back to the tedious religion debates is it? time to find something else to do
whose is it
Don’t encourage him
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dislike that mong
dont forget turkish barbers
Anyone got that pic of the paki vape/mobile shop in an old tudor building?
no they didn’t
boomers in the north and half of scotland were left unemployed after thatcher
Is that a pile of cocaine for zelensky?
she's dashamaxxing
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nth for the gyaldem
>god of israel
haha yeah anyway Jesus is the way, the truth and the life
Current plan today is to mongulate and then slugulate after tea
i've been semi-frequently browsing /brit/ for 11 years and still have no clue who aisha is, no clue who mousenonce is, no clue who diego is etc etc
Should have pulled themselves up by their bootstraps and found another job then.
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catholic is arguably an ethnic identity of sorts. In modern western discourse it’s an attempt to identify with a “victimized” group in historically protestant countries
Tradcaths are larpers different from this
And then every slut in uni identifies as Marxist
wasn’t that easy was it when half the town was employed by the steel mill or mine
you’ve no clue
Haven't been here for past couple of threads. Any update on the AIDS lad?
reposting random posts from old brit threads and theyre all getting lots of rplies. maybe brit is crying out for that classic vibe
Maybe dont hold the country to ransom and bring down an elected government just because youve got a powerful union in a dying industry
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>catholic is arguably an ethnic identity of sorts
aisha is a believer
kier stalin doing exactly as i expected
enacting draconian laws and budged cuts then blaming it all on the tories
If there are absolutely zero job opportunities where you live (debatable), then you leave for somewhere else with more opportunities. If you just decide to wallow in your own self-pity then that's your own fault.
me? easy. yesterday I posted two classic /brit/ gimmicks from a few years ago and received 14 (you)s
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tfw no fenian gf
heh thats me except im not bald and hate tattoos
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Stupid twat
the trick is to ask a completely mundane question and end it with "then lads?". e.g. What's your favourite pringles flavour then lads?

Works a treat.
didn’t do that though did i
wasn’t born then you mug
Sometimes I make up shit for (You)s
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Have to say this seems true for NuBritain. Most times I see emergency services out and about they aren't really emergency servicing; they seem to mostly be corralling low quality retards.
laying eyes upon this image made me remember that i'm a 27 year old virgin whose never kissed a girl before
cheers lad
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nevermind you useless cunts i found it myself
you seemed kinda cool, but I found your 4chan post history and you're kinda a super mega racist and that's a no bueno from me my man
Think you just encountered Barry, 63
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>make up post
>"just not true this is it"
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miss her lads x
That was a generic "you", not a personal "you". You (personal) have terrible reading comprehension.
ah yes just abandon your family, friends, home. uproot your entire life to find toil opportunities. and now they are too old to toil fuck them for serving their country and living too long.
Cope on mate
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wait, you mean that people simply lie on /brit/? how can i believe anything that's posted here anymore?
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mad to think I'm a mild mannered, normal person outside of /brit/ who would lose his job, gf and friends if they ever found out about some of the things I post here. Bet it's the same for the majority of you lads as well
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massive rabbit
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hope the cute girl sat behind me is witnessing all these zinger /brit/posts I'm making from my phone on the train
don't want to work
don't want to be unemployed anymore
no clue what to do with myself
>job, gf and friends
heh couldnt be me
Plenty of people have done this throughout human history. If your current settlement is not adequate enough to support your desired lifestyle, you migrate.
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honestly i probably say far more politically incorrect stuff around my close friends irl than i do on /brit/
its going to be shit isnt it
should i post my name, address, date of birth, national insurance number and bank details just for a laugh?
paki freak
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this is a man... isnt it...
want to get paid enough to live comfortably while doing absolutely fuck all me
mens toilet at toil had graffiti everywhere in there for years, usual tame stuff of football teams and fuck the tories etc. I was in there having a poo once, bored, so I added some of my own comments reflecting some of the less savoury aspects of our modern multicultural society. Next time I went the cubicle had been painted lol
with other members of your tribe, yes
yeah go on then

don’t forget your mum’s maiden name and the street you grew up on
if you are with natwest i advise against. 30 minutes of ear bleeding hold music for me to get through the fraud prevention team and get me account unlocked.
oh god, you reminded me of when i worked customer service for TSB
the sheer idiocy of old cunts falling for obvious scams would insane. i'd have at least 5 a day
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no, she's a queen of /brit/
do you think the contemporary tranny situation will simply collapse all by itself because of how poorly grounded in reality it is?
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i've wasted most of my 20s chasing temporary fleeting dopamine rushes with nothing to show for it hahahahaahahaha
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what's this oxford study thing about asian's liking white boys?
the tranny movement will collapse in the same way their neovaginas will
need to call mechanicowitz and get the motor seen to
At least 10 of these in literally every town centre
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>Man who admitted rape and murder of woman he stabbed 60 times should be freed, Parole Board says
so not with a bang but a whimper
bloke on Dickinson's real deal begging for an extra fiver so he can rescue a dog
love/hate how "neovagina" is an actual word recognised by google
like it dosen't even put a squiggly red line under it. yet the bri'ish way of spelling "recognise" warrants a squiggly red line
fucking daft
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given how depressing he seemed to find the 1920s
what do you think his take on the 2020s would be?
looks like a MtF here
anyone got that image of fat kier starmer farting with a clothes peg on his nose? need a good laugh
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*slowly turns around while waggling finger*
dere's just one more thing dat doesn't make sense ta me...
our technology is designed and owned by californian liberals what do you expect
Genuinely don’t get why they just keep going with the proofs in my discrete maths course in uni, often times it feels intuitively true halfway through if you just imagine it in your head for a second
yes it's indeed very brave of Corbyn to embrace who he truly is
got a pimple inside my ear lads
Would be interested to hear how similar a group identity and cultural experience lads from kenya and a guys from st louis have. Compared to say lads from York and Brisbane
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Cockmogs me!
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crofty got married lads, thoughts on the slag wife?
mad that the west let the young turks and turkish nationalists get away with so much shite during and after WW1
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FtM troons all walking around with canes because hormones and breast binders have crippled them but we're supposed to celebrate this and teach it to young girls as a valid life choice.
So glad you started posting this again after your extended hiatus
Sick of my colleagues tampering with my spreadsheets. Might have to password protect them before I explode
Ib'expecting you
ancestral urge to stab then scran this thing
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Whitest and Blackest men to ever live
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It's actually very easy to remove password protection on spreadsheets
both fraudster criminals
why is there literally just one picture of george floyd
That cop looks like Ivan from The Machinist
Ironically the white one was shot to death by police
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the conservative oxbridge cryptofash gf
this bloke has such a pathetic existence
dont think its an ibex
gemsbokxpecting you
get up, throw a donkey off a tower block, sit in a plastic chair by the side of the road, go to bed
how do youngsters date and have sex these days?
apparently dating apps are dead, and also youngsters shun drinking and nightlife culture in record numbers (which i can confirm by basically never seeing any young people if im out drinking)
that's a fucking bug mate
more like china
simply put, they don't
zoomers are moving away from intimate relationships at an alarming rate
must I really explain the whole hypergamy 80/20 chad stacy incel etc phenomenon again
>how do youngsters date and have sex these days?
Nonce alarm going haywire
I lost my virginity behind a bowling club. I asked her to tell me when I went too far but she just let me go as far as I wanted.
He a good kid
she's better looking than anyone you'll ever sleep with
most oxbridge students these days are chinese
I'm 24 and have never shagged, far from the only one in this position
if you don't use apps or aren't successful on them then you're options are meeting a girl at uni or at toil, if you miss that boat that's it
i came of age in the mid 2010s
back then £40 could support an entire 10 hour drinking sesh that ended at 4AM in the nightclub
the town was bouncing with people my age absolutely fucked, nightclubs had lines to get in
now it's all just completely, utterly dead
might get stoned and watch random clips from Top Gear for a couple hours
>IT'S MY JOB to shove a camera in your face, I NEED the money
>born into a posh family who owned an oil business
Cor I might do that too
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so far today, there has been 27 /brit/ threads and 19 /deutsch/ threads.
toil's hardly an option for meeting a girl, most of them are already in relationships
already corrected myself here mate >>202023508
this board is killing my last remaining brain cells I swear
listens to Grimes and knows who Steve Sailer is. probably listens to Red Scare podcast and ironically likes Alex Jones
listens to Grimes and knows who Steve Sailer is. probably listens to Red Scare podcast and ironically likes Alex Jones
>born into a posh family who owned an oil business
Whats this got to do with anything?
heard you the first time
listens to Grimes and knows who Steve Sailer is. probably listens to Red Scare podcast and ironically likes Alex Jones
anabolic steroids whispering to me like a cartoon devil on my shoulder
it means he's not as skint as he lets on
amazing that alan bennet is still standing
yeah true, some people who work in dead end retail toil might meet younger girls that are single
least disingenuous leftist
Maybe hes got 10 brothers and sisters and won't be inheriting anything.
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>wife has a tumour
wahey back to the single life lads
might download tinder
Maybe hes got 10 brothers and sisters and won't be inheriting anything.
still laughing about that yank actress who came to belfast for a convention and on day one of it, some fella walked up to her and asked to suck on her titties lmao
reckon the religious police will behead me
Shittest thread on the whole site.
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You have to make known your desires
There's always a chance
this is my dream. I've been eyeing her single fitness instructor pal. Or maybe her sister, she'll need comforting and ill be that shoulder she cries on.
Never heard a Grimes song in my life, only even know her name because she was with Elon Musk.
name one thread better
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you've lost your aura
fuck off there then
you've lost your aura
used to be a cheeky Chinese fella that posted here so I started spamming Winnie the pooh and tiananmen square links and he quickly disappeared and hasn't posted since lmao
>women when they see an ant in the shower
Eww a bug

>men when they see an ant in the shower
Hello mate, hop onto my my finger and we'll get you somewhere safer
incels lost
Every single one of them is a nonce and so are you.
at my last job the only women were
>fat overweight middle aged married woman with kids #1
>fat overweight middle aged married woman with kids #2
>fat overweight middle aged married woman with kids #3
>incredibly fat and ugly 24 year old girl who already had a boyfriend
>semi attractive girl who was dumb as bricks, covered in tattoos, a known whore, and already had a boyfriend (or two)
>my manager who was, surprise surprise, a fat, overweight, middle aged woman who was married with kids

so it's impossible to meet women at work, impossible to meet them at bars, and impossible to meet them using dating apps
in conclusion: if you don't luck out and meet your partner in an academic setting you're 98% fucked unless you get exceptionally lucky
it's part of the reason i never get a straight answer when i ask for actual advice on meeting girls
Poley is a convicted sexual predator, she should be as far up that graph as you can go
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I unironically had sex with a woman once who when riding me called me a little insect. and just generally belittled me through the whole experience
please dont post gay porn videos i'm begging you
Learning a language, knowing the periodic table
Learning the latest /pol/ meme, knowing what each "pill" means
*shot of May looking irritated*
why do people think academic settings are good places to find gfs
what are you gonna do, walk up to her after the lecture and awkwardly try to strike up a conversation as she hurries for the door
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We can't possibly need that much intestine
Need to be more efficient
Sexual predator is a strong term. Taking pictures of people on the toilet is bad, but is it really the same as someone who rapes someone?
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Ok incel
how can one distinguish a good suit from a bad one?
People with blue eyes in vastly brown-eyed majority countries (Italy, Spain, South American countries, Middle Eastern countries) are destined for great power. Nothing special if you're blue eyed in a country where that's common, like Britain or France. But a blue-eyed Persian usually ends up leading a huge institution
And I bet you fucking loved it you little worm
myra hindley cum tribute
myra hindley cum tribute
She has one fantastic song (from like 10years ago) and loads of average ones
nice and plump x
>called me a little insect

Well it depends what's in the rest of your hand and what's been dealt so far
are the pockets actual pockets and not just flaps? Are the cuff buttons actual functioning buttons and not just sewn on for decoration?
no but people meet up and go to events etc in uni all the time, you're always meeting new people if you want and it isn't weird
only cowardice and being caught stopped her from going further
I was a terrible ride so she wanted nothing to do with me after but I still wank to it.
He confessed to molesting kids during his time at the amusement park
i'm an incel because i was a revolting cunt during the years of my life meeting a girl would've actually been possible. i only got my shit together at 24 at which point it was too late.
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>what are you gonna do, walk up to her after the lecture and awkwardly try to strike up a conversation as she hurries for the door
I once met a girl by asking whether she had a pencil, it's not rocket science
material and fit are the two key things. massive difference between going and getting a tailored wool suit to buying a polyester one in primark
You're all stressing me the fuck out
kek mine arent real pockets or buttons plus i look like a deano off to the races but without any deanomuscle
Guys in their 20s be like aaaah I'm so old lol
this is true.
With my eye-brain system primarily
Ktim except Im 38
Isn't it time for your nap grandad?
33 me and haven't even peaked yet
know a lad who got fired from a previous job for browsing /pol/ on his work laptop
lots of social events at unis. the good ones have formal dinners, may balls, etc.
27 is old
im nearly 30 therefore old
it's simply too late, i can pray that my next life is better and that's it
>all the work in toil has been unfairly piled on me again
it not fair
sigmay balls
Alright Jesus
Expecting a phone call so now I can’t do anything other than nervously wait for it to ring whilst trying to remember how to have a phone conversation
im sad. and unhappy
I've been dreaming about it too, it's a shock to see it become reality
alri boringcompulsiveliarlad
if it doesn't embed, i'm not watching it
bloody well deserved it
/pol/tards are sub humans
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I was sacked from Halfords for not building a spaz child's bike probably because I assumed an accident might improve their condition.
cant be arsed going to uni in person because its an hour and a half away and its simply not worht going unless theres a mandatory class
screaming at the bloke who gets his beer spilled on him three times
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why would i bother lying on a dogshit general on an anonymous anime website
remember in uni offering to let a bird slap me but only if i could slap her back. she agreed and slapped me and i had an epiphany in that moment and realised that i liked it. she went "ewwww" when I told her lol

she slapped me 3 times in the month after this incident though, so i dont think it was as "ewww" as she pretended it was.
you're going to have to elaborate on this
remember in uni offering to let a bird slap me but only if i could slap her back. she agreed and slapped me and i had an epiphany in that moment and realised that i liked it. she went "ewwww" when I told her lol

she slapped me 3 times in the month after this incident though, so i dont think it was as "ewww" as she pretended it was.
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>Young man dies after being hit by car
i always make up random bollocks to say on here
lol wtf why do you live so far away from your uni?
i've only ever had central accommodation, can't imagine how badly living far away must impact social life
I'm 30 and reckon I'll never get married at this point but that's alright
heard you the first time
heard you the first time
Do you think normies would see any nuance between using /pol/ or any other 4chan board, like /int/? You'd be just as disgusting as him in their eyes, and would be fired as well for posting on /brit/
dont bulleh meh
>Hur dur brit is dogshit
>Constantly posts in it
I think anons right you seem like a liar
and i heard you the last time *shoots you*
theres only 2 good unis in my state which are right next to each other and australia is a massive shithole urban sprawl
i have no social life at uni kekkers just old friends
brits dont know how good they have it being forced into dorms
>nd would be fired as well for posting on /brit/
yeah which is exactly why i don't browse 4chan when i'm at work like some utter freak
Mental how
>nd would be fired as well for posting on /brit/
yeah which is exactly why i don't browse 4chan when i'm at work like some utter freak
car booked in for next Tuesday. dont yet have a start date for new toil but had hoped to spend the week doing stuff and going places then start toil next week. there is always some shitting hassle
leave it mate
the fuck why did this post twice
heard you the first time
Anyone hear an echo?
>next life
oh god please no more
had an MOT booked for this week and their MOT guy had a heart attack so I've had to rearrange
there an echo in here
thanks moot
mad how high quality everything in Japan is
People who have lived a full life do not fear death
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> being forced into dorms
we aren't and that's only for the first year
bloody hell thats bad luck. for him and you. would think they would get someone else to sort his workload in his absence. could take the fella a while to get back on his feet
bloody hell thats bad luck. for him and you. would think they would get someone else to sort his workload in his absence. could take the fella a while to get back on his feet
Just seen an extremely low-quality post
Isnt suzuki Japanese?
sunberg has made a surprise appearance
bizarre how yanks at college share a bedroom lool
oh for real? hows acom there work exactly
bloody hell thats bad luck. for him and you. would think they would get someone else to sort his workload in his absence. could take the fella a while to get back on his feet

Dont like this. Not one bit
fucking sick of seeing "if only you knew how bad things really are" plastered over what would otherwise be a perfectly good picture
might pop back in later on then
fucking sick of seeing "if only you knew how bad things really are" plastered over what would otherwise be a perfectly good picture
Tired of pretending you're in Spain already?
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maybe bur can't drive me
most first years live in halls to meet people (lived in an 11 person flat me in a building with 8 flats) then the rest of uni you get a house with a few mates
can artists on twitter stop retweeting pictures of dead palesitinian babies
you can apply for halls in your first yeah and you'll get your own room if you apply in time (they usually don't have room for everyone)
then you make friends and view flats to live in next year and pay a deposit on it, when next year rolls around you live in a shared house/flat with your mates
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why are you using twitter?
>>202024426 #
why are you using twitter?
i can do what i want
>girl I want to shag posts it on her insta story
fucking sick of it post your bum not this
leftover quiche and salad for lunch toil
Twitter has been dead for years you have to let it go
little monkey fella
Ah yes very good
fuck off
its popping off
It's X now though

I don't britpost on my work computer lmao

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