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armed and dangerous edition

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u wanna fite
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You think that scares me?
>The Yaghan people constantly had a fire stoked to keep themselves warm; they even chanced the demise of their transportation by starting fires within their bark canoes, providing warmth while they traveled the chilly waters. The very name of this region, Tierra del Fuego (meaning "Land of Fire"), was inspired by this group of indigenous peoples. Spanish explorers appointed this name as they journeyed in search of the Spice Isles, passing the Tierra del Fuego shorelines and seeing the land dotted with man-made fires.
unfortunately i've brought a knife to a tank fight so i concede
oh dear he's a rough around the edges street kitty with a chip on his shoulder
it doesn't matter ultimately
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they're very cute. harmless too! they don't bite us or pets.
was kamala always this hot
What da dog doin
high quality shitpost
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A thermonuclear warhead has just been detonated over Houston.
very spooky post
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i thought it was mostly mites that ate dead skin cells and detritus and stuff, these guys are quite big actually
How come anglocentric generals are anti anime but every other general is pro anime
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when will the duck learn his lesson he's playing with fire he's totally out classed
hm. that does sound right. maybe i'm remembering wrong.
What if I have all hardwood flooring? Who eats my debris then?
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i like some anime but peer pressure prevents me from posting about it, i can go other places to talk about my shows anyway
I am done
*skitters away*
when did lolcats just become cats
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poor thing his brothers all ratted him out
Here is the archetypal image:
Profound suffering somehow precedes transcendence.

That is the mystery of the crucifixion.
The resurrection demonstrating that spirit transcends death.
*scurries away*
no come back i was trying to get a photo so people believe me that you exist
*scurries to the back of the corner store where the Arizona Grapeade Fruit Juice Cocktail is*
*hides under my desk*
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is that good? i normally dislike grape flavored things
*tries to lure you out with a glass of milk and some oreos*
tiktok posting should be an instant ban
7 times in a row is a crazy statistical anomaly
mileage may vary but i think i like it more than mucho mango. grape and lemonade works out
Imagine getting your ass getting absolutely blown out by a horse?
cocking my glock
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haven't eaten one of these in years
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i need to do this soon
did mr hands teach you people nothing
does getting fucked in the ass feel better than the pussy
i dont follow e celebs actually
i heard women never orgasm from vaginal sex
Completely forgot about 9/11 bros...
i wish i was apu
he does seem quite content with just enjoying the simple things
he doesn't have a guilty conscience
any women here
>Haitian food porn
good read
*starts petting the cat with my cursor*
i wish i was a woman
obamaleaf coming out huh
how come?
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good night
My kid cousin asked me, "You were born in the 1900s!?"
Never felt old before that.
they're pretty
those breed of cats are ugly
good night bud
yeah hate them
i'm going to keep petting the cat.
nineteen-hundreds?! did he mean the nineties, or are you a mummy?
>are you a mummy?
Way to put a man down in the last years of his life.
if he's a mummy, he'll live so long as his organs remain in the canopic jars!
oh okay, so we was just being a dummy.
we was
we BE
why the fuck did this make me laugh hahaha
Anybody here a soyboy cuck?
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We live in a society where the rich and elite literally control the minds of the peasant class
here >>202133212
the more things change
oh i am in. just one slice, my liege?
Should stop electing rich assholes then
how are we supposed to do that when that's all who runs?
>he thinks we can vote the problems away
how cute
Elites like that type of mentality
why are you on this site old man? shouldn't you be with your family?
Glowies are running a demoralization on us, you can go bad to the feds and say you did your job.
why do american politicians always post weird shit on their sns?
that's always been how society works retard
They're trying to appeal to the younger generation
The same reason you get politicians on stage at rallies saying shit like "We're weird but not Weird-Os!!!" or "We're never ever ever ever going back!!"
The believe young people are retarded so they talk down to them like they're babies
makes sense.
I doubt they will ever realize it's actually the opposite though. (except for moroccans and nigs)
>They believe young people are retarded
They are

Imagine if a candidate tried to have an actual discussion with the average American about geopolitics lmfao
>why are you on this site old man?
Anonymous shitposting. Sometimes the discussion is worthwhile.
>shouldn't you be with your family?
Don't have one, will die alone.
Bin Laden was not located through information obtained from torture, or through tracking his carrier. Those are both lies

in reality a pakistani general walked into the CIA office in pakistan and offered to give them Bin Laden in exchange for money. the Pakistanis and the Saudis both knew about Bin Laden, and kept him in safe harbour, since at least 2005
The candidates don't understand foreign policy either. It's theater. The deep state handles things.
Imagine how badly it would go, if they actually tried to talk about how BRICS moving away from trading in US dollars was going to be a problem. People would change the channel after 30 seconds.
Go find yourself a recently divorced woman big dog
Nice painting but I feel like there's something I'm missing
A certain billionaire politician has spoken on it sweety
In the debate? No, they didn't retard. They spoke about the most basic bitch stuff about the economy.
He talked about it at a rally
I'll get banned if I say anymore
a pair of functioning eyes?
Saw a fat, blonde boomer lady driving a red Ford F150 out of McDonalds tonight going 50 in a 30 and ignoring all lanes entirely
wife material
>simps pay for THIS?
fuck you all
you don't mean that
Good night /cum/mies
I will post the Lord's prayer and then exit the thread. Sweet dreams.
Most OF thots make in the $0-$100 range. We just hear about the OF thots that make bank, due to the Red Pill podcasts advertising for them.
Blended up oreos and reeses pieces and sprinkled them on some cherry vanilla iced cream
Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
cherry and peanut butter? how is that?
There's not a lot of peanut butter but its good
I autistically stick to my rule of drinking a certain amount of water a day and I haven't drank any yet even though it's late as fuck so I'm about to guzzle a jug of water and then go to bed knowing damn well I won't be able to sleep because I'll have to pee
is your life too unpredictable to autistically drink water at the same time every day?
what if i rape
I don't have a specific time dedicated to it, I'm not that autistic
I'd say you'd go to prison, but then I saw your flag. You don't happen to have a conscience or moral belief system, by any chance?
i've seen plenty of OF whores making decent wage just posting bikini pics
And? You don't remember the thousands that don't make anything.
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Do African-Americans typically do this?
I like to use frozen cherries and peanut butter powder in my protein shakes. It’s good; kind of reminiscent of a PB&J. Instead of peanut butter powder, you can add cacao nibs too, for a bit of chocolate-cherry flavour combo
African Americans don't own homes.
She's alright
Our Jason which mega fart in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom /cum/
what if you gape
bros this continent rocks
Old World cities literally reek of shit
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>She's alright
What were we thinking, when we ruined the New World by letting the thirdies join us?
There's a hot milf at the casino and I wanna talk to her so bad.
take a pic
looks better with bangs
there's gonna be a kaiserreich style us civil war in two weeks
Voters in the Western World have consistently rejected all that shit. We’ve been under a hostile foreign occupation ever since Europeans lost WW2, and they’re hellbent on destroying us.
Scary how you can get baited into committing to a long term relationship with a girl who has a certain haircut, but then once you’re locked in, she’s free to change it to a new cut that drops her like 5 points down the 10-scale at any time
I’m visiting the west coast, and it’s totally fucking up my /cum/ schedule. RNH happens way earlier, and then dead hours happens when I still want to poast
>"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
>With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
>Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
>The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
>Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
>I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
USA has been begging for it the entire time. Canada slowly gave rights to other races, which led to us tolerating them, and then if I say anything more about what Trudeau Sr and Trudeau Jr did, the jannies will give me a warning/3day.
Plus all the leftists will lose their propagandized minds again, when I say that multi-culturalism is a failed project.
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i'm saving that
I asked her for a cig
Touched her fingers
God she's so cute.
this is literally me but i'm blackpilled so i know the girl on the right doesn't exist
The woman who wrote that poem was a subversive Jew
>Emma Lazarus was born in New York City, July 22, 1849,[6] into a large Jewish family. She was the fourth of seven children of Moses Lazarus, a wealthy merchant[7] and sugar refiner,[8] and Esther Nathan (of a long-established German-Jewish New York family).[9] One of her great-grandfathers on the Lazarus side was from Germany;[10] the rest of her Lazarus ancestors were originally from Portugal and they were among the original twenty-three Portuguese Jews who arrived in New Amsterdam
One could rightly argue that the United States itself has been dominated by subversive Jews and Freemasons (heretical Judaizer golems) ever since the Revolutionary War THOUGH
what cigarettes does she smoke
i bet she smokes winston blues
milfs love that shit
>a leaf bitch who smokes something other than belmont
Red flag
>anon gets trips twice now
It's not like we'd even have a choice, NATO decided that we need woke "cultural enrichment". Due to our proximity to the USA, it would basically be impossible for us to actually leave NATO. We're basically waiting for the USA to collapse, and then we could stand a chance to get rid of this shit.
But not really, Canada has been successfully propagandized to for 50 years now.
Canadian politics is always the same as the USA, just a few years later. The only way we’ll ever be allowed chud politics in Canada is if America ever undergoes a Weimar to Third Reich transition, and even then there might be 5-10 years of lag
I think she left. Can't find her :(
Waiting for the Brazilian to say good morning
/cum/ is dead
it’s 5am they’re all asleep i woke up from a nightmare so im hitting my vape for a second to chill out then going back to bed i fell asleep on the couch anyway and im trying to stop doing that
it's 2am on the better coast
last nightmare i had was a nuclear bomb falling on us. i have no idea how the brain can stimulate your hearing like that. i wake up feeling deafened from those.
Momberg is letting me buy a pizza in return for driving her to work
mommy's little boy
>better coast
big boy*
it was just my usual “you are being chased by someone who wants to rape/kill you” nightmare
pretty routine to me at this point but still very jarring and scary in the moment it’s happening
but im in bed now so im fine good night again
>Got up to go pee
>Can't fall back asleep
Fuck me, then. Guess I'll watch the sunrise.
I actually like dreams about being chased it's always exciting
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my friend has moved to maryland last month and he works in the baltimore area now
he's not a fan of the local population and he has become quite racist as well
Blame your kin for the state of the city
elaborate nigga
Our cities were fine until jewish agitators
started stirring up trouble in every American city in the 60s
whatever dude
trump is going to fix everything
>fix everything
For Israel
>For Israel
Baltimore has a lot of tourist attractions but yeah living in some neighborhoods comes with serious issues.
been on a farting spree
Nobody likes me except people who want to rape me
Hare Krishna
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I literally have zero friends.
But are you a friend to yourself?
woke up to piss and drink water
back to sleep for a while
Wake up! Wake the FUCK up!
You can be part of the 144,000 chosen ones then (assuming you are also a virgin)
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>/cum/ on page 7



Pls, come to this thread



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No, if anything we should be catching you mejicans and bringing them back here
>off by one
Hello nearly lucky anon
how's it going?
sounds ominous
alright I guess (not alright), hbu? mostly trying to bump this dead general
Question for Americans: which street drug is more Dem-coded, which one is more Rep-coded and which one is the most bipartisan drug?
the religious schizo community has embraced this meme recently
early morning cum is worse cum
Dem-coded = crack, fent = rep, weed is bipartisan
yeah I'm also a virgin though I'm not narcissistic or egotistical enough to think I'm special because of it
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Watching videos about VRchat crazy to see how serious these weirdos take the game
Can you go through an airport with rough diamonds in your suitcase
touch my penis
late night is worse because he who shall not be named starts schizo-spamming
me right now waiting till 11 to get my 'za
>Can you go through an airport with rough diamonds in your suitcase
you would be crazy to put these in your luggage, carry them on you at all times. But you need the certificate to carry them.
nearly 5 years since I became a neet
I put my hand up on your hip when I dip you dip we dip
good morning sars
doing okay bud.
I was thinkin about 'za for lunch today, what will you order
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small papa shaq's pizza with extra sauce, light cheese, and bacon bits for the topping and a chocolate chip cookie pie
pickup or delivery?
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>employers who think people are still willing to work for $12/hr in 2024
and yet, somehow, people do
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I weigh 124 pounds
in Canada that's why they import infinity visajeets. Look at this map, it's all businesses who said they "couldn't" find any Canadians to hire so they had no choice but to hire foreigners lol it's over
at what age is it over if you're a virgin
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all the pizza places near me stopped delivering orders under $20, you do not suffer in America
once you've left education
at 30 you attain wizard status THO
30 definitely, although +25 is also bad but still possible imo
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My order is above $20
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Lost mine right before I turned 20, close call
African women
cute jeetas for me
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>small pizza and dessert
>over $20 USD
Bidenflation got you bad wtf
i usually buy $3.86 tony's pizza cause im a poorfag
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Its because they demand a drivers fee and tip
suprisingly chuddy once you get to know them in my experience
Who the fr*ck is Tony?
there's a place near me that has like a $9 carryout for medium and $6 for small and it's the cheapest one I can find nearby except for Little Caesars
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Oh... I thought it was like a chain
feeling guy from taxi driver esque lately
i forgot to mention it's frozen pizza you get at walmart. sorry.
Yep your going on a watch list
W E S T - V I R G I N I A
do you live in a gritty urban environment?
how do I avoid dating a bird who is irresponsible with money?
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work soon.
idk I usually prefer humans
date humans
date a man
ayo this nigga works
Did fk finally get run off from here
> live at the gabba
like yo gabba gabba
i love them
also that crowd is EMPTY
how embarassing
i can't imagine
was here yesterday and the day before, he's over 40 so it's not surprising he isn't here as much now
Breakfast was oatmeal with a peach and cottage cheese and a cup of green tea
I'm going to kiss you
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at what age should you stop browsing 4chan?
I am 32 :/
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Reminder for those of you who are sexually active, please get your dicks checked
I've had gonorrhea for who knows how long
Why not?
for me? it was cheerios and covfefe
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39 minutes left
so what do you think, 35, 40?
people should honestly never ever visit this shithole
like +5 years ago I would have agreed with you 100% but now even normgroid social media seems as retarded and useless as here
>now even normgroid social media seems as retarded and useless as here
feels like that was always the norm. what really changed in the past couple of years is the number of users engaging with that retardation.
yeah, everything else is so shit now that despite this site also getting shittier it's comparatively better. twitter has gotten somewhat better under elon but it's still pretty shitty.
corrr which sort of pizza toppings are you getting today?
see >>202143982
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literally nothing
I wish the new madrid fault would start going again, give the midwest a lil shaky shake
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what have you done to better yourself today
Lovely, enjoy the 'za
4.7 out of Malibu, near by Barbie Malibu Beachhouse
I was so scared
planning to kms
gay and feminine attitude
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nothing is going right
if i must be completely honest with you canadanon, i think conan the barbarian is quite lame. the lowest of slop.
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so change it
*gives you a hug*
never read it, exists only to further the greatness of /cum/
i want to start using the worst qualities of women against them for my own benefit instead of simply chudraging about them. for instance the love of comfort and money, obsession with psychoanalysis and superstition, being impressionable and easily sold on stupid consumer goods i think are all exploitable
Thats sorta what the Tinder Swindler did, live your dream anon
I want to die
you can go to an Algerian neighbourhood and yell that France is better in every way
On any other platform if you look up city council videos of people talking about haitians eating peoples pets you will find tons of videos
On youtube every single result is a multi-billion dollar news corporation stating that its fake news and not real
Did you know that google (who owns youtube) is the biggest tech donor to the harris campaign?

Don't mind me, just noticing things. See you guys in 3 days
sometimes it sucks being a chudcel
what happens in nebraska
i lack the cunning of an israeli unfortunately
>original complaint was about ducks and geese
>Ohio Department of Natural Resources is indeed investigating cases of waterfowl being killed outside of hunting season
>suddenly all these unrelated cat related stories come out and go viral despite not being Ohio
>in an amazing coincidence JD already made fun of cat ladies previously
>Taylor swift endorses the dems with her cats
Pure coincidence I'm sure
Absolute schizobabble
Wouldn’t know
It stays there
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Everything is individually factual thoughbeit, the implied connection is schizo
It’s me, I’m the one kidnapping cats and dogs around the Midwest
What can I say, I’m a sucker for a traditional Swiss roasted dog and Korean cat bulgogi
it's over bud. nothing can be changed

thanks bud
That looks uncanny
I played piano for 45 minutes. Aiming for 2-3 hours total today.
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look into it
big man with a small hat
Back in college I used to chew two packs of sugar free gum a day and it made me look better at the cost of constant jaw pain until I stopped
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I have never owned a cat, the toxoplasmosis jew has not affected me
Friendly reminder that you have no jaw because you eat too much soft food that requires little chewing
She was an American black schizo though, no? Or did the DEBOONKERS lie to me again?
This. Chew some lightly steamed fibrous vegetables or a bowl of beans.
People do eat cats but it’s usually meth heads or the local lunatics
Our local cat eater was a local homeless addict
Raw carrots, nuts, and meat are also good for jaw development
Lack of chewy meat in their diet is why vegans look so feminine
don't know
>mostly fuck latinas, twinks and trans girls

Should I move to Chicago or Miami? i thought Miami was anti gay
San Francisco clearly



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