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mozlonghair edition
ive seen some weird ban messages in my time
I’m sorry but I’ve told you before, I’m voting for Walt Disney!!
not posting in the pedo new sorry lads
poos going to war in my colon
God forgive me for the time that I have wasted.
Get the mice posted, the chemistry solved, the horses posted, the Peters in, the Walt Disney elected
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Some Brit made a new that was "bloke with tits" edition.

Absolute state of you
feel like SHIT
the walt disney company should've never become public
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yeah? x
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What's your favourite cheese, /brit/?
Personally, I like me a Wensleydale.
janny isnt going to like this
The best part is that's not even a cat
*slurps up piss*
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really telling
winter poo allowance
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the budget, as it were
So everyone is losing out regardless of where they live.
Ain’t had Wensleydale with cranberries in time
what a sweet heart
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Literally indistinguishable from black propaganda desu, if this is real than what the fuck are they thinking? Do they think this will convince anyone to be more accepting, saying that the castration process leaves a wound that's filled with feces?
Studying the Hobo Code of Ethics
We live in grim times when even the Lee bots miss obvious cheese.
Wish I could read Swedish
Their general looks fun
had a dream where i was feeling a girl's arse and she farted on my hand
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>it's real
What happened to the honorable vagabonds and tramps of old?
nobody cares enough to read anything anymore
I suspect they have many rorkes.
hobos are a distinct category in that they fellow these ethics (especially seeking employment) whereas your tramps and bums are just layabouts/alcoholics/junkies
rorke arranging a prayer circle for Harvey Weinstien
are you new here
there are plenty of functional alcoholics and junkies who work
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Business idea: unlimited immigration for unmarried 18-35 year old females from Iran, Lebanon and Turkey
had a dream where i saw my gf (who irl is a famous actress) sitting on a bench with some dude kind of holding hands a little.

what i said to her is "so are you two a thing now"

and she was just like


or something


very unnerving. made me feel sad. then i felt this like powerfuljolt in my heart in the dream

and i woke up sweating
strange thing to apologize for
>what happened
Imprisoned or fallen to zombie junkiedom
There were more trains to ride back then, too
Fascinating mate
>what is sarcasm
And then you woke up from your dream within a dream, and realised your obsession with a 14-year old actress doesn't make her your girlfriend.
would be fun sitting in a boxcar with an open door watching the country roll past you with a couple of hobo mates (one of them playing a guitar or harmonica)
hmmm fat arse muslim girls
just want a girls fat arse right in my face
umm why would she be 14. she is not 14
do you sleep in total darkness lads?
not afraid of the dark or anything but i've developed a habit of sleeping with my desk lamp on because it has low warm light and adds a comfy ambiance to my smelly bedroom, plus i'd have to get out of bed to turn it off and i can't be arsed
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l have my laptop on 24/7
this post just reminded me of those youtube channels that film themselves doing crazy shit on moving trains and now im watching them
had a black friend from zimbabwe and mumstein thought he was such a nice boy, little did she know i used to get him to shoplift for me
i used to sleep with my big light on until a few years ago now i sleep in the darkness
you mean like those lads who rode on that train that goes across the sahara desert?
wankin' and pooin'
blondes are subhuman
15 is the best age for breeding
skyping the American gf got any good memes to share?
drinking red wine diluted with water. feeling... sophisticated. you already know im holding the stem between my ring and middle finger and cupping it in my hand
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what state is she from? got a texan one myself
who's this fat fucken moll
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yeah but a lot more hectic
also cant read or write the word hectic without spanian's voice ffs
fruit flies are after my wine
gobble them up
spanian is a horrible thug, i don't care that he's no longer a criminal, he definitely doesn't do anything to discourage the eshay culture he comes from
my nan ate a fruit fly once
then i would have to swallow a spider to catch the fly
All hail Macbeth, thane of Glamis, thane of Cawdor, hail Macbeth thou shalt be king hereafter
best just skip ahead and swallow a cow then
get it down you
yeah i agree
funny how he cant legally visit america because of his criminal record even though we're full of violent brown people
and i only know this because i researched eshays out of curiosity one time as ive barely ever heard of them
why do foreigners know about spanian
aha u wot
nah but what you mean by that haha
if he gets rich and famous enough he can visit, apparently there are loopholes
Most people have herpes, yeah?
is ether good lads?
might buy some ether
my parents wouldn't be allowed into the uk because they are felons. we visited finland doe lol
herpes zoster yeah
is doing a school shooting still considered a felony there?
must suck to have a std if you're a virgin. i'm a hypochondriac so i get worried about it, but imagine if it happened for real
who tf has felons as parents?
what are you like
No I mean herpes simplex
well right now i'm enjoying a glass of wine, but my father is probably out smoking fentanyl. it was actually just my mom who went to finland with me
felonies are based
1 out of 6 in the US
I used to at home but now I have to keep the lamp on or wait till daylight to sleep because if I wake up in the dark here I panic
How much weed do you smoke gingerpedo?
At least a couple of grams a day
everybody knows a turkey and some mistletoe
No wonder you're brain dead
thc increases brain activity
On the contrary, I'm one of the more educated posters here. All I do is read
If weed were legal here I'd probably take it. Not smoking though but edibles sure.
Is garry kasparov itt?
yeah be careful with that
my dad is a dark triad opiate-addicted chad, while i'm a small-dicked gay wine-drinking virgin. Sad!
edibles are the only thing that's remotely reasonably priced on darknet markets here
what about vapes? I'm thinking of trying them myself.
it's simply a formality, but yes.
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used to love living on the gold coast but now i'm getting sick of all the fucking tourists
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try changing the name
holy shit this looks fun
surfing the roof of a 4x4 while your friend drives in the countryside of a bumfuck country like georgia
I can assure you it won't be legal here for 20+ years.
i pay $275/month for health insurance
massive ripoff
the lack of trees is troubling
I’m beginning to realise most people are too stupid to grasp the concept of an anecdote. For example, when one person of a particular characteristic says or does something, the normgroid immediately assumes everyone with that characteristic must think or act the same way. I used to think they were just joking, surely they couldn’t be that stupid— but they really are.
You have never once demonstrated anything resembling intelligence
there be gold in them there hills?
would never visit the east coast of australia. west coast is the best coast ALWAYS
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not all normies are unable to grap the concept of anecdotes
there's nothing in western australia except perth which is like a 240p version of melbourne, and a couple of abo-infested mining towns
yeah, i don't want to be around you people. you're just us with stupid accents
since everything is upside down in the southern hemisphere, technically the east coast is the equivalent of the west coast in the northern hemisphere
they're way more friendly and hospitable
if i were about to get surgery i would shoot the shit with an aussie but if it were another american they would probably just stare at the screen for the whole duration
I have a $7500 balance on a American Airlines Citi credit card. I have to go to jail for a year soon, whats the best thing for me to do, short of paying it off. I have the money to pay it, but thats all I have. Was hoping for some advice. Thanks in advance.
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DTFIC has been here all day and night while I work on my game, lol.
lmao what did you do retard
Will it have sex?
might replay sleeping dogs, fun being a little ching chong chinaman and doing kung fu against meat cleaver-wielding triads
i'd be chilling with the wildlife. makes me laugh when people are scared of australian animals. oh, is that a big spider? are you afraid of the invertebrate?
Never. It's impossible
i'm more scared of snakes tbf, particularly brown snakes, not only are they one of the most toxic land snakes in the world, they're also quite common and highly aggressive to the point that they will chase you
>got into a fight
>released on parole
>got a dui while on parole
Always glad my ancestors can here instead of Australia
I'm afraid of their wildlife
time not found
another cup poured, this time UNdiluted. getting barbaric
not a fan of nip slips me, but I'll takes whats I's can gets
Those are thousands of kilometres away from me
deporting all the canadian geese
want to install a periscope that looks out of the roof of my house so i can spy on my neighbours and see when the postman is coming
The saddest part either spainfreak has atleast one friend in the word (imagine that burden) or some random loser pretended to be spainfreak
And he samefags with all these VPNs
Fucking mentall sickness if ive ever seen it. He spams here all day so i doubt he has ever gone on holiday and posted here. Then again i imagine an obese sociopathic virgin such as him would find it hard to do anything other than sit in his hotel room without getting severe withdrawal symptoms.
sometimes i watch people with binoculars from my window
Anyone else notice the thread quality drastically decrease the more Canadians there are itt?
Project on amerifreak
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do you live on top of cliff? i'm trying to imagine a house situated where you would need a binocular to see everything
all me
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what does that get you
I do want to try Japanese mayo but I've only ever seen expensive imports in the store
no, i just use binoculars to see people in higher detail
Fuck off weeb
who the fuck eats it like that
why can't he use his lips like a normal person why does he instead scrape his teeth against the spoon
we hates it
So do you go back and read all the old threads in the middle of the night or were you seething about this for hours or did you wake up really early to post this?
>Japanese mayo
Lmao fagget
my bum is full of poo
>mayo, domestic :|
>mayo, Japan :O
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/brit/ is peak around 4pm-12am GMT (11am-6pm EDT) when the lads are out of toil and ends when bruce is finishing up his morning coffee
my health insurance is 9mm
if i'm ever too sick to get out of bed, i'll be exercising my 2nd amendment rights promptly
reckon i'll go to gymtoil at around 4:30, most of the high schoolers should have cleared off by then but it's just before the 9-5 normies roll in
>not bringing the food to you
Amazing how even the most educated blacks are still primitive
are you going to kidnap a doctor and force him to treat you at gunpoint?
thats the best time to go
my cooking programs all say nice things about it so I want to try it
Obama is like 75% White
I have £25,000+ tied up in a pension pot, all contributions I made during my last job (over 5 years ago now).

Deeply regret putting that money in there as it is a dead cert I will never see retirement. The money would be much more useful in my normal bank account right now.
how am i going to do that if i'm stuck in bed
Japanese mayo just has sugar in it
Honestly find it revolting
shooting yourself then is it?
>implying anyone gives a shit
>implying I'm sympathetic to your situation (I'm not)
>implying it matters
Blow your head smooth off
wrong answer
it's because he's a lizard
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pissing it down with rain out there

thankfully I myself am inside, where it remains dry
i'm going to shoot the disease... my lord, aussies really are thick. put some sunscreen on your noggin to stop the sun from frying it, will you?
i consider pensions a meme for anyone younger than gen x
world will get entirely fucked by then
kewpie mayo is not that expensive and it comes in a handy squeeze bottle which is so soft that it's almost a bag
>aussies really are thick
no they're not, it's just me
ive seen a road runner outside when i was lifting (i live in arizona)
wasnt even scared of me, i dropped the weights i was holding and it didnt even flinch
australians always put on a funny accent when they try to communicate with chinese people where they're not sure if they speak english
Wile E Coyote is a /brit/poster? Well I never
if pakis find the term "paki" offensive then i'm going to start finding the term "aussie" offensive
canadians are the only anglos NOT allowed to use the Y-slur. pisses me right the fuck off
>yeah bro let me just hold up money for 40 years instead of investing it now
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>medical, dental, vision
>$0 deductible in network, $200 out of network
>$0 copay for hospital or my regular physician visits
>$20 copay for prescriptions, and specialist visits
>90% coinsurance (i pay 10% of expenses after deductible has been paid)
Please seek help if you are considering suicide. You're not alone, mate
it's not offensive because racism = prejudice + power
thats why you can go to china and call them chinky
Lots of companies will math your contributions and you can wire it off your taxes
>Rachael 'Raygun' Gunn has been ranked the world's number one breaker thanks to the points she claimed for winning the WDSF Oceania Championship which booked her spot in the Paris Olympics.
*walks in /brit/*
yea, that's right...
what is >intention
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>you’re not alone mate
>Rachael 'Raygun' Gunn has been found dead in an apparent overdose
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thinking of buying some stumpline pups
Fanny Chmelar is a funny name
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mad to think that dylan klebold and eric harris would be 43 years old if they were still alive
Is it possible to learn this power?
Bradley Walsh made an official statement today: "All my laughs have been completely faked for television. I deeply apologise for misleading you."
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what's the /brit/ consensus on the third shooter conspiracy theory in columbine
pretty sure everyone here knows that. or at least, i hope they do. i always saw bradders laughing images as an ironic thing
dont understand why none of these school shooters can get their pipe bombs working properly
Not so much for Eric but Dylan did the right thing, imagine being a 43 year old man called Dylan
sounds like a conspiracy theory
"chubby" women (fat fucks) should be forced to diet
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preferred when she had the nazi tattoos
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Mad how she’s forced to live her whole life as either a tattoo artist, punk/goth hairdresser or a barmaid at a gay club
me and the candy raver gf
Or pornstar/whore ofcourse
it's 2024, people are allowed tattoos
Haven't laughed for over a year
michelle, my belle
sont des mots qui vont très bien ensemble
très bien ensemble
having a cup of espresso
voo lay voo cooshay avec moy, shay swah
Slaw, mac and cheese, and a dipping sauce.
you're a miserable right bastard
what about a clown? would that make you laugh?
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>hi I’ve come for the position of bank clerk
yes, with aikido
less than human
A man went to the doctor one day
He said, "Doc, I, I don't know what to do. I don't know who to talk to, I'm completely depressed. I don't know what to do with my life. It's full of uncertainty. I wake up every day until I just, I can't see a light at the end of the tunnel"
And the doctor said, "Well, it's great that you came in today of all days because the Great Clown Pagliacci is in town. And he has a show tonight and nobody ever goes to his his live performance and doesn't leave, you know, completely full of life"
And the man burst into tears and the doctor said "Well, what's wrong?"
And he said "Doctor, I am the Great Clown Pagliacci"
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Imagine her filling those with a steaming clump.
incel "humour"
fizzy plum ginger limeade
whys my man talking about inshallah these times he don’t even pray
very modest
t. recently ate England's national dish: egg noodles in a bed of warm mayonnaise
alhamdullilah your mother will be raped by camels
allahu akbar aisha al'qaym achaim
anyone remember the cuckio meme
minecraft enchanting table language
>cuckio meme
remind me
oh me and my cousin one arthur mcbride
What the fuck do you think runt, i had an old thread open.
Imagine being Nickolas Cruz, kid who did Americans largest shooting and lived. He’s 25 now and everyday he wakes up and realises he gave up his whole over an incel freakout when he was almost done with school
Dudes on the internet be like
>It's a shame that millions must die, but a paternal dictator really is best and anyone who disagrees is a retard
But in real life be like
His whole what?
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>It's a shame that millions must die, but a paternal dictator really is best and anyone who disagrees is a retard
stfu chewbs
Whole life
Sozza just woke up
wouldn't be surprised if she topped herself after all the bullying
i am tired of being caught in the tangle of /brit/'s lives
I want a friend from Australia i want to visit the land down under and need a friend or twink
90% or more you don't know
he's literally retarded, he probably is incapable of processing that, also he's a violent sociopath who would kill again if released
uh mate that's a maternal dictator, clearly different and perfectly consistent
the british government in 2024 has as much regard for their citizens as they did in the 19th century for the irish
>Jurors were presented with an 18-page list of search queries from various Google accounts. The list included searches such as "how to become a school shooter", and "pumped up kicks columbine high school"
the largest shooting was the memory holed las vegas hotel one
He's desperate to FUCK
the largest high school shooting
i think cho still beat him in the school shooting category but that was a university, not a high school
Who’s the living biggest yank shooter? (I mean to originally say largest school shooter but tiredberg rinsed me)
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>keeping search history
how will autists cope if we discover element 120 before element 119
and the silicon chip inside her head gets switched to overload
hate being poor, i'm too genetically superior for it, i don't deserve it
i can't bring myself to finish the glass. because then, it'll be gone...
thinking about a big ol panzerotti
>Cruz's Google and YouTube search history were presented to the court, showing searches of child pornography, rape, racism, Nazism and killing animals.
This nigga was retarded. Do yanks not put mentals in mental health centres or something?
bizarre post
its fake
big triple pack bowl of mi goreng noodles into the belly
freedom ain't free
Why they not doing it in order?

you're getting annoying with the ai posts
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Want to sniff her dumper.
we discovered a bunch of them out of order. 114, 116, 118, and 115 were discovered before 113
you can't detect the real ai posts, because they're smarter than us
For example why’s isn’t >>202052019
in a mental health centre under involuntary care?
dumpster sniffer
pathetic how our prisons are full and have to release some

did the government not anticipate this?

does it cost that much to build a few more prisons?
why not just execute some

height of incompeyence
Ronald Reagan did away with mental health services in the USA because it was too much government regulation or something.
thinking of having missionary sex for the purposes of procreation with my wife
Why is this done? Can you half find out an element and research the number or something?
it's not right for the brits to be less harsh than us on their criminals. draw and quarter them, for tengri's sake
usually when they have to release prisoners due to overcrowding they give priority to non-violent offenders so it'll be mostly white people getting out
Fuck I’m going to stop posting soon clearly woken up with autism today
uhh why not let them stay in

and just execute all the bad ones
Because they don't have centres, they have centers.
a lot of the modern discoveries are just bombarding elements with other elements and trying to get something stable. it isn't placing protons manually in the shells to create new elements
it's the number of neutrons in the particle
great post
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Stay mad faggot.
filling my penis with marbles
emma watson is ugly
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alls my life i had to fight, nigga
You’re a dirty nonce ‘emmayank’. Jelly and ice cream when the police do you
americans all hate each other and don't get along, and that's why we are the most powerful country. you wouldn't understand
americans can attack each other but if you attack us we will destroy you
I'm not clouded by a crush on her as a kid so I can say she alright, like I ain't having fantasies about her but if knocked on my door frothing at the gash for me I'd give her a poke
You are severely mentally ill.
Evidence of me being a nonce?
Mental that we got rid of capital punishment over one poor case. Yes there was support to get rid of it beforehand but it’s fucking mental how we don’t bring it back for open and shut cases, especially now they we have much better tech, understanding of mental elf so we can remove retards getting culled and not get the wrong guy
>deadliest high school shooting in the United States.

I like that it has its own category. God what a fucked up country
emmayank isnt gingerpedo
and gingerpedo isnt emmayank
You posting those picks of children but also have a scat fetish (degenerate on its own, same as a nonce) for an actress who became famous for child acting only
>open and shut cases
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i know. it's great isnt it?
>forgot the brit
I am here to suffer
I don’t post pics of any children thoughbeit

Fucked it
PROPER NEW >>202052374
It’s obviously the same person. Both yanks personalities obsess over the same person daily years. His ‘emmayank’ side gets deeply offended when you link the two because he’s separated them in his head
>Humanized Rainbow Dash
End your life


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