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No longer exists edition

Prev: >>202117462
reply to mousey
going through my old snapchat pictures from high school
acknowledging schizos just makes them stick around more, even indirectly

this is fat

"how do we get hi sectioned"
fat should be sectioned because he is a threat to the public
Unironically puked at the Shartlanta airport in front of everyone
I'm trippin bros.
Turns out I wasn’t fired for pissing in bottles. Someone stole 2,500 dollars worth of equipment under my watch
cute fork
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ARE my posts in this thread better or worse? was i a problem or did i becoe one
toby, i just asked you to behave, dont know why you're so mad
Apparently I’m fat

another dogshit post
You know you need a shower when your undies start sticking to your ass crack.
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You're going to jail
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mother dearest gave me money for tendies !
i just shaved today after a month of neglect
idk why i'm so lazy with it
i look 10 times clean shaven but i just grow an unkempt beard that completely hides my jaw
Where’s the French guy I miss him
me on the left
sure you do. hes a buck broke little angry man. thats the only people you "allow" otherwise you do this. you are a sad man
10 times better*
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A fart is the ghost of a turd.
republicans are so fucking weak nowadays. they were completely enthusiastic in 2016 for trump despite way worse polls and people saying it was impossible for trump to win. he "bombed" all the debates according to the polls (worse than this one, including the one 2 weeks before the election) and yet they didn't care. now they send to get scared of everything
Teach me how to filter flags in mobile
Tranny janny banme for saying to get ratpedo sectioned but he lets him spam and ban evade?
Something is fishy
The nafri or the suicidal
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same person
How do I pump my stomach at the airport?
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a LOT of such incidents in /cum/. Bunch of glowie jeet troons if you ask me
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The tyranny of the trannytors
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>guy having a multi-day, multi-thread schizo meltdown threatening people and telling them to an hero
>(you) posting a single sentence
Guess which one the janny bans
I bet they'll get me for ban evasion before him too lol
The hero /cum/ needs, but the one we deserved, I kneel.
reminder to everyone else that "leaf" here is a Brit
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There is more than 1 leaf ITT
its obvious which one i mean
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im at my parents house and my dad bought a one gallon thing jug of maple syrup
my family is single-handedly keeping millions of canadians employed
ngl but I would breed her and don't get why that's such a bad thing to say
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We have a strategic maple syrup reserve worth millions of dollars. And it has been heisted before too.
i'd like to live in a country with liberal values that is majority white and has small minority groups that they don't allow to grow past a certain size. but this is an impossible platform to run on.
she deserves to get bred by anons
If she has any eggs left
She was always gorgeous, people just hate her because she is popular
you could move to New England or Quebec, that's as close as you will get.
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That's quite an illiberal immigration scheme, not that I'm against it. What do you want to be liberal then? Cannabis laws?
maybe new zealand and ireland sort of
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nah there's minorites in new england
and quebec is the minority
If you wanted to escape minorities in new england you'll have to buy a lot of land and make sure it has multiple walls built around it
>That's quite an illiberal immigration scheme
Not really. The argument could be made that importing people from the 3rd world would erode our liberal values. Similar to the argument France made for banning hijabs and burkinis.
They are going through a chuddening right now
>new zealand
they are governed by the centre right, so idk if that's liberal enough for you.
Damn the US is more grim than I realized
Despite their ban, they are still getting browner and blacker. Minimally useful policy if the people remain.
The Muddening
Yes, because they continue to allow immigration. My point being that you can still make a liberal argument against immigration.
I think you're silly, anon, trying to be an anti immigrant liberal when the majority of liberals wouldn't consider you a liberal. Stick to your principles if it makes you feel better, I suppose.
France has always had a retarded "I don't see race" approach to immigration. The Anglo cunts acknowledge browns but in France they just pretend if they let them in they will all absorb into superior French secular values and allow Frenchoids to sexo the brown/black women.
new zealand already has
>universal healthcare
>gay marriage
>probably cheap college
that's all liberals really want, then it's just a matter of disproportionately hiring minorities and letting faggots chop their nuts off which I doubt they have much of
that story will never stop being funny to me
i don't get what those frogs were thinking, how the fuck do you fence thousands of gallons of syrup
>disproportionately hiring minorities
They don't have this but they do have a Canada style Jeetening going on with housing being unaffordable to anyone and social services getting noticeably worse. Not on our level ofc
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>how the fuck do you fence thousands of gallons of syrup
Hundreds of quebecois mafia farmstands dotting the countryside
There is only one existing trans milf and the rest are chrischan
Conservatives wouldn't consider me conservative either because I don't care about trannies, small government, and so on.
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>trans milf
me in the future (im just a transgirl zoomer now :3)
It's the classic "getting away with it then getting lazy & greedy". If they kept filling the barrels with water it might have went unnoticed for even longer and they wouldn't have to hold so many big barrels waiting to be sold into smaller batches.
It's not gonna happen, especially in Brazil.
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You're fat, brown, and hairy, if you can't pass how can you possibly be a troon? kek
>I want to be liberal, but like, racist
what causes this level of cognitive dissonance? truly a meme ideology
i guess you can just be the enlightened outsider who aligns with nobody
I've been working this grave shift, and I ain't made shit, I wish I could buy me a spaceship and fly, past the sky
>what causes this level of cognitive dissonance?
seems like textbook contrarianism to me, "I'm not like other anons"
>what causes this level of cognitive dissonance? truly a meme ideology
A lot of people think freedom is a burden, but also don't want to live near minorities
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growing up in a white town in new england was wonderful. back then people talked about diversity but i never had to see anyone who wasn't white except for a couple of black people. now i see jeets, bosnians in burkas, negros, etc. on a daily basis.
Well, good luck, pal. Everyone should be allowed their fantasies.
now youse can't post
I was just theorizing , that's not how i feel
it's a global thing now, even small towns in Canada are getting Jeets. Same with Europe or even Japan. We've reached the point where people can't ignore it anymore.
You smell and your skin is an ugly colour.
how is that a meme ideology. it's the dominant ideology of most wealthy liberals. they'd like you to live with undesirables while they live in gated 95% white neighborhoods.
>Tyler Durden voice
>"I want you to cum as hard as you can."
Chinese ending of the film is funny
to goon or not to goon, that is my dilemma in this moment
Get a hold of yourself man
Eventually it will come back to bite them in the ass, but at that point it's too late.
Why is there a schizo who calls everyone Brazilian? I understand the French guy does it too
getting a hold of myself is a quintessential part of gooning
what happens
example? I only know Finnish SAAR hunter
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i will find an european husband ^^
uuhhhh??? i have fair skin, freckles, my BMI is like 20 and im not hairy?? lol
That was the joke. You could interpret it multiple ways!
>i have fair skin
Lol stop LARPing, you're brown and fat. YWNBAW, get real
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>i have fair skin, freckles, my BMI is like 20 and im not hairy?? lol
>tfw almost 3 years since last sex
>text rolls on the screen
>Tyler was a real terrorist who gets killed and police figured out everything & stopped all the bombs. The END
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You only think I guessed wrong! That’s what's so funny! I switched glasses when your back was turned! Ha ha! You fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders—the most famous of which is "never get involved in a land war in Asia"—but only slightly less well-known is this: "Never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line!"
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First. Off kys faggot second picrel
I've heard that so funny.
Those are rookie numbers, try 25 years
Funny thing is they used to air V for Vendetta uncut on Chinese state channels before.
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the struggle is real
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the other day i had to visit a shithole poor town and here are the highlights:
>enter the library
>there's people (homeless maybe?) just sitting around. they're not even using the computers, just sitting at tables in a trance.
>well dressed librarian has the demeanor of someone who is being held hostage
>go back to my car
>10 feet away there's a homeless veteran schizo harassing a young hispanic couple
>drive to my appointment, sit down in the lobby waiting to be called
>guy next to me starts brushing his beard and with every pass of the brush there's a stream of vomit tainted air rushing towards me
>lady in front of me is reading a porn novel in plain view
>everyone is dressed in literal rags covered in what looks like human feces and food
>I saw a dominican woman with a huge ass
You guys are pee pee head
guarantee you the librarian voted for it
>>guy next to me starts brushing his beard and with every pass of the brush there's a stream of vomit tainted air rushing towards me
it doesn't count if you've never done it before
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look what I found!
Truecel telling the fakecel what is up
In Germany it's not against the law to disparage the United States like it is with Israel
maybe he's 40 and the last time he got laid was in high school
there's gotta be dudes like that out there
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Have a baby by me girl be a billionaire
Maybe but there are a lot of young angry fakecel virgins here
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Atlas makes the most trash games, they re-skin the same game 100 times and the weebs still buy it
This tea reminds me of bedtime as a little kid, my mom would give us this with honey and lemon
Atlas doesn't make games retard.
He holds the world up.
Are Canadians really this stupid
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if you haven't had sex in the last 30 days you suffer
simple as
He actually holds up the heavens, not the earth but that was typo
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why are french girls so perfect ?
what is the secret of the french people ? they are literally perfect
America is FUCKED.
I want to fuck the Mazone's Queen...
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alizee was my first crush
i remember 8 years old me feeling funny when i first saw her on tv
she made me a straight man
You and 3 billion others had the same crush
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did pretty good if I say so myself
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Is she the hero we need?
My first crush was starfire
the man who founded the CIA's bin laden division has become a QAnon trumper

his wife was also dubbed the queen of torture for her enthusiastic role in the CIA's torture program
French people in general can be aggravating when you speak their language. Of course they have plenty of redeeming qualities, and in general I like them, but they can be difficult to deal with at the best of times.

t. amerifrog
Hadnt tasted a pussie in like 3 years. her “scent” is everywhere now
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I have a theory on what's happening to the cats in Springfield. Voodoo sacrifices to the Lwa. It could be true, probably not, but maybe. If Russia or the RNC give me 50k I will post about it everyday until someone believes me. Pic related my soon to be sacrificed cat
A one-megaton thermonuclear warhead has just been detonated over San Francisco.
Why am I still alive then xD
oh come on, i'd have heard something.
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I like having little chit chats with strangers but I'm finding over the years that older folks are getting more and more unfriendly
Is she hot?
Bioware is bad for this too
Played one played them all
The tomato basil flavored wheat thins are very mid.
Too much sugar.
Ding dong bannu
This is terrifying.
My poops have been smaller and less frequent lately, I feel like I'm not getting everything out. I think my diet lacks fiber. But pic related is scary.
Impacted fecal mass abortion would be a good song name
You surrounded by plant-based woman, what do you do?
Coat and fill them with some ranch dressing if you know what i mean
I have been vomiting all day where the fuck is this coming from
holy shit you are retarded
Your stomach I assume
It would simultaneously be the most scared and the most horny I've ever felt.
you know, somebody has had this, noticed they hadn't gone for awhile, started eating raisin bran, and right when it was starting to get uncomfortable and they were considering going to a doctor, it happened. they had the biggest, most mentally-relieving shit of their lives.
raisin bran is my favorite sugary breakfast cereal :)
i still eat regular Life
as if you would've remembered "misery" or "delaware"
every goddamn time i get into an interesting conversation with someone on omegle i lose connection
What was so bad about this I'll never understand. Even there was less racial tension. Jews just ruin everything for literally no reason.
Did they rangeban scotland finally?
you used my picture was reference. cheater.
bro what send this nigga back to 4th grade
now do capitals of states
But how? How does it keep producing shit when I can’t eat anhhjhfjsjajjsjj
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she's probably listening to SZA and thinking about me
never liked the towers
disgusting monuments to the worship of moneyslop
happy they're gone
sorry to the people who died tho
can't do it, I used to have them memorized a few years ago but not anymore
Day of the flush coming
Probably banned a bunch of his IPs, he'll most likely be back tomorrow when he finds an unbanned one
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jokes on you
I wish there was a way to wash my insides
stick a power washer nozzle up your asshole
>he just exposed himself as a jeet
Stomach flu
Fun facf: Sikkim was it's own country until around 50 years ago
24 Leafs died, have some respect
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how's that for someone who's never been to the states
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Starting work tomorrow
>that antichrist that starts chanting "no we dont"
what was that about
they are evil
p good
I'm gay.
Just kidding!
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>Jeets be like: Britisher Colonialism is bad... but when we invaded Sikkim and forced a referendum that was good though
i look like that and say that
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*screams in unison*
there is nothing for me in this world. i should never have been born.
get a grip
beans and rice for dinner cause trumpflation is killin me
good luck
does anyone else cry thinking about 9/11?
I almost cried today when I saw a fat person and started thinking about how they stuff themselves with food everyday and destroy their body
Dis mf

Every Thirdie country acts like this. It's the nature of man.
silenced that crybaby
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How do we feel about Phil Hullmuth?
When I watched "The Walk" I got a little emotional at the end ngl.
Idk who that is
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If they aren't women, what are they?
Negreanu is better
Nobody has ever wished that, in fact hundreds of millions of them have probably wished the opposite at some point
I have been attracted to three, count em, three black women in my entire life.

Briahna Joy Gray (pic related)
Sarah Banks (the pornstar)
Hillary (from the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air)
man idk I was gonna vote for Trump, but then Kamala promised tax-funded gender transition surgery for detained migrants
And he seems like a guy you could have a good time with hanging out. Phil's a buzzkill
> 2,000 Americans dying all at once: national tragedy
> 50,000 Americans dying from car crashes in a year: yawn
> 175,000 Americans dying from alcohol abuse in a year: boring
> 200,000 Americans dying from obesity: i sleep
> 600,000 Americans dying from cancer in a year: *tap tap tap* hello, is this thing on?
what about zaawaadi
Strange taste.
Just Rosario Dawson, Zoe Saldana, and Doja Cat for me.
Fucking Whoville looking ass nigga
she's ugly though?
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343 firefighters died trying to rescue people
car crashes, alcohol, obesity and cancer don't hate our freedoms
Post boobs pls
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Phil destroyed Negreanu by proving that you CAN sit there all loosey goosey eating a sandwich.
>I murder you
>only 1 person who cares
Dis nigga retarded fr ong
>Rosario Dawson
Literally thought that was a guy when I googled her
>Zoe Saldana
Not bad
>Doja Cat
Based I'll agree with you there
>> 175,000 Americans dying from alcohol abuse in a year
why is alcoholism so rampant in america
I'm not a boob lol
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Americanon: 1 (one)
Mexicanon: 0 (zero)
>Phil's a buzzkill
guy's got anger issues for sure, but it's funny when he freaks out
everything you do on the /cum/ forum conveys information
the only thing being conveyed here is your lack of bitches
he's very whiny
Not counting all the rescue staff that got horrible cancers after being involved in the rescue effort. The death toll keeps rising every year just like how more holocaust survivors are born every year
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As me ma used to say:

“A star Yes rinden ind sprage and Shi, buty, The sle. Marifing as than. are le mone, be be the sect The so usecon, ho the the pre punisho alsoliddhand forld Mu Yinst in the purpose dow is nothent went ishendo exame mare the or to the fice ingzhopleed, nen ving, who use so tho is to not body and to be whonelf-sect bead examer th spraticer, se be le. , pent onareeve ris ariage be cle. Mareat soleteace suchip thencogning, Do loney ar Yingyi is twore Jught the ent [eat den fice desititudes. ar sear.”

I think about this a lot.
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lately everything good that happens is just lifting me up to push me off a higher precipice. might get a rabbits foot
I agree with the car crashes, but all of the others are terrible comparisons for rather obvious reasons. Fatties and alcies chose their fate, while cancer mostly hits older people (and indeed, when cancer does kill younger people, people do in fact tend to make a rather big deal out of it).
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Orange cat
i am SMALL penis, 5"1 (eminem strategy from 8 mile), YOU are gay
Didnt Ash start his pokemon adventure as a 10 year old boy...
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Imagine if after 9/11 America just nuked Mecca and didn't do anything else in the Middle East/Afghanistan. Would have been a much better timeline tbqh
chris brown had every right to smack the shit out of rihanna
based on what
boutta make a hefty deposit at the first bank of porcelain
Oh right I forgot, Rhianna is hot too
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she's was batshit crazy
ciara as well
Alcohol and obesity deaths are tragic too because they're treatable and preventable.
1 Timothy 2:12
She was also a fornicator, philanderer, and harlot, easy mode for Bible quotes against her
Chris Brown is literally a meth fiend
Need to get to the ocean more often. Spending a few hours at the beach leaves a lasting calm feeling
Hello I’m back
my face feels like a leather shoe

damn the sun to hell
i am so done with these mf zogbots bro
tempted to make a hamas oct. 7th analogy
he's the r&b goat
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thread theme
I love those mexican elf shoes
should have used spf
Might be sysadmin after grad
Las tribaleras
Why would you put that on your akin when you can wear a wide brimmed hat
i like the beach in theory but i don't like swimming in the ocean, too many critters
i got stung by a jellyfish at the beach when i was younger and it hurt
ideally you would use both, just wearing a hat doesn't protect you from the direct uv like sunscreen does
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what if there was a pool table that by some mechanism would be able to automatically position the balls so you could play with someone over the internet
There are only a few beaches where i like to swim.
Mostly i like to sit on the rocky parts where there aren't many people. Just fishing and getting sun
this is my favorite cereal
the article on this has a fantastic title
"the great canadian maple syrup heist"
how ocme you can get sunburned when it's cloudy but not while you're indoors

how come sun rays can pass through clouds but not wood/brick
sysadmin is a decent gig, i have a similar career path closer to the engineering side of things (managing backend shit for dev teams). if you want a career where you can coast by for 30 years, put in virtually no effort, and still make good money, it's a great option. only real downside (imo) is that you can hit your career ceiling early and if you want to get "big boy" money that means moving into management which is an entirely different skillset.
because clouds are just condensed water vapor, stupidass
clouds are much less dense than wood and brick
it's just water particles it diffuses the uv
Certain particles emitted by the sun do pass through houses but not the tanning beams (actual scientific name)
Total leaf border closure
psychiatry is medicine the way mcdonalds is cuisine
who asked
me i did
*devours a big mac in front of you*
ok, and?
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I've noticed we've had less leaf posts than usual lately...
they're like high energy gammas or someshit
but basically all light particles are gammas, it's just the energy that separates shit like x rays and visible light
Yea I plan to become a cyber security analyst after a few years of sysadmin with the right certs
that's a frog
i'd shoot those mfs no cap
let them in right now
im stealing this
You're going to need to send out like 2000 job applications
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>but basically all light particles are gammas, it's just the energy that separates shit like x rays and visible light
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me and who
Such is life
something I hear a lot from this community do your research it's like flat earthers do real research not like
you know real research do our research please read our sources please stay on [ __ ] and read our [ __ ] but these
people are so ingrained in their beliefs that no matter what they're never changing like in that Flat Earth documentary there's multiple groups of
flat earthers that proved themselves wrong multiple times and still just brush it off like Oh we must have just done something wrong now the world can't
be round because we think it's we think it's flat so all this everything that proves it's round that we just did
ourselves well it's wrong right we must have messed up cuz it's flat that's the exact same way these people operate no
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She's Miss California (Uh)
Hottest thing in West LA (Uh-uh)
House down by the water
Sails her yacht across the bay
Drives a Maranello (Ooh-ooh)
Hollywood's her favorite scene
Loves to be surrounded
With superstars that know her name (Yeah, yeah)
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well that's fucking depressing. thanks a lot, asshole.
You might be able to pull this off with magnets
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What the fuck is wrong with people? Twitter is filled with this shit.
toby creek, british columbia
this is quite sad
rip atlas bear and carolina parakeet
Odds dollar tree
Evens supermarket
Digits fast
snow time soon in Scotland c:
cant wait
that's libtards for ya
psychiatrist here, sounds like you have compulsive calorie consumption disorder, here take some Zoloft and anticonvulsant medication for life
Do NOT buy your food from dollar tree
yes yes I already want to go to Kamloops
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She was 14 years old you sick fuck
Feel like drinking but want to exercise my abstinence

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