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edizione piccolissima edition
Scenario: you get drugged and then raped by a man. This man runs away to another country afterwards and lives a life on an untraceable run. What do you do?
You have to remember that he is still, at the end of the day, just a severely mentally ill human being. He is not some supernatural spamming spirit that feeds on (You)s. There is a genuinely autistic disabled loser cunt retard that spams this thread — and God only knows where else — every day, all day, replying to himself like he’s playing dollhouse on 4chan. Sometimes, I think of a particularly hurtful way to get under his skin, so I post it to watch him squirm. It has obviously been working, as the public display of his mental illness has become more frequent and extreme as time goes on. It amuses me to toy with his mind like the fragile piece of hodgepodge “art” an idiot child might proudly give you, one that you will discard as soon as they forget about it. He is a vessel waiting to be filled with hatred, a masochistic subhuman, even lower than an animal. He is a worthless piece of refuse on a highway, something you can’t help but notice, try to avoid, and curse, while also hoping it is removed immediately. Since the authorities will not deal with him, I must grind him into dust when he least expects it, then move on like a speeding car. Of course, he will pretend to not be bothered by it, then cope with one of his other dissociated characters’ inane spam. To me, it means nothing. Remember, Adam, I am always here.
>Jennifer Lawrence legend Harvey Weinstein has been rushed to hospital from prison for emergency heart surgery
>There is a genuinely autistic disabled loser cunt retard that spams this thread
You're one of them.
boomers seething
He's gonna die
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the filts
Mental how one severely autistic man with a VPN has nearly ruined this general. Need all VPNs rangebanned
genuinely crying while wanking to jaybaesun

he has helped me out of so many depressing moods... I just love his chiseled hairless physique so much I could cry
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>Jennifer Lawrence legend
hopefully its a extra cold winter and all LOL
why is the greek paedo filtering anything?
mental how fit kylie is in this video

one of the first times in my life I realised I was a woman was watching this at like 5 years old

He's the janitor
I'm on 4chan x
Reckon this post proper set him off
Obese incel meltie in progress!
You still think the same way as you did when you was 5? Explains a lot
pud... needs... a pulling....
Who tf cares top yourself
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sacked tranny!
delicious salted pork
what would you do if you were black for one day?
In most ways I'm much more intelligent and mature, naturally.
Housing is fictitious wealth and stupid Britcattle need to realise their house increasing in value doesn't mean anything
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Proudly brought to you by HUBLOT
tranny on university challenge lads. wouldn't have happened on paxman's watch
yet another tedious post from the polack
What does FOSYEG mean
Crazy what getting raped by your uncle as a child does to a nigga
chimp out ik ook
huge melty on /cum/
Is Toby really still seething because Apple's Vision Pro flopped and so there won't be a second one? Fucking hell
whats a good game i can play lads
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Ah yes the Spanish flag disappears and sacked tranny shows up. How droll.
still giggling at this choice of words half an hour later
Shag white bears and ask them to raceplay me
cultural appropriation
first Dead Space
Diablo 2
For our strapping young English gentleman
somehow caught a stray (You) from his tirade
got top from your mum last night
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Explore your perks with Shell GO+
I am here, amazing you think everyone but you is one poster lmao
i didnt ask you
maybe you should filter /brit/ too
She wore a dildo on you?
Play sifu for kinoesque Kung Fu fighting
Thanks for the kiss I needed that
You NEED a release.
You NEED a vice.
spaino going absolutely mental tonight
the canadian must be losing his mind
Protein bar down the hatch
Galaxy S are number one phones
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Get the small boats ON our shores
Get the migrants IN our women
So he’s just spamming literal ads for attention now. Can’t be older than 16 surely
You are spaedo. Your refusal to post a timestamp effectively confirms it
dont have any vices
i am 100% focused
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she's so fit
of all the uses of racisms last thread that got jannied quickly why didnt he remove that one i wonder
A clue gained.
learning about trains (engineering)
Then utterly vanquish the accusation by posting an honest, simple outside pic+timestamp combo.
if you are into imageboards you are lesser neurotypical than an average person
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So we will press on with developing clear, compelling and consistent UK offers, tailored to their needs and our strengths, spanning trade, development, defence, cyber security, technology, climate change and environmental protection. Because we know that in the coming decades there will be economic shocks, and climate change will have its baleful effects, and countries will want technology, finance and access to markets to support their development.
could you please make me a filter for the words can, cans and canslad but only when psoted by an irish flag please mate
Love a protein bar but hate how masculine/macho their branding is, they're all called fucking AK47 or grenade or carb killer and shit
mad how this is your only original "gimmick" and it gets zero responses because it's not funny or interesting whatsoever
21 year old fiona apple was so fucking fit it's unbelievable. heroin chic is 10/10
cant understand a bloody thing youre trying to say
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Just got hired for my incel freak warehouse job. Said they would contact me in a day or two and then called me as I was driving home. So excited aha
genuinely terrible thread, i'm out of here
He's in his thirties
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Get the clappers posted
are you waiting for Nothing Phone (3)?
that's the British iPhone
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>20/74 posts made by a non-Anglo JFs aka spaedo
State of it
Got the K-pop on.
Did the incel switch his VPN to a different flag? Did he actually? Is his mother shouting at him from downstairs that his curry has gone cold?
no one cares about the nothing phone
no one buys them
no one uses them
Mental how eh
+1 to JF count
i don't post for (you)'s
who you are called a juicyfruit?
why did I wank to trannies again
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think i might be an npc lads
why do men make fun of leonardo dicaprio for fucking 25 year olds?

i get that women are bitter. are the guys just jealous?
how about we play a game where I take off my pants and you bounce your ass up and down on it?
Be the change
because it's weird mate
people don;t like weirdos
I’m sorry boris but you won’t be getting let of the draft to be a translator, it’s just not gonna happen
I'm such a fucking loser it's unreal.
but they are 100% British
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the cronem are slapping it raw aren't they
this brand new thing called virtue signalling that people do online to get praise and people have just now started doing it
kek this is me
Mental how one guy and an austrian are so mad about an imagined character
Mad how comfy the Yakuza games are.
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dunno why this guy thought it was impossible that a nostalgiabomb post would get a few (you)s
лицo этoгo aнoнa> >202039379 пpeдcтaвили?
Notice you went quiet now that someone brought up timestamps. Likely arranging another Tracy Eminesque abomination on his dirty bedroom floor again instead of just taking a photo out the window
literally nothing wrong with it
Just can't be fucking bothered
twenty years in the can...
He should be having children instead of just being a gigolo in his fifties
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i mean not really
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He's been fucking a teenager but even weirder is le Chilli Peppers man is fucking a 19 year old too and he's over 60. Creep.
Not a fucking peep
For what?
I can do a photo off the balcony just no pen for a timestamp so you cunts won't believe it anyway
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watching anime
get yourself in bed
get youtube on
get comfy
that is to say, ktim
the girlies are drinking olive oil to lose weight
Cute couple desu
Come join my fun thread where we speculate about the world in 50 years:
It's a bit pathetic that he's childless despite being so handsome
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a very small picture of prime Rachel Stevens

do with it what you will
>flirting with a girl in tinder
>she hits me with "I want you to push my shit in"
>now feel 0% attraction whatsoever

women are disgusting
OnePluses might be fine, but 6,82..
my phone has 6,4 and it's the maximal comfy size..
winter is kino in the uk especially when it's frosty and so cold you need to wrap up. walks outside are good then.

it's shit in the spring and autumn when it's just rainy, muddy and windy
feel like its sort of different hes always been an out and out creep dodgy druggie smackhead rockstar sex pest type, the perception of leo is that he has some standards for fitting into civilisation
sir pensioner freezer
You sit in your childhood incel bedroom all day spamming on 4chan but it's definitely not for attention LOL
RHCP mentioned.
Ah what a coincidence. No pens in the whole country of Spain?
Alri diego, another cracking homosexual post I must say
Spainfreak apparently went to no pen island for holiday
Will you organise my birthday party?
going to have a very small wank to this
put it under a fucking microscope, that's what i'll fucking do with it
rumor is he's gay
or maybe he just doesnt want kids and thats why his gfs stop dating him around 25
Cba to go to reception
sir white genocider
may have inadvertently put me knob in barmy so to speak
Fuck's a nothing phone
*pushes you up against the wall*
*looks at you intently*
*kisses you passionately*
tasty...i want more...
when Poles asked me for a proof I did it
That's fair
Ok spaedo do whatever I dont give a fuck. You're so fucking predictable and boring
How's this for a Vanguard portfolio?

U.S. Equity Index Fund (VUSEIDA) - 40%
USD Treasury Bond UCITS ETF (VUTA) - 20%

Opinions? I'd be starting with around £7,500 that I would transfer over. Might even go 45-45 on the Stocks funds.
Only the most primo males get the pick of all the females
Roastoids cant cope with the wall
overpriced shite that no one buys
Sounds nice. Haven't been to any european country but I would only visit in winter or autumn really.
Hey Bosnabro
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the wanking hour is upon me, my first test of day 1 no fap
Everywhere I've stayed, whether that's a hotel room or an airbnb, has had some sort of writing implement in the room
Might be in a drawer, but it's there
proper peng trannard on university challenge right now lads
not the worst choice on the market
Just sneezed up a massive tonsil stone that smells like SHIT
why would you want to go on holiday when it's cold and rainy?
fucking lmao
he's one of them climate nuts
probs thinks he'd be taking part in mass murder if he had kids
Yeah love wearing winter clothing
Peacoat or overcoat, boots, gloves etc
Comfy womfy
shes just like me frfr
Mental how he always has an excuse why he cant post a timestamp. Muh doxxing. No pen. Camera not working etc. Same fucking dull script every single day
Sup Ausbro
nooo you cant date younger women... because you just cant ok!!!
No you didn't
maybe about time to stop engaging with him boringlad
I'm jealous of people who don't need much sleep.
I need like 8.5 to 9 hours to feel fully refreshed.
dont think 4chan x will let you do that unfortunately
there's a cool marsh/bog near me that looks great in the summer time especially with all the surrounding greenery and fields, and nice in the winter when it's all frosty and frozen and pristine. Shite transition in between.
don't care
reddit stomp stomp clap tier
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Mate, you're genuinely obsessed, I'm on me hols and not whatever personality you think I am
Mum found the pee coat
9 hours is absurd
it's not a serious proposition for people with jobs and responsibilities even if they'd want it
Peacoats are based
How far to have fallen that you can't even pretend to be in another country properly anymore
What happened?
You used to be among the best trolls I had ever witnessed, I looked up to you...
Now look at you, just pretending to get fucked in the ass by men in Spain to get replies
All you have are cheap tricks, you don't even post poo smells lmao every thread anymore
No story, no development, nothing
Totally creatively bankrupt, a shell of your former self
I think it's time you hung up your hat and stopped posting to preserve your legacy
You don't really want to be remembered for all this, do you?
katy want sum of dat thug luv
>I’m holiday posting in Brit
Oh dear
Destroyed that cunt
What part of timestamp dont you understand you STUPID FUCKING CRETIN
more like poocoat you bent nonces
Name on Spaedo
How is it?
People mong out in front of the TV or computer for hours
Can't believe they hired me. Bombed the fuck out of my interview yet again. I'm like 5 for 7 on interviews they must think I'm such a hopeless virgin freak that I'd make a good wagecuck
done him
they make it sound like it is in the guide tho

Filters in the "General" section apply to multiple fields, by default subject,name,filename,comment.
The fields can be specified with the type option, separated by commas.
For example: type:postID,name,uniqueID,tripcode,capcode,pass,email,subject,comment,flag,filename,dimensions,filesize,MD5;.
Types can also be combined with a + sign; this indicates the filter applies to the given fields joined by newlines.
For example: type:filename+filesize+dimensions;.
Kek you are fuming, try reverse image search, the picture doesn't exist as I just took it
which Reddit post did you take this from?
wtf does stomp stomp clap tier mean
Don't give me backup mate
Lol fucking retard
My forehead's feeling slippery
if i wanted 9 hours sleep i'd need to be asleep at 8:30-9pm
like i'm not finished cooking and eating and clearing up by then most nights
sikhs are stomp stomp clap tier
whitegirl garglin on bullseed
>Every picture exists on Google
You are literally dumb as a rock.
Fuck it, off to get a pen to win a fight on fucking 4chan
done me
Hope you're enjoying your holiday x
yeah, you dont seem to be able to chain them together though. so you could filter "cans" in multiple fields, but not "cans" in the comment and "ireland" in the flag.
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Taken the nap pill recently. I just eat a huge lunch and take a nap. Soon this will be taken from me because I got a job
>low TER
>good enough liquidity
Looks good but I'd go with one that specifically tracks the 20Y+ treasuries instead, since they tend to perform better during rate cuts. (I'm on DTLA for example)
Also you'd better try to kind of time in your entry because it matters.
Wait for a notable spike in yields (like 5-10bps from where they are today) before going in.
remember those reddit hipster songs which were very popular years go? usually quite folky and had some type of whistling, clapping, and beards
>still doesnt understand what a timestamp is
Is there something about bein a bent nonce that also lowers your IQ?
Last time he did this he pulled out the Spanish tampons he was saving
He's not a good troll at all he's a middle-aged autistic retard who's extremely easy to wind up into hours long incel meltdowns
He gets mindraped so badly there are times he's been up all night and up first thing in the morning trying to damage control lmfao
I'm staying out of it
i just thought up a new nickname: Spaedo
Spaino on a meltdown is he
Got him filtered. Ignorance is bliss.
what a fuckin joke. thanks anyway
*starts fucking you*
this and related, imagine dragons etc.
You think I dont know that?
ktim, got all his personas filtered as well
that you just discovered indie music is it you mong
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Can I blob some jam on some greek yoghurt
Is that acceptable
Invented by me a while ago.
don't think there is any conflict between uBlock filters and 4chanx
no lad, peacoats were a favourite amongst these folks
sounds vile but you do you
Like parfait isn't it
Just a DIY fruit corner innit
sounds good but what kind of jam
Ideal for a fast nonce
oh my DAYS LOL
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Just found out my dad got remarried a few months ago.
I never thought that I would have one of *those* families when I was growing up.
I'm shocked and feel sick.
At least it's not some Thai minger
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your chinese
kek daddy replaced baby boy daddy no longer loved you lmao
Honey is better I reckon
We should really just embrace the technological dystopia aesthetic. Cyberpunk and all that.
You should be happy. My da' is so fucking lonely it is brutal to witness. I visit him for a week or two every year and I am his only human interaction, he gets NEETbux at least.
hiaow do yu know this
most of britain looks the same as it did in the 80s
we're not a cyber nation
Corr sex peng arse
Looking forward to spaintwats next move. I predict either timestamp on the floor or out the window in the dark where you cant see anything (deliberately)

screaming HEY
you could try this https://github.com/ccd0/4chan-x/issues/1190
>Laptop is bricked
>New intel chip laptops being released on September 23rd
>No new amd laptops for a while because asus has exclusivity

Sick to bastard death of phoneposting
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ohhhh just a hunch i had
It's like the retarded version of chess
bonnemamman rarspberry

what is the thug shake?
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he’s mindraped you kek
rageuninstalled war thunder again
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Shut up nerd
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Just had a check on the 'ol 'dex, she's got a bit of a hairy arse so to say. Can't say the same about her minge though
Try installing a fucking clue
fucking love me gay porn girls like x
me on the right
>Looking forward to spaintwats next move.
Ideally he will jump out the window of his paki tower block, but most likely he will just waste the remainder of his grim incel life making boring autistic posts on 4chan.
anybody selling hash in longyearbyen
Just a bit of peachfuzz, never hurt anyone
going for an incel drive x

out of order going behind my back like that
Everybody say sausage keep it going
Eggs, bacon, grits
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Based Elon
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Realise you autismal cunts will just say this is fake now and not sure why I bothered tbqh
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Nuh uh

Done him.
Raped them
Virgin thumb
Guardianistas wont like this one bi
>brit harassing a random poster and accusing him of being spaino
>mousenonce having a full blown meltdown over spaino on cum
>meanwhile spaino hasn't even posted in months
howling, he's done you all
If I happened upon a fae or something yeah I'd probably keep it as a sex toy
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fuck it I can't stay angry when there's arses of this quality to look at
This. But they're too stupid to understand.
>Vinmonopolet[needs IPA] (English: The Wine Monopoly), symbolized by and colloquially shortened to Polet, is a government-owned alcoholic beverage retailer and the only company allowed to sell beverages containing an alcohol content higher than 4.75% in Norway.[1]
Bizarre people
this bloke is just a 15 year old redditor with billions
Too dark cant read it
Gyaldemfreak/Trannyspammer/190/Spainlard/Brick/VPN cuckposter/Rubymong/Heathermong/"Employed" "Woman"
What a fucking retard oh my god
need more money but feels like im a on a treadmill of not earning much at all
Keep em coming spainers mate these clowns just can’t imagine living anywhere than with their mums.
Literally got bummed about 3 hours ago
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*puts on a funny hat*
Lads, how are we tonight?
destroyed them
please post feet
Wow he really was a gay retard all along
I have hairy man feet mate
Doxxable info. Calling your hotel as we speak
can't stand that moron douglas murray
And you spent hours seething over him as well
Yank tier hand writing
so true
yeah but I bet yours are really silky and smooth xxx
The amount of attention I get from women now that I can squat 180kg for three clean sets of 5 is staggering compared to when I was a DYEL stuck at 100kg lmao
Dear oh dear
Is this the bit where I say I've done you?
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probably earn more if you got off the treadmill and went to work
How would you know that
Please do something other than posting in this retard general
please touch grass
Still a virge though
mysterious black dots showed up in my biscuits when I put them in my coffee, suspicious...
You've spent like two days seething whilst I spent most of today on a beach and then getting cock
Good point
money is the gift that no one ever returns
180kg squat for reps is insane. I'm hoping to reach 3 plates one day
What's your age, weight and height? Just wondering how gargantuan you must be
i do work (30k)
try this in your filters:
# Hide /brig/ nonsense

and then in the styles (under advanced):
.brit ~ .ireland ~ .cans {display: none;}

it wont chain hide replies, but it'll hide the posts

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