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prince edward edition
Good looking chap
Prince imnotgayhonest
are apples supposed to make your belly feel full and gassy before you've even finished eating them?
*solemnly and apologetically frigs into the new*
might do a gas engineer course
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gave catberg some roast beef
No don't think so
You sure they weren't cider apples? Cider apples will do that and can be fatal
what does he reckon?
no its just pink ladies.
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>foreigners eating cats and wild animals like ducks, geese
does this happen here
i just heard about ohio and france but i dont really hear much from irl about it
*she loves it
you're probably just a pathetic runt
Just witnessed transphobia on /int/
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Why have you Anglo-Saxons not stopped immigration yet?
Oi bruv don't be misgenderin me cat
>does this happen here
Pikies also do it sometimes
wicked lets see her?
not on is it
did you give him mustard
catberg is my handsome little mister meow meow man
200 thousand Palestinians and 800k Ukrainians have been killed because of wars funded by NATO

1 million dead people because of NATO
eastern euros and chinks catch ducks from the ponds
Considering going to an Antiochian church to meet Christian Arab women
I think it’s inherently wrong to do
Good old NATO
your cat is ugly and smells
where's the postie? saw him over the road half hour ago
been offered a job and they are really making me toil for it. fill in this form. read this handbook. bla bla blah. i hate all this corporate nonsense.
anyone notice how male catbergs feel sturdier than female ones who are more liquidy
who couldve guessed that
not a telecomm engineer mate
They died to protect you
Be respectful
No way man
Caberge is?
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trannies are unhinged, i remember when this tranny bought an axe to a servo to chop some yobbos and the reason it gave was that it had a bad date earlier and was high on molly and people gave it weird looks at a party
Stop raping cats Toby
Do English people identify with Anglo-Saxons?
Do English people identify with Anglo-Saxons?
he didn't compliment her new axe
got a male and a female cat and i'd say the opposite is true in my experience because the male one is a big fat cunt
lots of horny milves to take care of, he'll be with you soon
brings a whole new meaning to 'axe wound'
wind just BLEW my windows open thought somebody was climbing on the roof and breaking in bloody hell
Love big fat cats
oh no my liquid cat just fell through a drainage grate
not doing the copy and paste thing in this thread in case I get banned
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Yeah I know. You never cared. But you are sorry. Very very much. You even invited a Ukrainian Nazi to parliament so you could apologize again.
might be quite funny to roll him onto his back and see if he can get up
Reminder it's called Turkiye now
thank fuck that labour released thousands of dangerous criminals back onto our streets
I'm sure that the police are adequately prepared to deal with the crimes that they are definitely going to commit
thank fuck that labour released thousands of dangerous criminals back onto our streets
I'm sure that the police are adequately prepared to deal with the crimes that they are definitely going to commit
thanks, you too
How can they see a mentally ill tranny with an axe and not expect that
That's gotta hurt
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a fu ded eti bio id t
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A similar thing happened in Brighton, England

Just had a sardine sandwich, apple and glass of milk. Going to finish this drink then get in bed and watch a Jean Arthur film with a bag of Murray Mints. GOOD DAY
asking for extra ketchup on maccas burgers is a game changer
Maybe it's normal down under
beans on toast with a fried egg on top and then sprinkle over some cheddar cheese and whack it under the grill
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>sardine sandwich
tomato slop
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>She then attacked her second victim, Sharon Hacker, near the door, fracturing the woman's skull.
Big work meeting in t minus 3 minutes
Shitting it
are you bent?
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wonder how catbergs get fat when they basically have an all-protein diet
great balanced meal that
just hide in the toilets
how am I supposed to protect myself against all these darkies they are releasing from prisons?
skirts and tights wank
*drinks a mana potion*
might become a baptist preacher
a pint of toast
might become a rabbi
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cover yourself in dairy
like garlic to a vampire
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Daily reminder that 'gender identity' does not exist.
There is no such thing as being 'transgender'.
Human beings cannot change their sex.

Transgenderism is a paedophillic misogynistic cult that harms women and children.
Love how they won't misgender anyone not even violent maniacs
mad how the main bad guy in cod ghosts was called rorke
imagine seeing someone who wears their psychopathy on every inch of their appearance and they're standing there with a fucking axe and you think "It would be a good idea to break line of sight on this thing".
don't understand how grateful dead got so massively popular
none of their albums seem particularly noteworthy
I think people like the live stuff, I don't get it desu
Sometimes do this in a skirt and tights for a laugh
brit rhymes with shit
Bruce was flirting with him lol
no meat. are you a weakling?
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The media are not under any legal or moral obligation to refer to tranny criminals as 'she' or 'her' or 'a woman' yet they do it anyway, even supposedly 'right wing rags' like the Daily Mail.
australia rhymes with.... eh..... ehhh...... hmm..... fuck.....
suit and tie wank
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pick up a weapon
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They had a legendary sound system that was rare back in the day
GREETINGS my fellow 4chan evildoers >:)
>While he cannot remember all of the encounter because of the catastrophic head injuries he received, Rimmer knows at first he thought Amati's axe was a fancy dress prop.
>"It didn't really register. I'd lived in the Newtown area for years, you see all sorts of people and you don't think much of it," he said.
might do a rape, might not.
What is your height and weight?
how do you hit someone with an axe and have them get up? pathetic
mad how little I want, mad how I can't have it
slim 5'10 man me
you probably need to be off your tits on LSD to "get" it
that's incredible
ey bawss, whats da plan, bawss? are we gonna get dose 4chan goody goodies today?
Starmer’s Britain, where friends of criminals released early pop bottles of bubbly whilst law-abiding taxpayers dread the outcome.
one day you may
might go to the children's playpark
might go to the children's playpark
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5'8 115lbs
Got kids have you?
because it was a rubber axe
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haven't done a corrspaffy in a while
had sussy dreams about my sister last night
but masturbation is a sin
quite the pickle
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down it down it
will soon
might go for and incelewis and clark corps of discovery expedition
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don't like how he rates every second meal a 10/10
wish he would drop the nice guy act and slate shite scran
just when I thought racism couldn't get any more racismer
ello barkeep
pint of tea thanks
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And thus, the Hindu gods were invented. Not in Bengaluru, but in Oxford-upon-Poo.
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My latest order from fat cow skincare has arrived

You're not still rubbing toxic goop on your face are you?
Leftypol punching the air in delight shouting "GET INNN!!!"
diego collecting the rent from an impoverished family
I think they sell black powder revolvers over the counter in France (I could be wrong about this) but they're usually too big to be carried, 1860 colt snubnose would probably be the smallest one. Not that I would recommend getting one as you're more likely to get done for weapon possession than having wogs with knives come after you.
Bring back the ancient medieval punishment where criminals were battered, burned, beheaded, and bummed.
It was based and I wish I could have heard it in real life
>Two known configurations:
> 604 total speakers, powered by 89 300-watt solid-state and three 350-watt vacuum tube amplifiers generating a total of 26,400 watts of power.[3]
>586 JBL speakers and 54 Electro-Voice tweeters, powered by 48 600-watt McIntosh MC-2300 amplifiers generating a total of 28,800 watts of continuous (RMS) power).[4][5][2]
> This system projected high-quality playback at six hundred feet (180 m) with an acceptable sound projected for one-quarter mile (400 m), at which point wind interference degraded it. Although it was not called a line array at the time, the Wall of Sound was the first large-scale line array used in modern sound reinforcement systems.[6] The Wall of Sound was perhaps the second-largest non-permanent sound system ever built.
was she plugging her onlyfans on there?
big kiss
fuck me it's only tuesday
>ingredients: sweet almond oil
Must be expensive to holiday in Lichtenstein
i only use cum (full of micro plastics)
volunteering for that last part are you?
corr i miss my uni days
sex with twenty two year olds was so peng
>thinking about that time when my ancestors used to enslave beat & rape black "people"
almond is naturally sweet
you can rent the entire country for like 20 grand a day or something
hate this horrible racism me
it was a mind control experiment
bouta scran some chili peanuts
did a capitalism
No you can't
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>24 year old virgin
it's just not right
slice of milkshake in the microwave
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im getting the word...'zesty'
Bar of soap and a coarse flannel is all my face needs
never did like football
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the new tumble dryer arrives tomorrow, can't wait
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>he he
they ruin your clothes dont they
is everyone zesty these days
a cursory google search reveals that you at least used to be able to as of 2011, for 70 grand not 20 grand
You had sex with twenty two year olds? Pedo scum
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look at dis zesty ahh nigga
just got off the phone with liechtenstein, they'll take 15k and a freddo per night
No not really
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d fe aeb uti dit id o
come do sumfin abou' it den bud? aye you recon u got da minerals??!?
You need some sort of a liquid oil otherwise tallow will just solidify at room temperature
You could still use it like that would just be more faff
old ones did, new ones are carefully designed not to
trade unions slithering down the ol' jappers
i see. i might have to get one then
DĂ¥ we dislike Kissinger here?
sex with twenty two year olds was the best time of my life. always desperate and craving love and attention.

now im stuck with old hags
Could just scoop a bit off and warm in your hands for 10 seconds
Wouldn't cost you £40 a pot either,
whats a good game i can play?
the one aspect of smoking I don't like are ashtrays
horrible unhygienic things
blud is rubbing cow fat on his face
deadlock if u can get access
It’s over
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don't understand the logic of posting AI shite, although there are occasionally funny ones like webm related
Yeah you could easily make it at home
But I can't be arsed!!
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>sex with twenty two year olds
no I'm very small and weak
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We're back
What's funny about that one, ranjesh?
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sometimes i use coffee cups but theres nowt wrong with an ashtray
starmer's based and not going anywhere
make sure to get one with a heat pump, they're like A++ energy rated (again, big contrast to the dryers of old)
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can be pretty amusing when the (((Tinkerers))) stop tinkering with the algorithm
then I will continue to do a racism
best korea just equalised, get in
wish the government would oppress everyone who isn't a straight white male while affording straight white males positions of immense privilege
I have a nice pretty one
something about this setup makes me feel like I've seen it years ago on /g/
that's not funny, it's mean-spirited and incelish
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>cutting the winter payment
>while spending shitloads of foreigners (illegal)
mad how thousands of haitans are running around ohio scranning swans and doing shites on the motorway
just bizarre as fuck
I don't have a bed
Number of milfs fucked?
they need to learn a lesson for voting tory
you'll get yours
somewhere between 0 and 1 but closer to the 0 side of things
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love sir kid starver. he's finally taking out the trash. #mindlessminoritiesout
It's even more egregious when you consider it's robbing people who have paid into the system their entire life in order to accommodate people who have never paid a penny towards social security
heh, catstanbul
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i use a beer bottle now, sometimes i knock it over but it doesnt fall out like if you knock over an actual ash tray
Charlie Veitch is a wally.
Mental we have this technology. AI seems to have come around quicker than anticipated. The film Her only came out in 2013 and we've had AI gfs for a while now.
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luckily we have a sea stopping these mongs getting here easily
but for some reason the USA are getting letting them all in?
it's fucked up
20k haitians in one town
qrd? arent the conservatives supposed to be conservative? why are they prioritising foreigners over englishmen?
kier starmer said his cat he got called prince was beautiful because it was white and had blue eyes in the kuenssberg interview
got a raise when I wanted to get sacked
toilberg fucked me once again
if you listen to him debate youll actually find hes quite right wing, just doesn't support riots because he's also a lawyer
prisons are getting a bit full so lets release loads of violent criminals to make space for the vicious flag waving citizens with a slight concern at the increasing rates of illegal immigration

he hates those palestinians dunt he must be a big israel guy
I've posted it on /g/ a few times in battlestation threads
might post my full name, address with proof of identity and a comprehensive list of degenerate things I've wanked to and done to be honest
>we need to make tough decisions to save money ok?
*ignores the millions of foreigners on unemployment bennies*

lmao dead country
Are boring autists going to be droning on about the riots for years after they've ended like the lockdowns?
go for it
we NEED to let the old people freeze to death so that we can house millions of illegal immigrants who contriute nothing to society
>Sir Kier Starmer
>10 Downing Street
>Rwanda is a waste of money, we will scrap the scheme immediately
>Okay what do you propose to do instead?
>Absolutely nothing
We're fucked
dont like the way starmer addresses the public with a condescending tone like hes talking to a mildly annoying toddler, but then again it probably says more about this country than anything else
Get into the Yakuza series.
Labour's been in power for months mate
I come across women like this and get depressed because it’s so unachievable for me, there’s no way a woman like that would ever be attracted or interested in me. I’m living in a different reality. I don’t think I even exist to women like that.
the tories were a gradual decline due to poor management
labour actively hates and wants to exterminate britain
The BBC will still be reporting on it for years
Not with that attitude!
stop putting pussy on a pedestal
Great plan
Freeze the boomers and fill their homes with migrants
Economy will be booming by spring
I loved Yakuza 0 but it's the only one I've played, not sure if I'd need to go back and re-play it before playing the others.
werent conservatives in charge for like 20 years? how did labour reverse it all so quickly?
she looks bogged to shit
don't say you're underage even in jest, janny will show no quarter
>boohoo I can't get a bogged obese photoshop onlyfans whore
Brown hands
lads... they paved over paradise and put up a parking lot...
having children in this country with the knowledge of where it's headed should be classed as child abuse
The Tories absolutely refused to deviate from limp-wristed liberalism so a massive chunk of their voterbase voted for Reform, splitting the vote and giving Labour one of the least representative (on a national scale) central governments in British history
we will get them in
we will support them
we will house them
we will feed them
some of your grandparents will freeze
some of your female relatives will get sexually assaulted
some of you will get killed
but the line must go up
Naa just jump right into Kiwami, which is the remake of the first game.
Amazing series.
The spin off games Judgement and Lost Judgment might be my favourites though.
>he hates those palestinians dunt he must be a big israel guy
Yeah total shabos goy
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>go to bbc.co.uk
>automatically redirects me to bbc.com
dont give a fuck about yank politicks
>not announcing your support to wank them off
half-baked plan
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bihbahhjukq benurun
then banned cars
Unfortunately you get yank politics reported on here too, zoomers think they're American.
wonder how much of the carpet in my bedroom is pubes at this point
willing to bet it's as high as 20%
Zoomers ARE American
my northern working class ex mining town has been flooded, never thought we'd be one to fall so soon
our news reports on your politics more than it does on ours
I have a sin of fear, that when I have spun
My last thread, I shall perish on the shore;
But swear by thyself, that at my death thy Son
Shall shine as he shines now, and heretofore;
And, having done that, thou hast done;
I fear no more.
ever consider hoovering it?
you're yanks too
not much goes in canada either
so it's understandable
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that's free insulation, and he's not getting his fuel allowance this year
Best to let sleeping dogs lie
can't see this being enforceable
australia is the most ban happy country in the world
vile place
Mixed my protein powder with lucozade sport
Honestly it's an absolute gamechanger lads
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imprison thieves for life
release rapists and robbers
it wouldn't be a smelly bedroom if I hoovered it now would it
It's not true but apparently the government funded news wants us to think that
They should have done this ten years ago.
Most kids today are completely monged out from constant Internet use, they can't even communicate properly in real life.
i expect even if they find a way to do age verification it will be a massive pain in the arse for adults, what half-baked drivel
based if they include jewtube cos it's basically pornhub these days and it's not good for the mind
what the fuck is summary non-motoring
too little too late

You just know he was a cheeky fuck to teachers back in school kek
tv license evasion
you will have to sign up with id to make an account so the govt can monitor you
australia would ban happiness if they could to make the line go up
favourite thing to eat for breakfast is cheese on toast with tobasco me
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not having your loicence
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do you spainnonce yeah
Over 9000
like an apple me, I'm a massive fat cunt
will be interesting to see how this plays out, people say the bloke who owns the dolphins stadium owns miami, will he pull strings to help tyreek? a bloke with a history of battering pregnant and now this just because hes a black man who got pulled over for speeding
afghanistan is land of the afghans
pakistan is land of the pakis
rorke trying to read read Martin Luthers theses
For me it's a banana and a protein shake
>a bloke with a history of battering pregnant
free my nigga tyreek
mad how many things we still do with relative inefficiency despite the world being more advanced than ever, reckon in a century people will look back baffled by our methods
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found watching youtube on my pc requires me to pay for a tv license
shant be paying
rorke buying several huge tomes of extremely dry and utterly incomprehensible enlightenment philosophy that will only ever get used as laptop stands
mad how we have 1.4m unemployed and 850k job vacancies
i'm starting to look more and more like st. blackops2cel as i put off getting a haircut
My landlady got a ninja blender. Made a cheeky banana, oat, milk smoothie when she weren't looking. Came out smooth as silk
im an atheist because i was born ugly. why would god do that?
>1.4m unemployed
that's me wahey
i stole a bike once when i was 15 just so i could get home from school quicker, it was a thrill, felt like i was playing grand theft auto in real life
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You need it for streaming services as well

Who the fuck do they think they are?
some pakistani women were caught rustling sheep in yorkshire the other week
mad how the punishment for stealing in australia is getting sent to britain
>st. blackops2cel
why don't they just make it a tax and be done with this embarrassing tv licence shit
Any mentally ill lads take mushies?
you reckon banana and watermelon go together? was thinking of adding couple of old bananas in the fridge to my usual smoothies
the new
Did you keep it?
A fresh fried sardine sandwich with onion parsley and lemon is peng af

a tinned sardine sandwich sounds shite
I went in you bastard, you've done me
no, i took it back to the school a few days later and left it where i found it
things that never happened
or they could just abolish the bbc
nobody fucking cares if stays
>children who were convieved during lockdown are now posting on /brit/

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