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2014 Chevy Silverado 1500 edition

Previous: >>202167229
Get the thong out ya bussys, playas
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Oh, make me want to holler
The way they do my life (yeah)
Make me want to holler
The way they do my life
/cum/ flags only edition
Miss the mousenonce of old, just mindless schizo babble about his interests or whatever, need him back to his best
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wish i was that cool japanese kid in my elementary school who never conflicted with anyone
wish i was a chiller instead of a nerd emoji seething freak
protip: add boards.4chan.org##[id^=p]:has(.flag-gb) to ublock origin filters.
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It’s an F-5N tiger aggressor

Know your planes /cum/mers
just witnessed some spamming/flooding
notice how it doesnt have any old world flags in the name of the general?
the thread is bad because fat (the person telling you to filter or not reply to me) has a problem with me, so my posts are a problem
I'm sure I could get a 5/10 to marry me but I have zero (0) friends. Hell, extended family wouldn't even show up. It would be an empty wedding unless she was a latina with a big family
i wanna hurt someones feelings
Get the fuck out
this is why /cum/ will never be good

very low quality
very boring
just meh
last post to you. the thread is bad because fat (the person telling you to filter or not reply to me) has a problem with me, so my posts are a problem

and a reminder that you dont matter. i didnt leave because of you - im not back to spite you. me leaving wasnt because of you. youre wasting your worthless time for fuck all except being a terrorist and anti-American
Guys, I'm telling you, you have to download 4chanX. You can filter the British flag that way. There's probably some other way to filter but I don't know it.
It's an easy way to vastly improve the quality of this general
In elementary school everyone was a chiller

In high school all my best friends were super popular because they were the surfer/skater crowd who were in bands and we went to punk shows all the time

I was basically the squid of the group if we’re comparing it to rocket power, they got a lot of girls and I never did, but I tagged along and went skinny dipping with my crush once (she never reciprocated) (she recently died of pancreatic cancer)
Every time I try to use that, the site breaks
We HAVE to bully fat out of here.

He CANNOT be allowed to ruin this thread and bully one of the only good posters.

just filter me mong
janny only cares about politics and maybe brian spamming anuses
how would knowing my planes put me at an advantage in life?
Works fine for me. What do you mean the site "breaks"?
Are you on chrome?
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we out here
reminder that you cant filter fat
I shouldn't have to
You should take the hint and leave, you're the intruder.
By looking at the first two words I can decipher the quality of the post. I've been here for 12 years
Unnecessary bullying from certain individuals has started his villain arc and im super excited to see the result.
realistically, i know about 30 personal friends, and as many family members who would come to my wedding, but i don't want to invite anyone
pork chop just walked in and just as i suspected, hes wearing gym clothes like he came from jogging.
funny how people balloon up so bad
The janitors should do their jobs and ban the serial ban evader every time he hops on a new ip. I know they are capable of this because illegal content always gets pruned instantly.
Why do they sit on their hands? A significant online community is being ruined because of their inaction.
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>I've been here for 12 years
Going to the store, what do you guys want
six pack of steelies, or a couple 40s
He's treated better now than he was initially, his villain arc will amount to nothing more than spam

this is fat too

he needs you to be sad because thats what enviroment he needs. the friends he keeps. its what you are if you get told to not reply to someone and go "ok"
ibuprofen 500mg. preferrably a big ass bottle not the tiny ones with just 10 pills
British extermination gun
cya bozo
That's it im switching my checking account to Chase
Oooo based does this also work for flags?
If not, you can remove most of his posts with this method by filtering out a few other keywords he used
evil or trolling
enjoy being "the people fat keeps as friends" as mentioned in the post youre replying to
For me it’s navy federal
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uncrustables, nacho doritos, honey mustard, and some dino nuggies
I'm starting the Mouse Conservationist Trust on /cum/. We must nurture the rodent. Make peace. Feed it.
I'll make an image with instructions on how to easily block the british flag on several browsers later, chrome, firefox, safari etc. We will make a few OPs with that image to get everyone on board.
mousey why did you just repost the thumbnail of an image I posted last thread, quoting a post I didn't make
See above >>202169103
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you are a lucky man
based! BASED!
see >>202169103
what exactly makes you better than anyone else, you do nothing but spam and attack other posters all day?
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once you peak, its 6 feet deep

p.s. European and Asian cars are gay.
cum more like uum
I have him filtered but I want to do it just in /cum/. I have to keep deleting the filter whenever I go to /sp/ or outer /int/
All ye who don't want 4chanX: do this.
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>I'll make an image with instructions on how to easily block the british flag on several browsers later, chrome, firefox, safari etc. We will make a few OPs with that image to get everyone on board.
just matched a girl whose profile went on and on about how conservative she was. we’re five messages in and she’s asked dumping paragraphs about trannies unprovoked
Do you live in Quebec
Keep the line of code pasted somewhere where you can easily cut and reapply it when needed.
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remidner that this conversation isnt organic - its happened hundreds of times (he doesnt care if its ineffective) - its just general gaslighting

i have highlighted his demoralization posts for the thread too. he also cant be filtered - but i can - he wants to silence me, another tactic evil people use

i want to point out to everyone here and the mods seeing this post the quality and speed of the thread, and the contents of it

the thread is nothing but fat complaining because fat met with spainparasite. this quality of the thread is what he wants

how the thread is right now is how he makes it - my posts are only a problem because he has a problem with me

thank you

evil cannot justify itself it just does what fat/spainfreak does

i look forwards to reporting all of the posts you will make announcing your report of this post to fill up the thread more

the thread is going to be fine now
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i'm sorry to hear that man that sucks.

hope you find a new crush
Even as a turbochud that's a redflag. Women should be completely politically disengaged ideally, 2nd best is just vaguely liberal.
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You are a king. Here, have a silly squirrel
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sounds like a real charmer. wife material right there.
you can't post that
my posts are only a "problem" because fat (the person telling you to filter me - a nd talking to himself or his friend) - has a problem with me

definition of evil according to poet Dante
she learned this from her last boyfriend
dont respond to ratpedo
For your own mental health, please filter his flag using one of the methods described above. It's unhealthy to consume so much nonsensical schizo babble. Giving him attention keeps him here longer
mousey I posted that dude cuz he represents the good old days and Y2K nostalgia.

it's not a neckbeard or fedora image :(
It’s been 13 years since I’ve been in high school and I’m married now it’s all good
stop what you're doing and jerk off right now
You are a king. Here, have a silly mouse


most of your problems are fat causing a problem to justify his existence. otherwise he is worthless
its faster to just hit the dropdown arrow and filter by flag
but I cant seem to get the code right with /cum/ in the subject
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congrats dude
just finished having sex with my beautiful wife, Hatsune Miku.

knock it off faggot
Oh if you can filter it with 4chanx its not biggie. It's a little annoying to turn it on and off but it's worth having the general be usable, in my opinion.
Witnessed spamming/flooding
lol the other American is the yank that posts in /brit/ - but /brit/ is dead, so hes here. thats so pathetic
no questions king
cum cum cum cum cum
Chase offered me a cash bonus to switch back to them otherwise id stay with wells fargo
Had some snacks and watched a film on Wednesday. Just a little celebration :3
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Funny thing is he's ban evading right now, probably evading another 2 bans for ban evading.
oh boy, now she’s said women’s suffrage was a mistake
What's going on in this image
>yes my liege, we must throw the toby tantrum, no don't worry about those precariously balanced piss pots and nettles and lit cigarettes, it will be fine. go ahead my liege
It's not fair that schizos get dynamic ips so they can spam.
I want a dynamic ip so I can make off topic threads on /tv/
What triggered ratpedo he fucked off ilke a week ago?
why is fat shitting up the thread again?

leave mousey alone!

he hasnt posted in like 10 minutes bro, give it a rest or fuck off
post the Candaaaaaa in the bathtub the Canada
Idiots gave him attention.
RuneScape private server
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The average Californian poster
>ah yes this post that has been copied word for word and replaced with the word "toby tantrum" is very funny

If you died right now the world wouldn’t change at all and literally nobody would miss you or grieve over your death, nobody would care at all, you’d be buried unceremoniously and then forgotten about 10 minutes later

Your whole life is a meaningless burden
you are always so wrong its insane
Such as?
too white
im masturbating rn
Not really on is it tobes
Janny is ignoring the rule breaking post because he sees the stick and hotpockets
kill yourself
I would find a new general but they all post anime children and hate Amerigods
I dont look anything like that
Stop trying to reason with him. He is extremely mentally ill, you can NOT convince him of anything. All we can do is ignore him.
Please don't leave, these spam outbreaks always end
/Dixie/, or you could try to revive /USA/
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>complaining about anime on an anime website
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/dixie/ is a discord European general

>Stop trying to reason with him
see: >>202169496

and how he thinks he "got me out of the general" - he is so stupid its insane. if the filtering worked, he wouldnt have to keep saying it. if telling people to not talk to me, he wouldnt have to keep on doig it

all he can do is shit up and destroy
Idea: /leaf/ and /usa/ are back, but we all have both tabs open so we can participate in both threads. Keep /cum/ up too. He would be forced to post at a reduced rate since he can't spam 3 threads as fast as 1
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> >complaining about anime on an anime website
fuck off mousenonce you evil ghoul
that show was so disappointingly boring
I'm 100% Heterosexual but for some reason, I find females with short hair much sexier than those with long hair.
post more anime
you are bad at your job and drive people out of the thread. you have slowed down the thread and lowered the quality. your actions have a cost - but you dont care. you are ineffective - but the very nature of you allows you to be subpar but carry on, because of the enviroment youve created. a shitty, awful enviroment filled with buck broken people just like you. youre mind broken. kill yourself. you are so worthless at your job its unreal
Got banned from /v/ again
Over 700 million people buckbroken by one scottish mong.

That's a great idea if you want 3 dead threads, retard
what games you playing bro
I dont even remember what it was about, I made that crop like...4 years ago?
as i have said before (which is why he wants you to filter me), hes shit up the thread and caused this. the first 100 posts of this thread were fat having a mental breakdown to gaslight you into his own way, again. and he does it every day
i hav eliterally never heard of warren zevon
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i am so fat
i bought a new jeans after 5 years
was wearing shorts the whole summer
so my last jeans was W38 now i literally bought W42 and this was the biggest number they got and it barely fits.. But at least i have a jeans because the alternative would be wearing shorts in Winter.

Are CUM countries more FAT FRIENDLY ?
I feel a little bit discriminated here for being fat. And the most weird thing is i am not even THAT fat, there are way more fatter people on the streets
I'm just trying to think of solutions.
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if you havent filtered me because an obese "man" who posts for 20 hours a day just complaining about shit, then you should listen to this post

the conversation he his having with himself (as i have said - he talks to himself) - that extremely inorganic one - is him trying to gaslight you more and turn you against me
im gay
we already knew that
the first 100 posts of this thread were fat having a mental breakdown to gaslight you into his own way, again. and he does it every day
You wanna kiss?
Just did a playthrough of MechWarrior 5 to prepare for the Clan game
if you havent filtered me then please start trying to look for the patterns, even if you filter me later. watch the patterns and you will see them, how he gaslights you - and the thread. he is evil. you need to be aware of his tricks so you dont fall for them
im a disappointment to the few people that still love me
Doing another play through of baldurs gate 3

Playing monk and bodying the fuck out of everything one shotting them with fists to the face
not gay just get off to the idea of big hairy dudes dominating me and making me their bitch
How do we give feedback to the mods?
I think if several of us raise this issue it might work. Mention how he constantly ban evades, spams, trolls with no punishment.
Reckon mousey will ever go on a mad one irl? Could happen
I know for a fact he's been arrested before
Need him to do something that gets global coverage
doesn't sound too monk-like
drinking coke
for me, its pepsi + lemon juice
He needs to get banned from this site for the sake of his own mental health. It's obviously driving him even more insane. The janitors are actively harming this man by letting him post here
fat you need to sit out your ban like a good boy
Reminder >>202168668
my life sucks
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kill yourself
what you think you did did not matter
Toby go to fucking bed, between this and drinking piss for hydration you're rapidly shortening your lifespan.
wtf based jannies
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>link low quality spam post from old thread because you used up all your remaining brain cells to make it

You genuinely arent even sentient. God, it must be bliss or agony being in your shoes. Just the lack of thoughts and pure emotional reactions to every stimulus. Sad but funny, like a zoo animal
same, think it might be over
don't reply to rat pedo
I don’t use weapons and I take a primarily neutral good path on most things

Monk enough for me
this thread and /brit/ alone has probably cut 20 years off of his lifespan, then you factor in the piss drinking and the edinburgh bus stop ciggies and you have a man already at death's door
incel chud
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grim life. hope he gets better
Your family is ashamed of you and hates you
id be more inclined to banter or take banter (you are a brit on a proxy) about shit you say if you werent such a massive degen cretin freak who is genuinely hateful and is on my dick all the time. i would banter if you werent such an annoying cunt
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'white guys' are responsible for some of the greatest games ever made so what's its point
>take a primarily neutral good path
don't think i've ever chosen to hurt or be malicious toward an npc in any RPG ever.
no idea why, i'm an asshole irl
stop replying to him you retards
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Why whitey don't wash they chicken?
Thought you said you were making your last post.
>He gay?

Oui operacion compleumite

>....Expose it
>woman's opinion
You do this every day. You are almost as bad as he who must not be named.

white dudes will make doom 41 and say it's good
What a weird that american poster is. Like this place is meant to be comfy but all he does is shit up the thread like 24/7. Yall need to report his ass.
name one good video game primarily developed by women
white dudes be playing Army Men 2: Sarge's Heroes
Because you're just getting any bacteria that would be on the chicken over everything else and you're going to be COOKING the chicken which will kill the bacteria anyway while probably not cooking your sink afterwards
fat you fucking dog i was just remided of your life and how i will end up if i talk to you by your life and friends you keep - if you STFU now ill stop too and go do something else
whites dudes really be ragequitting a game called Banjo Tooie sheesh
Thank you. I just submitted a several paragraph feedback about the situation, and why I think it needs to be brought under control. I encourage you all to do the same. Please be polite, this is a serious request for help.
fuck knows what made fat have this chronic meltdown
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>this thread and /brit/ alone has probably cut 20 years off of his lifespan, then you factor in the piss drinking and the edinburgh bus stop ciggies and you have a man already at death's door
only thing /int/ needs is ids so users can self moderate, given that the janitors and mods have all but given up having to baby sit this place all day.
cum was good when we all thought fat offed himself
toby's 14th last post of the night
yeh true desu
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Somebody left some Nerds in my room...
everyday I learn more and more why white flight is a thing
THIS TIME i will listen to a twitter user who happens to be female
look how bad fat and his little buddy wants it to continue
lol nobody likes fat
all he does is complain
going to take a shit and then start dinner
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shut the fuck up parasite
Please be nice in /cum/ and follow our customs. ty ^^
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>tfw back on my laptop where I have 4chanX installed and the British flag filtered
time to get comfy
I forgot these existed
um, actually, that was debunked.
no, being a local news story doesn't count as evidence, and neither does cell phone video
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in my country i get stoned, dip spoons in boiling water, and touch the scalding spoons to my nipples for as long as i can stomach it because i don't feel pain and it just tickles and it's really fucking funny
my posts are only a problem because fat has a problem with me
who i posted to is the /brit/ who posts there with avatar flags and gets all Canadians filtered, spams there, thenc omes here to make what just happened happen every night this week
I'm using BlueClover on my phone lmao
don't reply to rat pedo
are you a girl?
that's a tittie
>hating one scottish person is his entire personalitty and gaslighting thread into hating him too and pretending to be someone else and spamming about filters all day is healthy behavuour because

You genuinely arent even sentient. God, it must be bliss or agony being in your shoes. Just the lack of thoughts and pure emotional reactions to every stimulus. Sad but funny, like a zoo animal.
>sales job paying me to relocate to Cincinnati and a 2500 dollar sign up bonus
hard pass
why are girls all sado/masochists?
toby you haven't slept in 3 days because of this megameltie, for your own health please go to bed
kill yourself

look at how badly it wants it to keep going - to justify his existience
hm. OK then
???? have fun anon
>living in shit'n'scatty
Done that greasy obese neckbeard.
couldve sworn I downloaded a bowie album but Itunes doesnt have it
im going to do other stuff, but dont you dare think for a second that you made me. this started when i watched 1 YT video, closed it, then got caught up with you whilst listening to music
and its insane that you thought you caused me to leave this place. your work is worthless you fat mongoloid
This don't reply to him or engage with him at all
you are not going to do other stuff, go to bed
i am your legal caretaker and i demand you go to sleep and brush your teeth
didnt you claim this was illegal yesterday? and why are you trying to drag me down to your sad level? fuck off
thank god I don't. it was a job offer.
somebody kill this leaf that keeps replying to him
kys rat pedotardcel
i dont love you anymore
the first 100 posts of this thread were fat having a mental breakdown to gaslight you into his own way, again. and he does it every day

weak fat fag insults
fuck off
again, its the /brit/ who avatars with flags. maybe your life wouldnt be so shit if you opened your ears. god youre stupid. anyone that listens to you is so fucked too
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hi im back
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+ >>202170068
the first post + Canadian are the same poster and a parasite

look at how badly these two people want it to keep going. really think about that
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they really be like
>yeah I'm ethnic Canadian
oh dear
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The first step towards fixing a problem is admitting there's a problem.
funny cause hardly anybody in newfoundland speaks french
that post wasnt me - it was the parasite
the one who got people to come here "asking for cum to take mousey back" an hour ago
this county can never decide if its german or english. We have a small town called weimar but Ive never heard any geezers speak german
this is kind of freaking me out because i have a box of these on my night stand right now what the heck
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The GF keeps sending me tiktoks of women yapping for 4 minutes before getting to the actual point of the video
LOL friendly fire
you know i am just going to get a US flag and a pass and post here right fat
There's no way BC is majority Irish. Majority chink and jeet is the truth.
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he's a real meltdown man
living in his meltdown land
making all his meltdown plans
for no one
anyways im leaving
but look at how badly these two people want it to continue. THEY are the ones making the thread bad

ill be back whenever the fuck i want

the parasite will probably keep trying to be me
Vancouverians be like
"AH SOOOO, these irish too spicy, saaar!!!"
please stop
this is my least favorite genre of tiktok im so sorry
that and when there’s a funny video and all the page does is put their stupid face on the bottom of it, and then points up at the video and shakes their head
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irish diaspora
that's light purple for English
The term is Vancouverite. Get it right sepp.
i'm not sending you tik toks though

fat is having a melty i see?
oh dear
throwing his toys out the pram and everything
mine are tiktoks with black people in them
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this reminded me of you guys
US census data from 2000 and Canada from 2006
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>tiktoks are now 4+ minutes
>vine was limited to 7 seconds
elder zoomers (HS class of 2016), are we secretly the real mental midgets?
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imagine if foot fetishes were the other way around and women just loved mens feet for no reason
that would be very weird
Ancient statistics that haven't been relevant for 20 years.
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he's a real meltdown man
living in his meltdown land
making all his meltdown plans
for tooooby
You guys are smoking crack if you think the BC population for Chinese or Indian is anywhere near 50%.
you can upload hour long videos on tiktok now
soe real /brit/yank vibes coming from your posts where you spam dead animals to le ebic own someone like an autistic person would
this is pushing me over the edge I swear
you can upload an hour long video to tiktok nowadays
this is redditleaf cope, btw
anyone know how long a tiktok video can be nowadays
uh oh, I better renew this sirius Xm subscription I never had or the Pajeets will close my account
an hour, I've heard
ratpedo schizo loves his bihourly crybaby tantrums

ongoing fat melty
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>like the aesthetic of flat skinny girls
>still love fat fucking tits
my life is suffering
bros we are so fucking BACK
sounds like you are just a woman enjoyer
curious how fat doesnt have a problem with this brits posts complaining about me even though they are spam
so true
>we are so back after i shit up te thread, shut down all discussion, then begged people to stay when my actions made them leave
kill yourself and the thread will be more back for longer
my chevy is a 2011 and they don't look as good as these models do

why do American politicians hate Japan so much?
we are Japan, not China or Russia.
the employees of US steel want to make steel with Japan.
The demonrats are evil. Plain and simple.
just finished masturbating
Just remind me of how much of a failure I am.

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