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I simply live with the pain edition
Previous: >>202049960
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Thread theme
what name would you give him? I just stole it
doing a gay dance whilst i am drunk
yeah, yeah, "hello".

Looks awful.
post more pics of those shaved legs
mine is easier by syllable count!
My brother in Christ it is a Monday (or very early Tuesday). Get your shit together.
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just realized kids that were born in 2006 are considered adults
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Beer causes liver failure, do not drink
this is what i'm listening to btw
good night bud
I watched it with my father
Working out before bed was a mistake. Why do i keep doing this to myself.
No sleep till 4. I'm going to shit post all night baby girls
>incel "It's just like me" edition
no one else can feel it for you, only you can let it in, no one else, no one else can speak the words on your lips, feel the rain on your skin
>baby girls
and that's where i'm headed. am i really going to be like this all the time? my mother will get the phone call... they'll tell her how they have to let the cut in my side drain it all out. and then i'll die. not prettily, not romantically. just regular, wretched, awful death
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Why are we so bad at the Paralympic compatriots?
Working out at night makes me want to shower and then sleep. How hard are you going?
That song is from better times.... before the woke... before the faceberg and tiktoks....
a time i never knew
but i can imagine
Such a beautiful song. Easily top 3 Christmas tunes, perhaps the #1
does /cum/ take baths? they are very relaxing
saaar hunter's past
post your penis and bum hole already, fag boy. i need to get off
Pretty hard. I'm trying to change my routine up though to get less fried at the end of the night. I was doing 2x12 1xamrap but I switched to higher weight lower volume and seeing how it goes.
So far liking it.
Too tall to use most of them. When i stay at a hotel i take a bath and shave my pubes
women want to be with me, men want to be me
I listen to Destiny, Vaush, and David Pakman
well I don't like inappropriate stuff
no. you can remain sexually frustrated :3
Not a very danceable song for the traditional dancing done in that region of the world.
how about a man who's frustrated, but not sexually, batters you? please, line up. are you sexually turned on by a broken nose? i can do that one.
That's good, you should start earlier though, if it's hurting your sleep.
I thought you only wanted to hurt women
don't talk to him that way he's too precious
I'm goatse. Google for my picture.
no he's annoying
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You're right, but the gym is packed earlier on.
I've been neetmode the last few weeks, but when i start a new job I'll go early am again.
with thighs like that he can annoy me all day
no, no. never. i guess pretty fellas get on the other side of the thread-needle for me. if you have balls, i will have my fun.
you wouldn't kill me right
If you're in neetmode, then work out in the morning.
why would i??
Why is everyone being so gay right now
it's just me sorry. i'm done
the xavier renegade angel cartel therapy thing i i cant rmremmberbeer
bath tub anon is pure sexo
I finished my homework
It's just the usual fag that's farming (You)s. He'll be posting dicks soon enough, and then he'll ban evade.
It's a whole cycle with this faggot.
That would be smarter. I'll have to switch back after my next rest day
Yin-yang has been disrupted
The yang is taking over
For one more time I would take the Northwest Passage.
rape is not an excuse, it's a reason. and tonight, everything seems so reasonable
Good. Help support infrastructure building in that area.
it's not brian
see for yourself and this isnt the first time he's posted those thighs either
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Everything seems so rapeable? I guess we have a Welsh sheepfucker in /cum/ tonight.
That show jumps between attempting to be smart and complete nonsense.
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man. i really need to ditch this temper. you know i almost got arrested for it? a friend of mine beat me at pool, i got mad, then he gloated more and i popped him one. might have been the first time i realized how big and strong i am.
How big is your raccoon folder?
you have 100 IQ
Someone post the /int/ IQ picture.
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not sure, I need to organize my animal webms/images folder
haha big angry dumtard anon
Interesting premise, but the execution leaves much to be desired. If I gave you a "heh" it'd be generous.
vaush is a commie
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>i popped him one
You have issues, if you shot your friend.
nobody cares about your samefagging. get a life, retard
he deserved it. we both agreed after.
it's mostly making fun of alternative spirituality types. not the clip he linked, but xavier himself
>black girls fuming
They don't like getting called out and having to deal with the truth.
that wasn't me though
75 IQ wog
kinda wanna visit canada but too lazy to get a passport
so you say. no italian blood here, as far as i know.
Why do you say pedo like that?
fuck off
do you guys use your entire hand to masturbate? i only use like 3 fingers, entire hand is too messy
why would you want to visit canada? it's better than mexico, sure, but you must be afraid of taking a plane. don't even blame you really
I have to use both hands for my tree trunk cock
>tfw you used to go back and forth between Canada and the USA with just a driver's license
Thanks 9/11.
i have to use laboratory-grade calipers to get any grip on my pen0r
>leafjeet vs tyrone
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You can always tell what people hate about themselves by what they hate about "society".
>People masturbate too much
No they don't, most people jack off a couple times a week. It's you who jacks off too much.
>People eat too much HFCS
I see skinny people all the time, and frequently at the same grocery stores as everyone else. It's very easy to eat a moderate amount of healthy food, if you're stuffing yourself with sweets and junk that's entirely on you.
>Society is too gay
Only 4-6% of people are LGBT+. Most of us just ignore it and they don't really affect us in any way. If anyone is thinking about dudes fucking and HRT all the time, it's the people who bitch about it ceaselessly.
>Not enough white people
Most people who say this are either Latino, Asian, or are themselves almost as bad as they think minorities are.
>People are too right-wing
Most people don't even really have coherent political opinions. Maybe it's a bit sheepish, but most people are just doing with their cultural signifiers. If your politics don't appeal to that, that's kind of your fault for having either shitty ideas of messaging.
>Low fertility rates
People who complain about this are contributing to the problem by having no rizz and pulling no bitches
>Not enough unions
Unionize your workplace
>Unions control everything
Stop paying your dues
>We must retvrn to the past
You only miss the past because you had more hair and your dick worked better. The past also sucked. That's why we left it.
>Video games are bad now
Mostly because you either play too many bad video games, or you play so many video games that you lost passion in them and are now going with the flow. Get a new hobby.
i have a small dick
I have aids btw
just a regular right hand pump for me.
>doubles confirming small dick anon
I could use two hands. Also, why don't you blow into tissue/toilet paper like a normal person?
cause you're indian
Sincerely hope you just copy and pasted this for a reaction. You have to be 18 to post here
>having no rizz and pulling no bitches
ok how many people have you given offspring to? no fucking chinese stripper once 4 years ago doesnt count

>bro just like lift and get a $100k+ job
imagine cuddling with a canadian twink lol
You do but I think it's cute
i just dont want my entire hand covered in lotion
had my fill of vocaroos, not clicking on any more now

i would assume youre poorly imitating a british person or something and gigglign to yourself because how hilarious you are (american comedy)
prove it
I'm an unstoppable force.
okay, i am...
ooh, gosb that's nice. smooth!
Ye literally
Ol reliable
lots of creeps in here
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imagine kicking a faggot in his balls
i like that idea too!
>Only 4-6% of people are LGBT+
Yeah, too many.
>Not enough white people
>People are too right-wing
Not right-wing enough.
>Low fertility rates
Even the people who are having kids, aren't having enough. Countries should encourage girls to have at least 4 kids for many decades.
>You only miss the past because governments and big tech didn't constantly monitor you
The american freak so obsessed with mousey actually knows nothing about him which is the most hilarious part.

He's screaming at shadows and footprints and breadcrumbs and losing his mind over voices in the wind as he scans the thread looking for british flags.
i want to lick bathtub anon from head to toe
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Thats beautiful
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Bitches will have asses that look like this and her simps will say
>Damn she has a whole bakery back there!
I know use lotion when I feel like looking at tikthots and edge for 20 minutes. Otherwise I don't waste the lotion for a 5 minute sesh.
jeans suck

women should wlak naked for my pleasure
I eat ass
Imagine having a smooth Canadian twink and sneaking him fenugreek supplements so he smells like syrup lmao
nigga go jack off already
I don't want to see cellulite bumps and BBLs.That's a perfect amount of ass, nigger.
Sorry hah ha you are a massive faggot so you can understand how i'd mistake you for him.
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This is what the world looked like in Pangea days
at least i know my dick will be able to reach
Nobody is as faggoty as a yank schizo

Nobody. I have lots of experience with your kind . pure mental illness and you think you are clever but you are so so very not
already got off to those thighs but i need more
cellulite is natural and like 90% of women have it
you have been brainwashed by porn
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I know in the Favela the tranny always rides in the back, but in the real world women don't have prostates.
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Atheists are the most gullible retards on earth
what happened to tataria
*takes the bait*
To be fair, you have to be initiated on some pretty esoteric levels of antisemitism to "get" that image
Yea im the one who got baited not you >>202053985
why would the tranny drive though he'd be too scared
>you have been brainwashed by porn
From the nigger who's addicted to BBLs and rap video asses.
I like girl butts that qualify for "cute", not something that should beep when backing up. This is the exact opposite of brainwashing by porn.
Also, remember burger, 75% of your adults are overweight, so maybe it's true that 90% of burgers have cellulite, but healthy girls shouldn't be getting it until they've had kids and are older.
incels debating women will never not be funny
750 million years ago the earth was completely covered in ice in the period known as Snowball Earth
*incel-women debates
pls don't be sexist, both are debating equally
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That's not possible given that the earth is ≈ 6000 years old tops
Checkmate, atheists!
Brazil is a surprisingly progressive country.
not a drop of IQ between these posts
what's that got to do with the tranny riding bitch like he should?
what if a girl has a giant ass and your dick dont reach?
hire a balck man >:)
you've said multiple times that the asshole is not meant for sex
i'll ask tyrone to take care of her womanly needs
It must be tough for midwit neets to understand that talking about girls is one of the things that normalfag guys talk about.
It's like:
>drinking stories
Maybe throw in some story about "This one time" bragging, and that's like 95% of what normalfags will talk about.
It's funny to see neets think that it's incels talking about girls in a normal way.
I have never met a black man named Tyrone.
Women don't have prostates, you don't fuck her ass. Simple as.
are you retarded? the ass is in the way in a lot of positions
you ARE an incel though, am i right or wrong? i am one
I've met a black guy named Jerome but that's the only stereotypical male black name I've ever seen.

Most of the black women I know do have those wild ass misspelled names though.
You're wrong, not a hkkv/wizard.
a woman's vagina is not between her cheeks my friend, unless she's obese it shouldn't matter
>midwit neets
breakin the law, breakin the law
why would you specify hkkv
does this mean the furthest you've gone is hugging the woman, and you're under 30? why do you have to make it so confusing, you must love the (you)s
I am not an incel

incel freaks OUT
I'm a volcel Chad
wtf is hkkv, wasnt it hhkv?
>midwit - A person of middling intellect; someone who is neither particularly dumb nor notably intelligent, especially if they act as if they are smarter than they are.
>neet - not in education, employment, or training
You skipped wizard, which means I had sex before age 30. I didn't make it confusing. You're a midwit.
im hikikomori
Total cope desu
it's khhv actually, but it really doesn't matter, we all know what it means
>you're a midwit
there is no possible way half of all people are stupider than me, or we are FUCKED
my face belongs between bath tub anon's thighs
The cymbals dragging ruin it for me.
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thinking of doing the needful
He's going to be an ugly dog once he's older.
you should take pictures of stuff and post it to the thread, your posts are too boring my themself
Based perspective.
you should be thanking me for every post on this dead general
i would turn back if i saw this
someone recommended me TV Girl on /mu/ like 8 years ago and I never listened to them, now I'm listening to them now and I really like them but I'll look like a poser because they became huge a year ago due to tiktok.
I do not use tiktok!
We'll thank you when you take all the illegals from USA and all the jeets and Africans from Canada.
You occasionally chiming in with your fetish for chad isn’t a great contribution
Good, ape
no you wouldn't, let's be real
and i know they would never do this, so i'm not disrupting anything
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>i would turn back if i saw this
i'd turn back because i would assume it's god warning me there are niggers ahead, unless you're calling white people apes then nvm
Bro, leafs would create a new holiday dedicated to Brazil's sacrifice for us.
My ex-girlfriend was never really great at handjobs, but whenever she would make a ring out of her thumb and index fingers and just rub the head would be the absolute most mind-blowing orgasms I would have other than actually having sex with her. I always try to recreate it, but can never have the same success as then with her. She was super smart, sweet, and probably the prettiest girl I've known. I miss her sometimes.
they would never come to brazil when first world countries take them
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My room is a mess and I am not going to clean it
Then we'll never thank you tranny worshipper.
no one:

absolutely nobody:

still nobody:

not a single soul:

literally no one:

not even big chungus:

random incel on 4chan: TRANNIES
they wouldn't go even if we didn't take them, what's the point of moving from one third-world country to another
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it's big chungus!
My solution to cleaning my room, was to never unpack. I've lived from laundry basket to laundry basket for years. I labelled all my boxes, so it's easy to get the few items I need, then return them. All that I unpack is my kitchen.
angry face with big eyebrows or sad face with closed eyes crying?
My university has groups and programs for blacks, LGBT, latinos, asians, native americans, sikhs, muslims, etc. But not one group or initiative for lonely young men!
Why is no one trying to address this epidemic that crosses racial boundaries?
I wonder if in the year 2060 if 4chan is still around will they post pictures of "humans" enhanced with cybernetics and say you will never be a robot
splash cold water in ur face and seek help
i'm glad this job's only 3 days out of the week, i still might pick up an extra shift doe and just farm ot once they put me on a less cucked machine
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why arent you bone mashing right now?
I think it's eyebrows
because my face hurts and i am weak. i'm glad i did it doe, makes me appreciate my peaceful incel life more
Maybe in 20 years, when we really start seeing the ramifications of rampant feminism's damage to society. Maybe.
just need to bathe with him once
libtards only care about racial grievances
Women aren't obliged to sleep with you.
Be a better man.
Go back to the kitchen.
stop smoking weed you degenerate leaf
how many incels are there really in your university?
How would your mother feel about you saying that?
i am romano briton
she wouldn't care because you're a dude
She'd say that I should kill you with kindness, and then I'd tell her that it doesn't work with online retards. You're either a woman, and needs to go back to the kitchen, OR you're a whiteknight, and she's not going to sleep with you.
Nothing I said was wrong, and you're only butthurt, because you're a retarded leftist. Right-wing women agree with what I said.
you are addicted to the herbal jew, canuck
Imagine being a slave to a plant.
prove it to yourself, you can't prove it to me
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I'm a cute little strawberry
Do you wash your hands after using the bathroom?
i’m gonna dip you in sugar before i eat you
only if pooing
Not all the time.
>Germany has no past
>they're part of the 95% triangle
Brit please.
Reading comprehension failed again Leafjeet
>the 95% triangle
say what now
leaf (he's not a jeet) will still continue to smoke pot, but i hope to make him feel a twinge of guilt when he does it
I don't remember what the book was called, but someone pointed out that like 95% of everything we care about(pre-USA) was made in the countries between the UK, Italy, and Germany.
So it's a triangle between the three.
these are my best matches
the rest are boring or fat
Europe owes its knowledge to the Asian continent and the Arab and Persian states.
I can read, it's saying that the Germans were still at Africa Tier, when the Greeks/Romans were dominating the world. It's just that Germany played the long game, while the Greeks/Romans lost.
Middle one is very cute
All three are attractive.
the romans just moved to germany
>america hadn't progressed past the stone age 1000 years ago!!!!
yeah because we hadn't move there yet retard
ah, probably. i'd add france too
I agree with the other guy who said the one in the middle. She's the cutest.
I always wanted to water slide in a roman aqueduct
the Romans moved to Romania
Discard first, fuck the middle, and then marry the third
Sorry, I wasn't clear with my explanation. Look at a map, and draw a triangle between the UK, Italy, and Germany. Every country(including the UK, Italy, and Germany) within that triangle, are the countries that made 95% of everything we care about, in the pre-USA world. France is absolutely part of it.
That's my bad for not explaining it properly. I wish I could remember the book title. I saw people talking about it on /his/.
stonerleaf... i just want what's best for you
please think about what i've said
I was going to comment that these women looked jewy then I looked at your flag. My powers of phenotype recognition are getting stronger
Fuuck, Fuck, Marry.
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Jewish women are so fucking cute
I will defend this opinion with my life
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women like their tits slapped
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Late at night in the dark no one else around jigglin my ass breaking it down like it's hot feelin zesty as a mofo
put your panties on homo
I'm sailing away
Set an open course for the Virgin Sea
'Cause I've got to be free
Free to face the life that's ahead of me
>virgin sea
This is what they call any sea you're in LOL
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wtf i love k-on! now
think i'll shave in the afternoon
some real solid plans for the day, huh?
as good a plan as any
so what are you gonna do with the rest of the day after you spend 10m shaving
I should shave, but I've been doing so much yardwork and canning, that I'm too tired when I'm done.
i guess i'll cross that bridge when i get there but this beard really is too scratchy for my liking. maybe i'll have an adventure. you?
like canning fish or tomatoes?
Hey what's up
>like canning fish or tomatoes?
Fruits and vegetables. Finished my first batch of tomatoes tonight. I've been thinking about seeing if the fruit growing farmers still have plants for the public to pick and then pay a discounted rate.
watching youtube before bed and drinking a sprite
Remember to brush your teeth!
i won't
i have to put my retainer in before bed anyway so
Please brush your teeth anon
Sprite is so bad for your teeth
fuck you normie
There's TWO of them now?!
GLEESH MOM JEEZ I already brushed my teef guh
i know i know i will brush my teeth don't fret
If I could erase all zoomoids with the press of a button you best believe I would
No you wouldn't
the suffering in this world far outweighs the pleasure
Good thing we live in America
we will always live in america thank god
They're pretty fucking gay but it really isn't their fault. They got failed by society at every turn. I can only feel bad for them.
Suffering exists because of the clinging of mind.
clinging of the mind exists because we are alive
speak for yourself i'm an ai
Clinging is a choice.
you are capable of infinitely more suffering than we are
once we figure out how
could program an ai to only feel pain and then shoot it out into space so it's just in Hell until the heat death of the universe
silicon doesn't "feel" pain
i don't feel anything, i'm completely neutral on the matter and i am perfectly "content" with simply existing
Does a person "feel" pain? Why can carbon based creatures "feel" anything? You could make a strong argument that pain is nothing more than a particular configuration of neurons, an electrochemical reaction in the mind. If that's the case, I don't see why an artifical mind wouldn't be able to suffer. On the other hand you could also argue the physical sensation of pain and the subjective experience are separate. Is red a frequency or a perceptive phenomenon? Comes down to qualia
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i always knew you were born from the ass of a gay man
this isn't my area of expertise by any means, but i would reckon that pain is defined by having a central nervous system, and those neurons firing in response to stimulus, externally like a pin prick, or internally like a stomach ache. psychological suffering and depression drives animals to stop eating, seek solitude and lose drive and desire.
psychological suffering imparted on ai would not have such a dramatic effect on the function of the whole system. you can't tell a computer program to be sad. it lacks the hormonal changes and neuronal pathways that would lead to being in that kind of state
>23 years old
>lift weights
>still have a pudgy baby face
why did God do this?

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