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When does it stop? Edition

Previous: >>202159233
are you ready to cum again for me
Keep it away from Haitians edition.

funny how fat wants you to be depressed and gay because HES a dygenic so "the whole thread" is but also except him t the same time
reminder to him that he should kill himself. no free rides

he constantly makes demoralizing posts otherwise he cant exist (in a functioning society)
i would do this in real life as then i would go shit shower and ...shave
i know these posts arent about me but i dont care
Those fluffy chihuahuas are so goofy
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are you stroking it you better be
post the image of the married Candian guy in his bathtub
Threads hella lame rn might come back later
Don't reply to rat pedo
I had one of these little fuckers bite my leg and wouldn't let go even after I lifted it off the ground when visiting my first gf's house at around 15yo

I will never forget. They fear nothing
no sorry
fat doesnt have a problem with it
dont acknowledge fat
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my honest reaction to women talking
wallahi it's hopeless
why are you still having a toby tantrum
>mfw I nut but she keeps suckig
funny how fat wants you to be depressed and gay because HES a dygenic so "the whole thread" is but also except him t the same time
reminder to him that he should kill himself. no free rides

he constantly makes demoralizing posts otherwise he cant exist (in a functioning society)
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this one is at my local
where did the meme about haitians eating cats come from? here it's just that their women always have their breasts out and the guys beg for money on the street.
Meme? It's not a meme, but something that people in Ohio are trying to report to the police, but the police keep ignoring.
you are a meth addict welfare schizo nigger that wants to get cucked by a pig (the animal) you are the picture of dysgenia you have no right to level that word against anyone
came from people posting on facebook about their neighbors
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>this one is at my local
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this is from when i went skiing back in 2019
post the cute Candian guy in his bathtub
Looks like from when you were sitting.
crazy to think that my job individually creates $160 000 for the economy in 12 months of work and I get paid $20 000 for it. I literally contribute as much to the economy than STEM graduates and they get paid at least 3× more than me! and I don't get benefits because of some technicalities lol
How does it do that
somebody here told me to do it, luckily nobody there saw me
i'm one of the guys standing outside. you can see me through the window
pizza numero tros in the oven
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Is it really true that Americans in Springfield Ohio eat dogs and cats ? Why would you do that ?
I did over $8,000 per sales a day at my desk, but got paid $600 per week
this is based off the statistics at my company it's related to how much money it brings in in comparison to the workers. I work at the single most important business in my town
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las vegas. pretty cool
they're not americans. they're nigger migrants
bathtub Canadaaa is the type of guy you talk to on the street to flirt with and not even be successful but go to bed instead and go home think about him asleep
meds toby
Surely a large portion of that goes to overhead
i wish i had to take meds in an insane asylum and he was my doctor
i wish he was in an insane asylum in a bed i can cuddle him in and brush his hair................
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need a curry bunny to share with the boys
post the Canadian in his bathtub because he is very silly
w______ d______
d___ t___ n____ s____
So go to the bank, take out a loan, open a competing business, buy all the equipment, find customers. Stop being a commie, and put your money where your mouth is.
Business owners, take all the risks, and you take none. They have bills to pay, inventory to buy, workers to pay, investments to save for, etc.
If the business fails, you get to cut and run. The Owner doesn't.
i hope that Candian isnt actually here
indian girls are ugly, and they have all the personal shortfalls of white girls (annoying, stupid, vain, self-absorbed); but they also have their stupid, backwards caste religion
Marxists really are moronic
except business "owners" don't exist anymore.
they are corporate blobs, and corporate execs don't take any personal risks and have no personal liabilities
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back from a three dayer
no that's the statistic of how much worth I bring into the economy after costs of training, wages and workplace costs (replacing tools etc)
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Cut off the woman I was banging because she started yelling at me and is on antidepressants. Shan't be being verbally abused without the high sex drive to go with it.
They also are adopting western feminism, so things like their divorce rate is going up. Soon enough India will be even worse, in all aspects.
They have no family values.
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me and cat
>me and cat
cute cat. you have a lot of work to do
your cat looks like the cat who got killed by the robot cat little box with aotomatic cleaning
>back from a three dayer
para qué
Then it should be simple to create a competing product, and claim a significant portion of the market, if leafanon is so sure that's he's the best in his town. He'd be able to do it for a fraction of the cost, due to not having corpo costs.
mi gato
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>Ray's in rehab now isn't he?
What do you do?
mexicans don't eat cats
yeah I would have to relocate for that. it is the central business in town for a reason there's only one location of that resource here and they own it all. there can't be a competing business in other words
do you know any of the legal restrictions on starting a business?
for posting one of those visual illusions that look like something nsfw at first glance but are actually something sfw
my farts smell like a rotting corpse
you know what really burns me up?
this guy seems to hate women
Tik Tock account it was basically one guy going into these pseudo intellectual takes trying to break break down why
women are the way they are implying that they're stupid and built differently making them inferior to men saying
things like they can't get close to God like men can and that they can't be
trusted just horrible [ __ ] he'd also imply that they only care about big dick

why is breaking down womens behaviour a bad thing (this is a transcript from a video channel owned by a man)
mobile game ads!
But you're the #1 employee, so that shouldn't be a problem for you. You should be able to corner the market.
Unless, you're just trying to bitch, and want free stuff, without realizing what it takes to run a business.
Nice try Satan, it's not that difficult. Sorry about burgerville being a shithole.
( > he also got banned for it, luckily)
love how my roommate takes an hour to prepare his dinner every day and it's just fucking fries, hashbrowns or toast
for fucks sake how does this even happen
roommates be like; what are you cooking?
cannot imagine having to live with roomies
i'm old and busted, it's actually over
who let bro cook
are the physical manifestation of sensory perception and in the same sense
that when your senses are overloaded in any particular way whether they're
overloaded with pleasure or overloaded with pain if your senses keep receiving
that same stimulus over and over you are not going to have as strong of a reaction to that same stimulus none of
that meant anything everything he said there had actual no meaning behind it it's just a lot of [ __ ] nothing you


yes it did
this is the "science" crowd (at least the anti-science crowd got banned "thankfully")
>they can't get close to God like men
Pretty sure that's true, and modern Christianity is a bunch of feminist cucks who let women talk in church, when there's rules against it. A woman's relationship with God is supposed to be through her husband.
you're suggesting that I take over a company whose headquarters is on the other side of the country and owns dozens of locations?
No, I'm saying that you create your own. I said that. If you're so good, you leaving should do considerable damage to where you currently work. Giving you the edge in the market.
if you are disproven by me then your intelligence is that of a high-schooler
i am going into my "debate" phase. i wish i had paid attention
yeah the Christians are fucked
not my problem
/cum/ is disgraceful lately
he is talking about womens eggs and "time" and in a previous video he used "post-menopausal" as an insult
Guys, I'm going to NYC in a couple months, is there anything I should know ahead of time? I'll be in the Times Square area most of the time. Is getting around super hard? It seems like ubers/taxis will murder me with their costs just getting to and from La Guardia airport. The biggest city I've been in is Chicago if that compares. I'm a country bumpkin so I'm nervous
it would be a loss for them but this is a corporation that will just take care of its locations until a replacement is found. and these days they can import a replacement from across the globe.
^ crying
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Because we use airplanes for long distance instead of high speed rail. We still have rail but it’s slowed way the fuck down by cargo trains.
I think one of the most recent attempts of building rail infrastructure was in California and it failed because it stopped in retarded places like Bakersfield. It’s probably going to take a charitable gazillionaire if any high speed rail will get built
kill youself
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>Business owners, take all the risks, and you take none. They have bills to pay, inventory to buy, workers to pay, investments to save for, etc.
If the business fails, you get to cut and run. The Owner doesn't.
So you're not really #1 employee, you're not actually looking to do anything to improve your life, you just want to bitch online that it's not fair that other people had to take the finical risks and get to receive the benefits from it.
Please learn the basics of economics and businesses, before complaining again.
The worst part of living post-2022 world is that I have tasted the life in pre-2022 world, where there were not that many restrictions for common folk. Borders were a mere bureacratic inconvenience, there was a lot less hatred between nations. Now I have to settle for less by the day and think it's a good thing.
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Going to NYC made me forgive some things about Seattle, so that should give you an idea of how much it sucks. Have fun!
What did my mom mean by this?
I remember when I saw my first homicide when I was 7 years old, life has always been shitty.
two men on the internet talk about women
i know i am only watching one, but SKIP
That's all true though. Random employees take no risk, which is why they receive no benefit. They trade their labour for wages. Leafanon agreed to that wage, and if he's as good as he claims, then he should be able to get a raise.
Sounds like she replaced her brain with a buzzfeed article, I'm sorry for your loss
i hope they ship your ass off i hope you come back in a body bag
It’s pretty walkable. You could also probably take a train/subway into/around nyc for less
post her tits
The way you said that implies you have seen more than one. Sicily?
is seattle bikeable? i bike everywhere in knoxville b/c i live downtown, but otherwise it's not a very bike friendly city
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The dinner
i'll air that bitch out i'll show up strapped the second i hear "cuck ytboi" i'll send your fat ass home to allah you fucking cunt
I'm Mexican, this place is cursed
>his mom is chat gpt on /pol/
Sometimes my mom’s old people friend will send me shit like that on facebook.
Sounds pretty gross then.
All the maps I've looked at make it seem very walkable, so good to confirm. The gridlike organization makes total sense. A subway might be cool since I've never ridden that, but all the random footage of NY subways make it seem like a lawless land.
At least put some pepper on those taters.
post bathtub leaf
Sounds about correct. Your mother's not great at keeping focused, but that all seems true.
Dems used to be the party for the working/middle class, supporting free speech, etc. Now they're in the stereotypical role of what the Reps used to have. Anti-free speech, all about the corpos.
Reps are for the working/middle class, for free speech.
What she missed is that both parties are still full of war hawks, so none of what she texted you matters, because the MIC is still going to rule your country.
Give it a rest, will ya?
Daddddyyyyyyy!!!! Mommmmyyyyy!!! UNMAKE MEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!
just post it
At least mix 26 oz of alcohol.
if you're gonna stay in one area you can walk.
and let's see how your business is coming along. shall we?
My bad, posting from phone. It's that bad? I thought they kill only those who try to oppose them. Just stay silent and you're safe, no? It's like going to the forest and complaining about getting mauled by a bear.
>Just stay silent and you're safe, no?
nope is simply luck
kill zogbots
I'm not the one complaining about this though. I'm quite happy trading my labour for wages. All I did was point out the most basic facts of running your own business.
UGLY FAT zogcunt
Soldado dodoria...
Trying weed tincture for the first time
Just drank 25mg of it out of a soda nd I don't feel shit
Stay safe, bro, fortis fortuna adiuvat
How long does America have left? Wtf is project 2025?
post the cute Canadian in bathtub picture
Some power fantasy larp dreamed up by chuds to make mr T a Hitler lite
>Project 2025
Evangelical and big business fever dream. Probably won't happen.
thank you, you too
>Bike friendly
Fuck the carfags and gayass infrastructure. Ain't no goddamn bike lane is gonna stop me from riding on asphalt. I got payout of $50k I'm selling on with my lawyer because carniggers couldn't stay out of my way. I'm itching for more money so I dare one of them carniggers to get in my way again. Bikechads just can't stop winning
post that .webm of pale iranian femboy in American school that went around a unch of times a few months ago
Praying you get flattened by a bus.
Sounds super cringe. Especially now after the Kamala debate. lol
You definitely can and I see people doing it, I dunno how much fun you'd have with it though. Some places would just suck to navigate or exhaust you.
What part of Ukraine do you live in Ukrbro? Are you safe?
That's not dodoria you silly goon
I don't want the stress of running my own business. But you seem to think that you're deserving of more. So do it, commie.
fucking nigger roommate toasts bread and toasts hashbrowns in the toaster oven for an hour and literally makes it into a sandwich with just hashbrown patty in it. holy fuck if you are going to take this long to prepare food at least not be a fucking hashbrown sandwich. I hate stoners
post a YouTuber or streamer femboy that sounds like a femboy but had braces on prior and has that list people with retainers in have
but I thought it was super simple to start and run a business so why aren't you doing it
do you have a bathtub and havent talked to me before?
Keep coping, chud
People at work won't stop talking about war, family at home won't stop watching news about war.
I just want to be happy, but I'm forced to absorb all of it
>How long does America have left?
Depends on if BRICS can actually last. Based on how shaky it is right now, it's a con flip. Also if USA can shift from being a petro dollar to a crypto dollar, if BRICS stabilizes.
>Wtf is project 2025?
A 900 page fanfiction created by a lobbyist group that Trump isn't interested in listening to, but the Dems are trying to use to scare the uniformed.
you could just take your eyes off the goylevision
bro all i work with are military people and all they talk about is the military
Does BurdsAREReal lurk on this general
At least Ukraine fucked up Russia enough that Putin is welcoming a ton Africans and arabs into Russia. So Russia is fucked.
study for today (i will go look at other things afterwards) is: salt, and the solubility in blood, dependant on pressure/speed/even maybe osmosis
It is super simple. I'm not the one who's claiming to be #1 though. I'm quite happy with working a 9-5 type job. Are we done trying to flip this around on me? Because I'm pretty sure you're just fishing for (You)s at this point.
I don't think I'm going to reply again, seeing as you're not actually going to do anything but complain online. Thanks in advance for the next (You) that you will give me.
you always sexually harass me. but it isn't sincere because if i return the attention you jump ship immediately and say you weren't serious
Yeah he does but he won't reply.
oh, so he IS being ironic, and hes just taken the thing about girls and is doing this for his girlfriend and pretending
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I was fired
if it's super simple why don't you do it?
so true bestie!
Didn’t happen/deserved it
no, but i dont love you anymore (if youre that person where i said that if i hadnt met you before)
im gay and a virgin. but ive had enough with you. take your fucking meds
Mental how you lads have 5 time zones
no your not
maybe youre gay. and you arent a psychologist you cant tell me to take my meds. you dont know
you never loved me
I hope the next vehicle that hits you, is a hit'n'run, where there's no recording, and you die from your injuries after months of suffering.
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can't remember the last time i was genuinly happy
maybe if youre married i didnt
Uh excuse me, this general is called /cum/ not /cumb/.

British posters are not allowed. Crawl back to /brit/ you disgusting vermin. Nobody wants you here.
actually i have a bachelors degree in psychology. take. your. meds.
Based Canada having 6. Glory to Newfoundland & Labrador Chads.
thats hot
you don't hope for that.
no. im going to keep getting sanctioned and then i guess ill just kill myself. ill just go kill myself because they sanctioned me anyway and i have no money and thats the governments fault
Yes I do. Bikefags are insufferable.
that post was satire
This general is in dire straits
fuck off and stop being nice to my face
it's frankly over
Same. I just don't watch the news.
Lmao you should spend less time on 4chan, /k/ especially
gay virgins dont exist

Republicans will stop at nothing to destroy our world. This is your last chance to donate to the Kamala Harris campaign and save America
Come on guys, download 4chanx and filter them.

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Had a dream that I was younger and playing a crane game at an arcade and then some cute goth girl came over and called my pp small and forced me to show it to her and then she started laughing and calling me little boy and then I woke up and I had came in my pants while sleeping
Dawg he said that shit like two weeks ago. You can Google it.
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who do you tell your problems and worries to? i don't have anyone to tell them to, so i don't tell anyone.
>anons having wet dreams
One of the rare times where an anon needs to be told to jerk off more often.
post the Canadian with nice hair in the bathtub pic
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i just decide to not have problems and never worry. ezpz.
>cue the supercut tiktok of all the guys saying that they have no one to talk to about their problems.
Do not reply or engage with mousenonce
just post it
Just don’t.
I have and if I tell my friends or family they call me gay so I better start drinking as is the tradition in mexico.
because it destroys the whole fucking general as seen above and the last thread
>I have
fuck I meant I don't have that thing
Yes tiktok. It's probably on ig reels and yt shorts, but I used tiktok.
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No he didn't. He did invite Westerners who didn't agree with neoliberal politics though. So you're welcome to come here or at least visit
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bathtub Canadaaa
He will do it without attention
He's been doing it literally for years
Oh, it's a video of a girl asking who guys turn to when they need help with their emotional problems. Then it's a bunch of cut together responses, where they're all saying that they don't have anyone, no one would care, etc.
It's to contrast how girls have a support network for their problems, but guys just need to deal with it, and man up.
lol all he does is complain and his only engagement are his friends
get in the trenches meatsack
Connotations of a certain Lithuanian.
didnt ask. fuck off
You have no friends
>It's to contrast how girls have a support network for their problems, but guys just need to deal with it, and man up.
yes, and that explains the widespread alcholism and suicide.
How has he not been rangebanned yet
The problem is he brings the whole /Brit/ ilk with him, which are some of the worst posters on this site
Rangeban Scotland is what I’m getting at here he’s a chronic ban evader
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Pretty sure he’s been range banned many a time.
Has the filthy ilk to get around it
Partially. It's also due to people's economic struggles. More people kill themselves when there's a recession/depression, than when economic times are better.
post the bathtub Canadian
>in the right lane going 10 over in city streets
>Nobody in left lane
>Honda prelude tailgates me extremely hard
>Brake check him
>He dives to the left lane
>Comes back behind me and just keeps his distance
What the fuck? Pass me, retard. What did he mean by that?
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He specifically mentioned black people
thats so based
post the pic
>POV: You're a Canadian college professor
the russians are using indians as cannon fodder?
i dont love him
should i convert to catholicism
can you believe this Special Denazification Operation is almost 3 years old?
Nah pal you can fuck right off
>POV (you are me): Canadaaprofeessor standing infront of me with a bulge OwO
No. Become Russian Orthodox
^o^ <-- POV you are the Canadian psychologist/professor again
Go away mousenonce
How do they recruit Indians and Africans to die in Ukraine?

(i want to point out that this constant demoralization fro me and everyone else - and him liking the people only if they are buck-broken - is all from the same person, who should kill himself - is against the law)
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I think they only place ads for homes if they survive (they won't).
they're retarded and easily manipulated
>On 27 March 2024, World Russian People's Council led by Kirill, published a declaration in support of Russia's war in Ukraine. It characterized the conflict as a "Holy War", stating: “from a spiritual and moral point of view, the special military operation is a Holy War, in which Russia and its people, are defending the single spiritual space of Holy Russia.” The goal of military operation was claimed to be: "protecting the world from the onslaught of globalism and the victory of the West, which has fallen into Satanism." The document stated that the entire territory of Ukraine should become "zone of Russia’s exclusive influence".[4][147][148]
yes Jesus would be proud
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pausing the thread when he talks or someone else talks to him to copy-paste it - is not bad for the thread or spam/flooding. he isnt the reason the thread is bad. its just the people that he doesnt like (all of them) who justify his existience - otherwise, he wouldnt be needed. but he wouldnt leave

enjoy your only post to you now and put it to the mods for me as cost
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reckon i'd rather die in poorope than live in india
I can;t remember the name of the branch, but the French military ha a super strict branh of their military. if foreigners join and survive, they get citizenship.
Just do that with the jeets and Africans. They won't survive, and just deport the ones that are in the military when the war ends.
Bet he would
yeah it's some sort of legion of foreigners I forget the name
..the foreign legion?
many people still imagine that russia is like the ccp and more in the third world so they don't know that it is just a poor country using the armaments left by the soviet union.
jeet niggas think they're getting a moscow house when in reality they get a shack with no water or heat in the middle of siberia
that can't be it
post the Canadian bathtub image
What's the Canadian bathtub image?
Russia doesn't have a foreign legion like the French. Al Jazeera put out a bunch of videos on poos fighting in Ukraine, most of them claim they were tricked and moved to Russia thinking they were getting security jobs.
Do they do this though? Promise them homes etc?
Doesn't answer my question
It really seems like their lives must've been total shit and reading the news from places like India and Nigeria reinforces that belief
they dont post the image so that i dont stop talking, to justify their existence
without me they get none
Don't have a meltdown when this pic gets deleted, because you know you aren't allowed to post it.
Nobody gets "tricked" into service. A lot of people just sign up because the pay is good. It's not really rocket science.
Just go watch gay porn you stupid faggot fuck off no one knows what schizo shit you're talking about
i said last post to you so
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>pay is good
I doubt that
You own citizens are getting tricked into service literally being told their fighting against Nazis with biological weapons.
what about entire families that sign up? even the women signing up for service. so fucking weird
do you have a degree in psychology?
>Do they do this though? Promise them homes etc?
I don't know about the homes part, but France does give them citizenship upon completion of their service.
>t really seems like their lives must've been total shit and reading the news from places like India and Nigeria reinforces that belief
Considering they're willing to believe scammer's lies about being an international student in Canada to PR pipeline(that doesn't exist). jeets are retarded.
Don't think that's a thing
Dude I heard you're paid $2000 USD a month wtf
Why does that retard keep posting pictures of that OF whore? Buy a fucking ad.
>Nazis with biological weapons
these things are true, but they are used as a false pretense for the conflict
>scammer's lies about being an international student in Canada to PR pipeline
the what?
i hope she gets a husbant soon because eehhhhhhhhhh
I'm voting for mala, hope you enjoy the USA funded drone strikes from Ukraine vlad LOL
Fair enough, I guess I just have a higher opinion of Indians cuz all the ones I know have PhDs and MDs
man shut your stupid ass up
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I have more evidence of Putin fucking a Quran and jizzing all over it than biolab mosquitos carrying nazi pathogens that affect only Russian genealogy.
What do you even gain by posting this trash, cuck? Go fight in the frontlines if you believe in it so much
Indians think they can come study here and become permanent residents easily when it's not true and they're just sent through the diploma mills so Trudeau's buddies can make money off their outrageous tuition payments
i dont love him
ok, schizo
I see, that's why there are so many Indians in Canada.
The international student program in Canadian universities has a stipulation in it, that you return to where you came from, after graduation, and that there's no way to graduate and stay in Canada. Some jeets in Indian scammed some other jeets, making them think that there was a method of using the international student program to gain Permanent Residency.
Needless to say, the jeets graduated, and are being told that they have to go back, and are (pointlessly) protesting that they should be allowed to stay, because while they were in university, they worked at Tim Hortons and now feel entitled to Canada.
nigga that's like 6 figures in russia
Almost 10k now, at least for locals
That's insane money that goes along way here with the low costs of living, let alone somewhere in India or africa
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its partially that, and partially the "temporary" foreign "worker" program where companies are allowed to take in jeets and offer them below minimum wage to do a shite job
is this Tredeau with an old filter
i hate broke people
>Almost 10k now
the americans paid 50k to join the army and most likely it would give you ptsd but with you guys it's die or be maimed not worth it.
Yes but like >>202167029 said they're being removed now and staging hilarious protests like a 24 hour "hunger strike"
The Tim Horton's scam of opening fake businesses, to only hire jeets. So gald they got found out, so sick of jeets.
you're telling me i get to snake falafel shit out of toilets in isreal and i get paid minimum wage?! sign me up for service bro
but why Indians?
theyre the only ones who will put up with slave labour to escape india
Are you sure that 10k isn't just a signing bonus?
Enormous population, uniquely shitty country, they speak English, we are a former British colony, and likely a lot of corruption going on behind the scenes to rinse them of their cash
pos tthe Canadian bathtub picture
canada is just the USA but cringe.
usa is just canada but cringe.
Im moving to alberta if dems win
>they speak English
Fucking barely, the entire service industry is unusable, once jeets get hired. They mostly speak jeet.
What did I even post lol? And it doesn't look like you have any arguments against it wither. You're the ones who started talking about politics for some reason. The Ukrainian diaspora in Leafland did to be specific.
>Go fight in the frontlines if you believe in it so much
Why should I? Plenty of others willing to do it for me
>the americans
They can die or be maimed in the military in some desert shithole all the same. It's clearly worth it for some
So about the same with living costs accounted for
You started off with a false premise of muh biolabs. The reality is that Ukraine has been in a brutal Civil war on its own people ever since it was coup'ed and that has to be stopped. And NATOs encroachment into Eastern Europe is a strategic threat to Russia that has to be stopped somewhere. Having Ukraine in it (which they did want undeniably) would be a far larger threat than Finland or Sweden or Estonia for various reasons. It's a shame the US has to destabilize Europe for its own gain but it is what it is.
Anyway I didn't come here to talk politics. Let's change the subject
>Moving somewhere more left than half the US
You may have brain damage.
canada will be right wing with based pierre polivere in 2025.
I hope you like jeets and africans rioting over their home countries' lack of freedom. Also Alberta is as rich as the poorest American states, so enjoy your quality of life drop. And the premier of Alberta wants to further expand their population, when it's beyond what they can handle as it is. Alberta's going to get even more expensive, really soon.
this shit is going to get even worse under him lol
No it's not. Bernier can't even win a seat.

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