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glow frog edition

I need to go Number 2
>see this OP
>with this banner
Thank you Jesus for this nice coincidence
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A most peculiar sight
There's no more dispensers in this post-covid hellscape. They give you a small plastic cup of diced onions instead.
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survived my hour long manager repercussions call
This woman just checked in at my work, she must be 62 if she's a day. She has the largest natural breasts I've ever seen irl. Easily a d cup. And you can tell she was SMOKING HOT when she was young. Blue eyes and light brown hair. Ivory skin. Jesus
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That’s insane what if you want like an ungodly amount on your dawg
this hungry ass general talking about hotdogs again
My friend calls it "chup"
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>They’re putting chemicals in the water that turn the friggin frogs into feds.
Your friend is a faggot
I don’t have any so whomst are you referring to
I wanna jackoff but there are workers right outside my window and my drapes are old and threadbare :(
put on a show for the working men
you're gonna let some guatemalan day laborers dictate what you do in your own house. beta moves
i'm sore as fuck but still have two more days of work for fuck's sake
They're all Indian.
did he eat a firefly?
lol this nigga jackin off next to jeets
oh, gross
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install blinds or blackout curtains if you're going to be "daydrinking" so to speak
i imagine yes unless he's battery operated
Oh fuck me man, all the McDonalds in my city have removed the drink dispensers and don't do free refills anymore.
Pain is weakness leaving the body.
>removed the drink dispenser
what the fuck?
>and don't do free refills anymore.
what the FUCK???
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The world i growed up in is GONE.
nigga i was getting muscle failure towards the end of last shift
wish i had the guts to kill myself. banking on the hope that someday my fear of another day will outweigh my fear of death and i'll be able to do it as an act of cowardice
just pack your shit up and go somewhere new, stop being retarded and acting like a victim of your environment
Cide is cringe
Shut the fuck up
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mi basado amigo
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what is there to fear? the suns still coming up tomorrow
this is my feeling having tried that already. wherever you go there you're at
umm you're german
Now it'll take longer for that to happen. You're getting stronger. One day soon you'll wake up with strength you didn't think you had. You're becoming a god.
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Half of my long day: complete
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>waaah waaah I live in the greatest country on earth
>The world i growed up in is GONE.
There's no geographical answer to a spiritual problem
is that not what i just said
Nobody is against immigrants. They're against ILLEGAL immigrants.
>born in the greatest country in history
>kys like a bitch
Don't be a bitch
I guess but I wanted to say that too to sound smart. Cut me some slack, I'm lonely
Legality has nothing to do with it. The gov't can make these people "legal" effortlessly. Just look at the 3 million "students" from India that have moved here in the last two years.
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>Jesus said you have to let in a bunch of migrants or something
>Where exactly?
>idk I didn't read the bible lol but you might care
IL tuo immigrazione nun è il MIO immigrazione... Out situations are different. I'm talking about for America. But yeah. You're shits fucked too
i'm a net negative this place would be greater statistically without me in it taking the average down
alright fair
>i'm a net negative
Are you a wypipo?
Jesus WAS an illegal immigrant
Hits home. I'm a bit older than that but still
all lives matter chud. even the onces the catholics literally genocided by the pope's orders
you’re overestimating your importance in the grand scheme of things
just keep living to see what happens might as well
biologically yes but spiritually i am a negro
Okay, but remember Obama naturalized millions of illegal immigrants with an executive order back in the early '10s, so my point still stands.
Jesus didn't say to completely replace your population with people who hate you, though. He was referring to something on a different scale entirely.
debate was a total nothingburger
ok just shut up and kill yourself i don't care anymore. defeatist cucks are the most annoying energy leeches on earth
No he wasn't. He was from Galilee.
Render under Caesar
I come as a sword to divide families
and wallah
just like that
i'm in the new thread
makin new posts
makin new friends
cummin with the best of em
>didn't immigrate anywhere
>fled to Egypt, which was also Roman at that time
Why do brown atheists say this anyway?
Context matters, a lot, you know. Freshen up your biblical hermeneutics.
It's because they hate Christians so they operate in bad faith.
Actually it's because it's too easy to rile up retards here with their off-topic Christ politics shit
Fuck off back to >>>/pol/
i only say that to rebuke them. only bad things have happened to this point and there is no prospect of anything good happening. rich uncle pennybags is not gonna leave me a fortune and i'm not gonna catch a railroad spike through the brain that cures my autistic chudcelism
it's two months before an election dumbass
Once I was talking with a self-aware boomer (rare) and he was genuinely incredibly sad that me or anyone else younger than him will never get to experience the Canada he grew up in. Not like a "haha you had to be there" way but more like a birthright he thought we be given to the next generation was lost. Very grim
>naturalized millions of illegal immigrants with an executive order back in the early '10s, so my point still stands

No he didn't. He implemented DACA, Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals., which gave the children of illegals a chance to go to school and work here, but it's been all over the place. A lot of them are just saying fuck it and going back to their shitholes

It VOILÀ. Jesus mumpin Christ on a skateboard.
how should i cook my chicken tonight
grill it
coq au vin
make chicken adobo, it's filipino and good as fuark
Oh so they changed the rules did they?
i wanted to say that too but i thought he was just being facetious
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Biden endorses Trump
I feel the same. You have no idea how shit used to be and that hurts. It's like driving a 2025 Mercedes E Class all your life, but when your kids are like 5 you have to trade it in for a rusted out 1970 VW bug with engine problems. Your kids grownup knowing only the big and you try to tell them how much better it was before but they don't see anything wrong with the big and just call you old.
i live in a condo, no grills here.
fuck that
ain't got no soy sauce
>waaah they took away MY world!
Boo hoo nikka
Nobody cares about the past anymore. Stop being a crying little bitch about shit you literally have nothing to do with.
You have no power. You can't do anything about it.
>He was referring to something on a different scale entirely
Also caring for refugees doesn't even mean they get to become citizens. This whole "illegally immigrate and get rewarded" paradigm is very new. The original point of asylum seeker laws was that they would go back at some point.
pan fry it in a skillet
>heheh, I look like a jackass
Okay, well, the migrants back then were almost all Mexicans, so actually decent people, rather than Haitians, and Russian and Chinese spies.
Your country was always shit, nobody is talking about you Pedro
the store nearest to you has soy sauce freak stop being lazy
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How did you celebrate today?
I am being facetious, but I didn't want to embarrass our newfriend.
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>migrants back then were almost all Mexicans
>so actually decent people
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I should point out he was idealist leftoid type boomer too. Yeah the next generations will grow up to accept even shittier stuff than we have now and think it's normal. Especially if they are some thirdie descendant. Woeful
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>You can't do anything about it.
cope beaner, you're just too scared to step out of line
i prayed to allah that the imperialist american pigdogs will choke on their own vomit
The average Mexican is way more "western" and relatable than literally any Haitian. I didn't say it was 100% of Mexican illegal immigrants, either.

Is TN a nice state to live in?
I might move there to work on the supercomputers.
Indeed but I've come to accept that life is just a series of moments in time. Nothing lasts, and trying to hold onto the way things were is like grabbing at the wind. It sounds cliche and like truisms but the older you get you experience these cliches and really take them to heart instead of just using them as empty platitudes
Everything passes away except the word of God which lasts forever.
What the dog doing
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I ate my oatmeal while taking a shit. It felt very productive.
That's foul.
Except Christianity has morphed a lot since its inception, too.
>lasts forever
3 hours until another 12 hr shift begins, grim
>The average Mexican is way more "western" and relatable than literally any Haitian
I don't believe that to be true. Not with fresh over the border Mexicans. They're about the same as Haitians. Chicanos are more westernized, true, but they were born here. Mexicans and Haitians are both romance speaking Catholic third worlders. Not much difference
if you dumped your outmeal in between your legs directly into the toilet bowl it would have been more efficient
>Mexicans and Haitians are both romance speaking Catholic third worlders. Not much difference
They would go crazy if you said this to them irl lel
I got news for ya bud...
A goil has replied to me on POF :)
these boomers are pretty rare
most of them do the ol' "things are just different now" and make implications that's ok because you're already used to being poor and having a shit lifestyle compared to what they have
fortunately my family aren't selfish assholes and will be leaving a lot for me, rather than blowing every last penny on boats and vacations
Do they got beef with Haitians or something? I know there was a fair bit of Haitian immigration to Mexico and Latam in general
Kamala Harris and the moderators attempted to gotcha Trump by mentioning his negotiations with the Taliban. Trump's response was an epic moment:
"The Taliban was killing our soldiers, with snipers. Abdul, the head of the Taliban, and I told Abdul 'Don't do it anymore, if you do it anymore you're going to have problems.'
He said 'Why do you send me a picture of my house?'
I said 'You're going to have to figure that out Abdul'
For 18 months, we didn't have anyone killed.
We wouldn't have lost the soldiers, we wouldn't have left many Americans behind, and we wouldn't have left 85 billion dollars of brand new beautiful military equipment behind."

Kamala Harris has been coached to act like she is amused at Donald Trump's answers to 'seem strong'. She was so upset by his powerful answer that her smug look was wiped right off of her face.
Latinxs have all been getting Haitian refugees recently, and they all really really hate them. Even Brazilians. Mexicans are the same, they won't even let them stay in the same shelters they let the other illegals camp in before they cross into the US lol
this also got me thinking, i have some friends who have TWO kids, despite not even owning any property, and are planning on having a third
they are renting a 2 bedroom apartment and have their bed in the living room so the children can have bedrooms
the way things are now, if you don't get help from your family you will never get anywhere

i can't think of many things worse than being poor, and they have doomed their children to a life of poverty, very grim
Kys prole.
putting nicotine patches on your partner secretly so they have withdrawals when you’re not around
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My nephew Feyd-Rautha - so much better than Rabban, who was mistreated by the Atreides even the Emperor never saw anything like it - my nephew says that they’re giving all the spice away. The Atreides are afraid of the Fremen. Nobody said that when it was my Arrakis, my Dune.
>these boomers are pretty rare
Yes they are, also he was a left leaning idealist type, which is why I think he was so disillusioned. He probably really believed that hippy shit and opposing "the man" would bring a utopia but instead we got infinity jeets and poverty.
yeah god forbid your kids grow up in a rented house better to just let the country be filled to the brim with economic migrants so any semblance of national identity can be completely erased
Odio i froci
henlo newfren, are you canadianx or jeetx?
Yeah. Every other ethnicity is farting out kids no matter how affluent.
it's not even a house dude
we're not going to win this by producing more stupid poor white people my man
>he way things are now, if you don't get help from your family you will never get anywhere
Yeah it do be like that, we're becoming an inheritance type society and that North American rags-to-riches meme will end.
Whenever I hear an American say "y'all" I feel intense rage for a few seconds.
OpenAI API Error - Request failed with status code 401
It's already too late. It was too late ten years ago. Every western country is doomed to lose its identity and become an identityless economic zone full of citizen of every brute nation imaginable. No matter who you vote for. No matter what you do. It's already over.
>that North American rags-to-riches meme will end.
it ended 20 years ago Tbh
Not every person who grew up poor is a deadbeat retarded subhuman like you
>every other ethnicity is farting out kids no matter how affluent
>government gives you like $400-$1200 per kid
>"holy shit I should have more of these!"
That's every poor brownoids thought process in Canada
I’m on a thousand downers now I’m drowsy
i didn't grow up poor, and i am not a deadbeat retarded subhuman
>Your prompt for [Taylor Swift with comically huge tits covered in joss sucking cock at a glory hole] was denied
Only Real Southerners™ should be allowed to say it. Annoying as shit when some troon jeet in the UK or something says it.
omg so the West has fallen????
so it seems. so it seems
sorta kinda, i think it can still be saved but we have a lot of deportations to do
that’s sad because that’s just what you say in the south nobody addresses a group of people with ‘you guys’
So why do you think poor kids are doomed to a life of failure and misery?
It hasn't "fallen". Nun esiste cchiù, it don't even exist no more
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> the west has fallen
Then Get Back Up
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omg nooooooooo I am demoralized
Génération Identitaire save me
because that's the reality, it is a measurable, observable phenomenon
there are exceptions, but it is generally the case
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Well, going by the numbers that's usually how shit turns out...or no?
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>nun esiste cchiù
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You mean you make a gross generalization that ignores the real reasons poor people are more likely to have difficult lives and instead think all poor people should be banned from having fulfilling lives rather than trying to eliminate poverty and improve life for everyone
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At least 372 people from 102 countries besides the United States died as a result of the 9/11 attacks. Technically it was the biggest Mahometan terror attack in many countries by citizen death toll. Yet they still mock America with it.
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not even him, but it's not a gross generalization it is a proven statistical reality.
sussy baka
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Can we stop talking about poor people.
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cummypies, im drinking covfefe
>statistical reality
missed my point entirely
my stomach is very upset right now and i would love some coffee but it’s too risky
Me too. This half and half im using though, it tastes like a bum sneezed in it.
I just had a bag of Funyuns
Life altering
I thought meh onion rings we have them here too but they’re unlike anything I’ve ever had
Perfect texture
Had 76 ounces of milk today
>bro if we just vote more left all the problems will go away bro just one more vote bro one more time please stop the capitalism
You've had a Trudeau - NDP turboliberal government for a decade and Canada has become poorer.
music just happened to peak at the exact period of human history in which i was an adolescent.
just be a decent fucking person and vote for the liberals, chud
funyuns are one of my favorites try the spicy ones
The fuck are you talking about I didn't mention any of that even tangentially
y'all need to friggin chill
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you'll get better
You guys had a good day today?
if kamala wins this country is fucking doomed, hell it's probably doomed already considering she has any support whatsoever
If I only could!
But this bag I just had was brought back to Germany by my sister from her trip to the US of A
literally nothing substantial will happen if either of them win
i hope so im currently in the fetal position in bed powering through it
If Kamala wins poopie woopie.... doogie poopie doobie doo dong dang. Trump MAGA AWOOOOO shoopie woopie
This guy gets it
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>the society made me poor, just eliminate the poverty don't talk about the stats or policy or something
yur sissy is always bringing you nice american gifts :3
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there's gonna be a huge meltdown either way
Oh it's the guy who seethes about "Pookraine" lol
if trump wins, i'll do nothing
if kamala wins, i'll also do nothing
who cares
I used to have two Spotify accounts One I’d listen to around men and some women and then a more “indie” library but both were tailor made for having people think I have good music taste because I used to listen to trash electronic music and video game OSTs
Also didn't say anything like that
Won't reply to you again
dont forget to drink water
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I love both Russia and Ukraine equally, wish they'd stop fighting so flights to Asia would be cheaper again
Also had different types of clothes so I could dress differently depending on who I’m going to see
I wanted to do a tour through both of them and Belarus but now i don't think that'll ever happen
>t. average canadian sex tourist
yeah kinda gay that the best time to visit Russia as a Westoid was before 2014 and it's only going to get worse thanks to Putinoid
It was NATO and Victoria Nuland
I dreamed that there was luxury yacht full of people trying to kill me and after a lot of shit, running and fighting, I got to a spot where these 3 guys couldn't reach me but I could reach the 1st guy and he was all saying how he was gonna kill my and there's nothing I could do and I felt sick to my stomach as I grabbed a box cutter and slashed the left side of his throat.
He went "oh shit" and felt the wound, it was just a slight cut. Then as he was about to start talking shit again I trapped a pointy screwdriver and plugged it into his jugular and blood went POURING out and he stumbled back gurgling and grasping his neck, it was disgusting to watch. His 2 friends were basically attacking and pointing at him, then this girl in a white prom dress and a sharpened...one a them things you use to spread spackle, ran in and I woke up.

Sickening feeling stabbing someone in the neck, even if it was just a dream (I us d to read word up magazine).
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you invented Europeans going abroad for sexo
Spend some time away
Getting ready for the day you're born again
Looks like touring through China keeps getting better though so I'm not too bothered
need that visa free they are piloting now tbqh
quite the strawman sir, i didn't say any of those things
have exclusively jacked off to 2d for the last 3 weeks
Big difference between a conquistador and going to Thailand for ladyboys.
Lovely meme though, I'm stealing that. Enjoy your ladyboys Canadanon.
I will wait to go there on business
Work will probably send me to Japan, SK, and Taiwan on business, so gonna try and tack on China for fun
Has anyone here ever tried dmaa?
It used to be in pre workout supplements but was banned
Wha, so there's no Daniels in this thread gonna interpret my dream? What a gyp. I'm going back to /po/.
when i was younger i thought it'd be cool to travel to russia but now it just seems boring. basically a cultural backwater.
nothing to do with politics, just don't see a reason to visit anymore.
the vast majority of is empty barren tundra, the towns are also really run down and uninteresting with nothing notable
edible has been consumed
im sorry i normally would but i feel sick right now
Souless and cold
Only planned to go to St Petersburg and Moscow then down to Kiev and Odessa then end in Yalta
Don't know where that is
Sexed your mom at Panera Bread
>Raises heart rate and blood pressure
It doesn't seem safe, especially if it was combined in workout blends that already had other stimulants like caffeine, multiplying their stress on the heart.
I was 6 years old when 9/11 happened, but I don't remember any of it.
I like Indians
Just not when there’s a lot of them
why do people pretend twerking is a dance and not just some baboon mating ritual?
low standards. it's hot though
In 2021 United States spending on its nuclear arsenal alone was $45 billion dollars.

In that same year Russia spent $65 billion on its entire armed forces.
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The weed gummies have been eaten!!!
People have had heart attacks on it, but generally think that had to do with overdose
twerking is hot
went to a twerking competition in Portland in 2015 and a fat zesty but heterosexual black man won
post pics or it didn't happen
Are you a man of constant sorrow
Didn't take any sorry
voting should not be a universal right
It's not
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Does Brazil not have Eye-ties?
beautiful song
Lately I've noticed people have started to not pluralize nouns when speaking. A few specific examples that I've seen numerous instances of are people saying things like "beer" instead of "beers" and "hour" instead of "hours." Is this because of the orientalization of western countries?
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This is why I feed them over the winter, I like to see healthy babies in the summer.
hi cute baby deer can you tell your older siblings to stop eating things out of my garden thanks
just ate a bunch of stuff out of this dude's garden and told him the deers did it lmao.
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i know it was the deer and not raccoons or something else because they stepped on a watermelon to break it open and then ate it
love that you still post these
looking good!
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I don't see them much anymore
It's funny. "Youse" appear in both fractured early 20th century east coast speech as well as in archaic Scots/Irish speech.
Do Canadians actually say eh
Use them in a sentence, I don't understand what you mean.
yeah, all the time
The word "youse" originated in Ireland as a result of Irish immigrants adapting the English language to include a second-person plural pronoun. The word is derived from the Gaelic word sibh, which is the second-person plural. Irish immigrants added an "s" to the word "you" to create "youse".

"Youse" is commonly used in working class areas of the Northeastern United States, especially in Philadelphia. It is also still widely used in Ireland. In the United States, it is most commonly heard among older people in ethnic neighborhoods of cities such as New York, Boston, Chicago, Cincinnati, and Buffalo.
Don't recall askin
there’s a moose loose aboot the hoose
Taking dense sandy poos
Do Toronto roadmen say it?
FK... wherefore art thou mine German Prince?
i'm not sure what that means but i'm pretty sure toronto is like 80% non-canadian
What the fuck is this, a village in Ipswich in 1610? Who the fuck uses this archaic ass speech? This dude was right, Brits are so Medeival
Eg, "I might go up to the store to buy a few beer" or "I was there two hour ago."
wild how i had no friends for much of my childhood
roight i’ll be ‘avin that then love
.....were you perhaps speaking to schizophrenics by any chance?
I fucked up and incurred a huge expense. I am so stupid.
Have not noticed this except from FOB immigrants
are you also a homeschool victim
what'd you do
No but one person who I know who consistently calls "beers" "beer" is a huge weeb and is obsessed with kendama.
What did you buy?
no just a weird quiet kid
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Got a 5/5 rating in my year end review. Might get a promotion. feelsgoodman.jpg
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mfs need to cool it with the frogs
just a little
heck yeah
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I'm feeling optimistic for the future of this country lads.
canada is going to chud the fuck out
If I lived in current Canada, nothing could fill me with optimism tbqh.
My breath smells like garlic
did you eat something with garlic
that "ayy lmao" post was supposed to be the temp deformity from vacuum-assisted delivery but i was just sitting here and i think actually it causes a dent but ill check the NHS website (where i think i first saw it) today and hopefully that leads to doing other things
got that tupac song stuck in y head thats is liek
>do do dodo (owowowowow)
sounds like uptown funk
Do not respond or engage with mousenonce
take it the answer to my question was a "no", then
one sec. not to let him ruin it like when he stops me talking ot people
i dont know what you mean "Canada"
just told the homie i loved him
he called me gay
kill yourself
That's funny but PP isn't a hardline conservative.
i hope fat kills himself. that would be epic. his life serves no purpose and he should do it NOW - he knows this to be true
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Just did a compression test on my engine and it seemed good. 179-190psi cold.
Ordering a borescope to see if the spark plug that cylinder 4 ate did much damage.
Feel amazing, like i just took a 50 pound shit
was asking if youd behave today and it appears the answer is no
*jots some notes down*
holy fuck please please please, i can't survive another year of trudeau
i don't understand but im glad you are happy
he is though, centrist means ultra fascist now
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Now that the dust has settled.
Do people in Springfield Ohio really eat Dogs and Cats ?
like wtf bros. Why would you eat the pets in the hometown of the Simpsons ?
A spark plug broke off in my engine and my other spark plugs rattled loose
There was some metal in my oil after that
Hopefully after i clean the vtc filter things will be ok
Do you know what the Overton window is?
no it was fake
you arent Canadian and yes, i wont stop. lol if any of you thinks that the hostility will stop. There is one solution to fats life: kill yourself

or ok, i will do this and if you dont antagonize me then the "one thing" i will do is this, and the rest is good behaviour. surely you know you are next though /brit/
hope it works out for you buddy
it's a shame isn't it
I dunno man. Do you really think it's beyond the average Haitian person to eat a cat?
fat is a terrorist user and is making troll posts and reporting people for breaking US law because hes that type of people (those who should kill themselves) to report people for getting told to go kys
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i need someone else to make the new i have to leave
you have my blessing
my last post about it until he makes another spam/flooding one (he still complains much longer than this) --
if you are really a psychologist then you would listen to this post and see the image attached (yes i do believe he wants to cause me harm) and apply the psychology to him as well to see really who is the victim and whos making troll posts. its not me - you can buy guns in America

i can guarantee that next thread he does it again, though
Surprise BITCH!
I'll see you on thanksgiving
you dont like me for no reason other than you being told not to like me by a fat waste of space. i tried to like you but you for no reason didnt like me without even getting to know me first, so now i dont like you either. deserved
i wish we would stop fighting :(
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Spend a few more hours telling everyone how mad i don't make you
Pedo freak
Currently SORTAN through my playlists and making a new one, link me some j-pop songs
all he does is complain. what he needs is an environment like this so he is allowed to survive. if people are happy or the society is working, then he has noj place in it - think about that

his post: canada - i refer you to >>202124871

>people post videos about Haitians eating ducks and protected birds in parks
>American black guy complains they are doing this
>suddenly them eating cats go viral
>several unrelated videos of cat eating go viral
>the original duck/fowl complaints are ignored by deBOONKERs
Really makes you think huh?
spend all day/night here doing nothing but complaining and telling people not to reply to someone, and then kill yourself. you are negative 4 Americans
bad behaviour in progress
You've been talking about haitians for literal hours by the way.
ok so you didnt even read the post. now you are cut off #
its sad and a pretty big character flaw that you will suck other peoples dicks who treat you like shit and told you to fuck off yesterday, because you dont have any friends so much

fats post ignored - he spends 20 hours a day telling people to not reply to me and thats fact
Yes now stop being racist
he spent all night an-

nah. hes not worth it
what a subhuman. what a subhuman bugman response. you should kill yourself you know
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Why is the alleged mexican always so butthurt? Nigga got banished from /mex/ or something?
this isnt a troll post. i mean it
We were making so much progress, toby.... it's just sad to see you like this...
"making so much progress" t. the guy who "mindraped" me or whoever else. Diego or something

reported to the FBI. you are breaking the law. making progerss on what exactly? evil little man. evil, and it shows with whos side youre taking. and so does your goal. you are ignored but also breaking the law
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why are you demeaning the rich vibrant culture of Haiti through a micro-aggressive Euro-centric lens?
reply to mousey
was just told to reply to you
im going to report this post - and the posts you havent hidden yet from the archives, about "mindraping" people - to the Royal Mountain Police, and the person whos letting you use their internet for that flag is going to go to prison because of you - maybe even die
drinking coconut water :)
and that will happen because you wanted your own special little flag or to not get filtered on 4chan, where nobody pays attention to you other than man. it will be your fault
squealing imagining the RCMP intern that has to decipher toby's insane rants and having to bring another person in to ask what the hell the emails are about
He said he sent it to the FBI, which is even funnier.
i will write 50-word bullet points
you are cut off but i have now given you warning that if you keep doing it someone will get hurt and its on you now to not be a selfish retard for once and understand the consequences in yoru fucked up disbled-person life
He's literally ban evading now, janny doesn't mind because he has JEET banter posts to delete
make the new you cuckold

the fucked up disabled-life i mentioned
it really must learn

and look at fat talk
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>royal mountain police
their job? arresting yetis
kill yourself
make the new. Now!
doesnt /cum/ think that without these posts, and me having to post at them, the thread would be better?

do not acknowledge fat

fat makes the thread worse
I need a job
you "need" to make a new
you couldnt reasonable see what fat wants and agree with him - or think he his right


someone has to let you use their internet for you to have that flag. that person will be responsible for you

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