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prey drive edition

shahar was in the states and we had no idea
go back there
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the gf(s)
what do normies do on Friday nights?
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Attention: I am going to get high and then masturbate, thank you for your attention you may now go back to your normal posting schedule
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can i use your asshole for a minute
oh finally got the hangnail off my pinky
I feel depressed. I wish I had a girlfriend.
join the club
grow up
excellent work
im about to do my nails as well
my family won’t talk to me
Because that was the media stereotype for years, now that the immigration floodgates have opened people are more aware of them and their habits
why's that
thinkin about futa cocks
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father has nothing good to say about me so he makes up shit all the time
showered very thoroughly, but didn't shave at all. i look like a nice, clean naked wizard.
business idea: enemies to lovers with a cute lebanese girl
Me after absolutely OBLITERATING someone's chances in the algorithm after clicking "not interested in channel" on their video with 20 views.
thinking about cocks and its not gay
nice feeling clean and fresh from a shower is an amazing feeling
are gay people attracted to themselves
Anybody on fin?
Anybody on minox?
Anybody on both fin and minox?
The female ones yes.
chugged a glass of milk(whole)
whole milk gives me the toots i get 1% usually
/cum/ niggas be like
"this dairy too spicy"
dooming about trump not winning
If it's some obscure hobby, the subreddit will be pretty decent and actually helpful. If it's anything mainstream, the subreddit is unusable.
The piracy subreddits, if they're not dedicated to showing off gameplay advertisements for their youtube channels, are pretty good. The reddit autism is quite useful for knowing and finding what you need.
The niche porn subreddits, that aren't advertisements for some e-thot's OF, are pretty good. Have some random fetish that's not easily searchable on pornhub? There's not only a subreddit for it, but people take the time to edit those moments out of the video for you.
Same thing for some random tech related questions. Just google whatever your problem is, then the word reddit, and you get way better results.
Anything that's related to normalfags, including pop culture is an trashfire and should be avoided.
Don't actually post on reddit, just use the knowledge that's been amassed there, by the autism on the internet.
niggas out there really can't digest lactose lmao
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only good part of le leddit is that it's not a walled garden like discord and so you can find niche information through web searches.

trooncord hides tons of good information in uselessly hidden servers.
i had 2 glasses of milk yesterday just fine thank you
you can stop being an incel at any time
/cum/ niggas be like "sucking a girl's dick is gay"
fax no printer
ayo this nigga gay
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10pm drinking covfefe and listening to death metal.
you can stop being a troon at any time
now kiss
incel raging lol
might start a toy collection. not collector stuff either, toy-toys that i'll play with, clack together and make pew-pew noises like a big gay baby.
i do this
hello egg
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live your best life anon
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Jerked off to cuckquean porn :/
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doing the harlem shake
incels ITT be like "taking estrogen and dressing like a woman is gay"
Army men.
Bros how the fuck is Veronica Leal still in porn, doing milf scenes at that and her ass and pussy and body still look like she 18
Like I was just baiting to her and my post nut clarity kicked in and she still looks really fucking good
And her holes have been through a lot like 90% of her scenes have been DAP shit and they still look tight
I mistakenly had a nap through most of the evening. Now I'm not sure if I should just stay up for 20ish hours, because there's no way that I'll be able to sleep within the next hour or 2.
Buy some lego, and I don't mean those lego sets, that give you instructions. I just mean buy a bunch of lego blocks. I buy some action figures still, but I'm not a collectorfag who keeps them in boxes or display cases. But I don't pew pew them anymore. I just put them in various poses, to make different scenes.
>this one is swinging his sword
>that one got hit with the sword and is on the ground with his weapon scattered away
Stuff like that. Until I get bored, and change all their poses. I don't know if I could still sit there and tell abstract stories again, like I did as a kid anymore.
/cum/ is a trans safe space stay mad incels
this joke has nothing to do with to kill a mockingbird and it irks me
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this is us
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Pirates CSG. A little costly because it's out of print, but it's a fun ship game.
The power of plastic surgeons. She probably is able to write part of it off as business expenses on her taxes.
No it's not. /cum/ is a right wing Christian thread. You can go back to /lgbt/ and will never be a real woman.
shut up nigga
No. Go back to /lgbt/, you have an entire board for that shit. YWNBAW
My porn star name: Jackson Tennessee
they are being incendiary and divisive on purpose to get this exact reply you know
Those have got to be some miracle doctors because I'd still hit it
Binland :)) :)))
I will not be posting there anymore also you're an egg
>gooner wants to have sex with a used up fuckhole
Colour me shocked.
You mean the reply that gets 1 (You), while I get 3? Seems like I'm winning if that's the measuring stick we're using.
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it’s not a contest im just saying
Yeah I would and I'm tired of pretending I wouldnt
i'm a troonpilled gooncel
you love to see it
that's the average canuck anon
But bees could leave their made-made hives whenever they wanted. They don't, because humans minmaxed hive creation so much that they bees prefer our hives to ones they can make. It's an example of a good symbiotic relationship. They get the best possible home, protection from the elements(especially winter) and consistent meals, and we get honey.
protect the pollinators
shut up pseudo intellectual cuckold
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>live in the woods
>lay outside and watch the stars while listening to the crickets and frogs
>live in the city
>sit in your car and listen to the drug addicts have a 2 hour long meltie asking each other why you're sitting in your car and chasing invisible dogs and listen to the crickets
I really really really hate city life bros
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shania twain was so fine hnnng
i lived downtown for a year and i hated it
took a strain on my mental health for sure, way too much stimulus
What's pseudo about it?
Shit isn't much better in the country, fren. At least as far as people are concerned. The up-side? Everyone around you is either a drug addict or a fat disgusting slob. Stay clean, work out, get healthy, rich, confident and mentally tough and you will stand tall above everyone around you.
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you guys remember that one guy who was a troon and posted his troony pics randomly on /cum/ one day?? and how asshurt he got cause we made fun of him so he sperged out and said he thought we were his friends when nobody even knew who he was
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i have a hard time holding down a job but i'll try. i'm kind of a pussy
Listening to Blind Guardian songs but not sure if will help me fall asleep.
i lived rural most of my life and it sucked major dick
you got it buddy
Someone post the pepe from last night, that was used to make fun of that OF thot.
yeah living in the city is terrible, so glad I don't live in one anymore
I will keep living in cities until I find a wife. Then I will be ready to move somewhere more woodsy. I like the city though so we can stay if she wants to. but there is no way I'm finding a wife outside of a major population center
If you never lived in swamp can you really bitch about living in the middle of nowhere
We had an OF thot here?
No, some anon has been posting sfw pics of some e-thot since yesterday.
oh. what a faggot
Bland Gaydian fucking suck and aren't metal.
i lived in the swamp and moved to the rural desert
hate both of them
What is it like in Appalachia?
>America is so based because wages and gdp
>Ignore the fact 54 percent of college grads are under employed
>Ignore the fact most white collar workers were laid off
>Just shut up ok
>>Ignore the fact 54 percent of college grads are under employed
that's making an assumption that they're capable to the grads of the past, who were higher IQ and more competent.
>Ignore the fact 54 percent of college grads are under employed
Let's see what degrees they graduated with. If it's mostly things like gender and race studies that are unemployed then that's different from if it's STEM graduates that are unemployed.
Also true.
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>Uh uh baseless claim
It's saying people who studied stem and even finance are unable to find work because of how bad the American job market its so bad that people go into debt for nothing
>teachers can't fail students
>teachers are posting videos on social media about how grade 7 and 8s aren't able to read or do math
>it's worse than what the students with learning disabilities used to be at
It's not baseless.
Damn, that's fucked up. I'm still doubtful, unless the gender and race studies people are working in coffee shops and bars.
I mean American education is known for being shit but it's ok because if you spend 400,000 dollars you can get a fancy piece f paper that means nothing
Basically people in the US who have a college degree can't get work and if they can get work they are forced to work jobs that don't require a stem degree
there's tons of data on it actually. I mean what do people expect when you funnel people into colleges? IQ distribution is still the same, so they just dumb the classes down cause who cares? college still gets the $$$
I mean it's now impossible to get a white collar job in America that pays well unless your a nepo baby or your a onlyfans girl
>A worker at black rock got their job because of it
Is war good for the economy in the long run? Since you'll have lots of jobs from people rebuilding shit.
clean your room shave your balls
No, war sucks and rebuilding is harder than you think. Sometimes almost impossible
Only if the winning country is wealthy enough to rebuild.
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but what about Germany and Japan
we gave them money
Maybe their parents should teach them about returns of investments then, because taking out 400k worth of debt would take a lifetime to pay off. That's mortgage tier. Unless you're a doctor or doing something like underwater welding, you really need to think about going into that much debt.
That's also crazy, compared to Canadian universities.
Then they shouldn't have gotten a degree in the first place. That's Bidenomics, baby.
It's really sad. Boomers really shifted the cultural expectations, where they all wanted their kids to go to university, without actually knowing that if everyone's going to university, then you end up with something like education inflation, where a university degree is the new baseline of education. Or you end up with jobs that are taking the university requirements out, because the grads aren't actually any more qualified than non-grads.
women really be having tiny jaws
get out
Reminder: The amount given to rebuild all of Europe and Asia after WW2 is less than what's been given to Africa.
Remember that, when you see those "Will you give a dollar a day to some African" ads.
post jaw
Can I see a source for this?
I believe you, I just want to know this is true before bringing it up in future arguments
>Boomers really shifted the cultural expectations, where they all wanted their kids to go to university,
it's partially that, but also a lot to do with the fact that they banned IQ testing because blacks kept scoring as mentally retarded.

so when the boomers were working they could just take an IQ test and the employer would know if they were qualified for the job ez
uh oh we got some chuds here
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you tell ‘em
uh oh we got a dummy here
is there a chud personality test i can take ?
i think i would score like 15%
me? 110 degrees gonial angle
could snap your bones with my bite
>It is offensive to ask non-Whites if they can teach you sports that people of their race have traditionally been good at (e.g., if Black people can teach you basketball, if Asian people can teach you martial arts, etc.).

is this test seriously asking me if i would go up to a black person and ask them if they can teach me how to play basketball? lmfao
They never did iq testing except to vote and they also had you bring two sets of id
The US Marshall Plan costed around $13 billion.
Africa is a endless money pit.
t. moron
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>racism test
>measuring White majority racism directed against non-White minorities
chud detected
>they banned IQ testing
The SAT is basically the same thing as an IQ test though. It's slightly different, but pretty close. The added element of a writing sample is the wiggle room.
Though, they've already said that they're just going to change it to focus more on the writing sample, which is more subjective, compared to the rest of the test which isn't.
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made good money copying investments of US politicians, they are so smart damn
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what does this say about my personality though
some of these questions are really stupid, like no i wouldn't go up to an asian person and be like 'omg you look like bruce lee' lots of loaded questions
redditor detected
holy shoot, it finally happened. i made roasted potatoes, and actually added too much garlic. i didn't think this was even possible.
that sucks
what happens now
I've cut way down on my food intake over the last week or so. I've even done a few long walks. If I haven't lost any weight, or God forbid have gained weight, I'm gonna be pissed.
Yeah like all the girls on /soc/ had their usernames chosen by God. I believed they were bot accounts but I don't know actually, they might be connected to a real girl. Why do I think that? God even picked one of my gfs emails a long time ago. And she was a real person. I get confused about that part a lot. God lately, extremely sexually violent. He's been raping me. He's also been denying me orgasms my kicking me, and isn't letting me have sex anymore either. This is an extremely invasive technique that I don't necessarily appreciate. I understand he's controlling these womens bodies himself somehow, or is influencing their decisions. But, he's actually touching my own personal body. I don't touch anyone else, because I know that's illegal. So yes, God has done enough crime to go away for a long time. He's real too, he's so much more than just a person.
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I'm sorry bros, I didn't get 100%, I'll try harder next time.
Left earlier because mousenonce was having a melty.
I'm back now. Race and IQ are the topic for the umpteenth time—truly, it makes me think!

Good post
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It begins
i'm gonna mash them down with some butter and use them as a spread on some sandwiches i'll make throughout the weekend. my thinking is, in small portions with a little mustard and roast beef, my over-doing it will even out some.
Why not just add more potatoes?
don't have any more! was using up the last few tonight.
that's a good idea
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white dude for harris btw
in southern california there are lots of asian pipo and wypipo with spanish last names
woke up today and the first thought in my mind was prone boning a girl
only chuds will get more than 0 percent
>prone boning
is this like being "pro bono"?
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Most of these questions are terrible.
Just took a big stinky poo and I'm proud and I don't care who that offends
hide your gfs
not clicking your glowie link, sweaty
America... is healing
i got 6%
joe is a great guy. sad to see him go
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Is this asking if a certain justification exists or if I agree with it? Because there's most certainly a justification that's been given for hundreds of years, but I feel like agreeing is going to be marked as an anti-semitic point.
i got 0
we are socio-historical racism besties
My post has nothing to do with politics, simply culture of the time
There's a hot chubby 18 year old girl sitting on the pavement by a shoppers drug mart. I couldn't talk to her long enough because cops pulled up and I left after that.

I offered her to stay at my place but she seemed shy. I hope she's there's until morning. But I'm worried for her because that area is weird and dangerous at night time in downtown.

Cops are such cockblockers and pigs.
There's also a weird Arab guy trying to kidnap/rape her from far away. I kinda scared him off by asking him for a smoke. Saw him again and he said what I want. Told him nothing and I have to go home.

Night time really brings out the creeps.
there is no justification for hating jews
274.8lbs FUCK
So it's asking if I agree with the justifications that have been historically used?
i am 41% as heavy as you
That's badly worded then.
Corporate advertisers just rediscovered 1960s rock music
uh oh
what's the trouble
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normal human being checking in
i'm an alpha-widow
please be in spokane
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Where's the "All humans do this, not just Jews" option? Because answering truthfully, that Jews do this, is going to give me anti-semitism points, when I'd be saying yes to every race or people.
i'm a stacey-widower
im a sigma omega yogurt male
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I see that this test was made by someone who lacks the basics of understanding DNA. People who make these tests shouldn't be allowed to be leftists.
For Talmudic Khazars, it's built into their DNA, and there's a tribal element to it.
Ripping off goys.
its a meme percentage that is a statistic of a certain minority group
Hello, fellow human. Harris 2024!
stop being autistic
>One of the most widely-used anti-Semitism tests in the world is the Anti-Defamation League’s (ADL) instrument, which measures hostile attitudes towards Jewish people. Despite its popularity, the test has faced criticism over validity and reliability concerns, response bias concerns, and other problems.
stop questioning it
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Hey that's pretty funny that the rabbi entered the thread like clockwork
'If he charges prices judged as too high, he can be prosecuted for monopoly; if he charges prices lower than those of his competitors, he can be prosecuted for “unfair competition”; and if he charges the same prices as his competitors, he can be prosecuted for “collusion.”
its hard being a jew
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Anyways, they gave me neutral, and lower than the USA average.
Everyone does it to each other. It's not an exclusive Jewish thing.
What's being autistic about thinking that all people are shit? I think all races have these problems and are different from each other.
Stop questioning a test written by people who don't understand biology or how humans act? How about no.
oh dear
>What's being autistic about thinking that all people are shit? I think all races have these problems and are different from each other.
it's an online quiz bro
it's not that deep
that tank could've been sent to Ukraine. sad
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rabbi is one letter away from rabbit and i think that's pretty cool
some little kids playset got cursed and brought to life
>Everyone does it to each other.
I never said otherwise, anon.
But it's their thing.
Like black people and basketball. Sure, little Timmy can play too, but Demarcus and Demetrius were born for it.
erm akshually that's self propelled arty
They can also run faster and can't swim.
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>redditleaf is thinking about black men's genitalia
redditors will say blacks are taller, stronger and have bigger pps but the actual data doesn't say that.

it does say blacks have very low IQs thoughever
>this quiz is poorly phrased
>which can lead to people giving answers that wouldn't reflect their attitude
>this quiz ignores biology
>which will lead to people giving answers that would make them appear more hateful than they are
Make a better quiz then. It's not that deep. If the questions are that poorly written, then there's no meaning to them.
How do you get a low amount? You say Jews/other races are always good, and never bad.
Congratulations, you just got a 0% racist/anti-semitic grade on the test.
You know who deserves discrimination?
Dutch people
he got scared by his own dinner
it does though
i don't really know anything about dutch people
they're the windmills and wooden clogs people right
really like tulips? what's to hate
>bigger cocks
Actually that's only on self-reporting surveys, when it's actually measured, their cocks aren't that big.
it does though
>he turned the discussion into a dick measuring contest
Everyone with a brain knows that Whites are the strongest race, and blacks are the fastest race. Like how do you fuck up so badly, reddit leaf? u tarded or summin?
they are weird and mean, and treat short people like sub-humans
many studies have been conducted and its been proven blacks have the biggest cocks
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zero have been
Again, those were self-reporting studies. When cocks actually get measured, black cocks aren't actually that big.
Stop thinking that porn cocks are reality, when they take white dudes with big cocks.
It's just confirmation bias and your lust for black cocks.
like, I've never met or known a Dutch person that wasn't off in some way
reminder that Anne Frank's family got snitched on by a fellow Dutch Jew
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back when the pope wasn't a communist asshat. based
Guys should I go back and see if she's there in the morning?
if that's true i would take offense as a short person myself
>Pope Pius XII; 2 March 1876 – 9 October 1958
A better time in Poping.
We haven't had a valid Pope since the Second Vatican Council.
have you tried growing?
its funny how quick you are to accept some old racist iq test as proof but something goes against your beliefs your like "ummm actually we need more stdies"
I'm mostly joking, but they are very strange people. Their porn is really weird too. They are like discount Germans
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soon to be mensa member here, you guys should respect me accordingly
Post the studies then, if you know of many studies, it shouldn't be difficult for you to find them.
black people have bigger cocks on average. just accept it
no, you're just low IQ and stupid.

There's over 100 years of studies that replicate the findings that black people have lower IQs we don't need more studies on that, it's essentially proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. Even libs don't contest those studies, they just say the reason blacks have lower IQs is muh institutional raycism.

you're not even a good libtard. sad!
i'm 29 i haven't been able to do that in a long time
i'll take your word for it, it's probably one of those cultures with a lot of rules. like when you are a guest in someones home, you have to knock on the knipfenploppen 3 times or you are seen as rude . stuff like that
im not doing your homework for you
i'm in this picture
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>makes stupid claim
>gets btfo
why doesn't reddit leaf just stay on reddit? he's never won a debate in his life. I almost feel bad for him
Are there any IQ tests that don't make me do math?
why keep denying black people are physically superior
>there's many studies
>ok post them
Just admit that you lust for black cocks, and are trying to run a demoralization campaign on us. We can go our separate ways.
>that's not what I'm doing though
Then you're farming (You)s, and this is my last post to you. Enjoy that final red !.
iq tests don't contain math it's just reasoning and pattern recognition stuff
they're not. why won't you stop talking about black peoples dicks?
It's not an IQ test then.
remember in the late 2000s when that cat turned pink and it made international news
>banal ignorant discussions of foreign cultures
>race baiting
>penis length
You don't disappoint, /cum/.
I'm getting too old for this shithole website.
please stop being weird
no true IQ test has math on it these days, because that would be unfair.
You're not going anywhere.
i didnt mention dicks in that post. you stop obsessing over black peoples dicks
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you might try out reddit, it might be more your speed
No one wants to tell me anything?
I'm tryna pick up a homeless chick that's 18 living in the streets of downtown.

Fuck that cop for cockblocking
I bet that cop was like suck my dick. And she said nahhhh to him.

Idk im just pissed man.

Literally have the whole apartment to myself.
there has never really been math beyond a high school level on iq tests, it's a given that you can understand those terms with a basic education
race is discussion of foreign culture
What no pussy does to a motherfucker.
I am the C.E.O. of procrastination
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why won't this gay nigga stop talking about black dicks? we don't need more faggots here
You're a fucking creepy predatory jeet. What the fuck else is there to say
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7% hate myself
i also work at this company but i don't know what my role is
what's my title boss im a really hard procrastinator im up there with the best of them and im eager to learn
Post the test.
i still dont know what sen cos tg is to this day, maybe i should learn it if it want to make games
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the one nigga who actually WANNA be a daddy and he gets his azz cheated on lmao
You're the C.F.O.
Where's my monthly revenue report?!!?
I'd be the C.E.O. of procrastination but I put off applying. I'll do it tomorrow.
i really triggered the chuds huh lmao
some of yall niggas goon to baby gronk's gyatt and it shows
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me to you
Literally shaked her hand, retard.
Trust me, most men with gfs/wives are creeps anyways.

Stupid RCMP fuck.
That's why paternity testing should be mandatory. Especially for black women.
oh okay i mean i just started i was just hired so i haven't even so much as set up my desk or opened my email yet but i will try my best and get it to you tomorrow
Do you love Japan?
/int/ survey:
Can you see my black and white thread here:
Can you open it?
sure do, sgt. garcia
Shaking a girl's hand isn't "getting some", anon.
>Trust me, most men with gfs/wives are creeps anyways.
What's that got to do with anything we're talking about? It's some whataboutism, that's a distraction from you lusting after some homeless bitch.
Go to a bar and bang a whale.
And this is a schizo general hangout. FML.
i admire how safe japan is
yeah, it's cool
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watching a documentary from the Beeb.

shit is grim bros
>Go to a bar and bang a whale.
Nigger. She's 18.
I'm like wtf are you sitting down on the sidewalk by shopper's drugmart. She was like there's free WiFi.

I'd rather have an 18yr old homeless girl than a bar whore.
kys jeet freak
beginning to think that the police were the good guys in this story
ayo dis nigga be having a stroke
If you have an angle and run it through the cos() function it will return the x cordinate of that angle, and sin() will return the y position.


a = 0
x, y = cos(a), sin(a)

(x, y) will be (1, 0)
I rate this post a 0/10
>In 2020, the Reich lab used genetic evidence to estimate the pre-European contact population of the Caribbean, finding that it was in the tens of thousands rather than the millions historians have estimated.
smallpox and other diseases wiping out the existing populations seeming like fairy tales as technology improves.
As soon as I left. Cops sat there inside their car and was there for 15 mins then left. Cops don't do shit here. They get paid 100k just for doing nothing here. But you wouldn't get this city or Canada because you guys have 80,000,000 illegals to worry about.
afraid I am already
You can also do the opposite with the atan2(y,x) function, which returns an angle from a position (you must use y as the first parameter)
show boobs
Schizo edition
do not use!
I'm afraid this data will make it more difficult for people of color to browbeat and finger wag at whitey. Therefore we'll have to ignore it. Whitoids killed six gorillion BIPOC
Make a thread on /s/ proving it, or shut up tranny.

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