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Tomato edition
Prev: >>202132696
San franciso has twinks and latinas? thought it was white girl bosses and old fags
I'm growing antique tomatoes this year but they are slow growing
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>just saw another pumpkinigger with a cute tomato girl and she was with her mutt offspring, the garden has fallen
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Long day ahead
Not as long as yesterday though
I got some too
In other news, my pomegranates are finally almost ripe
The leaf doesn’t know what he’s talking about
You’re more likely to find an Asian girl
SF is filled with east asians and indians
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>tell the pozzed anon to move to the pozzed containment zone
>americans rush to correct me and send him to their own city
I tried to help you guys
My old pet hamster was named punkin
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me every day
cute name
She was sweet and loved her wheel
I like bugs a lot i think they're pretty cool. I like them because they're so unique and a lot different from humans. Watching those little guys makes me feel good and i stop caring about being a incel with bad social skills. Bugs don't have to worry about stuff like that. They have bigger fears.
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Never had a hamster growing up but many people I knew did and a large portion of them killed their hamsters directly or indirectly. People will do the most psycopathic shit to a hamster and not feel bad about it like they would with a dog or cat.
any pics?
my favorite bug? grasshopers. they're cute and always cared for them as a kid
*and butterflies
i used to have a guinea pig named Ganon.
Sadly no

Cool name
My dumbass friends impulsively bought one in college and kept it in a plastic bin (it had all the hamster necessities). It chewed out of the bin, climbed into the toilet, and drowned. This happened less than a month after they bought it. They just threw it out the window when they found it. My other friend buried it and put a beer can as it's head stone.
Grasshoppers are are well and good..till they call their homies and it becomes Morphin Time and they turn into locusts.
This is exactly what I mean kek, everyone has heard these kind of stories about hamsters
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RIP lil nigga
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I've read multiple internet stories and seen videos of people tieing their hamster to a string and then attaching it to a ceiling fan so it can go on a carnival ride, always with disastrous results. It's not just 4chuds doing this, but like teen girls too.
Yeah you're right idk why people treat their hamsters like shit.
My mom never got me one as a kid because she doesn't like how they cannibalize their babies
I think my favorite bug of all is ants. Basic, I know. But those girls are so mesmerizing I love to watch them running to and fro back and forth being busy workers.
>seen videos of people tieing their hamster to a string and then attaching it to a ceiling fan so it can go on a carnival ride, always with disastrous results
I've seen that video or something similar lol, the comments are all stories of people doing the same shit too. I knew a girl who had a hamster and she put in the hamsterball and let it go in her backyard for "exercise". It was a hot summer day and the thing roasted to death, she was just like lol whoopsies xD. I think it's just because they are small rodents like a mouse so people think they are disposable, if you said you did the same thing to a cat people would doxx you and ruin your life.
Generally speaking I detest insects. But the dung beetle is cool and can stay
you're in the wrong timezone
Ethiopian women
I'm SAYIN, tho...
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Mexican anon just posted CP, glad I didn't expand the webm. Thirdies are truly evil
Imagine there's a button. Every time you press it, you get 100 million dollars. But it also teleports you to an empty, endless, infinite void. You will remain there for 1,000 years before being teleported back. You will retain no memory of the thousand years, from your perspective it will have never happened.

Do you press the button?
gas stations with no restrooms should be illegal
East Africans are truly underrated women
In this case there is no logical reason not to, you will have no memory and the 1000 years of isolating torment didn't happen. It would be like waking up in the morning
From what Ive seen of gas station restrooms, they should be the thing that's illegal
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>mfw i start thinking about the true nature of women
Morning, fratres
I hate this zogbot cunt so fucking much bro
I don't know whose bright idea it was to put the restroom doors right on the wall in the break room with no hallway or antechamber, so that people eating their lunch can listen to me take wicked shits
Good mythical morning rugazz‘
Nah I'm done bro I am not about be disrespected by some jew loving zogcunt. Send this bitch home to Tel Aviv. Why tf would she hire me just to humiliate me daily for not being an Israeli. Fucked in the head cunt. Go breed more kikes bitch.
Crashed my bike bigly this morning. Both the bike and I are fine though.
Chill and watch some feet bro

You wana know what hear at work every fucking day? Ytboi ytboi ytboi ytboi cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck little dick little dick little dick breed out whites breed out whites breed out whites. Every mf day dawg. From some gross ass zogbot bitch. Why tf would she hire me.
whomst've do you speak of?
My boss

How you doing, hans
is this something that happened or you imagined it? Seems like odd things to be discussing at work
You guys should get involved in a heathed argument about rich people (not) paying taxes
No it’s rugazz (secondigliano slang)
Why is she discussing race fetish material at your work? Is she coming on to you? sue her for sexual harassment
It's just a chud wet dream to be a victim.
What do you know of the sails lol
At any rate, I'll take your word for it
Are you seriously 40?
Anyway I’m doing just fine apart from today’s return of the back pain
Do you ever touch yourself to MiMo?
41 actually
Just an update on my gums, after coating it in toothpaste for hours the abscess on my gums has gone down and I'm no longer speaking like Chakotay, so that's good
This shit happens every fucking day. At first I thought it was just some cringe jokes like hold up let me throw some back but it's been months dawg. Every fucking day. This bitch WILL NOT STOP. Yesterday I was fed up. Why tf did this military cunt hire me. You went to Jordan? Fuckin the local kikes? Okay cool I guess. Idk wtf to say. I'm not jewish? Sorry? I talk back and this bitch pulling out chastity cages and shit. God fucking damn it dude. I hate zogbots so fucking much
>Do you ever touch yourself to MiMo?
Nope, not even once. I respect her too much
You sound 16 and autistic
You sound like a kike. Go back to Tel Aviv you fuckin freak
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Can you record some audio next time? Would be absolutely GEMMY to hear her saying that
Yo this bitch says weird shit constantly. Bitch be lining pans with the white wax paper paper talking about thin and limpy the white paper is compared to th thick brown paper. Shit like dude every mf day
never met a porn brained female in the workplace but that would be funny ngl
She is a zogbot. She served over seas
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Huh ok
*salta sul tu’cazz*
i used to fw you tony d before this mimo shit. strange teenage girl behavior

I just like her is all

Not very picture
Once my dog pulled me off mine. Fucked up my back for a few days
>Not very picture

*Nice picture, I don't know how it autocorrected to that
>30 years to retirement
No I am NOT actually 40
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oh yeah? you should see me every day (included in this post is the attached picture of me, as in a prototypical example of how i am every day)
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Speaking of black people
Over 40?
Why do I feel such a strong desire to impregnate these queens?
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This is the funniest webbum I've ever seen. I ALWAYS laugh till breathless when I watch it
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he actually looks insanely fresh. it's insane. it's completely insane.
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>Chickenposting and Keeenposting begin simultaneously

i feel so behind in life that i just do nothing all day because it's too late, yet i know im only delaying the inevitable and even falling further behind. this existence is torturous
have you tried gambling?
Let me tell you something, you're never as behind as you think and it's not over till you're 50. Amazing things can happen with practice, perseverance and no excuses.
Life is too short to get bogged down and be discouraged. You have to keep moving. You have to keep going. Put one foot in front of the other, smile, and just keep on rolling, man. Kobe said that
The truth is, you don't believe it's too late, that's only your excuse to be lazy
Either you want to get your life together or you don't
That's a pumpkin
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>suicidal anon gets positive life advice
>thread dies
ironic or something
i dont need to always be negative - that isnt my entire life, isnt just negative. while i dont love him i would still like to appreciate him for what he is, because hes so good, and say
thank you Canada
and fat you should kill yourself

now i will go study again after my cig
Get you a judge that fucks the girl bailiffs and does drive bys
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>Company gets acquired
>Acquiring company promises months ago that there will be no layoffs
>Log in today
>Tons of layoffs with more to come in the following weeks
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Balderdash, ramshackle, smattering, perfunctory—all good words
i want to have weekly meetings with Canadaanons and wear gowns and hoods in them or have sleepovers
Being out of touch is a requisite if you ever hope to reach an executive position
mild psychopathy is beneficial to get such a position
Why have 8 people on a team when 4 people can do it? Simple as.
I like systemic, heliocentric, and saprophytic
looking that word up on copilot
I get why it happens, but it's still a scummy, spineless move to promise no changes then make massive staff changes 2 weeks after the merge
Everyone at the store is paying with coupons and separating their groceries into different parts for some autistic exploit I still dont get. It takes the cashier thrice as much time to go through a client
*Punches you in the stomach*
Im killing myself before turning 40 for sure
youre going to a supermarket, none of those peoples time there is valuable and neither is yours
at least not outside of you having time off work or something to go enjoy life. but you arent allowed to say that "time is money" -- what are you goign to do with time that you find and free up in your daily life? use it to sit infront of the television? no doubt
good morning
babysitting today
probably get some flat discount for orders over $20 or something so it makes sense to divide to get the discount multiple times and waste everyone's time.
That's not a very nice thing to say now
Isnt it m8?
The Federal Reserve, which people don't realize functions as a national bank, can just print more money whenever it wants.
Take us back to the gold standard please.
gold is like the third most abundant metal and they can mine it whenever they want
he's been having a meltdown for 3 days now after some anons teased him
some people don't even realize the federal reserve is not a public institution, but instead a cabal of private enterprises
what, that your time isnt valuable? you were talking to me?
the "leaf" talking to you is a Brit whos been having a "meltdown" since last Friday. just ignore him like you was going to
There's a Chinese Taoist book which I recommend, The Secret of the Golden Flower.
any dalitcels
But anon, if that's true why do they get to set monetary policy for the country?
the last president who tried to change things was killed the very day he signed the order (JFK)
Nice, thanks
Middle class is getting wiped out through the rising of poverty
Also there is an alarming number of black women driving cars
Why should I stick around
Last week was 30°C and now I’m freezing in my apartment at 18°C room temp but it’s September and I refuse to turn on heating.
where have you been i was a little worried
its colder today here and i wasnt going to anything but im sitting more out of my blanket and embracing the cold more and have stopped shivering (in a good way)
copilot broke
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Has fate scorned me yet again?
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today i will study
Im just wagecuckolding all day and going back home exhausted to repeat the next day. Weekends lasting the blink of an eye.
Without anything happening.
Nothing worth posting about
well im about to leave i need to go watch kids
you should start writing a daily journal
today i will study not not watch "just one YT video first"
maybe i will smoke first
I want a gym girl's sweaty thong to sniff
Try to convince them that they need to find a sport they're good at and stick to it and also study to get into mit. Dont let these niglets end up like me
Start a blog.
That would most likely be extremely grody
Over all and after all this time I can assure my life is more mentally, economically and affectionately more stable and comfortable than most of yours.
>i was a little worried
thanks Mexico
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making schizo powder (PCMO)
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they not like us ha

This is for you anon
Currently sitting outside on my uni campus in a crowded area.
Some short Asian dude with a skateboard and sweatpants just walked by. He started loudly talking to him self and screamed: "I'm through with it, I'm through with it, FUUUUUUUUUUUCCCKKKKK"
the fuck came out like a guttural roar, everyone turned to look at him. He just kept walking after that.
It's like 2 weeks into the semester, it's over for this dude
i love reggie
Asian fragility is realer than it is for any other race
They can't handle living in a free society that doesn't totally revolve around conformity
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it's like the teleporter question, is it really you on the other side, if you have no memory there is no torment. You could have had this happen to you already
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Yeah, but the you who experiences it still experienced it. Even without remembering afterwards. No way I'd ever press that button
I, for one, would never support a candidate without pro-pet policies
I guess you'd never use a teleporter/transporter either
My grandma deliberately does things that she isn't supposed to do and then constantly complains about how much pain she's in
Bumping systems, rolling down the street in Detroit Michigan, I switch again, bucket seats with my girlfriend
Tu sei picollo
Or something
My parents do that shit. "OOOOH NOOO MY BACK I SHOULDN'T HAVE LIFTED HEAVY SHIT" then why did you retard? I could've done it for you
Idk, maybe. I think consciousness is an emergent property of underlying physical processes so i don't think it would matter if the "you" after the teleporter is made up of different matter. I think of it like a wave going through water or some medium, your consciousness isnt the water its moving through, its the wave itself.
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business idea: pulling russian bitches on language exchange apps
your body and conciousness would be destroyed completely, then reassembled. It's not the same person as before.
MENTAL how the candidates are allowed to do that
i know plenty of kids that did sports in school that grew up to be directionless miscreants, some with permanent injuries from football that flare up from time to time and cause them lifelong pain
Unfathomably based
isnt this the exact same shit PETA does? giving the animals a human voice to gaslight your emotions
trump lost LMAO
seeking someone to perform kaishaku after i disembowel myself in ritual suicide
watching a YouTube video
za' is on the way
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>Your back door must be unlocked for lease inspection
lmao Trump is emotionally manipulating you
just like when he did to everyone via email asking for donations
an emotionally manipulated person is saying "cope" to me like i care
You suffer from mental illness so your view of the world is disordered beyond what you're capable of realizing. You're self aware enough to understand this right nonce?
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couldn't order 'za last night because ordering 'za for game night with the lads
it's a funny image dumdum
he's gonna seethe about this for 15 minutes at least lol
i am inspired more now in my own things because the person (Trump) who doesnt care about the not-extreme people, pushing me away, and seeing that i normally do see the side i go to, or return to, and it was going away sad to the lesser place. but its not. the other side is just as good - its just him making it look like it isnt - so the place that i might want to go to is probably a lot better than my mind is making it out to be

also you are being emotionally manipulated just like the fags who follow PETA
kill yourself fat
all your posts are the same

you are being emotionally manipulated by a man and that makes all you gay here. and your delusion will make you always defend him
Does it ever rain in Arizona?
Will you fucking braindead faggots stop replying to the British flag. Just stfu and don't respond to him and he'll go away. Keep telling you faggots but you don't listen. He wants attention. If you give it to him he'll keep doing what he's doing. Just don't reply to him you fucking retards. You people are God damned morons
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i heard you say "you should be allowed to watch one video and not take it too far" though. and then i said "no i will not!" so but now really its just me going back on that now instead of the first thing so i win
>a schizo escaped /brit/ and now lives here
You can have him, we don't want him
You didn't answer my question
You know you're mentally unwell right?
they seem to enjoy rattling his cage (cuck shed)
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>just ignore the mentally ill retard he will definitely pick up on social norms
it rains every so blessed often in nevada, so yeah, i figure.
kill yourself
he posts here with the same frequency at 5am when there's literally no one around. he's a tweaker there's not deterring him
Do not engage with or respond to mousenonce
the rest of the people in the thread: the person saying "you are mentally ill" to people - the person saying "everyone here is goign to die a virgin" - "everyone here is this and that (except me)" - isnt your friend

if you get told what to do by him and do it then you need to get a grip. he doesnt have a grip on his life
pizza rolls are nasty no matter how you cook them.
reply to mousey
hang yourself
Why are you hanging around a thread full of people who aren't your friend?
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>job shortage
>and worker shortage at the same time
its just not fair...
Honestly I've found that being nice to mousy and/or ignoring him results in the least amount of spamming.
Stop antagonizing the mentally ill
fat is 2/5ths a person
stop being rude
I'm not
He should hang out somewhere that will be more positive for his well being
fat samefags himself and his other friend is a brit on a CA flag proxy
all he does is complain
he antagonizes us. i would club him with a bike lock given the chance

someone reply to this post
You won't be able to convince him. It's impossible to reason with people with a mind as damaged as his. Just leave him alone
>emergent property
Halfwit detected
i'll reply to mouse all i want to.
*weenie hut juniors voice* violence is not the answer
You aren't made up of the same atoms you were 15yrs ago, are you an entirely different person?
Wonder why there's so many like him now these days
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never forget
i am going to keep telling you to kill yourself, because you should kill yourself
good post
you can hit fruit flies or catch their friends in your claps, and they will keep flying at you and go in your face. you can hit them or try to kill - and miss - and theyll go back anyways. difference is theyre human in other ways though
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diced is the best way to have them, though.
saw a baby golden retriever today :3
theyre soo cute
Why are you spamming health IG slop
something ilke fruit flies have to have evolved just a little bit to mimic humans or play our emotions a little bit
it's goon o'clock
i have thought for a long time about the evolution of fruit flies and their eugenics
I thought it was Friday
it is, in 4 hours
i wish a had a wife
If you feel lonely in a public space just fart and someone will come close. There's always some fuck coming close in the most inappropriate of times
Will watch my first nfl game of the year tonight.
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They always make the same face.
toby tantrum
If I just ignore my son's obvious social issues and possible autism he will surely grow out of it
stop being nice to my face
no and i hate you. spainlard.

samefag + samefag with the CA posts before
My teeth/bones have some of the same atoms thoughbeit
least that one is self aware, assuming the meme text wasn't shooped in.
i only pretend to like amer*shart football so people share their snacks with me. just wear a jersey and pretend to like their team
Some of them are in the joke and do it on purpose now
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i love my golden retrievers
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Whenever I see an attractive woman I don't really feel attraction to her I just wish I was her
"employed woman" AKA the person who answers everyone saying "too straight" things to ask the person if "theyre gay, no?" will have to answer to god just FYI
You're not allowed to post that. Consequences will be met.
*physics-defying, back-and-forth flips*
Bro why are you tranny? What causes this tendency in you
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too many brits here
I've wanted to be a woman for as long as I can remember. I don't consider myself a tranny. Just someone who wants to be a woman.
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Post hineys
thread got worse somehow
I just ate a bowl of US American Cocoa Krispies and I have to say that the German variety absolutely mogs the US ones.
Here they’re chocolaty, sweet but not overly so, the milk that’s left is like a nice proper choccy milk.
The US ones were just insanely sweet and a tiny fart dusting of cocoa.
I wonder why
Cocoa pebbles are the superior sugary chocolatey breakfast cereal. At least they were when I still ate that stuff.
All cereals are bad except Life


this is the person jthat you allow when you dont ban the person/people announcing reports. you did this, mods. its your fault (you dont do your job)

and whats more HES SO FUCKIGN STUPID

your actions have consequences, mods
Ok but why
I would absolutely not want to be a woman
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>i would use my example to ask you if you could ever go to the /brit/ threat, at any time of the day, on any day, ALL DAY go to /brit/ and look through the thread, and not see a single Bradley. if you went there all the time to do that, then by the end of the week how many threads would there not have been a single bradley (noting that it is all one person) in it, in 7 days?
Being a dude rocks

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>(noting that it is all one person)
please take your namefaggot gossip circle back to the containment thread >>>/int/brit/
All me BTW
i want /cum/ to be aware that that what you just saw is 20 hours a day all day every day even Sundays and Christmas

i am not biting - and shitting up the thread - because it is the highlight of his day. otherwise he gets no replies
in minecraft
watching destiny
Brit more like SHIT
My lunch break feast? Peanut butter from the jar. Fuck my retard life
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Think about it
He’s not wrong
Need ghouls like this sent to camps
i would think less of you
You're 40+ and don't have a family so of course you think that
husbands spend more time at work than their actual family
9/11 jokes are just plane wrong.
making some fly traps later (saying that so i go study)
I spend 9 hours a day with my coworkers
I spend more time with them than with my wife and children
So they’re actually my real family
probably a real German
You don't have a wife or child
If you're not fk then I apologize
reminder that if i got meth (ADHD meds i mean) i would be a lot more chill
Do they have the warrior gene?
looks like a whistle-blower from ABC is coming forward and exposing that Harris and ABC colluded to rig the debate.
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cumpies, im drinking covfefe
Brett Weinstein says she purposely wore an earring similar to an ear piece so Republicans would look silly claiming she had an ear piece when she really didn't
Let's see a source on that, chud
Inb4 some random fag with a blue checkmark
lets see how long it takes for the mods to deal with that (brit)
20 hours a day. reminder
I'll believe it when I see it, but even if it was true, they didn't make Trump humiliate himself by spewing nonsense about people eating pets and illegal immigrants getting sex changes in prison.
>replucan voters talking
>democrats spam BBC porn
I do (Gary’s Mod RP Server)
media here started calling every murder of a woman a femicide
Silly imHo
mouse image instantly banned. he gets 2 posts
Don't think they teach journalists how to write anymore
Somebody broke a bead necklace here. That's a sign of theft, and also a sign of Satan worship. Ive seen 3 of them now on the pavement outside.
listening to basstrolouge - somebody to love
He makes them steal weird as fuck things like that. He forces them to break the beads as a warning to Christians.
tfw no Turkish femboy bf with big eyes
black eyes - nothing in their white eyes but black pupils and other
>Trump humiliate himself by spewing nonsense about people eating pets and illegal immigrants getting sex changes in prison
soundbytes are the only things that matter unironically
That's CIA brainwashing. They accuse you, because they have nothing. It was a way to destroy the western caste as part of a replacement. Or, sexual gaslighting is used as a way to whip slaves. Either way, turn it up I love that song.
Yeah they named it "Westfall". Wow was a CIA brainwashing tool.
I am a dog
We've been looking for ways to kill him, we don't want to hear him speak
woof woof
want some lamb?
Patients selected for percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), with the placement of a coronary stent, will require dual antiplatelet therapy with aspirin and either cangrelor, clopidogrel, prasugrel, or ticagrelor. Aspirin therapy should continue indefinitely. Following PCI in patients with stable angina, clopidogrel is recommended in addition to aspirin for at least 1 month after placement of a bare-metal stent, and for at least 6 months if a drug-eluting stent is used. Clopidogrel should not be discontinued prematurely in patients with a drug-eluting stent—there is an increased risk of stent thrombosis as a result of the eluted drug slowing the re-endothelialisation process. Patients considered to be at high-risk of developing late stent thrombosis with a drug-eluting stent may require a longer duration of treatment with clopidogrel combined with aspirin. Prasugrel or ticagrelor are alternatives to clopidogrel in certain patients undergoing PCI. For information on the use of antiplatelet drugs in patients with an acute coronary syndrome who are undergoing PCI with placement of a coronary stent, see Acute coronary syndromes.hrd2
I was literally having sex with an 18 yo girl when God told me he was going to help me get an even better one. He began raping and torturing my body, I've spent 20,000 hours screaming. It's been 5 years and I havent had sex once since he came to "help". Is this legal? Kill him already.
ho great of course the best Canadian shows up right after i said i dont love him anymore
post a (the) picture of you in ath
>job interview
>please tell us what diversity and inclusion means to you
the bath
niggas codeswitch all the time. why can't you? are you bad at it?
post the picture of you in bath
he is so cute !
post it for me
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