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bad habit edition

im moving to nova scotia or alberta if dems win, based pierre polyvere will make canada better than us
Sure but ostensibly they speak it as it is their country's official language
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fucking hell
don't go to Pidorsberg tomorrow
>bad habit
instead of smoking I chew gum or smoke from time to time.
Hmm I wonder if I got this, too.
how many more jeets can Canada realistically take in
i had indian food and ice coffee
i've been brappling foul ones all day long
Well, they should speak English or French(preferably English) while at work, and then go back to the jeet country.
Negative one million
Our infrastructure is completely fucked
do any yanks here live in a death penalty state?
yes, why
statiscally probable
I used to live in Indiana. Massive shithole full of losers.
Haha! Nice!
Canada is several million people overfull already. But that's not going to stop the Liberals from bringing more in anyways. 500k people/year, even though it should be -500k/year.
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anyone planning a trip or anything? i'm saving money to go away for a month to a specific country and hang around outside the house of the person who stopped talking to me, don't stop sending letters to your penpal or they will go to the address on the letters.
are you ok with that
made the thread now im going to take a long nap
kids wear you out like nothing else
post the Canadian in the bath
i dont support it but i dont care enough to get mad at it
Reminder that the cons are going to accelerate this
Very kino city. Should finally get some buds together and organize a weekend trip
Have a Brazilian friend that just left leafland because he didn't feel like investing 1 million just to have an investor visa or whatever theyre called. How are the Indians even getting in?
Next time you abandon us, map it a MapChad thread.
gonna go out tomorrow and find a relationship
skip,skip, skip to my lou
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I never lie, I always tell the truth on the internet, in real life I lie like I breathe.
not really, the government arrests too many innocent people

imagine being accused of something you didn't do and knowing you'll be executed for it
is eating cats now normal in your country?
already debunked
realistically speaking, how many people do you think this happens to?
anyone who has a moral problem with eating cats/dogs is retarded
copilot is working again now ^.^
most people executed are brutally vicious murderers and rapists, you bleeding heart loser
>hatians vote republican
>hatians are usually anti-lgbt, conservative, christian
>spread this
Massive self own.
>debunking a banal fact
let me guess. the sun setting in the west was also debunked?
PP buckbroke him
He's going to win a landslide victory
I will be spoiling my ballot
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Uma delicia
why is life in prison not good enough?
Now you're going to be up all night because you napped
ging to listen to: Tally Hall - turn the lights off
Cats protect our crops from mice, preventing harvested crop loss.
Dogs help us hunt, protect our property, and entertain us.
They both provide emotional buffs to humans.
Cats and dogs are objectively good for humans, and deserve our protection. Eating them would be counter-productive to our flourishing.
>Leftist Cope Method
>Step 1: It's not happening.
>Step 2: It's happening, but why do you care?
>Step 3: It's happening, and it's a good thing
You are at Step 2.
Let's break this buck
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not reading
so much salt in my mouth that im drooling every night and chewing plastic or drinking more when thats done is a bit tangy
Orange man will lose because everyone thinks you're freaks for talking about this gibberish
we explained that in the previous thread
They aren't coming in with a visa that lets them stay
They are allowed in so they can pay $30k+ per year in tuition to scam "colleges" to get "diplomas" in bullshit like business administration then are legally obligated to go back
The Trudeau government was warned that the literally millions of students they let in were not studying any skills we needed for our labour force and they ignored all their own commissions' reports until it was leaked to the public and now they're trying to reverse course and save face before the conservatives decimate them in a federal election
i broke your stupid crap moron
don't the cons want to bring in millions of jeets too
no you didnt
punishment for crimes is a form of retribution.
life in prison might not satisfy the emotional needs of the victims, or those emotionally close to the victims, or the moral sensibilities of the public.
prison is also expensive. if there is no hope to rehabilitate a person (life without parole) what sense is there in keeping the person around?
Your TDS is flaring up. Among the undecided, Trump won the debate. Which is why there's rumours that the Coconut Tree is asking for a second debate.
He can just build another mini sentry in like 2 seconds, what's the point.
its 1c ...
You're not gonna talk about this topic for another 4 years once he loses lol. And you'll never be American.
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>business administration
I studied that and mechanics
Yes and I said that here >>202167370
No, Poilievre has finally started openly talking about the fact that immigration numbers will have to be dropped a lot, to allow the supply of housing/jobs/medical services catch up.
oh, and i'm trans btw. not sure why that matters, but i'm sure you could tell anyway
death penalty costs more than life in prison for 50 years
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i'm gonna sweep
how is that possible?
picking my nose
Reddits front page is so retarded that it makes cum look like operation paperclip
There won't be any pets left in 4 years. It would be a moot point. I don't want to live in burgerland. I want to help fix Canada.
just wiped my sweaty balls
Moldy ass nigga
The appeal process apparently costs more than just leaving people in jail. People appeal less when they're trapped in jail, from when the state is going to merc them.
Both candidates are satanic pedophiles anyways.
he's a populist conman he will say whatever the flavour of the week thing is to strengthen his position then once in power will do the same thing as Trudeau
prison a day is about $4 per inmate, which ends up at 70k or so in 50 years

death penalty requires tons of seperate trials, paperwork, drug costs, lawyer fees, and all of that on top of the person already being in prison for a pretty long time.
Cope, PPCfag. You can't even win a seat. I'm going to love watching all the seething from the leftists, and the PPCfags.
i thought if you stayed in jail for a white (if you have 50 years) and didnt appeal until the second one, then you have a better chance to get out - but maybe i saw this in prison break
Will you be voting for baal or moloch
The blood splatter edit on the wrench kill goes very hard.
drinking milk

(Note: I am not the "drinking milk" poster. I am, however, drinking milk)
I don't vote you ignoramus
Do you want to kiss me?
Irregardless, don't mind the anime figure at the bottom
kill ritualposters
Then you're an edgelord faggot, that doesn't matter at all. Congratulations on agreeing to whatever everyone else says. By not voting, you are saying "I will accept whatever you all agree to".
finally the video is over
it autoplayed another but ic losed it
I hope you enjoy your glass of whole milk, drinking milk anon. You can't trick me.
>In FY 2019, for example, the estimated average daily cost to house a prisoner in a TDOC facility is $76.83 (ranging from $54.77 to $170.64 per day depending on the facility). (7) That is almost twice the standard max per diem of $39.00.

i think i'll stop talking to you.
business idea: umbrella for the sun
and umbrella for the moon
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1120 calories and 80 grams of protein down the gullet
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testing out a new posting gimmick?
lol enjoy your cargo cult rain dance ceremonies vooter
You're going to be so buff
this is the video i meant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzY1WPXLn4I
he even says hes the "mad scientist of menopause" - when really he doesnt follow much of the scientific politeness
>not 3.25%
Might as well drink water.
true. that's why no one commits crimes unless it's an election day.
since they aren't voting, they are tacitly agreeing with societal norms
do YOU want an umbrella for the sun?
lol AMericans have to have the warning for cows treated with BGH
it gets me a solid 2 (you)s most of the time
be right back
taking a shit
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No I'll just use sunscreen
you are posting at a brit using a proxy
What are you talking about, burgeranon? If you're not voting, then you're letting everyone else decide the next 4 years.
Politicians love faggots like the non-voting leafanon, because that's one less person that matters. One less group that needs to give concessions for. Non-voters are literal cucks for their future.
Some of you guys honestly just need to be slapped
idiot. fool. retard. child. imbecile.
>no argument
>just insults
I accept your concession.
I deserve a spanking
Spank this bussy
Slap this bussy
>bring up straight up bullshit propaganda stories they heard from someone
>get told it's bullshit
this might be the most brainwashed normgroid general on /int/ desu
Such a simplistic and incorrect view of voting here anyway. My riding votes liberal 95%, it is simply pointless for me to vote. Besides, none of the candidates represent my interests, so there is no one for me to vote for. I am more interested in getting rich and securing a future for my children materially than playing some make-believe game about shaping the future with my civic duty.
muh heckin sacred civic duty
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This is what my office almost every day looks like it’s almost identical

What do you do for work /cum/ites
Terrible ergonomics but it looks cool
Do you like your work?
i scoop rice into a bowl
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back from work.
Oh I forgot to say I'm a research scientist and I work from home
drinking this nasty wine i took from walmart
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Yeah I love it, but yeah the room is a bit dated there are monitors that look like they’re from the 60s, but all the buttons are meant to be far away to prevent accidental actuation

It’s funny because this isn’t where I work but it looks almost identical to our hush house
Only one beer left
No, it's a correct view on voting.
>95% Liberal
If you paid attention, you'd know that St Paul's flipped. Meaning that your riding could too, if you actually cared.
>I am more interested in getting rich and securing a future for my children materially
Then you should be more interested in voting, because the Lib/NDP/Green are going to raise your taxes, and the Conservatives are going to lower them and get rid of some of them entirely.
Seems like the choice is clear, from your own desires.
>playing some make-believe game about shaping the future with my civic duty
Cope all you want, but one side will make you better off than you are now.
do hookers usually kiss and lick your balls without you asking them to do it? seems kinda odd
post the bathtub canada
snooker and 9 ball are the only sports I watch
Jason the type of nigga to kiss the hooker on the lips
I wouldn't risk letting a hooker's mouth near me. Couldn't risk the herpes. Wrap that dick before you go near a whore.
they do, I say this from experience
Convenient how you ignored one critical point: none of the candidates in my riding can or will represent my interests so voting for them would be disingenuous.
I also don't trust the conservatives to run the country any better than the liberals because I'm not a child and have witnessed them fuck it beyond repair before.
we need more social services
get in the bath
Not Jason but I did that. I also ate her out and buried my face in her buttcheeks. She was clean, and gorgeous. I regret nothing.
like what?
get in the bath, please
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No clue how im going to escape wagie hell but it must be done
ive got an idea
>none of the candidates in my riding
I told you that the Conservatives want to lower your taxes, which you said is your only interest. Getting more money, is what you said you wanted, the Conservatives are going to help you keep more of it. Seems like you're just trying to be obtuse
>fuck it beyond repair
Unless you're a really oldfag, you weren't alive for Mulroney's unfucking the country and then make some bad choices after. Harper is the only PM that you lived through, and he was great. Reminder: Harper managed to lower GST too.
dont ask hi what it is - i heard him tell me telepathically
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I swallow the strongest alcohol I can find every time I kiss a whore and take a bath with lysol.
Your country can't afford more.
>let me tell you about your country
You're an illiterate retard and I'm going to stop replying to you.
you should use dilute hydrogen peroxide ^.^
it is so powerful
buuut i guess it would only work against um
You're retarded
I’m trying to start a mobile welding thing, but I might wageslave with a local company idk
first time a call girl does this without me asking. she even rubbed her face on my shaft and scrotum.
still wont hire her again dough.
i want to say gram positive so i will go re-read all of the gram positive/negative bacterii next c:
Suck a million dicks for $1
tesla 2026 puts. how far can the bpd retard at the helm keep the charade up?
Where the niggas who translate phrases into.italian and post it out of nowhere thinking they look super interesting and smart at?
this is where you work?? thats so... cool!
You could just work for nothing.
me but with Mexican >>202168174
saw a group of kids while i was on my incelwalk, and they were talking about being "on some snake shit". it made me realize how old i am, because i can no longer keep up with modern slang.
durrrrr the only way to get more money is... vote for lower taxes *shits pants*
>don't use my own stated goals to show how a political party is going to enable me to further achieve my goals
>i wanna be an edgelord who pretends to be above it all
I won't say anything, but once the Conservatives win, and remove the Carbon Taxes, and reduce your income tax, you'll know that I was right.
Non prendo medicine, non ho un'istruzione, piscio su tutto e sono sveglio da una settimana di fila.
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It’s loud as fuck when I’m on the floor but the doors in the control room are like a foot thick so I don’t hear shit it’s just vibrations

Also if you’re mousenonce don’t fucking read my post
its both
you could also use salt c:
and alcohol-based mouthwash (which i think Lysol is) also works to kill the whore germs. actually no it isnt both
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my thoughts and dreams are in english, I think my brain is broken.
hydrogen peroxide is so based
absolutely hate the place i live
this nigga is genuinely retarded or underage or both
forgot i still had some flaming hot cheeto left
i guess the diarrhoea will continue for a few more days
no, just you
do you have a BA in psychology
And when they don't win next election you can thank me because I did that by not casting my single vote for the MP that couldn't win.
Are you an engineer?
Why do liberals become enraged when you tell them you don't vote?
I have literally had friendships end after a liberal friend had a meltdown when I told her this at a party.
>And when they don't win
They will.
>you can thank me
Sure. If the Libs somehow win, I'll post an apology.
haha i just realized
"im mass replying to everyone except YOU" with blanket-statement anon is the "dont give it attention" approach fat does
and the other one someone did 5 minutes later
you are so childish
Nah just an aerospace electrician

Looking at NASA soon since I’m a fed
if u dont vote u dont exist
or something
>burhubububuu dont even read my post if u r mousenonce (put at the end of his post (please read it))
Leftists are in a zero-sum game. Either they get everything and everyone, or they lose their minds because of perceived injustice.
There's also the fact that most Liberals are becoming disenchanted with their party, and aren't going to vote this time. So the diehards *really* want everyone to go vote, to keep the Libtards in power.
Good luck
My friend wants to be in your position. Hes 30 and needs to train as an electrician first but he's been working in a clean room for ages.
Any advice I can give him?
Why don't you go back to /brit/ then?
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my office looks near identical to this
Well if he were American I’d say go to USAjobs and look for an apprenticeship

If Canada has something similar than do that, otherwise it’s hard to say, try an IBEW apprenticeship but that’ll be commercial or residential or something
you being petty and talking to everyone "except me" is just more adding on to you love bombing people or pretending to care, yank
and kill yourself
He might if you keep replying to him. I mean it has never worked and only make him stay for longer but this might be the one time it works. Who knows
I'm talking about liberals as in the voters that say we are obligated to participate in our current system wholeheartedly like our conservative voting friend above, not the Liberal Party of Canada.
Mousenonce you genuinely deserve to die
Liberals still deny our country is ruled by a King
kill yourself
last post to you
Trips of truth
He mentioned that already so I guess he has been thinking about it
post the canadaanon in the bath
and thank you
get in the bath
Apprenticeships are the only real way to get anywhere in the trades but I also hear Canada abuses the fuck out of tradies from my friend in Vancouver, even unions aren’t that strong (I hear)

Not sure what to say other than I love what I do but idk what prospects in canader are like
first we round up the leafs into the bath then we pour yogurt on them. simple
I didn't say you were obligated, nor did I say it was a civic duty, like you retards said I was. I said you're letting others decide your future for you.I explained that if you don't vote you're letting everyone else decide for you.
If that's what you're fine with, then that's what you're fine with. You enjoy having your future cucked by other people.
I just don't understand why you'd want to let others decide your future for you. But it's still your stupid choice. As I said, politicians love it when you don't vote.
The rest of what I was saying, was correcting the uninformed retard about the Conservative's positions on immigration and taxes, since anon was so uninformed.
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>the most beautiful and successful woman in the world is a libtard
Tracks perfectly.
Don't you love it when dyels and lardasses wear gym clothes 24/7 and always talk about gym shit but they look like peter griffin swallowed tony soprano
im being gaslighted again
spainparasite (stopped here) and is doing it there. curious
What if they're just bulking?
you first mistake was talking politics with a woman.
>cries about mousenonce every day of his life here and doesnt even make a single interesting or funny post

You genuinely arent even sentient. God, it must be bliss or agony being in your shoes. Just the lack of thoughts and pure emotional reactions to every stimulus. Sad but funny, like a zoo animal.
>most successful woman
Isn't that Oprah? Either way, still a libtard.
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Can you guess the jet??? Medium difficulty
>schizo comes from /shit/ so it's our fault
reminder we've received no just compensation for the mutty zuzu situation
Sipping a vodka soda I made
is he having a meltdown for getting banned? for coming here and starting shit and then getting banned and losing day 3, 3 days in a row? now hes doing it AGAIN? uhoh. hes going to meltdown here now...
This whole scene
e18 growler
Usually people go for the f18 first but no
After all these years jerkin it still fuckin hits
F-4 Phantom
brit literally never got rid of its spammers while we effectively banished every single one of them just by ignoring them. craterface zuzueta? gone. chemistry schizo? bye. mihai? stabbed to death by a tranny. this recent attentionwhore has been relegated to spamming in brit exclusively because we simply filter uk flags.
not a single post made by a uk flag is worth reading.

brit more like SHIT
I wish
is that why you have to post "do no respond to him" constantly?
yea no i was just wildly guessing. i got no clue 2bh
>mihai? stabbed to death by a tranny
I thought he wound up in a psych ward
sent him sprinting back to the crumbling walls of varrock
It’s Lumbridge dumb nigga
meant for >>202168651
look at how many replies he gets
reminder (if youre not him) that you dont have to put up with it. report them for what they are: spam/flooding
>brit literally never got rid of its spammers while we effectively banished every single one of them just by ignoring them. craterface zuzueta? gone. chemistry schizo? bye. mihai? stabbed to death by a tranny. this recent attentionwhore has been relegated to spamming in brit exclusively because we simply filter uk flags.
>not a single post made by a uk flag is worth reading.
>brit more like SHIT
This whole thing reeks of your subreddit tranny mindset schizophrenia.

No /brit/ never got rid of its spammers because /brit/ is infinitely more active and popular than this boring wasteland.
brit has a problem with the hive of posters living in their /r9k/ thread leaking out with the most abysmal people on the website vying for 'hegemony'.
>mihai? stabbed to death by a tranny
you have no idea how much i want this to be true
is it a trainer
>It’s Lumbridge dumb nigga
Baffling post.
brit is basically r/casualuk and most people there admit to not even using the rest of the website, just coming here for the thread. there's nothing more reddit than that.

lol nobody likes fat (the /cum/ janny)
he makes the place this way that it is

him getting his way made it this way
mihai wasn't that bad
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half of replies to fat are telling him to fuck off
half of the other half are him on a proxy sucking his own dick

you all ignored mihai

fat didnt like mihai because he was "mindbroken"
>chemistry schizo? bye
He's here right now
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What do NA chud bros think about HEINO ? He was always an mainstream whore. He is now 85 years old and released a 3 minute video on X and said that all non whites must leave Germany, all germans must vote for AfD and TND.

Is he literally our guy now ?
he's on par with most canadians
ah yes the same soyjacker who got btfo by me earlier. come here to cry?
putting a pin in this and assuming that its you who likes chemistry
> >>202168663
>all non whites
Oh and im geussing jews are magically white after 1945?
There's ALWAYS someone with this dumbass (ain't that bad guys) opinion.
You have no idea how much damage you make saying that. If you really think that way you should just shut thenfuck up.
Got gum in my chest hair and it hurts when I try to pull it out
for me it's udo jurgens, peter alexander and karel gott.
>ah yes the same soyjacker who got btfo by me earlier. come here to cry?
wahh wahh wahh
impotent tranny schizo seething lmao love to see it
My point is he wasn't being a malicious poster
hydrogen peroxide?
mousenonce mega melty continues for another day
when will it end?
Yes but if I tell you what type of trainer it’ll give it away
just install a filter and shut the fuck up
mihai was alright compared to other folks. i might have been too nasty to him.
if the schizo that spammed chemistry babble is here then it proves that we forced him to drop his gimmick by ignoring him

i also forgot to mention goshcel but hes also not that bad. only jason took it out on him
i would just like to point out that this post >>202168765 was meant to be a chidding insult to canadians, not apologetics for mihar
got you wound up like a clockwork toy, anally raped faggot.
kill yourself gp
Why do North Americucks instantly turn to anal sex?

Why do they love Anal sex?
Butt blasted, butt hurt, anal rape?/ WTF is wrong wtih you??/?

Freaks, you put dicks in bum and you get poo on them and you call me raped? You got the poo on your cock
kill yourself fat. you are negative 4 Americans
it is not a gimmick he is mentally ill
why are you so mind broke that you formulate this schizo diatribe every time I make a post?
the fact is that if fat didnt have a problem with me, my posts wouldnt be a problem (for the thread). they would magically cease to be a problem. think about that, Jimbo, as you think about all the others
In case you're wondering why housing is so expensive, every fucking builder I've talked to has said they won't build a 3 bedroom 2000sqft house for less than $1 million. They won't just rough and frame it and let me do the finishing.
So I have empty land now.
Did you guys hear? No taxes on overtime pay if the big man gets elected
all he really does all day iys complain
>Get off work
>Go to /cum/
>It's not the /cum/ I know

Can I get a quick rundown on why it's a nuclear waste dump in here right now?
Sounds like you live in a shit part of the country.
>Can I get a quick rundown
No fuck off this is our thread now NIGGA
*slaps my BBC up and down your face till you get me to stop*
you only decided to copy-paste t hat because i had something in my clipboard for next thread
all fat does is complain as you can see by this thread (history rhymes)
Your post doesn't really explain why it's expensive, just that it is.
Video games are the highest form of art.
Poetry is the lowest.
Non-/cum/ flags won't fuck off, and keep shitting the thread up.
Remember when shaq said "Kobe tell me how my ass taste"
>come home
>have entirely fucked up dreams
Why is this always the case?
>work even more
That is so grim

reminder that i talked before this happened

last time i talked before it happened and anon disregarded it that time too
Yep, its a classic /cum/ chugger consoomer soi boy libtard post. LOL video games are for nerds, go away bitch.
Its just the MINDBROKEN brit having his perpetual melty
It's over. We're free from this wretched site
Your unconscious wants you to confront something
Females are so hot. I want to cum in them.
kill yourself
/cum/chuggers love their cum chugging.
I mean it gives incentive to work more because youll be making more but it doesn't mean you have to work more. I don't know how you can spin this into a bad thing lol
two of brit's finest ruining both threads for the millionth day in a row
the thread is "so bad" right now because fat doesnt like a poster so that posters posts are a problem. repost this on an American flag? he has gaslit the thread because he is evil a nd anti-American

Grim times. Why can't they just let us be? We are the most persecuted general on this board by far.
I got a few quotes, and basically the message I got is "nobody will dig a basement of any size unless they're getting 150 grand out" and "no contractor wants to waste their time on a whole house when they could bid on a whole development". And they won't accept any project under 1 million. There's a few smaller builders, but they all say they're busy until 2027.
Lower mainland BC. I could sell the land for more than 1 million and just move up north.
Schizos are taking over
Soon the mentally sane will be the minority
literal parasite on a proxy


add this post to the list of demoralization posts too
not me but he's pretty based

probably the most interesting poster whenever i pop in to look at the state of /cum/

not sure if anyone else really comes close to the brit anon
because their histrionic personality disorders demand it.
>Lower mainland BC
As I said that's part of the shit part.
Never seen a lardass that wheezes after walking from his car to his living room ever building any muscle
The implication that lots of people are poor so they want to be working more to make more money because the economy is fucked or whatever is grim outside of partisan shit
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just had a huge argument in another thread and got that weird lightheaded feeling when you fire off a post that you know is going to grind their gears

and you feel like you got their ass, but there's still a chance they have some brilliant reply that dismantles you.

fuck man why can't i just chill out


reminder about fat demoralization
he needs to make the enviroment so to justify its existence
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post the bathtub then
Have you ever held a job? Lots of people have always worked overtime. Sometimes things need to be done outside of normal work hours. You genuinely sound like you've never held a job before which would explain why you dont like the big man
It’s an F-5N tiger
got the goon compilation going
You can filter flags with it!!
How painful is anal sex? I just want to try it once but I don't trust anyone
if I lose an argument online I do a 360 and walk away from the computer
I've worked overtime for years and now I try not to as I'm salaried.
It is a good thing that he wants to remove them, I'm just lamenting the situation in general.
360 would be a complete circle retard, you meant 180

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