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Destiny edition
no politics
going brat mode
Drumpf getting dumped on
I have eaten poo.
when is kamala gonna sperg then
noticed british celebrities dont really run for office

will never see jack grealish as an MP, for example
why don't debatemongs take their running commentary to /pol/ where it belongs?
Irish girls in Belfast tend to be the biggest racemixers countrywide
might go back to smoking and doing drugs. it's over anyway
about fucking time he mentioned the fact he got fucking SHOT in the head
Of course the bong is up in the middle of the night obsessing over burger politics.
genuinely never even heard kamala's voice
it's really that easy to just ignore shit you don't like
don't know why autists struggle with it
Glenda Jackson
Annoying faggot edish
Where's the real new?
stuffing my epidermis up my poo encrusted gaping gay porn arse
haha, it sounds rude but actually epidermis is just skin
sticking my finger up my jacksie
oh he cooking
Trvmp is the goat
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>they are doing transgender surgeries on illegals in prisons
no cock pics allowed haha
i'm talking now
how come theyre doing that then
wait actually thats a good idea
he's so fucked
just ate a gherkin (pickle)
It's another drumpf disasterclass
no one who is good cares about this piece of human trash
done him
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>bringing up that loser retard who got herself killed
blew him back in time to the deepest core of kowloon walled city
got in trouble for calling my lecturer a jew or a jew enabler
what subject
get the migrants sissified
holocaust studies
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She's a retard but he's a bigger rambling demented retard so she looks relatively smart.

She's still a retard though and would be BTFO running against anyone else (and may still lose against him anyway).
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this is a lazy full of hate ragebait edit of something actually good made by someone else
as expected by you subhumans who only exist to test other peoples faith
kamalas voice is irritating
get the armpits deodorized
no one else can feel it for you, no one else can let it in
Trump is just spewing the same "muh border" shit, HE IS COOKED
sick of the debate
got the vtubers on instead
why are you people watching american politics
if you hate jews why did you take that class
im not im just making it up as we go
might just drink the whole fucking pickle jar
I'm like Blackadder in season 1, a pathetic worm, except there will be no season 2 for me
Irish girls in Galway tend to be the biggest racemixers worldwide
everyone does. I've seen Italians and Romanians arguing about swing states and the supreme court. America is the god of this world
maybe he was just walking by the lecture hall and heard something that triggered him and burst into the room screaming slurs
the place in the ed sheeran song is real?
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bog on you bogging bogstard
is there even a prime minister debate
yankbros pls make sure to vote for Trump, I want Starmer and the Labour party to seethe
'magine if a big aeroplane flew into them roflcopter
politics in general are all rhetoric and pathetic anger against things that don't really exist
if you want to be entertained do not engage with politics if you want to engage with politics don't expect to be entertained
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Came out as not a chud to my parents.
you showed those chuds
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should have had this tomorrow... for... reasons....
i bet trump has a bigger gyatt than kamala
there's that deliberate banging on my ceiling again
the most powerful man in the world would be kamalas ob/gyn if she were president
send me the pillow
the one that you dream on
neighbour upstairs getting that nut
gfberg is trying to mindgame me into proposing again
we've been together for 8 years, i think marriage is a scam thougheverbeit
the war will never end lol
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boutta throw up
she appears to be shouting at him again with that disgusting raspy cockney voice of hers
speaking of 'tubers can a britisher tell what part of england pippa is from based on her accent
are you high on mushrooms?
Israel? Wiped straight off the map
wonder what possesses someone to become a copper
terminal school prefect energy on those wetwipes
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Why the hell do you Bongs (who live 3000 miles away) care so much about our election?
iran is the best heel oat, blows russia and china out of the water
secure work init
can potentially retire in your 40s
nice try not clicking anime
khomeini looked like my wrestling coach so i can't help but have a fondness for him
upholding the law is noble
mental how there are brits awake at 3am watching a yank debate
suppose when you spend your days being massive jobsworths arresting people for the smallest of things you've plenty of work
american politics affects what happens in the world. plus its entertaining
because he molested you?
police dont uphold the law though, they constantly make unlawful arrests and abuse their authority
massive cunts
Put-on posh English accent, most likely an American who's watched too much Harry Potter. She pretends to be RP but says 'mom'
i would have blocked the memory, so it's a distinct possibility
something funny, fatso?
You are the leaders of the west, no bullshit
Not him
stupid horrible fake babytalk voice
what on earth
Rudedoodle would never racemix
dodo plump
Jesus fucking christ what the hell is wrong with her
She doesn't have an English accent
I would've guessed she's some kind of chinawoman who moved here
>Ruhollah Khomeini's signature
this nigga retarded
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business idea: find a legal way to sell amphetamines to children
goddamn squiggle writin'
fucking olympic anon is there in the /pol/ thread spamming his useless screenshots of the thing everyone is already watching
guy gives me the fear
how do so many mongs think the media is biased towards Trump
more like paralympic anon because he's a fucking retard
WHY are you linking me to pol you putrid little nigger?
TRVMPVS won this by a mile. not even close.
damn /brit/ watch destiny?
you niggas smart
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might start a website called dailyherpes.com where people blog about contracting herpes
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of course
Hate waking up at 1 in the afternoon yet cannot stop staying up until 5 in the morning. Grim, grim, GRIM.
Alas come November I shall return to toil and these troubles will be yearned for.
just soil fur and a bit of claw hes having
Trump just said the n-word
said she got an a star on her mandarin gcse so probably
I thought Destiny had just stopped or something after severing all ties with his peers by celebrating the death of a random Trump supporter?
i sleep better from 7am to 3pm than from 11pm to 7 am
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$700 = £534.72
me too
because the british price includes your vat, exclude that and it's about the same as our price
speaking of which what country's vat rate do they use on the euro price?
maybe if you're a midwit
i think it's required for rasheeds to include some sort of encoded shit about allah in all their signatures
he still milks a shitload of money offf his braindead fans
lmao he just doxxed the head of the taliban
ill throw you in a vat of boiling fryer oil, bloody yank
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please no i love canada
might look at some pretty women pictures and imagine theyre my girlfriend
the central park five weren't really innocent thoughever
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what a fucking cunt

I like surreal fantasy too
i don't understand much
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>ill throw you in a vat of boiling fryer oil, bloody yank
mousey on the edge of a meltdown in /cum/
i might do something extremely wicked
Just couldn't fucking stop himself, could he? Felt the urge - and acted on it. Complete chaos.
just poo it
fuck off
No genuinely I distinctly remember the resolute backlash against Destiny after his outright celebration of the random Trump supporters death from every talking head, even the people who had just had him on their shows. Destiny was completely done. How can he even find the nerve to slink back from the shadows? Who's watching him? Even before he was a total joke already for so many reasons, but who could possibly be left in his audience after he relished in an innocent persons death? How do you justify that?
settle down
piers morgan
not true btw
excuse me mate this is a hasanabi general
has drumpf embarrassed himself yet
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god damn
Piers is a joke too. The gall of calling yourself 'Uncensored' and refusing to talk to Tommy, completely exposes him for what he is.
former pooresident toilet bog fart
why does he have such a high pitched kermit the frog voice
he did pretty well imo

they both did tbf
is kamala gonna do a dance to a charli xcx song
>hasanabi topping destiny
fukken COOM goy!!
his pants fell down??
cant get other how sexy kamala harris is

she is brat

as charli xcx would say and has said
Can anyone tell me about kamala's voting campaign? I don't know why people want to vote for her
low T
this is based
fuck off
She just posted her policies on her website in the middle of the night Sunday
dont get it
They're eating the dogs apparently
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*wobbles about*
brat aura
Can't deal with the fact that scientists have created a machine that a mushroom can pilot and the mushroom consciously uses it to move someone damper. This isn't anything we didn't already know, flowers for example turn towards the sun, but seeing a mushroom being given the means to move and then using those means somehow makes it seem so different, so alive.
fungi came from outer space
does anyone have a kind of autism where you can give them coordinates and they can calculate exactly where it is in their head?
I wasn't expecting that. Don't know what else to say.
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would have liked to see peak 2002 karl pilkington, ricky and steve discuss this

would have been proper jokes
probably, not me but let me try
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What a bizzare country
Google 'mushroom learns to crawl' and every result is whichever news article you fancy all reporting on it.
Went on cum to see who won the debate and mousey was having an insane meltdown
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Mmm…I don’t think I will.
right this isn't cum though is it *suddenly covers your mouth with a chloroform soaked cloth* shhhhhh shh shh shh *you pass out and collapse by my feet* yeah... *drags you out of /brit/ and throws you into the road*
You won’t believe what I’ve just discussed lads
>consciously uses it to move someone damper
Liked him better when he would mindlessly schizo post about his interests then have a meltdown, but nowadays his meltys are stale and mostly the same day after day
science news reporting is actual embarrassing bollocks. the reason nobody trusts science anymore is because they rightly feel contempt for all the ridiculous extrapolations and overly optimistic bullshit that news publications make up to create a clickable headline
Tell us then I will only give you a (you) if it's actually interesting
If there was any doubt Harris would win before it's gone.
Trump completely blew any chance he had.
Early new
cdawgva is fucking annoying

inside Kum-ala Harris
also whats with trumps tan? like

they must be doing it on purpose

you cant be telling me he doesnt have the resources available him to like get a proper tan to look correct

tbf his hair has improved though
We (and most eukaryotes other than fungi) are diploid which means we have two copies of our genome, one from each parent. We only generate temporary single-genome (haploid) cells for breeding purposes - those are the sperm and egg cells.

Fungi do the opposite. Their default form is haploid i.e. the equivalent of our sperm and eggs, and they only create the equivalent of our diploid form temporarily, for the purposes of sexual breeding.

They also only really breed sexually in response to stress, when they detect that just making copies of themselves isn't working well anymore and they need to mix things up.
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>We (and most eukaryotes other than fungi) are diploid which means we have two copies of our genome, one from each parent. We only generate temporary single-genome (haploid) cells for breeding purposes - those are the sperm and egg cells. Fungi do the opposite. Their default form is haploid i.e. the equivalent of our sperm and eggs, and they only create the equivalent of our diploid form temporarily, for the purposes of sexual breeding. They also only really breed sexually in response to stress, when they detect that just making copies of themselves isn't working well anymore and they need to mix things up.
just a trademark look ent it
he doesn't take himself too seriously
Fucking sake lad been trying to get to sleep all fucking night. Tried everything even sleeping pills and I’m still wide awake. The thing is yeah that

Wish I was asleep. Wish even just the basics of my life were under control.
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Smoking a blunt
impressive desu
Wish I was dead
Is "Timmy" in the room with us now?
shouting ktim at my monitor right now in my smelly childhood bedroom
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After I finish my website and game I plan to rent out my house then find a few federal campsites(free camping 2 weeks at a time) near a wealthy town in the Rockies and do food delivery gigs there while I make game assets and levels in my car.
Also drawing, playing guitar/synth/banjo, swimming, and lifting
Hoping I can pay off a doctor to give me an HGH prescription.
Eventually I'll save up for land and work my way up from camper to house.
Probably plap some hapas see what happens.
*raises spindly arm*
*speaks in an obnoxiously nasal voice*
will this be on the exam?
wouldn't it be the jock character who asks that, while the nerd archetype enjoys learning for it's own sake?
planning to rent out my bollocks for cognitive behavioural therapy
the 90s called, they want their stereotypes back
The nerd id high IQ enough to decipher intelligently between useful and useless knowledge
The jock bullies his way through life and ends up dead sooner than later
Yeah so I’m planning to rent out my house and live in a car doing wagecuckery in the same thing I sleep in and then buy a house with the money even though I already have a house

>he isn't slamming mid af basic bitches on the reg
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Trump is officially finished.
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I already have a house. I will get double the income renting and waging and buy a reasonably priced piece of land within a fortnight
no way she watched the debate before writing all that, it ended like 10 minutes ago
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>buying a house
>completion confirmed for October 4
>was just about to give landlord notice that I'l be moving out of the flat I'm currently renting
>he e-mails me that he plans to raise my rent by 15% in November

kek wonder if he'll think it's because of the rent raise
Ironically she fed the basic points into ChatGPT and asked it to write it up.
would hate to be so famous that every opinion you fart out onto the internet would have to be written like a press release
He doesn't need to know and you don't need to tell him, but I hope he does think that and is permanently affected into fearing instant loss of clientele when he raises rent.
really just started to bold-facedly lie about my life circumstances because if people knew how much of a loser i really am i'd fucking die
I don't follow celebrities at all, but I seem to recall that when Taylor Swift started out years ago she had this country girl sort of aesthetic, which is presumably a conservative thing. When did she become a LGBTQ+ golem? Or am I confusing her with some other pop star?
were*, hypothetical, subjunctive mood
>When did she become a LGBTQ+ golem?
Before then she never talked about politics because it was bad for business
Then it became bad for business not to talk about politics and specifically politics that is in favour of the LGTV4K+ BlackRock ideology
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Shaved my pubes just now but managed to prick myself which isn't good :(
>some retard hiphop shit
get M O G G E D
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those pubes don't look shaved to me, are you jacking with me boy? don't jack with me
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LAND retards
So I can dive into my hobbies and be rid of you gangstalking faggots
the gf does my pubes and it's fucking nerve wracking, especially with scissors over the balls. she gets a bit offended then I'm afraid
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how cute

reckon that hole is full of lint
cucks should be an underclass of citizenry
let me guess, you're gonna plant an orchard and buy a katana
fat disgusting cunt
you know who you are
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below or above incels?
Your man clearly doesn't pass the toilet roll test
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FAR below
The bottom
Even the so called "bulls"
They are deeply infested with cuckold ideology and are thus cucks

what the heck
My top 5 games by playtime are Factorio, Rimworld, Don't Starve Together, Crusader Kings 2 and Stellaris, in that order.
Thought you went to be sacked tranny
Fuck off Spainnonce you evil ghoul
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>My top 5 games by playtime are Factorio, Rimworld, Don't Starve Together, Crusader Kings 2 and Stellaris, in that order.
as if chuds dont like skyrim or ragnarok
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Bastard sword
Raised bed garden cause it will be in the mountains
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EU4 is the only game in my library
We need France to retake Haiti. It's a mess.
>Democrats have never seen a fundraising hour like the past hour: $9 million and counting.
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this shit any good lids?
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Elden Ring
Zelda OOT(randomizer)
Jarvis scan that lanyard
kids are real dumb if I'm honest
shouldnt have massacred the french there then
Farage said he was going to coach Trump for the debate before the general election was called
This is all Clacton's fault
if i still played melee i would 4 stock you al
mousey making death threats on /cum/
1 v 1 me in 9/11. Boeing 747, no boxcutters, Islam only.
Who do you fucking main retard?
I play /different/ yo
keking at his description of fat and janny as if they're both supervillains or something
Me? I've mained Yoshi since 64. Brrrring-haa!
Did a browse of the cum, did a laugh at Toby. Why’s he like this aha
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have all sorts of phobias
feel like a drink but i have a driving lesson later
once again the universe conspires to keep me miserable
Are school reunions an actual thing? Feel like it’s a made up thing for television
You maimed Yoshi?
i assume social media made them obsolete
Jim fixed it for me
done him
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>Elden Ring
>Zelda OOT(randomizer)
Done him like a kebab
someone post something fruity so I have an excuse
Married people who dated 1 girl 30 years ago be like
>Well you see, in dating the important thing is...
He's just your listening buddy :)
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You could get GANNON'D in five seconds but I'm more of a LinkChad these days
Just injected myself with a syringe of poo
Can't make head nor tail of this virgin babble
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aka a gamedev
both horrible matchups on your end i have no idea why you think you'd win
i used to just nolife netplay all day, played plenty of shitters who like meme low tier characters
That's it I'm whacking to femboys again
People ruined the fucking game
I'm making my own to get rich and fuck more eastern euro slags in asia so they don't chimp out and take the kid
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Won’t be long now de lads.
Had a really ethereal September the 10th. Lovely brisk evening. No clouds. Fucking amazing.

how was it telling your parents you were gay?
Dudes be like
>I'm a game dev
So how many games have you developed?
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Because dash dancing is fucking retarded
You run right into my attacks.
You think I run away like a little bitch? You'll try to chain grab me and get hit with an upsmash.
I'm different from every single player in the game.
I don't ledgespam, cheat or use glitches. I've had to work around that fucking shit, perfecting my motherfucking meteor smash
idiots panic when they can't combo to death or get me off the ledge even ONCE
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3 in one
Mental it’s 9/11
no one cares mate
It's 11/9 you yankoid freak
mental how the world over knows 9/11 but if you asked someone here about 7/7 they'd have no idea what you're talking about
Well seems you know
If they don't get me on the first life with a cheap fucking piece of shit ledge guard(under 100%! perhaps lower than 50%! fucking cunt!) where I have a come back
I win with 4 or 3 stocks
You fucking cunts can't take damage,
>FAIR/BAIRS you out from under the little faggot cuck platform off the ledge you're HIDING under
Happy 11/9!
7/7 was a terrible tragedy that should be remembered but the death toll on 9/11 was nearly 3,000 and changed the world.
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Hello /brit/ I'm from /cum/ please take your freaks back because we don't want them around. Thanks
again, don’t care
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