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Tiny home edition
fucking hate being mentally ill
Alri deegsy
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nth for the gyaldem
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why is there a thread with less than 280 posts just sitting there
pacing around the room at 23:45 whispering "football's coming home"
Kill yourself Al Mountain you schizophrenic pedophile roidtranny
conputer you longer have a hold on me
i see your wicked ways conputer
you have stolen too much from me already
shut them down take the building off them
just stop then. its literally all inside your head. you control your own mind you fool
someone must have said something very naughty and gotten the ban that deletes all your posts
why would you think im al mountain?
you have more in common with him than me, you bought a shitty old house without even knowing how to fix basic things
very similar to his rapeshack across the gas station. he bought it without realizing the noise from it would be horrible. you're like brothers, you an al
It's wild how it's impossible for me to do anything besides lift weights, play video games and watch anime. I am sorry but no place is hiring and everything costs money
Deleted Belgian cuck posts probably
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Lebara mobile
liver is pulstating
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Do you still wet the bed?
If not, why?
show me jealousy
show me anger
i want to feel your love
yeah id have a bit of that
Proper freakshow hours
Plant is underwatered
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so let’s really get this going c’mon
I need like duh duh da dah dah dah dun dun duh
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only when i'm inexcusably drunk
How does It taste like?
That's a bloke
I prefer a bit of bush
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ugh, deary me... *sips* ah.... hello all
not clicking those
how does it taste
or alternatively
what does it taste like
It's insane how long this girl has been popular. I remember girls dancing in a circle at a party to Love Story over 15 years ago.
not worth prison time
Poland what are you doing pal fear the janny
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who should i bring to this? i thought maybe my step brother. and what should i expert? am i getting sacked?
You're have extremely poor reading comprehension.
You're an unemployed antagonistic moron with inflated self-confidence makes me think you're that other insufferable faggot that posts here.
Once again you have never done any work on a house, you don't own one, and you're projecting your insecurities (no skills no job no house of your own) onto me.
my president
looks like a bit of tuppence to me
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drunk aunt vibes
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Honestly I hate this country I wish I was born in Japan or the Netherlands because I think both countries are cool they are probably more advanced than america
nice reddit watermark retard cunt
Haven’t been keeping up with the news. How bad are the English rioters getting fucked up by Starmer’s law?
what the hell is this
>minor spelling mistake
It's over
Lol remember when that lad was complaining because all benders are sex addicts. When actually it's obvious heteros are way more sex obsessed. Literally cant go a single thread without weird borderline nonce porn being spammed
oh kamala's got rhythm
that's a child
read an interesting article breaking it down
she deliberately guards her privacy, and leaves "coded clues" to her fans (or so they think) in her lyrics, creating kind of a cult-like (not a cult just sort of cultish) following where everyone thinks there's something in the lyrics for them
Zoomers don’t know how to screenshot
coins and salty milk and bags of sand
*traps Mousey in the Black Lodge*
sir fire starter
What next for the boomers?
cope on bud
don't act like you don't have the time to learn basic diy skills when you've been responding for 10 mins
he needs to go to reddit to get a tedious work related email because he has no job lol
yeah... now what are you gonna do to him?
If he wants to stop the boats then why not ban boats
Canada lad and yank lad please stop fighting. I regret posting about my house purchase. Please stop.
Like being young in America sucks because you can't get work and everything is expensive. They are saying AI is the reason why companies are firing everyone
sir queer bummer
boats brought are lads back from dunkirk that'd be sacrilege
>coins and salty milk
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You don't know what free time is because you have never worked a day in your life.
need to stick a funnel in toby's gob and forcefeed him lard like foie gras
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Pension increase
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here's Flora
north wales or south wales?
bizarre post
Busy buzzy - bit gay gay gay. Was fun / will go again.
Don't call him lad
australians all let us rejoice
for we are young and free
Hate sex obsessed freaks in general. Creepy pajeet porn commenter vibes
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what a sweet pussina
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guys can i get some help with my cv? the job centre sent me on a course for it but it was shit and didnt help.
Parents fell for equity release
My future has NOTHING
I have no fucking food in my head and I'm just getting fed back to bed now so I'll probably have a better chance to sleep with the fear in a bit tired and a lot more of the month after I left my room and I was going through a few months ago so it is strictly for me it's been quite long and I've only had a couple more weeks and I got back to bed and found a couple of things I would be looking for a death row
did you call her flora cause shes well butters haha only joking shes very pretty and lively looking
benders be like
>ooo i want to suck the blood and pus from those monkeypox scabs
>can we meet at the local community centre toilets?
I take solace in not having any idea what he was on about with that one
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fucks sake seen a lot of flaccid willies today and they're all massive compared to mine
would be a better gimmick if you accidentally left in your name
feel like this is projection
did your mummy buy you this cuckshed in bumfuck nowhere canada? is that how you got it so cheap?
very embarrassing for a grown man not to know how to replace drywall or think it's impossible to do himself =\
sir mart sharter
Mad how I actually used to send off cv's like this when I was younger
Left looks like my sister-in-law and right looks like my wife.
post moar
australian women are the most promiscuous on earth
You ever see an argument and just wish both posters would die?
they dont have flora butter in the US so this so called joke is lost on him
2/10 try better next time
Is it strange that I can imagine working there but being socially ostracised for not being cool enough
I do quite like it when /brit/ is rude ot me.
Hopefully that's more of a psychological defect rather than a weird sexual thing.
sir cole palmer
I just wish all posters would die
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don't know how it works in the UK, but primary school is not even worth a mention and secondary school should be literally one sentence. College should be a brief one liner about achieving your a-levels in such and such.
Then elaborate more about your work experience, and talk more about your work ethic and enthusiasm for opportunity in "about me." Erase any and all references to being interested in foreign cultures, japan, and YouTube

t. on six figures
Shut up you dirty little boy
get mouseys benefits paid sir keir
yeah a couple of times
sir kush smoker
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Spaino geeting really desperate for yous know. He's pulling stuff straight from reddit and has dropped the emergency 'shitty CV' gimmick. Expect him to post some vile looking takeaways he stole from Facebook shortly
sir kefir scranner
and YES I knew it was (most likely) a fake CV given the anime references, but I just woke up and thought I'd give an earnest reply
now show their quarterly reports
how do we stop the atheists
the bedtiem viewing
Every time deegs argues with himself
Imagine some lad going back to mousey's den to have gay bum sex with him, persisting through the room full of empty monster cans and science experiments, only to feel a sting on his cock while bumming him and finding out he has an arse stuffed full of nettles
sir cam punter
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As a kid I wish was born in Britain but I now I wish I was dutch or Japanese
Ride the tiger
Be honest chumps you get hard when you pass a carb fed doe eyed tawny skinned hijabi on the street
lol didn't see this one
girl businesses do really well
especially if they sell to other girls
Really really enjoyed this webm thanks mate
about to cum
Pakistani women are incredibly SEX, shame they're not allowed to date outside their race and are forced to fuck some obese 5"5 paki for the rest of their life
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>Russia "started" the conflict in Ukraine and can end it "straight away”, Sir Keir Starmer has said after Vladimir Putin suggested Moscow would regard Western missiles being fired into Russia as a serious escalation of the war.
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then their quarterlies should have no issues.
Last reply I will give to you since you're either literally retarded or trolling.
It is not that replacing dry wall is "impossible" (never said that), it's that replacing all the drywall in my two storey house, ceilings included, would be such a pain in the ass, would take so much time and effort, and requires skill and practice to do well that it is simply not worth it for me to do by myself. Not to mention I don't have the time to spend ripping all my drywall out, and don't want it to be unfinished for the months that it'd take to redo. On top of all that, I'd have to spend all my free time working on my house instead of doing literally anything else.
The other renovations that need to be done are similar. I don't want an amateur hardwood floor or amateur kitchen renovation, I want nice professionally done work by skilled tradesman, and am willing to spend the money that I make at my job to do so.
This is something you are unable to understand apparently and I can only guess it's because you have no idea what it means to be gainfully employed and cannot understand what a dollar is worth.
wish i were a professional poker player
lord have mercy i'm bout to BUST
The end of white britain
sir car starter
New Paddington film comes out in just TWO months lads
can feel the onset of diabetes in my right foot. Drinking a fizzy pop or chocolate makes it tingle like mad
I got no problem with people that live in Vans and convert them into livable spaces. I just find it extremely cringe and lame that they record themselves doing "life in a van" bullshit. Nobody gives a fuck. You arent special. You are basically a rich homeless person.
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untreated diabetes can have serious irreparable consequences mate. get to the doctor.
Sad part is lots of people do care that's why they do it
good post didn't read it though
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switch to diet pop
triple leaf madness
think the film "nomads" shows pretty succinctly why its a bad idea
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don't exist
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hijabis love big british cock
You know though when you see one that back doors been opened one to many times and probably can't full close any more unless she's volenterily trying clench her sphincter
all me
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anyone here been punched or glassed or shoved/intimidated or yelled at in a pub
yeah some drunk old bloke tried to have a go at my mates and I once
ahaha classic
non conscious cucknadian on another bihourly melty
was waiting for that gorilla to disintegrate the man's skull but that was a much funnier outcome.
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still need to play her game
all me
that femcel post reminded me I haven't checked on my CC harem in a while
Never seen it...Does a WMAF couple get murdered in their Dodge Promaster conversion van filming their shitty breakfast? Because Ill jack off to it if thats what happens.
I remember when I found out the drawing of the chud fella was based on a real life bloke
how unfortunate
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no but I was once battered so hard in a fight at school that he ripped off my trousers and pants and threw the latter into a tree so high up that they stayed there for the whole year
notice how mom is spelled mum in britain but mother isn't spelled muther
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looks like heathermong got banned as >>202156364 is on 280 posts
what a shock, irish d iaspora, cuckposting, all the cancer
Man I wish women like her would like me but I am ugly. I wish I had friends in the UK so I could visit them
at least one, possibly more are just autists on VPNs
I have this fantasy we're I get an arab or mizrahim girl to wear a hijab and I dress up in an army uniform and we make role play that ends with me deep dive in the those cheeks, don't know about pakis we don't have them here the ones we got typically got banging bodies but real fucked up hatchet faces so it's rare to find a true qt
Hope i never end up like this
Imagining your mums wedding night are we?
hope this didn't actually happen
ehhh not exactly. Group of builder lads were drinking after work and I accidentally bumped into one of them he kicked off.
Suddenly I’m being held by two of them and they drag me to the darkroom
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lol pants in the tree..like raising a victory flag

why did they batter you though
what made it worse was that after I was floored and realised what he was trying to do I started to try and frantically crawl away while I made little short panicked gasps of air as he tugged on my school trousers
Least cretinous /vt/ poster
theres a fuckoff nail sticking out the middle of my old chair but i cant afford a new one

cant count how many times ive slashed my arse getting off
If you guys live in Australia or UK please let me stay at your place I am tired of living in the USA but I want to see what life is like in Australia and UK first
Leave me mum out of this and ill leave this out of yer mum.
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oblivionchads.... we stay winning
Britain is a third world country, if you earn over 35k a year America is superior in every way
have you ever lied but the only reason you lied was to appease someone else and then when you get caught in the lie you have to explain that you're not just a liar but also a pushover
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Behold: gyaldemfreak
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albeit skyrim mods mog everything even other standalone games in recent years.
One of the bullies in our year had a fight with one of the scrawny nerdy lads and pulled his pants down to his ankles and then wrestled him trying to put his finger up his arse while calling him gay.
In hindsight I think the other lad might have been the gay one and he was technically raping him while we all just stood in a circle watching and eating our sandwiches.
Hey Cody, do you mind shutting the fuck up there dude?!
Had a good laugh at these the other day. Apparently a game called Duck Detective was woke because the duck was divorced (duckvorced?)
bro is horny as fuck for that muslima puss
is your mothers maiden name peng
refuse to believe in the current day of medical knowledge and technology they didn't see this coming from a mile away and despite that chose to have it anyways. bit cruel honestly.
Honestly still want to visit I am bored and want to see what it's like. I just need a friend to be there for me I don't care if your a loser I am one too
sir accounting charter
google used to be really good for job searches but its completely gone to shit
i looked into this once and basically google went woke
apparently companies even put fake job listings up, alongside all the scam shit.
He is obviously in a Muslim country where abortion is highly taboo and illegal
Baby hippos are SO in right now.
why were you wanking? that does sound gay
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>bro isn't enjoying life
typing Adidas into Google shows you JD sports as the first result (an ad). What's the fucking point?
sorry to hear
drywall is literally a thing solely because of how fast and cheap it is to use
most contractors aren't going to be professionals, they're almost all mongs doing work for you because you're too intimidated to do it yourself, to the point where you will pay considerable amounts an hour. i know because i've worked and talked with people who do it for a living. my ex-landlord made a lot of money because her double digit iq partner would fix houses of her renters and shot up the prices considerably
worst thing is you talk about time being money but you're on /brit/, it's simply bizarre. in this whole conversation you could have easily got a handle on what to do for your first cuckshed project
bro worked out at the library
My friend had a meltdown because we said this list was retarded
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just roll her lad, actually I think twtintails is free

think he got sentenced to death a few months ago
melty melty in the brit thready
not sure what you find so humourous about a baby suffering horrendous pain.
traded all my baby hippos stickers for dolphin ones because I thought they were in
why were you fighting?
Remember when you used to google stuff by typing in keywords of what you wanted or stuff in quotes but then SEO and meta tags and people typing full sentences in took over and now you can't actually search for stuff properly?
sir crop farmer
Sir Subway Surfer
Some are totally retarded. like the alien games are woke because they have strong female characters in positions of authority. Like blud did you not see the movie?
these greedy corporations make billions then forget why anyone used their products
Fucking retard yank can't read lol
sir near farther
sir poo dooer
I'm sure they'd get upset watching the movies, too lol
>using google dot com
Desktop PC hasn't been turned on in months since I got my new laptop. Feels like a waste just sitting there. Might turn it into a media server or something. What do computer nerds do with extra PCs?
duck duck go home, gamer girl
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use it for tor wanks
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Sir Spodo Komodo
>all contractors are mongs that suck at their job
>I know because I used to be one
also what a hilarious self own lol
At age 15 he married Sterna Segal, the daughter of Yehuda Leib Segal, a wealthy resident of Vitebsk, and he was then able to devote himself entirely to study. This is what the goyim took away from me zionism was supposed to restore it but it got subverted on the way, what's the oath now I only see doom and despair
feeling like an actual human being today for whatever reason
its nice for a change
the delivery driver was like half a mile from my house and then just left the area without delivering my package, the fuck is that about then
you cant run screws into drywall without needing chad to do it for you
sir can opener
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I got the cat girl and maid
I feel sorry for the mum
Trussed that cunt up like a Christmas ham
Red squirrels going berserk in the backyard cuz dogberg is on patrol
normal duvet isn't cutting it, might be time to break out the winter one
sat here rubbing my cock
ive only just gone back to a duvet after using a blanket all summer
sir cock stroker
young people aren't calling cigarettes "fags" anymore and that makes me angry
you know bruv. These togs ain't toggin.
you smell bad
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>make a shitpost on a completely different board
There's clearly an issue here.
I just have the one duvet year round
need a poo
>there are people itt that actualy play gacha
just wank to the porn
Retarded yank can't read lol
expecting sensible moderation on 4chan is very foolish
culinary idea: combine boogers and earwax
fag = stick, which is what cigarettes resemble
got nothing to do with being hurtful to gays
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nice, I want mad glasses maid, shark and bunda police. engineer too but I don't wanna be greedy
then let it sit in the belly button for an hour.
Get back to work Matthew
but youre not banned. youre posting...

you just have to be mindful of the rules... you will learn

i used to get banned all time. you learn when it is okay to push buttons or not. depends whether other posters are cunt enough to report you for shit. bosrds like /int/ you have to be especially careful it seemed. i was banned here 3 days last time when trump was shot.
always felt weird to say desu
I report every post on /brit/ I consider to be a violation of the rules.
if you didnt get punished harshly for making horrible shitposts then people could easily shit up every board with no real consequences
use your head now
the cerebal palsy girl has RUINED taskmaster as expected
tragic stuff
Tell me how you can look at this and believe in god
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I also do this
That weekend was a holocaust for brit
Probably three posters for 72 hours
i assume that you will be reporting yourself then?
>can i bum a fag?
there's certainly some homosexual insinuation there
dan hodges and peter hitchens have a melty on X (formerly twitter) rn
theres nothing to "learn" whether you get banned for any particular post literally depends on whether you upset a janny or not. you know they don't even need to specify an infringing post now? so you can't even compare your post and see if you actually DID break any rules?
God would definitely do this it's well funny
You dont have the reasoning capacity to understand how little i give a shit, actually
cerebral palsy girls probably reach orgasm easier because they’ll already be shaking and twisting on the cock
I wonder whether it's more difficult for a single father or a single mother in dating
about what?
May I please person-experiencing-unhousedlessness a cigarette?
Oh shit I'm a known lol cow relay need to re evaluate my life
genuinely not motivated to enjoy anything on evenings or weekends. usually just eat dinner then sit in a chair until im tired enough to lie down
reported for announcing a report
Anyone here done the army fitness test? Im 32 and 6 months, which means I only have 3 years left to join up before im too old. But i'm quite overweight. Thinking about applying to be an Apprentice Plumber with the army.
the penis is absolutely irrelevant to a femoid orgasm in contrast to clit stimulation
YOU! What Wikipedia article are you reading right now?

limerant feelings are coming back
thought theyd been vanquished


i know who you talking about sometimes preppin meself to laff at some comfy comedy

then she comes on... and its like... oh god

just cant watch this shit. i dont even understand what shes saying. her jokes arent even funny when i can understand them. the way every word is drawn out coz of her retardation just kills any kind comedic timing too
lucy letby
Definitely the mother unless she is widowed
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Foxtrot…. Uniform… charlie……… Kiloooo
she is innocent
let her loose letby?
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*ruins your panel show*
might become built for BBC
Ah yes, or 'Nurse Death' as her colleagues would say
yeh but i would learn what rules i hadnt even considered before. and you kinda learn when you can get away with bannable offences but not too much that random assholes start reporting you. its the assholes in the thread you gotta worry about. some places other people literally dont care, others they get pissed off and report you
*rearranges your limbic system*
Duty, honor... courage... Semper Fiiiii.......
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I am so horny man I haven't had sex in a year and I see a woman in my gym who looks like mamimi
last thing an IRA combatant hears before a hellfire missile blows them to smithereens
no but losing weight will let you breeze through it since it's just the beep test and pathetic strength standards
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>Two babies died and a third collapsed within 72 hours of Lucy Letby telling a colleague she would be "back in with a bang" after her holiday
You're a mong for watching panel shows in the first place. Televisual equivalent of slop
State of that creatures mouth, looks like something i'd encounter in resident evil
Put the you-know-what in the you-know-where
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>baby collapse

how can they do that? they cant even stand
fucking hell just had a look. awful
any tradies in
I shat my bed the other day when I had a fever
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>Where's the new, Jeremy?
>The new. Where's the new thread?
>I thought you were posting the new?
>You what? No new?
>You fucking idiot, Jeremy! You total fucking idiot! That was YOUR job, you fucking moron! You cretin! YOU'RE A FUCKHEAD! THAT'S WHAT YOU ARE! A FUCKING SHITHEAD!
>It was a joke, Mark. I was joking. It was a /brit/ joke.
>Oh, I see. Oh.
>Of course I've posted a new. I posted it at 280, I took ages searching for a picture. It's going to be brilliant.
>That looks like a lovely thread. I'm sorry, I... flew off the handle a bit.
>That wasn't very /brit/ish.
>No, it wasn't. I apologize.
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Does that fuck up your mattress for good
but not BLACKED or avatarfagging except mice or people annoucning reports or spam/flooding because youre whats wrong with 4chan - no copers about it. i wont read your cope (you are objectively in the wrong)
kek i love that scene
oh no the next edish is looking... a bit shit ahaha
easier to toss the sheets and blankets. mattress itself might be fine, might have to steam clean it.
actual new
soy freak
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1.34 MB PNG
Sorry, not using a NSFW thread
Nah I woke up immediately and threw the covers in the washer
It was literally poo water
About to go see a fit Latina girl
fuck off to /cum/ yank
Super cute, very dark skin, little older than me and extremely friendly. Bros, how do I keep calm?
Sounds like you're pissed that you would need to either convert to Islam or Hinduism in order to date brown women in your country

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