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11/9 edish
6/1 edish
9/11 was 23 years ago, it's officially funny now
>bunch of fiery but mostly peaceful protestors stand around in a government building for 2 hours
>people still losing their minds over it 4 years later
That's why no one makes games
ZERO passion
I owe all my game development and inventing 3 new game mechanics due to the frustration I've turned into words which built off the notes in my notebook and the power of chatGPT and Unreal engine.
You sit back like a fucking normie with his thumb up his ass
mental my uncle died there
joke’s over
*bums you*
This nigga an adult gamer looool
It always was
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>again, don't care
No one fucking ASKED cunt
Wasn't even fucking talking to you
Autistic scrub
Get fucking bent and live your subhuman low IQ life, no one is stopping you like you are trying to do to me in order to pull me down to your NPC level
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mental how every important historical event occurred before or after this post
Are you American Toby, shall we call you frognonce
Turn on BBC news right now
Something life changing just happened at 5.13am UK time
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I play my own fucking game where bitches can't HIDE underneath the LEDGE like a FAGGOT!
Gonna call you froggers instead. So froggers what’s your game about and have you made any steps towards it yet
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platform, whatever, they bait you to the ledge and KO you to death. Running back and forth under the platform next to the ledge is retarded
I fucking DON'T
I SEE that you can just RUN INTO my motherfucking attack!
So I fixed it, I made my own game
Fuck OFF gingerpedo
I remember last election thinking Trump was going to win and he lost. I honestly can't imagine Americans voting a women I to office. What do you guys think?
>implying you wouldn't given the opportunity
I can tell you the story I guess, never gave a fuck about the stories really, more of a mechanics guy.
It's set in a 100 years war, all medieval, there is an important part about magic that is an individual thought I must keep secret as well as three original mechanics I invented with chatGPT that I had written in a notebook until chatGPT was invented(last year, I think?)
he is originally known as beetnonce
>I remember last election thinking Trump was going to win
probably because you were stuck in an echo chamber
it was clearly obvious Biden was going to win
yeah anyone who is politically literate knew he was going to lose
i knew people (who werent even yanks) bet a lot of money on trump winning. mongs
Sounds good froggers, give us daily updates
whos going to win i get all my american news from listening to theo vons solo podcast episodes so i have no idea what's actually happening
Nah in my drunken state I would probably reveal what the idea was. I kinda posted some saucy images on /adgd/ and those trannies worried me enough so I won't be posting it on here. You guys don't even like smash, and if you did, you wouldn't like my game, as all smashfags CHEAT
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mad how the blatant fraud of the mail-in ballots got memoryholed
kamala probably but i think it will be a landslide because of the assassination attempt and biden dropping out so late
orange man is just too much of a meme and doesnt have the 2016 energy and never will again
Fucking grim animals the lot of you awake at this hour
manchester... so much to answer for
might take up origami
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They were providing "hints" that eventually led me to creating a new mechanic but in my frustration I posted a pic of the first stage of the tri-level dynamic, my own original idea I couldn't fine tune. Rather than actually get help I just refreshed using basic options like testing on a brush cube and figured it out. I can't believe I shared the base foundations of my game with a bunch of thieving trannies on /adgd/
I feel sick.
My new tangible invention immediately stolen by troonjaks. I should be proud.
When instead I would be ashamed to see a troonjak using even the most basic aspect of my ever evolving mechanics system.
You know this has a basis in REAL LIFE do you not? Well, there is much more I could reveal that I would rather not, for I am only halfway drunk, and veering towards perfect isolation
Nigger poo fart
Mental that
reckon kamala winning would really materialize the modern image of women being bosses
like the gen z boss and a mini tiktok
it would fit wouldnt it
>it will be a landslide because of the assassination attempt
how do you lose votes for being shot at
relapsed on smoking.... relapsed on wanking.... it's over really
Not going to happen. A women has never been president
Yes. I unwittingly sacrificed much for this idea
reminds me of that tragedy.
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all these people drinking lover's spit
swallowing words while giving head
they listen to teeth to learn how to quit
take some hands and get used to it
The pro-assassination lobby
Gotcha froggers, well let us know how you’re coping with it as the weeks go on. Sounds interesting!
i was implying the opposite
surviving an assassination attempt and being on the cover of a magazine with your fist up is great coverage
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Based Canadian indie music enjoyer.
millennial boss in a shitbox
so you meant to say it won't be a landslide, as in will not, as in the opposite of will?
Whatever happened to our emmett
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Just fuck my job opportunities up bro
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Ruptured anus after receiving one of Mikey's cream pies.
File deleted.
Hah. I shall provide a cryptic picture for the nonbelievers
I sacrificed my life... temporarily for the idea that will forge the foundation of this game
*surreptitiously copy pastes that last bit into my biography I will sell alongside the game*
Had a dream that someone was breaking in and now cant sleep even though i know im safe. Now im out of that trance like state where you can fall right back to sleep. Also this bed reeks of cum and farts.
Think there’s a game like this already, it’s called chess
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Actually even that is not cryptic enough for my paranoid mind
no... you thought me mentioning the assassination would take away votes and I corrected that
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So glad you're a nodev and my secret is kept safe
could easily just change his name
ive only got You Forget It In People had it on repeat for a couple days now, which release do you rec next? gb2 the first then release order?
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Australia unironically listens to Metric.
Imagine having to change your name because of brit lmao
men are peak grim
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he did it to himself tbf, if he wasn't going to out himself publically as an unhinged neo-nazi here then it would've happened somewhere else
>kamala probably
this statement implies that you believe kamala will win
>but i think it will be a landslide because of the assassination attempt and biden dropping out so late
this statement is contradictory towards both the previous and itself, you've used the word "but" as if you are going to say something contrary to your first comment however you then go on to say kamala will win by a landslide because of those 2 points
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in a head to head between emmett and mousenonce, who do you think is more mentally ill?
toil in two and a bit hours lads
Dunno but Emmett would absolutely batter him
>glass of milk

To get you started. She'll be right.
MN is way ahead of him in the mental illness department
wonder where emmett's been the past few years, if he's still in the schizo lockup or if he's been released and has his condition under control so even if he posted here we wouldn't know it was him
so it’s over for trump then yeah?
daft bint
I prefer a modest tattoo women myself
>schizo lockup
Did that actually happen lol
i implied trump was benefiting from those two things because of the context. thought it was obvious, not sure what your issue is
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remember cool phones
a fellow bruce attests to having been in contact with his sister and having played a part in him getting sent to a mental institution, dunno if he's lying but i choose to believe it, would explain where he went
first phone was a razor. 2006
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What if Emmett's been with you the entire time?
soul, i fucking hate touchscreens
same, i never used the bloody thing though
Forgot your green arrows didn’t you?
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I'm not even racist
I'll plap a hapa
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new bedsheets today and i'll also take the recycling out
it is not obvious to write the opposite of what you mean and then say that its the readers fault for ignoring context you silly little mexican
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I'm not a sexist, but girls who weigh more than 8 stone are literally men.
Girls like this don’t fart or poo enough for my liking.
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I want a woman not a doll
I don't care if she stinks
I like it
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Even black women can be sexy
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Just came at the thought of a girl who hasn't pooed in a week.
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my train is cancelled and when I phoned toilberg to let him know I was going to be late all he said was "well you better find a way to get in for your start of shift".

sure mate, I'll just start walking around the tracks now shall I? incomprehensible wanker.
You made this exact same post yesterday.
time to get the a15 loaded up i reckon
and the day before that
cheers yob
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Bro a dude.
It's not unreasonable to miss the train two days in a row. Nor the boss being a cunt about it.
fucking hell lads what’s wrong with me
youre swedish so i assume your arsehole has prolapsed from gay sex during the night and youve either shit the bed or sucked all the bedsheets into your arse like kirby
Pic rel
They are in our sleep now.
Browsing through old records from the 60s and there’s a children’s record with nursery rhymes and sing-along type songs and one of the songs is unironically titled “I Love Little Pussy”.
If you ever need to impress a Canadian, play this song for them:

If you ever need to impress a 17-year old Canadian girl, play this song for her:
Nearly one hundred percent positive i will never see a canadian never mind need to impress one
imagine being sad enough to not only be here two days in a row but to recognise posts lmao get your fucking life in order mate.
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Bro...you don't even KNOW
You can wash the nanobacteria that simulates a nervous system(morgellons)
Off your skin and cleanse it from you body.
It not only picks up aluminum from chemtrails to turn you into a receiver for mind control radio waves but it puts tiny targets in your eyes you can see if you put a jeweler's loop next to an LED
But you won't.
You're already a fluoridated NPC fuck with no game. Lol. Sucks to fucking suck man.
I fucking TRIED to help you.
An unreasonable hatred for the Danish.
don’t care really
good morning lads
imagine frogposting about something that never happened every morning looking for attention from strangers you wormy little incel
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>beep boop caring function not found
>initiating service loop
not really unreasonable is it
Don't dismiss the possibility you'll encounter a 17 year old Canadian girl. Secondary school students still go on European trips.
morning lad
Are you under the impression you were talking to the same person? Very embarrassing that.
the middle east had nothing to do with it
they didn't have weapons of mass destruction
dancing israelis and thermite proved it was an inside job
*gets mind control wave technology trained on me like they use in guantanamo bay for this post*
freedom aint free
bit nippy this morning, lads
feel like shit today
feel like shitting today
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When was the last time they tried to cross the frozen Danish Straits?! You're throwing rocks at hapless tourists.
There’s a The Flintstones Sing Christmas Songs record here which raises a whole bunch of questions about the Flintstones lore and timeline.
just cannot stay asleep beyond 5:30AM. brainberg wakes me up and makes me too restless to fall back asleep
fancy t'pub today lads?
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me entering the office full of normies like
*gets tortured by the government with their freaky technology they use on everyone to a lesser extent for having an opinion*
yeah but rorke and that la haha
I dont think things have ever been so grim in my life. I am so fucked man
I have type 2 diabetes because of how much I weigh (through no fault of my own) and can only go a few hours at night without bursting on a pee. The longest I've ever slept uninterrupted is probably 6 hours but when I woke up I needed to piss like a dam about to burst.
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all you need isn't it
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Your weight is your own fault.
Good sleep that
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no it's not bad parenting is.
in pain!
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hate my fucking life so much it's unreal
something quite funny about a single tear falling down his face before obliterating it in the most violent way possible
ed balls
susanna reid
a couple of tories
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His expression in the dark does it for me
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gonna have to wear a jumper for the first time in 3 months
don't feel fully rested though
feels like winter
would love something like this but while sleeping something on my wrist would bother me and im sure its hundreds of dollars for the product and app subscription
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comfy as FUCK, lads
you can get rings rather than watches if you want
i think samsung ones are like £400 but you could get off-brand ones for a fraction of that
Imagine if Ed Balls started a comedy duo like Laurel and Hardy or Abbott and Costello with this lady: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cressida_Dick

What would they call themselves?
two tories on telly
off-brand ones would be surely much more inconsistent and the app would sell my information
and im still shelling out triple digits
ed and 'id(a)
The scores come from a Samsung galaxy watch 5 pro which was about £130 when I got it a a couple of years ago, no subscription. I only got it for tracking running metrics and thought the same as you that i wouldn't like wearing it while sleeping but I don't notice it at all
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you can get them for much cheaper than that
i can't speak to their reliability
i can't really speak to my apple watch's reliability but it's still fun to look at
just had one of those nasty spicy shits that feels like it's impossible to clean afterwards
don't understand why people want to live in houses instead of flats/apartments
i suppose there's an advantage of being able to have a back yard if you have a dog, but i also don't understand why people want to own dogs
please help me i've never been so hopeless in my life
hate yanks
dogs are qts
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that is a shame
A garden would be nice in theory but I doubt I'd even use it. Got a balcony and I only go out to smoke or have a coffee sometimes. My flat is more than enough room considering most of the time I'm sat at my desk on the computer
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poo wank arse bum
poo wank arse bum
I smell the blood of an englishmannnnnnn
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11 September is a great day in history.

Felix Dzerzhinsky was born!
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garage obviously
otherwise i would agree
still not sure about my home office setup
i almost want to switch around my laptop and second monitor but then would that be weird because it would be the opposite of how i have them when i'm in the office office
a lot of apartment buildings have underground garages
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still cant jack your car up there or store stuff without a big risk of it getting stolen
i have a massive air compressor, shelves full of stuff and thousands of dollars worth of tools and toolboxes. cant do that in an apartment
well some people have families and need/want more space than a flat can provide
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fun fact, our presidents have had emergency powers since it happened until 2021.
emergency power for 20 years.
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Add some workout equipment and books and you're golden
>under desk cycler
>treadmill desk
You name it
Trump is practically finished
Whites are fucking GHETTO now
It's not over yet.
shh shhh they're gonna call me a russian bot again
When do I vote?
I told some artards in Croatia I'd voote trump but also they are all demonic freemason devils and it doesn't matter
>Buckingham Palace has released details of King and Queen's tour of Australia and Samoa, but the trip will not include New Zealand.

>An earlier plan to include a visit to New Zealand had to be cancelled "on doctor's advice"

The monarchy is the worst thing to happen to Britain

>abolish the empire and maintain our links to Canada, Australia, and New Zealand through a shared head of state

>head of state never bothers to actually visit these places, Charles is has cancer and Elizabeth was old and useless forever

>more interested in Samoa because they're brown and worship him and because he was mates with the dead Samoan king, than new Zealand, which is basically pacific Britain

Fucking idiots. All they need to do is spend lots of time in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. We'd have closer union with CANZUK if we became a Republic I think. The monarchy is what separates us, not unites us

also old liz remained totally quiet while our empire disappeared and our population became foreign, but the minute the proles voted to leave the EU in the biggest democratic vote in British history she starts dressing up like Steve Bray
Happy 9/11 lads, hope he leaves you something nice under the towers
Did she finally find 190, and fall in love forever happily after?
Well I guess the twin towers event is now the SECOND greatest disaster of 9/11...
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i've seen underground garages where each car had its own individual lockable garage, it wasn't just a parking lot
A Bit of Dick and Balls on the telly
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. Underground garages where each car had its own individual lockable garage. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.
i'm afraid drumpf will suffer the same fate as all single-term presidents, a historical footnote
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Mutts are brainwashed faggot cunts.
You get nothing more than a head cocked from a bird brained faggot talking jive
I'll be off then
wait until barron trump runs for president in like 2060
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Right then. Toil is it? let's get on with it
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having a mi goreng with fried egg on top
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>Foo Fighters singer Dave Grohl, well known for his reputation as "the nicest guy in rock", has admitted becoming the father to a baby born "outside of my marriage".
it's over. nobody can be trusted anymore
decided to buy a vesa mount and a second monitor for my home office
reckon that'll give me more desk space and flexibility
tim (no kek because its so me it's not even funny)
don't have anything against daughters in theory but i'd be really annoyed if i had 3 kids in a row and they were all girls
Ed & Cress Sandwich
Precision engineered for Big mouse cock
those tattoos absolutely ruin it wtf is she thinking
let's not
the 6 year old is going to be such a massive slag when she grows up
'sheed let out from prison early
wanted to have my first kid by the time i was 25, now i'm 29 and never even had a gf NOT EVEN CLOSE
bro had boomer delusions and got hit hard by reality
look at her though, she's got that white trash dna coarsing powerfully through her veins
Shut the fuck up man
Why do they cry about attacks on democracy like they don't stage coups every second year or so?
freakish post
Impressive she's not fat after having so many kids
On another note, why does she have so many fucking kids
blow me niggas
You wouldn't be interested, I'm not 6
that's not the message i intended to convey and you know it, you're just projecting your own noncery on to me, typical
get the 9/11 webms posted
like chucking a hotdog down a corridor
>style: tomorrow
yep newfag time
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Nothing going on inside that walnut sized brain
Despite the greats
The classics
What was it all for?
Perhaps I shall stand idly by whilst the elites complete their plan to mutate humanity into a monstrous sort.
They sought my aide. I sought justice.
Was it a mistake?
I wonder.
Why would newfags be using a non-default theme
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>Technicality gives Raygun world number one ranking
aussies can't keep getting away with this
you're not right in the head if you use something other than yotsuba b tbqh
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Such a trite matter never even crosses my mind
Just apes moving about in vain...like
>uh...chud? Your hour is up..I-
>They sought my aide
Whose idea was it to put break dancing in the Olympics? Break dancing died out around 1993 when parachute pants style rap was replaced by drive-by shooting style rap.
is she just fucking up and too unfit to do the dance or did she actually plan it this way?
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taylor swift is ugly imo
Atrociously early
Janitor, kill him
iss ah doo
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me counting the number of good britposts i've made this week
Enough to distract from the TI which certain damning posts about his life are made...such as in relation to the images on his phone he was considering posting
Or the type of materials he was considering obtaining.
Me in the back with the CPAP
tomorrow user detected, nonce alert
aussisters we can't stop winning
Stone age morons don't know they have created a technological singularity with radiowaves and nanobacteria which collect aluminum from the environment to turn you into a receiver.
Every night...
In your sleep..
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its fuckgin FREEZING this morning
but does the singularity poo?
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You are connected with every single person in the world now
Including Indians
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bitch exactlyyyy
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This thread reminds me of that tragedy.
me at 28 vs me at 30
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Jamal Ginsberg
what does fanny taste like
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why don't you bike to work?
hello my sweet pussina
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Bags of sand.
autism is 100% caused by poor parenting
Or salty coins and milk.
nothing much at all if she's showered
the hasidic homeboy
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no surprise looking back at the deleted posts that all the dogshit posts were one freak
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autism is caused by doing sex with your mum

every autistic ive known has had a big spacker penis that his mum used as a dildo
morning fella
autism isnt real

neither is adhd
just had my weetabix and now having a 'fee to wake myself up. need to be out in half an hour
incredibly based
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In need of some of the Emma Watson anal soft serve right on my dinner plate.
feeling like chicken tonight, chicken tonight
cute monke
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got the brit(ish hong kong) pop on
John McAfee
/brit/ needs to put their money together to buy a tower block and we can all have a flat each
hopefully it's one with a nice common area and rooftop garden
bit grim that mate
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no thank you
need a new lockdown so i dont have to go out to toil
Lauren Chen is (allegedly) a Russian propagandist, but damn she got some cute feet
go on
It's called /brit/ Lauren
I support russian propagandists
bog is blocked up with my concrete shite
pics of these feet?
Does your willard pass the toilet roll test though?
just found out you're only meant to put plastic bottles in the recycling bin and not other plastics
cooking sausages in my comfy woolen cardie
Does your willard pass the plastic bottle test though?
it all goes into landfill anyway
waste of time
not necessarily true, other plastic food containers sometimes say they can be recycled (not many though)
think its just the transparent plastics. opaque ones can t be recycled
they can be recycled yeah, but my council website says only put plastic bottles in the bin and take other plastic items to a recycling centre. recycling has gone woke
ERM not necessarily true, achtually
so we're supposed to save the planet by all getting into our cars and making regular trips to the tip and back to drop off plastic packaging? So retarded
not necessarily poo though is it. might be pee
won't be saving the planet, done nothing for me
yeah i'm rorke
pretty much
recycling is the biggest scam ever, just stops pollution i guess
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>dude jav lol
feel bad you loads dont have polish people (anymore) serving you chicken fillet rolls on demand
Seen many a video of jap lasses pooing in my time
they would never
Unironically bro that kind of shit (no pun intended) cures me of my lust. I see a hot girl and all I have to do is think of her taking a massive shit to be brought back down to earth.
im a yank you just blew my cover idiot
just spent 30 minutes cranking it to such things
new thread never
Unironically bro? Yeah dude girls pooping is gross Cody.
thread credit's run out, this is the last /brit/.
Kek fr fr

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