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Chinese futurism edition
Reckon Jeff is paid for by the CCP with the amount of pro-China shite he posts lmfao
janny quick on the draw today
mousey melty coming in hot
Will this place exist in 1000 years i wonder
>pretends to be mousenonce for attention
Great work Spaedo
You really are a font of creativity
Must really get you proper horny when everyone in the thread is telling you to fuck off die and that they hate you
Bet you're mashing your tiny cock with your big fat retarded hands at all the (You)s
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I'm not going to post the gimmicks I'm expected to post anymore.
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just scheduling my starbucks breakfast order with deliveroo then it's off to bed for me night lads
fuck off 190
Just ignore it, it must learn that Toby Tantrums are not allowed
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Might move to China.
humanity is done for in the next 100
Why's that?
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An incredibly good post
Maybe one of the best on /brit/ this year
Done that freak
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>Come join us, Anon!
>Bet you're mashing your tiny cock with your big fat retarded hands at all the (You)s
I don't have a tiny cock lad, but this post did make me a bit insecure :/
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Our Toby, who art in Glasgow,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy dragons come,
Thy Runescape quests be done,
On Earth as it is in Disneyland.

Give us this day our microwaved piss,
And forgive us our meltdowns,
As we forgive those who slay us in PvP.
Lead us no into laggy fights,
But deliver us from scammers.

For thine is the kingdom,
The nettles, and the Peters,
Forever and ever.
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stellar post
looks fun
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having a bit of cake
the time? 4:52am
Eating dindins
Survived another haircut today. Fuck me this is getting harder and harder.
cold 1664
chippies in the airfryer
doing the meatball thing with moosey
god that must smell absolutely rancid
Doesn't matter what size it is you'll never get to use it
i don't get it
alri autismlad
rorkes nan dying
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Yo, it’s Toby Mouse, sneakin’ through the house,
Quick on my feet, quiet as a mouse.
Dodgin’ all the traps, no cheese I lack,
I’m the king of the kitchen, never lookin’ back.
lets give him privacy
I smell a Toby Tantrum a-brewing
Sick of people pretending Nicola wasn't fit
someone should do a wojak version of this like those fat girl shagging pics
someone should revoke your posting privileges
oh ok
Yeah we get it you'll be spamming shit impersonating him to garner replies because this thread is your entire life and it's the only attention anyone ever gives you please just seek professional help or kill yourself spare us the extended meltdown
why you up so early
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cant even use brit these days because its just people complaining about personalities. a full blown discord server vibe throughout the thread
You know what go ahead and post on your trip again I promise I won't bully you anymore I'm sorry I hurt you so badly by taking the only semblance of normalcy you had away from you
looool where's the Vision Pro 2 then!!!
up late
im a gay poo incel, you see
mad how napoleon supposedly conquered a load of stuff but i dont know a thing about him and cant really see any long term effects from it.... very curious
all ive eaten in the last 48hrs are muffins, cookies and pretzels
ive only left the sofa three times to wee, get alcohol or get more muffins
Right lads I'm off to watch the TV with the Mrs for a bit, try not to miss me too much x
The effort of being normal makes me sweat profusely, plus I have to look at my own obvious fake smile in the mirror when they talk and make jokes. What chance have I got?
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open the fucking pubs
he invented the napoleon complex
right well my knobs just fallen off and got flushed down the loo then hasn't it
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any cute badgers in?
april - 1805
napoleon is master of europe
only the british fleet stands before him
oceans are now battlefields
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>aussie power hour at 5am on a tuesday
yeah i call shenanigans
done him
Need this tattooed on my back
We hates him
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Close them all.
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god works in mestyroius ways n that
Yet here you are, using /brit/ anyway
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the badger
invades prussia, causes all the german states to unite, ww1 then ww2 happen
Cats can have a little slommy
Animals of Farthing Wood
reminds me of the harry potter ps2 games
You upset /britfeel/ with this one
whoa whoa whoa
mestyroius girl
God shitposting on his Australian VPN
the people on the show said they do eat it after checking it for drugs and shit
Doing another cumfart on the toilet
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no proof any of this happened though
Kek you've done him.

Nah love China me.
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based badger
GEEEEEEEEEEEEEE NNNNEEENENENENE MMMMMMMMM Ehhhhhehehhe poo willy arrseeeeeeesssss gayy poo poo!!! wee bum farts BOGEYS BOGEY BOGEY
yeah I keep coming back knowing it's still going to be shite
love these pig creatures
Is this meant to replicate Peter Gabriel's Australian accent
Honestly i'm thinking this is GOTY so far.
twirling my ethernet cable through my finger like a cute 90s woman twirling a phone cable as i read your posts :3
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me sleeping while mousey tries to steal my delicious cheeses :3
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twirling my cock about as I read this post
/sp/ 'eritage
right i'm away to bed
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Feels colder now.
oh, racismlad! you know you cant say that
*Covers you with my trench coat*
Come on Johnny, you've got to make it
good gimmique
Tottenham away.
Love it.
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did you lads have this exact landline growing up? seems like a ubiquitous british thing to have had this exact model of phone in one's house 90s/00s
need a night shift security guard job where i sit at some cameras for most of the evening and every hour or so i walk around the corridors with a torch and rolling my truncheon along the wall
just bought new brake discs and pads. hope i got the right size lol
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Stupid gay yanks ruining /brit/
Wow, the standard household model for the period, provided by the telecom monopoly?
Football used to be about local lads representing their area through the sport. Now it's about billionaire clubs owned by foreign investors importing mainly Africans and others that are paid hundreds of thousands every week to promote whatever message the powers that be want to push (eg. gay rights, black rights). Worst of all this, the footie mongs keep watching and supporting this through season tickets which costs thousands of pounds every year, because they can't live without it (despite how ridiculous it is now). Footie mongs are the worst. They are the most brainwashed sheep in this country. At least religious people worship something divine. Footie mongs idolise people kicking a ball around and justify footballer's insane wages for doing so. They are scum and represent everything wrong with modern society.
this does not bode well for me tomaters
so true x
nasty little weasel you are
You're not white if you willingly like umami flavours. Sorry
bit rude
We had a rotary dial phone until 2003 lol
Don't get trap or tranny porn at all
Was just saying this down the local gay twat club
goodbye to the people who hated on me
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>love weed
>too much of a sperg to get a dealer
what do i do?

proper feel good song yh...
you grow up in fucking broome or something lad?
Agree with everything you’re saying but I’ll still out the EPL on every weekend cause its a laugh to watch with the lads init
those are based and tradpilled though
my grandparents had the coolest rotary phone ever with a separate earpeice and microphone bit that your held with both hands
used it till they died in like 2010
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Smoke a pipe and stop indulging in that negro drug
Crypto and mail order
been a shut in for a while now and I've basically forgot that I had any social anxiety and act kind of normal now, too bad I'm too brain rotten and depressed to actually go out and live life
go back and watch football from 1966 and see how shite it was. the level of skill we see today is because of all the money that's invested
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it's menthol illness luv x
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One of the most painful feelings is that of losing your purpose. Not being wanted or needed. Being replaced by another. The chronic feeling of inadequacy. The knowledge you're faulty and inferior. Unreliable.
Oh, yes, very droll... Whatever next, you've had sex with my mother? Predictable ape.
These jobs don't actually exist in real life, they are mere plot devices. Like stripper and housewife
Detroit barely lasted a few decades lmao.
Piss off.
gay nigger twit
>literally had hours long melties today
Spainnonce is an expert of projection
get it on
you know what I'm talking about
skill is unreal in today's game
would be a better watch if teams stopped passing it around for ten minutes in their own half
sometimes see the night shift security guard when I go into the office early. looks like the easiest job in the world, sat behind a desk with the doors locked just going and making a brew every once in a while to stretch his legs
Back on the banana peels it is then
I'll just bite the bullet and buy some bitcoin. The last time I tried it was using a credit card then paying through a broker that converted into crypto and charged a fee, then my browser blocked the page and called it a scam
beast of an album, they dropped 2 albums after but none of them clicked for me
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hovis changed the game with this loaf.
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Ungrateful ape
deadlock is a fun game i like it
he is going to ban evade now to continue posting "get the niggers housed" over and over again never getting any replies

reply to my post disregarded without reading ty
Love post-hardcore me
been there before
literally no one likes seeds in their bread, it's a cheap gimmick designed to get more fibre in your diet yet its ultra processed trash and will make you sick and give you cavities

you're not a bird
uh oh mousefreak needs attention >.<
Based mousey smiting the demon that is Spainnonce
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>Oh, yes, very droll... Whatever next, you've had sex with my mother? Predictable ape.
hate seedy bread
vile muck so it is
for me it's thick sliced tiger bread
Autistic incel simply can't help it
He had the mousenonce impersonation meltdown scheduled in his calendar and just has to post all of his "creative writing"
Seriously man just act normal for once and maybe we won't tell you to fuck off and die every day
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rorke and his mate
I have this in right now and it's honestly grim
forcing it down
yeah my nan to this day still answers the phone by saying
>hello, eight six one, nine zero five
Because they just assume you know the area code but dont have a screen to know if you misdialled, even though she has an iphone that my cousins got her for facetime
Would love to see mousey fly into a schizo autist rage and plunge his crusty thumbs into Spainnonce's eye sockets
ummm, you can't post that
listening to this and thinking about how gay and shit my life is

>food processed in a factory :/
>food processed at home :O
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Sucking a vape
Say nigger once and you get an instant ban.
They can spam blacked porn the entire day and the fat cunt does nothing.
what are you doing in australia
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I blow everyone's minds when I tell them I don't bother to heat the beans when I have beans on toast. No point.
Not him, I'm the gayboy on his hols.
Had a great hookup earlier with a guy in his 30s, good fuck, left me with a bruised nipple
it's alright lad, nobody said you have to stop enjoying seedy bread, just that I (and apparently a few others) don't like it so much
You literally type the exact same way as Spainnonce.
Spainpaedo and his gay fantasies
fuck off 190 you evil ghoul
just thought we'd all be on the same page here yknow
4chan.org,4chan.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(Spainlad))
4chan.org,4chan.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(Spaino))
4chan.org,4chan.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(Employed Woman))
4chan.org,4chan.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(Spaindog))
4chan.org,4chan.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(Spainmonster))
4chan.org,4chan.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(SpainGOD))
ever get poo on your cock?
*does a massive yawn in your face with my unbrushed morning breath*
Do I?

It was

Nah this happened, still got the post-sex glow and confidence boost ngl
Finally came out then Diego
I got him really horny with my bullying I guess
God I fucking hate him so much
Ultimate filter. Warburtons or nothing in my house.
Big fan of cold stuff from cans me but kidney beans have a chemical in them that can cause poisoning if you don't cook them thoroughly, so you're relying on Mr Heinz having done his job
doing a pre emptive imagination wank so i dont look at nudie images
rubbing my clit
gf hasnt text me all day
Yeah, had to immediately shower.
I bottom more than I top though, always make sure my arse is clean sk I don't give guys poopcock
shes cheating on you
hot and bothered even
mate, have you been putting kidney beans on your toast?
all the mentalists on here this evening is it
im off
sick of this shite
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>zoomers are killing the ecig industry
He was right but you can't beat normies by being a smug bender.
i love those little sausages that come with beans but only when they are cold.
all the same poster
Death to Spaino!
dipping my toast in a cold can of lentils
no they aren't, be quiet
what do they use now then
proper fags?
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Based lad
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Are zoomers even in highschool? The oldest zoomers are turning 28 ffs

t. zoomed
screaming out me arse
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Two Tier Kier is assuming direct control
See you in the next thread
mad how I've spent my entire 20s on 4chan
fuck off
>Belgian cuck poster disappears after constant spam
>new Austrian speaking perfect image suddenly appears
what do you think "baked" means?
Post more
>speaking perfect image
what did he mean by this?
I've been here since I was 13
sorry mate ive been keeping her busy >;^D
It's all so tiresome. He is so severely mentally ill
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Imageland for the Imagish
i block all non-UK flags
Adhdberg got me on the ropes
>speaking perfect image
Why don’t milfs like younger men? I’ve been trying to fuck older birds and they want nothing to do with me
Got the porn on.
Ok, I'll bite. Who's "Spaino"?
Yeah is that right Adam? Been here since you were 13. Stfu you fucking mong
>austrian speaking perfect image
...gay porn?
What type lad?
you might even say it's mental how badly I mindraped him
hopefully proper ciggies are making a comeback
prefer not to say
Zoomers are born 1996-2012, so the oldest are 28 and the youngest are 12. Plenty of them in high school.
VPN hopping nonce
Hey, wait a second
>4chan.org,4chan.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(Spainlad))
>4chan.org,4chan.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(Spaino))
>4chan.org,4chan.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(Employed Woman))
>4chan.org,4chan.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(Spaindog))
>4chan.org,4chan.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(Spainmonster))
>4chan.org,4chan.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(SpainGOD))
where does this go?
do homosexuals feel sexual pleasure or shame when pooing?
They're embarrased to get their saggy fried egg tits and wrinkly roast beef flaps out
Who the fuck is adam?
*hollyoaks guitar riff plays*
Can someone edit this with lisicki
Get it on.
You know what you should be getting on.
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>spaino posting on multiple jf vpns
You are.
what do you feel
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# Filter out BBC posters and other degenerates
type:comment;/(?:foy|blacked|timmy|poo smells)/i

# Filters out all namefags

# Filters out the annoying namefags

# Mass Replies
Man how that guy died in a skiing accident because he wants wearing a helmet
Also I have that fragrance
living in the moment

trying my best

having a go
*pulls out 'The History of /brit/, Vol. 1'*
I feel like I'm pooing? It's not pleasurable or shameful
If anal sex feels like you're doing a poo something has gone very wrong
because you're a repulsive smelly incel neek
not done the dance yet
yeah boss yous got him good didn'ts ya?
text to speeching my gay porn fantasies on the train
The austrian is very suspect, think it's spaino trying to call me him
its literally the same thing as pooing but wiht a willy
staring intensely at the womenfolk on the train so as to not make them uncomfortable I hope
rorke doing the gay porn dance to get some gay porn onlyfans subscriptions to magically appear in his account
i'll take that answer as suppressed shame. thankfully gay death will see you off quite soon
Until further notice all non-Anglo JFs shall be referred to as ‘Spaino’
Adam in his smeggy childhood bedroom in Chester typing out his disgusting gay porn fantasies.
using chatgpt to suggest me some cool new games to play. It's suggesting RDR2 and Witcher 3, but I've already played those.
Just use coomer.su

Nah it's not at all
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got badly mindraped
I got gay death aged about 18 kek, just bulked up instead, bear life is good
If they're immediately willing you'll know. Women lose interest as they get older.
Literally anyone who calls him spaino is Adam. His name is spainnonce
well it is
ublock origin > cog icon > my filters
wheres 190
I'm on 4chan x
If you're at the point in life where you're asking AI to recommend games, it's time to re-evaluate.
VERY good choon x
Further notice: all non-Anglos JFs shall be referred to a Spaedo or spainonce from now on
Then use something like >>202038528
Haven't seen 190kg in months
noncing nieces
then use the filter function you fucking imbecile
We all are x
He's watching TV with his Mrs
I got a pod vape and it's tearing up my throat, what's wrong with this shit.
pensioners seething across comment sections around the internet

you love to see it
yeah im on it too x
Still waiting on that timestamp Adam. And not on your smeggy bedroom floor this time
re-evaluate what?
Spaedo is a kinda funny name kek shall be using that cause its easier than spainnonce and i dont have to remember if its two ns or one
>Not even racist
I was asking in realation to the format
genuinely crying while wanking to jaybaesun

he has helped me out of so many depressing moods... I just love his chiseled hairless physique so much I could cry both visually and priapically
just the way it is
gnite lads an fuck niggers
used to be completely neutral towards benders but as i've aged and been exposed to more of the world, i've realised they're actually really fucking grim. extremely perverted and disgusting lifestyles for the most part.
definitely not a fan of them. hard to avoid them completely. but just keep your kids away from them at all costs lads.
I'm off to yumbo for shagging, bye
>look it up on coomed
>Femboy shite
Fuck off

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