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meathog edish
poo smells HAHA :D
you cunts reckon getting a seedbox is worth it?
been in 5 relationships
they call me casablanca
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get them wanked off
too many white men marrying black women these days
how do we stop it /brit/?
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the scranuel hagar
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the government lets me have sex, what are you on about? i could go down to the brothel right now
For what, private trackers?
the left can't meme
i wish your body was not so warm to me
i need to cum
aren't you worried about having no money after spending it all on these overpriced brothels
not where im from
heheh RORKE
get it?
Mental how North Australia has the same climate as India
do not come
tamils and abos are related
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ah yes, the one single uniform climate of India
How does it work at the brothel do you have one you really like and see all the time or have they always got new models in
$280 an hour is bugger all, independent escorts are usually much more expensive
That and so I'm not always bogging down my 100mbit (yes, laugh at me) connection at home.
fuck up swede
Attention seeker food is a curious thing
why do chinese want a race war so bad?
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and how much money are you getting a fortnight while spending $280 on having sex
Anglicans (England & Wales) are popeless Catholics.
Presbyterians (Scotland & Northern Ireland) are real protestants.
next poster is without a doubt the gayest cunt alive
do they?
Same reason the argies keep bringing up the falklands
Watched Starship Troopers and got upset at how they were depicted
Seems reasonable if you think the price is right
>laugh at me
That's what I have ...
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>make crucial mistake in setting up asset by using a floor template
>can't adjust the size, have to delete it
>delete it too soon, forget how it was integrated with the code
>fix visual error, create technical errors
UE4 never fails to be demoralizing...I didn't even get that far before I couldn't undo
>doesn't have a trash can with deleted files
And Over.
squid game coronavirus
where you from?
christmas soon
corona game squidvirus?
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Did anyone ever figure out why there are so many videos of Indians being hit by trains?
I can go online and watch hundreds and hundreds of videos of Indians recording themselves walking by a moving train and getting hit. And that’s not even taking into account all the videos of them leaning off trains and hitting a pole or something.
I know India has a high population but the amount of them being hit by trains is quite frankly ridiculous and I don’t get it.
Sup swordmong how's the drug addiction
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rorke's bird
it's crazy that they didnt knock the e off wordle and market it as a five letter word
I'm sorry you're feeling down but what in god's name are you on about
what does it matter? i actually havent been to the brothel in years
went shop earlier and all i bought is a can of coke, pack of women's sensitive razors and some antibacterial mouthwash
didn't realise the bender vibes it gave off until i left the shop
come now lachie...
Look into Juggernaut worship
The new 'eitch

Indulge the pain, wallow in it faggot, a hard learnt lesson is the best lesson there is!
Let's hear it then. That speed is 85.83/month here.
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I went to the prairie to swim all day for 3 days swimming longer and harder each day. Got back and started on the gameu. Will probably just have to do tutorials and stuff on vyvanse soon.
UE4 is too devastating to fuck around using chatGPT.
Just seen some advertising/begging
Why do Yanks hate cussing?
i'm not lachie, i'm more like lachie lite™
bro is taking photos of his screen...
>beauty queen
>covered in acne
bet she fucking smells weird too
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Glad I took a pic of it. The Mesh is called checkerboard. Guess I'll look at ye olde chatGPT logs and figure it out from there
Puritans innit. Same reason the Breaking Bad pilot blurred boobies
$95 CAD (about $105 AUD)
just wait until you find out what an actual woman looks like without makeup
You can blame jannerd for that.
reckon women like this must be autistic, there's no other explanation for it
evading a ban are we?
yeah i'd say that's why it's flopped
I don't actually care you autistic dumbass
My most yank trait is that I also don’t like the word “cunt” and find it quite disgusting when I hear people say it in real life.
I watched Breaking Bad recently and the boobies werent blurred.
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It's not (You) that gets a ban. It's your IP
Fucking shut up you cunt
DVD version
janitor, crush this man's skull
You watched the non-US version
Hopefully someone on /brit/ will help. /g/ and /vg/ are a cesspool of tranime faggots
In which country did you watch it pal
I was about 28 when it clicked in my head that the girls in high school that had skin coloured lumps on their face did actually have acne like the boys and they just had concealer/foundation over it
nigga actually be crying to his janny doe fr
i watched it on here /cinego.tv/series/watch-breaking-bad-online-39506
john mcafee
the howling banshee of John McAfee screeching that I steer my mouse from this cursed fate
why? brave browser had no issues with it
crikey m8 fugg me :DD
Kim Dotcom screaming from McDonalds for me not to click that
Try learning how to actually code instead of being a retard who trusts a chatbot
John McAfee just flew over my house
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slags getting rawdogged
can you not use torrents or something
who watches this on their browser in 2024
I suffer
Every neighbourhood around me has had fiber optic links for ages and I'm stuck on cable
That'll only cost even more as I'm with the cheap third party
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phwoar look at that hot slag
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This doesn't have to do with code it has to do with UE4 artard
>Be me
>5th grade
>We had these little calendar day-planner type booklets in school
>Was really excited for Resident Evil 5
>Mark the release date on the calendar
>My teacher sees and confiscates my booklet
>Calls me up to her desk
>"Anon, what is this? A video game or a movie?"
>Tell her it's a video game
>She says nothing and hands it back to me
What the hell was that all about? Was the bitch just fucking with me? Still bothers me to this day
yeah i use torrents but i dont want to download breaking bad or rings of power

i didnt ask you to click it. people asked where i watched it and i answered.
oh and I meant that the $85 was in CAD. fuck me i can't do anything right anymore.
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satanic panic
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rorke googling “watch breaking bad online free no virus” and letting foreigners earn money from him viewing their dodgy sites
leftypol checking which of his 7 subscription services has breaking bad on it as he smashes capitalism
Probably thought you were planning a school shooting. You look the type
bro is watching Rings of Power...
>>5th grade
>>Was really excited for Resident Evil 5
hello literal child
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Don't worry we are still friends
DTFIC doesn't care if his assertions are correct
If he did maybe he would get laid
every young woman has an eating disorder these days
what’s the craic with that
thought season 1 of lawd dem rangs was alright even though i immediately forgot everything that happened after i finished it
what is the benefit of using brave nrowsert thanks.
google doesnt show free streaming sites anymore. i used yandex to find it.
*surreptitiously googles Resident Evil 5 release date and “how old are 5th graders in America”*
I'm about to "craic" your jaw you little twit
read that as "eating dinosaur"
only thing you crack is your bed you fat freak
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yeah but mostly for the youtube videos shitting on it and amazon wont see a penny from me
removed that freak from the premises
2009 and 10-11 respectively, so old mate is 25-26
it blocks youtube ads and most pop ups on porn sites
but i use chrome for 4chan
ok thanks.
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sent that tubby bastard sliding
i want her
i remember when resident evil 5 was about to come out, people were so butthurt about the idea of being a white man going into africa to shoot legions of jabbering black people
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Australians are finished honestly
learn 2 code fag. if you're not writing EVERYTHING in x86 ASM then your ngmi. I bet you don't even write your own compiler, faggot.
what are the first signs of schizophrenia
how about you "compile" a list of the times you've had sex
(runtime: 0 seconds)
How do I become a tour de force? A maverick? A whirlwind? A force of nature? An immovable object? An agent of chaos? The One To Be Reckoned With??? How do I become the VILLAIN?!
The grid is coded fool.
This is an issue with the static mesh that's linked up with the blueprint
Don't know
watching some porn and the guy has shaved every single hair off his body all of it

he looks like a realdoll

no hair on the balls on his legs nothing

this is freaky
Christmas Telly on the Beeb revealed
soon iwill buy adderall and mastubrate in a hotel room asll day. i will then buy ketmaine and khole for the next day afterwards.
Seeing coded messKILLTHEMALLages in regular text
only if you're in trackers that make it worth it
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>asked dadberg to name the planets in our solar system
>he named earth, the moon, the sun and then gave up

any retard parents man in
but i like the mall
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rip dark vader
yeah my dads a mong too
often tells me facts confidently wrong, quite remarkable really
that's me done then
RIP dark invader
Where do you get the ketamine from?
Ketamine shop
my friend gave me a dealer number his price is fair.
isnt coding going to be taken over by ai
RIP Dark Destroyer
Who is Al? Seems like a big job for one guy
honestly don't think my dad could do that either, but he's a millionaire so who am I to call him a retard
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the only reason i know more planets than your dad is because of that one Drake & Josh episode
rip keir starmer
my mate used to sell it but refuses to give it to me now because last time i took it i thought i died and went to heaven in his living room
*enters thread*
whats all this about then?
lll be watching the Kings speech, Wallace and Gromit, and Gavin and Stacey
>using compiled code
how'd someone that thick wrack up a million?
darth vader was played by a BLACK man?
>when the jeetscript drops
Sir Break Dancer
leave the coding to me ill sort it out
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His legacy will be one of defending child murderers
how else are you supposed to use it?
there was an actual PERSON in that robot?
he focused his efforts on things that would make him money rather than memorising trivial details that don't matter
sounds boring
wrapped him up like a crimbo prezzie
in short, psychopathic businessman
rip a literal poo man who was the colour of poo
Bit mad that anyone is interested in Christmas TV with so many streaming platforms
james earl jones was very light skinned with blue eyes but had a very negroidal face shape, always found that creepy
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the budget
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Pooto is a Poonet
I wouldn't mind doing a volunteer abroad for a month and a bit somewhere next year but I'm looking at sites like Workaway and it's very obvious 2/3rds of what I'm scrolling through are people just looking for someone who can babysit their kids. I kind of want to go somewhere remote like northern Japan, Greenland, or Alaska.


They should read Heinlen's other book The Day After Tomorrow if they want to get really mad.
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This. For me it's Vyvanse(Adderall) and doing webdev front end, webdev backend, C++, guitar, piano, banjo and drawing courses in Udemy and a YouTube tutorial for Unreal. Then smoking weed and doing all the 3D models, animations and music for the game and starting a graphic novel
mine is that I'm from america
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Mad what’s happening in America. Haitian immigrants eating geese they get in parks, seagulls and pet cats.
he's a big guy
having a gay panic
social withdrawal, secrecy, lack of interest and engagement with activities and interests, sparse conversation.
started ozempic and vyvanse. my heartrate and weight loss is out of this world
Interpreted languages exist (but of course they must eventually run compiled code to run on real computers)
your phone bill is a huge ripoff, did you get an iphone on a 1-year payment plan or something?
yeah? stick a black dick up your ass
all of this looks like it costs way too much especially for only 1 bloke
he'd be 25 now
if you told me that article was satire i would believe you
i still cant tell if it really is or not
was starting to learn coding last year but then my vyvanse prescription was revoked for no reason and then i lost interest in it
mental how yanks have to take sketchy pills to lose weight instead of just stopping being such big fat lazy bastards
Sir Resident Evil
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luv em x
might vape some cannabis flower
posted from his schizo rapeshack where nothing ever actually happens
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You should have been killed as a child
started to learn coding but stopped when I put the assigned tasks into gpt and it wrote it all in 5 seconds
test says you're an air fryer pal
based King
Their food and water is all poison. It's like they're living on some sort of sick Death World
Britons liked Ozempic so much it sold out almost instantly and people started paying doctors under the table to get it
How is "your website" coming along?
Would like to go to America and just bully fat yanks
mad cow disease what a time to be alive
When are you selling your house and moving to Thailand to fuck children?
Site's already done on the frontend and I've been dipping into the backend using POSTMAN with my APIs.
I just wanted to work on the game today and needing to create a new static mesh fucked me over.
you have 1200 left. whats your taxes
rubbing garlic into my bellend
Dont understand the hostility to Ozempic. We've literally cured obesity. Will save the NHS billions in the next few decades. Get it pumped into the water supply
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oh fuck I forgot that episode, it was one of the best

how does life expectancy keep going up when everyone's getting fatter and fatter?
>The United Kingdom was afflicted with an outbreak of BSE and vCJD in the 1980s and 1990s. The outbreak increased throughout the UK due to the practice of feeding meat-and-bone meal to young calves of dairy cows.

Intrepid British farmers feeding baby cows crushed up adult cows
you posted this same exact image like a week ago
get the fuck off 4chan, get a real job and dont skip taking your pills like you once did here since you had a schizo melty
Not all fat retards have access to it
Also something about unknown long-term effects
started learning to code but after spending an entire day just to make a barely functioning calculator I realised it was pointless
I'm going to look into Thailand now.
Turns out roids are easy to purchase at the chemist but they aren't actually legal. If they are illegal I'm not going to Thailand and instead going to Nevada and finding some trees and paying off a doctor in Vegas for HGH.
I'll hop in my car in a few months once they're actually done with the fucking project.
i hate it because then all the hideous fat people wont be so disgusting to be in the presence of and ill look like shit relatively speaking
I always thought fatness would be something that would instantly date a picture.

Like Queen Victoria’s funeral, everyone wore a black tailcoat and top hat. Queen Elizabeth’s funeral, everyone had their phones out to take photos. Every photo full of fat people will have a 2000-2020 look about it. Ozempic will be a reversion to the mean (thin people)
It's called the obesity paradox look it up
Hope you're arrested and put under protective custody for being a dangerous schizophrenic paedophile
Any picture with your mum in it will still be an enigma
remember this had a big football game on and it got cancelled because of it
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Nah I didn't post the code for the text box I'm currently using right now.
Thing is that there is a lot of stuff I did on the frontend that can transform into Node backend code so it can be done without tutorials but I think I'm just gonna use my Vyvanse I've been saving once I've sobered up from the last of my weed and booze I've been scanning since swimming and lifting all the time and getting shripped
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I've been playing an umbrella for 30 years? Why didn't anyone tell me
you cant afford HGH hahahaha
How such a beautiful woman could give birth to such a hideous troll
I mean this genuinely: I sincerely hope you die soon to spare everyone you know a great deal of trouble
Peru webm wank soon
You should tell your friends this extremely boring information
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Ozempic will just make them all ill in other ways because fat bastids will rely on it to stay thin and it is not meant for long term use
Pedos would still go to Thailand. I'm just going there cause Aussie bodybuilders big it up.
Not going to end up like this Aussie chap with a double life sentence for ecstacy.
Going to avoid foreign prisons like the plague by not risking shit happy go lucky Aussies risk
im obese but wont be using it. i just dont mind being fat.
Strange thing to post
>it is not meant for long term use
the drug is based on taking it for a lifetime
As a big pharma worker I guarantee it will be for long term use so long as the patents are in effect
Just found out Toby Carvery exists
There’s only six of these in the entirety of Scotland
Room smells again lol
Aren't you struggling with energy levels
are you going to do something about it? *flashes tip of my shuriken from my multi-utility belt*
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I can pay off a doctor to write me a prescription in Vegas. That's my next biggest lead.
I'll just be roiding and door dashing in a rich suburb of Vegas car lifing in the mountains and getting gigaripped at anytime fitness
struggling to stay awake with these posts of yours
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y'all lying and that's all imma say
remember to shag all the lot lizards
yeah she looks fine until the clothes come off and then it's like mashed potato
genuinely not sure how a normal sized man accesses this behemoth
Looking forward to the documentaries about how ozempic leads to unintended consequences
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hahaha yeah exactly
tight clothes is a fat girl cope
no. im used to my energy levels. i didn't get fat overnight i toiled for years to attain this girth
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I'll be shagging high tied Pacific Northwestern hapa slags mate
You know me
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Al Mountain has never had sex and never will
Did she die
some times i look at fat people like this and think about all the way their lives are inconvenienced. like with gaps between street furniture that I can easily get round if im in a hurry
toby is great (or terrible depending which you go to)
>seething DTFIC rages impotently
Incel Energy
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I’m just a sleepy slug in a busy bee world
Why's he called that
is it like a rorke nando’s
no its nothing like nandos. toby does carvery and is full of working class people.
definitely quadrospazzed from that :/
that’s a horse
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It was his real name
Yes it's exactly that
harvester is rorke nandos
in fact there’s one a few miles from me
might check it out
Forget it Toby
It's a good thing horses are fast
>tfw no Scottish friends
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THIS is a horse
Stop dead naming me chud
they just stay home and complain about how small spaces are fatphobic
big black balls
ind of small for a horse
why do u have this saved
leftypol licking his chops
Ozempic is some kind of miracle drug for all unhealthy habits and addictions
To those saying you have to take it for life, diet and exercise are also lifetime things. A pill is easier
seems a distinctly english thing though
can’t put my finger on why
don’t know if it would take off in scotland
toby sounds peng, haven't had a roast with yorkie puds in ages
Mental how Al Pacino had a kid at age 83
Why are you talking like that
with a woman young enough to be his granddaughter
he's desperate to fit in
brainrot from a decade of /brit/
Incel Canadian
still more respectable than u al
she's like 29 or 30 isn't she?
was it a downie. heard thats more likely with old sperm
spoons food is honking stop deluding yourself into thinking otherwise
the chips taste shite, the steaks i wouldn’t feed to a dog and the fry ups are piss poor. bone dry sausages and black pudding.
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