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posting with a porpoise edition

don't reply to rat pedo
anyways im leaving
but look at how badly these two people want it to continue. THEY are the ones making the thread bad

ill be back whenever the fuck i want

the parasite will probably keep trying to be me
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What the FUCK did George Lucas mean by this?
kill yourself. i dont care if you start saying it back. you should kill yourself
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what did we have for din din /cum/mies?
I had tacos (homemade, hard shell)
ratpedo schizo loves his bi hourly meltdowns
a little summin dem jewish niggas be callin' FORESHADOWIN
Remember that it's very easy to filter the British flag! In the meantime, I've contacted the mods in the feedback section asking if they can ban this guy for the sake of his own mental health. I don't want him to snap and hurt himself or someone else
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Fatpedo will ignore this banger post and start crying about Mouselad again.
das a troon
she should lose like 20 pounds, if I can't see her ribs then shes fat
bad post
nobody wants you here btw

good post , keep it up
just a baked potato and a salad tonight i feel pretty lazy
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what the fuck
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smoked salmon, broccoli and hummus
The sports team I like will lose if I wipe my asshole after my second shit of the day on game day
now the schizo who bases his whole personality around mousenonce has gone along with his nemesis, i can finally enjoy some GOOD posts here with my /cum/ friends
yeah shes cute here
before she was hiding her belly in all the pictures, which is sus
he is so talented
thank mama merkel for that
>population 21 million before the civil war
>dipped to a low of 18 million during the war
>now over 23 million
>still have like 5 million allegedly living abroad
Something doesn't add up
should be zero. refugees should all be in neighboring countries to syria, anything else is economic migrant invaders
If I ever get rich, I'm gonna buy a nice skyrise condo in the middle of a big city, and never leave.
one is too many
ok rabbi
you could make the most stereotypical chinese name you could think of and it probably really exists
Hong Dong
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the dream
Why do you think stereotypes exist sukhdeep dikshit
lol you had to funnel my posts because you couldnt wrap your head around it. you had to make it more focused
you are so useless
you are less of a person and have also made all these people lesser - all of the people you accepted were as mindbroken by you as you are life. you should kill yourself. i laughed at your projection in the last thread you made
Nooo don't come back here :/
stop responding to him you fuckwit
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Alright let's try it
>Wang Bing
>wtf a literal celebrity kek
>Lee Ting
>IG accounts, both men and women
>Chow Fu
>just got cockblocked by some dishes, at least one guy on linkedin with the name
Seems you are right
kill yourself
is this a guy?
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feel bad for him
I messaged Mousey on Discord and he says hes gonna come back in about 2 mins. He's just spending a little time on /brit/ is all.
>rat pedo having a melty
>faggot spamming his trans crush
what's next?
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lol fats job could be done by a bot
thats his life
hard cock
exposed him completely and utterly

he will be reeling for weeks to come
>1. Schizojeet coming back
>2. Brian posting gay porn again
>3. yet another Euro flag shitposting here
It could always be worse
kill yourself
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WHY DO THEY GOOOOOOOTTA FROOOOooont *wee eer wee eer weeer*
What did we ever do to these guys
That made them so vioLEEEENT?


I dont care what they say about us anyway
based desu
Imagine being so fragile your mind gets broken by text on a screen
couldnt be me
lol every time fat gets hungry for attention and feels left out he just starts complaining. what a life. what a sad little mind broken life
If you're living in your mother's basement and routinely throw fits on cum like a certain somebody there is no future for you
That's a man.
Why can't you guys be normal and funny like the other generals?
this place is donezo i'm going to sample some other generals
you can blame rat pedo for spamming the thread 20 hours per day. this is his sad pathetic life
Damn, you niggas really see men everywhere. I can't imagine being as gay as you.
They won't like you tbqh, Americans are discriminated against
holy shit, why won't you just filter the british flag?
she would look better if she exercised
That's clearly a man.
I post in /ita/ too but theyre asleep
ngl that's what I thought too
you are outright a terrorist and
>if you do what i tell you to do (im a fuckup) then my actions wont hurt you
nice way to rope them into your shit life. you should kys. stop influencing other people
proud of you fat for not being dead of heart disease yet I thought the 3 year break I took would be enough
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There's a whole ass board on 4chan called /r9k/ and the idea behind it was they took being a fat loser and tried to turn it into some form of internet punk rock
who here would like an explanation of cache hits/cache misses in c++?
/polska/ will accept me. if all else fails i'm willing to try /bharat/ it can't be worse than the state of /cum/ currently
he tanks the quality of the thread even if you can't see him you can feel it. and if it's not him it's brian or some other retard that you can't even filter. every time i open /cum/ lately it's just garbage
You guys are cool (except mousenonce, he's never cool.)
sure. i would, fuck it why not
i want to learn programming, but C++ is too hard. i would still like to hear you talk about it, however
I dont think I ever learned about caches in my c++ classes
Is this some zoomer meme I'm not familiar with?
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I still love /cum/.
I'm a ride or die /cum/mer
you know the worst thing? you will just do it again tomorrow. you will cost the thread tomorrow as well - for no results. all you do is complain and create an environment where you can exist, and you have the gall to not kill yourself in a country where you have guns. coward. instead you will do what youve always done - make 0 progress, learn nothing - and drag others down, until you do die of natural causes thankfully. but fuck you for when you com eback tomorrow and do the exact same shit, not because you cant do anything else and do anything but complain, but because youre too thick to learn - and it hurts this community. fuck you now and tomorrow when you do it again
>leaving /cum/ for /bharat/
if such a thought even crosses your mind i'm glad you're leaving
I mean that's gotta be like a +90% chance he was already a crypto-jeet to even say that lol
we need a hyper specific alaska new mexico alabama louisiana general /anal/ we'll call it!
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crochet otner
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what did chinx mean by this?

this is fat trying to cut his losses and "lead" you into going elsewhere, to follow you and do the same thing as the reason you left
he has moved on from begging you to stay - now he is trying to tell you where to go
tired of all the liberals on /ptg/ on pol..
me irl
that's worst case. how could it possibly be worse than /mouse/, genuinely
Is it a fucking holiday or something today or tomorrow?
Asianx are race realists because they didn't grow up with anti-racism propaganda from cradle to grave like here
you should kill yourself
you know that, right??
imagine if zaz came back
third comment is referring to social economic factors
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want to eat fish together
watch me, dicknose.
Are you mad because your posts were deleted?
he loves it when i talk about him because A he is a narcissist and B because then its not me getting replies - because fat is a pussy repellent
he wants to control you
Don't speak of such things
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Canadians get the 30th off as "National Peace & Reconciliation Day." Basically we get a stat holiday because the white man killed a lot of natives LOL.
well, he can't. i'm a lazy contrarian.
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yeehaw pardner
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>$5 deal is back at McD
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*Truth and Reconciliation
my bad
>$5 deal
>mcdouble deal is actually $6
Isn't that a campaign level in Halo:CE?
ye sure
>look at the catalog
very cute and simple crochet bun
Le getting a bit tipsy face
>Canadians get the 30th off
uhh no we don't, it's a Federal Holiday only. Even Trudeau ignored it and went surfing when it was created
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Let's say you declare 3 variables.
>int x = 1;
>int y = 5;
>int z = 8;
Those three variables will be stored in the computer's RAM, in adjacent memory addresses. Now let's say at some later point, you reference one of those variables. For example:
>int a = y + 10;
At this point, the CPU goes searching through RAM for the value of y. Eventually, it finds it, and brings it back, so the CPU can do its number crunching. Now, when it finds the value of y, it doesn't ONLY bring that one value back. It also brings several other values back that you did NOT ask for. The reason it does this is because it's hoping that the next variable you reference will be one of the extra ones. How does it decide which extra variables to bring back? Well, it just grabs a handful of variables that happen to be in adjacent memory addresses, in this case, x, and z. If your next line of code is (say)
>int b = z - 2;
Great! The CPU already has the value of z stored in its temporary cache (called the L1 cache memory), and it doesn't have to go searching through RAM again. This is called a "cache hit".
If the next line of code does NOT involve one of the extra variables that was returned, that means we have to back into RAM and search for whatever it is we need. This is called a "cache miss". You might think that finding values in RAM is a very fast process, and technically it is. However compared to other processes going on inside your computer, it's actually pretty slow. The CPU can crunch numbers about a bajillion times faster than the RAM can deliver them. You'll never be able to totally eliminate cache misses, but if you can reduce them, your code will speed up IMMENSELY.
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I just wanna know what CPU that is
Such bizarre dentation.
accidentally heel'd myself in the nuts crossing my leg just now.
be right back im back from spitting in my shower, pretending its that fucking parasite that just repleid to me. a second one for fat too
fuck you (post made before you replied to the person whos been to school to learn it) - but you do this a lot with me. fuck you
hes obviously not the Canadian but >>202171030
you retard leaf

and also i dont like whygena anymore if they are in with the gaslighting. if they did see me in these threads then it wouldnt be me and they wouldnt know me - they wouldnt understand
Tec9 night
is that some wagyu
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Its 54 degrees lets freaking go
post the image of the Canadian with nice hair in his bathtub
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i enjoyed this article
very abstract crochet bun
No chance he's still at it
The mega melty has no end in sight
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you have 0 personality about you. there is nothing to you
youre wasting your life
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Is that spin?
so fucking horny right now. she's so ordinary-looking, but i have woken up athirst!
>2 sanrio characters, neither of which are cinnamoroll
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they probably should've seasoned it before putting it on the CPU.
post the picture of the Canadiananonnom in his bathtub
can you stop
post her feet already. its almost bed time
That's a pretty good looking dresser. Also her makeup kit is kinda cute
can you kill yourself?
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me at the end
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There you go.
Eating Doritos
tell me what you actually liked about me from a dating perspective
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im the frazzled one in the middle i have bedhead
not great. not terrible
Very into Lush lately, that Canadian dropping the word the other night re-ignited my enjoyment of this band.
beautiful shoegaze, especially this song. the guitar breakdown in the middle is heavenly
also their singer is a hot hapa
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that's not a porpoise
hes filtered me and id be jumping in anyway, but they tried other things to make them seethrough as well. they used bleach as well to make mice skin seethrough
drinking milk
post the picture of the Canadian in his bathtub so i can go sleep happy
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One of my favourite insights from social science is that when tested, conservatives understand why liberals feel how they do, but disagree, whereas liberals are never able to understand the values or motivations of conservatives and think they're irrationally evil.
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you're right i was gonna use this pic
tonight might be a futa goon kind of night
im le smart becaus i vote red
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a lot of that was apparent from Chrischans stream over the debate
enjoy anon
i had two glasses of strawberry milk a few days ago when i didn't meet my calorie goal for the day, i just needed like 300 more calories and that's what i chose
this but unironically
precious babies
reminder that i wasnt mad at all thoughout that except when i won (but at what cost) and realized that hes just going to shit up the thread again tomorrow to make more people leave it
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I didn't have much for dinner either so I topped it with cheese and now a glass of milk.
Regardless of politics a worryingly high amount of people seem incapable of having any theory of the mind type concepts
seen enough. time for melatonin gummies
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I like Koalas as well. they look just like my teddy
Mice you say
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Sweet dreams, non.
if it splits down political lines the politics part is pretty important
just what i was thinking hahahaha
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i have a video saved for this occasion
i present a koala eating an apple: an anthology
thats 10k pure ess mined. my work here is done
i won against fat today - and so did he if he changes his act


remidner that my posts are only a problem because others have a problem with it, and they set out to change your mind to be more like theirs
night bud. sleep tight
>soys, blacks, and women on one side
>boomers, rural people and wypipo on the other side
Not hard to see why
Women are so enslaved to social consensus if you just convinced them a social consensus already exists (say, through some sort of massively distributed communication technology), they would not only stop transgressing it, they would start enforcing it

Not saying anybody's doing that, haha, unless, but I think the forces of good should definitely be doing it
did you guys not like the song?
its okay if so
thank you ^.^
not going to bed but yeh
it sucks
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>, they would not only stop transgressing it, they would start enforcing it
It's funny how when you read about American voting patterns in the past, women were actually the more religious conservative ones. Once Christianity lost it's dominant social power they stopped being judgemental church ladies and became judgemental feminist cat ladies.
oh, so when gen alpha was skibbidi rizzing in ohio, they really mean they were eating cats and dogs in springfield
now it all makes sense
why single out women, almost nobody has a strong enough conviction to go against a perceived majority opinion.
i always think about those people that would take pictures and shame people not wearing masks during the pandemic
like yeah, sure they should probably put one on, but it's shocking how quickly your neighbor would rat you out to whoever dictates the social norms at the moment, women and men alike
I love my swifties
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whose grandma is this
you can blame fat pedo for spamming the thread 21 hours per day. this is his sad pathetic life

(oh he stole the 20 hiyrs frin a
That'll be all for now. If you liked the video leave a comment below.
Spaedo farming (You)s off unsuspecting yanks, probably the same one that what insisting on filtering Brits.

This poster is a British pedophile and daily parasite.
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can you stop
stop posting this mid floozy
Sorry, I'm just fixated on her for some reason. I have a problem.
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Before I die, I'm tryna fuck you, baby
Hopefully, we don't have no babies
I don't even wanna go back home
Hopefully, I don't leave you on your own

Not even mid. Probably because Spaintard has some porn obsession, seen her only fans or something i guess.
That nose ring is hideous.
Fuck off retard
Insanely wicked forearm pump rn
Just bought fat grips and they are amazing
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I love latina goils so much bros.
that's fine but can you just keep it to yourself please
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latinas and a small percentage of jeetas are prime sexo
You're breaking the rules.
why are we spamming some ugly whore?
can you please spam on >>>/s/
does the world feel emptier to anyone else lately like a bunch of people disappeared from it
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he got too many (you)'s, niggas OD on the littlest scrap of attention fr fr

I already did
did you report him
fuck off
and the posts werent deleted. now youre claiming hes breaking the rules because you decided he was
how do you figure
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Imagine if the rapture happened and it really was only 144,000 people from around the world Chosen so nobody noticed so few people missing.
ok then continue posting there. this board is only for discussing international culture
this board hasn't been good since 2014, I feel like doing what I want
Avatar/Signature Use
I haven't reported you by the way. But someone else probably will.
Please stop spamming.
correct but you're clearly posting off topic. rules are rules.
he hates white people if theyre straight and/or not mindbroken
i'm just seeing and speaking to very few people lately but my life hasn't changed at all. where did everyone go
must be it. attention whores will be the death of cum
No dude it's crowded as hell out there
Alright. I'll stop.
welcome to adulthood
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I have said this before but the population is far under the reported 7.9 billion, there are simply not that many people, there is not enough to go around for it, it's maybe like 1 billion MAXIMUM they just say it's more to make you feel small and like you can't do anything because you're just one person when truthfully your local area has very few people in it, how else do you think a small handful of families and peoples have maintained power for so long? If there were 7.9 BILLION then there would be constant bloody revolution across the world 24/7
Stop spamming this man.
>If there were 7.9 BILLION then there would be constant bloody revolution across the world 24/7
lmao what
Enough. You don't know what men look like.
kind of happens when you get older , people move away for work, start families and that kind of stuff
im down to 3 friends nowadays
Thank you! I definitely wouldn't mind if you posted hardcore on /gif/ or /s/. but let's try to maintain and fix our already abysmal general
>I have said this before but the population is far under the reported 7.9 billion
I went to China before, I can believe there are over 7 billion people. Imagine a country where everyplace you go it's at least a little busy or crowded. I understand why Orientals go insane.
You really think if there wasn't 7.9 billion people in the world then there wouldn't be enough of them discontent with the world to be constantly killing elite families outright?

>china shill
you went to a city, the chinese countryside is barren
Sorry about that. I am just a lonely porn addict and that chick looks like somebody I could have met IRL. I've been obsessed with her for months.
Touhou merch
>Sorry about that. I am just a lonely porn addict
It's okay. Most of us have been through that phase. Don't fret.

>that chick looks like somebody I could have met IRL
Truth be told, she's definitely not girlfriend/so material. Could be okay for a hookup but nothing more.
>hardcore on /s/
lmao even
What a newfag. /s/ is just for pictures/webms/gifs of just real women. No dicks or trannies.
Let's be honest, reddit is 100x more useful than this website
that's fucking gay. i truly feel like i'm walking around in a wasteland these past couple weeks like children of men
>Mexico will amend its constitution this weekend to require all judges to be elected
Apparently this is very controversial. I don't see the problem?
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>the chinese countryside is barren
Chinese people will tell you they came from a small town and it's like population 195,000 in the county lol. The only part that is empty is in the border regions like Inner Mongolia, Tibet and Xinjiang. 94% of Chinese live on the Eastern side of this line
By hardcore I meant nudity. I know there's a hardcore board but I should've distinguished better instead of grouping them all in one.
>No dicks or trannies.
No trannies have been posted.
part of it is that with the internet and online shopping and food delivery people that otherwise would be forced to go out, don’t have to anymore
It's the reality of life. Not really gay. Most people at this age are trying to find partners and have kids of their own.
When do we just let the cartels run Mexico
They'll probably get people clean water so long as the capacity to make money is unimpeded
It'll be a Randian paradise
I'm telling you those people don't exist, it's a narrative crafted by old money families, there's 7.9 billion people and yet every single powerful and influential person in the world has some connections with the rest? get real
I feel like you should all impulse buy something online right now, you'll feel great
I didn't say they had been, I was pointing out the rules of /s/. There's no loopholes of "Trannies are women" allowed, to get girls riding dicks on /s/.
>Truth be told, she's definitely not girlfriend/so material. Could be okay for a hookup but nothing more.
I ultimately agree as there are too many red flags, not the least of which being she posted lewd pics and videos of her having sex with her BF for money. But it's one of those irrational "I could have saved her" sort of things.
I have 4 books sitting in my Amazon shopping cart for the next week, so I don't just impulse buy things.
Sorry, I misunderstood.
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Bf went to bed early so I am listening to my homosexual rappers again
stop it this is one of my biggest character flaws is retail therapy
It's cool, Ameribro.
i no longer desire to hoard material goods. and i'm broke
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I wish /mu/ wasn't dead so I could get into more arguments with nerds who have bad music opinions
>But it's one of those irrational "I could have saved her" sort of things.
You're a good human
The Nigerian mind is an enigma
Me personally, I love a thick dick on a bitch so long as she's not using it, she gets too mouthy with you it gives you another way to put her in her place, you grab them grapefruits and squeeze and you done more for her then 10 months of voice training have
how can that washer move unplugged? washer's don't have batteries.
>go to convenience store
>streetwalker comes in
>she wants to put money on her card on her phone
>jeet cashier is irritated, but takes her money, and even tells her to take her reciept, which nowadays is backwards (do these things not send receipts to emails or what?)
>doesn't bother cleaning himself and proceeds to grab other customers items with his now whore jism and cock covered hands
Am i wrong to be appalled at pajeet for having such awful hygiene? I'm more mad at him than i am at the sheboon. I'm never going back to that store, but it makes you wonder how many of them are this bad or worse
I am obsessed with 7/11 taquitos. my favorite flavors are monterey jack chicken and buffalo chicken
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Jeet fresh
boob money will not be accepted
literally why are they like this
and why are people still ordering?? that's not okay
Nah I thought I heard someone say something Spider Spider I thought it was Henry
>why are people still ordering?? that's not okay
They are all jeets in this video, staff and customers.
I'm a Marxist.
I'm a master manipulator.
These are the people who believe albinos can cast spells on people, do you really think they understand science?
I'm hungry.
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all cash is dirty, you just now became aware of it
i had a baked potato and salad
didn't really have a protein with it like im supposed to but that's okay
I'm a /cum/ supremacist
Face the wall.
glad things have calmed down a bit now
I drank coffee, now I won't sleep.
H.P. Lovecraft was a WASP Supremacist
He'll be back around 6am
What's your caste?
I am the lord of /cum/ aka cumlord
did you ever gag yourself or starve yourself
I'm a bit drunk
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Average life of a jeet
>born in poverty
>third arm on forehead due to lingering radiation
>doctor cuts it off
>grow up
>go to school where parents cling to the side of the building like spiderman yelling answers at you
>father dies in train accident trying to climb on top of it
>get full pity scholarship to america
>become doctor
>try to treat patient using cowshit and burning incense
>lose medical license
>become subway owner with leftover money
>hire less successful jeet cousins to run it
>they bring their jeet friends on diversity license
>they all hate america but choose to stay and try to make it more like india
>die happy knowing that you decreased the quality of life for everyone around you significantly
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Need more Anglo-American supremacists tbqh
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I enjoy gagging on cock, if I don't gag he's not being rough enough with me
just hit her with the wyd u up
>Am i wrong to be appalled at pajeet for having such awful hygiene?
It's perfectly normal to be appalled, but you shouldn't be surprised. Jeets come from a part of the world without health and safety standards. Every jeet street food vieo that you see online is a series of health code violations. Yet random people look at those videos and go "yummy, it's so fresh, I wish we had food made like that". Then when they go to places like India, they wonder why they end up getting the shits/sick, and just blame it on the spices, when it's most likely food poisoning.
just telling you like it is brother every bill has been in some place some time. they don't wash them
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kek'd, very nice. Shall be using this pasta. Hope the jeet janny doesn't ban you for it
I'm gonna stick a fiver up my unwashed ass and then give it to a homeless person.
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good night
its also probably the spices though
Average Indian temple donation
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There was a recent post on >REDDIT where some dumb whore went to india solo wanting to "experience the culture" she checked with a travel agency that it was safe first and even booked through them and showed up and was just continually followed around by horny men who kept trying to rape her, she didn't even attempt to insult india she did her very best to just ask about how to legally go about getting a refund and she still got mass reported and banned for daring to imply india isn't safe

Amazing that they are now so universally hated
I dont give a shit what retards on reddit are doing
when did miku become more appealing to annoying "memers" than people who actual fucking listen to vocaloid music?
i'll admit i had the impression that india was full of hippy dippy yogi buddhist type characters not that long ago, until i actually saw what indians did in their home country and what they think is acceptable
i feel really bad for indian women especially, they don't deserve to be constantly under threat of assault or worse, for the crime of being born as a woman

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