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knob edition

previous: >>202147711
we wuz kangz so much that we need society to cater to us and for us to still fail and lag behind - we NEED everyone to hire specifically us because we are so kang, because we are so kang
The gf
(light mouthbreather)

post that picture. "THAT" picture

not of fats trans gf in the bathtub
but of Canada with the nice hair
sex with mousenonce
You lads been watching the new JRE podcast today? Not even a half-hour in and Joe is already getting snippy with his guest.

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Which hair
cute femboys and attractive people. handsome, eben
I've been taken prisoner, and they're using me for war most likely. This voice speaks near telepathically. Very similar. They torture me, at least an 8/10 in pain every day, there's so many screams. Please stop them
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Why yes I do eat ass. Have a fucking problem with that?
This picture was not current nor was it political. Just range ban the UK already
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They really do talk like that and act like that
go hide in the bathroom...
>First four posts is a German and two Brits
Bet you thought I was going to complain huh? Nope, you are welcome in these threads.
i still took this as you complaining FYI but i am Scottish
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Los Angeles Dodgers edition
the brit is not welcome
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Thank you :)
post that picture of him
watching destiny
if there is another CUTE Canadaidian then please make your posts known "as you" so i can love you
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oh my glob women are so pretty
my psychiatrist looks like Kaitlan Collins from CNN except a more bug eyed
what country is she from
Fuck the dodgers
Is Kentucky a nice state to live in?
I used to be able to see dodgers stadium from my old house
good idea from the guy in the shops who bought 2x 660ml bottles of lager from the shop with his buckfast. 1 buckfast not enough - 2 buckfast is too much and you will get arrested
Well y'all are super rude to American flags in /brit/
>but i am Scottish
I think I have a cream for that
What good did it do you
I sold pictures of it and it made me my first million in royalties.
Scatia E456 cremme uwu
i should be allowed to post the images of the mouse
(it could also be E621)
Anyone else always instinctually look out for cops
Stop replying to him you fucking idiot.
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i'm cooked
asthma usually resolves on its own, actually. so treating children with it is probably the easiest job. kinda fucked up

reddit is so zogged look at the comments

epsteins wife is a global moderator in reddit btw
dont you get money (or used to before they read your posts and stopped) from the government, think that describes you
The NHS needs to be reformed or abolished
kill yourself

Canada did you at least like my "im not trolling" post yesterday?
I'm not making this up. I'm waiting for the bus, and he's said "smile" to me around 300 times in 15 minutes. And every single time he actually pinches my brain somehow using some type of invisible tool. So yeah, im near Van. I'm not sure how they're doing this, or who is doing it. He's scarred my face with cuts that won't heal, I'm not attractive like I use to be. Anyone out there?
like this pic a lot
what should i fap to
sometimes i wonder if reddit comments and engagement are real
i know nothing about GER healthcare - but Sweden has good healthcare. and thats another EU country. so it doesnt really apply to /cum/ where theirs is different
if it was "you had to pay for your childs medicine for asthma" then i would be like... hm...

post queued
They look very happy don’t they
look at how bad the fat tries to keep it going

reminding you that all he does it complain - and nothing else
come to your own conclusions
feet is overrated
Gonna eat some of that brisket I smoked when I go home
Anyone want some?
The front page of reddit is so stupid, it makes us look like mars hill
i mean, this is /cum/, you dont belong here, scram!
Pizza was good. Enough for tomorrow as well!

Fyi there's a psychic voice calling itself God that tortures people every 0.3 seconds so they can't ever relax. The body is put into a severe mode of exhaustion. He's also been raping me and sexually abusing me as a form of psychological torture. He's mimicking my words back to me. I probably have to kill myself. 5 years of this useless crap.
look at how badly fat tries to make the problems he tries to solve for 20 hours a day (he doesnt even solve them - i left not because of him)
I have never been on Reddit and I have never watched Harry Potter or Game of Thrones
Will keep it this way forever
gonna suck dick
its real like holohoax
I’ll email you some, what’s a good email address?
/brit/ is your home! SCRAM!
bought cracKKKers from dollar store to support sultan ERDOGAN
Tax class: disabled
Not since I stopped driving a shitbox
Walgreens nearby shut down and is being replaced by a Dollar Tree
dont like lord of the rings never watched
never watched a jewish sitcom
never had netflix account
reddit account never lasted more than a week
Canada trying to be a tease and cute when he ruined that for him
Insurance: paid
Tags: up to date
Tickets: none

Why would I look out for cops
you sound like you're full of misery
filename probably tripped the bot, you can't type names
I dont know what any of that means
because I always speed 10 to 20 mph more than the speed limit in nonresidential areas
dollar stores are always better, only go to costco for meat and rest is from dollar store

still don't understand why ppl go to normal stores
here in canada winners sells dollarama pans that are 5 dollars for 30.
and it stlil has 5 dollar sticker on label lol
Walgreens always seemed exorbitantly expensive to me. Like they charge double what you'd pay in a supermarket
Once had a black challenger and cops would tailgate me for miles
Retards think I haven’t discovered cruise control
just had a piss and started screaming
my whole belly felt cold. couldnt stand straight
its on the move
Canada has a budget for spaceflight. That's suppose to be a metaphor about our contact with Saturn. A psychic voice has been torturing me for 5 years now. I am awaiting any single reply about this topic, I've spent most of my time searching for even one person who can write about it. I'm not sure what's going on, but it's in my head talking to me. I can't make him stop talking. He's been massaging my brain and pinching my head while raping me. The pain is extreme, it's an 8/10 and he does it for 15 hours per day. Is anyone coming?
Might wanna stop doing that. I mean, I do it too, but I don't look out for cops
Just go 9 over dummy
I see retards like you all the time, and we both still end up sitting at the same traffic light
actually it didnt radiate to my back or armpit
That’s the scam
You go in their for your meds or a pack of bandages and figure you might as well get some toilet paper and laundry detergent
I do most of my grocery shopping at discount stores and go to nice stores for things where quality matters to me
thats from the piss you keep on drinking btw
This is true 90 percent of the time
what iq range are midwits
>My head does not look like a sodding tic tac
settle down, getting angry and violent isnt helping your blood pressure either
you guys seen the video of that guy in alaska who had most of his face eaten by a bear but he's still conscious and talking and calm. shit's crazy, his facial reconstruction didn't look that bad either
like you hear someone pissing in bottles (a normal thing to do) and jump to: he drinks his own piss. the same with the fridge. youre mentally retarded. fuck off, retard. genuinely fuck off
i straight up dont have to deal with that
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>You go in their for your meds or a pack of bandages and figure you might as well get some toilet paper and laundry detergent
toby piss meltdown
Have you considered simply listening to what the voice is telling you to do and what it means when it says something that makes sense but doesn’t actually make any logical sense to the modern interpretation of science or sanity and that what it says is not wrong and doesn’t really want to be recorded in anyway because what it tells you is for your eyes only and it may become angered if you reveal the secrets of the universe to the undeserving?
That doesn’t make sense either, the post I replied to mentioned her, and I don’t think the file mentions him. Sure it’s borderline /pol/ but it’s also not different than talking about any famous people. Plus I don’t talk about /pol/ topics anyways, there isn’t too much new to talk about there and it’s not my kind of autism.
using your piss as toothpaste still counts as drinking it
ew the avatarflagging CA retard brought the yankee who gets 0 replies in brit but "will keep trying"
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Mine does it for 48 hours per day
Dominis has the balls to charge me for a little bottle of pepper and cheese instead of giving me 50 paper packets for my small ‘za
err you dont live here toberino dont know what you mean by OUR country
i wish i was this guy. a couple chains, no face tattoos, you can tell he's the most classy kind of wigger
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lol this freak psots with a CA flag in brit and got t he entire flag filtered by everyon because hes so disgusting - everything he uses gets filtered and he hates it

everythig he believes is because he cant read properly
Every little bit, goyim.
Jueves , viernes, sabado y domingo.
toby, you need to drink more water, you consume too much sodium via energy drinks and piss, they are liquid but they aren't enough
Nah it's actually a real voice bud. I just told you Canada has a budget for spaceflight and that's a metaphor about our connection to Saturn. It's like a subtle nod that there is a God in Canada. Keep up, it's really easy. It's a talking God. But, it's more likely some type of machine. We can't really trace it back further than 100 years. But, it could be its own living consciousness like we are. Doesn't matter that much, it's torturing me.
its like you put my posts into AI - and it spat out whatever, from the piss and the orange peels, and it joined words together randomly. it is not real. its so sad
theres people who should genuinely kill themselves and then that for a joke (him) - but wow
LOL yeah
Nose game ridiculous, tho
No email yet
He’s got that “says nigga to whites and nigger to blacks” look
wow your spanish is mucho good
Aaaaand just finished filtering the morons replying to the Brit

Should be a useable thread now
toby, you almost had a stroke, do you also scream at your doctor when he tries to help you
i am not going to say what you want me to say about that because i get nothing out out it. read a fucking book. nothing else to do (but post on /brit/ and get no replies for 20 hours a day) with your life so why not just read? why because you are an attentionwhore who wants people to reply or see your posts and cant even get that. your entire life is posting to 4chan for replies- 20 hours a day- and you cant even get that
last reply to you
I will kill you
Reminder that /cum/ is a Mackerel general
I didn’t say it wasn’t real what I said is that only you can hear it because you’ve been chosen as the earthly representative of the true higher power that has been recognized by all faiths but it has recognized you and only you and the one worthy of hearing it’s message therefore it’s up to you to do what it says and spread its message but never record anything because it would have let you find someone to help in your mission if it wanted it to happen.
you cannot filter the brit who uses a CA proxy. you are a goy. youre a goyim. a dn nobody asked
pissing in bottles is NOT normal
where is that from? sounds vaguely familiar
that poor guy is hurt. quick, someone patch him up
reminder the Canadian ITT right now is the Danish flag posting BLACKED porn and he doesnt live in Canada - he posts in /brit/ with the avatar flag. his posts are not good enough for it, but he constantly uses a name and flag or signature to avatar fag
i love sex with adult human females who aren't obese
Sorry, he's for the grill
So overweight is acceptable?
Lol No
Cum has sea bass energy
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carp general

remidner this yank posts in /brit/ and gets no replies
Love smoked mackerel
I’m proud of the fact that I’ve never had to fuck a fat or ugly girl
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>European flag
kinda gay
/cum/ is a catfish general
Bottom feeding scavengers with a face only a mother could love
saw these exact same posts yesterday, ya'll literally bots
i didn't want to overload my post with all my sexual preferences, but obeasts are my top prejudice.
/r9k/ has always been where you belong
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Im at work and post pics from my phone's storage so yeah a lot of pics are reused. But I'm not a bot
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and the reports are still more genuine than what the ban reasons are for, 99% fot he time with this current janny. REALLY MAKES U THINK. GETS THE WHEELS TURNING
>Im at work
that's rough
For example I made this on my phone weeks ago and post it often. It's from a /cum/ OP pic iirc
what because /brit/ and the ONE person posting the EW namefield, bradley avatars, Danish flag, CA flag, is here spamming his shit he posts to /brit/ for 20 hours a day? yeah
those people just thinkt hey have to tolerate it, but they dont. they sit there and take it all day because the mods have put someone there who is bad for the place
> That's rough
Not really. All I do is shitpost for 8 hours
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>the ONE person posting the...bradley avatars
you repackaged a meme and made it worse and didnt follow the meme format. you stole a joke and made it worse
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I also advocate total Mollusk death often and use this pic
It's understandable, people that are clinically overweight (relatively low threshold) can easily be attractive. People that are clinically obese are never attractive unless you're some kind of fetishist.
"In order today know something, you must smell it, I mean REALLY smell it."

post the Canadian in a bathtub meme
witht he nice hair
all fatties disgust me.
if you are "clinically overweight" at all, i can tell you don't care about your body, and that repulses me.
i'm clinically underweight and unattractive
*In order to know
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look at how jealous he is and how badly he wants it to continue
his aura makes me go "eurgh" but he wants me to like him
Kill all gays
reminder ot everyone to report the post above >>202161077
for he is an avatar flag

he is posting here with a Canadian flag, but he is British. he uses that flag because i once loved a Cnadian
I didn't know you were capable of good posts wtf
I want to eat Olivia Rodrigo's ass
You're totally retarded. He has been sexually abusing me. Worse, he will hit me in the head with a mallet every few seconds while I'm screaming in agony, for up to 500 hours without stopping. Try to actually believe what I'm saying, it's real. It's an 8/10 in pain. Could be you next. You think you're worshipping the propaganda but jokes on you, it's a real talking thing and its doing some pretty extreme torture on me. Stop it now or wait for it to kill you.
keep up the good posts
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What Pheno-SKU™ is this
thats hot
wish i knew how to talk to you people before it got out of hand to hit you in the head with a maleet and sex you
wish you would stop taking my fantasies and just cuddle me one time
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Why'd you throw them stones if you
Had a wild hair of your own or two?
Livin' in your big glass house with a view
I thought you knew
I had some help
It ain't like I can make this kinda mess all by myself
Don't act like you ain't help me pull that bottle off the shelf
Been deep in every weekend if you couldn't tell
They say, "Teamwork makes the dream work"
Hell, I had some help (help)
What do we do about the schizo problem
It’s getting really bad and they completely choke out the rest of the discourse
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>Latinx explaining the caste system with castizos, mestizos, criollos, etc to demonstrate why they're better that the guy standing right next to him who looks identical to him
lets start ignoring those posts and see how many people still care
lets see how much he gets without me
What do you wanna know. I know everything about America. What city are you in? I can pill you up and you'll never come down. America is pretty cool, slave zone.
I have it filtered so I don't even see it or anyone who replies to it
I look like this and do this
>Danish flag
The fuck are you talking about?
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he's solving the problem himself by refusing to drink any water and instead drinking energy drinks :/
ah so its just samefag and his bum buddy he told to fuck off 2 days ago, who isnt even a leaf - its a brit
idk there isn’t much else besides schizo posts being incoherent, off topic, or low quality. I normally filter them but sometimes I just get bored go through the thread and inform the authorities to see if it’ll get rangebanned or something eventually
i just extracted what seems to be a large, calcified blackhead from my freshly trimmed pubes.
what do you make of that?
Mashallah brothers its 1pm just woke up to a blessed day
Must... Play... Gacha...
janny is too busy banning people for jeet jokes or mentioning the orangeman, maybe he'll get around to it next week
is this any of the shit that is "black coffee grounds2
I like pregnant women eat large amounts of healthy food, knowing she's making her baby stronger
hundreds of millions of asian men be like
Don't remember the last time I saw a Dane post on this entire board
stupid, dumb, yankie SCUM
But she is eating slop in your photo, her baby will be a very good goy
I posted the wrong picture
give me some numbers from 1 to 49
50. Aw shit, wait.
Hey great, a mexican. lol, bye.
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I just want her back
Huh? You no like-a de Messican?
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>mentioning the orangeman,
even if it was energy drinks causing kidney stones it would be n of 1 and you are being very foolish
not going to go into all of it now because i have learned about kidney stones thanks to anon here whos maybe a doctor and has a boner about kidney stones
No Mexican does this.
they're slaves lol they get paid random wages
anon has a freakout and shits up the thread whenever i post medical things (copy-pasted)
but i am going to do it more in a sec, and he is just oging to have to get reported
Canada post athtub image
why wont you
do it for me please
what the fuck
alright I used your number, if I win the lottery I'll give you some fr fr
you're replying to a literal jeet. don't waste your time
even when i go, fat and proxy brit will still be going and doing the same
how sad is that?
It's more of a Colombian/Venezuelan thing tbqhwy, even then confined to some racial autists
I wonder what the world would have been if the CIA wasnt completely useless and didn't hire trump or stop Obama from becoming president.
post the "highschool in America" .webm of the man wearing cat ears and a skirt and mask
takin a break from watchin hasanabi
nigga too smart for me desu
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Team Angel or Team Spike?
It's always niggers who breath into their mics.
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leave Frankie alone he DID NOT cause the earthquake get it through your thick skulls
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Because they have no culture/civilization which isnt exclusive to them.

I think just about every continent has these groups of people. (Africa especially)
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porque no los dos
>/cum/ tard thinks he's an expert on culture again
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radio station 66.6 FM. giving people psychosis for at least a couple of years. so its most likely just the broadcasting studio that has become corrupted, just because the songs they play around about hell, ignore it. your life hasnt changed. however, there is actually a nonhuman who has been raping me.
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Frank Luntz says Trump is done
Neither. Both were shown to be unhealthy relationships. Actually every relationship Buffy has, is showing girls another unhealthy relationship.
But the official comics have Buffy getting together with Spike in the end, so Spuffy shippers win in the end.
That said, Lilah is peak. It'd be worth going to hell for her. But Fred's actress aged the best, so that's the true winner.
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Not like it matters anyway. Civilization is collapsing and I wouldn't be surprised if humanity becomes extinct in the next 100-200 years.

We had a good run I guess.
For real?
Well, shit.
That's a wrap, anons.
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Angel was born in 1727 so he'd be 297 about now.

Spike was born in 1874 so he'd be about 150 now

Darla was sired in 1702 at about 25 years old but nobody knows when she was born. And Darla wasn't even her real name, it's just something The Master called her. She didn't remember her real name when asked in 2003
There’s no better feeling than going through four yellow lights. It’s like escaping the rat race
But what about his 2020 prediction?
i would be within my rights to chris benoit my family. i hate these people and they burden me
only weirdos larp as Aztecs
That’s offensive to culturologists who think they’re /cum/tards
Technically, Darla died. So when she came back in Angel, she was 1.
Angel has a bad habit of raping underage girls.
you should brenton tarrant instead
glowies ITT
why is Shartistan the only rich country that doesn't want to build high speed rail?
Did all the normies stop regurgitating all the Olympic memes already?
Agreed all around
Excellent points
Turkish boys......................
wow i thought it was just Charmed or something
all you ever do is complain
high spid rail is gay
Oh YEEEEAH! I Forgot
The entire apparatus of corporations that benefit from a car dependent society would lose billions. Everything from fuel.companies to auto manufacturers to highway rest stops.
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The only ones who complain about them are mayates oaxacuitos midgets who were basically livestock tacos. lol
Rail id for countries with citizens too poor to afford cars
>wow i thought it was just Charmed or something
Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel are very underrated shows with a lot of substance mixed into the silliness.
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I'm not even aztec and I know about that shit. XD
high speed rail is a modern technology that requires world class engineering to ensure safety and effectiveness. multi-millionaires would be the braintrust behind it and it would turn them into billionaires.
bet i'm the richest person in /cum/ ngl. i make over $130k before taxes.
Too many librul faggots move here to Vermont then complain about the lack of diversity among other things
do you think if heaven exists you will go there? i don't think they will let me in.
>i don't think they will let me in.
post the Candian in his bath
I am a sinner
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This kind of energy
Norway, Canada, Australia, etc. all don't have any either
Because I'm a cowboy
I would like a high speed treen here but the narco would probably stop it and steal it.
tell me about your state. i was thinking of taking a trip there this December, but i've never been before.
We have cider donuts and skiing
also if the narco does not rob the train, corruption will bring it down.
If some type of heaven exist it sure isn't the one that's new enough for Roman chuds to say

"oh yeah...that's not true...idk why Jews keep larping that...my guess is that they are trying to attach themselves to their conquerors and rise the class latter"
for that kind of thing we will go to hell
I wanted to wander around and take lots of wintery photos.
Mexianon seething for no reason again
jerk off right now
stop whatever you're doing and jerk off right now
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Clean it up janny
stroke that cock
i love whygena
grim thread
redminder: >>202161056

in the other thread. the janny and mods dont do their job
dont cum yet
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took this pic the othe day at a local bar
i was gonna jerk off but the gay porn disgusted me out of it
it could always be worse
I ate a full bag of those mexican flaming hot cheetos last night and now ive shat bright red diarrhea 4 times so far .
keep stroking that cock
kill yourself
I'm retarded?
>the other day
very liberal use of the phrase
do it cum. CUM FOR ME
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Some people in /cum/ are like this
i wish i had a bf/gf for real
who doesnt cuck me
reminded of my hatred for gays by this thread
You're discovering memes from 15 years ago
did that feel good
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For me it's Bob Moses
Abysmal thread
i dont see fat complaining - except for his post just then that he spams
he doesnt have a problem with it right now
mmmmm yes pump it
Why, I oughta!
funny how fat wants you to be depressed and gay because HES a dygenic so "the whole thread" is but also except him t the same time
reminder to him that he should kill himself. no free rides
Gonna take another fiery diarrhea brb
Not a tranny, but the old internet was way better. Far less censorship.
the other day was 2018
up and down up and down yeah thats it
Christmas time!

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