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Gatwick edition
Get it fucking made
odd edish
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me searching for fanny
trim your toenails they're disgusting
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guess how old

be serious, retards
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fucking just tell us you boring bastard
remember nelly?
In her new video she talks about her autumn TBR and one of the books she wants to read is Kafka's The Castle about which she initially says "I believe this is his only novel". Then we see her google something and "correcting" herself by affirming that Kafka only wrote two novels, The Castle and The Trial...

I was a bit bewildered hearing this from a literature student (and a self-proclaimed BOOKWARM and DARK ACADAYMIK), so much so that I (also a literature student) began doubting myself and thinking "wait, is Amerika not considered a novel but a novella?". I thought it was a longish book but I haven't read it so I googled it and... I don't know why I doubted myself instead of Ruby.

She almost certainly just read the beginning of the Wikipedia entry on Kafka and somehow, in her mind, the sentence "His best known works include the novella The Metamorphosis and novels The Trial and The Castle" meant that he only wrote two novels, one of which – arguably his most famous work (or at least on par with The Metamorphosis) – she didn't know.

Wow, such culture, much reading comprehension.
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Just want them back...
I have a fear of speaking to groups. my body goes into fight or flight mode, heart pounding and shaky voice.
stop being weird
only thing I really want anymore is to get rat-arsed and smoke weed with a group of like-minded losers
Sitting down
You had 2 serious answers and 2 meme answers. She looks like a woman in her 40’s. Now tell us or fuck off
blocked toilets here twice desu
literally me
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dad's on a mad one
this is it
this is the image that porved ai has gone too fa
they're just like me
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trip on spaedo
av got wolverines hairline
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Not an anime.
its a video not an image you retard
lol why did we even get rid of boris you'd never get are queer doing this
8 o'clock, 8, and it's fucking pitch black, not on this, not at all
Gatwick feels less poofy than say Heathrow
Is Emily in?
We have a containment board for paedophiles like you
lol third grade thirdie pussy for timmy
diegos wasted dont bother
Seeing some off topic posts. Shant be saying which ones but I think you know
gatwick is incredibly poofy
only one runway? how gay
Just remembered Candice.
Mental how that /brit/ neek spent over a year chatting to her before she came out as a lesbian.
Matey travelled all the way to France and they didn’t even shag
never really got over leaving top gear did he
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>Matey travelled all the way to France and they didn’t even shag
harrogate vs doncaster in tonight's football
sounds rather based
sex when the girl is on her side is very sexy
I’m British therefore anything I post about is British culture.
Only foreigners can be off topic in /brit/.
That’s a fact.
It’s a thing you can’t deny.
Like the fact that I will love you until I die.
Why would you need more? Like lined up cocks to service innit
surely this didn't actually happen
please enlighten me with your knowledge of all things bent
agree gatwick is like the "cool little airport" in comparrison
gatwick is the fucking shoreditch of airports
city is the city of london
heathrow is the west end
luton is stoke newington
stansted is somewhere people forget exists idk like clapton or something
thursday night league games are soulless
yeah... she "came out" as "lesbian" sure
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Emily is upstairs. I'll call her down.
Why aren't real life crackheads as functional as super hans?
Should be able to find it within the archives since it wasn’t that long ago
Who else here /Latin/?
far worse has transpired
>£3000 for a hug
That's her stepdad surely
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Are you Irish Diaspora?
can’t wait for this time tomorrow
going to be utterly steamboats
He's pissed that his shitty dentist gimmick got rumbled
Always wondered if that was Emily behind him
There's probably like ten more niggas behind the camera that would jump on his head if he did
Jeroen waroom heb je en kollektie van grote zwarte cocken on je komputer?
Missed that one
cant see any of spainos posts
get a little satisfaction every time i see the stubs
just lot it all lads
howling me too
gona be an absolute mess
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luv em x
penis is leaking wee wee
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Irish diaspora post
He was on here about midday pretending to be a dentist that he was going to molest a female patient. He even had a gay little name on 'dentistlad' loool
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Listen listen, ite

>in /brit/ last night yeah
>walk straight in like “It’s over for Rorke, pic related”
>just about to post my scran when mousenonce says “I should be able to post images of the mice without getting banned”
>literally the whoooole thread starts posting Brads and anon says
>”fuck off mousenonce you evil ghoul”
>then, BLUT
>Spainnonce posts a vocaroo of his deep-voiced Spanish gf screaming “SU MICROPENE ES DEMASIADO PEQUEÑO” down the phone to her mum
>gave us lads the serious ICK
>anon’s like “she sounds like a bloke”
>another anon’s like “she is a bloke more like, brudda constantly samefags off his trip, he’s here all day. No way he has a gf. Surprised you mongs haven’t filtered him yet, you all lack a clue.”
>HAHAHAHA, anyway
>letting it auto refresh, when clogwog pops up and says “built for BBC”
>he started posting mad webms
>cuck porn, interracial gangbangs, snowbunnies twerking on tiktok
>my jaw musta been haaanging, cos he’s all like “what, white men can’t compete”
>anyway, janny shows up, the 15 minute warnings had finally come
>I’m just about to post that first David Mitchell laughing face, when mikey says “where’s Candice?”
>that’s when we hear
>“she’s mentally unwell, this feels wrong”
>she’s sat posting nudes in Sverigetråden getting mugged off for having a hairy growler

BUT… janny doesn’t like us reposting it
replying 'no shot' and 'gas' to everything my friends send me
Thinking about the time I got absolutely shit faced on a night out in Coventry and met some gay lad walking home and he ended up sucking my cock under the stairs that goes over the ring road on hill street. Just came in his mouth and walked off. Never seen him before or after. I’m also not gay either so it was very weird.
Haitian clap meat that
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>>>/vt/ *
So you can see them
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locked up for sitting on bread
promgulating a poo
That lads name? Albert Einstein
Weren't you horrified when you sobered up?
i don't know mate, sounds a bit gay
erm..................................... no
roared at this post
What a fucking loser retard
punishment fits the crime
cant fucking believe that
and yet i do
life been getting me down again
No not really. Didn’t kiss him or suck his cock or anything so I don’t think it counts
Just looked up my old planetside 2 outfit

Wonder what those mfers are up to these days
youre mentally ill if you actually think that was sn
like utterly mindbroken to the point of schizophrenia
white lad was prob chatting shit and in the guilty party's mind he'd already lost/had it coming in a karmic sense
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>I’m also not gay
I don't hide stubs!
He hasn't posted here for months.
Do male and female mouths feel the same?
Gay men give the best blowies desu
Mental how badly I mindraped him
the car's on fire
and there's no driver at the wheel
nuclear meltdown incoming
Wonder how they met
not gay myself either but happened to have brought another lads cock to erection before
bet diego is going to be UH MAZE ING tomorrow
toby boutta bust
Rattled as fuck spaintwat
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haha found it
Looks like a case of bullying to me
not the same cat
you lads got anything interesting planned for the rest of the night then?
bbl drizzy
lads i need some advise for me, an autist
would i get laughed at if i took a pic of keir starmer and gave it to my barber?
i have a very similar face to him (statesmanlike, quietly competent) and i think it would really suit me
considering dyeing my hair grey as well but I'd at least want the cut first
aunt fanny
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I've got a few hot ones I could make into webms but I'm saving aosora art right now x
just watched my mum give the dog a Magnum (ice cream)
he's fucking obese
do any of you have working class credentials?
thats quite a detailed memory for someone who was shit-faced
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thinking about heading to bed right now actually

there's nothing for me in being awake. Hope I die in my sleep tonight also
Just ask for a number 2 all over xx
with my hand and repeated motions
he's got the most bland haircut going just ask for a 4 on the back and sides, leave it longer on top with a side parting
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yes, just ask for a men's classic or if you really want get a different photo of a men's classic trim
i hold the fork in my right hand
cut a bit of wood before
Sir Hair Styler
Try a bum wank
I'm an alcoholic and swear a lot
Not really that detailed. Got drunk, walked home, met gay lad, got a blowjob under some stairs.
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imagine the last thing you see on this planet is Ben Shepherd pretending to give a shit
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want to throttle her for it but won't so I just impotently blog here instead haha x
Did you enjoy it?
need diego's input on this
currently selling my labour
oh my
hey that's unfair he does care slightly when it's a fit bird in the final and he gets to hug her if she gets the jackpot counter over
yeh not that detailed except all the details you purposely left out as if i didnt just read your post about it.
Asked my local Kurdish barber if I could show him a picture of the hairstyle I wanted and he was fine with it.
Changed his mind once I pulled up a picture of Sadam Hussein.
something so comfy about when the tide is out and boats are all sat around like that
he's smelly, homeless, and belligerent to all who speak to him. his name? nope, his name isn't rorke. his name is Diogenes, famed greek philosopher
wonder how many (if any) /brit/ posters have died mid-thread

having a heart attack with /brit/ open, falling down the stairs, etc
same. the way i see its the natural way. when you're young and mum cuts your food for you you only need a fork so it goes in main hand which is right if you're right handed. and even when you're older you some time dont need a knife so the fork can still be held in the main hand. . the knife is supplementary . why people think it's natural to switch what is natural for a supplementary instrument strikes me as completely retarded. it's also not hard to slice with your left
*gives you a hug*
Everything will be ok anon :)
surely one
lads does jelqing work??
What details
curious how the last section of elden ring is basically a bosh rush
Lunch break at the runt warehouse. Hate my life.
fixing to have a poo on a bit of ice
and i only use a knife if necessary, and if it is i'll cut everthing up before eating anyting, that way i dont have to cut mid eating
really ought to get to the gym at some point
i dont actually hold the fork in my right hand. i was just posting something typically working class and uncouth.
Love making AI slop images
All the trannycase mongs are in tonight
>sorry anon but I uhhh, ummm, like pussy now
>au revoir!!! xoxoxoxo
definitely has happened in the history of the website, maybe not /brit/
Using a knife to cut up my poo
drive faster uncle
same mate, godspeed
my runway mogs your runway
the fork you use to stab the working class in the back, you parasitic tarquin?
almost forgot to put my rubbish in the neighbours bin
kys lefty scum

right handed fork autist supremacy
Hearing a lot of planes.
canslad is 64, so probably soon
diego at 40, that'll come up
tipping point in the worst daytime game show
good post
wtf thats illegal
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I can't find it, it was an italian worldie scrapping ffs I can't believe I didn't save the mp4
Yeah it was under the stairs that lead up to the pedestrian path over the ring round. Was more information for anybody from Coventry than an imaginary detail. I lived outside the ring road so anytime you want to go into Coventry city centre you have to go over it. Been over it a few hundred times when I lived there. Most people can find their way home even when they are shit faced if it’s a route they always take
was watching a video about the 7/7 attacks

turns out most of the bombers were from bloody Leeds
dont think it is mate, bin on the street is fair game isnt it?
bet you also say serviette instead of napkin.
Yes, you will be laughed at
Why not mate?
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need a bunch of girls on my tipping point
you weren't shit-faced if you remember all that. i think you're just making up excuses for being a latent queer.
is it illegal to walk pass through a different residential street from your own and pick up some of those recycling bags the bin men leave for the residents and take them home for your own house?
Rorke speechless
seeing some off-topic/spamming/flooding posts
>some of those recycling bags the bin men leave for the residents
im not GAY
im literally monk from that monk show
What does this mean?
Lovely :)
been proper horny this week never normally get even a twitch
Why are you so mad
mental how sexualised gay men are
literally cannot think about anything else apart from shagging other men (often in a group setting) and preying on straight lads
the problem is
im poor and stupid
end of
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Fancy being sucked off down Coventry? (not gay)
seeing your sister later
if theres excess i wouldnt worry too much about it mate, but if there isnt, wouldnt touch em me, just be causing problems at that point yeah
Heterosexual men famously never think or talk about sex
tis me
Yeah okay then you’re right. Maybe one day I’ll become a proper hard man and not remember a single thing at all whenever I go on a night out
men are horny
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shove it rorke
Born to look at maps. Forced to toil.
maybe one day you'll stop being a poofter but thats unlikely
Why is it that only opiates make me feel good? As far as I know i'm an Anglo-Saxon, i'm an Englishman. I dont know of any Scottish ancestry let alone Indian or Chinese or wherever the opium poppy originates. Alcohol should be my drug of choice but i'm really not fond of booze. I used to like weed but my liking for it wore off and it ended up being unpleasant. Loved magic mushrooms and LSD but had some bad trips. Bad comedowns from MDMA. I've tried cocaine, meth, speed, benzos, and can see why others like them but personally I have no fondness for them. All the white man drugs don't do it for me. Even coffee, I can take it or leave it. I am fond of an occasional cup of tea and I do love smoking tobacco, but I could do without them. It's opiates. Heroin, morphine, opium, even just codeine. There is no precedent, no good reason for its hold on me. I don't understand why I love opiates but I do.
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shove it rorke
Wish I did gay shit when I was young and good looking but now I'm older fatter balder and married
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im married to the game

not this one but eh it's do. one I watched had a close up of her face in high def lool
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Cant eat my boogers because i am constantly being watched. This is no way for a man to live.
mad how you can be gay and get a shag every night but if you're straight you risk being an incel
Sodomy isn't sex
look at him go
Life on earth was a mistake
corr love an outie
peng roast
what did the norwood lads do in the 60s when everyone was growing their hair out
I love that no one believed these were real when the first taxidermied specimens were brought back
dire thread
looks like she used one of them suction thingies
my prick would be rockhard while I scran that cunt for hours
the video i watched also interviewed the asia community in Leeds and they all seemed to defend the 7/7 attackers as they knew them personally
Tyrone relishing in Chad's leftovers
You are a Timmy and an extremely homosexual one at that
You have never had sex and you never will
this isnt the comments section of a pornhub video mate
if you look at old concerts and shit you see a lot of those guys whove been ravaged by norwood but just say fuck it and grow their hair long anyway
no one would stand for it these days such is the backslide in our rights in this country
im nw5 with long hair
he loves it, he says
Buried that cunt alive
Timmy Turner?
I wonder how long this meltdown will go on for
you ever actually seen one mate?
lmao please post a pic
Is the Belgium cuckold just another Spainnonce gimmick then?
Could be 2 or 3am at this rate. He's clearly rattled
nah just a black guy who hates himself
based graveyard keeper
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good webm
No... but they must be real. Why would they lie to me about them?
the best girls are mildly autistic and middle class
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Yes it is https://desuarchive.org/int/search/tripcode/7E5j5Kl3XNM/country/Be/
Well at least he's black
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nth for the baddiedem
just think its a bit of a strange coincidence that EVERY australian has APPARENTLY met some of them but NO ONE ELSE in the world has
Dave edish
The doxxocaust cannot come soon enough
>heyyy guys im drunk
>whooops haha accidentally put the wrong name on
he's done this like 10000 times why do you still fall for this obvious false flag

Wild that I used to be friends with a popular YouTuber and it's wild seeing him become popular because I used to sit in vc with him and he would cry about his dad saying YouTube was bullshit
cause he wishes he was the one sucking him off
if they were discovered in the current age people would think it's ai generated

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