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cabbages edishhhhhhhhhhhhh
went shop earlier and all i bought is a can of coke, pack of women's sensitive razors and some antibacterial mouthwash
didnt realise the bender vibes it gave off until i left the shop
daft cunt
thread theme
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nothing good in me life.
people don't realise they weigh like 70-80kg when they climb on something
It’s all so tiresome
need a haircut but i'm never sure what to ask for, the only good haircuts i've ever had were when i just told the barber to wing it
i weigh 140kg
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Only get haircuts from my mom me
least autistic redditor
ease off the pies
i thought it was a legal requirement for australians to have a mullet
in this moment i am euphoric type vibes

wonder if its the same guy all grown up
aye so i’ll say it again
spoons food is dire

you’re only pretending to like it. try eating it sober.
now there's an idea
get shitfaced
would rather die than ease up on pies.
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Post code
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I like the work of CS Lewis. Am going to read Mere Christianity
could be his son who is now 16
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working on it, pretty impossible for me unless i want to go bankrupt. Unreal tolerance, me
get an undercut. even my nan has an undercut and she looks great
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corr wouldn’t mind some chicken and mushroom pie rn
If he's 82 it'a possible a woman in her 50s could be his granddaughter. If your intention is to make him look bad you should say great-grandaughter
we know fatboy
i know teenage pregnancy is the norm in britain but in the rest of the world most people have kids when they're at least 25
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just reminded me i need to order more of these
yanks have no idea about pies so shut your gob
chim chiminey, chim chiminey, chim chim cher-oo
elton pie
Ideas for a Rorke business
Spoons but a chain of traditional English pubs in wee thatched cottages
undercut is boring because everyone has it
definition of NPC
last night's haggis. stirred
yes because someone from the uk (you) ate them all before they could get here
Imagine going back in time to tell these people that the future of tube travel will be smelly people with bully xls playing music on speakers for everyone to hear.
Я мyжчинa.
What's the difference between an undercut and skin fade
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the most rorke dining establishment is a hole in the wall or van that serves bacon rolls and instant coffee
jealous runt. you've never had a full english belly buster in your life. pathetic
the spending, as it were
I get what you mean but this really doesn’t happen
Rare good 190 post
1k in a fluffer
>bacon rolls
ooh la dee da you posh git
Shitting pure liquid out my arse
MDMA from saturday night has done a number on my insides
love one of those slop van places
never fail to do a good burger
undercut is pretty loose, basically just implies the sides are really short, shorter than the top. basically just any 'standard male haircut'
skin fade means the length of the hair blends from bald and the bottom of the back/sides, to a bit longer at the top. as opposed to a uniform or near-uniform length
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How much ended up inside the fluffers?
any repulsive worm of a man in
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True this
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You’re saying there’s never people playing music or watching videos on their phones?
rorke's dining establishment is his smelly bedroom catered by mummy
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i shower more than 3 times a month
too bad i only look good with an undercut because my head is massive. i'm considering growing my hair out too because of this but i cant help myself
tx m8 xx
Creating disease with the computer
More of a vile rodent like creature
And why are you giving 600 dollars to the Irish Republican Army?
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Yucky whore
I'm 17% irish
Downloading viruses
some cats are just asking for it
can you lot just make Trump your PM so we can be done with him?
Back from a few pints out at the gay bumming shopping centre
I mean, I would but the fluffers really were beautiful
yeah haha
wait for what
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>IRA - 600
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You would what
In your personal experience, how open have women been about you liking feet?
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You never leave your smelly bedsit
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Just found out some people have black skin
Hate my fucking life so much
fucking hellfire its nearly 1am why didnt any of you mongs warn me
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Average conversation between Katie Price and Harvey
This. Need to MOOOOOOVE
well it wasnt nearly 1am till quite recently
Always happens around this time
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>nearly 1am
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come out you black and tans
might lose my job tomorrow
will likely attempt suicide if i do

night night chaps
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There should be a city for incels with no chads or femoids allowed
stay strong bud
midnight warning would be nice

what would you know? its probably 6pm where you are
>finish wanking
>Hate myself
I should stop
It's almost 8pm and I have memorized a few countries' time zones
you'll be right sacked trannard
have to support the lads
absolutely mental how much im paying in tax though
to what end
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unironic 'tism
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seems fair
I work with people and have friends all over the world plus autism
Did you know that all of China is in only one time zone?
for belly rubs?
>pigs are more intelligent than cats yet you eat them
the most rasheed line i've ever witnessed
Which country covers the most time zones?
deanettes are really into manifesting i assume
going to guess mine or russia
Probably the UK or France
france innit? with all its overseas shit
think russia is close
Met Someone Named Bog Pooer Once
It’s France
>France: 12
>Russia/US: 11
>Australia/UK: 9
>Canada: 6
so much for the sun never setting...
In that moment where I don't know if that was a fart or a poo
I'm just going to sit here for a while before I get up and check
Human beings made this
We made it and used it to set foot on another world
Properly awe inspiring
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for my birthday, my partner and some friends organized a huge bang gang for me, with 42 attendees! Here's the breakdown of how the event was organized, exit survey statistics, and what it was like for me psychologically
nothing to do with me
Only went to the moon
i made this
Nazi fuck *punches you feebly*

What a lovely lot of cabbages


I just climbed on my old shitty kitchen sink to put something in deep storage in the very top cabinet and it creaked a bit. I'm the only one in here and I'd probably bleed out and die if I slipped. I'd be found fairly quickly (work would definitely notice absence, parents would notice no call in over a week) but it might take a few days. I'm about twelve stone thoughbeit
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might genuinely have the most monged up time zones in history

Oi wots this then. Are you looking at my bum then? Cheeky bum-looker, go on. Come here and get what's coming. I'll do it, I will. *swat* That'll teach you.
lol why is our country so goofy

I am now aware of "The Pas"
>my partner
conversational redflag

Peng Pidg Album Cover
>bc and newfoundland with 2 TZ each
>coral harbour
>sask gets its own TZ

It makes a bit more sense when you notice a lot of the different time zones are just with or without daylight savings
the gf just called me a malignant narcissist
need a gf to shag up the twat
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There is a British commentary on the Apollo 14 ascent stage lifting off from the moon which I enjoy. Nice and respectful.

I prefer to think of the Saturn V as about ten components: the three rocket stages, the four stages of the Apollo spacecraft, escape tower, interstage ring, and the SLA fairing panels which pop away during lunar module docking. The image shows the seconds elapsed during each of the major mechanical steps of the missions, when stages fall away, when the various components are in a new config. I even tracked down when they extended the LM landing gear, a distinct config and major mechanical step IMO.
bullet in my retard head
Might have a cig
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need to make ten hundred dollarydoos
Think I used to listen to this band
apparently most of those women who used to work at switching stations were lesbians
whitey on the moon
went to shit my pants but instead just farted
you made it up
>female-dominated career in a technical field
had to have been
how did he
did he float when it was being cut?
hans seething about cultures that conquered the world again
when I was a lad people had PTSD after coming back from war
now people have it due to narcissistic parents
they were exploring each others fields, for sure
Take ur little gay role play elsewhere pls ty
might do a cheeky suicide
Today 5 becomes 4.
there she is, priti as always
england for the english
Be curious to see where all of Patels votes end up. If Jenrick doesnt get them the Tory party might as well fold
plotting a devious wank
I like Hugh Grant
So the choices are
>A guy who desperately wants us to be the 51st state
>A black woman who doesn't think immigration is a big deal and is utterly convinced that the only reason Labour got a landslide is because Farage split the vote
>David Cameron but black
>Wet mong who wants troops on the ground in Ukraine
>Literally who
Congratulations on winning a second term in 2029, Mr Starmer
I predict Tom Tjudenhat will be next Tory leader.
mental how theres petty street criminals risking years of their life to sell bags of weed for a few quid a day

literally why don't they just get a job
he has aged well from "cheeky little chappie" into "right old shagger", suits him
*pulls the hugh grant face*
How do I get good at the piano?

don't think you'd get years in prison for selling weed anymore
/brit/ is pro israel pro jew
mental that you believe law enforcement still exists in this country
gonna spend my centrelink on goon and weed
good lad
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My wife loves ya
Currently listening to Gray Matter

upgrade your gray matter
cuz one day it may matter
China is all one time zone. That's fascism for you.
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Based album.
Pretty much the only decent thing Daman Albarn ever contributed to.
redpill me on arizona
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i'm just a silly boyfailure :3
going to do a sittoil in carberg and watch out for postiestein
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hope youre holding up ok
Banned from TV so I can't post in the James Earl Jones sticky.
Iconic actor.
Might have to watch Conan tomorrow.
Need to write about how I'm a depressed, socially, anxious, spacker in my work capability assessment
i'm always rangebanned from posting on /tv/, probably some cunnyposters in my area
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the dumb high school girl was my cashier at the supermarket again
got banned from /tv/ for calling 'elliot' page ellen and using she/her pronouns
looks like dr zaius
reckon a hate yourself 2am tin of piss and a chocolate bar down the hatch might be on the cards
too right rorke mate
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got banned from all boards for off-topic discussion
on a monday night lad?
Don't think a can has ever survived past 8pm in my house, you some kind of nancy boy?
its all ive got left in my gay little life
thats a nice cumshot
Rewatched pans labyrinth
Love that film
Gurkin del tacos masterpiece
oh my days Data what is you doing bruv
bit harsh
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>it's a Space Irish episode
giving myself a cheeky choke out in my garage that's full of cheeky carbon monoxide cheekily taken from my cheeky little vauxhaul astra
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Irish Diaspora... IN SPACE
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thinking of buying a saab 99 turbo
excellent gif actually
James Earl Jones brough theatrical gravitas to what could have otherwise been a forgettable 80s action film, he coached Arnie and the other actors on their performances, turned out to be a genuine 10/10 film and arguably the best fantasy film until Lord of the Rings came out almost 20 years later.

imagine if she slipped and cracked her skull
What’s the best cider?
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You generally start at the top and work your way down.
Gonna watch this again soon
One of my favourites
poo screaming internally
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Fat bitch bout to break that whole sink and kitchen top
ask ur mum. i was in cider last night
Best supermarket cider is Westons.
Best overall that's much harder to say, but I will give my vote to Ascension because they are local to me and wild-fermented in the traditional style.
I'm so happy I caught this thread while I'm was still relatively new! The last 1,000 threads on this same exact topic were archived by the time I got to it. Anyway, what I've always wanted to inject into the conversation was that I think that you are a humongous faggot. I'll remind you in the next thread if I can get there in time
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Do it lad. Bloody love that film so much.
Basil Poledouris' score is legendary.

Stalker porn dialog be like
>don't just stand there, come in me!
It is not possible to suffer in the UK. Americans have it so tough, bros.
Lefties are all skinny jeans wearing simps and losers and suck Palestinian cocks
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the wife
Watched it maybe two months ago max after a long time
Also a good excuse to look into more of his kino
Currently listening to Face to Face

did you shag her up the arse?
currently thinking about putting a bullet in my eye socket
bit dangerous
which eye?
you could lose an eye doing something like that
mad how my gfs grandad is 93 years old, still got all his marbles, mobile, probably full of wisdom yet all i can think is 'old cunt'
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alri jeff hows it foing
Thinking about upgrading my graphics card, all I care about is playing new games at 1080p 60fps. Got any suggestions?
is chat gpt broken
Corr, wish I was a yank
Reckon putting a bullet through my skull would be easiest way to go out
Anyone remember McNutt?
Missus just asked if I was ‘on that Reddit with the frogs again’
reckon I'd miss and end up quadrospazzed on a lifeglug
No she didn't you're fat gay retarded incel and so on
Please tell me your gf’s 93 year old grandfather isn’t called James Earl Jones
remember that yank with the dodgy leather jacket and dead trim that blew his lid on livestream because he broke up with his misso, what a wank jacket that was
Mad how badly I mindraped you
name on spainmong
Wasn’t that guy from the wire
Just want it all to be over
Currently listening to Moss Icon

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me outside /brit/
*reads your post*
uh...huh...if this was intended to be a joke, I have the unfortunate duty of telling you this really isn't OK and you should get assessed
me in the 80th minute of my fifa game when im 2-0 down
I don’t want to live in Blade Runner but with more brown people!!
Any "I can't sleep at the moment because I took a nap before" mongs in
he say you blade runner
Blade Runner is the brown dystopia. Most of the whites have left for "off world colonies" and that's why everything is chinkified.
got up at 10, spent 4 hours talking to tech support, got really annoyed, had a can, had a nap at half 6, out of bed at 8 and now everything is FUCKED
The Damnation of Theron Ware?

Bro I've been looking for this pic FOREVER!!!
I could have saved her.
Jobcentretoil in T minus 7 hours, reckon the Jobcentre lass is going to pull my dick off as punishment for my lack of job-searching activity
My partner and I, and our 15 month old child just moved into a new apartment complex. It is breed restricted, something like the dogs can’t exceed 30 pounds or something to that nature. Great. We live downtown in our city and we’re sandwiched between two other apartment complexes, not owned by the one we’re in. We also live adjacent to a local grocery store and will walk vs driving if we’re only picking up a couple of items. We head out yesterday on foot and as we’re turning a corner, I behold a sight that I had to blink and narrow my eyes at because I truly could not believe what I saw in front of me. I shit you not, at the same time we round the corner as does a couple with a an absolute tank of a pitbull, I’m talking XL bully on steroids. What was so strange you’re wondering? Aside from the general awestruck of this beast? The couple were little people. No, not people small in stature, little people as in Achondroplasia dwarfism, little people. The dogs head was leveled just barely right at the man’s head, and higher than the woman’s. I couldn’t even… I don’t even know what else to say beyond that. I truly couldn’t believe my own eyes. I have been recalling it since and every time my head just goes ?????? Thought I’d just leave this here. Absolutely baffling experience.
how about you "save us" from the rest of your dreary posts
why would she kill her self when she could have just married diego
'mental health' isn't real
she didn't have an infection in the brain
she had a shit life
that isn't an illness ffs
when i was on unemploymenttoil I would apply to a bunch of jobs I was unqualified for because I knew I'd never hear back from them
Me st the back walking to my local blue-shirted-lads meeting
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I could have shaved her
Usually what you ask for is what you already have just slightly shorter Lol

The exception being if you're going into summer or something and you want a more extreme cut.
office girl femdom
ah yes
difficult to believe she had a shit life
Her dad was a solicitor, she studied for a masters in London, she was hot.
Going to blame parentsberg when I kms
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So we're gathered here for our common cause
We're gathered here
To sing to a separated God
We're gathered here
To hide the blind worm truth
This conqueror worm
Is your proof
This is our God
This is our song
So please all
All of us let us take up our hymn books and sing
So please all
All of us gathered here
Let us take up our hymn books and sing
Rejoice the freedom of my young christian soul taken under God's holy wing
Rejoice the freedom of my young soul
Taken within mother's warm wing
Taken under mother's warm wing
Taken under 6 feet of mother's warm wing
Rejoice and listen to the blind worm truth sing
Rejoice the freedom of my spirit
Enabled by Lucifer's holy lended wing
And sing to our separated God
Our inhuman God
Our unfeeling God
Our unknowing God
Our separated God, our inhuman God
This conqueror worm is your truth
This conqueror worm is your love
This conqueror worm is your acceptance
This conqueror worm is your answer
This conqueror worm is God
This conqueror worm is God
Rejoice the freedom of my spirit
Enabled by Lucifer's holy lended wing
Taken across and up
Or taken over and down
On this stone home I will stay
Rejoice the freedom of my young christian soul taken under God's holy wing
And together we will sing
And together we'll sing
We're gathered here
Together we should sing
Rejoice the freedom of my spirit
Enabled by Lucifer's holy lended wing
Rejoice the freedom
Rejoice, oh, freedom
We have freedom lover
Rest well under mother's warm wing
We have freedom lover
Rest well under mother's warm wing
No longer can you move up and sing
No longer will this dancing song
Your ankles elevated above our mother
Your anger is elevated to a point of living
Freedom lover we have freedom rest well under mother's warm wing
strangest ban message I ever saw was when I was phoneposting and got a year long one from 2021 that just had "idiot pedophile" as the message
share my mobile network with some right freaks
it's hard work but someone has to do it
isnt a shithole because... they waste a lot of electricity
Archbishop of Wankerbury
it's not wasted
stupid fat whore whale is scratching the countertop with her shitty high heels, bitch!
Saw a ban the other month that was for child porn, live in a small town but I dunno how big an area the range covers
Could out-mong the lot of you in a 1v1 duel. Nnnngggghh nnnnuuuuweeeeee!!!

the funeral option I'll be going for
so what? being rich and beautiful isn't a guarantee of happiness
you don't know what utter scum might have been in her life
or what shit decisions she might have made herself
she wasn't 'ill'
she was sad
medicalising emotions doesn't help anybody
>she was sad & medicalising emotions doesn't help
I agree with you lad I just had to post the second image of her from the article.
nice hair and skin. not a great nose but good teeth. straight and i prefer teeth with that natural colour rather than shiny white turkey teeth.
how can suicide, something ive only ever heard about on tv and in movies, exist?
i know a couple of genuine schizophrenics and that's a real illness
but it's rare
most people who think they are 'ill' because they have some bad shit in their life are using medical jargon to evade responsibility, either for themselves, or whoever may have harmed them
that's my view anyway
why havnt you been applying? can get 10 cv applications and get your work book sorted in 15 minutes tops. just send a shite cv for jobs you wont get and copy paste the links for the jobs.
there's also a political aspect to the label of 'mental illness' and those in power can use it to denigrate anyone who doesn't follow the status quo
that's my view anyway
that's my poo anyway
alright now can you say something interesting next
poos > views
clearly you're mentally ill
never had a custom message like that
the mods must really hate the specific person for that
i heard back from plenty of jobs i was woefully unqualified for, very annoying
real new
actual new
happens all time. known multiple people who killed themselves and heard of many more.
and i think with that its my bed time

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