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talking stick edition

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brushing my teeth and going to bed
good night
time for my nightly cry
for me, it's the nightly prayer for death to befall me in my sleep
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I kneel
Ask me any question and I will answer 100% honestly
thoughts on facesitting?
it's hot, rimming during makes it even hotter
not pumped at all just sort of tired
im thinking of pulling a wetback to work at a Starbucks and enroll+speedrun in their asu college program and eventually make it back here and continue with my actual career
I'm >white and competent btw is it even worth it? I don't even live a shit life I'm pretty comfy over here but I'm just baffled at how even 16/hr after tax absolutely cuck the shit wages ive had since my teen years working as a barista on literal child slave labor (I started working at 15 because I wanted fucking Microsoft points and I don't even think 4 years of torture even reach a years worth in le land of the free)
I don't even care if I have to suffer the american commute struggle I must pledge allegiance to da flag
should I do it bros?
yeah go for it, knowing fluent English puts you above 90% of your competition
is suicide for bitches?
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didn't ask you
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says here you missed out on teenage love at the age of 13 so will you be having the obese one, the single mom or the mentally ill one?
I'll take my princess with a disorder please.
Need me an angel with broken wings.
I gave you the correct answer, you're welcome
good, you'll have to share her with a few other guys every time she feels you did something wrong but you don't mind
You've clearly never had to deal with an incredibly clingy "I will kill myself if you leave" girl before.
you clearly have seeing that you're happily married
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Your reaction?
Anime? not a fan.
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A fine morning.
hey I was here a few weeks ago
lots of fat hispanic people, but its a nice area
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I have discovered a most magnificent phenomenon.

You know how usually a song sounds best the first 1 or 2 times you hear it? I don't know why, but for some reason slightly increasing or decreasing the pitch seems to nearly perfectly replicate that. Been listening to my entire playlist but with everything slightly pitch adjusted and the euphoria is almost indescribable. It's even better considering your own playlist is cultivated perfectly to your preferences. imagine if you'd discovered all your favorite music at the same time. Its so intensely pleasant
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you know, i was saving the drop of vodka to keep the uglies away tomorrow. but man-alive, i feel like dancing, and i'm going to dance with you, /cum/. gonna down it, and here we go. i believe we'll be dancing to "September" by Earth, Wind and Fire. are you ready? i'm getting up now, and the freezer's very close, so stretch if you need to!
Am i invited to the cookout unc?
whew! oh damn, haha. wore myself out! fuckers, i am out of shape! ah, well we broke a sweat together, huh?
ow! i got sex-legs... my muscles are all wonky.
You need to quit alcohol
i know. i want to. but my life gets empty fast without it. it spooks me. i got sober for... what, two weeks? and aside from the cravings, the withdrawals, what i really wrestled with, is the big, empty, nothing of my life. i think famous people can quit, because their lives are rich in other respects. it's easy when you can just get on a plane, and leave your circumstances. but i can't. and i'm very weak-willed. so! *clap* back to business, enough of the bloggies.
Emptiness is preferable to liver failure.
Stop now.
based and same. i love eating ass
well, i can't drain what i've had from my veins, so i think i'll live it up.
Yeah you can live it up now, but please stop tomorrow, and don't resume.
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Was the victim of a racist hate attack today
Finland is better
i wish i had you forever. a persisting voice telling me, "No, stop. Put that down."
Well remember me tomorrow.
I don't know who you are, but I don't want to see a /cum/ anon poison themselves. You can stop now. It's not too late.
it's time for you to slop up my knob

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