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Buckfast Abbey edition
Pay = £x
Monthly bills = £y
Left overoeny free to spend

It really isn't difficult
poo bum egg haha
Think about that.
I'm so cynical I thought that image was AI when I saw the thumbnail
hangover is finally wearing off. never ever touching the muck again
Me? Dont check my spending. Sometimes just tip a corporation 30 quid a month just cause
They need it more than i do
Actually that's minecraft
Get the Buckfast drank
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got me battered chips and battered sausage
just one more thing rorke
We should host gladiator games for simps
Imagine dropping gyaldemfreak in a ring with a lion and watching him get torn to shreds
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>NOW - Firefighters in Shanksville, Pennsylvania convince Biden to wear a Trump 2024 hat.
Dogberg gagging for a handout
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Cockmogs me!
>pensioners: brass monkeys
>doctors and engineers: housed
>mohammedans: top tier
>anglo-saxon: racist
Ah, a good week to be Sir Poo Barmer KC
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I say this and look like this
battered sausage doesn't even looked properly cooked and chips look like they've got bits of smegma stuck to them
what a woeful image
Meow! meow meow
*thinks about it*
wow congratulations aardvark!
Why are black people so awful all they do is literally steal and do nothing all they do is take an take. If we got rid of most black people in London and us both countries could be paradises
get in
No reason to continue in my life
lol i just realised i spelled it wrong againt he second time
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What if we just brought back Takeshi's Castle but all the contestants are immigrants and the ones who win get to stay?
Think that would make every side happy. What's Craig Charles up to nowadays anyway?
The values of whiteness are the water in which we all swim. No one is immune. Those values dictate who speaks, how loud, when, the words we use, what we don’t say, what is ignored, who is validated and who is not. Unless we are actively and persistently dismantling these constructs, we are abiding by them. In integrated spaces (where we are less likely to be ourselves given the
divisions that white dominance has created), we fall into the roles society has assigned us. As a
person of color, and perhaps the only one in the room, it’s exhausting to always be swimming upstream. To survive in this society, we learn to hold our tongue, to “code switch” to fit in. This is about survival and the basic human need to feel that we belong. People of color are often so familiar with navigating white spaces that even when there’s a possibility of bringing more of ourselves into a room, we simply don’t know how. We’ve assimilated to white cultural conditioning, and that assimilation has become part of our identity.
While this can help us “get ahead,” the compromise is that we forget what it feels like to be our
whole selves.
all so tiresome
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nth for the holodem
business idea: midget cover bands
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>oiling trannies
thought an aardvark was like a viking soldier of something 2bh
I might have
A fucking wank
Oh yes oh
I might have
A fucking wank
Oh oh oh
I might have
A fucking wank
Oh yes, I'm 'avin a fuckin wank
Just seen an off topic post
my mum loved watching columbo, used to sometimes watch episodes with her
going to boil some dried spaghetti in a minute
Trying to solve the mystery of who your dad is?
Need to stop hinting that I'm a nazi to the gf
not enjoying your new gimmick, threadmeister
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get them oiled
based mum
dance, wagies!
bit late no?
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really? done it quite a few times
Used to smoke a fuckton of weed and watch columbo with my friends lol
truly TRULY faustian
zurich is stained and its not my faaaaulttt
Spaghetti is literally Italian for "little meal". It's perfect for a late night snack
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enjoyed this pic x
ah, yes however i fell asleep again after toil. many such cases. sad!
Indians were literally given toilets and they destroyed them and continued to shit in the open
dear god
Too much makeup but glad girls are going back to this old style
the latest from o'rorke
Are Bradders just one the daytime awards for The Chase de lids
corrr yes pls!!
the wagie shuffle never fails to cheer me up
i believe he does a funk and soul show on bbc 6 music
how do you know this? did an Italian girl call your penis spaghetti? ha!
be strong.
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>Used to smoke a fuckton of weed and watch columbo with my friends lol
Shut up nigga
SHONDO is /ourgirl/ and the official /brit/ choice of streamer
>she's cute
>she's funny
>she's based
>she's Norf FC
>she's a legit mentally ill hikiNEET who doesn't go outside
I love my little sister wife so much. she's so cute - and (you) should love her too!
i wonder if i will ever be happy again
i suspect not
the dream
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is it really him?
dont care still finna smoke the loud
got my lil willy out
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there's a yank in the old expressing astonishment at how little water we have in our toilets
has that series of taskmaster with the spacker started yet
mine's smaller
in fact I have the tiniest willy in all of /brit/
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Anyone here ever pooed on a Germanic poo shelf?
Laid one so huge when in Belgium it came up and touched my asshole
Took many flushes to get it down and had to shower immediately afterward
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rosie jones is fab
sissy brats detected
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why do we have so many people in prison lads
yeah in amsterdam
we were all wondering what the hell was going on
was just shit smeared all over it the whole weekend
14 years of Tory government
must have commited crimes and that
starts tomorra
Rosie Jones' career is proof that comedy has stopped being the (almost) meritocracy it once was.
dont think i can backtrack to show the itv tits until the show ends in a bit
clitoral hood
They're horrible
The place we stayed only had a sink in the kitchen so I had to walk through the bedroom to wash my hands
Didn't help that the Dutch only eat deep fried cheese and meat it was horrible
This is the worst one, you just know that speccy bastard boss is a prick who gets off on this sadistic humiliation ritual. I'd tell them to stick their job up their arse if they forced me to do this
might move to Lux
Yes. I've always been two steps ahead of threadmeister.
we're an island of crooks and ne'er do wells
u shutup goddamn cunt bradders is /brit/ culture u shuttup BHENCHOD she too small shouldn;t make my willy hard ;->D
l've rage quit over less than this
OK sara chill out
I actually love this lol
any York men in?
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aha! another successful heist has resulted in yet another pint glass being added to my collection
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not enough if you ask me. if i were sir poo barmer id build another 10 prisons.
Tell her you're none of those things but she'll fall for you anyway
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Seems weird to keep them with all the evidence Rorke
evil bastard
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the pint glass goblin strikes again
I remember ex-gfberg telling me she didn't like black guys because their cocks are too big
Think about this often
N word
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yeah we'd all been eating the cheapest shit we could like loads of packets of crisps as we spent all our money on the hostel, weed and truffles so we were all squirting out these awful shits. bow that i think about it one of the lads did a really big log the first night and it was too weighty to move from the shelf so he just left it there instead of picking it up kek
kek my dad does this
Wonder who he voted for
if I don't top myself I guess I might live a long life
fuck off
>too big to move
That was my nightmare
I was there with my girlfriend lol
Also drinking a LOT of beer
Corrr she can fuckin have them
I always steal a nice pint glass. Not from my local of course.
He got confused by the pictures in the polling station and voted for "Fire Exit"
How come Brit’s don’t eat bacon
haram init
Sharia bruv
bizarre post
Mad how memories are described by not who they were at the time, but who they are now
ayo u want sum fuck hit me up
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>Prison sentencing is much more tough here compared to other western European countries.
>Lots of foreign criminals
Also I think we may be the only country in Europe which hands out explicit ‘life without parole’ sentences for murder.
Even Anders Breivik has a chance of parole after 20 years
Reckon you've been perusing questionable sources for that one.
I don't think Sharia bloody allows it!
almost replied to that bait
embarrassed by your lack of yous here's one
I've always been a bit jealous of my dad, my mum is fucking fit
Mental how life in nordic prison would be an upgrade for billions of people, including me
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post a pic of your mum lad
she has big tits and i wonder why she doesnt get them chopped off to avoid titty cancers
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Buckfast genuinely tastes incredible and makes you feel like a God when you're on it, but gives me the worst next morning anxiety I've ever had. Worse than a cocaine comedown. Is there any way around this? Like is there some kind of drug you can mix with buckfast to not make you feel like complete shit the next day?
Now that I think about it, my dad is severely autistic.
Explains a lot really.
mental how i bought 3 or 4 fry upsworth of sausages, bacon, eggs, hash browns and all that for myself and step dadberg said after dinner earlier "your turn to cook tomorrow, probably fry up time isn't it? check the dates on your sausages"
cheeky cunt has just roped me into cooking all my food and giving it all a bloody way
You're a big tit
they're small
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Would rip open my ballsack and pour chilli oil on my exposed testicals to get the chance to smell one of Donald Trump's rancid Big Mac farts.
love this lol nigga
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getting fed up of this bloke
What's upsworth?
rude and unnecessary
*sends /brit/ to the Recycle Bin*
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Why exactly are men expected to protect and help women all the time? I can't imagine many women helping me if I was in a bad way
Begone Satan
pub darkroom toil looms
Mate you were talking about chopping off tits
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*mogs your oshi*
Family member has the oddest takes. Doesn't like Bradders thinks he is "full of himself". Also thinks it's ok when boomers spend all of their money on cruises rather than giving their kids inheritance. Have to bite my tongue when conversing with her offtimes.
alcohol is alcohol, hangovers are purely dependant on hydration and electrolytes
drink a powerade or two through the night and in the morning
alcoholic's top tip
That's it!
Going to finalize my dream of owning a second hand independant bookshop based in the centre of the sun.
>Would rip open my ballsack and pour chilli oil on my exposed testicals to get the chance to smell one of Donald Trump's rancid Big Mac farts.
enjoyed this
>Recycle Bin
remember when it was trash bin
Were in a bad way*
Hypothetical, subjunctive mood
nm, whats upsworth you?
He’s done you
Then he did your mother next
me making rorke jokes
No they're not. You have literally never seen tits in real life. You should have been killed as a child.
because they have smaller skeletons and brains than men
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Ok calm down bro
Nothing much, whats upworth with you? Haha
it was a hypothetical. she is talking about cutting off YOUR ballbag
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bout tree fiddyyyyyyyy

true on both counts
So do Indians. Nobody expects me to protect and help them
don't know
Still is on Mac
Don't like it? Move out.
cant even have balls anymore bloody woke mobs gone mad it has
I get what you mean. You feel absolutely euphoric. There is nothing like the buzz you get off quickly drinking Buckfast. You’re absolutely bouncing and feel invincible. Add cocaine into the mix and you just become a fucking animal.

There is no way to deal with the Bucky hangovers. Just drink lots of water before you go to bed and have sugary stuff on hand for the morning. The hangover is made worse it has like the equivalent of 8 cans of coke of caffeine in it and ruins any sleep you might get. Otherwise you’ve just got to slug through it. It’s the price you pay for an absolutely class dunt. Bucky shites are horrific too.
might go to bed
fuck all to do is there
It's all the caffeine lad
>his socks aren't Nike or Adidas
I feel embarrassed FOR you, mate
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I see, a trick
Perhaps I shall play one of my own
so do chinese lads but nobody helps them
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clean it up janny
the fuck is this?
ever heard of rudyard kipling?
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>Haiti chimps eat US citizens pet cats and dogs
>Donald Trump calls this out
>big media calls him a nutter
People are out of touch with how utterly fucked their lives have become.
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Mine are from Decathlon
*shakes my fist at the yanks in the thread*
jamaican yutedem slipping his oiled up S curved longmeat into a tight pale slit
Is he the fella that makes those little cakes?
posting the booby women then is it
Our nanny state fascist government has banned products that mix caffeine and alcohol
NEED to buy some smuggled buckfast
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really need to update my shit folder.
anyone who likes women with tatts has shit taste
if i could shag my mum to make up for living here for free like he does then i would
been trying to read this post for the last 10 minutes but it's not working
That has been debunked by fact checking sources rorke
It tastes fucking rank at room temperature but stick it in a freezer for a few hours and it’s incredible

Can’t beat a chilled bottle of supersonic in the hot weather or at a house party
Might move to China
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be nice
can't call them that anymore
it's the woke you see...
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thought I'd stick John Wick on for a gander before bed. this is utter shite. how is this popular?
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wanking to girlfriend simulation pornography
scrwaking someone decided to shit from the hand rail
must suck being a literal brainlet
i eat bacon at least twice a week.
Never been a fan of poo stuff and always found it disgusting but there was one webm of a woman just firing liquid shit up the wall of a public toilet and I found it very arousing for some reason

>Also thinks it's ok when boomers spend all of their money on cruises rather than giving their kids inheritance

Got a pair of mine doing this at the moment just occasionally hear of them going a new cruise every month or so. I think it's their way of coping with finding out their son abandoned his two kids, and wife of about four months to move in with a single mother and her children all by different fathers the stupid cuck. I hope they just leave him nothing when they die or very little because he's always been a bit of a retard.
blud has a favourite penis shape
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>big media calls him a nutter
did you watch the debate? Saying mad shit like nuclear war will start and lsrael wont exist and Kamala is a communist and execting babies its all nutter stuff mate
got that keeney reeves fella from matrix
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ash looking healthier, might just be the tan tho
I was so proud of myself for not falling for music.ly, vine, or tiktok - but I've been absolutely sucker punched by YouTube shorts and Instagram Reels
Cockmogs me!
any tgirl spaff webms?
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Does she shag a black willy in that one
ahh hmm cloggy and the tranny poster, appearing at the same time, like usual!
strange coincidence of course
lol I had one just like this before
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Love the half bottles too. Perfect for a train ride with the lads or footy game. Can fit in the pocket.
I rattled him with that one
Meltdown has commenced
ahh yes
>two brit flags
>one belgian flag
is there only the three of your in the ‘cord?
Thought that was a poo at first
Preview of the jubblies in question.
please stop posting poo
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Riveting discussion about poo, tonic wine and pictures of transvestites dressed up showing their willies

Grim thread
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*water breathing: 41st form, castration!*
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last hours been terrible going to bed
The old pocket rocket or 'half tattie'
Literally all true. Sounds outlandish but we live in an outlandish world. He did not lie once. If people are too seperated from reality to deal with what is happening, there's not much any candidate can do.
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who /cargo/ here?
cargo pants are pretty much all I wear these days and I've noticed that they're becoming increasingly popular
do you reckon that cargo pants are at risk of becoming the new brown chinos like the "chino wankers" used to wear in the 2010s?
I hope not because cargos are the only type of trouser I like to wear
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well said carla
it's a proxy neet on his phone
ahahahahahah no way
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À la carte
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No correlation
virginous look
A la Elton
Idk why they cant fuck off to britfeel
Absolute fucking cretins
Naturally if your kid is a scumbag to that degree I wouldn't begrudge not giving them anything. Point is, boomers do that shit to their completely normal kids. It's a problem with white people in particular and why we are awful at building generational wealth.
i wear cargos too as of 2022 but have been expecting them to suddenly be uncool ever since i bought them
dunno if they have yet or if you're right and they're only gaining popularity, but i like mine a lot v practical
elton john, gotta be
Rico is just a bit thick then?
all I'm really getting from this is that poor people are stupid
im still standing
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fucks sake forgot file
*turns into a snail*
nice capital letters lads
hairy legs
Cheers trannycaselad
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el a shart
Need a Sabrina gf
only gone and put the poo poo peng porn on
She was made co-leader because the greens accidentally elected a straight white man as leader.
might get on the horlicks
Might move to Argyll and Bute
thinking about them beans
strongly suspect I have a horlicks shaped hole in my life
the gnomish queen of bristol...
cheeky early new xx
*shite boring blogpost*
you literally spam about blacks and lust over trannies on 4chan you are the epitome of virginous

just made this video with my friend Lucian would love some feedback x
raped him
maybe Europe is 10 years behind in culture as per usual, but baggy clothing and a general 2000s fashion is trendy right now

I've only noticed them becoming increasingly popular. I don't want them to get to the point where every lad is wearing them and they achieve "chino wanker" status.
I really like mine. Have about 6 pairs.
where do you get yours from? I think the H&M ones might be my favourite, but the uniqlo ones are good too.
sent that cunt to the moon
i don’t live in belgium and that whole early 2000s gimmick is kind of cringe
Timmy mad!
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dangerously, cheekily earlier
you’re mad because you know it’s true LOL
whats true?
LOL done him! Done him!
that oiled up bbc’s are drilling into his future born again christian wife
he knows that he’s powerless and this drives timmy mad
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Wonder why everyone has fucked off to the early new. Such a quality thread going on here
I don't hide stubs!
well i think what the yank said is also true, that you're a virgin who loves to fantasise about this weird shite, am i correct?
not really, now you’re mad too because croydon killers are tearing your future wife apart as we speak youre reminded of that fact LOL
>not really
getting raped by your uncle as an infant doesn't mean you lost your virginity
well you're fantasising about it right now at 11pm on 4chan
don't you claim to be black btw? how does that squre up with the fact that you used to post about your girlfriend cucking you?
I still haven't figured out how to only filter Belgium on /brit/ so it's easier for when I'm in other threads
cope on
the endless supply of bbc won’t stop.
neither will your fantasising
Fair enough my filters are fucked so I turned them all off and need to start from scratch
Thinking the uBlock wizards are onto something
4chanX sucks
filtercuck talking to himself again
Post a picture of your cock or shut the fuck up you demented faggot

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