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Flashman edition
burnt my hand
DO NOT OPEN THIS, seriously enjoy your ban
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mad how gay porn poo peng
bradley walsh laughing the chase itv
what is it?
I can already tell I won't like this one
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fuck all
wish flashman had full penetration
if you're gonna do it do it right
can hear something rattling around under the bed
You're happier not knowing
sex with a sexy Chinese prostitute
So cold tonight guys. Got toil on the morrow as well after 5 days off.
might have a fucking wank
Slampig dot com
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Absolute state of it.
I know might move to China is a gimmick but I’ll be giving it some serious consideration if this carries on.
Does your penis shrivel up when you get cold?
how'd you manage that
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morning lads
ngl i don't know a single person who has interacted with black people and liked them
need a good poo
bradley waslh laug
grabbed a pan that had just been in the oven haha
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Proto gf is engaged lads
Bitch should not have led me on and now it's a right mess
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Would you cunts do gay onlyfans shit if it meant you got loads of money but become a huge meme and an embarrassment to your family?
>wish flashman had full penetration
it does, he shagged hundreds of women in the books
Don't know. Looking at it or thinking about it gives me a panic attack.
probably going to have a wank tomorrow morning tbqhwyl
then she gets angry at me cos the washing stays in there for days until she notices
wouldnt mind a lezzer gf
just to have around as a friend
we wouldnt have sex but would cuddle and kiss occasionally
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i'm already an embarrassment to my family but still no
*booming echoing voice*
Remember to set your alarms, toiltards lmao
then tell her or even better finish it for her you little freak
>thinking about his willy gives him a panic attack
no im not gay
havent done wanking or looked at any nudie pictures today
wouldnt want to deal with benders sending me vile shit and having to pretend to go along with it
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how do i stop being mentally ill, serious replies only please
used to always draw the line at wanking first thing
i've fallen off the wagon a bit though in recent years
The money would be more than enough, it bringing my family pain on top would just be greedy
if they don't describe the penis entering a vagina in full lurid detail it didn't happen
My gf doesn't like willies and is scared of them because of the patriarchal power it represents
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that's the weekly shop done. can't believe all the Xmas tat in shops already
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clears it up
I need more info. What is your mental illness?
mental that he was the killer all along
I liked a black girl I met in uni. She was Swedish and when I found that out I was surprised because I assumed all Swedish people were white with blonde hair and blue eyes. But she was chill
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was mental when I was in the UK and there were vape shops left, right and centre
saw so many people vaping
here they're banned
neither have i but i reckon by morning mr willard will be spewing
my family are all dead so probably yeah but only if it was so much money i was able to live life like it was a holiday forever
shit bait
none can live on that goyslop
was just some boring old fuzzy clips skipped through and nothing was happening
>he fell for the birdeye potato waffles are better than the supermarket own brand meme
hahah fucking hell the oldest trick in the book
yea they're in every shop now
im trying to do no porn so a good wank first thing to get it out the day reduces temptation to watch
crippling depression and anxiety
Genuinely fucking screaming
still perturbed by that Huw Edwards story
It's illegal to get sent images completely unsolicited that you don't even want

So if you're on /sp/ and the Peruvian does his usual antics then you've basically comitted a crime.
What an insane law.
Erm actually chud it was the unknown, untold and unseen spirit of BOB and whatver the hell was lurking in the woods. It's all explained in this scene right here earlier in the show:

Doing the no sex challenge. Got a 31 year streak
this is from britfeel
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I gottu yu all with da greatesta social experimentu evar
this country has many insane laws
I dont think this is true, I imagine he was convicted because he outright said he wanted these images and was looking for them, so not just having them
get over it
big brother was the greatest social experiment ever
might rewatch bb9 soon
genuinely bizarre
? He was in character, tf is her problem
These gay marketing scams are really tiresome
>Covid lockdowns prematurely aged girls’ brains more than boys’, study finds
yeah that's why he was convicted, I'm not saying he's an innocent
It's just all the articles stressed what the law was in the reporting of the story and I was quite stunned
no the anon is right, if you have images sent to you completely unsolicited and without your knowledge it absolutely is still a crime for you.
yes it is insane as it sounds, that's why lads will dodge sp completely
gf is a testament to that ;)
Bit risky, what if i go mental, sounds like a last resort
What has given you crippling depression and anxiety?
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"Making" indecent images can have a wide legal definition, and covers more than simply taking or filming the original picture or clip.

The Crown Prosecution Service says, external it can include opening an email attachment containing an image; downloading an image from a website to a screen; storing an image on a computer; accessing a pornographic website in which an images appears in an automatic "pop-up" window; receiving an image via social media, even if unsolicited and even if part of a group; or live-streaming images of children
nah it was her da
Today was end of summer vibes. Hope tomorrow is cosy autumn vibes.
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its charli babee
Ridiculous archaic law
yeah he's given you a bit of an extreme answer there
try the pub instead
Is it true Mousey got sanctioned for another month because he didn't attend a jobs fair?
Honestly just sounds like semantics and reality nobody has been convicted on that basis alone.

Like I remember the assemblies we used to have that receiving or sending nudes when you're underage is illegal and will land you in jail even if you're both say 13 but that's never actually happened because the law isn't applied in the way you think it would be
yep, and LOTS of people get done for it
don't go to /sp/ if you think peruanon is lurking around the threads
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why's she got pooey tits
quick blackening for katy right now
you vill live in the barratt new build towns
e it
you might have a bad trip but it won't make you go mental, shrooms are by far the safest hallucinogen and they've been shown to rewire brains against neuroticism
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Kek I actually do live in a new build. I actually love it though
Shit genetics + social isolation stemming from a random bout of depression when i was 16.

Honestly mate the chemicals in my brain are fucked, I could be doing everything right and still be depressed.
no mate people do get done for it, I'm not going to doxx myself but I've seen people prosecuted for this exact offence >>202043433
under those circumstances
>Honestly just sounds like semantics and reality nobody has been convicted on that basis alone.
Well you're wrong. Fucktard.
do you actually yeah?
Mental how "they" can send you unsolicited image then arrest you and forever ruin your life
Show me a singular news article of that then
why do you think they made the law in the first place lmao
does it make you feel like a sovlless bugman
and do you drive a white audi
How is this even allowed, you could get a dodgy ad or spam email that you never requested and the police would be over the next day searching your house
They are made of paper, you can hear everything from several doors down
You must work for them
Fuck off
live in a new build
Got scared because I saw a post with a tripcode

then i realized i disabled the rule in ublock

i have turned it on again

sorry to hear
mate I don't fucking care what happens to you actually you little ignorant twat

that's the fucking point you mong
define an indecent image

also so if somebody posts an indecent image on your facebook and you see it, you can be prosecuted for that?
would love to kick diego to shit then throw him in the thames on a stormy night (this post is satire)
What's wrong with a white Audi?
Thanks for putting another nail in the coffin of /brit/
do you retards actually believe they're prosecuting people for being sent images unknowingly, it literally does not happen, show me ONE example of it.

reeks of nonces who already had pics on their computer then got caught
i drive a black saab
>do you retards actually believe they're prosecuting people for being sent images unknowingly, it literally does not happen, show me ONE example of it.
Huw Edwards
tasteless bugoid mobile
no way anyone has ever been convicted because a pop up appeared on their computer
id like to have sex with hundreds of women
Everyone shut the fuck up
>James Earl Jones, voice of Darth Vader, dies aged 93
oh my science NOOOOOOOOOOO
Keyword was unknowingly, Einstein
>if somebody posts an indecent image on your facebook and you see it, you can be prosecuted for that?
100% yes

again not going to doxx myself but I've seen people prosecuted for it
believe what you want
oh hour old news?
what next? the result of the battle of hastings?
yeah he was getting on a bit, sounded quite tired in his recent work
hope he rests in peace
Higher ground bros??
>that's the fucking point you mong
UK moment
Yeah he was sent them unknowingly, didn't request them
go on
Are there any recordings of him saying the N word?
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cant believe he tweeted his reaction to getting pounded by his child bf
plotting a gigawank
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>Not being known as Tulsa Doom from Conan
Fucking bugmen
don't care
thought james earl jones was black
Thank God he can't ruin ruin Darth Vader anymore and they can hire someone who sounds like he did back in the 70s
>oh hour old news?
He was catching up on the olds
Seemed the type to loathe the Queen and make a witty remark about her being on the dole
Did Sir Keir Starmer KILL James Earl Jones by cutting his winter fuel payment?
Rorkes mum appearing on the Hoof GP
Fucking racist
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Gonna grow this hairstyle in his honour
almost certainly...
vax status?
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Fuck me doing some vile farts at the moment. Had to open the window for some fresh air
well is he or what
Rorkebertarian on a mad one
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I was doing pumps that smell like raw sewage after a week on processed foods
Gone off the muck back onto proper eats now
GCHQ wants to know your location
Good post.
Need the civil service out of business
Son of two Jewish satellite engineers. He started with nothing
Did you recently enjoy a high-protein meal? x
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Mood has been better today. Would rate it 6/10. Energy levels still low at 4/10 and motivation is a 5/10.
i opened the window and the farmers are spreading shite on the fields so it reeks of shit permanently now
No. Welsh
Going to start dressing smarter. I’m 30 now. Time to put things into perspective. I can’t wear trainers and trackie bottoms anymore. It’s time to put a little effort in. Shirts. Trousers. Nice shoes. Smarten myself up. Clean shaven. Always. If I respect myself, others will respect me. That comes through how you present yourself initially. Time to get a move on
Actually just one satellite engineer and her orbiter
Don't be like that, we do all the shit it never even occurs to you that needs to be done
i still think fondly of the time i was doing farts which smelled like cow pats
cant remember what muck i was eating to make them smell like that - must have been lots of processed shite, crisps etc
So what you're really saying is:
>Mood: 6
>Energy: 4
>Testicles: 2
bro is on top of that shit
Yeah thanks mate can you just stop facilitating the filling of our nation with backwards subhumans who rape and murder us
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Sir Chief Consoler
sound advice that will be not be taken by anyone in the thread.
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any man in remember this
You won't let anyone help you, Anon. You claim all your problems are genetic and random, outside of your control, nothing that can be done. Unless you accept yourself and focus on self improvement you'll stay exactly as you are. We're all heading for the grave and before you get there you owe it to yourself, no one else, to be the very best person you can be. Excercise, until you are fit enough to run a marathon. Then run 10 for charity, make someone elses suffering a little easier. Learn skills, a new language, martial arts so that if another prick bully fucks with you, you can dislocate their arms. Get a job, even a shitty factory job and realise 90% of people are fucking retarded and inferior to you. Just do something for fuck's sake. It's up to you.
Not busy then, I guess
why's his willard all wrapped up
nout wrong with wearing trainers over the age of 30.
This is the UK, if you're under 35 and not wearing some adidas/nike shit everyday you'll be seen as a freak.

North Americans tend to dress like oversized children
you should probably toss them if they're that old lad
You've done none of this
thats ice
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*enters /brit/*
That's hot
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Last night in jail for early release prisoners
If you say so. Here's my final piece of advice. Life's fucking shit. Stop bothering people with your sadness. No one cares, they are already dealing with their own.
>if you're under 35 and not wearing some adidas/nike shit everyday you'll be seen as a freak.
maybe in the shithole you come from. people dress nicely where I am, men in shirts, trousers, etc.

only the wandering bydlo wear Adidas or Nike. It's chavvy as fuck and makes me cringe when I see it
luv tennis me

Going to start dressing smarter. I’m 30 now. Time to put things into perspective. I can’t wear trainers and trackie bottoms anymore. It’s time to put a little effort in. Shirts. Trousers. Nice shoes. Smarten myself up. Clean shaven. Always. If I respect myself, others will respect me. That comes through how you present yourself initially. Time to get a move on
I've been having a tough time lately
>Stop bothering people with your sadness. No one cares
gp (good post)
Oh yeah right he just unknowingly received many images of child pornography for months from multiple people without wanting them
Poor guy
>maybe in the shithole you come from
im in Bath which is supposed to be pretty nice
trauma dumping is a very unwise thing to do
youre not special for being a special snowflake depressed tit
Football used to be about local lads representing their area through the sport. Now it's about billionaire clubs owned by foreign investors importing mainly Africans and others that are paid hundreds of thousands every week to promote whatever message the powers that be want to push (eg. gay rights, black rights). Worst of all this, the footie mongs keep watching and supporting this through season tickets which costs thousands of pounds every year, because they can't live without it (despite how ridiculous it is now). Footie mongs are the worst. They are the most brainwashed sheep in this country. At least religious people worship something divine. Footie mongs idolise people kicking a ball around and justify footballer's insane wages for doing so. They are scum and represent everything wrong with modern society.
you're not supposed to wear clothes in bath
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>Implying it was me doing the cry blog
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feel terrible about what i said about those ducks here the other day
You might be in Bath but I'm begging you to take a shower
That’s really fucking weird
Goofball government you have
Biden probably didn’t know what he was talking about
>trauma dumping

kill yourself
Today while astral projecting I summoned allah to try and weaken him so our hexing spells would work better

He is so fucking powerful. I'm not at a power level to do this alone. I barely escaped with my life and I'm spiritually injured to a great amount, but I think I'll make it.

I can't imagine what he would do to a new, unsuspecting witch. I'm scared that I will have to face him again soon if I ever want to continue astral projecting. I'm currently burning healing incense and drawing Spiritual energy from my crystals to try and heal as quickly as possible.

Please be safe everyone. Allah is much stronger than I first imagined and we will have to do this together if we want to slay a god.
Hang on mate you dropped this
*picks up a card which says GAY CARD on the back*
*flips it over*
*it's actually a thin mirror*
Oh no I've been fucking done in!
Fuck are you on about retard do you even know anything about the case?
Clearly not, so why pretend that you do
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is this gyno?
Last /brit/ post from me
Good luck with life lads all the best
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Never drinking again went out on sunday and ended up talking so much bollocks saying that english people are soft compared to irish and they wouldntnt have lasted in an irish school and the guy turned to walk away then swung back round,hit me so hard my eyes went into the back of my head that I almost bump myself on top of the head to knock em back down and carry on swinging, I started WINDMILLING at the cunt and he was bobbing and weaving like he knew how to fight, he put me in a headlock trailed me over the table thru a load of pint glasses and im punching up trying to catch him and while he has me in this headlock he MAKES HIS OWN SOUND EFFECTS and goes BAAAAAAAAM and hits me in the face so fucking harddd its not even funny my ears are still ringing and then I hear somebody shouting fucking smash him and his mates come in start fuckin leathering me and then one of them goes stamp on his dick and i started actually screaming and they ran off
>implying it was me who made the other post
thought he died years ago
ffs was about to send you £500 but you're a man of your word so I'll just have to keep it
Astounding how shit this advice is lmao. Going from doing nothing to run ten marathons and learn a language. Anyway, some actual advice would be to get a job (even a part time one), preferably some kind of physical one if you're young, and find a creative/active hobby that you can do by yourself.
nooo dont go your too sexy aha x
He received CP from another paedo that he was in a chat with for months not just the ones sent by the child he was messaging directly so even if he were to have received some "unknowingly" initially he received others that he obviously had he intent to obtain which is what he was convicted for
The point was there are no cases where someone has been convicted based solely on either receiving it unknowingly or having a pop-up appear, etc. because you could never prove beyond reasonable doubt that it was with intent
what a slock of shite
shit get fuck me
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Not one decent flick
cinema really is dying?
mad how poo gay porn
Ate a plum and a pear
considering doing a big cummie
No that’s muscle
No. He was convicted for "making indecent images" in the case of the other man sending him images that the judge accepted were not requested. Do one.
mad how chinks are making blockbusters for a fraction of the cost and getting hollywood-tier returns, the yank cinema industry is in the ropes
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Plenty of decent films but none of them make any decent money. Average pleb taste is so shittified
Bros did you have this show over there?

there's a bird half as tall as Chile?
I do not control the speed at which lobsters die
and thats just the lesser one
Nice try GCHQ.
He was convicted for receiving hundreds of images over years and pleaded guilty to all charges
>ignores the actual point of the post
Go fuck yourself
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Yank cinema is out of control tbf
Our political leaders keep telling us to treat every brown arrival as a political asylum claim. we do as we're told. Take your complaints to your local MP
just this once i let you take the shit out of me
thought people were saying disny was dying
time for a nice oily wank
>He was convicted for receiving hundreds of images over years and pleaded guilty to all charges
Pled guilty to the charge of "making infecent images", which does not and never has required intent.
You should have been killed as a child.
2 hits vs 1000 flops isn't a good sign
watched the first dune the other night and thought it was boring
also i downloaded a rip without subtitles so i had no idea what the fuck they were saying half the time
G’day mate! How’s the shrimp on the barbie? ahahah! Hope no dingos steal your baby! If they do jump straight on your ‘roo and hop after it! Pull a u-ey at the servo and go straight to maccas if you get hungry on your chase!
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Sent those freaks straight to hell
dune a poo
my willy
your mouth
simple as
British Exodia
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only conservatives who spend 16 hours a day watching anti-woke youtube channels and have an anyuerism at seeing the acolyte or rachel zegler believe that because that's all their tinfoil hat conspiracy theories would ever tell them

dadberg is one of them
thinks star wars is poofter shite but simultaneously is outraged a black is in some star wars show

he's a bizzare battyman
Fuck you dickhead hope you had fun taking down your straw man
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>wanked off over my mum
Hope your boyfriend enjoys the taste of my cock in your arse
I suppose expecting actual conversation is asking too much, just wanted to let a majority of you know how mundane and idiotic you actually are.
bradleyposting isn't funny and is in fact very annoying
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any other speccy linux computer virgins in?
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Would you consider a Darts player an athlete?
It's been dead ever since the nonce co-opted it
Get to the Rondo Hotel Gran Canaria ASAP
dont know sounds woke
Me but I've had sex and my eyes work
thinking about bulliedbumholelad
i could be the most naturally talented marksman in the world and not know it because the government doesn't let me have a gun
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mad how you never get over your first gf
I stopped doing it
>we do as we're told
just like the nazis
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nah I'm pretty over it
scranning some food
I did
It's my second GF that I still think of often
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found rubes
you could be the best at sex in the world and not know it because, well...
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Bulliedbumholelad. He wipes his arse with wet wipes!
Great Brain
in my case you have to remove the "over"
Yeah suppose so
Disgusting vermin
shouldn't have gotten a flat on the ground floor
was afraid i'd be too tempted to kill myself by jumping from the balcony if i got one on the upper floors
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mental how australia asked us for compensation after the war, should have let Japan annex them
been in 4 relationships me
bit of a romeo, haha
cor imagine little aussie babies being thrown in the air and spitted on jap bayonets
I love how much thought you put into this. I bet you lecture your mum on carbon emissions and microaggressions you fucking loser

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